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distsql_aggregator_visitors.go 7.13 KB
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// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Irfan Sharif (irfansharif@cockroachlabs.com)
// This file implements the visitors needed to extract aggregation expressions
// as needed for distsql physical planning of aggregators.
// See extractAggExprs and extractPostAggExprs.
package sql
import (
type aggExprVisitor struct {
exprs []distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation
err error
var _ parser.Visitor = &aggExprVisitor{}
// Our base case is when our expression is of type *aggregateFuncHolder, in
// which case we construct the equivalent AggregatorSpec_Aggregation and
// accumulate it. If our expression is NOT of the type *aggregateFuncHolder we
// may have an expression like 'COUNT(k) + 1', we recurse.
func (v *aggExprVisitor) VisitPre(expr parser.Expr) (bool, parser.Expr) {
if v.err != nil {
return false, expr
fholder, ok := expr.(*aggregateFuncHolder)
if !ok {
return true, expr
// An aggregateFuncHolder either contains an aggregation function or an
// expression that also appears as one of the GROUP BY expressions.
f, ok := fholder.expr.(*parser.FuncExpr)
if !ok || f.GetAggregateConstructor() == nil {
aggexpr := distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation{
Func: distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_IDENT,
v.exprs = append(v.exprs, aggexpr)
return false, expr
// Convert the aggregate function to the enum value with the same string
// representation.
funcStr := strings.ToUpper(f.Func.FunctionReference.String())
funcIdx, ok := distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Func_value[funcStr]
if !ok {
v.err = errors.Errorf("unknown aggregate %s", funcStr)
return false, expr
aggexpr := distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation{
Func: distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Func(funcIdx),
Distinct: f.Type == parser.DistinctFuncType,
v.exprs = append(v.exprs, aggexpr)
return false, expr
func (v *aggExprVisitor) VisitPost(expr parser.Expr) parser.Expr {
return expr
func (v aggExprVisitor) extract(
typedExpr parser.TypedExpr,
) ([]distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation, error) {
parser.WalkExprConst(&v, typedExpr)
return v.exprs, v.err
// extractAggExprs translates the render expressions into the form needed by
// the AggregatorSpec where per "aggregation function" we specify the function
// type (SUM, COUNT, IDENT, etc) and the column this function is going to be
// operating on (@1, @2, @3, etc).
// In order to do this we need to "flatten" out the render expressions.
// The following examples detail out what we mean by this.
// - 'SELECT COUNT(k), SUM(v + w), v + w FROM kv GROUP BY v + w'
// The output schema of the renderNode (groupNode's source) here is
// [k v+w v+w v+w], the render expressions we are concerned with are
// [k v+w v+w].
// We see for COUNT, the corresponding input stream is the very first (k).
// For SUM it is the second (v+w) and for 'v + w' we use the IDENT aggregation
// function.
// Concisely: for the n-th aggregation function we operate on the n-th stream.
// - 'SELECT COUNT(k) + COUNT(v) FROM kv'
// The output schema of groupNode's source here is [k v], the render
// expressions we are concerned with are [k v]. We see that we need a COUNT
// to operate on the first stream, another COUNT to operate on the second.
// Again we see that for the n-th aggregation function we operate on the n-th
// stream (note, this is distinct from the n-th render expression).
// NB: The actual addition in 'COUNT(k) + COUNT(v)' will be computed in
// postAggExprVisitor.
func (dsp *distSQLPlanner) extractAggExprs(
render []parser.TypedExpr,
) (aggExprs []distsqlrun.AggregatorSpec_Aggregation, err error) {
v := aggExprVisitor{}
for _, expr := range render {
exprs, err := v.extract(expr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aggExprs = append(aggExprs, exprs...)
return aggExprs, nil
// See extractPostAggrExprs.
type postAggExprVisitor struct {
count int
var _ parser.Visitor = &postAggExprVisitor{}
func (v *postAggExprVisitor) VisitPre(expr parser.Expr) (bool, parser.Expr) {
return true, expr
// Our base case is the *aggregateFuncHolder, every time we come across one we
// substitute it with an ordinal reference. An expression of any other type is
// left as is.
// We make the deliberate choice of doing this transformation in VisitPost
// instead of VisitPre, an example to demonstrate why is that if we have
// 'SELECT COUNT(k) + COUNT(v) FROM kv', for our render expression
// 'COUNT(k) + COUNT(v)' we want it to be substituted by @1 + @2. Therefore we
// need to first substitute the "leaf nodes" of this expression (COUNT(k),
// COUNT(v)) before evaluating the binary "+" expression.
func (v *postAggExprVisitor) VisitPost(expr parser.Expr) parser.Expr {
if _, ok := expr.(*aggregateFuncHolder); !ok {
return expr
newExpr := parser.NewOrdinalReference(v.count)
return newExpr
func (v *postAggExprVisitor) extract(typedExpr parser.TypedExpr) parser.TypedExpr {
expr, _ := parser.WalkExpr(v, typedExpr)
return expr.(parser.TypedExpr)
// extractPostAggrExprs returns a list of expressions to be evaluated following
// the aggregation stage.
// For e.g. if we have 'SELECT COUNT(k)+COUNT(v) FROM kv', the output schema of
// our aggregator would be [count(k) count(v)], but the output schema of the
// current groupNode implementation is [count(k)+count(v)], to bridge this gap
// we need to introduce an aggregator with the expression [@1 + @2].
// There's one subtle thing to note here:
// - We need to account for the "flattening" of the render expressions that had
// to take place earlier.
// The following example details out the considerations we had to make.
// - 'SELECT COUNT(k), COUNT(v), COUNT(k) + COUNT(v) FROM kv'
// The output schema of our aggregator is [count(k) count(v) count(k) count(v)].
// The post aggregation evaluator we need to add has to be instantiated with the
// expression [@1 @2 @3 + @4].
// Note that, as before, the n-th render expression is distinct from the n-th
// stream. Therefore we need to maintain this "counter" state as we iterate
// through each of the render expressions, assigning a monotonically increasing
// ordinal reference to each instance of an *aggregateFuncHolder (our base
// case).
// To this end we have a pointer receiver for postAggExprVisitor.extract(...).
func (dsp *distSQLPlanner) extractPostAggrExprs(render []parser.TypedExpr) []parser.TypedExpr {
evalExprs := make([]parser.TypedExpr, len(render))
v := postAggExprVisitor{}
for i, expr := range render {
evalExprs[i] = v.extract(expr)
return evalExprs
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