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mvcc.go 72.55 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2015 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Jiang-Ming Yang (jiangming.yang@gmail.com)
// Author: Spencer Kimball (spencer.kimball@gmail.com)
package engine
import (
const (
// The size of the timestamp portion of MVCC version keys (used to update stats).
mvccVersionTimestampSize int64 = 12
var (
// MVCCKeyMax is a maximum mvcc-encoded key value which sorts after
// all other keys.`
MVCCKeyMax = MakeMVCCMetadataKey(roachpb.KeyMax)
// NilKey is the nil MVCCKey.
NilKey = MVCCKey{}
// AccountForSelf adjusts ms to account for the predicted impact it will have on
// the values that it records when the structure is initially stored. Specifically,
// MVCCStats is stored on the RangeStats key, which means that its creation will
// have an impact on system-local data size and key count.
func AccountForSelf(ms *enginepb.MVCCStats, rangeID roachpb.RangeID) error {
key := keys.RangeStatsKey(rangeID)
metaKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key)
// MVCCStats is stored inline, so compute MVCCMetadata accordingly.
value := roachpb.Value{}
if err := value.SetProto(ms); err != nil {
return err
meta := enginepb.MVCCMetadata{RawBytes: value.RawBytes}
updateStatsForInline(ms, key, 0, 0, int64(metaKey.EncodedSize()), int64(meta.Size()))
return nil
// MakeValue returns the inline value.
func MakeValue(meta enginepb.MVCCMetadata) roachpb.Value {
return roachpb.Value{RawBytes: meta.RawBytes}
// IsIntentOf returns true if the meta record is an intent of the supplied
// transaction.
func IsIntentOf(meta enginepb.MVCCMetadata, txn *roachpb.Transaction) bool {
return meta.Txn != nil && txn != nil && roachpb.TxnIDEqual(meta.Txn.ID, txn.ID)
// MVCCKey is a versioned key, distinguished from roachpb.Key with the addition
// of a timestamp.
type MVCCKey struct {
Key roachpb.Key
Timestamp hlc.Timestamp
// MakeMVCCMetadataKey creates an MVCCKey from a roachpb.Key.
func MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key roachpb.Key) MVCCKey {
return MVCCKey{Key: key}
// Next returns the next key.
func (k MVCCKey) Next() MVCCKey {
ts := k.Timestamp.Prev()
if ts == (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
return MVCCKey{
Key: k.Key.Next(),
return MVCCKey{
Key: k.Key,
Timestamp: ts,
// Less compares two keys.
func (k MVCCKey) Less(l MVCCKey) bool {
if c := k.Key.Compare(l.Key); c != 0 {
return c < 0
if !l.IsValue() {
return false
return l.Timestamp.Less(k.Timestamp)
// Equal returns whether two keys are identical.
func (k MVCCKey) Equal(l MVCCKey) bool {
return k.Key.Compare(l.Key) == 0 && k.Timestamp == l.Timestamp
// IsValue returns true iff the timestamp is non-zero.
func (k MVCCKey) IsValue() bool {
return k.Timestamp != (hlc.Timestamp{})
// EncodedSize returns the size of the MVCCKey when encoded.
func (k MVCCKey) EncodedSize() int {
n := len(k.Key) + 1
if k.IsValue() {
// Note that this isn't quite accurate: timestamps consume between 8-13
// bytes. Fixing this only adjusts the accounting for timestamps, not the
// actual on disk storage.
n += int(mvccVersionTimestampSize)
return n
// String returns a string-formatted version of the key.
func (k MVCCKey) String() string {
if !k.IsValue() {
return k.Key.String()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", k.Key, k.Timestamp)
// MVCCKeyValue contains the raw bytes of the value for a key.
type MVCCKeyValue struct {
Value []byte
// isSysLocal returns whether the whether the key is system-local.
func isSysLocal(key roachpb.Key) bool {
return key.Compare(keys.LocalMax) < 0
// updateStatsForInline updates stat counters for an inline value.
// These are simpler as they don't involve intents or multiple
// versions.
func updateStatsForInline(
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize, metaKeySize, metaValSize int64,
) {
sys := isSysLocal(key)
// Remove counts for this key if the original size is non-zero.
if origMetaKeySize != 0 {
if sys {
ms.SysBytes -= (origMetaKeySize + origMetaValSize)
} else {
ms.LiveBytes -= (origMetaKeySize + origMetaValSize)
ms.KeyBytes -= origMetaKeySize
ms.ValBytes -= origMetaValSize
// Add counts for this key if the new size is non-zero.
if metaKeySize != 0 {
if sys {
ms.SysBytes += metaKeySize + metaValSize
} else {
ms.LiveBytes += metaKeySize + metaValSize
ms.KeyBytes += metaKeySize
ms.ValBytes += metaValSize
// updateStatsOnMerge updates metadata stats while merging inlined
// values. Unfortunately, we're unable to keep accurate stats on merge
// as the actual details of the merge play out asynchronously during
// compaction. Instead, we undercount by adding only the size of the
// value.Bytes byte slice (an estimated 12 bytes for timestamp,
// included in valSize by caller). These errors are corrected during
// splits and merges.
func updateStatsOnMerge(key roachpb.Key, valSize, nowNanos int64) enginepb.MVCCStats {
var ms enginepb.MVCCStats
sys := isSysLocal(key)
ms.ContainsEstimates = true
if sys {
ms.SysBytes += valSize
} else {
ms.LiveBytes += valSize
ms.ValBytes += valSize
return ms
// updateStatsOnPut updates stat counters for a newly put value,
// including both the metadata key & value bytes and the mvcc
// versioned value's key & value bytes. If the value is not a
// deletion tombstone, updates the live stat counters as well.
// If this value is an intent, updates the intent counters.
func updateStatsOnPut(
key roachpb.Key,
origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize,
metaKeySize, metaValSize int64,
orig, meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata,
) enginepb.MVCCStats {
var ms enginepb.MVCCStats
sys := isSysLocal(key)
// Remove current live counts for this key.
if orig != nil {
if sys {
ms.SysBytes -= (origMetaKeySize + origMetaValSize)
} else {
// Move the (so far empty) stats to the timestamp at which the
// previous entry was created, which is where we wish to reclassify
// its contributions.
// If original version value for this key wasn't deleted, subtract
// its contribution from live bytes in anticipation of adding in
// contribution from new version below.
if !orig.Deleted {
ms.LiveBytes -= orig.KeyBytes + orig.ValBytes + origMetaKeySize + origMetaValSize
// Also, add the bytes from overwritten value to the GC'able bytes age stat.
ms.KeyBytes -= origMetaKeySize
ms.ValBytes -= origMetaValSize
// If the original metadata for this key was an intent, subtract
// its contribution from stat counters as it's being replaced.
if orig.Txn != nil {
// Subtract counts attributable to intent we're replacing.
ms.KeyBytes -= orig.KeyBytes
ms.ValBytes -= orig.ValBytes
ms.IntentBytes -= (orig.KeyBytes + orig.ValBytes)
// Move the stats to the new meta's timestamp. If we had an orig meta, this
// ages those original stats by the time which the previous version was live.
if sys {
ms.SysBytes += meta.KeyBytes + meta.ValBytes + metaKeySize + metaValSize
} else {
// If new version isn't a deletion tombstone, add it to live counters.
if !meta.Deleted {
ms.LiveBytes += meta.KeyBytes + meta.ValBytes + metaKeySize + metaValSize
ms.KeyBytes += meta.KeyBytes + metaKeySize
ms.ValBytes += meta.ValBytes + metaValSize
if meta.Txn != nil {
ms.IntentBytes += meta.KeyBytes + meta.ValBytes
return ms
// updateStatsOnResolve updates stat counters with the difference
// between the original and new metadata sizes. The size of the
// resolved value (key & bytes) are subtracted from the intents
// counters if commit=true.
func updateStatsOnResolve(
key roachpb.Key,
origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize,
metaKeySize, metaValSize int64,
orig, meta enginepb.MVCCMetadata,
commit bool,
) enginepb.MVCCStats {
var ms enginepb.MVCCStats
// In this case, we're only removing the contribution from having the
// meta key around from orig.Timestamp to meta.Timestamp.
sys := isSysLocal(key)
// Always zero.
