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Gitee 极速下载 / orchestrator

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/outbrain/orchestrator/
instance.go 15.20 KB
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Copyright 2014 Outbrain Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package inst
import (
// CandidatePromotionRule describe the promotion preference/rule for an instance.
// It maps to promotion_rule column in candidate_database_instance
type CandidatePromotionRule string
const (
MustPromoteRule CandidatePromotionRule = "must"
PreferPromoteRule = "prefer"
NeutralPromoteRule = "neutral"
PreferNotPromoteRule = "prefer_not"
MustNotPromoteRule = "must_not"
// ParseCandidatePromotionRule returns a CandidatePromotionRule by name.
// It returns an error if there is no known rule by the given name.
func ParseCandidatePromotionRule(ruleName string) (CandidatePromotionRule, error) {
switch ruleName {
case "prefer", "neutral", "must_not":
return CandidatePromotionRule(ruleName), nil
case "must", "prefer_not":
return CandidatePromotionRule(""), fmt.Errorf("CandidatePromotionRule: %v not supported yet", ruleName)
return CandidatePromotionRule(""), fmt.Errorf("Invalid CandidatePromotionRule: %v", ruleName)
// Instance represents a database instance, including its current configuration & status.
// It presents important replication configuration and detailed replication status.
type Instance struct {
Key InstanceKey
InstanceAlias string
Uptime uint
ServerID uint
ServerUUID string
Version string
ReadOnly bool
Binlog_format string
LogBinEnabled bool
LogSlaveUpdatesEnabled bool
SelfBinlogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
MasterKey InstanceKey
IsDetachedMaster bool
Slave_SQL_Running bool
Slave_IO_Running bool
HasReplicationFilters bool
SupportsOracleGTID bool
UsingOracleGTID bool
UsingMariaDBGTID bool
UsingPseudoGTID bool
ReadBinlogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
ExecBinlogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
IsDetached bool
RelaylogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates
LastSQLError string
LastIOError string
SecondsBehindMaster sql.NullInt64
SQLDelay uint
ExecutedGtidSet string
GtidPurged string
SlaveLagSeconds sql.NullInt64
SlaveHosts InstanceKeyMap
ClusterName string
SuggestedClusterAlias string
DataCenter string
PhysicalEnvironment string
ReplicationDepth uint
IsCoMaster bool
HasReplicationCredentials bool
ReplicationCredentialsAvailable bool
SemiSyncEnforced bool
LastSeenTimestamp string
IsLastCheckValid bool
IsUpToDate bool
IsRecentlyChecked bool
SecondsSinceLastSeen sql.NullInt64
CountMySQLSnapshots int
IsCandidate bool
PromotionRule CandidatePromotionRule
IsDowntimed bool
DowntimeReason string
DowntimeOwner string
DowntimeEndTimestamp string
UnresolvedHostname string
AllowTLS bool
// NewInstance creates a new, empty instance
func NewInstance() *Instance {
return &Instance{
SlaveHosts: make(map[InstanceKey]bool),
// Equals tests that this instance is the same instance as other. The function does not test
// configuration or status.
func (this *Instance) Equals(other *Instance) bool {
return this.Key == other.Key
// MajorVersion returns this instance's major version number (e.g. for 5.5.36 it returns "5.5")
func (this *Instance) MajorVersion() []string {
return MajorVersion(this.Version)
// MajorVersion returns this instance's major version number (e.g. for 5.5.36 it returns "5.5")
func (this *Instance) MajorVersionString() string {
return strings.Join(this.MajorVersion(), ".")
func (this *Instance) IsMySQL51() bool {
return this.MajorVersionString() == "5.1"
func (this *Instance) IsMySQL55() bool {
return this.MajorVersionString() == "5.5"
func (this *Instance) IsMySQL56() bool {
return this.MajorVersionString() == "5.6"
func (this *Instance) IsMySQL57() bool {
return this.MajorVersionString() == "5.7"
func (this *Instance) IsMySQL58() bool {
return this.MajorVersionString() == "5.8"
func (this *Instance) IsMySQL59() bool {
return this.MajorVersionString() == "5.9"
// IsSmallerBinlogFormat returns true when this instance's binlgo format is
// "smaller" than the other's, i.e. binary logs cannot flow from the other instance to this one
func (this *Instance) IsSmallerBinlogFormat(other *Instance) bool {
return IsSmallerBinlogFormat(this.Binlog_format, other.Binlog_format)
// IsSmallerMajorVersion tests this instance against another and returns true if this instance is of a smaller "major" varsion.
