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rocksdb.go 49.17 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Spencer Kimball (spencer.kimball@gmail.com)
// Author: Andrew Bonventre (andybons@gmail.com)
// Author: Tobias Schottdorf (tobias.schottdorf@gmail.com)
// Author: Jiang-Ming Yang (jiangming.yang@gmail.com)
package engine
import (
// TODO(tamird): why does rocksdb not link jemalloc,snappy statically?
// #cgo CPPFLAGS: -I../../../c-deps/rocksdb.src/include
// #cgo CPPFLAGS: -I../../../c-deps/protobuf.src/src
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lprotobuf
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lrocksdb
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -ljemalloc
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lsnappy
// #cgo CXXFLAGS: -std=c++11 -Werror -Wall -Wno-sign-compare
// #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lrt -lm -lpthread
// #cgo windows LDFLAGS: -lrpcrt4
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include "db.h"
import "C"
//export rocksDBLog
func rocksDBLog(s *C.char, n C.int) {
// Note that rocksdb logging is only enabled if log.V(3) is true
// when RocksDB.Open() is called.
log.Info(context.TODO(), C.GoStringN(s, n))
//export prettyPrintKey
func prettyPrintKey(cKey C.DBKey) *C.char {
mvccKey := MVCCKey{
Key: C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(cKey.key.data), cKey.key.len),
Timestamp: hlc.Timestamp{
WallTime: int64(cKey.wall_time),
Logical: int32(cKey.logical),
return C.CString(mvccKey.String())
const (
defaultBlockSize = 32 << 10 // 32KB (rocksdb default is 4KB)
// DefaultMaxOpenFiles is the default value for rocksDB's max_open_files
// option.
DefaultMaxOpenFiles = -1
// RecommendedMaxOpenFiles is the recommended value for rocksDB's
// max_open_files option. If more file descriptors are available than the
// recommended number, than the default value is used.
RecommendedMaxOpenFiles = 10000
// MinimumMaxOpenFiles is The minimum value that rocksDB's max_open_files
// option can be set to. While this should be set as high as possible, the
// minimum total for a single store node must be under 2048 for Windows
// compatibility. See:
// https://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/266908-command-prompt-console-bash-on-ubuntu-on-windo/suggestions/17310124-add-ability-to-change-max-number-of-open-files-for
MinimumMaxOpenFiles = 1700
var useDirectWrites = envutil.EnvOrDefaultBool("COCKROACH_USE_DIRECT_WRITES", false)
// SSTableInfo contains metadata about a single RocksDB sstable. This mirrors
// the C.DBSSTable struct contents.
type SSTableInfo struct {
Level int
Size int64
Start MVCCKey
// SSTableInfos is a slice of SSTableInfo structures.
type SSTableInfos []SSTableInfo
func (s SSTableInfos) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s SSTableInfos) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s SSTableInfos) Less(i, j int) bool {
switch {
case s[i].Level < s[j].Level:
return true
case s[i].Level > s[j].Level:
return false
case s[i].Size > s[j].Size:
return true
case s[i].Size < s[j].Size:
return false
return s[i].Start.Less(s[j].Start)
func (s SSTableInfos) String() string {
const (
KB = 1 << 10
MB = 1 << 20
GB = 1 << 30
TB = 1 << 40
roundTo := func(val, to int64) int64 {
return (val + to/2) / to
// We're intentionally not using humanizeutil here as we want a slightly more
// compact representation.
humanize := func(size int64) string {
switch {
case size < MB:
return fmt.Sprintf("%dK", roundTo(size, KB))
case size < GB:
return fmt.Sprintf("%dM", roundTo(size, MB))
case size < TB:
return fmt.Sprintf("%dG", roundTo(size, GB))
return fmt.Sprintf("%dT", roundTo(size, TB))
type levelInfo struct {
size int64
count int
var levels []*levelInfo
for _, t := range s {
for i := len(levels); i <= t.Level; i++ {
levels = append(levels, &levelInfo{})
info := levels[t.Level]
info.size += t.Size
var maxSize int
var maxLevelCount int
for _, info := range levels {
size := len(humanize(info.size))
if maxSize < size {
maxSize = size
count := 1 + int(math.Log10(float64(info.count)))
if maxLevelCount < count {
maxLevelCount = count
levelFormat := fmt.Sprintf("%%d [ %%%ds %%%dd ]:", maxSize, maxLevelCount)
level := -1
var buf bytes.Buffer
var lastSize string
var lastSizeCount int
flushLastSize := func() {
if lastSizeCount > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", lastSize)
if lastSizeCount > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "[%d]", lastSizeCount)
lastSizeCount = 0
maybeFlush := func(newLevel, i int) {
if level == newLevel {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
level = newLevel
if level >= 0 {
info := levels[level]
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, levelFormat, level, humanize(info.size), info.count)
for i, t := range s {
maybeFlush(t.Level, i)
size := humanize(t.Size)
if size == lastSize {
} else {
lastSize = size
lastSizeCount = 1
maybeFlush(-1, 0)
return buf.String()
// ReadAmplification returns RocksDB's read amplification, which is the number
// of level-0 sstables plus the number of levels, other than level 0, with at
// least one sstable.
// This definition comes from here:
// https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksDB-Tuning-Guide#level-style-compaction
func (s SSTableInfos) ReadAmplification() int {
var readAmp int
seenLevel := make(map[int]bool)
for _, t := range s {
if t.Level == 0 {
} else if !seenLevel[t.Level] {
seenLevel[t.Level] = true
return readAmp
// RocksDBCache is a wrapper around C.DBCache
type RocksDBCache struct {
cache *C.DBCache
// NewRocksDBCache creates a new cache of the specified size. Note that the
// cache is refcounted internally and starts out with a refcount of one (i.e.