keyDiff := metaKeySize - origMetaKeySize
// This is going to be nonpositive: the old meta key was
// real, the new one is implicit.
valDiff := metaValSize - origMetaValSize
if sys {
ms.SysBytes += keyDiff + valDiff
} else {
if !meta.Deleted {
ms.LiveBytes += keyDiff + valDiff
ms.KeyBytes += keyDiff
ms.ValBytes += valDiff
// If committing, subtract out intent counts.
if commit {
ms.IntentBytes -= (meta.KeyBytes + meta.ValBytes)
return ms
// updateStatsOnAbort updates stat counters by subtracting an
// aborted value's key and value byte sizes. If an earlier version
// was restored, the restored values are added to live bytes and
// count if the restored value isn't a deletion tombstone.
func updateStatsOnAbort(
key roachpb.Key,
origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize,
restoredMetaKeySize, restoredMetaValSize int64,
orig, restored *enginepb.MVCCMetadata,
restoredNanos, txnNanos int64,
) enginepb.MVCCStats {
sys := isSysLocal(key)
var ms enginepb.MVCCStats
// Three epochs of time here:
// 1) creation of previous value (or 0) to creation of intent:
// [restoredNanos, orig.Timestamp.WallTime)
// 2) creation of the intent (which we're now aborting) to the timestamp
// at which we're aborting:
// [orig.Timestamp.WallTime, txnNanos)
if restored != nil {
if sys {
ms.SysBytes += restoredMetaKeySize + restoredMetaValSize
} else {
if !restored.Deleted {
ms.LiveBytes += restored.KeyBytes + restored.ValBytes + restoredMetaKeySize + restoredMetaValSize
ms.KeyBytes += restoredMetaKeySize
ms.ValBytes += restoredMetaValSize
if restored.Txn != nil {
panic("restored version should never be an intent")
origTotalBytes := orig.KeyBytes + orig.ValBytes + origMetaKeySize + origMetaValSize
if sys {
ms.SysBytes -= origTotalBytes
} else {
if !orig.Deleted {
ms.LiveBytes -= origTotalBytes
ms.KeyBytes -= (orig.KeyBytes + origMetaKeySize)
ms.ValBytes -= (orig.ValBytes + origMetaValSize)
ms.IntentBytes -= (orig.KeyBytes + orig.ValBytes)
return ms
// updateStatsOnGC updates stat counters after garbage collection
// by subtracting key and value byte counts, updating key and
// value counts, and updating the GC'able bytes age. If meta is
// not nil, then the value being GC'd is the mvcc metadata and we
// decrement the key count.
func updateStatsOnGC(
key roachpb.Key, keySize, valSize int64, meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata, fromNS, toNS int64,
) enginepb.MVCCStats {
var ms enginepb.MVCCStats
sys := isSysLocal(key)
if sys {
ms.SysBytes -= (keySize + valSize)
if meta != nil {
} else {
ms.KeyBytes -= keySize
ms.ValBytes -= valSize
if meta != nil {
} else {
return ms
// MVCCGetRangeStats reads stat counters for the specified range and
// sets the values in the enginepb.MVCCStats struct.
func MVCCGetRangeStats(
ctx context.Context, engine Reader, rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
) (enginepb.MVCCStats, error) {
var ms enginepb.MVCCStats
_, err := MVCCGetProto(ctx, engine, keys.RangeStatsKey(rangeID), hlc.Timestamp{}, true, nil, &ms)
return ms, err
// MVCCSetRangeStats sets stat counters for specified range.
func MVCCSetRangeStats(
ctx context.Context, engine ReadWriter, rangeID roachpb.RangeID, ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
) error {
return MVCCPutProto(ctx, engine, nil, keys.RangeStatsKey(rangeID), hlc.Timestamp{}, nil, ms)
// MVCCGetProto fetches the value at the specified key and unmarshals it into
// msg if msg is non-nil. Returns true on success or false if the key was not
// found. The semantics of consistent are the same as in MVCCGet.
func MVCCGetProto(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
msg proto.Message,
) (bool, error) {
// TODO(tschottdorf): Consider returning skipped intents to the caller.
value, _, mvccGetErr := MVCCGet(ctx, engine, key, timestamp, consistent, txn)
found := value != nil
// If we found a result, parse it regardless of the error returned by MVCCGet.
if found && msg != nil {
// If the unmarshal failed, return its result. Otherwise, pass
// through the underlying error (which may be a WriteIntentError
// to be handled specially alongside the returned value).
if err := value.GetProto(msg); err != nil {
return found, err
return found, mvccGetErr
// MVCCPutProto sets the given key to the protobuf-serialized byte
// string of msg and the provided timestamp.
func MVCCPutProto(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
msg proto.Message,
) error {
value := roachpb.Value{}
if err := value.SetProto(msg); err != nil {
return err
return MVCCPut(ctx, engine, ms, key, timestamp, value, txn)
type getBuffer struct {
meta enginepb.MVCCMetadata
value roachpb.Value
allowUnsafeValue bool
isUnsafeValue bool
var getBufferPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &getBuffer{}
func newGetBuffer() *getBuffer {
buf := getBufferPool.Get().(*getBuffer)
buf.allowUnsafeValue = false
buf.isUnsafeValue = false
return buf
func (b *getBuffer) release() {
*b = getBuffer{}
// MVCCGet returns the value for the key specified in the request,
// while satisfying the given timestamp condition. The key may contain
// arbitrary bytes. If no value for the key exists, or it has been
// deleted, returns nil for value.
// The values of multiple versions for the given key should
// be organized as follows:
// ...
// keyA : MVCCMetadata of keyA
// keyA_Timestamp_n : value of version_n
// keyA_Timestamp_n-1 : value of version_n-1
// ...
// keyA_Timestamp_0 : value of version_0
// keyB : MVCCMetadata of keyB
// ...
// The consistent parameter indicates that intents should cause
// WriteIntentErrors. If set to false, a possible intent on the key will be
// ignored for reading the value (but returned via the roachpb.Intent slice);
// the previous value (if any) is read instead.
func MVCCGet(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) (*roachpb.Value, []roachpb.Intent, error) {
iter := engine.NewIterator(true)
defer iter.Close()
return mvccGetUsingIter(ctx, iter, key, timestamp, consistent, txn)
func mvccGetUsingIter(
ctx context.Context,
iter Iterator,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) (*roachpb.Value, []roachpb.Intent, error) {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil, nil, emptyKeyError()
buf := newGetBuffer()
defer buf.release()
metaKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key)
ok, _, _, err := mvccGetMetadata(iter, metaKey, &buf.meta)
if !ok || err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
value, intents, _, err := mvccGetInternal(ctx, iter, metaKey,
timestamp, consistent, safeValue, txn, buf)
if value == &buf.value {
value = &roachpb.Value{}
*value = buf.value
return value, intents, err
// MVCCGetAsTxn constructs a temporary Transaction from the given txn
// metadata and calls MVCCGet as that transaction. This method is required
// only for reading intents of a transaction when only its metadata is known
// and should rarely be used.
// The read is carried out without the chance of uncertainty restarts.
func MVCCGetAsTxn(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
txnMeta enginepb.TxnMeta,
) (*roachpb.Value, []roachpb.Intent, error) {
txn := &roachpb.Transaction{
TxnMeta: txnMeta,
Status: roachpb.PENDING,
Writing: true,
OrigTimestamp: txnMeta.Timestamp,
MaxTimestamp: txnMeta.Timestamp,
return MVCCGet(ctx, engine, key, timestamp, true /* consistent */, txn)
// mvccGetMetadata returns or reconstructs the meta key for the given key.
// A prefix scan using the iterator is performed, resulting in one of the
// following successful outcomes:
// 1) iterator finds nothing; returns (false, 0, 0, nil).
// 2) iterator finds an explicit meta key; unmarshals and returns its size.
// 3) iterator finds a value, i.e. the meta key is implicit.
// In this case, it accounts for the size of the key with the portion
// of the user key found which is not the MVCC timestamp suffix (since
// that is the usual contribution of the meta key). The value size returned
// will be zero.
// The passed in MVCCMetadata must not be nil.
