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tablewriter.go 25.47 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Daniel Harrison (daniel.harrison@gmail.com)
package sql
import (
// expressionCarrier handles visiting sub-expressions.
type expressionCarrier interface {
// walkExprs explores all sub-expressions held by this object, if
// any.
walkExprs(func(desc string, index int, expr parser.TypedExpr))
// tableWriter handles writing kvs and forming table rows.
// Usage:
// err := tw.init(txn)
// // Handle err.
// for {
// values := ...
// row, err := tw.row(values)
// // Handle err.
// }
// err := tw.finalize()
// // Handle err.
type tableWriter interface {
// init provides the tableWriter with a Txn to write to and returns an error
// if it was misconfigured.
init(*client.Txn) error
// row performs a sql row modification (tableInserter performs an insert,
// etc). It batches up writes to the init'd txn and periodically sends them.
// The passed Datums is not used after `row` returns. The returned Datums is
// suitable for use with returningHelper.
row(context.Context, parser.Datums) (parser.Datums, error)
// finalize flushes out any remaining writes. It is called after all calls to
// row.
finalize(ctx context.Context) error
// spans collects the upper bound set of read and write spans that the
// tableWriter will touch when executed. This is contractual, and the
// tableWriter will not touch any keys outside of the spans reported here.
// TODO(nvanbenschoten): we are currently pretty pessimistic here, assuming
// that table operations will touch the entire table. In cases where we
// can determine ahead of time that this isn't true, we should true to
// constrain these spans.
spans() (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error)
var _ tableWriter = (*tableInserter)(nil)
var _ tableWriter = (*tableUpdater)(nil)
var _ tableWriter = (*tableUpserter)(nil)
var _ tableWriter = (*tableDeleter)(nil)
// tableInserter handles writing kvs and forming table rows for inserts.
type tableInserter struct {
ri sqlbase.RowInserter
autoCommit bool
// Set by init.
txn *client.Txn
b *client.Batch
func (ti *tableInserter) walkExprs(_ func(desc string, index int, expr parser.TypedExpr)) {}
func (ti *tableInserter) init(txn *client.Txn) error {
ti.txn = txn
ti.b = txn.NewBatch()
return nil
func (ti *tableInserter) row(ctx context.Context, values parser.Datums) (parser.Datums, error) {
return nil, ti.ri.InsertRow(ctx, ti.b, values, false)
func (ti *tableInserter) finalize(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
if ti.autoCommit {
// An auto-txn can commit the transaction with the batch. This is an
// optimization to avoid an extra round-trip to the transaction
// coordinator.
err = ti.txn.CommitInBatch(ctx, ti.b)
} else {
err = ti.txn.Run(ctx, ti.b)
if err != nil {
return sqlbase.ConvertBatchError(ti.ri.Helper.TableDesc, ti.b)
return nil
func (ti *tableInserter) spans() (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error) {
return collectTableWriterSpans(ti.ri.Helper.TableDesc, ti.ri.Fks)
// tableUpdater handles writing kvs and forming table rows for updates.
type tableUpdater struct {
ru sqlbase.RowUpdater
autoCommit bool
// Set by init.
txn *client.Txn
b *client.Batch
func (tu *tableUpdater) walkExprs(_ func(desc string, index int, expr parser.TypedExpr)) {}
func (tu *tableUpdater) init(txn *client.Txn) error {
tu.txn = txn
tu.b = txn.NewBatch()
return nil
func (tu *tableUpdater) row(ctx context.Context, values parser.Datums) (parser.Datums, error) {
oldValues := values[:len(tu.ru.FetchCols)]
updateValues := values[len(tu.ru.FetchCols):]
return tu.ru.UpdateRow(ctx, tu.b, oldValues, updateValues)
func (tu *tableUpdater) finalize(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
if tu.autoCommit {
// An auto-txn can commit the transaction with the batch. This is an
// optimization to avoid an extra round-trip to the transaction
// coordinator.
err = tu.txn.CommitInBatch(ctx, tu.b)
} else {
err = tu.txn.Run(ctx, tu.b)
if err != nil {
return sqlbase.ConvertBatchError(tu.ru.Helper.TableDesc, tu.b)
return nil
func (tu *tableUpdater) spans() (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error) {
return collectTableWriterSpans(tu.ru.Helper.TableDesc, tu.ru.Fks)
type tableUpsertEvaler interface {
// TODO(dan): The tableUpsertEvaler interface separation was an attempt to
// keep sql logic out of the mapping between table rows and kv operations.