// Release() should be called after having used the cache).
func NewRocksDBCache(cacheSize int64) RocksDBCache {
return RocksDBCache{cache: C.DBNewCache(C.uint64_t(cacheSize))}
func (c RocksDBCache) ref() RocksDBCache {
if c.cache != nil {
c.cache = C.DBRefCache(c.cache)
return c
// Release releases the cache. Note that the cache will continue to be used
// until all of the RocksDB engines it was attached to have been closed, and
// that RocksDB engines which use it auto-release when they close.
func (c RocksDBCache) Release() {
if c.cache != nil {
// RocksDB is a wrapper around a RocksDB database instance.
type RocksDB struct {
rdb *C.DBEngine
attrs roachpb.Attributes // Attributes for this engine
dir string // The data directory
tempDir string // A path for storing temp files (ideally under dir).
cache RocksDBCache // Shared cache.
maxSize int64 // Used for calculating rebalancing and free space.
maxOpenFiles int // The maximum number of open files this instance will use.
deallocated chan struct{} // Closed when the underlying handle is deallocated.
commit struct {
cond *sync.Cond
committing bool
commitSeq uint64
pendingSeq uint64
pendingSync bool
pending []*rocksDBBatch
var _ Engine = &RocksDB{}
// NewRocksDB allocates and returns a new RocksDB object.
// This creates options and opens the database. If the database
// doesn't yet exist at the specified directory, one is initialized
// from scratch.
// The caller must call the engine's Close method when the engine is no longer
// needed.
func NewRocksDB(
attrs roachpb.Attributes, dir string, cache RocksDBCache, maxSize int64, maxOpenFiles int,
) (*RocksDB, error) {
if dir == "" {
panic("dir must be non-empty")
r := &RocksDB{
attrs: attrs,
dir: dir,
cache: cache.ref(),
maxSize: maxSize,
maxOpenFiles: maxOpenFiles,
deallocated: make(chan struct{}),
temp := filepath.Join(dir, "tmp")
if err := os.RemoveAll(temp); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := r.SetTempDir(temp); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := r.open(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
func newMemRocksDB(attrs roachpb.Attributes, cache RocksDBCache, maxSize int64) (*RocksDB, error) {
r := &RocksDB{
attrs: attrs,
// dir: empty dir == "mem" RocksDB instance.
cache: cache.ref(),
maxSize: maxSize,
deallocated: make(chan struct{}),
if err := r.SetTempDir(os.TempDir()); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := r.open(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
// String formatter.
func (r *RocksDB) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", r.attrs.Attrs, r.dir)
func (r *RocksDB) open() error {
var ver storageVersion
if len(r.dir) != 0 {
log.Infof(context.TODO(), "opening rocksdb instance at %q", r.dir)
// Check the version number.
var err error
if ver, err = getVersion(r.dir); err != nil {
return err
if ver < versionMinimum || ver > versionCurrent {
// Instead of an error, we should call a migration if possible when
// one is needed immediately following the DBOpen call.
return fmt.Errorf("incompatible rocksdb data version, current:%d, on disk:%d, minimum:%d",
versionCurrent, ver, versionMinimum)
} else {
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(context.TODO(), "opening in memory rocksdb instance")
// In memory dbs are always current.
ver = versionCurrent
blockSize := envutil.EnvOrDefaultBytes("COCKROACH_ROCKSDB_BLOCK_SIZE", defaultBlockSize)
walTTL := envutil.EnvOrDefaultDuration("COCKROACH_ROCKSDB_WAL_TTL", 0).Seconds()
status := C.DBOpen(&r.rdb, goToCSlice([]byte(r.dir)),
cache: r.cache.cache,
block_size: C.uint64_t(blockSize),
wal_ttl_seconds: C.uint64_t(walTTL),
use_direct_writes: C.bool(useDirectWrites),
logging_enabled: C.bool(log.V(3)),
num_cpu: C.int(runtime.NumCPU()),
max_open_files: C.int(r.maxOpenFiles),
if err := statusToError(status); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("could not open rocksdb instance: %s", err)
// Update or add the version file if needed.
if ver < versionCurrent {
if err := writeVersionFile(r.dir); err != nil {
return err
r.commit.cond = sync.NewCond(&r.commit.Mutex)
// Start a goroutine that will finish when the underlying handle
// is deallocated. This is used to check a leak in tests.
go func() {
return nil
// Close closes the database by deallocating the underlying handle.
func (r *RocksDB) Close() {
if r.rdb == nil {
log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "closing unopened rocksdb instance")
if len(r.dir) == 0 {
if log.V(1) {
log.Infof(context.TODO(), "closing in-memory rocksdb instance")
} else {
log.Infof(context.TODO(), "closing rocksdb instance at %q", r.dir)
if r.rdb != nil {
r.rdb = nil
// Closed returns true if the engine is closed.
func (r *RocksDB) Closed() bool {
return r.rdb == nil
// Attrs returns the list of attributes describing this engine. This
// may include a specification of disk type (e.g. hdd, ssd, fio, etc.)
// and potentially other labels to identify important attributes of
// the engine.
func (r *RocksDB) Attrs() roachpb.Attributes {
return r.attrs
// Put sets the given key to the value provided.
// The key and value byte slices may be reused safely. put takes a copy of
// them before returning.
func (r *RocksDB) Put(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
return dbPut(r.rdb, key, value)
// Merge implements the RocksDB merge operator using the function goMergeInit
// to initialize missing values and goMerge to merge the old and the given
// value into a new value, which is then stored under key.
// Currently 64-bit counter logic is implemented. See the documentation of
// goMerge and goMergeInit for details.