// If the supplied iterator is nil, no seek operation is performed. This is
// used by the Blind{Put,ConditionalPut} operations to avoid seeking when the
// metadata is known not to exist.
func mvccGetMetadata(
iter Iterator, metaKey MVCCKey, meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata,
) (ok bool, keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
if iter == nil {
return false, 0, 0, nil
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); !ok {
return false, 0, 0, err
unsafeKey := iter.UnsafeKey()
if !unsafeKey.Key.Equal(metaKey.Key) {
return false, 0, 0, nil
if !unsafeKey.IsValue() {
if err := iter.ValueProto(meta); err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, err
return true, int64(unsafeKey.EncodedSize()), int64(len(iter.UnsafeValue())), nil
// For values, the size of keys is always accounted for as
// mvccVersionTimestampSize. The size of the metadata key is
// accounted for separately.
meta.KeyBytes = mvccVersionTimestampSize
meta.ValBytes = int64(len(iter.UnsafeValue()))
meta.Deleted = len(iter.UnsafeValue()) == 0
meta.Timestamp = unsafeKey.Timestamp
return true, int64(unsafeKey.EncodedSize()) - meta.KeyBytes, 0, nil
type valueSafety int
const (
unsafeValue valueSafety = iota
// mvccGetInternal parses the MVCCMetadata from the specified raw key
// value, and reads the versioned value indicated by timestamp, taking
// the transaction txn into account. getValue is a helper function to
// get an earlier version of the value when doing historical reads.
// The consistent parameter specifies whether reads should ignore any write
// intents (regardless of the actual status of their transaction) and read the
// most recent non-intent value instead. In the event that an inconsistent read
// does encounter an intent (currently there can only be one), it is returned
// via the roachpb.Intent slice, in addition to the result.
func mvccGetInternal(
_ context.Context,
iter Iterator,
metaKey MVCCKey,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
allowedSafety valueSafety,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
buf *getBuffer,
) (*roachpb.Value, []roachpb.Intent, valueSafety, error) {
if !consistent && txn != nil {
return nil, nil, safeValue, errors.Errorf(
"cannot allow inconsistent reads within a transaction")
meta := &buf.meta
// If value is inline, return immediately; txn & timestamp are irrelevant.
if meta.IsInline() {
value := &buf.value
*value = roachpb.Value{RawBytes: meta.RawBytes}
if err := value.Verify(metaKey.Key); err != nil {
return nil, nil, safeValue, err
return value, nil, safeValue, nil
var ignoredIntents []roachpb.Intent
if !consistent && meta.Txn != nil && !timestamp.Less(meta.Timestamp) {
// If we're doing inconsistent reads and there's an intent, we
// ignore the intent by insisting that the timestamp we're reading
// at is a historical timestamp < the intent timestamp. However, we
// return the intent separately; the caller may want to resolve it.
ignoredIntents = append(ignoredIntents,
roachpb.Intent{Span: roachpb.Span{Key: metaKey.Key}, Status: roachpb.PENDING, Txn: *meta.Txn})
timestamp = meta.Timestamp.Prev()
ownIntent := IsIntentOf(*meta, txn) // false if txn == nil
if !timestamp.Less(meta.Timestamp) && meta.Txn != nil && !ownIntent {
// Trying to read the last value, but it's another transaction's intent;
// the reader will have to act on this.
return nil, nil, safeValue, &roachpb.WriteIntentError{
Intents: []roachpb.Intent{{Span: roachpb.Span{Key: metaKey.Key}, Status: roachpb.PENDING, Txn: *meta.Txn}},
var checkValueTimestamp bool
seekKey := metaKey
if !timestamp.Less(meta.Timestamp) || ownIntent {
// We are reading the latest value, which is either an intent written
// by this transaction or not an intent at all (so there's no
// conflict). Note that when reading the own intent, the timestamp
// specified is irrelevant; we always want to see the intent (see
// TestMVCCReadWithPushedTimestamp).
seekKey.Timestamp = meta.Timestamp
// Check for case where we're reading our own txn's intent
// but it's got a different epoch. This can happen if the
// txn was restarted and an earlier iteration wrote the value
// we're now reading. In this case, we skip the intent.
if ownIntent && txn.Epoch != meta.Txn.Epoch {
if txn.Epoch < meta.Txn.Epoch {
return nil, nil, safeValue, errors.Errorf(
"failed to read with epoch %d due to a write intent with epoch %d",
txn.Epoch, meta.Txn.Epoch)
seekKey = seekKey.Next()
} else if txn != nil && timestamp.Less(txn.MaxTimestamp) {
// In this branch, the latest timestamp is ahead, and so the read of an
// "old" value in a transactional context at time (timestamp, MaxTimestamp]
// occurs, leading to a clock uncertainty error if a version exists in
// that time interval.
if !txn.MaxTimestamp.Less(meta.Timestamp) {
// Second case: Our read timestamp is behind the latest write, but the
// latest write could possibly have happened before our read in
// absolute time if the writer had a fast clock.
// The reader should try again with a later timestamp than the
// one given below.
return nil, nil, safeValue, roachpb.NewReadWithinUncertaintyIntervalError(
timestamp, meta.Timestamp)
// We want to know if anything has been written ahead of timestamp, but
// before MaxTimestamp.
seekKey.Timestamp = txn.MaxTimestamp
checkValueTimestamp = true
} else {
// Third case: We're reading a historic value either outside of a
// transaction, or in the absence of future versions that clock uncertainty
// would apply to.
seekKey.Timestamp = timestamp
if seekKey.Timestamp == (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
return nil, ignoredIntents, safeValue, nil
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, safeValue, err
} else if !ok {
return nil, ignoredIntents, safeValue, nil
unsafeKey := iter.UnsafeKey()
if !unsafeKey.Key.Equal(metaKey.Key) {
return nil, ignoredIntents, safeValue, nil
if !unsafeKey.IsValue() {
return nil, nil, safeValue, errors.Errorf(
"expected scan to versioned value reading key %s; got %s %s",
metaKey.Key, unsafeKey, unsafeKey.Timestamp)
if checkValueTimestamp {
if timestamp.Less(unsafeKey.Timestamp) {
// Fourth case: Our read timestamp is sufficiently behind the newest
// value, but there is another previous write with the same issues as in
// the second case, so the reader will have to come again with a higher
// read timestamp.
return nil, nil, safeValue, roachpb.NewReadWithinUncertaintyIntervalError(
timestamp, unsafeKey.Timestamp)
// Fifth case: There's no value in our future up to MaxTimestamp, and those
// are the only ones that we're not certain about. The correct key has
// already been read above, so there's nothing left to do.
if len(iter.UnsafeValue()) == 0 {
// Value is deleted.
return nil, ignoredIntents, safeValue, nil
value := &buf.value
if allowedSafety == unsafeValue {
value.RawBytes = iter.UnsafeValue()
} else {
value.RawBytes = iter.Value()
value.Timestamp = unsafeKey.Timestamp
if err := value.Verify(metaKey.Key); err != nil {
return nil, nil, safeValue, err
return value, ignoredIntents, allowedSafety, nil
// putBuffer holds pointer data needed by mvccPutInternal. Bundling
// this data into a single structure reduces memory
// allocations. Managing this temporary buffer using a sync.Pool
// completely eliminates allocation from the put common path.
type putBuffer struct {
meta enginepb.MVCCMetadata
newMeta enginepb.MVCCMetadata
newTxn enginepb.TxnMeta
ts hlc.Timestamp
tmpbuf []byte
var putBufferPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &putBuffer{}
func newPutBuffer() *putBuffer {
return putBufferPool.Get().(*putBuffer)
func (b *putBuffer) release() {
*b = putBuffer{tmpbuf: b.tmpbuf[:0]}
func (b *putBuffer) marshalMeta(meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata) (_ []byte, err error) {
size := meta.Size()
data := b.tmpbuf
if cap(data) < size {
data = make([]byte, size)
} else {
data = data[:size]
n, err := meta.MarshalTo(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.tmpbuf = data
return data[:n], nil
func (b *putBuffer) putMeta(
engine Writer, key MVCCKey, meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata,
) (keyBytes, valBytes int64, err error) {
bytes, err := b.marshalMeta(meta)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
if err := engine.Put(key, bytes); err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return int64(key.EncodedSize()), int64(len(bytes)), nil
// MVCCPut sets the value for a specified key. It will save the value
// with different versions according to its timestamp and update the
// key metadata. The timestamp must be passed as a parameter; using
// the Timestamp field on the value results in an error.
