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union.go 9.54 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Dan Harrison (daniel.harrison@gmail.com)
package sql
import (
// UnionClause constructs a planNode from a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT expression.
func (p *planner) UnionClause(
ctx context.Context, n *parser.UnionClause, desiredTypes []parser.Type,
) (planNode, error) {
var emitAll = false
var emit unionNodeEmit
switch n.Type {
case parser.UnionOp:
if n.All {
emitAll = true
} else {
emit = make(unionNodeEmitDistinct)
case parser.IntersectOp:
if n.All {
emit = make(intersectNodeEmitAll)
} else {
emit = make(intersectNodeEmitDistinct)
case parser.ExceptOp:
if n.All {
emit = make(exceptNodeEmitAll)
} else {
emit = make(exceptNodeEmitDistinct)
return nil, errors.Errorf("%v is not supported", n.Type)
left, err := p.newPlan(ctx, n.Left, desiredTypes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
right, err := p.newPlan(ctx, n.Right, desiredTypes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
leftColumns := left.Columns()
rightColumns := right.Columns()
if len(leftColumns) != len(rightColumns) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("each %v query must have the same number of columns: %d vs %d", n.Type, len(left.Columns()), len(right.Columns()))
for i := 0; i < len(leftColumns); i++ {
l := leftColumns[i]
r := rightColumns[i]
// TODO(dan): This currently checks whether the types are exactly the same,
// but Postgres is more lenient:
// http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/typeconv-union-case.html.
if !l.Typ.Equivalent(r.Typ) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v types %s and %s cannot be matched", n.Type, l.Typ, r.Typ)
if l.Hidden != r.Hidden {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v types cannot be matched", n.Type)
node := &unionNode{
right: right,
left: left,
emitAll: emitAll,
emit: emit,
scratch: make([]byte, 0),
columns: left.Columns(),
return node, nil
// unionNode is a planNode whose rows are the result of one of three set
// operations (UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT) on left and right. There are two
// variations of each set operation: distinct, which always returns unique
// results, and all, which does no uniqueing.
// Ordering of rows is expected to be handled externally to unionNode.
// TODO(dan): In the long run, this is insufficient. If we know both left and
// right are ordered the same way, we can do the set logic without the map
// state. Additionally, if the unionNode has an ordering then we can hint it
// down to left and right and force the condition for this first optimization.
// All six of the operations can be completed without cacheing rows by iterating
// one side then the other and keeping counts of unique rows in a map. Because
// EXCEPT needs to iterate the right side first, and the other two don't care,
// we always read right before left.
// The emit logic for each op is represented by implementors of the
// unionNodeEmit interface. The emitRight method is called for each row output
// by the right side and passed a hashable representation of the row. If it
// returns true, the row is emitted. After all right rows are examined, then
// each left row is passed to emitLeft in the same way.
// An example: intersectNodeEmitAll
// VALUES (1), (1), (1), (2), (2) INTERSECT ALL VALUES (1), (3), (1)
// ----
// 1
// 1
// There are three 1s on the left and two 1s on the right, so we emit 1, 1.
// Nothing else is in both.
// emitRight: For each row, increment the map entry.
// emitLeft: For each row, if the row is not present in the map, it was not in
// both, don't emit. Otherwise, if the count for the row was > 0, emit and
// decrement the entry. Otherwise, the row was on the right, but we've
// already emitted as many as were on the right, don't emit.
type unionNode struct {
right, left planNode
emitAll bool // emitAll is a performance optimization for UNION ALL.
emit unionNodeEmit
scratch []byte
explain explainMode
debugVals debugValues
columns sqlbase.ResultColumns
rightDone bool
func (n *unionNode) Columns() sqlbase.ResultColumns { return n.columns }
func (n *unionNode) Ordering() orderingInfo { return orderingInfo{} }
func (n *unionNode) Spans(ctx context.Context) (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error) {
leftReads, leftWrites, err := n.left.Spans(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rightReads, rightWrites, err := n.right.Spans(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return append(leftReads, rightReads...), append(leftWrites, rightWrites...), nil
func (n *unionNode) Values() parser.Datums {
if !n.rightDone {
return n.right.Values()
return n.left.Values()
func (n *unionNode) MarkDebug(mode explainMode) {
if mode != explainDebug {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown debug mode %d", mode))
n.explain = mode
func (n *unionNode) DebugValues() debugValues {
return n.debugVals
func (n *unionNode) readRight(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
next, err := n.right.Next(ctx)
for ; next; next, err = n.right.Next(ctx) {
if n.explain == explainDebug {
n.debugVals = n.right.DebugValues()
if n.debugVals.output != debugValueRow {
// Pass through any non-row debug info.