// Unfortunately, it was a misguided effort. tableUpserter's responsibilities
// should really be defined as those needed in distributed sql leaf nodes,
// which will necessarily include expr evaluation.
// eval returns the values for the update case of an upsert, given the row
// that would have been inserted and the existing (conflicting) values.
eval(insertRow parser.Datums, existingRow parser.Datums) (parser.Datums, error)
// tableUpserter handles writing kvs and forming table rows for upserts.
// There are two distinct "modes" that tableUpserter can use, one of which is
// selected during `init`. In the general mode, rows are batched up from calls
// to `row` and upserted using `flush`, which uses 1 or 2 `client.Batch`s from
// the init'd txn to fetch the existing (conflicting) values, followed by one
// more `client.Batch` with the appropriate inserts and updates. In this case,
// all necessary `client.Batch`s are created and run within the lifetime of
// `flush`.
// The other mode is the fast path. If certain conditions are met (no secondary
// indexes, all table values being inserted, update expressions of the form `SET
// a = excluded.a`) then the upsert can be done in one `client.Batch` and using
// only `Put`s. In this case, the single batch is created during `init`,
// operated on during `row`, and run during `finalize`. This is the same model
// as the other `tableFoo`s, which are more simple than upsert.
type tableUpserter struct {
ri sqlbase.RowInserter
autoCommit bool
conflictIndex sqlbase.IndexDescriptor
isUpsertAlias bool
// These are set for ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE, but not for DO NOTHING
updateCols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor
evaler tableUpsertEvaler
// Set by init.
txn *client.Txn
tableDesc *sqlbase.TableDescriptor
fkTables sqlbase.TableLookupsByID // for fk checks in update case
ru sqlbase.RowUpdater
updateColIDtoRowIndex map[sqlbase.ColumnID]int
a sqlbase.DatumAlloc
fetchCols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor
fetchColIDtoRowIndex map[sqlbase.ColumnID]int
fetcher sqlbase.RowFetcher
// Used for the fast path.
fastPathBatch *client.Batch
fastPathKeys map[string]struct{}
// Batched up in run/flush.
insertRows []parser.Datums
// For allocation avoidance.
indexKeyPrefix []byte
func (tu *tableUpserter) walkExprs(walk func(desc string, index int, expr parser.TypedExpr)) {
if tu.evaler != nil {
func (tu *tableUpserter) init(txn *client.Txn) error {
tu.txn = txn
tu.tableDesc = tu.ri.Helper.TableDesc
tu.indexKeyPrefix = sqlbase.MakeIndexKeyPrefix(tu.tableDesc, tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ID)
// TODO(dan): The fast path is currently only enabled when the UPSERT alias
// is explicitly selected by the user. It's possible to fast path some
// queries of the form INSERT ... ON CONFLICT, but the utility is low and
// there are lots of edge cases (that caused real correctness bugs #13437
// #13962). As a result, we've decided to remove this until after 1.0 and
// re-enable it then. See #14482.
enableFastPath := tu.isUpsertAlias &&
// Tables with secondary indexes are not eligible for fast path (it
// would be easy to add the new secondary index entry but we can't clean
// up the old one without the previous values).
len(tu.tableDesc.Indexes) == 0 &&
// When adding or removing a column in a schema change (mutation), the user
// can't specify it, which means we need to do a lookup and so we can't use
// the fast path. When adding or removing an index, same result, so the fast
// path is disabled during all mutations.
len(tu.tableDesc.Mutations) == 0 &&
// For the fast path, all columns must be specified in the insert.
len(tu.ri.InsertCols) == len(tu.tableDesc.Columns)
if enableFastPath {
tu.fastPathBatch = tu.txn.NewBatch()
tu.fastPathKeys = make(map[string]struct{})
return nil
// TODO(dan): This could be made tighter, just the rows needed for the ON
// CONFLICT exprs.
