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// Copyright 2015 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Peter Mattis (peter@cockroachlabs.com)
package sqlbase
import (
func exprContainsVarsError(context string, Expr parser.Expr) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s expression '%s' may not contain variable sub-expressions", context, Expr)
func incompatibleExprTypeError(
context string, expectedType parser.Type, actualType parser.Type,
) error {
return fmt.Errorf("incompatible type for %s expression: %s vs %s",
context, expectedType, actualType)
// SanitizeVarFreeExpr verifies that an expression is valid, has the correct
// type and contains no variable expressions. It returns the type-checked and
// constant-folded expression.
func SanitizeVarFreeExpr(
expr parser.Expr, expectedType parser.Type, context string, searchPath parser.SearchPath,
) (parser.TypedExpr, error) {
if parser.ContainsVars(expr) {
return nil, exprContainsVarsError(context, expr)
ctx := parser.SemaContext{SearchPath: searchPath}
typedExpr, err := parser.TypeCheck(expr, &ctx, expectedType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defaultType := typedExpr.ResolvedType()
if !expectedType.Equivalent(defaultType) && typedExpr != parser.DNull {
// The DEFAULT expression must match the column type exactly unless it is a
// constant NULL value.
return nil, incompatibleExprTypeError(context, expectedType, defaultType)
return typedExpr, nil
// MakeColumnDefDescs creates the column descriptor for a column, as well as the
// index descriptor if the column is a primary key or unique.
// The search path is used for name resolution for DEFAULT expressions.
func MakeColumnDefDescs(
d *parser.ColumnTableDef, searchPath parser.SearchPath, evalCtx *parser.EvalContext,
) (*ColumnDescriptor, *IndexDescriptor, error) {
col := &ColumnDescriptor{
Name: string(d.Name),
Nullable: d.Nullable.Nullability != parser.NotNull && !d.PrimaryKey,
// Set Type.Kind and Type.Locale.
colDatumType := parser.CastTargetToDatumType(d.Type)
col.Type = DatumTypeToColumnType(colDatumType)
// Set other attributes of col.Type and perform type-specific verification.
switch t := d.Type.(type) {
case *parser.BoolColType:
case *parser.IntColType:
col.Type.Width = int32(t.N)
if t.IsSerial() {
if d.HasDefaultExpr() {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("SERIAL column %q cannot have a default value", col.Name)
s := "unique_rowid()"
col.DefaultExpr = &s
case *parser.FloatColType:
// If the precision for this float col was intentionally specified as 0, return an error.
if t.Prec == 0 && t.PrecSpecified {
return nil, nil, errors.New("precision for type float must be at least 1 bit")
col.Type.Precision = int32(t.Prec)
case *parser.DecimalColType:
col.Type.Width = int32(t.Scale)
col.Type.Precision = int32(t.Prec)
switch {
case col.Type.Precision == 0 && col.Type.Width > 0:
// TODO (seif): Find right range for error message.
return nil, nil, errors.New("invalid NUMERIC precision 0")
case col.Type.Precision < col.Type.Width:
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("NUMERIC scale %d must be between 0 and precision %d",
col.Type.Width, col.Type.Precision)
case *parser.DateColType:
case *parser.TimestampColType:
case *parser.TimestampTZColType:
case *parser.IntervalColType:
case *parser.StringColType:
col.Type.Width = int32(t.N)
case *parser.NameColType:
case *parser.BytesColType:
case *parser.CollatedStringColType:
col.Type.Width = int32(t.N)
case *parser.ArrayColType:
if _, ok := t.ParamType.(*parser.IntColType); !ok {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("arrays of type %s are unsupported", t.ParamType)
for i, e := range t.BoundsExprs {
ctx := parser.SemaContext{SearchPath: searchPath}
te, err := parser.TypeCheckAndRequire(e, &ctx, parser.TypeInt, "array bounds")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't get bound %d", i)
d, err := te.Eval(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "couldn't Eval bound %d", i)
b := parser.MustBeDInt(d)
col.Type.ArrayDimensions = append(col.Type.ArrayDimensions, int32(b))
case *parser.VectorColType:
if _, ok := t.ParamType.(*parser.IntColType); !ok {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("vectors of type %s are unsupported", t.ParamType)
case *parser.OidColType:
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", t)
if len(d.CheckExprs) > 0 {
// Should never happen since `hoistConstraints` moves these to table level
return nil, nil, errors.New("unexpected column CHECK constraint")
if d.HasFKConstraint() {
// Should never happen since `hoistConstraints` moves these to table level
return nil, nil, errors.New("unexpected column REFERENCED constraint")
if d.HasDefaultExpr() {
// Verify the default expression type is compatible with the column type.
if _, err := SanitizeVarFreeExpr(
d.DefaultExpr.Expr, colDatumType, "DEFAULT", searchPath,
); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var p parser.Parser
if err := p.AssertNoAggregationOrWindowing(
d.DefaultExpr.Expr, "DEFAULT expressions", searchPath,
); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Type check and simplify: this performs constant folding and reduces the expression.
typedExpr, err := parser.TypeCheck(d.DefaultExpr.Expr, nil, col.Type.ToDatumType())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if typedExpr, err = p.NormalizeExpr(evalCtx, typedExpr); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Try to evaluate once. If it is aimed to succeed during a
// backfill, it must succeed here too. This tries to ensure that
// we don't end up failing the evaluation during the schema change
// proper.
if _, err := typedExpr.Eval(evalCtx); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
d.DefaultExpr.Expr = typedExpr
s := parser.Serialize(d.DefaultExpr.Expr)
col.DefaultExpr = &s
var idx *IndexDescriptor
if d.PrimaryKey || d.Unique {
idx = &IndexDescriptor{
Unique: true,
ColumnNames: []string{string(d.Name)},
ColumnDirections: []IndexDescriptor_Direction{IndexDescriptor_ASC},
if d.UniqueConstraintName != "" {
idx.Name = string(d.UniqueConstraintName)
return col, idx, nil
// MakeIndexKeyPrefix returns the key prefix used for the index's data. If you
// need the corresponding Span, prefer desc.IndexSpan(indexID) or
// desc.PrimaryIndexSpan().
func MakeIndexKeyPrefix(desc *TableDescriptor, indexID IndexID) []byte {
var key []byte
if i, err := desc.FindIndexByID(indexID); err == nil && len(i.Interleave.Ancestors) > 0 {
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(i.Interleave.Ancestors[0].TableID))
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(i.Interleave.Ancestors[0].IndexID))
return key
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(desc.ID))
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(indexID))
return key
// EncodeIndexKey creates a key by concatenating keyPrefix with the encodings of
// the columns in the index.
