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insert.go 15.12 KB
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// Copyright 2015 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Peter Mattis (peter@cockroachlabs.com)
package sql
import (
type insertNode struct {
// The following fields are populated during makePlan.
defaultExprs []parser.TypedExpr
n *parser.Insert
checkHelper checkHelper
insertCols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor
insertColIDtoRowIndex map[sqlbase.ColumnID]int
tw tableWriter
run struct {
// The following fields are populated during Start().
rowIdxToRetIdx []int
rowTemplate parser.Datums
// Insert inserts rows into the database.
// Privileges: INSERT on table. Also requires UPDATE on "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE".
// Notes: postgres requires INSERT. No "on duplicate key update" option.
// mysql requires INSERT. Also requires UPDATE on "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE".
func (p *planner) Insert(
ctx context.Context, n *parser.Insert, desiredTypes []parser.Type,
) (planNode, error) {
tn, err := p.getAliasedTableName(n.Table)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
en, err := p.makeEditNode(ctx, tn, privilege.INSERT)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n.OnConflict != nil {
if !n.OnConflict.DoNothing {
if err := p.CheckPrivilege(en.tableDesc, privilege.UPDATE); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(dan): Support RETURNING in UPSERTs.
if _, ok := n.Returning.(*parser.ReturningExprs); ok {
return nil, util.UnimplementedWithIssueErrorf(6637,
"RETURNING is not supported with UPSERT")
var cols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor
// Determine which columns we're inserting into.
if n.DefaultValues() {
cols = en.tableDesc.Columns
} else {
var err error
if cols, err = p.processColumns(en.tableDesc, n.Columns); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Number of columns expecting an input. This doesn't include the
// columns receiving a default value.
numInputColumns := len(cols)
cols, defaultExprs, err := ProcessDefaultColumns(cols, en.tableDesc, &p.parser, &p.evalCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var insertRows parser.SelectStatement
if n.DefaultValues() {
insertRows = getDefaultValuesClause(defaultExprs, cols)
} else {
src, values, err := extractInsertSource(n.Rows)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if values != nil {
src = fillDefaults(defaultExprs, cols, values)
insertRows = src
// Analyze the expressions for column information and typing.
desiredTypesFromSelect := make([]parser.Type, len(cols))
for i, col := range cols {
desiredTypesFromSelect[i] = col.Type.ToDatumType()
// Create the plan for the data source.
// This performs type checking on source expressions, collecting
// types for placeholders in the process.
rows, err := p.newPlan(ctx, insertRows, desiredTypesFromSelect)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if expressions := len(rows.Columns()); expressions > numInputColumns {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("INSERT error: table %s has %d columns but %d values were supplied", n.Table, numInputColumns, expressions)
fkTables := sqlbase.TablesNeededForFKs(*en.tableDesc, sqlbase.CheckInserts)
if err := p.fillFKTableMap(ctx, fkTables); err != nil {
return nil, err
ri, err := sqlbase.MakeRowInserter(p.txn, en.tableDesc, fkTables, cols, sqlbase.CheckFKs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var tw tableWriter
if n.OnConflict == nil {
tw = &tableInserter{ri: ri, autoCommit: p.autoCommit}
} else {
updateExprs, conflictIndex, err := upsertExprsAndIndex(en.tableDesc, *n.OnConflict, ri.InsertCols)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n.OnConflict.DoNothing {
// TODO(dan): Postgres allows ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING without specifying a
// conflict index, which means do nothing on any conflict. Support this if
// someone needs it.
tw = &tableUpserter{
ri: ri,
autoCommit: p.autoCommit,
conflictIndex: *conflictIndex,
} else {
names, err := p.namesForExprs(updateExprs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Also include columns that are inactive because they should be
// updated.
updateCols := make([]sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor, len(names))
for i, n := range names {
c, err := n.NormalizeUnqualifiedColumnItem()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status, idx, err := en.tableDesc.FindColumnByName(c.ColumnName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if status == sqlbase.DescriptorActive {
updateCols[i] = en.tableDesc.Columns[idx]
} else {
updateCols[i] = *en.tableDesc.Mutations[idx].GetColumn()
helper, err := p.makeUpsertHelper(
ctx, tn, en.tableDesc, ri.InsertCols, updateCols, updateExprs, conflictIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fkTables := sqlbase.TablesNeededForFKs(*en.tableDesc, sqlbase.CheckUpdates)
if err := p.fillFKTableMap(ctx, fkTables); err != nil {
return nil, err
tw = &tableUpserter{
ri: ri,
autoCommit: p.autoCommit,
fkTables: fkTables,
updateCols: updateCols,
conflictIndex: *conflictIndex,
evaler: helper,
isUpsertAlias: n.OnConflict.IsUpsertAlias(),
in := &insertNode{
n: n,
editNodeBase: en,
defaultExprs: defaultExprs,
insertCols: ri.InsertCols,
insertColIDtoRowIndex: ri.InsertColIDtoRowIndex,
tw: tw,
if err := in.checkHelper.init(ctx, p, tn, en.tableDesc); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := in.run.initEditNode(
ctx, &in.editNodeBase, rows, in.tw, n.Returning, desiredTypes); err != nil {
return nil, err
return in, nil
// ProcessDefaultColumns adds columns with DEFAULT to cols if not present
// and returns the defaultExprs for cols.