requestedCols := tu.tableDesc.Columns
if len(tu.updateCols) == 0 {
tu.fetchCols = requestedCols
tu.fetchColIDtoRowIndex = sqlbase.ColIDtoRowIndexFromCols(requestedCols)
} else {
var err error
tu.ru, err = sqlbase.MakeRowUpdater(
txn, tu.tableDesc, tu.fkTables, tu.updateCols, requestedCols, sqlbase.RowUpdaterDefault,
if err != nil {
return err
// t.ru.fetchCols can also contain columns undergoing mutation.
tu.fetchCols = tu.ru.FetchCols
tu.fetchColIDtoRowIndex = tu.ru.FetchColIDtoRowIndex
tu.updateColIDtoRowIndex = make(map[sqlbase.ColumnID]int)
for i, updateCol := range tu.ru.UpdateCols {
tu.updateColIDtoRowIndex[updateCol.ID] = i
valNeededForCol := make([]bool, len(tu.fetchCols))
for i, col := range tu.fetchCols {
if _, ok := tu.fetchColIDtoRowIndex[col.ID]; ok {
valNeededForCol[i] = true
return tu.fetcher.Init(
tu.tableDesc, tu.fetchColIDtoRowIndex, &tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex,
false /* reverse */, false, /* isSecondaryIndex */
tu.fetchCols, valNeededForCol, false /*returnRangeInfo*/)
func (tu *tableUpserter) row(ctx context.Context, row parser.Datums) (parser.Datums, error) {
if tu.fastPathBatch != nil {
primaryKey, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
tu.tableDesc, &tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, tu.ri.InsertColIDtoRowIndex, row, tu.indexKeyPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := tu.fastPathKeys[string(primaryKey)]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UPSERT/ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time")
tu.fastPathKeys[string(primaryKey)] = struct{}{}
err = tu.ri.InsertRow(ctx, tu.fastPathBatch, row, true)
return nil, err
// Copy the row because the `tableWriter` interface guarantees that it's not
// used after this returns.
tu.insertRows = append(tu.insertRows, append([]parser.Datum(nil), row...))
// TODO(dan): If len(tu.insertRows) > some threshold, call flush().
return nil, nil
// flush commits to tu.txn any rows batched up in tu.insertRows.
func (tu *tableUpserter) flush(ctx context.Context, finalize bool) error {
defer func() {
tu.insertRows = nil
existingRows, err := tu.fetchExisting(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
b := tu.txn.NewBatch()
for i, insertRow := range tu.insertRows {
existingRow := existingRows[i]
if existingRow == nil {
err := tu.ri.InsertRow(ctx, b, insertRow, false)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// If len(tu.updateCols) == 0, then we're in the DO NOTHING case.
if len(tu.updateCols) > 0 {
existingValues := existingRow[:len(tu.ru.FetchCols)]
updateValues, err := tu.evaler.eval(insertRow, existingValues)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = tu.ru.UpdateRow(ctx, b, existingValues, updateValues)
if err != nil {
return err
if finalize && tu.autoCommit {
// An auto-txn can commit the transaction with the batch. This is an
// optimization to avoid an extra round-trip to the transaction
// coordinator.
err = tu.txn.CommitInBatch(ctx, b)
} else {
err = tu.txn.Run(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
return sqlbase.ConvertBatchError(tu.tableDesc, b)
return nil
// upsertRowPKs returns the primary keys of any rows with potential upsert
// conflicts.
func (tu *tableUpserter) upsertRowPKs(ctx context.Context) ([]roachpb.Key, error) {
upsertRowPKs := make([]roachpb.Key, len(tu.insertRows))
if tu.conflictIndex.ID == tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ID {
// If the conflict index is the primary index, we can compute them directly.