// If a table or index is interleaved, `encoding.encodedNullDesc` is used in
// place of the family id (a varint) to signal the next component of the key.
// An example of one level of interleaving (a parent):
// /<parent_table_id>/<parent_index_id>/<field_1>/<field_2>/NullDesc/<table_id>/<index_id>/<field_3>/<family>
// Returns the key and whether any of the encoded values were NULLs.
// Note that ExtraColumnIDs are not encoded, so the result isn't always a
// full index key.
func EncodeIndexKey(
tableDesc *TableDescriptor,
index *IndexDescriptor,
colMap map[ColumnID]int,
values []parser.Datum,
keyPrefix []byte,
) (key []byte, containsNull bool, err error) {
return EncodePartialIndexKey(
len(index.ColumnIDs), /* encode all columns */
// EncodePartialIndexKey encodes a partial index key; only the first numCols of
// index.ColumnIDs are encoded.
func EncodePartialIndexKey(
tableDesc *TableDescriptor,
index *IndexDescriptor,
numCols int,
colMap map[ColumnID]int,
values []parser.Datum,
keyPrefix []byte,
) (key []byte, containsNull bool, err error) {
colIDs := index.ColumnIDs[:numCols]
// We know we will append to the key which will cause the capacity to grow so
// make it bigger from the get-go.
key = make([]byte, len(keyPrefix), 2*len(keyPrefix))
copy(key, keyPrefix)
dirs := directions(index.ColumnDirections)[:numCols]
if len(index.Interleave.Ancestors) > 0 {
for i, ancestor := range index.Interleave.Ancestors {
// The first ancestor is assumed to already be encoded in keyPrefix.
if i != 0 {
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(ancestor.TableID))
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(ancestor.IndexID))
partial := false
length := int(ancestor.SharedPrefixLen)
if length > len(colIDs) {
length = len(colIDs)
partial = true
var n bool
key, n, err = EncodeColumns(colIDs[:length], dirs[:length], colMap, values, key)
if err != nil {
return key, containsNull, err
containsNull = containsNull || n
if partial {
// Early stop. Note that if we had exactly SharedPrefixLen columns
// remaining, we want to append the next tableID/indexID pair because
// that results in a more specific key.
return key, containsNull, nil
colIDs, dirs = colIDs[length:], dirs[length:]
// We reuse NotNullDescending (0xfe) as the interleave sentinel.
key = encoding.EncodeNotNullDescending(key)
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(tableDesc.ID))
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(index.ID))
var n bool
key, n, err = EncodeColumns(colIDs, dirs, colMap, values, key)
containsNull = containsNull || n
return key, containsNull, err
type directions []IndexDescriptor_Direction
func (d directions) get(i int) (encoding.Direction, error) {
if i < len(d) {
return d[i].ToEncodingDirection()
return encoding.Ascending, nil
// EncodeColumns is a version of EncodePartialIndexKey that takes ColumnIDs and
// directions explicitly. WARNING: unlike EncodePartialIndexKey, EncodeColumns
// appends directly to keyPrefix.
func EncodeColumns(
columnIDs []ColumnID,
directions directions,
colMap map[ColumnID]int,
values []parser.Datum,
keyPrefix []byte,
) (key []byte, containsNull bool, err error) {
key = keyPrefix
for colIdx, id := range columnIDs {
var val parser.Datum
if i, ok := colMap[id]; ok {
// TODO(pmattis): Need to convert the values[i] value to the type
// expected by the column.
val = values[i]
} else {
val = parser.DNull
if val == parser.DNull {
containsNull = true
dir, err := directions.get(colIdx)
if err != nil {
return nil, containsNull, err
if key, err = EncodeTableKey(key, val, dir); err != nil {
return nil, containsNull, err
return key, containsNull, nil
func appendEncDatumsToKey(
key roachpb.Key, values EncDatumRow, dirs []IndexDescriptor_Direction, alloc *DatumAlloc,
) (roachpb.Key, error) {
for i, val := range values {
encoding := DatumEncoding_ASCENDING_KEY
if dirs[i] == IndexDescriptor_DESC {
encoding = DatumEncoding_DESCENDING_KEY
var err error
key, err = val.Encode(alloc, encoding, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return key, nil
// MakeKeyFromEncDatums creates a key by concatenating keyPrefix with the
// encodings of the given EncDatum values. The values correspond to
// index.ColumnIDs.
// If a table or index is interleaved, `encoding.encodedNullDesc` is used in
// place of the family id (a varint) to signal the next component of the key.
// An example of one level of interleaving (a parent):
// /<parent_table_id>/<parent_index_id>/<field_1>/<field_2>/NullDesc/<table_id>/<index_id>/<field_3>/<family>
// Note that ExtraColumnIDs are not encoded, so the result isn't always a
// full index key.
func MakeKeyFromEncDatums(
values EncDatumRow,
tableDesc *TableDescriptor,
index *IndexDescriptor,
keyPrefix []byte,
alloc *DatumAlloc,
) (roachpb.Key, error) {
dirs := index.ColumnDirections
if len(values) != len(dirs) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%d values, %d directions", len(values), len(dirs))
// We know we will append to the key which will cause the capacity to grow
// so make it bigger from the get-go.
key := make(roachpb.Key, len(keyPrefix), len(keyPrefix)*2)
copy(key, keyPrefix)
if len(index.Interleave.Ancestors) > 0 {
for i, ancestor := range index.Interleave.Ancestors {
// The first ancestor is assumed to already be encoded in keyPrefix.
if i != 0 {
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(ancestor.TableID))
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(ancestor.IndexID))
length := int(ancestor.SharedPrefixLen)
var err error
key, err = appendEncDatumsToKey(key, values[:length], dirs[:length], alloc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
values, dirs = values[length:], dirs[length:]
// We reuse NotNullDescending (0xfe) as the interleave sentinel.
key = encoding.EncodeNotNullDescending(key)
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(tableDesc.ID))
key = encoding.EncodeUvarintAscending(key, uint64(index.ID))
return appendEncDatumsToKey(key, values, dirs, alloc)
// EncodeDatum encodes a datum (order-preserving encoding, suitable for keys).