// If the timestamp is specified as hlc.Timestamp{}, the value is
// inlined instead of being written as a timestamp-versioned value. A
// zero timestamp write to a key precludes a subsequent write using a
// non-zero timestamp and vice versa. Inlined values require only a
// single row and never accumulate more than a single value. Successive
// zero timestamp writes to a key replace the value and deletes clear
// the value. In addition, zero timestamp values may be merged.
func MVCCPut(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
// If we're not tracking stats for the key and we're writing a non-versioned
// key we can utilize a blind put to avoid reading any existing value.
var iter Iterator
blind := ms == nil && timestamp == (hlc.Timestamp{})
if !blind {
iter = engine.NewIterator(true)
defer iter.Close()
return mvccPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, value, txn, nil /* valueFn */)
// MVCCBlindPut is a fast-path of MVCCPut. See the MVCCPut comments for details
// of the semantics. MVCCBlindPut skips retrieving the existing metadata for
// the key requiring the caller to guarantee no versions for the key currently
// exist in order for stats to be updated properly. If a previous version of
// the key does exist it is up to the caller to properly account for their
// existence in updating the stats.
func MVCCBlindPut(
ctx context.Context,
engine Writer,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
return mvccPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, nil, ms, key, timestamp, value, txn, nil /* valueFn */)
// MVCCDelete marks the key deleted so that it will not be returned in
// future get responses.
func MVCCDelete(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
iter := engine.NewIterator(true)
defer iter.Close()
return mvccPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, noValue, txn, nil /* valueFn */)
var noValue = roachpb.Value{}
// mvccPutUsingIter sets the value for a specified key using the provided
// Iterator. The function takes a value and a valueFn, only one of which
// should be provided. If the valueFn is nil, value's raw bytes will be set
// for the key, else the bytes provided by the valueFn will be used.
func mvccPutUsingIter(
ctx context.Context,
engine Writer,
iter Iterator,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
valueFn func(*roachpb.Value) ([]byte, error),
) error {
var rawBytes []byte
if valueFn == nil {
if value.Timestamp != (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
return errors.Errorf("cannot have timestamp set in value on Put")
rawBytes = value.RawBytes
buf := newPutBuffer()
err := mvccPutInternal(ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, rawBytes,
txn, buf, valueFn)
// Using defer would be more convenient, but it is measurably slower.
return err
// maybeGetValue returns either value (if valueFn is nil) or else
// the result of calling valueFn on the data read at readTS.
func maybeGetValue(
ctx context.Context,
iter Iterator,
metaKey MVCCKey,
value []byte,
exists bool,
readTS hlc.Timestamp,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
buf *putBuffer,
valueFn func(*roachpb.Value) ([]byte, error),
) ([]byte, error) {
// If a valueFn is specified, read existing value using the iter.
if valueFn == nil {
return value, nil
var exVal *roachpb.Value
if exists {
getBuf := newGetBuffer()
defer getBuf.release()
getBuf.meta = buf.meta // initialize get metadata from what we've already read
var err error
if exVal, _, _, err = mvccGetInternal(
ctx, iter, metaKey, readTS, true /* consistent */, safeValue, txn, getBuf); err != nil {
return nil, err
return valueFn(exVal)
// mvccPutInternal adds a new timestamped value to the specified key.
// If value is nil, creates a deletion tombstone value. valueFn is
// an optional alternative to supplying value directly. It is passed
// the existing value (or nil if none exists) and returns the value
// to write or an error. If valueFn is supplied, value should be nil
// and vice versa. valueFn can delete by returning nil. Returning
// []byte{} will write an empty value, not delete.
func mvccPutInternal(
ctx context.Context,
engine Writer,
iter Iterator,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value []byte,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
buf *putBuffer,
valueFn func(*roachpb.Value) ([]byte, error),
) error {
if len(key) == 0 {
return emptyKeyError()
metaKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key)
ok, origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize, err := mvccGetMetadata(iter, metaKey, &buf.meta)
if err != nil {
return err
// Verify we're not mixing inline and non-inline values.
putIsInline := timestamp == (hlc.Timestamp{})
if ok && putIsInline != buf.meta.IsInline() {
return errors.Errorf("%q: put is inline=%t, but existing value is inline=%t",
metaKey, putIsInline, buf.meta.IsInline())
// Handle inline put.
if putIsInline {
if txn != nil {
return errors.Errorf("%q: inline writes not allowed within transactions", metaKey)
var metaKeySize, metaValSize int64
if value, err = maybeGetValue(
ctx, iter, metaKey, value, ok, timestamp, txn, buf, valueFn); err != nil {
return err
if value == nil {
metaKeySize, metaValSize, err = 0, 0, engine.Clear(metaKey)
} else {
buf.meta = enginepb.MVCCMetadata{RawBytes: value}
metaKeySize, metaValSize, err = buf.putMeta(engine, metaKey, &buf.meta)
if ms != nil {
updateStatsForInline(ms, key, origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize, metaKeySize, metaValSize)
return err
var meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata
var maybeTooOldErr error
if ok {
// There is existing metadata for this key; ensure our write is permitted.
meta = &buf.meta
if meta.Txn != nil {
// There is an uncommitted write intent.
if txn == nil || !roachpb.TxnIDEqual(meta.Txn.ID, txn.ID) {
// The current Put operation does not come from the same
// transaction.
return &roachpb.WriteIntentError{Intents: []roachpb.Intent{{Span: roachpb.Span{Key: key}, Status: roachpb.PENDING, Txn: *meta.Txn}}}
} else if txn.Epoch < meta.Txn.Epoch {
return errors.Errorf("put with epoch %d came after put with epoch %d in txn %s",
txn.Epoch, meta.Txn.Epoch, txn.ID)
} else if txn.Epoch == meta.Txn.Epoch &&
(txn.Sequence < meta.Txn.Sequence ||
(txn.Sequence == meta.Txn.Sequence && txn.BatchIndex <= meta.Txn.BatchIndex)) {
// Replay error if we encounter an older sequence number or
// the same (or earlier) batch index for the same sequence.
return roachpb.NewTransactionRetryError(roachpb.RETRY_POSSIBLE_REPLAY)
// Make sure we process valueFn before clearing any earlier
// version. For example, a conditional put within same
// transaction should read previous write.
if value, err = maybeGetValue(
ctx, iter, metaKey, value, ok, timestamp, txn, buf, valueFn); err != nil {
return err
// We are replacing our own older write intent. If we are
// writing at the same timestamp we can simply overwrite it;
// otherwise we must explicitly delete the obsolete intent.
if timestamp != meta.Timestamp {
versionKey := metaKey
versionKey.Timestamp = meta.Timestamp
if err = engine.Clear(versionKey); err != nil {
return err
} else if !meta.Timestamp.Less(timestamp) {
// This is the case where we're trying to write under a
// committed value. Obviously we can't do that, but we can
// increment our timestamp to one logical tick past the existing
// value and go on to write, but then return a write-too-old
// error indicating what the timestamp ended up being. This
// timestamp can then be used to increment the txn timestamp and
// be returned with the response.
actualTimestamp := meta.Timestamp.Next()
maybeTooOldErr = &roachpb.WriteTooOldError{Timestamp: timestamp, ActualTimestamp: actualTimestamp}
// If we're in a transaction, always get the value at the orig
// timestamp.
if txn != nil {
if value, err = maybeGetValue(
ctx, iter, metaKey, value, ok, timestamp, txn, buf, valueFn); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Outside of a transaction, read the latest value and advance
// the write timestamp to the latest value's timestamp + 1. The
// new timestamp is returned to the caller in maybeTooOldErr.
if value, err = maybeGetValue(
ctx, iter, metaKey, value, ok, actualTimestamp, txn, buf, valueFn); err != nil {
return err
timestamp = actualTimestamp
} else {
if value, err = maybeGetValue(
ctx, iter, metaKey, value, ok, timestamp, txn, buf, valueFn); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// There is no existing value for this key. Even if the new value is
// nil write a deletion tombstone for the key.
if value, err = maybeGetValue(
ctx, iter, metaKey, value, ok, timestamp, txn, buf, valueFn); err != nil {
return err
var txnMeta *enginepb.TxnMeta
if txn != nil {
txnMeta = &txn.TxnMeta
buf.newMeta = enginepb.MVCCMetadata{Txn: txnMeta, Timestamp: timestamp}
newMeta := &buf.newMeta
versionKey := metaKey
versionKey.Timestamp = timestamp
if err := engine.Put(versionKey, value); err != nil {
return err
// Write the mvcc metadata now that we have sizes for the latest
// versioned value. For values, the size of keys is always accounted
// for as mvccVersionTimestampSize. The size of the metadata key is
// accounted for separately.
newMeta.KeyBytes = mvccVersionTimestampSize
newMeta.ValBytes = int64(len(value))
newMeta.Deleted = value == nil
var metaKeySize, metaValSize int64
if newMeta.Txn != nil {
metaKeySize, metaValSize, err = buf.putMeta(engine, metaKey, newMeta)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// Per-key stats count the full-key once and mvccVersionTimestampSize for
// each versioned value. We maintain that accounting even when the MVCC
// metadata is implicit.
metaKeySize = int64(metaKey.EncodedSize())
// Update MVCC stats.
if ms != nil {
ms.Add(updateStatsOnPut(key, origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize,
metaKeySize, metaValSize, meta, newMeta))
return maybeTooOldErr
// MVCCIncrement fetches the value for key, and assuming the value is
// an "integer" type, increments it by inc and stores the new
// value. The newly incremented value is returned.