// The key and value byte slices may be reused safely. merge takes a copy
// of them before returning.
func (r *RocksDB) Merge(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
return dbMerge(r.rdb, key, value)
// ApplyBatchRepr atomically applies a set of batched updates. Created by
// calling Repr() on a batch. Using this method is equivalent to constructing
// and committing a batch whose Repr() equals repr.
func (r *RocksDB) ApplyBatchRepr(repr []byte, sync bool) error {
return dbApplyBatchRepr(r.rdb, repr, sync)
// Get returns the value for the given key.
func (r *RocksDB) Get(key MVCCKey) ([]byte, error) {
return dbGet(r.rdb, key)
// GetProto fetches the value at the specified key and unmarshals it.
func (r *RocksDB) GetProto(
key MVCCKey, msg proto.Message,
) (ok bool, keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
return dbGetProto(r.rdb, key, msg)
// Clear removes the item from the db with the given key.
func (r *RocksDB) Clear(key MVCCKey) error {
return dbClear(r.rdb, key)
// ClearRange removes a set of entries, from start (inclusive) to end
// (exclusive).
func (r *RocksDB) ClearRange(start, end MVCCKey) error {
return dbClearRange(r.rdb, start, end)
// ClearIterRange removes a set of entries, from start (inclusive) to end
// (exclusive).
func (r *RocksDB) ClearIterRange(iter Iterator, start, end MVCCKey) error {
return dbClearIterRange(r.rdb, iter, start, end)
// Iterate iterates from start to end keys, invoking f on each
// key/value pair. See engine.Iterate for details.
func (r *RocksDB) Iterate(start, end MVCCKey, f func(MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error)) error {
return dbIterate(r.rdb, r, start, end, f)
// Capacity queries the underlying file system for disk capacity information.
func (r *RocksDB) Capacity() (roachpb.StoreCapacity, error) {
fileSystemUsage := gosigar.FileSystemUsage{}
dir := r.dir
if dir == "" {
// This is an in-memory instance. Pretend we're empty since we
// don't know better and only use this for testing. Using any
// part of the actual file system here can throw off allocator
// rebalancing in a hard-to-trace manner. See #7050.
return roachpb.StoreCapacity{
Capacity: r.maxSize,
Available: r.maxSize,
}, nil
if err := fileSystemUsage.Get(dir); err != nil {
return roachpb.StoreCapacity{}, err
if fileSystemUsage.Total > math.MaxInt64 {
return roachpb.StoreCapacity{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported disk size %s, max supported size is %s",
humanize.IBytes(fileSystemUsage.Total), humanizeutil.IBytes(math.MaxInt64))
if fileSystemUsage.Avail > math.MaxInt64 {
return roachpb.StoreCapacity{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported disk size %s, max supported size is %s",
humanize.IBytes(fileSystemUsage.Avail), humanizeutil.IBytes(math.MaxInt64))
fsuTotal := int64(fileSystemUsage.Total)
fsuAvail := int64(fileSystemUsage.Avail)
// If no size limitation have been placed on the store size or if the
// limitation is greater than what's available, just return the actual
// totals.
if r.maxSize == 0 || r.maxSize >= fsuTotal || r.dir == "" {
return roachpb.StoreCapacity{
Capacity: fsuTotal,
Available: fsuAvail,
}, nil
// Find the total size of all the files in the r.dir and all its
// subdirectories.
var totalUsedBytes int64
if errOuter := filepath.Walk(r.dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return nil
if info.Mode().IsRegular() {
totalUsedBytes += info.Size()
return nil
}); errOuter != nil {
return roachpb.StoreCapacity{}, errOuter
available := r.maxSize - totalUsedBytes
if available > fsuAvail {
available = fsuAvail
if available < 0 {
available = 0
return roachpb.StoreCapacity{
Capacity: r.maxSize,
Available: available,
}, nil
// Compact forces compaction on the database.
func (r *RocksDB) Compact() error {
return statusToError(C.DBCompact(r.rdb))
// Destroy destroys the underlying filesystem data associated with the database.
func (r *RocksDB) Destroy() error {
return statusToError(C.DBDestroy(goToCSlice([]byte(r.dir))))
// Flush causes RocksDB to write all in-memory data to disk immediately.
func (r *RocksDB) Flush() error {
return statusToError(C.DBFlush(r.rdb))
// NewIterator returns an iterator over this rocksdb engine.
func (r *RocksDB) NewIterator(prefix bool) Iterator {
return newRocksDBIterator(r.rdb, prefix, r)
// NewSnapshot creates a snapshot handle from engine and returns a
// read-only rocksDBSnapshot engine.
func (r *RocksDB) NewSnapshot() Reader {
if r.rdb == nil {
panic("RocksDB is not initialized yet")
return &rocksDBSnapshot{
parent: r,
handle: C.DBNewSnapshot(r.rdb),
// NewBatch returns a new batch wrapping this rocksdb engine.
func (r *RocksDB) NewBatch() Batch {
return newRocksDBBatch(r, false /* writeOnly */)
// NewWriteOnlyBatch returns a new write-only batch wrapping this rocksdb
// engine.
func (r *RocksDB) NewWriteOnlyBatch() Batch {
return newRocksDBBatch(r, true /* writeOnly */)
// GetSSTables retrieves metadata about this engine's live sstables.
func (r *RocksDB) GetSSTables() SSTableInfos {
var n C.int
tables := C.DBGetSSTables(r.rdb, &n)
// We can't index into tables because it is a pointer, not a slice. The
// hackery below treats the pointer as an array and then constructs a slice
// from it.
tablesPtr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tables))
tableSize := unsafe.Sizeof(C.DBSSTable{})
tableVal := func(i int) C.DBSSTable {
return *(*C.DBSSTable)(unsafe.Pointer(tablesPtr + uintptr(i)*tableSize))
res := make(SSTableInfos, n)
for i := range res {
r := &res[i]
tv := tableVal(i)
r.Level = int(tv.level)
r.Size = int64(tv.size)
r.Start = cToGoKey(tv.start_key)
r.End = cToGoKey(tv.end_key)
if ptr := tv.start_key.key.data; ptr != nil {
if ptr := tv.end_key.key.data; ptr != nil {
return res
// getUserProperties fetches the user properties stored in each sstable's
// metadata.