func EncodeDatum(b []byte, d parser.Datum) ([]byte, error) {
if values, ok := d.(*parser.DTuple); ok {
return EncodeDatums(b, values.D)
return EncodeTableKey(b, d, encoding.Ascending)
// EncodeDatums encodes a Datums (order-preserving).
func EncodeDatums(b []byte, d parser.Datums) ([]byte, error) {
for _, val := range d {
var err error
b, err = EncodeDatum(b, val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
// EncodeTableKey encodes `val` into `b` and returns the new buffer. The
// encoded value is guaranteed to be lexicographically sortable, but not
// guaranteed to be round-trippable during decoding.
func EncodeTableKey(b []byte, val parser.Datum, dir encoding.Direction) ([]byte, error) {
if (dir != encoding.Ascending) && (dir != encoding.Descending) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid direction: %d", dir)
if val == parser.DNull {
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeNullAscending(b), nil
return encoding.EncodeNullDescending(b), nil
switch t := parser.UnwrapDatum(val).(type) {
case *parser.DBool:
var x int64
if *t {
x = 1
} else {
x = 0
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeVarintAscending(b, x), nil
return encoding.EncodeVarintDescending(b, x), nil
case *parser.DInt:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeVarintAscending(b, int64(*t)), nil
return encoding.EncodeVarintDescending(b, int64(*t)), nil
case *parser.DFloat:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeFloatAscending(b, float64(*t)), nil
return encoding.EncodeFloatDescending(b, float64(*t)), nil
case *parser.DDecimal:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeDecimalAscending(b, &t.Decimal), nil
return encoding.EncodeDecimalDescending(b, &t.Decimal), nil
case *parser.DString:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeStringAscending(b, string(*t)), nil
return encoding.EncodeStringDescending(b, string(*t)), nil
case *parser.DBytes:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeStringAscending(b, string(*t)), nil
return encoding.EncodeStringDescending(b, string(*t)), nil
case *parser.DDate:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeVarintAscending(b, int64(*t)), nil
return encoding.EncodeVarintDescending(b, int64(*t)), nil
case *parser.DTimestamp:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeTimeAscending(b, t.Time), nil
return encoding.EncodeTimeDescending(b, t.Time), nil
case *parser.DTimestampTZ:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeTimeAscending(b, t.Time), nil
return encoding.EncodeTimeDescending(b, t.Time), nil
case *parser.DInterval:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeDurationAscending(b, t.Duration)
return encoding.EncodeDurationDescending(b, t.Duration)
case *parser.DTuple:
for _, datum := range t.D {
var err error
b, err = EncodeTableKey(b, datum, dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
case *parser.DCollatedString:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeBytesAscending(b, t.Key), nil
return encoding.EncodeBytesDescending(b, t.Key), nil
case *parser.DArray:
for _, datum := range t.Array {
var err error
b, err = EncodeTableKey(b, datum, dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
case *parser.DOid:
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
return encoding.EncodeVarintAscending(b, int64(t.DInt)), nil
return encoding.EncodeVarintDescending(b, int64(t.DInt)), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to encode table key: %T", val)
// EncodeTableValue encodes `val` into `appendTo` using DatumEncoding_VALUE
// and returns the new buffer. The encoded value is guaranteed to round
// trip and decode exactly to its input, but is not guaranteed to be
// lexicographically sortable.
func EncodeTableValue(appendTo []byte, colID ColumnID, val parser.Datum) ([]byte, error) {
if val == parser.DNull {
return encoding.EncodeNullValue(appendTo, uint32(colID)), nil
switch t := parser.UnwrapDatum(val).(type) {
case *parser.DBool:
return encoding.EncodeBoolValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), bool(*t)), nil
case *parser.DInt:
return encoding.EncodeIntValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), int64(*t)), nil
case *parser.DFloat:
return encoding.EncodeFloatValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), float64(*t)), nil
case *parser.DDecimal:
return encoding.EncodeDecimalValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), &t.Decimal), nil
case *parser.DString:
return encoding.EncodeBytesValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), []byte(*t)), nil
case *parser.DBytes:
return encoding.EncodeBytesValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), []byte(*t)), nil
case *parser.DDate:
return encoding.EncodeIntValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), int64(*t)), nil
case *parser.DTimestamp:
return encoding.EncodeTimeValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), t.Time), nil
case *parser.DTimestampTZ:
return encoding.EncodeTimeValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), t.Time), nil
case *parser.DInterval:
return encoding.EncodeDurationValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), t.Duration), nil
case *parser.DCollatedString:
return encoding.EncodeBytesValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), []byte(t.Contents)), nil
case *parser.DOid:
return encoding.EncodeIntValue(appendTo, uint32(colID), int64(t.DInt)), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to encode table value: %T", val)
// MakeEncodedKeyVals returns a slice of EncDatums with the correct types for
// the given columns.
func MakeEncodedKeyVals(desc *TableDescriptor, columnIDs []ColumnID) ([]EncDatum, error) {
keyVals := make([]EncDatum, len(columnIDs))
for i, id := range columnIDs {
col, err := desc.FindActiveColumnByID(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keyVals[i].Type = col.Type
return keyVals, nil
// DecodeTableIDIndexID decodes a table id followed by an index id.
func DecodeTableIDIndexID(key []byte) ([]byte, ID, IndexID, error) {
var tableID uint64
var indexID uint64
var err error
key, tableID, err = encoding.DecodeUvarintAscending(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
key, indexID, err = encoding.DecodeUvarintAscending(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
return key, ID(tableID), IndexID(indexID), nil
// DecodeIndexKeyPrefix decodes the prefix of an index key and returns the
// index id and a slice for the rest of the key.