// In this case, the slice will be filled, but not all rows will have
// conflicts.
for i, insertRow := range tu.insertRows {
upsertRowPK, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
tu.tableDesc, &tu.conflictIndex, tu.ri.InsertColIDtoRowIndex, insertRow, tu.indexKeyPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
upsertRowPKs[i] = upsertRowPK
return upsertRowPKs, nil
// Otherwise, compute the keys for the conflict index and look them up. The
// primary keys can be constructed from the entries that come back. In this
// case, some spots in the slice will be nil (indicating no conflict) and the
// others will be conflicting rows.
b := tu.txn.NewBatch()
for _, insertRow := range tu.insertRows {
entry, err := sqlbase.EncodeSecondaryIndex(
tu.tableDesc, &tu.conflictIndex, tu.ri.InsertColIDtoRowIndex, insertRow)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "Get %s\n", entry.Key)
if err := tu.txn.Run(ctx, b); err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, result := range b.Results {
// if len(result.Rows) == 0, then no conflict for this row, so leave
// upsertRowPKs[i] as nil.
if len(result.Rows) == 1 {
if result.Rows[0].Value == nil {
upsertRowPKs[i] = nil
} else {
upsertRowPK, err := sqlbase.ExtractIndexKey(&tu.a, tu.tableDesc, result.Rows[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
upsertRowPKs[i] = upsertRowPK
} else if len(result.Rows) > 1 {
"Expected <= 1 but got %d conflicts for row %s", len(result.Rows), tu.insertRows[i]))
return upsertRowPKs, nil
// fetchExisting returns any existing rows in the table that conflict with the
// ones in tu.insertRows. The returned slice is the same length as tu.insertRows
// and a nil entry indicates no conflict.
func (tu *tableUpserter) fetchExisting(ctx context.Context) ([]parser.Datums, error) {
primaryKeys, err := tu.upsertRowPKs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkSpans := make(roachpb.Spans, 0, len(primaryKeys))
rowIdxForPrimaryKey := make(map[string]int, len(primaryKeys))
for i, primaryKey := range primaryKeys {
if primaryKey != nil {
pkSpans = append(pkSpans, roachpb.Span{Key: primaryKey, EndKey: primaryKey.PrefixEnd()})
if _, ok := rowIdxForPrimaryKey[string(primaryKey)]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UPSERT/ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time")
rowIdxForPrimaryKey[string(primaryKey)] = i
if len(pkSpans) == 0 {
// Every key was empty, so there's nothing to fetch.
return make([]parser.Datums, len(primaryKeys)), nil
// We don't limit batches here because the spans are unordered.
if err := tu.fetcher.StartScan(ctx, tu.txn, pkSpans, false /* no batch limits */, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
rows := make([]parser.Datums, len(primaryKeys))
for {
row, err := tu.fetcher.NextRowDecoded(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if row == nil {
break // Done
rowPrimaryKey, _, err := sqlbase.EncodeIndexKey(
tu.tableDesc, &tu.tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, tu.fetchColIDtoRowIndex, row, tu.indexKeyPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The rows returned by rowFetcher are invalidated after the call to
// NextRow, so we have to copy them to save them.
rowCopy := make(parser.Datums, len(row))
copy(rowCopy, row)
rows[rowIdxForPrimaryKey[string(rowPrimaryKey)]] = rowCopy
return rows, nil
func (tu *tableUpserter) finalize(ctx context.Context) error {
if tu.fastPathBatch != nil {
if tu.autoCommit {
// An auto-txn can commit the transaction with the batch. This is an
// optimization to avoid an extra round-trip to the transaction
// coordinator.
return tu.txn.CommitInBatch(ctx, tu.fastPathBatch)
return tu.txn.Run(ctx, tu.fastPathBatch)
return tu.flush(ctx, true /* finalize */)
func (tu *tableUpserter) spans() (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error) {
return collectTableWriterSpans(tu.ri.Helper.TableDesc, tu.ri.Fks)
// tableDeleter handles writing kvs and forming table rows for deletes.
type tableDeleter struct {
rd sqlbase.RowDeleter
autoCommit bool
// Set by init.
txn *client.Txn
b *client.Batch
func (td *tableDeleter) walkExprs(_ func(desc string, index int, expr parser.TypedExpr)) {}
func (td *tableDeleter) init(txn *client.Txn) error {
td.txn = txn
td.b = txn.NewBatch()
return nil
func (td *tableDeleter) row(ctx context.Context, values parser.Datums) (parser.Datums, error) {
return nil, td.rd.DeleteRow(ctx, td.b, values)
func (td *tableDeleter) finalize(ctx context.Context) error {
if td.autoCommit {
// An auto-txn can commit the transaction with the batch. This is an
// optimization to avoid an extra round-trip to the transaction
// coordinator.