func (r *RocksDB) getUserProperties() (enginepb.SSTUserPropertiesCollection, error) {
buf := cStringToGoBytes(C.DBGetUserProperties(r.rdb))
var ssts enginepb.SSTUserPropertiesCollection
if err := ssts.Unmarshal(buf); err != nil {
return enginepb.SSTUserPropertiesCollection{}, err
if ssts.Error != "" {
return enginepb.SSTUserPropertiesCollection{}, errors.New(ssts.Error)
return ssts, nil
// GetStats retrieves stats from this engine's RocksDB instance and
// returns it in a new instance of Stats.
func (r *RocksDB) GetStats() (*Stats, error) {
var s C.DBStatsResult
if err := statusToError(C.DBGetStats(r.rdb, &s)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Stats{
BlockCacheHits: int64(s.block_cache_hits),
BlockCacheMisses: int64(s.block_cache_misses),
BlockCacheUsage: int64(s.block_cache_usage),
BlockCachePinnedUsage: int64(s.block_cache_pinned_usage),
BloomFilterPrefixChecked: int64(s.bloom_filter_prefix_checked),
BloomFilterPrefixUseful: int64(s.bloom_filter_prefix_useful),
MemtableHits: int64(s.memtable_hits),
MemtableMisses: int64(s.memtable_misses),
MemtableTotalSize: int64(s.memtable_total_size),
Flushes: int64(s.flushes),
Compactions: int64(s.compactions),
TableReadersMemEstimate: int64(s.table_readers_mem_estimate),
}, nil
type rocksDBSnapshot struct {
parent *RocksDB
handle *C.DBEngine
// Close releases the snapshot handle.
func (r *rocksDBSnapshot) Close() {
r.handle = nil
// Closed returns true if the engine is closed.
func (r *rocksDBSnapshot) Closed() bool {
return r.handle == nil
// Get returns the value for the given key, nil otherwise using
// the snapshot handle.
func (r *rocksDBSnapshot) Get(key MVCCKey) ([]byte, error) {
return dbGet(r.handle, key)
func (r *rocksDBSnapshot) GetProto(
key MVCCKey, msg proto.Message,
) (ok bool, keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
return dbGetProto(r.handle, key, msg)
// Iterate iterates over the keys between start inclusive and end
// exclusive, invoking f() on each key/value pair using the snapshot
// handle.
func (r *rocksDBSnapshot) Iterate(start, end MVCCKey, f func(MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error)) error {
return dbIterate(r.handle, r, start, end, f)
// NewIterator returns a new instance of an Iterator over the
// engine using the snapshot handle.
func (r *rocksDBSnapshot) NewIterator(prefix bool) Iterator {
return newRocksDBIterator(r.handle, prefix, r)
// reusableIterator wraps rocksDBIterator and allows reuse of an iterator
// for the lifetime of a batch.
type reusableIterator struct {
inuse bool
func (r *reusableIterator) Close() {
// reusableIterator.Close() leaves the underlying rocksdb iterator open until
// the associated batch is closed.
if !r.inuse {
panic("closing idle iterator")
r.inuse = false
type distinctBatch struct {
prefixIter reusableIterator
normalIter reusableIterator
func (r *distinctBatch) Close() {
if !r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch not open")
r.distinctOpen = false
// NewIterator returns an iterator over the batch and underlying engine. Note
// that the returned iterator is cached and re-used for the lifetime of the
// batch. A panic will be thrown if multiple prefix or normal (non-prefix)
// iterators are used simultaneously on the same batch.
func (r *distinctBatch) NewIterator(prefix bool) Iterator {
// Used the cached iterator, creating it on first access.
iter := &r.normalIter
if prefix {
iter = &r.prefixIter
if iter.rocksDBIterator.iter == nil {
if r.writeOnly {
iter.rocksDBIterator.init(r.parent.rdb, prefix, r)
} else {
iter.rocksDBIterator.init(r.batch, prefix, r)
if iter.inuse {
panic("iterator already in use")
iter.inuse = true
return iter
func (r *distinctBatch) Get(key MVCCKey) ([]byte, error) {
if r.writeOnly {
return dbGet(r.parent.rdb, key)
return dbGet(r.batch, key)
func (r *distinctBatch) GetProto(
key MVCCKey, msg proto.Message,
) (ok bool, keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
if r.writeOnly {
return dbGetProto(r.parent.rdb, key, msg)
return dbGetProto(r.batch, key, msg)
func (r *distinctBatch) Iterate(start, end MVCCKey, f func(MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error)) error {
return dbIterate(r.batch, r, start, end, f)
func (r *distinctBatch) Put(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
r.builder.Put(key, value)
return nil
func (r *distinctBatch) Merge(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
r.builder.Merge(key, value)
return nil
func (r *distinctBatch) Clear(key MVCCKey) error {
return nil
func (r *distinctBatch) ClearRange(start, end MVCCKey) error {
if !r.writeOnly {
panic("readable batch")
r.flushes++ // make sure that Repr() doesn't take a shortcut
return dbClearRange(r.batch, start, end)
func (r *distinctBatch) ClearIterRange(iter Iterator, start, end MVCCKey) error {
r.flushes++ // make sure that Repr() doesn't take a shortcut
return dbClearIterRange(r.batch, iter, start, end)
func (r *distinctBatch) close() {
if i := &r.prefixIter.rocksDBIterator; i.iter != nil {
if i := &r.normalIter.rocksDBIterator; i.iter != nil {
// rocksDBBatchIterator wraps rocksDBIterator and allows reuse of an iterator
// for the lifetime of a batch.
type rocksDBBatchIterator struct {
iter rocksDBIterator
batch *rocksDBBatch
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Close() {
// rocksDBBatchIterator.Close() leaves the underlying rocksdb iterator open
// until the associated batch is closed.