// Don't use this function in the scan "hot path".
func DecodeIndexKeyPrefix(
a *DatumAlloc, desc *TableDescriptor, key []byte,
) (indexID IndexID, remaining []byte, err error) {
// TODO(dan): This whole operation is n^2 because of the interleaves
// bookkeeping. We could improve it to n with a prefix tree of components.
interleaves := append([]IndexDescriptor{desc.PrimaryIndex}, desc.Indexes...)
for component := 0; ; component++ {
var tableID ID
key, tableID, indexID, err = DecodeTableIDIndexID(key)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
if tableID == desc.ID {
// Once desc's table id has been decoded, there can be no more
// interleaves.
for i := len(interleaves) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if len(interleaves[i].Interleave.Ancestors) <= component ||
interleaves[i].Interleave.Ancestors[component].TableID != tableID ||
interleaves[i].Interleave.Ancestors[component].IndexID != indexID {
// This component, and thus this interleave, doesn't match what was
// decoded, remove it.
copy(interleaves[i:], interleaves[i+1:])
interleaves = interleaves[:len(interleaves)-1]
// The decoded key doesn't many any known interleaves
if len(interleaves) == 0 {
return 0, nil, errors.Errorf("no known interleaves for key")
// Anything left has the same SharedPrefixLen at index `component`, so just
// use the first one.
for i := uint32(0); i < interleaves[0].Interleave.Ancestors[component].SharedPrefixLen; i++ {
l, err := encoding.PeekLength(key)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
key = key[l:]
// We reuse NotNullDescending as the interleave sentinel, consume it.
var ok bool
key, ok = encoding.DecodeIfNotNull(key)
if !ok {
return 0, nil, errors.Errorf("invalid interleave key")
return indexID, key, err
// DecodeIndexKey decodes the values that are a part of the specified index
// key. ValTypes is a slice returned from makeKeyVals. The remaining bytes in the
// index key are returned which will either be an encoded column ID for the
// primary key index, the primary key suffix for non-unique secondary indexes
// or unique secondary indexes containing NULL or empty. If the given descriptor
// does not match the key, false is returned with no error.
func DecodeIndexKey(
a *DatumAlloc,
desc *TableDescriptor,
indexID IndexID,
vals []EncDatum,
colDirs []encoding.Direction,
key []byte,
) ([]byte, bool, error) {
var decodedTableID ID
var decodedIndexID IndexID
var err error
if index, err := desc.FindIndexByID(indexID); err == nil && len(index.Interleave.Ancestors) > 0 {
for _, ancestor := range index.Interleave.Ancestors {
key, decodedTableID, decodedIndexID, err = DecodeTableIDIndexID(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if decodedTableID != ancestor.TableID || decodedIndexID != ancestor.IndexID {
return nil, false, nil
length := int(ancestor.SharedPrefixLen)
key, err = DecodeKeyVals(a, vals[:length], colDirs[:length], key)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
vals, colDirs = vals[length:], colDirs[length:]
// We reuse NotNullDescending as the interleave sentinel, consume it.
var ok bool
key, ok = encoding.DecodeIfNotNull(key)
if !ok {
return nil, false, nil
key, decodedTableID, decodedIndexID, err = DecodeTableIDIndexID(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if decodedTableID != desc.ID || decodedIndexID != indexID {
return nil, false, nil
key, err = DecodeKeyVals(a, vals, colDirs, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
// We're expecting a column family id next (a varint). If descNotNull is
// actually next, then this key is for a child table.
if _, ok := encoding.DecodeIfNotNull(key); ok {
return nil, false, nil
return key, true, nil
// DecodeKeyVals decodes the values that are part of the key. The decoded
// values are stored in the vals. If this slice is nil, the direction
// used will default to encoding.Ascending.
func DecodeKeyVals(
a *DatumAlloc, vals []EncDatum, directions []encoding.Direction, key []byte,
) ([]byte, error) {
if directions != nil && len(directions) != len(vals) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("encoding directions doesn't parallel val: %d vs %d.",
len(directions), len(vals))
for j := range vals {
enc := DatumEncoding_ASCENDING_KEY
if directions != nil && (directions[j] == encoding.Descending) {
enc = DatumEncoding_DESCENDING_KEY
var err error
vals[j], key, err = EncDatumFromBuffer(vals[j].Type, enc, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return key, nil
// ExtractIndexKey constructs the index (primary) key for a row from any index
// key/value entry, including secondary indexes.
// Don't use this function in the scan "hot path".
func ExtractIndexKey(
a *DatumAlloc, tableDesc *TableDescriptor, entry client.KeyValue,
) (roachpb.Key, error) {
indexID, key, err := DecodeIndexKeyPrefix(a, tableDesc, entry.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if indexID == tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ID {
return entry.Key, nil
index, err := tableDesc.FindIndexByID(indexID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Extract the values for index.ColumnIDs.
values, err := MakeEncodedKeyVals(tableDesc, index.ColumnIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dirs := make([]encoding.Direction, len(index.ColumnIDs))
for i, dir := range index.ColumnDirections {
dirs[i], err = dir.ToEncodingDirection()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if i, err := tableDesc.FindIndexByID(indexID); err == nil && len(i.Interleave.Ancestors) > 0 {
// TODO(dan): In the interleaved index case, we parse the key twice; once to
// find the index id so we can look up the descriptor, and once to extract
// the values. Only parse once.
var ok bool
_, ok, err = DecodeIndexKey(a, tableDesc, indexID, values, dirs, entry.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("descriptor did not match key")
} else {
key, err = DecodeKeyVals(a, values, dirs, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Extract the values for index.ExtraColumnIDs
extraValues, err := MakeEncodedKeyVals(tableDesc, index.ExtraColumnIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dirs = make([]encoding.Direction, len(index.ExtraColumnIDs))
for i := range index.ExtraColumnIDs {
// Implicit columns are always encoded Ascending.
dirs[i] = encoding.Ascending
extraKey := key
if index.Unique {
extraKey, err = entry.Value.GetBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = DecodeKeyVals(a, extraValues, dirs, extraKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Encode the index key from its components.
values = append(values, extraValues...)
colMap := make(map[ColumnID]int)
for i, columnID := range index.ColumnIDs {
colMap[columnID] = i
for i, columnID := range index.ExtraColumnIDs {
colMap[columnID] = i + len(index.ColumnIDs)
indexKeyPrefix := MakeIndexKeyPrefix(tableDesc, tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ID)
decodedValues := make([]parser.Datum, len(values))
var da DatumAlloc
for i, value := range values {
err := value.EnsureDecoded(&da)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decodedValues[i] = value.Datum
indexKey, _, err := EncodeIndexKey(
tableDesc, &tableDesc.PrimaryIndex, colMap, decodedValues, indexKeyPrefix)
return indexKey, err
const datumAllocSize = 16 // Arbitrary, could be tuned.