return td.txn.CommitInBatch(ctx, td.b)
return td.txn.Run(ctx, td.b)
// fastPathAvailable returns true if the fastDelete optimization can be used.
func (td *tableDeleter) fastPathAvailable(ctx context.Context) bool {
if len(td.rd.Helper.Indexes) != 0 {
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "delete forced to scan: values required to update %d secondary indexes", len(td.rd.Helper.Indexes))
return false
if td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.IsInterleaved() {
if log.V(2) {
log.Info(ctx, "delete forced to scan: table is interleaved")
return false
if len(td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ReferencedBy) > 0 {
if log.V(2) {
log.Info(ctx, "delete forced to scan: table is referenced by foreign keys")
return false
return true
// fastDelete adds to the batch the kv operations necessary to delete sql rows
// without knowing the values that are currently present. fastDelete calls
// finalize, so it should not be called after.
func (td *tableDeleter) fastDelete(ctx context.Context, scan *scanNode) (rowCount int, err error) {
for _, span := range scan.spans {
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "Skipping scan and just deleting %s - %s", span.Key, span.EndKey)
td.b.DelRange(span.Key, span.EndKey, true)
err = td.finalize(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for _, r := range td.b.Results {
var prev []byte
for _, i := range r.Keys {
// If prefix is same, don't bother decoding key.
if len(prev) > 0 && bytes.HasPrefix(i, prev) {
after, ok, err := scan.fetcher.ReadIndexKey(i)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !ok {
return 0, errors.Errorf("key did not match descriptor")
k := i[:len(i)-len(after)]
if !bytes.Equal(k, prev) {
prev = k
td.b = nil
return rowCount, nil
// deleteAllRows runs the kv operations necessary to delete all sql rows in the
// table passed at construction. This may require a scan.
// resume is the resume-span which should be used for the table deletion when
// the table deletion is chunked. The first call to this method should use a
// zero resume-span. After a chunk is deleted a new resume-span is returned.
// limit is a limit on either the number of keys or table-rows (for
// interleaved tables) deleted in the operation.
func (td *tableDeleter) deleteAllRows(
ctx context.Context, resume roachpb.Span, limit int64,
) (roachpb.Span, error) {
if td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.IsInterleaved() {
if log.V(2) {
log.Info(ctx, "delete forced to scan: table is interleaved")
return td.deleteAllRowsScan(ctx, resume, limit)
return td.deleteAllRowsFast(ctx, resume, limit)
func (td *tableDeleter) deleteAllRowsFast(
ctx context.Context, resume roachpb.Span, limit int64,
) (roachpb.Span, error) {
if resume.Key == nil {
tablePrefix := roachpb.Key(
encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(nil, uint64(td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.ID)),
// Delete rows and indexes starting with the table's prefix.
resume = roachpb.Span{
Key: tablePrefix,
EndKey: tablePrefix.PrefixEnd(),
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "DelRange %s - %s", resume.Key, resume.EndKey)
td.b.DelRange(resume.Key, resume.EndKey, false /* returnKeys */)
td.b.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys = limit
if err := td.finalize(ctx); err != nil {
return resume, err
if l := len(td.b.Results); l != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d results returned", l))
return td.b.Results[0].ResumeSpan, nil
func (td *tableDeleter) deleteAllRowsScan(
ctx context.Context, resume roachpb.Span, limit int64,
) (roachpb.Span, error) {
if resume.Key == nil {
resume = td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.PrimaryIndexSpan()
valNeededForCol := make([]bool, len(td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.Columns))
for _, idx := range td.rd.FetchColIDtoRowIndex {
valNeededForCol[idx] = true
var rf sqlbase.RowFetcher
err := rf.Init(
td.rd.Helper.TableDesc, td.rd.FetchColIDtoRowIndex, &td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.PrimaryIndex,
false /*reverse*/, false, /*isSecondaryIndex*/
td.rd.FetchCols, valNeededForCol, false /* returnRangeInfo */)
if err != nil {
return resume, err
if err := rf.StartScan(ctx, td.txn, roachpb.Spans{resume}, true /* limit batches */, 0); err != nil {
return resume, err
for i := int64(0); i < limit; i++ {
row, err := rf.NextRowDecoded(ctx)
if err != nil {
return resume, err
if row == nil {
// Done deleting all rows.