if r.batch == nil {
panic("closing idle iterator")
r.batch = nil
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Seek(key MVCCKey) {
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) SeekReverse(key MVCCKey) {
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Valid() (bool, error) {
return r.iter.Valid()
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Next() {
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Prev() {
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) NextKey() {
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) PrevKey() {
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) ComputeStats(
start, end MVCCKey, nowNanos int64,
) (enginepb.MVCCStats, error) {
return r.iter.ComputeStats(start, end, nowNanos)
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Key() MVCCKey {
return r.iter.Key()
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Value() []byte {
return r.iter.Value()
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) ValueProto(msg proto.Message) error {
return r.iter.ValueProto(msg)
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) UnsafeKey() MVCCKey {
return r.iter.UnsafeKey()
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) UnsafeValue() []byte {
return r.iter.UnsafeValue()
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) Less(key MVCCKey) bool {
return r.iter.Less(key)
func (r *rocksDBBatchIterator) getIter() *C.DBIterator {
return r.iter.iter
type rocksDBBatch struct {
parent *RocksDB
batch *C.DBEngine
flushes int
flushedCount int
flushedSize int
prefixIter rocksDBBatchIterator
normalIter rocksDBBatchIterator
builder RocksDBBatchBuilder
distinct distinctBatch
distinctOpen bool
distinctNeedsFlush bool
writeOnly bool
commitErr error
func newRocksDBBatch(parent *RocksDB, writeOnly bool) *rocksDBBatch {
r := &rocksDBBatch{
parent: parent,
batch: C.DBNewBatch(parent.rdb, C.bool(writeOnly)),
writeOnly: writeOnly,
r.distinct.rocksDBBatch = r
return r
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Close() {
if i := &r.prefixIter.iter; i.iter != nil {
if i := &r.normalIter.iter; i.iter != nil {
if r.batch != nil {
r.batch = nil
// Closed returns true if the engine is closed.
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Closed() bool {
return r.batch == nil
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Put(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
r.distinctNeedsFlush = true
r.builder.Put(key, value)
return nil
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Merge(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
r.distinctNeedsFlush = true
r.builder.Merge(key, value)
return nil
// ApplyBatchRepr atomically applies a set of batched updates to the current
// batch (the receiver).
func (r *rocksDBBatch) ApplyBatchRepr(repr []byte, sync bool) error {
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
r.flushes++ // make sure that Repr() doesn't take a shortcut
return dbApplyBatchRepr(r.batch, repr, sync)
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Get(key MVCCKey) ([]byte, error) {
if r.writeOnly {
panic("write-only batch")
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
return dbGet(r.batch, key)
func (r *rocksDBBatch) GetProto(
key MVCCKey, msg proto.Message,
) (ok bool, keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
if r.writeOnly {
panic("write-only batch")
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
return dbGetProto(r.batch, key, msg)
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Iterate(start, end MVCCKey, f func(MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error)) error {
if r.writeOnly {
panic("write-only batch")
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
return dbIterate(r.batch, r, start, end, f)
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Clear(key MVCCKey) error {
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
r.distinctNeedsFlush = true
return nil
func (r *rocksDBBatch) ClearRange(start, end MVCCKey) error {
if !r.writeOnly {
panic("readable batch")
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
r.flushes++ // make sure that Repr() doesn't take a shortcut
return dbClearRange(r.batch, start, end)
func (r *rocksDBBatch) ClearIterRange(iter Iterator, start, end MVCCKey) error {
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
r.flushes++ // make sure that Repr() doesn't take a shortcut
return dbClearIterRange(r.batch, iter, start, end)
// NewIterator returns an iterator over the batch and underlying engine. Note
// that the returned iterator is cached and re-used for the lifetime of the
// batch. A panic will be thrown if multiple prefix or normal (non-prefix)
// iterators are used simultaneously on the same batch.
func (r *rocksDBBatch) NewIterator(prefix bool) Iterator {
if r.writeOnly {
panic("write-only batch")
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch open")
// Used the cached iterator, creating it on first access.
iter := &r.normalIter
if prefix {
iter = &r.prefixIter
if iter.iter.iter == nil {
iter.iter.init(r.batch, prefix, r)
if iter.batch != nil {
panic("iterator already in use")
iter.batch = r
return iter
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Commit(syncCommit bool) error {
if r.Closed() {
panic("this batch was already committed")
r.distinctOpen = false
// Combine multiple write-only batch commits into a single call to
// RocksDB. RocksDB is supposed to be performing such batching internally,
// but whether Cgo or something else, it isn't achieving the same degree of
// batching. Instrumentation shows that internally RocksDB almost never
// batches commits together. While the batching below often can batch 20 or
// 30 concurrent commits.
if r.writeOnly {
// The leader for the commit is the first batch to be added to the pending
// slice. Each commit has an associated sequence number. For a given
// sequence number, there can be only a single leader.
c := &r.parent.commit
leader := len(c.pending) == 0
// Perform a sync if any of the commits require a sync.
c.pendingSync = c.pendingSync || syncCommit
c.pending = append(c.pending, r)
seq := c.pendingSeq
if leader {
// We're the leader. Wait for any running commit to finish.
for c.committing {
if seq != c.pendingSeq {
log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "expected commit sequence %d, but found %d", seq, c.pendingSeq)
pending := c.pending
syncCommit = c.pendingSync
c.pending = nil
c.pendingSync = false
c.committing = true
// Bundle all of the batches together.
var err error
for _, b := range pending[1:] {
if err = r.ApplyBatchRepr(b.Repr(), false /* sync */); err != nil {
if err == nil {
err = r.commitInternal(syncCommit)
// Propagate the error to all of the batches involved in the commit.
for _, b := range pending {
b.commitErr = err
c.committing = false
c.commitSeq = seq
} else {
// We're a follower. Wait for the commit to finish.
for c.commitSeq < seq {
return r.commitErr
return r.commitInternal(syncCommit)
func (r *rocksDBBatch) commitInternal(sync bool) error {
start := timeutil.Now()
var count, size int
if r.flushes > 0 {
// We've previously flushed mutations to the C++ batch, so we have to flush
// any remaining mutations as well and then commit the batch.
if err := statusToError(C.DBCommitAndCloseBatch(r.batch, C.bool(sync))); err != nil {
return err
r.batch = nil
count, size = r.flushedCount, r.flushedSize
} else if r.builder.count > 0 {
count, size = r.builder.count, len(r.builder.repr)
// Fast-path which avoids flushing mutations to the C++ batch. Instead, we
// directly apply the mutations to the database.
