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Jordan Lewis 提交于 2017-06-09 16:49 . pkg/sql: group by mutation bugfix
// Copyright 2015 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Peter Mattis (peter@cockroachlabs.com)
package sql
import (
// groupBy constructs a groupNode according to grouping functions or clauses. This may adjust the
// render targets in the renderNode as necessary.
func (p *planner) groupBy(
ctx context.Context, n *parser.SelectClause, s *renderNode,
) (*groupNode, error) {
// Determine if aggregation is being performed. This check is done on the raw
// Select expressions as simplification might have removed aggregation
// functions (e.g. `SELECT MIN(1)` -> `SELECT 1`).
if isAggregate := p.parser.IsAggregate(n, p.session.SearchPath); !isAggregate {
return nil, nil
groupByExprs := make([]parser.Expr, len(n.GroupBy))
// A SELECT clause is valid if all its expressions are valid as well, one
// of the criteria for a valid expression is if it appears verbatim in one
// of the GROUP BY clauses.
// NB: "verbatim" above is defined using a string-equality comparison
// as an approximation of a recursive tree-equality comparison.
// For example:
// - `UPPER(k)` appears in GROUP BY.
// Invalid: `SELECT k, SUM(v) FROM kv GROUP BY UPPER(k)`
// - `k` does not appear in GROUP BY; UPPER(k) does nothing to help here.
// In the construction of the outer renderNode, when renders are
// processed (via computeRender()), the expressions are
// normalized. In order to compare these normalized render
// expressions to GROUP BY expressions, we need to normalize the
// GROUP BY expressions as well.
// This is done before determining if aggregation is being performed, because
// that determination is made during validation, which will require matching
// expressions.
for i, expr := range n.GroupBy {
expr = parser.StripParens(expr)
// Check whether the GROUP BY clause refers to a rendered column
// (specified in the original query) by index, e.g. `SELECT a, SUM(b)
// FROM y GROUP BY 1`.
col, err := p.colIndex(s.numOriginalCols, expr, "GROUP BY")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if col != -1 {
groupByExprs[i] = s.render[col]
expr = n.Exprs[col].Expr
} else {
// We do not need to fully analyze the GROUP BY expression here
// (as per analyzeExpr) because this is taken care of by computeRender
// below.
resolvedExpr, _, err := p.resolveNames(expr, s.sourceInfo, s.ivarHelper)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
groupByExprs[i] = resolvedExpr
if err := p.parser.AssertNoAggregationOrWindowing(
expr, "GROUP BY", p.session.SearchPath,
); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Normalize and check the HAVING expression too if it exists.
var typedHaving parser.TypedExpr
if n.Having != nil {
if p.parser.WindowFuncInExpr(n.Having.Expr) {
return nil, sqlbase.NewWindowingError("HAVING")
var err error
typedHaving, err = p.analyzeExpr(ctx, n.Having.Expr, s.sourceInfo, s.ivarHelper,
parser.TypeBool, true, "HAVING")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
group := &groupNode{
planner: p,
values: valuesNode{columns: s.columns},
render: s.render,
filterToRenderIdxs: make(map[int]int),
aggVisitor := extractAggregatesVisitor{
n: group,
groupStrs: make(map[string]struct{}, len(groupByExprs)),
groupedCopy: new(extractAggregatesVisitor),
checkVisitor := checkQueryVisitor{
groupStrs: make(map[string]struct{}, len(groupByExprs)),
groupedCopy: new(checkQueryVisitor),
for _, e := range groupByExprs {
aggVisitor.groupStrs[e.String()] = struct{}{}
checkVisitor.groupStrs[e.String()] = struct{}{}
// A copy of the visitor that is used when a subtree appears in the GROUP BY.
// One copy is allocated up-front, rather than potentially several on-the-fly,
// to reduce allocations.
*aggVisitor.groupedCopy = aggVisitor
aggVisitor.groupedCopy.groupedCopy = nil
*checkVisitor.groupedCopy = checkVisitor
checkVisitor.groupedCopy.groupedCopy = nil
// Loop over the render expressions and check for any malformed queries.
for _, r := range group.render {
if err := checkVisitor.check(r); err != nil {
return nil, err
if typedHaving != nil {
if err := checkVisitor.check(typedHaving); err != nil {
return nil, err
group.having = typedHaving
// Loop over the render expressions and extract any aggregate functions --
// IndexedVars are also replaced (with identAggregates, which just return the last
// value added to them for a bucket) to provide grouped-by values for each bucket.