resume = roachpb.Span{}
_, err = td.row(ctx, row)
if err != nil {
return resume, err
if resume.Key != nil {
// Update the resume start key for the next iteration.
resume.Key = rf.Key()
return resume, td.finalize(ctx)
// deleteIndex runs the kv operations necessary to delete all kv entries in the
// given index. This may require a scan.
// resume is the resume-span which should be used for the index deletion
// when the index deletion is chunked. The first call to this method should
// use a zero resume-span. After a chunk of the index is deleted a new resume-
// span is returned.
// limit is a limit on the number of index entries deleted in the operation.
func (td *tableDeleter) deleteIndex(
ctx context.Context, idx *sqlbase.IndexDescriptor, resume roachpb.Span, limit int64,
) (roachpb.Span, error) {
if len(idx.Interleave.Ancestors) > 0 || len(idx.InterleavedBy) > 0 {
if log.V(2) {
log.Info(ctx, "delete forced to scan: table is interleaved")
return td.deleteIndexScan(ctx, idx, resume, limit)
return td.deleteIndexFast(ctx, idx, resume, limit)
func (td *tableDeleter) deleteIndexFast(
ctx context.Context, idx *sqlbase.IndexDescriptor, resume roachpb.Span, limit int64,
) (roachpb.Span, error) {
if resume.Key == nil {
resume = td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.IndexSpan(idx.ID)
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "DelRange %s - %s", resume.Key, resume.EndKey)
td.b.DelRange(resume.Key, resume.EndKey, false /* returnKeys */)
td.b.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys = limit
if err := td.finalize(ctx); err != nil {
return resume, err
if l := len(td.b.Results); l != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%d results returned, expected 1", l))
return td.b.Results[0].ResumeSpan, nil
func (td *tableDeleter) deleteIndexScan(
ctx context.Context, idx *sqlbase.IndexDescriptor, resume roachpb.Span, limit int64,
) (roachpb.Span, error) {
if resume.Key == nil {
resume = td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.PrimaryIndexSpan()
valNeededForCol := make([]bool, len(td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.Columns))
for _, idx := range td.rd.FetchColIDtoRowIndex {
valNeededForCol[idx] = true
var rf sqlbase.RowFetcher
err := rf.Init(
td.rd.Helper.TableDesc, td.rd.FetchColIDtoRowIndex, &td.rd.Helper.TableDesc.PrimaryIndex,
false /* reverse */, false, /*isSecondaryIndex */
td.rd.FetchCols, valNeededForCol, false /* returnRangeInfo */)
if err != nil {
return resume, err
if err := rf.StartScan(ctx, td.txn, roachpb.Spans{resume}, true /* limit batches */, 0); err != nil {
return resume, err
for i := int64(0); i < limit; i++ {
row, err := rf.NextRowDecoded(ctx)
if err != nil {
return resume, err
if row == nil {
// Done deleting all rows.
resume = roachpb.Span{}
if err := td.rd.DeleteIndexRow(ctx, td.b, idx, row); err != nil {
return resume, err
if resume.Key != nil {
// Update the resume start key for the next iteration.
resume.Key = rf.Key()
return resume, td.finalize(ctx)
func (td *tableDeleter) spans() (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error) {
return collectTableWriterSpans(td.rd.Helper.TableDesc, td.rd.Fks)
func collectTableWriterSpans(
desc *sqlbase.TableDescriptor, fks sqlbase.FkSpanCollector,
) (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error) {
// We don't generally know which spans we will be modifying so we must be
// conservative and assume anything in the table might change. See TODO on
// tableWriter.spans for discussion on constraining spans wherever possible.
tableSpans := desc.AllIndexSpans()
fkReads, fkWrites := fks.CollectSpans()
if len(fkWrites) > 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected foreign key span writes: %v", fkWrites)
return fkReads, tableSpans, nil
马建仓 AI 助手