return true, nil
if n.emitAll {
return true, nil
n.scratch = n.scratch[:0]
if n.scratch, err = sqlbase.EncodeDatums(n.scratch, n.right.Values()); err != nil {
return false, err
// TODO(dan): Sending the entire encodeDTuple to be stored in the map would
// use a lot of memory for big rows or big resultsets. Consider using a hash
// of the bytes instead.
if n.emit.emitRight(n.scratch) {
return true, nil
if n.explain == explainDebug {
// Mark the row as filtered out.
n.debugVals.output = debugValueFiltered
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return false, err
n.rightDone = true
return n.readLeft(ctx)
func (n *unionNode) readLeft(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
next, err := n.left.Next(ctx)
for ; next; next, err = n.left.Next(ctx) {
if n.explain == explainDebug {
n.debugVals = n.left.DebugValues()
if n.debugVals.output != debugValueRow {
// Pass through any non-row debug info.
return true, nil
if n.emitAll {
return true, nil
n.scratch = n.scratch[:0]
if n.scratch, err = sqlbase.EncodeDatums(n.scratch, n.left.Values()); err != nil {
return false, err
if n.emit.emitLeft(n.scratch) {
return true, nil
if n.explain == explainDebug {
// Mark the row as filtered out.
n.debugVals.output = debugValueFiltered
return true, nil
return false, err
func (n *unionNode) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := n.right.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return n.left.Start(ctx)
func (n *unionNode) Next(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
if !n.rightDone {
return n.readRight(ctx)
return n.readLeft(ctx)
func (n *unionNode) Close(ctx context.Context) {
if !n.rightDone {
// unionNodeEmit represents the emitter logic for one of the six combinations of
// UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT and ALL/DISTINCT. As right and then left are iterated,
// state is kept and used to compute the set operation as well as distinctness.
type unionNodeEmit interface {
emitRight([]byte) bool
emitLeft([]byte) bool
type unionNodeEmitDistinct map[string]int
type intersectNodeEmitAll map[string]int
type intersectNodeEmitDistinct map[string]int
type exceptNodeEmitAll map[string]int
type exceptNodeEmitDistinct map[string]int
// NB: the compiler optimizes out the string allocation in
// `myMap[string(myBytes)]`. See:
// https://github.com/golang/go/commit/f5f5a8b6209f84961687d993b93ea0d397f5d5bf
func (e unionNodeEmitDistinct) emitRight(b []byte) bool {
_, ok := e[string(b)]
e[string(b)] = 1
return !ok
func (e unionNodeEmitDistinct) emitLeft(b []byte) bool {
_, ok := e[string(b)]
e[string(b)] = 1
return !ok
func (e intersectNodeEmitAll) emitRight(b []byte) bool {
return false
func (e intersectNodeEmitAll) emitLeft(b []byte) bool {
if v, ok := e[string(b)]; ok && v > 0 {
return true
return false
func (e intersectNodeEmitDistinct) emitRight(b []byte) bool {
return false
func (e intersectNodeEmitDistinct) emitLeft(b []byte) bool {
if v, ok := e[string(b)]; ok && v > 0 {
e[string(b)] = 0
return true
return false
func (e exceptNodeEmitAll) emitRight(b []byte) bool {
return false
func (e exceptNodeEmitAll) emitLeft(b []byte) bool {
if v, ok := e[string(b)]; ok && v > 0 {
return false
return true
func (e exceptNodeEmitDistinct) emitRight(b []byte) bool {
return false
func (e exceptNodeEmitDistinct) emitLeft(b []byte) bool {
if _, ok := e[string(b)]; !ok {
e[string(b)] = 0
return true
return false
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