// After extraction, group.render will be entirely rendered from aggregateFuncHolders,
// and group.funcs will contain all the functions which need to be fed values.
for i, r := range group.render {
group.render[i] = aggVisitor.extract(r)
if typedHaving != nil {
group.having = aggVisitor.extract(typedHaving)
// Queries like `SELECT MAX(n) FROM t` expect a row of NULLs if nothing was aggregated.
group.addNullBucketIfEmpty = len(groupByExprs) == 0
group.buckets = make(map[string]struct{})
if log.V(2) {
strs := make([]string, 0, len(group.funcs))
for _, f := range group.funcs {
strs = append(strs, f.String())
log.Infof(ctx, "Group: %s", strings.Join(strs, ", "))
// Replace the render expressions in the scanNode with expressions that
// compute only the arguments to the aggregate expressions.
newRenders := make([]parser.TypedExpr, len(group.funcs))
newColumns := make(sqlbase.ResultColumns, len(group.funcs))
for i, f := range group.funcs {
// Note: we do not need to normalize the expressions again because
// they were normalized by renderNode's initFrom() before we
// extracted aggregation functions above.
newRenders[i] = f.arg
newColumns[i] = sqlbase.ResultColumn{
Name: f.arg.String(),
Typ: f.arg.ResolvedType(),
// TODO(radu): we should not add duplicate renders; add a mapping between
// group.funcs and s.renders (instead of requiring 1-to-1 correspondence) and
// use addOrMergeRender
s.resetRenderColumns(newRenders, newColumns)
// Add the group-by expressions so they are available for bucketing.
group.groupByIdx = make([]int, 0, len(groupByExprs))
for _, g := range groupByExprs {
cols, exprs, hasStar, err := s.planner.computeRenderAllowingStars(
ctx, parser.SelectExpr{Expr: g}, parser.TypeAny, s.sourceInfo, s.ivarHelper,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.isStar = s.isStar || hasStar
colIdxs := s.addOrMergeRenders(cols, exprs, true /* reuseExistingRender */)
group.groupByIdx = append(group.groupByIdx, colIdxs...)
// Add the filter expressions, so they are available when deciding what rows
// to feed to the aggregation functions.
for i, f := range group.funcs {
if f.filter == nil {
if err := p.parser.AssertNoAggregationOrWindowing(
f.filter, "FILTER", p.session.SearchPath,
); err != nil {
return nil, err
cols, exprs, hasStar, err := s.planner.computeRenderAllowingStars(
ctx, parser.SelectExpr{Expr: f.filter}, parser.TypeAny,
s.sourceInfo, s.ivarHelper, autoGenerateRenderOutputName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if hasStar {
panic("star found in filter; this should not have passed type checking")
colIdxs := s.addOrMergeRenders(cols, exprs, true /* reuseExistingRender */)
if len(colIdxs) != 1 {
panic("multiple columns rendered for filter")
group.filterToRenderIdxs[i] = colIdxs[0]
group.desiredOrdering = group.desiredAggregateOrdering()
return group, nil
// A groupNode implements the planNode interface and handles the grouping logic.
// It "wraps" a planNode which is used to retrieve the ungrouped results.
type groupNode struct {
planner *planner
// The "wrapped" node (which returns ungrouped results).
plan planNode
// render contains the expressions that produce the output values. The
// aggregate functions in them are going to be replaced by
// aggregateFuncHolders, which accumulate the data to be aggregated bucketed
// by the group-by values.
render []parser.TypedExpr
having parser.TypedExpr
// funcs are the aggregation functions that the renders use.
funcs []*aggregateFuncHolder
// Indices (in the wrapped plan's columns) for the group by columns.
groupByIdx []int
// Map of index of aggregation function (from funcs) to the render for the
// corresponding filtering expression in the wrapped plan.
// The map is only populated for functions that have a filter.
filterToRenderIdxs map[int]int
// The set of bucket keys.
buckets map[string]struct{}
addNullBucketIfEmpty bool
values valuesNode
populated bool
// During rendering, aggregateFuncHolders compute their result for group.currentBucket.
currentBucket string
// desiredOrdering is set only if we are aggregating around a single MIN/MAX
// function and we can compute the final result using a single row, assuming
// a specific ordering of the underlying plan.
desiredOrdering sqlbase.ColumnOrdering
needOnlyOneRow bool
gotOneRow bool
explain explainMode
func (n *groupNode) Columns() sqlbase.ResultColumns {
return n.values.Columns()
func (n *groupNode) Ordering() orderingInfo {
// TODO(dt): aggregate buckets are returned un-ordered for now.