if err := r.parent.ApplyBatchRepr(r.builder.Finish(), sync); err != nil {
return err
r.batch = nil
const batchCommitWarnThreshold = 500 * time.Millisecond
if elapsed := timeutil.Since(start); elapsed >= batchCommitWarnThreshold {
log.Warningf(context.TODO(), "batch [%d/%d/%d] commit took %s (>%s):\n%s",
count, size, r.flushes, elapsed, batchCommitWarnThreshold, debug.Stack())
return nil
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Repr() []byte {
if r.flushes == 0 {
// We've never flushed to C++. Return the mutations only.
return r.builder.getRepr()
return cSliceToGoBytes(C.DBBatchRepr(r.batch))
func (r *rocksDBBatch) Distinct() ReadWriter {
if r.distinctNeedsFlush {
if r.distinctOpen {
panic("distinct batch already open")
r.distinctOpen = true
return &r.distinct
func (r *rocksDBBatch) flushMutations() {
if r.builder.count == 0 {
r.distinctNeedsFlush = false
r.flushedCount += r.builder.count
r.flushedSize += len(r.builder.repr)
if err := r.ApplyBatchRepr(r.builder.Finish(), false); err != nil {
// Force a seek of the underlying iterator on the next Seek/ReverseSeek.
r.prefixIter.iter.reseek = true
r.normalIter.iter.reseek = true
type dbIteratorGetter interface {
getIter() *C.DBIterator
type rocksDBIterator struct {
engine Reader
iter *C.DBIterator
valid bool
reseek bool
err error
key C.DBKey
value C.DBSlice
// TODO(peter): Is this pool useful now that rocksDBBatch.NewIterator doesn't
// allocate by returning internal pointers?
var iterPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &rocksDBIterator{}
// newRocksDBIterator returns a new iterator over the supplied RocksDB
// instance. If snapshotHandle is not nil, uses the indicated snapshot.
// The caller must call rocksDBIterator.Close() when finished with the
// iterator to free up resources.
func newRocksDBIterator(rdb *C.DBEngine, prefix bool, engine Reader) Iterator {
// In order to prevent content displacement, caching is disabled
// when performing scans. Any options set within the shared read
// options field that should be carried over needs to be set here
// as well.
r := iterPool.Get().(*rocksDBIterator)
r.init(rdb, prefix, engine)
return r
func (r *rocksDBIterator) getIter() *C.DBIterator {
return r.iter
func (r *rocksDBIterator) init(rdb *C.DBEngine, prefix bool, engine Reader) {
r.iter = C.DBNewIter(rdb, C.bool(prefix))
if r.iter == nil {
panic("unable to create iterator")
r.engine = engine
func (r *rocksDBIterator) checkEngineOpen() {
if r.engine.Closed() {
panic("iterator used after backing engine closed")
func (r *rocksDBIterator) destroy() {
*r = rocksDBIterator{}
// The following methods implement the Iterator interface.
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Close() {
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Seek(key MVCCKey) {
if len(key.Key) == 0 {
// start=Key("") needs special treatment since we need
// to access start[0] in an explicit seek.
} else {
// We can avoid seeking if we're already at the key we seek.
if r.valid && !r.reseek && key.Equal(r.UnsafeKey()) {
r.setState(C.DBIterSeek(r.iter, goToCKey(key)))
func (r *rocksDBIterator) SeekReverse(key MVCCKey) {
if len(key.Key) == 0 {
} else {
// We can avoid seeking if we're already at the key we seek.
if r.valid && !r.reseek && key.Equal(r.UnsafeKey()) {
r.setState(C.DBIterSeek(r.iter, goToCKey(key)))
// Maybe the key sorts after the last key in RocksDB.
if ok, _ := r.Valid(); !ok {
if ok, _ := r.Valid(); !ok {
// Make sure the current key is <= the provided key.
if key.Less(r.UnsafeKey()) {
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Valid() (bool, error) {
return r.valid, r.err
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Next() {
r.setState(C.DBIterNext(r.iter, false /* !skip_current_key_versions */))
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Prev() {
r.setState(C.DBIterPrev(r.iter, false /* !skip_current_key_versions */))
func (r *rocksDBIterator) NextKey() {
r.setState(C.DBIterNext(r.iter, true /* skip_current_key_versions */))
func (r *rocksDBIterator) PrevKey() {
r.setState(C.DBIterPrev(r.iter, true /* skip_current_key_versions */))
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Key() MVCCKey {
// The data returned by rocksdb_iter_{key,value} is not meant to be
// freed by the client. It is a direct reference to the data managed
// by the iterator, so it is copied instead of freed.
return cToGoKey(r.key)
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Value() []byte {
return cSliceToGoBytes(r.value)
func (r *rocksDBIterator) ValueProto(msg proto.Message) error {
if r.value.len <= 0 {
return nil
return proto.Unmarshal(r.UnsafeValue(), msg)
func (r *rocksDBIterator) UnsafeKey() MVCCKey {
return cToUnsafeGoKey(r.key)
func (r *rocksDBIterator) UnsafeValue() []byte {
return cSliceToUnsafeGoBytes(r.value)
func (r *rocksDBIterator) Less(key MVCCKey) bool {
return r.UnsafeKey().Less(key)
func (r *rocksDBIterator) setState(state C.DBIterState) {
r.valid = bool(state.valid)
r.reseek = false
r.key = state.key
r.value = state.value
r.err = statusToError(state.status)
func (r *rocksDBIterator) ComputeStats(
start, end MVCCKey, nowNanos int64,
) (enginepb.MVCCStats, error) {
result := C.MVCCComputeStats(r.iter, goToCKey(start), goToCKey(end), C.int64_t(nowNanos))
return cStatsToGoStats(result, nowNanos)
func cStatsToGoStats(stats C.MVCCStatsResult, nowNanos int64) (enginepb.MVCCStats, error) {
ms := enginepb.MVCCStats{}
if err := statusToError(stats.status); err != nil {
return ms, err
ms.ContainsEstimates = false
ms.LiveBytes = int64(stats.live_bytes)
ms.KeyBytes = int64(stats.key_bytes)
ms.ValBytes = int64(stats.val_bytes)
ms.IntentBytes = int64(stats.intent_bytes)
ms.LiveCount = int64(stats.live_count)
ms.KeyCount = int64(stats.key_count)
ms.ValCount = int64(stats.val_count)
ms.IntentCount = int64(stats.intent_count)
ms.IntentAge = int64(stats.intent_age)
ms.GCBytesAge = int64(stats.gc_bytes_age)
ms.SysBytes = int64(stats.sys_bytes)
ms.SysCount = int64(stats.sys_count)
ms.LastUpdateNanos = nowNanos
return ms, nil
// goToCSlice converts a go byte slice to a DBSlice. Note that this is
// potentially dangerous as the DBSlice holds a reference to the go
// byte slice memory that the Go GC does not know about. This method
// is only intended for use in converting arguments to C
// functions. The C function must copy any data that it wishes to
// retain once the function returns.