// e.g. 5.5.36 is NOT a smaller major version as comapred to 5.5.36, but IS as compared to 5.6.9
func (this *Instance) IsSmallerMajorVersion(other *Instance) bool {
return IsSmallerMajorVersion(this.Version, other.Version)
// IsSmallerMajorVersionByString cehcks if this instance has a smaller major version number than given one
func (this *Instance) IsSmallerMajorVersionByString(otherVersion string) bool {
return IsSmallerMajorVersion(this.Version, otherVersion)
// IsMariaDB checkes whether this is any version of MariaDB
func (this *Instance) IsMariaDB() bool {
return strings.Contains(this.Version, "MariaDB")
// isMaxScale checkes whether this is any version of MaxScale
func (this *Instance) isMaxScale() bool {
return strings.Contains(this.Version, "maxscale")
// IsMaxScale checkes whether this is any type of a binlog server (currently only maxscale)
func (this *Instance) IsBinlogServer() bool {
if this.isMaxScale() {
return true
return false
// IsOracleMySQL checkes whether this is an Oracle MySQL distribution
func (this *Instance) IsOracleMySQL() bool {
if this.IsMariaDB() {
return false
if this.isMaxScale() {
return false
if this.IsBinlogServer() {
return false
return true
// IsSlave makes simple heuristics to decide whether this insatnce is a slave of another instance
func (this *Instance) IsSlave() bool {
return this.MasterKey.Hostname != "" && this.MasterKey.Hostname != "_" && this.MasterKey.Port != 0 && (this.ReadBinlogCoordinates.LogFile != "" || this.UsingGTID())
// SlaveRunning returns true when this instance's status is of a replicating slave.
func (this *Instance) SlaveRunning() bool {
return this.IsSlave() && this.Slave_SQL_Running && this.Slave_IO_Running
// SQLThreadUpToDate returns true when the instance had consumed all relay logs.
func (this *Instance) SQLThreadUpToDate() bool {
return this.ReadBinlogCoordinates.Equals(&this.ExecBinlogCoordinates)
// UsingGTID returns true when this slave is currently replicating via GTID (either Oracle or MariaDB)
func (this *Instance) UsingGTID() bool {
return this.UsingOracleGTID || this.UsingMariaDBGTID
// NextGTID returns the next (Oracle) GTID to be executed. Useful for skipping queries
func (this *Instance) NextGTID() (string, error) {
if this.ExecutedGtidSet == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("No value found in Executed_Gtid_Set; cannot compute NextGTID")
firstToken := func(s string, delimiter string) string {
tokens := strings.Split(s, delimiter)
return tokens[0]
lastToken := func(s string, delimiter string) string {
tokens := strings.Split(s, delimiter)
return tokens[len(tokens)-1]
// executed GTID set: 4f6d62ed-df65-11e3-b395-60672090eb04:1,b9b4712a-df64-11e3-b391-60672090eb04:1-6
executedGTIDsFromMaster := lastToken(this.ExecutedGtidSet, ",")
// executedGTIDsFromMaster: b9b4712a-df64-11e3-b391-60672090eb04:1-6
executedRange := lastToken(executedGTIDsFromMaster, ":")
// executedRange: 1-6
lastExecutedNumberToken := lastToken(executedRange, "-")
// lastExecutedNumber: 6
lastExecutedNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(lastExecutedNumberToken)
if err != nil {
return "", err
nextNumber := lastExecutedNumber + 1
nextGTID := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", firstToken(executedGTIDsFromMaster, ":"), nextNumber)
return nextGTID, nil
// AddSlaveKey adds a slave to the list of this instance's slaves.
func (this *Instance) AddSlaveKey(slaveKey *InstanceKey) {
// GetNextBinaryLog returns the successive, if any, binary log file to the one given
func (this *Instance) GetNextBinaryLog(binlogCoordinates BinlogCoordinates) (BinlogCoordinates, error) {
if binlogCoordinates.LogFile == this.SelfBinlogCoordinates.LogFile {
return binlogCoordinates, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find next binary log for %+v", binlogCoordinates)
return binlogCoordinates.NextFileCoordinates()
// IsSlaveOf returns true if this instance claims to replicate from given master
func (this *Instance) IsSlaveOf(master *Instance) bool {
return this.MasterKey.Equals(&master.Key)
// IsSlaveOf returns true if this i supposed master of given slave
func (this *Instance) IsMasterOf(slave *Instance) bool {
return slave.IsSlaveOf(this)
// CanReplicateFrom uses heursitics to decide whether this instacne can practically replicate from other instance.