return orderingInfo{}
func (n *groupNode) Values() parser.Datums {
return n.values.Values()
func (n *groupNode) MarkDebug(mode explainMode) {
if mode != explainDebug {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown debug mode %d", mode))
n.explain = mode
func (n *groupNode) DebugValues() debugValues {
if n.populated {
return n.values.DebugValues()
// We are emitting a "buffered" row.
vals := n.plan.DebugValues()
if vals.output == debugValueRow {
vals.output = debugValueBuffered
return vals
func (n *groupNode) Spans(ctx context.Context) (_, _ roachpb.Spans, _ error) {
return n.plan.Spans(ctx)
func (n *groupNode) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
return n.plan.Start(ctx)
func (n *groupNode) Next(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
var scratch []byte
// We're going to consume n.plan until it's exhausted, feed all the rows to
// n.funcs, and then call n.computeAggregated to generate all the results.
// Subsequent calls to next will skip the first part and just return a result.
for !n.populated {
next := false
if !(n.needOnlyOneRow && n.gotOneRow) {
var err error
next, err = n.plan.Next(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !next {
n.populated = true
if err := n.computeAggregates(ctx); err != nil {
return false, err
if n.explain == explainDebug && n.plan.DebugValues().output != debugValueRow {
// Pass through non-row debug values.
return true, nil
// Add row to bucket.
values := n.plan.Values()
valuesToAccumulate := values[:len(n.funcs)]
// TODO(dt): optimization: skip buckets when underlying plan is ordered by grouped values.
bucket := scratch
for _, idx := range n.groupByIdx {
var err error
bucket, err = sqlbase.EncodeDatum(bucket, values[idx])
if err != nil {
return false, err
n.buckets[string(bucket)] = struct{}{}
// Feed the aggregateFuncHolders for this bucket the non-grouped values.
for i, value := range valuesToAccumulate {
var filterVal parser.Datum = parser.DBoolTrue
if renderIdx, ok := n.filterToRenderIdxs[i]; ok {
filterVal = values[renderIdx]
if filterVal != parser.DBoolTrue {
if err := n.funcs[i].add(ctx, n.planner.session, bucket, value); err != nil {
return false, err
scratch = bucket[:0]
n.gotOneRow = true
if n.explain == explainDebug {
// Emit a "buffered" row.
return true, nil
return n.values.Next(ctx)
func (n *groupNode) computeAggregates(ctx context.Context) error {
if len(n.buckets) < 1 && n.addNullBucketIfEmpty {
n.buckets[""] = struct{}{}
// Render the results.
n.values.rows = sqlbase.NewRowContainer(
row := make(parser.Datums, len(n.render))
for k := range n.buckets {
n.currentBucket = k
if n.having != nil {
res, err := n.having.Eval(&n.planner.evalCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
if val, err := parser.GetBool(res); err != nil {
return err
} else if !val {
for i, r := range n.render {
var err error
row[i], err = r.Eval(&n.planner.evalCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := n.values.rows.AddRow(ctx, row); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (n *groupNode) Close(ctx context.Context) {
for _, f := range n.funcs {
f.close(ctx, n.planner.session)
n.buckets = nil
// requiresIsNotNullFilter returns whether a "col IS NOT NULL" constraint must
// be added. This is the case when we have a single MIN/MAX aggregation
// function.
func (n *groupNode) requiresIsNotNullFilter() bool {
return len(n.desiredOrdering) == 1
// isNotNullFilter adds as a "col IS NOT NULL" constraint to the expression if
// the groupNode has a desired ordering on col (see
// desiredAggregateOrdering). A desired ordering will only be present if there
// is a single MIN/MAX aggregation function.
func (n *groupNode) isNotNullFilter(expr parser.TypedExpr) parser.TypedExpr {
if !n.requiresIsNotNullFilter() {
panic("IS NOT NULL filter not required")
i := n.desiredOrdering[0].ColIdx
f := n.funcs[i]
isNotNull := parser.NewTypedComparisonExpr(
if expr == nil {
return isNotNull
return parser.NewTypedAndExpr(
// desiredAggregateOrdering computes the desired output ordering from the
// scan.