func goToCSlice(b []byte) C.DBSlice {
if len(b) == 0 {
return C.DBSlice{data: nil, len: 0}
return C.DBSlice{
data: (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])),
len: C.int(len(b)),
func goToCKey(key MVCCKey) C.DBKey {
return C.DBKey{
key: goToCSlice(key.Key),
wall_time: C.int64_t(key.Timestamp.WallTime),
logical: C.int32_t(key.Timestamp.Logical),
func cToGoKey(key C.DBKey) MVCCKey {
// When converting a C.DBKey to an MVCCKey, give the underlying slice an
// extra byte of capacity in anticipation of roachpb.Key.Next() being
// called. The extra byte is trivial extra space, but allows callers to avoid
// an allocation and copy when calling roachpb.Key.Next(). Note that it is
// important that the extra byte contain the value 0 in order for the
// roachpb.Key.Next() fast-path to be invoked. This is true for the code
// below because make() zero initializes all of the bytes.
unsafeKey := cSliceToUnsafeGoBytes(key.key)
safeKey := make([]byte, len(unsafeKey), len(unsafeKey)+1)
copy(safeKey, unsafeKey)
return MVCCKey{
Key: safeKey,
Timestamp: hlc.Timestamp{
WallTime: int64(key.wall_time),
Logical: int32(key.logical),
func cToUnsafeGoKey(key C.DBKey) MVCCKey {
return MVCCKey{
Key: cSliceToUnsafeGoBytes(key.key),
Timestamp: hlc.Timestamp{
WallTime: int64(key.wall_time),
Logical: int32(key.logical),
func cStringToGoString(s C.DBString) string {
if s.data == nil {
return ""
result := C.GoStringN(s.data, s.len)
return result
func cStringToGoBytes(s C.DBString) []byte {
if s.data == nil {
return nil
result := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(s.data), s.len)
return result
func cSliceToGoBytes(s C.DBSlice) []byte {
if s.data == nil {
return nil
return C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(s.data), s.len)
func cSliceToUnsafeGoBytes(s C.DBSlice) []byte {
if s.data == nil {
return nil
// Interpret the C pointer as a pointer to a Go array, then slice.
return (*[maxArrayLen]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(s.data))[:s.len:s.len]
func statusToError(s C.DBStatus) error {
if s.data == nil {
return nil
return errors.New(cStringToGoString(s))
// goMerge takes existing and update byte slices that are expected to
// be marshalled roachpb.Values and merges the two values returning a
// marshalled roachpb.Value or an error.
func goMerge(existing, update []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var result C.DBString
status := C.DBMergeOne(goToCSlice(existing), goToCSlice(update), &result)
if status.data != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("%s: existing=%q, update=%q",
cStringToGoString(status), existing, update)
return cStringToGoBytes(result), nil
func emptyKeyError() error {
return errors.Errorf("attempted access to empty key")
func dbPut(rdb *C.DBEngine, key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
if len(key.Key) == 0 {
return emptyKeyError()
// *Put, *Get, and *Delete call memcpy() (by way of MemTable::Add)
// when called, so we do not need to worry about these byte slices
// being reclaimed by the GC.
return statusToError(C.DBPut(rdb, goToCKey(key), goToCSlice(value)))
func dbMerge(rdb *C.DBEngine, key MVCCKey, value []byte) error {
if len(key.Key) == 0 {
return emptyKeyError()
// DBMerge calls memcpy() (by way of MemTable::Add)
// when called, so we do not need to worry about these byte slices being
// reclaimed by the GC.
return statusToError(C.DBMerge(rdb, goToCKey(key), goToCSlice(value)))
func dbApplyBatchRepr(rdb *C.DBEngine, repr []byte, sync bool) error {
return statusToError(C.DBApplyBatchRepr(rdb, goToCSlice(repr), C.bool(sync)))
// dbGet returns the value for the given key.
func dbGet(rdb *C.DBEngine, key MVCCKey) ([]byte, error) {
if len(key.Key) == 0 {
return nil, emptyKeyError()
var result C.DBString
err := statusToError(C.DBGet(rdb, goToCKey(key), &result))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cStringToGoBytes(result), nil
func dbGetProto(
rdb *C.DBEngine, key MVCCKey, msg proto.Message,
) (ok bool, keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
if len(key.Key) == 0 {
err = emptyKeyError()
var result C.DBString
if err = statusToError(C.DBGet(rdb, goToCKey(key), &result)); err != nil {
if result.len <= 0 {
ok = true
if msg != nil {
// Make a byte slice that is backed by result.data. This slice
// cannot live past the lifetime of this method, but we're only
// using it to unmarshal the roachpb.