// An initial value is read from the key using the same operational
// timestamp as we use to write a value.
func MVCCIncrement(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
inc int64,
) (int64, error) {
iter := engine.NewIterator(true)
defer iter.Close()
var int64Val int64
err := mvccPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, noValue, txn, func(value *roachpb.Value) ([]byte, error) {
if value != nil {
var err error
if int64Val, err = value.GetInt(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("key %q does not contain an integer value", key)
// Check for overflow and underflow.
if willOverflow(int64Val, inc) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("key %s with value %d incremented by %d results in overflow", key, int64Val, inc)
int64Val = int64Val + inc
newValue := roachpb.Value{}
return newValue.RawBytes, nil
return int64Val, err
// MVCCConditionalPut sets the value for a specified key only if the
// expected value matches. If not, the return a ConditionFailedError
// containing the actual value.
// The condition check reads a value from the key using the same operational
// timestamp as we use to write a value.
func MVCCConditionalPut(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
expVal *roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
iter := engine.NewIterator(true)
defer iter.Close()
return mvccConditionalPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, value, expVal, txn)
// MVCCBlindConditionalPut is a fast-path of MVCCConditionalPut. See the
// MVCCConditionalPut comments for details of the
// semantics. MVCCBlindConditionalPut skips retrieving the existing metadata
// for the key requiring the caller to guarantee no versions for the key
// currently exist.
func MVCCBlindConditionalPut(
ctx context.Context,
engine Writer,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
expVal *roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
return mvccConditionalPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, nil, ms, key, timestamp, value, expVal, txn)
func mvccConditionalPutUsingIter(
ctx context.Context,
engine Writer,
iter Iterator,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
expVal *roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
return mvccPutUsingIter(
ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, noValue, txn,
func(existVal *roachpb.Value) ([]byte, error) {
if expValPresent, existValPresent := expVal != nil, existVal != nil; expValPresent && existValPresent {
// Every type flows through here, so we can't use the typed getters.
if !bytes.Equal(expVal.RawBytes, existVal.RawBytes) {
return nil, &roachpb.ConditionFailedError{
ActualValue: existVal.ShallowClone(),
} else if expValPresent != existValPresent {
return nil, &roachpb.ConditionFailedError{
ActualValue: existVal.ShallowClone(),
return value.RawBytes, nil
var errInitPutValueMatchesExisting = errors.New("the value matched the existing value")
// MVCCInitPut sets the value for a specified key if the key doesn't exist. It
// returns an error when the write fails or if the key exists with an
// existing value that is different from the supplied value.
func MVCCInitPut(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
iter := engine.NewIterator(true)
defer iter.Close()
return mvccInitPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, value, txn)
// MVCCBlindInitPut is a fast-path of MVCCInitPut. See the MVCCInitPut
// comments for details of the semantics. MVCCBlindInitPut skips
// retrieving the existing metadata for the key requiring the caller
// to gauarntee no version for the key currently exist.
func MVCCBlindInitPut(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
return mvccInitPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, nil, ms, key, timestamp, value, txn)
func mvccInitPutUsingIter(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
iter Iterator,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) error {
err := mvccPutUsingIter(ctx, engine, iter, ms, key, timestamp, noValue, txn,
func(existVal *roachpb.Value) ([]byte, error) {
if existVal != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(value.RawBytes, existVal.RawBytes) {
return nil, &roachpb.ConditionFailedError{
ActualValue: existVal.ShallowClone(),
// The existing value matches the supplied value; return an error
// to prevent rewriting the value.
return nil, errInitPutValueMatchesExisting
return value.RawBytes, nil
// Dummy error to prevent an unnecessary write.
if err == errInitPutValueMatchesExisting {
err = nil
return err
// MVCCMerge implements a merge operation. Merge adds integer values,
// concatenates undifferentiated byte slice values, and efficiently
// combines time series observations if the roachpb.Value tag value
// indicates the value byte slice is of type TIMESERIES.
func MVCCMerge(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
key roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
value roachpb.Value,
) error {
if len(key) == 0 {
return emptyKeyError()
metaKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key)
buf := newPutBuffer()
// Every type flows through here, so we can't use the typed getters.
rawBytes := value.RawBytes
// Encode and merge the MVCC metadata with inlined value.
meta := &buf.meta
*meta = enginepb.MVCCMetadata{RawBytes: rawBytes}
// If non-zero, set the merge timestamp to provide some replay protection.
if timestamp != (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
buf.ts = timestamp
meta.MergeTimestamp = &buf.ts
data, err := buf.marshalMeta(meta)
if err == nil {
if err = engine.Merge(metaKey, data); err == nil && ms != nil {
key, int64(len(rawBytes))+mvccVersionTimestampSize, timestamp.WallTime))
return err
// MVCCDeleteRange deletes the range of key/value pairs specified by start and
// end keys. It returns the range of keys deleted when returnedKeys is set,
// the next span to resume from, and the number of keys deleted.
func MVCCDeleteRange(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
endKey roachpb.Key,
max int64,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
returnKeys bool,
) ([]roachpb.Key, *roachpb.Span, int64, error) {
if max == 0 {
return nil, &roachpb.Span{Key: key, EndKey: endKey}, 0, nil
var keys []roachpb.Key
var resumeSpan *roachpb.Span
var num int64
buf := newPutBuffer()
iter := engine.NewIterator(true)
f := func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
if num == max {
// Another key was found beyond the max limit.
resumeSpan = &roachpb.Span{Key: kv.Key, EndKey: endKey}
return true, nil
if err := mvccPutInternal(ctx, engine, iter, ms, kv.Key, timestamp, nil, txn, buf, nil); err != nil {
return true, err
if returnKeys {
keys = append(keys, kv.Key)
return false, nil
// In order to detect the potential write intent by another
// concurrent transaction with a newer timestamp, we need
// to use the max timestamp for scan.
_, err := MVCCIterate(ctx, engine, key, endKey, hlc.MaxTimestamp, true, txn, false, f)
return keys, resumeSpan, num, err
// getScanMeta returns the MVCCMetadata the iterator is currently pointed at
// (reconstructing it if the metadata is implicit). Note that the returned
// MVCCKey is unsafe and will be invalidated by the next call to
// Iterator.{Next,Prev,Seek,SeekReverse,Close}.
func getScanMeta(iter Iterator, encEndKey MVCCKey, meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata) (MVCCKey, error) {
metaKey := iter.UnsafeKey()
if !metaKey.Less(encEndKey) {
_, err := iter.Valid()
return NilKey, err
if metaKey.IsValue() {
meta.Timestamp = metaKey.Timestamp
// For values, the size of keys is always account for as
// mvccVersionTimestampSize. The size of the metadata key is accounted for
// separately.
meta.KeyBytes = mvccVersionTimestampSize
meta.ValBytes = int64(len(iter.UnsafeValue()))
meta.Deleted = len(iter.UnsafeValue()) == 0
return metaKey, nil
if err := iter.ValueProto(meta); err != nil {
return NilKey, err
return metaKey, nil
// getReverseScanMeta returns the MVCCMetadata the iterator is currently
// pointed at (reconstructing it if the metadata is implicit). Note that the
// returned MVCCKey is unsafe and will be invalidated by the next call to
// Iterator.{Next,Prev,Seek,SeekReverse,Close}.
func getReverseScanMeta(
iter Iterator, encEndKey MVCCKey, meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata,
) (MVCCKey, error) {
metaKey := iter.UnsafeKey()
// The metaKey < encEndKey is exceeding the boundary.
if metaKey.Less(encEndKey) {
_, err := iter.Valid()
return NilKey, err
// If this isn't the meta key yet, scan again to get the meta key.