// DatumAlloc provides batch allocation of datum pointers, amortizing the cost
// of the allocations.
type DatumAlloc struct {
dintAlloc []parser.DInt
dfloatAlloc []parser.DFloat
dstringAlloc []parser.DString
dbytesAlloc []parser.DBytes
ddecimalAlloc []parser.DDecimal
ddateAlloc []parser.DDate
dtimestampAlloc []parser.DTimestamp
dtimestampTzAlloc []parser.DTimestampTZ
dintervalAlloc []parser.DInterval
doidAlloc []parser.DOid
env parser.CollationEnvironment
// NewDInt allocates a DInt.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDInt(v parser.DInt) *parser.DInt {
buf := &a.dintAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DInt, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDFloat allocates a DFloat.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDFloat(v parser.DFloat) *parser.DFloat {
buf := &a.dfloatAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DFloat, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDString allocates a DString.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDString(v parser.DString) *parser.DString {
buf := &a.dstringAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DString, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDName allocates a DName.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDName(v parser.DString) parser.Datum {
return parser.NewDNameFromDString(a.NewDString(v))
// NewDBytes allocates a DBytes.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDBytes(v parser.DBytes) *parser.DBytes {
buf := &a.dbytesAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DBytes, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDDecimal allocates a DDecimal.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDDecimal(v parser.DDecimal) *parser.DDecimal {
buf := &a.ddecimalAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DDecimal, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDDate allocates a DDate.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDDate(v parser.DDate) *parser.DDate {
buf := &a.ddateAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DDate, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDTimestamp allocates a DTimestamp.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDTimestamp(v parser.DTimestamp) *parser.DTimestamp {
buf := &a.dtimestampAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DTimestamp, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDTimestampTZ allocates a DTimestampTZ.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDTimestampTZ(v parser.DTimestampTZ) *parser.DTimestampTZ {
buf := &a.dtimestampTzAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DTimestampTZ, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDInterval allocates a DInterval.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDInterval(v parser.DInterval) *parser.DInterval {
buf := &a.dintervalAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DInterval, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// NewDOid allocates a DOid.
func (a *DatumAlloc) NewDOid(v parser.DOid) parser.Datum {
buf := &a.doidAlloc
if len(*buf) == 0 {
*buf = make([]parser.DOid, datumAllocSize)
r := &(*buf)[0]
*r = v
*buf = (*buf)[1:]
return r
// DecodeTableKey decodes a table key/value.
func DecodeTableKey(
a *DatumAlloc, valType parser.Type, key []byte, dir encoding.Direction,
) (parser.Datum, []byte, error) {
if (dir != encoding.Ascending) && (dir != encoding.Descending) {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("invalid direction: %d", dir)
var isNull bool
if key, isNull = encoding.DecodeIfNull(key); isNull {
return parser.DNull, key, nil
var rkey []byte
var err error
switch valType {
case parser.TypeBool:
var i int64
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, i, err = encoding.DecodeVarintAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, i, err = encoding.DecodeVarintDescending(key)
// No need to chunk allocate DBool as MakeDBool returns either
// parser.DBoolTrue or parser.DBoolFalse.
return parser.MakeDBool(parser.DBool(i != 0)), rkey, err
case parser.TypeInt:
var i int64
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, i, err = encoding.DecodeVarintAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, i, err = encoding.DecodeVarintDescending(key)
return a.NewDInt(parser.DInt(i)), rkey, err
case parser.TypeFloat:
var f float64
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, f, err = encoding.DecodeFloatAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, f, err = encoding.DecodeFloatDescending(key)
return a.NewDFloat(parser.DFloat(f)), rkey, err
case parser.TypeDecimal:
var d *apd.Decimal
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, d, err = encoding.DecodeDecimalAscending(key, nil)
} else {
rkey, d, err = encoding.DecodeDecimalDescending(key, nil)
dd := a.NewDDecimal(parser.DDecimal{})
return dd, rkey, err
case parser.TypeString:
var r string
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, r, err = encoding.DecodeUnsafeStringAscending(key, nil)
} else {
rkey, r, err = encoding.DecodeUnsafeStringDescending(key, nil)
return a.NewDString(parser.DString(r)), rkey, err
case parser.TypeName:
var r string
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, r, err = encoding.DecodeUnsafeStringAscending(key, nil)
} else {
rkey, r, err = encoding.DecodeUnsafeStringDescending(key, nil)
return a.NewDName(parser.DString(r)), rkey, err
case parser.TypeBytes:
var r []byte
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, r, err = encoding.DecodeBytesAscending(key, nil)
} else {
rkey, r, err = encoding.DecodeBytesDescending(key, nil)
return a.NewDBytes(parser.DBytes(r)), rkey, err
case parser.TypeDate:
var t int64
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, t, err = encoding.DecodeVarintAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, t, err = encoding.DecodeVarintDescending(key)
return a.NewDDate(parser.DDate(t)), rkey, err
case parser.TypeTimestamp:
var t time.Time
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, t, err = encoding.DecodeTimeAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, t, err = encoding.DecodeTimeDescending(key)
return a.NewDTimestamp(parser.DTimestamp{Time: t}), rkey, err
case parser.TypeTimestampTZ:
var t time.Time
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, t, err = encoding.DecodeTimeAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, t, err = encoding.DecodeTimeDescending(key)
return a.NewDTimestampTZ(parser.DTimestampTZ{Time: t}), rkey, err
case parser.TypeInterval:
var d duration.Duration
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, d, err = encoding.DecodeDurationAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, d, err = encoding.DecodeDurationDescending(key)
return a.NewDInterval(parser.DInterval{Duration: d}), rkey, err
case parser.TypeOid:
var i int64
if dir == encoding.Ascending {
rkey, i, err = encoding.DecodeVarintAscending(key)
} else {
rkey, i, err = encoding.DecodeVarintDescending(key)
return a.NewDOid(parser.MakeDOid(parser.DInt(i))), rkey, err
if _, ok := valType.(parser.TCollatedString); ok {
var r string
_, r, err = encoding.DecodeUnsafeStringAscending(key, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("TODO(eisen): cannot decode collation key: %q", r)
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("TODO(pmattis): decoded index key: %s", valType)
// DecodeTableValue decodes a value encoded by EncodeTableValue.
func DecodeTableValue(a *DatumAlloc, valType parser.Type, b []byte) (parser.Datum, []byte, error) {
_, dataOffset, _, typ, err := encoding.DecodeValueTag(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, b, err
if typ == encoding.Null {
return parser.DNull, b[dataOffset:], nil
switch valType {
case parser.TypeBool:
var x bool
b, x, err = encoding.DecodeBoolValue(b)
// No need to chunk allocate DBool as MakeDBool returns either
// parser.DBoolTrue or parser.DBoolFalse.
