Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package dockercontroller
import (
docker "github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient"
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/peer"
var (
dockerLogger = flogging.MustGetLogger("dockercontroller")
vmRegExp = regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]")
imageRegExp = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z0-9]+(([._-][a-z0-9]+)+)?$")
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/dockerclient.go --fake-name DockerClient . dockerClient
// dockerClient represents a docker client
type dockerClient interface {
// CreateContainer creates a docker container, returns an error in case of failure
CreateContainer(opts docker.CreateContainerOptions) (*docker.Container, error)
// UploadToContainer uploads a tar archive to be extracted to a path in the
// filesystem of the container.
UploadToContainer(id string, opts docker.UploadToContainerOptions) error
// StartContainer starts a docker container, returns an error in case of failure
StartContainer(id string, cfg *docker.HostConfig) error
// AttachToContainer attaches to a docker container, returns an error in case of
// failure
AttachToContainer(opts docker.AttachToContainerOptions) error
// BuildImage builds an image from a tarball's url or a Dockerfile in the input
// stream, returns an error in case of failure
BuildImage(opts docker.BuildImageOptions) error
// StopContainer stops a docker container, killing it after the given timeout
// (in seconds). Returns an error in case of failure
StopContainer(id string, timeout uint) error
// KillContainer sends a signal to a docker container, returns an error in
// case of failure
KillContainer(opts docker.KillContainerOptions) error
// RemoveContainer removes a docker container, returns an error in case of failure
RemoveContainer(opts docker.RemoveContainerOptions) error
// PingWithContext pings the docker daemon. The context object can be used
// to cancel the ping request.
PingWithContext(context.Context) error
// WaitContainer blocks until the given container stops, and returns the exit
// code of the container status.
WaitContainer(containerID string) (int, error)
// InspectImage returns an image by its name or ID.
InspectImage(imageName string) (*docker.Image, error)
type PlatformBuilder interface {
GenerateDockerBuild(ccType, path string, codePackage io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)
type ContainerInstance struct {
CCID string
Type string
DockerVM *DockerVM
func (ci *ContainerInstance) Start(peerConnection *ccintf.PeerConnection) error {
return ci.DockerVM.Start(ci.CCID, ci.Type, peerConnection)
func (ci *ContainerInstance) ChaincodeServerInfo() (*ccintf.ChaincodeServerInfo, error) {
return nil, nil
func (ci *ContainerInstance) Stop() error {
return ci.DockerVM.Stop(ci.CCID)
func (ci *ContainerInstance) Wait() (int, error) {
return ci.DockerVM.Wait(ci.CCID)
// DockerVM is a vm. It is identified by an image id
type DockerVM struct {
PeerID string
NetworkID string
BuildMetrics *BuildMetrics
HostConfig *docker.HostConfig
Client dockerClient
AttachStdOut bool
ChaincodePull bool
NetworkMode string
PlatformBuilder PlatformBuilder
LoggingEnv []string
MSPID string
// HealthCheck checks if the DockerVM is able to communicate with the Docker
// daemon.
func (vm *DockerVM) HealthCheck(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := vm.Client.PingWithContext(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to ping to Docker daemon")
return nil
func (vm *DockerVM) createContainer(imageID, containerID string, args, env []string) error {
logger := dockerLogger.With("imageID", imageID, "containerID", containerID)
logger.Debugw("create container")
_, err := vm.Client.CreateContainer(docker.CreateContainerOptions{
Name: containerID,
Config: &docker.Config{
Cmd: args,
Image: imageID,
Env: env,
AttachStdout: vm.AttachStdOut,
AttachStderr: vm.AttachStdOut,
HostConfig: vm.HostConfig,
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Debugw("created container")
return nil
func (vm *DockerVM) buildImage(ccid string, reader io.Reader) error {
id, err := vm.GetVMNameForDocker(ccid)
if err != nil {
return err
outputbuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
opts := docker.BuildImageOptions{
Name: id,
Pull: vm.ChaincodePull,
NetworkMode: vm.NetworkMode,
InputStream: reader,
OutputStream: outputbuf,
startTime := time.Now()
err = vm.Client.BuildImage(opts)
"chaincode", ccid,
"success", strconv.FormatBool(err == nil),
if err != nil {
dockerLogger.Errorf("Error building image: %s", err)
dockerLogger.Errorf("Build Output:\n********************\n%s\n********************", outputbuf.String())
return err
dockerLogger.Debugf("Created image: %s", id)
return nil
// Build is responsible for building an image if it does not already exist.
func (vm *DockerVM) Build(ccid string, metadata *persistence.ChaincodePackageMetadata, codePackage io.Reader) (container.Instance, error) {
imageName, err := vm.GetVMNameForDocker(ccid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This is an awkward translation, but better here in a future dead path
// than elsewhere. The old enum types are capital, but at least as implemented
// lifecycle tools seem to allow type to be set lower case.