// TODO(tschottdorf): can we save any work here or leverage
// getScanMetaKey() above after doing the Seek() below?
if metaKey.IsValue() {
// Need a "safe" key because we're seeking the iterator.
metaKey = iter.Key()
// The row with oldest version will be got by seeking reversely. We use the
// key of this row to get the MVCC metadata key.
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); !ok {
return NilKey, err
metaKey = iter.UnsafeKey()
meta.Timestamp = metaKey.Timestamp
if metaKey.IsValue() {
// For values, the size of keys is always account for as
// mvccVersionTimestampSize. The size of the metadata key is accounted
// for separately.
meta.KeyBytes = mvccVersionTimestampSize
meta.ValBytes = int64(len(iter.UnsafeValue()))
meta.Deleted = len(iter.UnsafeValue()) == 0
return metaKey, nil
if err := iter.ValueProto(meta); err != nil {
return NilKey, err
return metaKey, nil
// mvccScanInternal scans the key range [start,end) up to some maximum number
// of results. Specify reverse=true to scan in descending instead of ascending
// order.
func mvccScanInternal(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
endKey roachpb.Key,
max int64,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
reverse bool,
) ([]roachpb.KeyValue, *roachpb.Span, []roachpb.Intent, error) {
var res []roachpb.KeyValue
if max == 0 {
return nil, &roachpb.Span{Key: key, EndKey: endKey}, nil, nil
var resumeSpan *roachpb.Span
intents, err := MVCCIterate(ctx, engine, key, endKey, timestamp, consistent, txn, reverse,
func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
if int64(len(res)) == max {
// Another key was found beyond the max limit.
if reverse {
resumeSpan = &roachpb.Span{Key: key, EndKey: kv.Key.Next()}
} else {
resumeSpan = &roachpb.Span{Key: kv.Key, EndKey: endKey}
return true, nil
res = append(res, kv)
return false, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
return res, resumeSpan, intents, nil
// MVCCScan scans the key range [start,end) key up to some maximum number of
// results in ascending order. If it hits max, it returns a span to be used in
// the next call to this function.
func MVCCScan(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
endKey roachpb.Key,
max int64,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) ([]roachpb.KeyValue, *roachpb.Span, []roachpb.Intent, error) {
return mvccScanInternal(ctx, engine, key, endKey, max, timestamp,
consistent, txn, false /* !reverse */)
// MVCCReverseScan scans the key range [start,end) key up to some maximum
// number of results in descending order. If it hits max, it returns a span to
// be used in the next call to this function.
func MVCCReverseScan(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
endKey roachpb.Key,
max int64,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
) ([]roachpb.KeyValue, *roachpb.Span, []roachpb.Intent, error) {
return mvccScanInternal(ctx, engine, key, endKey, max, timestamp,
consistent, txn, true /* reverse */)
// MVCCIterate iterates over the key range [start,end). At each step of the
// iteration, f() is invoked with the current key/value pair. If f returns
// true (done) or an error, the iteration stops and the error is propagated.
// If the reverse is flag set the iterator will be moved in reverse order.
func MVCCIterate(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
endKey roachpb.Key,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
consistent bool,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
reverse bool,
f func(roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error),
) ([]roachpb.Intent, error) {
if !consistent && txn != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot allow inconsistent reads within a transaction")
if len(endKey) == 0 {
return nil, emptyKeyError()
buf := newGetBuffer()
defer buf.release()
// getMetaFunc is used to get the meta and the meta key of the current
// row. encEndKey is used to judge whether iterator exceeds the boundary or
// not.
type getMetaFunc func(iter Iterator, encEndKey MVCCKey, meta *enginepb.MVCCMetadata) (MVCCKey, error)
var getMeta getMetaFunc
// We store encEndKey and encKey in the same buffer to avoid memory
// allocations.
var encKey, encEndKey MVCCKey
if reverse {
encEndKey = MakeMVCCMetadataKey(startKey)
encKey = MakeMVCCMetadataKey(endKey)
getMeta = getReverseScanMeta
} else {
encEndKey = MakeMVCCMetadataKey(endKey)
encKey = MakeMVCCMetadataKey(startKey)
getMeta = getScanMeta
// Get a new iterator.
iter := engine.NewIterator(false)
defer iter.Close()
// Seeking for the first defined position.
if reverse {
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); !ok {
return nil, err
// If the key doesn't exist, the iterator is at the next key that does
// exist in the database.
metaKey := iter.Key()
if !metaKey.Less(encKey) {
} else {
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); !ok {
return nil, err
// A slice to gather all encountered intents we skipped, in case of
// inconsistent iteration.
var intents []roachpb.Intent
// Gathers up all the intents from WriteIntentErrors. We only get those if
// the scan is consistent.
var wiErr error
var alloc bufalloc.ByteAllocator
for {
metaKey, err := getMeta(iter, encEndKey, &buf.meta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Exceeding the boundary.
if metaKey.Key == nil {
alloc, metaKey.Key = alloc.Copy(metaKey.Key, 1)
// Indicate that we're fine with an unsafe Value.RawBytes being returned.
value, newIntents, valueSafety, err := mvccGetInternal(
ctx, iter, metaKey, timestamp, consistent, unsafeValue, txn, buf)
intents = append(intents, newIntents...)
if value != nil {
if valueSafety == unsafeValue {
// Copy the unsafe value into our allocation buffer.
alloc, value.RawBytes = alloc.Copy(value.RawBytes, 0)
done, err := f(roachpb.KeyValue{Key: metaKey.Key, Value: *value})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if done {
if err != nil {
switch tErr := err.(type) {
case *roachpb.WriteIntentError:
// In the case of WriteIntentErrors, accumulate affected keys but continue scan.
if wiErr == nil {
wiErr = tErr
} else {
wiErr.(*roachpb.WriteIntentError).Intents = append(wiErr.(*roachpb.WriteIntentError).Intents, tErr.Intents...)
return nil, err
if reverse {
valid, err := iter.Valid()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf.meta.IsInline() {
if valid {
// The current entry is an inline value. We can reach the previous
// entry using Prev() which is slightly faster than PrevKey().
// As usual, the iterator must be valid because an inline key should
// never result in a version scan that brings us to an invalid key.
} else {
// This is subtle: mvccGetInternal might already have advanced
// us to the next key in which case we have to reset our
// position. We also Seek when iter.Valid says that the iterator
// is invalid, because mvccGetInternal might have advanced us
// out of the valid range and we may even have reached KeyMax.
// In this case, we still want to continue scanning backwards.
if !valid || !iter.UnsafeKey().Key.Equal(metaKey.Key) {
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
} else {
} else {
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
if buf.meta.IsInline() {
// The current entry is an inline value. We can reach the next entry
// using Next() which is slightly faster than NextKey().
} else {
// This is subtle: mvccGetInternal might already have advanced us to
// the next key in which case we don't have to do anything. Only call
// NextKey() if the current key pointed to by the iterator is the same
// as the one at the top of the loop.
if iter.UnsafeKey().Key.Equal(metaKey.Key) {
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !ok {
return intents, wiErr
// MVCCResolveWriteIntent either commits or aborts (rolls back) an
// extant write intent for a given txn according to commit parameter.
// ResolveWriteIntent will skip write intents of other txns.
// Transaction epochs deserve a bit of explanation. The epoch for a
// transaction is incremented on transaction retries. A transaction
// retry is different from an abort. Retries can occur in SSI
// transactions when the commit timestamp is not equal to the proposed
// transaction timestamp. On a retry, the epoch is incremented instead
// of creating an entirely new transaction. This allows the intents
// that were written on previous runs to serve as locks which prevent
// concurrent reads from further incrementing the timestamp cache,
// making further transaction retries less likely.