return parser.MakeDBool(parser.DBool(x)), b, err
case parser.TypeInt:
var i int64
b, i, err = encoding.DecodeIntValue(b)
return a.NewDInt(parser.DInt(i)), b, err
case parser.TypeFloat:
var f float64
b, f, err = encoding.DecodeFloatValue(b)
return a.NewDFloat(parser.DFloat(f)), b, err
case parser.TypeDecimal:
var d *apd.Decimal
b, d, err = encoding.DecodeDecimalValue(b)
dd := a.NewDDecimal(parser.DDecimal{})
return dd, b, err
case parser.TypeString:
var data []byte
b, data, err = encoding.DecodeBytesValue(b)
return a.NewDString(parser.DString(data)), b, err
case parser.TypeName:
var data []byte
b, data, err = encoding.DecodeBytesValue(b)
return a.NewDName(parser.DString(data)), b, err
case parser.TypeBytes:
var data []byte
b, data, err = encoding.DecodeBytesValue(b)
return a.NewDBytes(parser.DBytes(data)), b, err
case parser.TypeDate:
var i int64
b, i, err = encoding.DecodeIntValue(b)
return a.NewDDate(parser.DDate(i)), b, err
case parser.TypeTimestamp:
var t time.Time
b, t, err = encoding.DecodeTimeValue(b)
return a.NewDTimestamp(parser.DTimestamp{Time: t}), b, err
case parser.TypeTimestampTZ:
var t time.Time
b, t, err = encoding.DecodeTimeValue(b)
return a.NewDTimestampTZ(parser.DTimestampTZ{Time: t}), b, err
case parser.TypeInterval:
var d duration.Duration
b, d, err = encoding.DecodeDurationValue(b)
return a.NewDInterval(parser.DInterval{Duration: d}), b, err
case parser.TypeOid:
var i int64
b, i, err = encoding.DecodeIntValue(b)
return a.NewDOid(parser.MakeDOid(parser.DInt(i))), b, err
if typ, ok := valType.(parser.TCollatedString); ok {
var data []byte
b, data, err = encoding.DecodeBytesValue(b)
return parser.NewDCollatedString(string(data), typ.Locale, &a.env), b, err
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("TODO(pmattis): decoded index value: %s", valType)
// IndexEntry represents an encoded key/value for an index entry.
type IndexEntry struct {
Key roachpb.Key
Value roachpb.Value
// valueEncodedColumn represents a composite or stored column of a secondary
// index.
type valueEncodedColumn struct {
id ColumnID
isComposite bool
// byID implements sort.Interface for []valueEncodedColumn based on the id
// field.
type byID []valueEncodedColumn
func (a byID) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byID) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byID) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].id < a[j].id }
// EncodeSecondaryIndex encodes key/values for a secondary index. colMap maps
// ColumnIDs to indices in `values`.
func EncodeSecondaryIndex(
tableDesc *TableDescriptor,
secondaryIndex *IndexDescriptor,
colMap map[ColumnID]int,
values []parser.Datum,
) (IndexEntry, error) {
secondaryIndexKeyPrefix := MakeIndexKeyPrefix(tableDesc, secondaryIndex.ID)
secondaryIndexKey, containsNull, err := EncodeIndexKey(
tableDesc, secondaryIndex, colMap, values, secondaryIndexKeyPrefix)
if err != nil {
return IndexEntry{}, err
// Add the extra columns - they are encoded ascendingly which is done by
// passing nil for the encoding directions.
extraKey, _, err := EncodeColumns(secondaryIndex.ExtraColumnIDs, nil,
colMap, values, nil)
if err != nil {
return IndexEntry{}, err
entry := IndexEntry{Key: secondaryIndexKey}
if !secondaryIndex.Unique || containsNull {
// If the index is not unique or it contains a NULL value, append
// extraKey to the key in order to make it unique.
entry.Key = append(entry.Key, extraKey...)
// Index keys are considered "sentinel" keys in that they do not have a
// column ID suffix.
entry.Key = keys.MakeRowSentinelKey(entry.Key)
var entryValue []byte
if secondaryIndex.Unique {
// Note that a unique secondary index that contains a NULL column value
// will have extraKey appended to the key and stored in the value. We
// require extraKey to be appended to the key in order to make the key
// unique. We could potentially get rid of the duplication here but at
// the expense of complicating scanNode when dealing with unique
// secondary indexes.
entryValue = extraKey
} else {
// The zero value for an index-key is a 0-length bytes value.
entryValue = []byte{}
var cols []valueEncodedColumn
for _, id := range secondaryIndex.StoreColumnIDs {
cols = append(cols, valueEncodedColumn{id: id, isComposite: false})
for _, id := range secondaryIndex.CompositeColumnIDs {
cols = append(cols, valueEncodedColumn{id: id, isComposite: true})
var lastColID ColumnID
// Composite columns have their contents at the end of the value.
for _, col := range cols {
val := values[colMap[col.id]]
if val == parser.DNull || (col.isComposite && !val.(parser.CompositeDatum).IsComposite()) {
if lastColID > col.id {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot write column id %d after %d", col.id, lastColID))
colIDDiff := col.id - lastColID
lastColID = col.id
entryValue, err = EncodeTableValue(entryValue, colIDDiff, val)
if err != nil {
return IndexEntry{}, err
return entry, nil
// EncodeSecondaryIndexes encodes key/values for the secondary indexes. colMap
// maps ColumnIDs to indices in `values`. secondaryIndexEntries is the return
// value (passed as a parameter so the caller can reuse between rows) and is
// expected to be the same length as indexes.
func EncodeSecondaryIndexes(
tableDesc *TableDescriptor,
indexes []IndexDescriptor,
colMap map[ColumnID]int,
values []parser.Datum,
secondaryIndexEntries []IndexEntry,
) error {
for i := range indexes {
var err error
secondaryIndexEntries[i], err = EncodeSecondaryIndex(tableDesc, &indexes[i], colMap, values)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CheckColumnType verifies that a given value is compatible
// with the type requested by the column. If the value is a
// placeholder, the type of the placeholder gets populated.
func CheckColumnType(col ColumnDescriptor, typ parser.Type, pmap *parser.PlaceholderInfo) error {
if typ == parser.TypeNull {
return nil
// If the value is a placeholder, then the column check above has
// populated 'colTyp' with a type to assign to it.
