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engine.go 12.71 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Andrew Bonventre (andybons@gmail.com)
// Author: Spencer Kimball (spencer.kimball@gmail.com)
// Author: Jiang-Ming Yang (jiangming.yang@gmail.com)
package engine
import (
// Iterator is an interface for iterating over key/value pairs in an
// engine. Iterator implementations are thread safe unless otherwise
// noted.
type Iterator interface {
// Close frees up resources held by the iterator.
// Seek advances the iterator to the first key in the engine which
// is >= the provided key.
Seek(key MVCCKey)
// SeekReverse advances the iterator to the first key in the engine which
// is <= the provided key.
SeekReverse(key MVCCKey)
// Valid must be called after any call to Seek(), Next(), Prev(), or
// similar methods. It returns (true, nil) if the iterator points to
// a valid key (it is undefined to call Key(), Value(), or similar
// methods unless Valid() has returned (true, nil)). It returns
// (false, nil) if the iterator has moved past the end of the valid
// range, or (false, err) if an error has occurred. Valid() will
// never return true with a non-nil error.
Valid() (bool, error)
// Next advances the iterator to the next key/value in the
// iteration. After this call, Valid() will be true if the
// iterator was not positioned at the last key.
// Prev moves the iterator backward to the previous key/value
// in the iteration. After this call, Valid() will be true if the
// iterator was not positioned at the first key.
// NextKey advances the iterator to the next MVCC key. This operation is
// distinct from Next which advances to the next version of the current key
// or the next key if the iterator is currently located at the last version
// for a key.
// PrevKey moves the iterator backward to the previous MVCC key. This
// operation is distinct from Prev which moves the iterator backward to the
// prev version of the current key or the prev key if the iterator is
// currently located at the first version for a key.
// Key returns the current key.
Key() MVCCKey
// Value returns the current value as a byte slice.
Value() []byte
// ValueProto unmarshals the value the iterator is currently
// pointing to using a protobuf decoder.
ValueProto(msg proto.Message) error
// UnsafeKey returns the same value as Key, but the memory is invalidated on
// the next call to {Next,Prev,Seek,SeekReverse,Close}.
UnsafeKey() MVCCKey
// UnsafeValue returns the same value as Value, but the memory is
// invalidated on the next call to {Next,Prev,Seek,SeekReverse,Close}.
UnsafeValue() []byte
// Less returns true if the key the iterator is currently positioned at is
// less than the specified key.
Less(key MVCCKey) bool
// ComputeStats scans the underlying engine from start to end keys and
// computes stats counters based on the values. This method is used after a
// range is split to recompute stats for each subrange. The start key is
// always adjusted to avoid counting local keys in the event stats are being
// recomputed for the first range (i.e. the one with start key == KeyMin).
// The nowNanos arg specifies the wall time in nanoseconds since the
// epoch and is used to compute the total age of all intents.
ComputeStats(start, end MVCCKey, nowNanos int64) (enginepb.MVCCStats, error)
// Reader is the read interface to an engine's data.
type Reader interface {
// Close closes the reader, freeing up any outstanding resources. Note that
// various implementations have slightly different behaviors. In particular,
// Distinct() batches release their parent batch for future use while
// Engines, Snapshots and Batches free the associated C++ resources.
// Closed returns true if the reader has been closed or is not usable.
// Objects backed by this reader (e.g. Iterators) can check this to ensure
// that they are not using a closed engine. Intended for use within package
// engine; exported to enable wrappers to exist in other packages.
Closed() bool
// Get returns the value for the given key, nil otherwise.
Get(key MVCCKey) ([]byte, error)
// GetProto fetches the value at the specified key and unmarshals it
// using a protobuf decoder. Returns true on success or false if the
// key was not found. On success, returns the length in bytes of the
// key and the value.
GetProto(key MVCCKey, msg proto.Message) (ok bool, keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error)
// Iterate scans from start to end keys, visiting at most max
// key/value pairs. On each key value pair, the function f is
// invoked. If f returns an error or if the scan itself encounters
// an error, the iteration will stop and return the error.
// If the first result of f is true, the iteration stops.
Iterate(start, end MVCCKey, f func(MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error)) error
// NewIterator returns a new instance of an Iterator over this engine. When
// prefix is true, Seek will use the user-key prefix of the supplied MVCC key
// to restrict which sstables are searched, but iteration (using Next) over
// keys without the same user-key prefix will not work correctly (keys may be
// skipped). The caller must invoke Iterator.Close() when finished with the
// iterator to free resources.
NewIterator(prefix bool) Iterator
// Writer is the write interface to an engine's data.
type Writer interface {
// ApplyBatchRepr atomically applies a set of batched updates. Created by
// calling Repr() on a batch. Using this method is equivalent to constructing
// and committing a batch whose Repr() equals repr. If sync is true, the
// batch is synchronously written to disk. It is an error to specify
// sync=true if the Writer is a Batch.
ApplyBatchRepr(repr []byte, sync bool) error
// Clear removes the item from the db with the given key.
// Note that clear actually removes entries from the storage
// engine, rather than inserting tombstones.
Clear(key MVCCKey) error
// ClearRange removes a set of entries, from start (inclusive) to end
// (exclusive). Similar to Clear, this method actually removes entries from
// the storage engine.