ccType := strings.ToUpper(metadata.Type)
_, err = vm.Client.InspectImage(imageName)
switch err {
case docker.ErrNoSuchImage:
dockerfileReader, err := vm.PlatformBuilder.GenerateDockerBuild(ccType, metadata.Path, codePackage)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "platform builder failed")
err = vm.buildImage(ccid, dockerfileReader)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "docker image build failed")
case nil:
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "docker image inspection failed")
return &ContainerInstance{
DockerVM: vm,
CCID: ccid,
Type: ccType,
}, nil
// In order to support starting chaincode containers built with Fabric v1.4 and earlier,
// we must check for the precense of the start.sh script for Node.js chaincode before
// attempting to call it.
var nodeStartScript = `
set -e
if [ -x /chaincode/start.sh ]; then
/chaincode/start.sh --peer.address %[1]s
cd /usr/local/src
npm start -- --peer.address %[1]s
func (vm *DockerVM) GetArgs(ccType string, peerAddress string) ([]string, error) {
// language specific arguments, possibly should be pushed back into platforms, but were simply
// ported from the container_runtime chaincode component
switch ccType {
case pb.ChaincodeSpec_GOLANG.String(), pb.ChaincodeSpec_CAR.String():
return []string{"chaincode", fmt.Sprintf("-peer.address=%s", peerAddress)}, nil
case pb.ChaincodeSpec_JAVA.String():
return []string{"/root/chaincode-java/start", "--peerAddress", peerAddress}, nil
case pb.ChaincodeSpec_NODE.String():
return []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf(nodeStartScript, peerAddress)}, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown chaincodeType: %s", ccType)
const (
// Mutual TLS auth client key and cert paths in the chaincode container
TLSClientKeyPath string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.key"
TLSClientCertPath string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client.crt"
TLSClientKeyFile string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client_pem.key"
TLSClientCertFile string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/client_pem.crt"
TLSClientRootCertFile string = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/peer.crt"
func (vm *DockerVM) GetEnv(ccid string, tlsConfig *ccintf.TLSConfig) []string {
// common environment variables
// FIXME: we are using the env variable CHAINCODE_ID to store
// the package ID; in the legacy lifecycle they used to be the
// same but now they are not, so we should use a different env
// variable. However chaincodes built by older versions of the
// peer still adopt this broken convention. (FAB-14630)
envs := []string{fmt.Sprintf("CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=%s", ccid)}
envs = append(envs, vm.LoggingEnv...)
// Pass TLS options to chaincode
if tlsConfig != nil {
envs = append(envs, "CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=true")
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_PATH=%s", TLSClientKeyPath))
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_PATH=%s", TLSClientCertPath))
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_TLS_CLIENT_KEY_FILE=%s", TLSClientKeyFile))
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_TLS_CLIENT_CERT_FILE=%s", TLSClientCertFile))
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=%s", TLSClientRootCertFile))
} else {
envs = append(envs, "CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=false")
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=%s", vm.MSPID))
return envs
// Start starts a container using a previously created docker image
func (vm *DockerVM) Start(ccid string, ccType string, peerConnection *ccintf.PeerConnection) error {
imageName, err := vm.GetVMNameForDocker(ccid)
if err != nil {
return err
containerName := vm.GetVMName(ccid)
logger := dockerLogger.With("imageName", imageName, "containerName", containerName)
args, err := vm.GetArgs(ccType, peerConnection.Address)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "could not get args")
dockerLogger.Debugf("start container with args: %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
env := vm.GetEnv(ccid, peerConnection.TLSConfig)
dockerLogger.Debugf("start container with env:\n\t%s", strings.Join(env, "\n\t"))
err = vm.createContainer(imageName, containerName, args, env)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("create container failed: %s", err)
return err
// stream stdout and stderr to chaincode logger
if vm.AttachStdOut {
containerLogger := flogging.MustGetLogger("peer.chaincode." + containerName)
streamOutput(dockerLogger, vm.Client, containerName, containerLogger)
// upload TLS files to the container before starting it if needed
if peerConnection.TLSConfig != nil {
// the docker upload API takes a tar file, so we need to first
// consolidate the file entries to a tar
payload := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
gw := gzip.NewWriter(payload)
tw := tar.NewWriter(gw)
// Note, we goofily base64 encode 2 of the TLS artifacts but not the other for strange historical reasons
err = addFiles(tw, map[string][]byte{
TLSClientKeyPath: []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(peerConnection.TLSConfig.ClientKey)),
TLSClientCertPath: []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(peerConnection.TLSConfig.ClientCert)),
TLSClientKeyFile: peerConnection.TLSConfig.ClientKey,
TLSClientCertFile: peerConnection.TLSConfig.ClientCert,
TLSClientRootCertFile: peerConnection.TLSConfig.RootCert,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing files to upload to Docker instance into a temporary tar blob: %s", err)
// Write the tar file out
if err := tw.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing files to upload to Docker instance into a temporary tar blob: %s", err)
err := vm.Client.UploadToContainer(containerName, docker.UploadToContainerOptions{
InputStream: bytes.NewReader(payload.Bytes()),
Path: "/",
NoOverwriteDirNonDir: false,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error uploading files to the container instance %s: %s", containerName, err)
// start container with HostConfig was deprecated since v1.10 and removed in v1.2
err = vm.Client.StartContainer(containerName, nil)
if err != nil {
dockerLogger.Errorf("start-could not start container: %s", err)
return err
dockerLogger.Debugf("Started container %s", containerName)
return nil
func addFiles(tw *tar.Writer, contents map[string][]byte) error {
for name, payload := range contents {
err := tw.WriteHeader(&tar.Header{
Name: name,
Size: int64(len(payload)),
Mode: 0100644,
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tw.Write(payload)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// streamOutput mirrors output from the named container to a fabric logger.