colTyp := col.Type.ToDatumType()
if p, pok := typ.(parser.TPlaceholder); pok {
if err := pmap.SetType(p.Name, colTyp); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot infer type for placeholder %s from column %q: %s",
p.Name, col.Name, err)
} else if !typ.Equivalent(colTyp) {
// Not a placeholder; check that the value cast has succeeded.
return fmt.Errorf("value type %s doesn't match type %s of column %q",
typ, col.Type.Kind, col.Name)
return nil
// MarshalColumnValue returns a Go primitive value equivalent of val, of the
// type expected by col. If val's type is incompatible with col, or if
// col's type is not yet implemented, an error is returned.
func MarshalColumnValue(col ColumnDescriptor, val parser.Datum) (roachpb.Value, error) {
var r roachpb.Value
if val == parser.DNull {
return r, nil
switch col.Type.Kind {
case ColumnType_BOOL:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DBool); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_INT:
if v, ok := parser.AsDInt(val); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_FLOAT:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DFloat); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_DECIMAL:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DDecimal); ok {
err := r.SetDecimal(&v.Decimal)
return r, err
case ColumnType_STRING, ColumnType_NAME:
if v, ok := parser.AsDString(val); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_BYTES:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DBytes); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_DATE:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DDate); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_TIMESTAMP:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DTimestamp); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_TIMESTAMPTZ:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DTimestampTZ); ok {
return r, nil
case ColumnType_INTERVAL:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DInterval); ok {
err := r.SetDuration(v.Duration)
return r, err
if col.Type.Locale == nil {
panic("locale is required for COLLATEDSTRING")
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DCollatedString); ok {
if v.Locale == *col.Type.Locale {
return r, nil
return r, fmt.Errorf("locale %q doesn't match locale %q of column %q",
v.Locale, *col.Type.Locale, col.Name)
case ColumnType_OID:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DOid); ok {
return r, nil
return r, errors.Errorf("unsupported column type: %s", col.Type.Kind)
return r, fmt.Errorf("value type %s doesn't match type %s of column %q",
val.ResolvedType(), col.Type.Kind, col.Name)
// UnmarshalColumnValue decodes the value from a key-value pair using the type
// expected by the column. An error is returned if the value's type does not
// match the column's type.
func UnmarshalColumnValue(
a *DatumAlloc, typ ColumnType, value *roachpb.Value,
) (parser.Datum, error) {
if value == nil {
return parser.DNull, nil
switch typ.Kind {
case ColumnType_BOOL:
v, err := value.GetBool()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parser.MakeDBool(parser.DBool(v)), nil
case ColumnType_INT:
v, err := value.GetInt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDInt(parser.DInt(v)), nil
case ColumnType_FLOAT:
v, err := value.GetFloat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDFloat(parser.DFloat(v)), nil
case ColumnType_DECIMAL:
v, err := value.GetDecimal()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dd := a.NewDDecimal(parser.DDecimal{})
return dd, nil
case ColumnType_STRING:
v, err := value.GetBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDString(parser.DString(v)), nil
case ColumnType_BYTES:
v, err := value.GetBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDBytes(parser.DBytes(v)), nil
case ColumnType_DATE:
v, err := value.GetInt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDDate(parser.DDate(v)), nil
case ColumnType_TIMESTAMP:
v, err := value.GetTime()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDTimestamp(parser.DTimestamp{Time: v}), nil
case ColumnType_TIMESTAMPTZ:
v, err := value.GetTime()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDTimestampTZ(parser.DTimestampTZ{Time: v}), nil
case ColumnType_INTERVAL:
d, err := value.GetDuration()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDInterval(parser.DInterval{Duration: d}), nil
v, err := value.GetBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return parser.NewDCollatedString(string(v), *typ.Locale, &a.env), nil
case ColumnType_NAME:
v, err := value.GetBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDName(parser.DString(v)), nil
case ColumnType_OID:
v, err := value.GetInt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.NewDOid(parser.MakeDOid(parser.DInt(v))), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported column type: %s", typ.Kind)
// CheckValueWidth checks that the width (for strings, byte arrays, and
// bit string) and scale (for decimals) of the value fits the specified
// column type. Used by INSERT and UPDATE.
func CheckValueWidth(col ColumnDescriptor, val parser.Datum) error {
switch col.Type.Kind {
case ColumnType_STRING:
if v, ok := parser.AsDString(val); ok {
if col.Type.Width > 0 && utf8.RuneCountInString(string(v)) > int(col.Type.Width) {
return fmt.Errorf("value too long for type %s (column %q)",
col.Type.SQLString(), col.Name)
case ColumnType_INT:
if v, ok := parser.AsDInt(val); ok {
if col.Type.Width > 0 {
// https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/datatype-bit.html
// "bit type data must match the length n exactly; it is an error
// to attempt to store shorter or longer bit strings. bit varying
// data is of variable length up to the maximum length n; longer
// strings will be rejected."
// TODO(nvanbenschoten): Because we do not propagate the "varying"
// flag on the column type, the best we can do here is conservatively
// assume the varying bit type and error only on longer bit strings.
mostSignificantBit := int32(0)
for bits := uint64(v); bits != 0; mostSignificantBit++ {
bits >>= 1
if mostSignificantBit > col.Type.Width {
return fmt.Errorf("bit string too long for type %s (column %q)",
col.Type.SQLString(), col.Name)
case ColumnType_DECIMAL:
if v, ok := val.(*parser.DDecimal); ok {
if v.Decimal.Form == apd.Finite && col.Type.Precision > 0 {
// http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/datatype-numeric.html
// "If the scale of a value to be stored is greater than
// the declared scale of the column, the system will round the
// value to the specified number of fractional digits. Then,
// if the number of digits to the left of the decimal point
// exceeds the declared precision minus the declared scale, an
// error is raised."
c := parser.DecimalCtx.WithPrecision(uint32(col.Type.Precision))
c.Traps = apd.InvalidOperation
_, err := c.Quantize(&v.Decimal, &v.Decimal, -col.Type.Width)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("too many digits for type %s (column %q), ",
col.Type.SQLString(), col.Name)
return nil
// ConstraintType is used to identify the type of a constraint.
type ConstraintType string
const (
// ConstraintTypePK identifies a PRIMARY KEY constraint.
ConstraintTypePK ConstraintType = "PRIMARY KEY"
// ConstraintTypeFK identifies a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
ConstraintTypeFK ConstraintType = "FOREIGN KEY"
// ConstraintTypeUnique identifies a FOREIGN constraint.