ClearRange(start, end MVCCKey) error
// ClearIterRange removes a set of entries, from start (inclusive) to end
// (exclusive). Similar to Clear and ClearRange, this method actually removes
// entries from the storage engine. Unlike ClearRange, the entries to remove
// are determined by iterating over iter and per-key tombstones are
// generated.
ClearIterRange(iter Iterator, start, end MVCCKey) error
// Merge is a high-performance write operation used for values which are
// accumulated over several writes. Multiple values can be merged
// sequentially into a single key; a subsequent read will return a "merged"
// value which is computed from the original merged values.
// Merge currently provides specialized behavior for three data types:
// integers, byte slices, and time series observations. Merged integers are
// summed, acting as a high-performance accumulator. Byte slices are simply
// concatenated in the order they are merged. Time series observations
// (stored as byte slices with a special tag on the roachpb.Value) are
// combined with specialized logic beyond that of simple byte slices.
// The logic for merges is written in db.cc in order to be compatible with RocksDB.
Merge(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error
// Put sets the given key to the value provided.
Put(key MVCCKey, value []byte) error
// ReadWriter is the read/write interface to an engine's data.
type ReadWriter interface {
// Engine is the interface that wraps the core operations of a key/value store.
type Engine interface {
// Attrs returns the engine/store attributes.
Attrs() roachpb.Attributes
// Capacity returns capacity details for the engine's available storage.
Capacity() (roachpb.StoreCapacity, error)
// Flush causes the engine to write all in-memory data to disk
// immediately.
Flush() error
// GetStats retrieves stats from the engine.
GetStats() (*Stats, error)
// GetTempDir returns a path under which tempdirs or tempfiles can be created.
GetTempDir() string
// NewBatch returns a new instance of a batched engine which wraps
// this engine. Batched engines accumulate all mutations and apply
// them atomically on a call to Commit().
NewBatch() Batch
// NewWriteOnlyBatch returns a new instance of a batched engine which wraps
// this engine. A write-only batch accumulates all mutations and applies them
// atomically on a call to Commit(). Read operations return an error.
// TODO(peter): This should return a WriteBatch interface, but there are mild
// complications in both defining that interface and implementing it. In
// particular, Batch.Close would no longer come from Reader and we'd need to
// refactor a bunch of code in rocksDBBatch.
NewWriteOnlyBatch() Batch
// NewSnapshot returns a new instance of a read-only snapshot
// engine. Snapshots are instantaneous and, as long as they're
// released relatively quickly, inexpensive. Snapshots are released
// by invoking Close(). Note that snapshots must not be used after the
// original engine has been stopped.
NewSnapshot() Reader
// SetTempDir overrides the tempdir path returned by GetTempDir.
SetTempDir(dir string) error
// Batch is the interface for batch specific operations.
type Batch interface {
// Commit atomically applies any batched updates to the underlying
// engine. This is a noop unless the engine was created via NewBatch(). If
// sync is true, the batch is synchronously committed to disk.
Commit(sync bool) error
// Distinct returns a view of the existing batch which only sees writes that
// were performed before the Distinct batch was created. That is, the
// returned batch will not read its own writes, but it will read writes to
// the parent batch performed before the call to Distinct(). The returned
// batch needs to be closed before using the parent batch again. This is used
// as an optimization to avoid flushing mutations buffered by the batch in
// situations where we know all of the batched operations are for distinct
// keys.
Distinct() ReadWriter
// Repr returns the underlying representation of the batch and can be used to
// reconstitute the batch on a remote node using Writer.ApplyBatchRepr().
Repr() []byte
// Stats is a set of RocksDB stats. These are all described in RocksDB
// Currently, we collect stats from the following sources:
// 1. RocksDB's internal "tickers" (i.e. counters). They're defined in
// rocksdb/statistics.h
// 2. DBEventListener, which implements RocksDB's EventListener interface.
// 3. rocksdb::DB::GetProperty().
// This is a good resource describing RocksDB's memory-related stats:
// https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Memory-usage-in-RocksDB
type Stats struct {
BlockCacheHits int64
BlockCacheMisses int64
BlockCacheUsage int64
BlockCachePinnedUsage int64
BloomFilterPrefixChecked int64
BloomFilterPrefixUseful int64
MemtableHits int64
MemtableMisses int64
MemtableTotalSize int64
Flushes int64
Compactions int64
TableReadersMemEstimate int64
// PutProto sets the given key to the protobuf-serialized byte string
// of msg and the provided timestamp. Returns the length in bytes of
// key and the value.
func PutProto(engine Writer, key MVCCKey, msg proto.Message) (keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
bytes, err := protoutil.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
if err := engine.Put(key, bytes); err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return int64(key.EncodedSize()), int64(len(bytes)), nil
// Scan returns up to max key/value objects starting from
// start (inclusive) and ending at end (non-inclusive).
// Specify max=0 for unbounded scans.
func Scan(engine Reader, start, end MVCCKey, max int64) ([]MVCCKeyValue, error) {
var kvs []MVCCKeyValue
err := engine.Iterate(start, end, func(kv MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error) {
if max != 0 && int64(len(kvs)) >= max {
return true, nil
kvs = append(kvs, kv)
return false, nil
return kvs, err
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