func streamOutput(logger *flogging.FabricLogger, client dockerClient, containerName string, containerLogger *flogging.FabricLogger) {
// Launch a few go routines to manage output streams from the container.
// They will be automatically destroyed when the container exits
attached := make(chan struct{})
r, w := io.Pipe()
go func() {
// AttachToContainer will fire off a message on the "attached" channel once the
// attachment completes, and then block until the container is terminated.
// The returned error is not used outside the scope of this function. Assign the
// error to a local variable to prevent clobbering the function variable 'err'.
err := client.AttachToContainer(docker.AttachToContainerOptions{
Container: containerName,
OutputStream: w,
ErrorStream: w,
Logs: true,
Stdout: true,
Stderr: true,
Stream: true,
Success: attached,
// If we get here, the container has terminated. Send a signal on the pipe
// so that downstream may clean up appropriately
_ = w.CloseWithError(err)
go func() {
defer r.Close() // ensure the pipe reader gets closed
// Block here until the attachment completes or we timeout
select {
case <-attached: // successful attach
close(attached) // close indicates the streams can now be copied
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
logger.Errorf("Timeout while attaching to IO channel in container %s", containerName)
is := bufio.NewReader(r)
for {
// Loop forever dumping lines of text into the containerLogger
// until the pipe is closed
line, err := is.ReadString('\n')
if len(line) > 0 {
switch err {
case nil:
case io.EOF:
logger.Infof("Container %s has closed its IO channel", containerName)
logger.Errorf("Error reading container output: %s", err)
// Stop stops a running chaincode
func (vm *DockerVM) Stop(ccid string) error {
id := vm.ccidToContainerID(ccid)
return vm.stopInternal(id)
// Wait blocks until the container stops and returns the exit code of the container.
func (vm *DockerVM) Wait(ccid string) (int, error) {
id := vm.ccidToContainerID(ccid)
return vm.Client.WaitContainer(id)
func (vm *DockerVM) ccidToContainerID(ccid string) string {
return strings.Replace(vm.GetVMName(ccid), ":", "_", -1)
func (vm *DockerVM) stopInternal(id string) error {
logger := dockerLogger.With("id", id)
logger.Debugw("stopping container")
err := vm.Client.StopContainer(id, 0)
dockerLogger.Debugw("stop container result", "error", err)
logger.Debugw("killing container")
err = vm.Client.KillContainer(docker.KillContainerOptions{ID: id})
logger.Debugw("kill container result", "error", err)
logger.Debugw("removing container")
err = vm.Client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{ID: id, Force: true})
logger.Debugw("remove container result", "error", err)
return err
// GetVMName generates the VM name from peer information. It accepts a format
// function parameter to allow different formatting based on the desired use of
// the name.
func (vm *DockerVM) GetVMName(ccid string) string {
// replace any invalid characters with "-" (either in network id, peer id, or in the
// entire name returned by any format function)
return vmRegExp.ReplaceAllString(vm.preFormatImageName(ccid), "-")
// GetVMNameForDocker formats the docker image from peer information. This is
// needed to keep image (repository) names unique in a single host, multi-peer
// environment (such as a development environment). It computes the hash for the
// supplied image name and then appends it to the lowercase image name to ensure
// uniqueness.
func (vm *DockerVM) GetVMNameForDocker(ccid string) (string, error) {
name := vm.preFormatImageName(ccid)
// pre-2.0 used "-" as the separator in the ccid, so replace ":" with
// "-" here to ensure 2.0 peers can find pre-2.0 cc images
name = strings.ReplaceAll(name, ":", "-")
hash := hex.EncodeToString(util.ComputeSHA256([]byte(name)))
saniName := vmRegExp.ReplaceAllString(name, "-")
imageName := strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", saniName, hash))
// Check that name complies with Docker's repository naming rules
if !imageRegExp.MatchString(imageName) {
dockerLogger.Errorf("Error constructing Docker VM Name. '%s' breaks Docker's repository naming rules", name)
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error constructing Docker VM Name. '%s' breaks Docker's repository naming rules", imageName)
return imageName, nil
func (vm *DockerVM) preFormatImageName(ccid string) string {
name := ccid
if vm.NetworkID != "" && vm.PeerID != "" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", vm.NetworkID, vm.PeerID, name)
} else if vm.NetworkID != "" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", vm.NetworkID, name)
} else if vm.PeerID != "" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", vm.PeerID, name)
return name
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