ConstraintTypeUnique ConstraintType = "UNIQUE"
// ConstraintTypeCheck identifies a CHECK constraint.
ConstraintTypeCheck ConstraintType = "CHECK"
// ConstraintDetail describes a constraint.
type ConstraintDetail struct {
Kind ConstraintType
Columns []string
Details string
Unvalidated bool
// Only populated for FK, PK, and Unique Constraints.
Index *IndexDescriptor
// Only populated for FK Constraints.
FK *ForeignKeyReference
ReferencedTable *TableDescriptor
ReferencedIndex *IndexDescriptor
// Only populated for Check Constraints.
CheckConstraint *TableDescriptor_CheckConstraint
type tableLookupFn func(ID) (*TableDescriptor, error)
// GetConstraintInfo returns a summary of all constraints on the table.
func (desc TableDescriptor) GetConstraintInfo(
ctx context.Context, txn *client.Txn,
) (map[string]ConstraintDetail, error) {
var tableLookup tableLookupFn
if txn != nil {
tableLookup = func(id ID) (*TableDescriptor, error) {
return GetTableDescFromID(ctx, txn, id)
return desc.collectConstraintInfo(tableLookup)
// GetConstraintInfoWithLookup returns a summary of all constraints on the
// table using the provided function to fetch a TableDescriptor from an ID.
func (desc TableDescriptor) GetConstraintInfoWithLookup(
tableLookup tableLookupFn,
) (map[string]ConstraintDetail, error) {
return desc.collectConstraintInfo(tableLookup)
// CheckUniqueConstraints returns a non-nil error if a descriptor contains two
// constraints with the same name.
func (desc TableDescriptor) CheckUniqueConstraints() error {
_, err := desc.collectConstraintInfo(nil)
return err
// if `tableLookup` is non-nil, provide a full summary of constraints, otherwise just
// check that constraints have unique names.
func (desc TableDescriptor) collectConstraintInfo(
tableLookup tableLookupFn,
) (map[string]ConstraintDetail, error) {
info := make(map[string]ConstraintDetail)
// Indexes provide PK, Unique and FK constraints.
indexes := desc.AllNonDropIndexes()
for i := range indexes {
index := &indexes[i]
if index.ID == desc.PrimaryIndex.ID {
if _, ok := info[index.Name]; ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("duplicate constraint name: %q", index.Name)
colHiddenMap := make(map[ColumnID]bool, len(desc.Columns))
for i, column := range desc.Columns {
colHiddenMap[column.ID] = desc.Columns[i].Hidden
// Don't include constraints against only hidden columns.
// This prevents the auto-created rowid primary key index from showing up
// in show constraints.
hidden := true
for _, id := range index.ColumnIDs {
if !colHiddenMap[id] {
hidden = false
if hidden {
detail := ConstraintDetail{Kind: ConstraintTypePK}
if tableLookup != nil {
detail.Columns = index.ColumnNames
detail.Index = index
info[index.Name] = detail
} else if index.Unique {
if _, ok := info[index.Name]; ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("duplicate constraint name: %q", index.Name)
detail := ConstraintDetail{Kind: ConstraintTypeUnique}
if tableLookup != nil {
detail.Columns = index.ColumnNames
detail.Index = index
info[index.Name] = detail
if index.ForeignKey.IsSet() {
if _, ok := info[index.ForeignKey.Name]; ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("duplicate constraint name: %q", index.ForeignKey.Name)
detail := ConstraintDetail{Kind: ConstraintTypeFK}
detail.Unvalidated = index.ForeignKey.Validity == ConstraintValidity_Unvalidated
if tableLookup != nil {
numCols := len(index.ColumnIDs)
if index.ForeignKey.SharedPrefixLen > 0 {
numCols = int(index.ForeignKey.SharedPrefixLen)
detail.Columns = index.ColumnNames[:numCols]
detail.Index = index
other, err := tableLookup(index.ForeignKey.Table)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("error resolving table %d referenced in foreign key",
otherIdx, err := other.FindIndexByID(index.ForeignKey.Index)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("error resolving index %d in table %s referenced in foreign key",
index.ForeignKey.Index, other.Name)
detail.Details = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%v", other.Name, otherIdx.ColumnNames)
detail.FK = &index.ForeignKey
detail.ReferencedTable = other
detail.ReferencedIndex = otherIdx
info[index.ForeignKey.Name] = detail
for _, c := range desc.Checks {
if _, ok := info[c.Name]; ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("duplicate constraint name: %q", c.Name)
detail := ConstraintDetail{Kind: ConstraintTypeCheck}
detail.Unvalidated = c.Validity == ConstraintValidity_Unvalidated
if tableLookup != nil {
detail.Details = c.Expr
detail.CheckConstraint = c
info[c.Name] = detail
return info, nil
// MakePrimaryIndexKey creates a key prefix that corresponds to a table row
// (in the primary index); it is intended for tests.
// The value types must match the primary key columns (or a prefix of them);
// supported types are: - Datum
// - bool (converts to DBool)
// - int (converts to DInt)
// - string (converts to DString)
func MakePrimaryIndexKey(desc *TableDescriptor, vals ...interface{}) (roachpb.Key, error) {
index := &desc.PrimaryIndex
if len(vals) > len(index.ColumnIDs) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("got %d values, PK has %d columns", len(vals), len(index.ColumnIDs))
datums := make([]parser.Datum, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
switch v := v.(type) {
case bool:
datums[i] = parser.MakeDBool(parser.DBool(v))
case int:
datums[i] = parser.NewDInt(parser.DInt(v))
case string:
datums[i] = parser.NewDString(v)
case parser.Datum:
datums[i] = v
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected value type %T", v)
// Check that the value type matches.
colID := index.ColumnIDs[i]
for _, c := range desc.Columns {
if c.ID == colID {
if t := DatumTypeToColumnType(datums[i].ResolvedType()).Kind; t != c.Type.Kind {
return nil, errors.Errorf("column %d of type %s, got value of type %s", i, c.Type.Kind, t)
// Create the ColumnID to index in datums slice map needed by
// MakeIndexKeyPrefix.
colIDToRowIndex := make(map[ColumnID]int)
for i := range vals {
colIDToRowIndex[index.ColumnIDs[i]] = i
keyPrefix := MakeIndexKeyPrefix(desc, index.ID)
key, _, err := EncodeIndexKey(desc, index, colIDToRowIndex, datums, keyPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return roachpb.Key(key), nil
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