data := cSliceToUnsafeGoBytes(C.DBSlice(result))
err = proto.Unmarshal(data, msg)
keyBytes = int64(key.EncodedSize())
valBytes = int64(result.len)
func dbClear(rdb *C.DBEngine, key MVCCKey) error {
if len(key.Key) == 0 {
return emptyKeyError()
return statusToError(C.DBDelete(rdb, goToCKey(key)))
func dbClearRange(rdb *C.DBEngine, start, end MVCCKey) error {
return statusToError(C.DBDeleteRange(rdb, goToCKey(start), goToCKey(end)))
func dbClearIterRange(rdb *C.DBEngine, iter Iterator, start, end MVCCKey) error {
getter, ok := iter.(dbIteratorGetter)
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("%T is not a RocksDB iterator", iter)
return statusToError(C.DBDeleteIterRange(rdb, getter.getIter(), goToCKey(start), goToCKey(end)))
func dbIterate(
rdb *C.DBEngine, engine Reader, start, end MVCCKey, f func(MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error),
) error {
if !start.Less(end) {
return nil
it := newRocksDBIterator(rdb, false, engine)
defer it.Close()
for ; ; it.Next() {
if ok, err := it.Valid(); err != nil {
return err
} else if !ok {
k := it.Key()
if !k.Less(end) {
if done, err := f(MVCCKeyValue{Key: k, Value: it.Value()}); done || err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TODO(dan): Rename this to RocksDBSSTFileReader and RocksDBSSTFileWriter.
// RocksDBSstFileReader allows iteration over a number of non-overlapping
// sstables exported by `RocksDBSstFileWriter`.
type RocksDBSstFileReader struct {
// TODO(dan): This currently works by creating a RocksDB instance in a
// temporary directory that's cleaned up on `Close`. It doesn't appear that
// we can use an in-memory RocksDB with this, because AddFile doesn't then
// work with files on disk. This should also work with overlapping files.
rocksDB *RocksDB
// MakeRocksDBSstFileReader creates a RocksDBSstFileReader that uses a scratch
// directory which is cleaned up by `Close`.
func MakeRocksDBSstFileReader(tempdir string) (RocksDBSstFileReader, error) {
// TODO(dan): I pulled all these magic numbers out of nowhere. Make them
// less magic.
cache := NewRocksDBCache(1 << 20)
rocksDB, err := NewRocksDB(roachpb.Attributes{}, tempdir, cache, 512<<20, DefaultMaxOpenFiles)
if err != nil {
return RocksDBSstFileReader{}, err
return RocksDBSstFileReader{rocksDB}, nil
// AddFile links the file at the given path into a database. See the RocksDB
// documentation on `AddFile` for the various restrictions on what can be added.
func (fr *RocksDBSstFileReader) AddFile(path string) error {
if fr.rocksDB == nil {
return errors.New("cannot call AddFile on a closed reader")
return statusToError(C.DBEngineAddFile(fr.rocksDB.rdb, goToCSlice([]byte(path))))
// Iterate iterates over the keys between start inclusive and end
// exclusive, invoking f() on each key/value pair.
func (fr *RocksDBSstFileReader) Iterate(
start, end MVCCKey, f func(MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error),
) error {
if fr.rocksDB == nil {
return errors.New("cannot call Iterate on a closed reader")
return fr.rocksDB.Iterate(start, end, f)
// NewIterator returns an iterator over this sst reader.
func (fr *RocksDBSstFileReader) NewIterator(prefix bool) Iterator {
return newRocksDBIterator(fr.rocksDB.rdb, prefix, fr.rocksDB)
// Close finishes the reader.
func (fr *RocksDBSstFileReader) Close() {
if fr.rocksDB == nil {
fr.rocksDB = nil
// RocksDBSstFileWriter creates a file suitable for importing with
// RocksDBSstFileReader.
type RocksDBSstFileWriter struct {
fw *C.DBSstFileWriter
// DataSize tracks the total key and value bytes added so far.
DataSize int64
// MakeRocksDBSstFileWriter creates a new RocksDBSstFileWriter with the default
// configuration.
func MakeRocksDBSstFileWriter() RocksDBSstFileWriter {
return RocksDBSstFileWriter{C.DBSstFileWriterNew(), 0}
// Open creates a file at the given path for output of an sstable.
func (fw *RocksDBSstFileWriter) Open(path string) error {
if fw == nil {
return errors.New("cannot call Open on a closed writer")
return statusToError(C.DBSstFileWriterOpen(fw.fw, goToCSlice([]byte(path))))
// Add puts a kv entry into the sstable being built. An error is returned if it
// is not greater than any previously added entry (according to the comparator
// configured during writer creation). `Open` must have been called. `Close`
// cannot have been called.
func (fw *RocksDBSstFileWriter) Add(kv MVCCKeyValue) error {
if fw == nil {
return errors.New("cannot call Open on a closed writer")
fw.DataSize += int64(len(kv.Key.Key)) + int64(len(kv.Value))
return statusToError(C.DBSstFileWriterAdd(fw.fw, goToCKey(kv.Key), goToCSlice(kv.Value)))
// Close finishes the writer, flushing any remaining writes to disk. At least
// one kv entry must have been added. Close is idempotent.
func (fw *RocksDBSstFileWriter) Close() error {
if fw.fw == nil {
return nil
err := statusToError(C.DBSstFileWriterClose(fw.fw))
fw.fw = nil
return err
// RunLDB runs RocksDB's ldb command-line tool. The passed
// command-line arguments should not include argv[0].
func RunLDB(args []string) {
// Prepend "ldb" as argv[0].
args = append([]string{"ldb"}, args...)
argv := make([]*C.char, len(args))
for i := range args {
argv[i] = C.CString(args[i])
defer func() {
for i := range argv {
C.DBRunLDB(C.int(len(argv)), &argv[0])
// GetTempDir returns a temp path (usually under the store directory).
func (r *RocksDB) GetTempDir() string {
return r.tempDir
// SetTempDir allows overriding the tempdir returned by GetTempDir.
func (r *RocksDB) SetTempDir(d string) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(d, 0755); err != nil {
return err
r.tempDir = d
return nil
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