// We only have a desired ordering if we have a single MIN or MAX aggregation
// with a simple column argument and there is no GROUP BY.
func (n *groupNode) desiredAggregateOrdering() sqlbase.ColumnOrdering {
if len(n.groupByIdx) > 0 {
return nil
if len(n.funcs) != 1 {
return nil
f := n.funcs[0]
impl := f.create(&n.planner.evalCtx)
switch impl.(type) {
case *parser.MaxAggregate, *parser.MinAggregate:
if f.arg == nil {
return nil
direction := encoding.Ascending
switch f.arg.(type) {
case *parser.IndexedVar:
if _, ok := impl.(*parser.MaxAggregate); ok {
direction = encoding.Descending
return sqlbase.ColumnOrdering{{ColIdx: 0, Direction: direction}}
return nil
type extractAggregatesVisitor struct {
n *groupNode
groupStrs map[string]struct{}
// groupedCopy is nil when visitor is in an Expr subtree that appears in the GROUP BY clause.
groupedCopy *extractAggregatesVisitor
var _ parser.Visitor = &extractAggregatesVisitor{}
func (v *extractAggregatesVisitor) VisitPre(expr parser.Expr) (recurse bool, newExpr parser.Expr) {
// This expression is in the GROUP BY - switch to the visitor that will accept
// IndexedVars for this and any subtrees.
if _, ok := v.groupStrs[expr.String()]; ok && v.groupedCopy != nil && v != v.groupedCopy {
expr, _ = parser.WalkExpr(v.groupedCopy, expr)
return false, expr
switch t := expr.(type) {
case *parser.FuncExpr:
if agg := t.GetAggregateConstructor(); agg != nil {
if len(t.Exprs) != 1 {
// Type checking has already run on these expressions thus
// if an aggregate function of the wrong arity gets here,
// something has gone really wrong. Additionally the query
// checker is not functioning correctly as it should have
// panicked there.
panic("query checker did not detect multiple arguments for aggregator")
argExpr := t.Exprs[0]
var filterExpr parser.TypedExpr
if t.Filter != nil {
filterExpr = t.Filter.(parser.TypedExpr)
f := v.n.newAggregateFuncHolder(t, argExpr.(parser.TypedExpr), filterExpr, agg)
if t.Type == parser.DistinctFuncType {
f.seen = make(map[string]struct{})
v.n.funcs = append(v.n.funcs, f)
return false, f
case *parser.IndexedVar:
if v.groupedCopy != nil {
panic("query checker did not detect column not appearing in GROUP BY clauses or aggregation function")
f := v.n.newAggregateFuncHolder(t, t, nil /* filter */, parser.NewIdentAggregate)
v.n.funcs = append(v.n.funcs, f)
return false, f
return true, expr
func (*extractAggregatesVisitor) VisitPost(expr parser.Expr) parser.Expr { return expr }
// extract aggregateFuncHolders from exprs that use aggregation and add them to
// the groupNode.
func (v extractAggregatesVisitor) extract(typedExpr parser.TypedExpr) parser.TypedExpr {
expr, _ := parser.WalkExpr(&v, typedExpr)
return expr.(parser.TypedExpr)
type checkQueryVisitor struct {
groupStrs map[string]struct{}
// groupedCopy is nil when visitor is in an Expr subtree that appears in the GROUP BY clause.
groupedCopy *checkQueryVisitor
subAggVisitor parser.IsAggregateVisitor
err error
var _ parser.Visitor = &checkQueryVisitor{}
func (v *checkQueryVisitor) VisitPre(expr parser.Expr) (recurse bool, newExpr parser.Expr) {
if v.err != nil {
return false, expr
// This expression is in the GROUP BY - switch to the visitor that will accept
// IndexedVars for this and any subtrees.
if _, ok := v.groupStrs[expr.String()]; ok && v.groupedCopy != nil && v != v.groupedCopy {
expr, _ = parser.WalkExpr(v.groupedCopy, expr)
return false, expr
switch t := expr.(type) {
case *parser.FuncExpr:
if agg := t.GetAggregateConstructor(); agg != nil {
if len(t.Exprs) != 1 {
// Type checking has already run on these expressions thus
// if an aggregate function of the wrong arity gets here,
// something has gone really wrong.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q has %d arguments (expected 1)", t.Func, len(t.Exprs)))
argExpr := t.Exprs[0]
defer v.subAggVisitor.Reset()
if parser.WalkExprConst(&v.subAggVisitor, argExpr); v.subAggVisitor.Aggregated {
v.err = fmt.Errorf("aggregate function calls cannot be nested under %s()", t.Func)
return false, expr
case *parser.IndexedVar:
if v.groupedCopy != nil {
v.err = fmt.Errorf("column \"%s\" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function",
return true, expr
return false, expr
return true, expr
func (*checkQueryVisitor) VisitPost(expr parser.Expr) parser.Expr { return expr }
// Check if expr provided is valid.