// Because successive retries of a transaction may end up writing to
// different keys, the epochs serve to classify which intents get
// committed in the event the transaction succeeds (all those with
// epoch matching the commit epoch), and which intents get aborted,
// even if the transaction succeeds.
// TODO(tschottdorf): encountered a bug in which a Txn committed with
// its original timestamp after laying down intents at higher timestamps.
// Doesn't look like this code here caught that. Shouldn't resolve intents
// when they're not at the timestamp the Txn mandates them to be.
func MVCCResolveWriteIntent(
ctx context.Context, engine ReadWriter, ms *enginepb.MVCCStats, intent roachpb.Intent,
) error {
buf := newPutBuffer()
iter := engine.NewIterator(true)
err := mvccResolveWriteIntent(ctx, engine, iter, ms, intent, buf)
// Using defer would be more convenient, but it is measurably slower.
return err
// MVCCResolveWriteIntentUsingIter is a variant of MVCCResolveWriteIntent that
// uses iterator and buffer passed as parameters (e.g. when used in a loop).
func MVCCResolveWriteIntentUsingIter(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
iterAndBuf IterAndBuf,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
intent roachpb.Intent,
) error {
return mvccResolveWriteIntent(ctx, engine, iterAndBuf.iter, ms,
intent, iterAndBuf.buf)
func mvccResolveWriteIntent(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
iter Iterator,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
intent roachpb.Intent,
buf *putBuffer,
) error {
if len(intent.Key) == 0 {
return emptyKeyError()
if len(intent.EndKey) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("can't resolve range intent as point intent")
metaKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(intent.Key)
meta := &buf.meta
ok, origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize, err := mvccGetMetadata(iter, metaKey, meta)
if err != nil {
return err
// For cases where there's no write intent to resolve, or one exists
// which we can't resolve, this is a noop.
if !ok || meta.Txn == nil || !roachpb.TxnIDEqual(intent.Txn.ID, meta.Txn.ID) {
return nil
// A commit in an older epoch or timestamp is prevented by the
// sequence cache under normal operation. Replays of EndTransaction
// commands which occur after the transaction record has been erased
// make this a possibility; we treat such intents as uncommitted.
// A commit with a newer epoch effectively means that we wrote this
// intent before an earlier retry, but didn't write it again
// after. A commit with an older timestamp than the intent should
// not happen even on replays because BeginTransaction has replay
// protection. The BeginTransaction replay protection guarantees a
// restart in EndTransaction, so the replay won't resolve intents.
epochsMatch := meta.Txn.Epoch == intent.Txn.Epoch
timestampsValid := !intent.Txn.Timestamp.Less(meta.Timestamp)
commit := intent.Status == roachpb.COMMITTED && epochsMatch && timestampsValid
// Note the small difference to commit epoch handling here: We allow a push
// from a previous epoch to move a newer intent. That's not necessary, but
// useful. Consider the following, where B reads at a timestamp that's
// higher than any write by A in the following diagram:
// | client A@epo | B (pusher) |
// =============================
// | write@1 | |
// | | read |
// | | push |
// | restart | |
// | write@2 | |
// | | resolve@1 |
// ============================
// In this case, if we required the epochs to match, we would not push the
// intent forward, and client B would upon retrying after its successful
// push and apparent resolution run into the new version of an intent again
// (which is at a higher timestamp due to the restart, but not out of the
// way of A). It would then actually succeed on the second iteration (since
// the new Epoch propagates to the Push and via that, to the Pushee txn
// used for resolving), but that costs latency.
// TODO(tschottdorf): various epoch-related scenarios here deserve more
// testing.
pushed := intent.Status == roachpb.PENDING &&
meta.Timestamp.Less(intent.Txn.Timestamp) &&
meta.Txn.Epoch >= intent.Txn.Epoch
// If we're committing, or if the commit timestamp of the intent has
// been moved forward, and if the proposed epoch matches the existing
// epoch: update the meta.Txn. For commit, it's set to nil;
// otherwise, we update its value. We may have to update the actual
// version value (remove old and create new with proper
// timestamp-encoded key) if timestamp changed.
if commit || pushed {
buf.newMeta = *meta
// Set the timestamp for upcoming write (or at least the stats update).
buf.newMeta.Timestamp = intent.Txn.Timestamp
var metaKeySize, metaValSize int64
var err error
if pushed {
// Keep intent if we're pushing timestamp.
buf.newTxn = intent.Txn
buf.newMeta.Txn = &buf.newTxn
metaKeySize, metaValSize, err = buf.putMeta(engine, metaKey, &buf.newMeta)
} else {
metaKeySize = int64(metaKey.EncodedSize())
err = engine.Clear(metaKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update stat counters related to resolving the intent.
if ms != nil {
ms.Add(updateStatsOnResolve(intent.Key, origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize,
metaKeySize, metaValSize, *meta, buf.newMeta, commit))
// If timestamp of value changed, need to rewrite versioned value.
if meta.Timestamp != intent.Txn.Timestamp {
origKey := MVCCKey{Key: intent.Key, Timestamp: meta.Timestamp}
newKey := MVCCKey{Key: intent.Key, Timestamp: intent.Txn.Timestamp}
valBytes, err := engine.Get(origKey)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = engine.Clear(origKey); err != nil {
return err
if err = engine.Put(newKey, valBytes); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// This method shouldn't be called in this instance, but there's
// nothing to do if meta's epoch is greater than or equal txn's
// epoch and the state is still PENDING.
if intent.Status == roachpb.PENDING && meta.Txn.Epoch >= intent.Txn.Epoch {
return nil
// Otherwise, we're deleting the intent. We must find the next
// versioned value and reset the metadata's latest timestamp. If
// there are no other versioned values, we delete the metadata
// key.
// Note that the somewhat unintuitive case of an ABORT with
// intent.Txn.Epoch < meta.Txn.Epoch is possible:
// - writer1 writes key0 at epoch 0
// - writer2 with higher priority encounters intent at key0 (epoch 0)
// - writer1 restarts, now at epoch one (txn record not updated)
// - writer1 writes key0 at epoch 1
// - writer2 dispatches ResolveIntent to key0 (with epoch 0)
// - ResolveIntent with epoch 0 aborts intent from epoch 1.
// First clear the intent value.
latestKey := MVCCKey{Key: intent.Key, Timestamp: meta.Timestamp}
if err := engine.Clear(latestKey); err != nil {
return err
// Compute the next possible mvcc value for this key.
nextKey := latestKey.Next()
// If there is no other version, we should just clean up the key entirely.
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return err
} else if !ok || !iter.UnsafeKey().Key.Equal(intent.Key) {
if err = engine.Clear(metaKey); err != nil {
return err
// Clear stat counters attributable to the intent we're aborting.
if ms != nil {
ms.Add(updateStatsOnAbort(intent.Key, origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize, 0, 0, meta, nil, 0, intent.Txn.Timestamp.WallTime))
return nil
unsafeIterKey := iter.UnsafeKey()
if !unsafeIterKey.IsValue() {
return errors.Errorf("expected an MVCC value key: %s", unsafeIterKey)
// Get the bytes for the next version so we have size for stat counts.
valueSize := int64(len(iter.UnsafeValue()))
// Update the keyMetadata with the next version.
buf.newMeta = enginepb.MVCCMetadata{
Deleted: valueSize == 0,
KeyBytes: mvccVersionTimestampSize,
ValBytes: valueSize,
if err := engine.Clear(metaKey); err != nil {
return err
metaKeySize := int64(metaKey.EncodedSize())
metaValSize := int64(0)
// Update stat counters with older version.
if ms != nil {
ms.Add(updateStatsOnAbort(intent.Key, origMetaKeySize, origMetaValSize,
metaKeySize, metaValSize, meta, &buf.newMeta, unsafeIterKey.Timestamp.WallTime,
return nil
// IterAndBuf used to pass iterators and buffers between MVCC* calls, allowing
// reuse without the callers needing to know the particulars.
type IterAndBuf struct {
buf *putBuffer
iter Iterator
// GetIterAndBuf returns a IterAndBuf for passing into various MVCC* methods.
func GetIterAndBuf(engine Reader) IterAndBuf {
return IterAndBuf{
buf: newPutBuffer(),
iter: engine.NewIterator(false),
// Cleanup must be called to release the resources when done.