// Checks are made to binlog format, version number, binary logs etc.
func (this *Instance) CanReplicateFrom(other *Instance) (bool, error) {
if this.Key.Equals(&other.Key) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("instance cannot replicate from itself: %+v", this.Key)
if !other.LogBinEnabled {
return false, fmt.Errorf("instance does not have binary logs enabled: %+v", other.Key)
if other.IsSlave() {
if !other.LogSlaveUpdatesEnabled {
return false, fmt.Errorf("instance does not have log_slave_updates enabled: %+v", other.Key)
// OK for a master to not have log_slave_updates
// Not OK for a slave, for it has to relay the logs.
if this.IsSmallerMajorVersion(other) && !this.IsBinlogServer() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("instance %+v has version %s, which is lower than %s on %+v ", this.Key, this.Version, other.Version, other.Key)
if this.LogBinEnabled && this.LogSlaveUpdatesEnabled {
if this.IsSmallerBinlogFormat(other) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Cannot replicate from %+v binlog format on %+v to %+v on %+v", other.Binlog_format, other.Key, this.Binlog_format, this.Key)
if config.Config.VerifyReplicationFilters {
if other.HasReplicationFilters && !this.HasReplicationFilters {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v has replication filters", other.Key)
if this.ServerID == other.ServerID && !this.IsBinlogServer() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Identical server id: %+v, %+v both have %d", other.Key, this.Key, this.ServerID)
return true, nil
// HasReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLag returns true when the slave lag is reasonable, and maintenance operations should have a green light to go.
func (this *Instance) HasReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLag() bool {
// Slaves with SQLDelay are a special case
if this.SQLDelay > 0 {
return math.AbsInt64(this.SecondsBehindMaster.Int64-int64(this.SQLDelay)) <= int64(config.Config.ReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLagSeconds)
return this.SecondsBehindMaster.Int64 <= int64(config.Config.ReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLagSeconds)
// CanMove returns true if this instance's state allows it to be repositioned. For example,
// if this instance lags too much, it will not be moveable.
func (this *Instance) CanMove() (bool, error) {
if !this.IsLastCheckValid {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: last check invalid", this.Key)
if !this.IsRecentlyChecked {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: not recently checked", this.Key)
if !this.Slave_SQL_Running {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: instance is not replicating", this.Key)
if !this.Slave_IO_Running {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: instance is not replicating", this.Key)
if !this.SecondsBehindMaster.Valid {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: cannot determine slave lag", this.Key)
if !this.HasReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLag() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: lags too much", this.Key)
return true, nil
// CanMoveAsCoMaster returns true if this instance's state allows it to be repositioned.
func (this *Instance) CanMoveAsCoMaster() (bool, error) {
if !this.IsLastCheckValid {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: last check invalid", this.Key)
if !this.IsRecentlyChecked {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: not recently checked", this.Key)
return true, nil
// CanMoveViaMatch returns true if this instance's state allows it to be repositioned via pseudo-GTID matching
func (this *Instance) CanMoveViaMatch() (bool, error) {
if !this.IsLastCheckValid {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: last check invalid", this.Key)
if !this.IsRecentlyChecked {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%+v: not recently checked", this.Key)
return true, nil
// StatusString returns a human readable description of this instance's status
func (this *Instance) StatusString() string {
if !this.IsLastCheckValid {
return "invalid"
if !this.IsRecentlyChecked {
return "unchecked"
if this.IsSlave() && !(this.Slave_SQL_Running && this.Slave_IO_Running) {
return "nonreplicating"
if this.IsSlave() && !this.HasReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLag() {
return "lag"
return "ok"
// LagStatusString returns a human readable representation of current lag
func (this *Instance) LagStatusString() string {
if this.IsDetached {
return "detached"
if !this.IsLastCheckValid {
return "unknown"
if !this.IsRecentlyChecked {
return "unknown"
if this.IsSlave() && !(this.Slave_SQL_Running && this.Slave_IO_Running) {
return "null"
if this.IsSlave() && !this.SecondsBehindMaster.Valid {
return "null"
if this.IsSlave() && this.SlaveLagSeconds.Int64 > int64(config.Config.ReasonableMaintenanceReplicationLagSeconds) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+vs", this.SlaveLagSeconds.Int64)
return fmt.Sprintf("%+vs", this.SlaveLagSeconds.Int64)
// HumanReadableDescription returns a simple readable string describing the status, version,
// etc. properties of this instance
func (this *Instance) HumanReadableDescription() string {
tokens := []string{}
tokens = append(tokens, this.LagStatusString())
tokens = append(tokens, this.StatusString())
tokens = append(tokens, this.Version)
if this.ReadOnly {
tokens = append(tokens, "ro")
} else {
tokens = append(tokens, "rw")
if this.LogBinEnabled {
tokens = append(tokens, this.Binlog_format)
} else {
tokens = append(tokens, "nobinlog")
if this.LogBinEnabled && this.LogSlaveUpdatesEnabled {
tokens = append(tokens, ">>")
if this.UsingGTID() {
tokens = append(tokens, "GTID")
if this.UsingPseudoGTID {
tokens = append(tokens, "P-GTID")
if this.IsDowntimed {
tokens = append(tokens, "downtimed")
description := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(tokens, ","))
return description