// An expression is valid if:
// - it is an aggregate expression, or
// - it appears verbatim in groupBy, or
// - it is not an IndexedVar, and all of its subexpressions (as defined by
// its Walk implementation) are valid
// NB: "verbatim" above is defined using a string-equality comparison
// as an approximation of a recursive tree-equality comparison.
// For example:
// Invalid: `SELECT k, SUM(v) FROM kv`
// - `k` is unaggregated and does not appear in the (missing) GROUP BY.
// Valid: `SELECT k, SUM(v) FROM kv GROUP BY k`
// Also valid: `SELECT UPPER(k), SUM(v) FROM kv GROUP BY UPPER(k)`
// - `UPPER(k)` appears in GROUP BY.
// Also valid: `SELECT UPPER(k), SUM(v) FROM kv GROUP BY k`
// - `k` appears in GROUP BY, so `UPPER(k)` is OK, but...
// Invalid: `SELECT k, SUM(v) FROM kv GROUP BY UPPER(k)`
// - `k` does not appear in GROUP BY; UPPER(k) does nothing to help here.
func (v checkQueryVisitor) check(typedExpr parser.TypedExpr) error {
parser.WalkExpr(&v, typedExpr)
return v.err
var _ parser.TypedExpr = &aggregateFuncHolder{}
var _ parser.VariableExpr = &aggregateFuncHolder{}
type aggregateFuncHolder struct {
// expr must either contain an aggregation function (SUM, COUNT, etc.) or an
// expression that also appears as one of the GROUP BY expressions (v+w in
// SELECT v+w FROM kvw GROUP BY v+w).
expr parser.TypedExpr
arg parser.TypedExpr
filter parser.TypedExpr
create func(*parser.EvalContext) parser.AggregateFunc
group *groupNode
buckets map[string]parser.AggregateFunc
bucketsMemAcc WrappableMemoryAccount
seen map[string]struct{}
func (n *groupNode) newAggregateFuncHolder(
expr, arg, filter parser.TypedExpr, create func(*parser.EvalContext) parser.AggregateFunc,
) *aggregateFuncHolder {
res := &aggregateFuncHolder{
expr: expr,
arg: arg,
filter: filter,
create: create,
group: n,
buckets: make(map[string]parser.AggregateFunc),
bucketsMemAcc: n.planner.session.TxnState.OpenAccount(),
return res
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) close(ctx context.Context, s *Session) {
for _, aggFunc := range a.buckets {
a.buckets = nil
a.seen = nil
a.group = nil
// add accumulates one more value for a particular bucket into an aggregation
// function.
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) add(
ctx context.Context, s *Session, bucket []byte, d parser.Datum,
) error {
// NB: the compiler *should* optimize `myMap[string(myBytes)]`. See:
// https://github.com/golang/go/commit/f5f5a8b6209f84961687d993b93ea0d397f5d5bf
if a.seen != nil {
encoded, err := sqlbase.EncodeDatum(bucket, d)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, ok := a.seen[string(encoded)]; ok {
// skip
return nil
if err := a.bucketsMemAcc.Wtxn(s).Grow(ctx, int64(len(encoded))); err != nil {
return err
a.seen[string(encoded)] = struct{}{}
impl, ok := a.buckets[string(bucket)]
if !ok {
impl = a.create(&a.group.planner.evalCtx)
a.buckets[string(bucket)] = impl
return impl.Add(ctx, d)
func (*aggregateFuncHolder) Variable() {}
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) Format(buf *bytes.Buffer, f parser.FmtFlags) {
a.expr.Format(buf, f)
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) String() string { return parser.AsString(a) }
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) Walk(v parser.Visitor) parser.Expr { return a }
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) TypeCheck(
_ *parser.SemaContext, desired parser.Type,
) (parser.TypedExpr, error) {
return a, nil
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) Eval(ctx *parser.EvalContext) (parser.Datum, error) {
found, ok := a.buckets[a.group.currentBucket]
if !ok {
found = a.create(ctx)
result, err := found.Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if result == nil {
if parser.IsIdentAggregate(found) {
// Identity functions return their argument, even if no
// aggregation inputs were seen.
return a.arg.Eval(ctx)
// Otherwise, we can't be here: all aggregation functions
// should return a valid value or DNull if there are no rows.
panic("aggregation function returned nil")
return result, nil
func (a *aggregateFuncHolder) ResolvedType() parser.Type {
return a.expr.ResolvedType()
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