func (b IterAndBuf) Cleanup() {
// MVCCResolveWriteIntentRange commits or aborts (rolls back) the
// range of write intents specified by start and end keys for a given
// txn. ResolveWriteIntentRange will skip write intents of other
// txns.
func MVCCResolveWriteIntentRange(
ctx context.Context, engine ReadWriter, ms *enginepb.MVCCStats, intent roachpb.Intent, max int64,
) (int64, error) {
iterAndBuf := GetIterAndBuf(engine)
defer iterAndBuf.Cleanup()
return MVCCResolveWriteIntentRangeUsingIter(ctx, engine, iterAndBuf, ms, intent, max)
// MVCCResolveWriteIntentRangeUsingIter commits or aborts (rolls back) the
// range of write intents specified by start and end keys for a given
// txn. ResolveWriteIntentRange will skip write intents of other
// txns.
func MVCCResolveWriteIntentRangeUsingIter(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
iterAndBuf IterAndBuf,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
intent roachpb.Intent,
max int64,
) (int64, error) {
encKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(intent.Key)
encEndKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(intent.EndKey)
nextKey := encKey
var keyBuf []byte
num := int64(0)
intent.EndKey = nil
for num < max {
if ok, err := iterAndBuf.iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if !ok || !iterAndBuf.iter.UnsafeKey().Less(encEndKey) {
// No more keys exists in the given range.
// Manually copy the underlying bytes of the unsafe key. This construction
// reuses keyBuf across iterations.
key := iterAndBuf.iter.UnsafeKey()
keyBuf = append(keyBuf[:0], key.Key...)
key.Key = keyBuf
var err error
if !key.IsValue() {
intent.Key = key.Key
err = mvccResolveWriteIntent(ctx, engine, iterAndBuf.iter, ms, intent, iterAndBuf.buf)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to resolve intent for key %q: %v", key.Key, err)
} else {
// nextKey is already a metadata key.
nextKey.Key = key.Key.Next()
return num, nil
// MVCCGarbageCollect creates an iterator on the engine. In parallel
// it iterates through the keys listed for garbage collection by the
// keys slice. The engine iterator is seeked in turn to each listed
// key, clearing all values with timestamps <= to expiration. The
// timestamp parameter is used to compute the intent age on GC.
// Garbage collection stops after clearing maxClears values
// (to limit the size of the WriteBatch produced).
func MVCCGarbageCollect(
ctx context.Context,
engine ReadWriter,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
keys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey,
timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
maxClears int64,
) error {
iter := engine.NewIterator(false)
defer iter.Close()
// Iterate through specified GC keys.
var count int64
meta := &enginepb.MVCCMetadata{}
for _, gcKey := range keys {
encKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(gcKey.Key)
ok, metaKeySize, metaValSize, err := mvccGetMetadata(iter, encKey, meta)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
inlinedValue := meta.IsInline()
implicitMeta := iter.UnsafeKey().IsValue()
// First, check whether all values of the key are being deleted.
if !gcKey.Timestamp.Less(meta.Timestamp) {
// For version keys, don't allow GC'ing the meta key if it's
// not marked deleted. However, for inline values we allow it;
// they are internal and GCing them directly saves the extra
// deletion step.
if !meta.Deleted && !inlinedValue {
return errors.Errorf("request to GC non-deleted, latest value of %q", gcKey.Key)
if meta.Txn != nil {
return errors.Errorf("request to GC intent at %q", gcKey.Key)
if ms != nil {
if inlinedValue {
updateStatsForInline(ms, gcKey.Key, metaKeySize, metaValSize, 0, 0)
} else {
ms.Add(updateStatsOnGC(gcKey.Key, metaKeySize, metaValSize,
meta, meta.Timestamp.WallTime, timestamp.WallTime))
if !implicitMeta {
if err := engine.Clear(iter.UnsafeKey()); err != nil {
return err
if count >= maxClears {
return nil
if !implicitMeta {
// The iter is pointing at an MVCCMetadata, advance to the next entry.
// Now, iterate through all values, GC'ing ones which have expired.
for ; ; iter.Next() {
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return err
} else if !ok {
unsafeIterKey := iter.UnsafeKey()
if !unsafeIterKey.Key.Equal(encKey.Key) {
if !unsafeIterKey.IsValue() {
if !gcKey.Timestamp.Less(unsafeIterKey.Timestamp) {
if ms != nil {
ms.Add(updateStatsOnGC(gcKey.Key, mvccVersionTimestampSize,
int64(len(iter.UnsafeValue())), nil, unsafeIterKey.Timestamp.WallTime,
if err := engine.Clear(unsafeIterKey); err != nil {
return err
if count >= maxClears {
return nil
return nil
// IsValidSplitKey returns whether the key is a valid split key. Certain key
// ranges cannot be split (the meta1 span and the system DB span); split keys
// chosen within any of these ranges are considered invalid. And a split key
// equal to Meta2KeyMax (\x03\xff\xff) is considered invalid.
func IsValidSplitKey(key roachpb.Key) bool {
// TODO(peter): What is this restriction about? Document.
if keys.Meta2KeyMax.Equal(key) {
return false
for _, span := range keys.NoSplitSpans {
if bytes.Compare(key, span.Key) >= 0 && bytes.Compare(key, span.EndKey) < 0 {
return false
return true
// MVCCFindSplitKey suggests a split key from the given user-space key
// range that aims to roughly cut into half the total number of bytes
// used (in raw key and value byte strings) in both subranges. Specify
// a snapshot engine to safely invoke this method in a goroutine.
// The split key will never be chosen from the key ranges listed in
// illegalSplitKeySpans.
// debugFn, if not nil, is used to print informational log messages about
// the key finding process.
func MVCCFindSplitKey(
ctx context.Context,
engine Reader,
rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
endKey roachpb.RKey,
targetSize int64,
) (roachpb.Key, error) {
if key.Less(roachpb.RKey(keys.LocalMax)) {
key = roachpb.RKey(keys.LocalMax)
encStartKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(key.AsRawKey())
encEndKey := MakeMVCCMetadataKey(endKey.AsRawKey())
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "searching split key for %d [%s, %s)", rangeID, key, endKey)
// Get range size from stats.
ms, err := MVCCGetRangeStats(ctx, engine, rangeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rangeSize := ms.KeyBytes + ms.ValBytes
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "range size: %s, targetSize %s",
humanize.IBytes(uint64(rangeSize)), humanize.IBytes(uint64(targetSize)))
sizeSoFar := int64(0)
bestSplitKey := encStartKey
bestSplitDiff := int64(math.MaxInt64)
var lastKey roachpb.Key
var n int
if err := engine.Iterate(encStartKey, encEndKey, func(kv MVCCKeyValue) (bool, error) {
// Is key within a legal key range? Note that we never choose the first key
// as the split key.
valid := n > 1 && IsValidSplitKey(kv.Key.Key)
// Determine if this key would make a better split than last "best" key.
diff := targetSize - sizeSoFar
if diff < 0 {
diff = -diff
if valid && diff < bestSplitDiff {
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "better split: diff %d at %s", diff, kv.Key)
bestSplitKey = kv.Key
bestSplitDiff = diff
// Determine whether we've found best key and can exit iteration.
done := !bestSplitKey.Key.Equal(encStartKey.Key) && diff > bestSplitDiff
if done && log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "target size reached")
// Add this key/value to the size scanned so far.
if kv.Key.IsValue() && bytes.Equal(kv.Key.Key, lastKey) {
sizeSoFar += mvccVersionTimestampSize + int64(len(kv.Value))
} else {
sizeSoFar += int64(kv.Key.EncodedSize() + len(kv.Value))
lastKey = kv.Key.Key
return done, nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if bestSplitKey.Key.Equal(encStartKey.Key) {
return nil, nil
// The key is an MVCC (versioned) key, so to avoid corrupting MVCC we only
// return the base portion, which is fine to split in front of.
return bestSplitKey.Key, nil
// willOverflow returns true iff adding both inputs would under- or overflow
// the 64 bit integer range.
func willOverflow(a, b int64) bool {
// Morally MinInt64 < a+b < MaxInt64, but without overflows.
// First make sure that a <= b. If not, swap them.
if a > b {
a, b = b, a
// Now b is the larger of the numbers, and we compare sizes
// in a way that can never over- or underflow.
if b > 0 {
return a > math.MaxInt64-b
return math.MinInt64-b > a
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