func ProcessDefaultColumns(
cols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor,
tableDesc *sqlbase.TableDescriptor,
parse *parser.Parser,
evalCtx *parser.EvalContext,
) ([]sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor, []parser.TypedExpr, error) {
colIDSet := make(map[sqlbase.ColumnID]struct{}, len(cols))
for _, col := range cols {
colIDSet[col.ID] = struct{}{}
// Add the column if it has a DEFAULT expression.
addIfDefault := func(col sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor) {
if col.DefaultExpr != nil {
if _, ok := colIDSet[col.ID]; !ok {
colIDSet[col.ID] = struct{}{}
cols = append(cols, col)
// Add any column that has a DEFAULT expression.
for _, col := range tableDesc.Columns {
// Also add any column in a mutation that is WRITE_ONLY and has
// a DEFAULT expression.
for _, m := range tableDesc.Mutations {
if m.State != sqlbase.DescriptorMutation_WRITE_ONLY {
if col := m.GetColumn(); col != nil {
defaultExprs, err := sqlbase.MakeDefaultExprs(cols, parse, evalCtx)
return cols, defaultExprs, err
func (n *insertNode) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
// Prepare structures for building values to pass to rh.
if n.rh.exprs != nil {
// In some cases (e.g. `INSERT INTO t (a) ...`) rowVals does not contain all the table
// columns. We need to pass values for all table columns to rh, in the correct order; we
// will use rowTemplate for this. We also need a table that maps row indices to rowTemplate indices
// to fill in the row values; any absent values will be NULLs.
n.run.rowTemplate = make(parser.Datums, len(n.tableDesc.Columns))
for i := range n.run.rowTemplate {
n.run.rowTemplate[i] = parser.DNull
colIDToRetIndex := map[sqlbase.ColumnID]int{}
for i, col := range n.tableDesc.Columns {
colIDToRetIndex[col.ID] = i
n.run.rowIdxToRetIdx = make([]int, len(n.insertCols))
for i, col := range n.insertCols {
n.run.rowIdxToRetIdx[i] = colIDToRetIndex[col.ID]
if err := n.run.startEditNode(ctx, &n.editNodeBase); err != nil {
return err
return n.run.tw.init(n.p.txn)
func (n *insertNode) Close(ctx context.Context) {
func (n *insertNode) Next(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
if next, err := n.run.rows.Next(ctx); !next {
if err == nil {
// We're done. Finish the batch.
err = n.tw.finalize(ctx)
return false, err
if n.run.explain == explainDebug {
return true, nil
rowVals, err := GenerateInsertRow(n.defaultExprs, n.insertColIDtoRowIndex, n.insertCols, n.p.evalCtx, n.tableDesc, n.run.rows.Values())
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err := n.checkHelper.loadRow(n.insertColIDtoRowIndex, rowVals, false); err != nil {
return false, err
if err := n.checkHelper.check(&n.p.evalCtx); err != nil {
return false, err
_, err = n.tw.row(ctx, rowVals)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for i, val := range rowVals {
if n.run.rowTemplate != nil {
n.run.rowTemplate[n.run.rowIdxToRetIdx[i]] = val
resultRow, err := n.rh.cookResultRow(n.run.rowTemplate)
if err != nil {
return false, err
n.run.resultRow = resultRow
return true, nil
// GenerateInsertRow prepares a row tuple for insertion. It fills in default
// expressions, verifies non-nullable columns, and checks column widths.
func GenerateInsertRow(
defaultExprs []parser.TypedExpr,
insertColIDtoRowIndex map[sqlbase.ColumnID]int,
insertCols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor,
evalCtx parser.EvalContext,
tableDesc *sqlbase.TableDescriptor,
rowVals parser.Datums,
) (parser.Datums, error) {
// The values for the row may be shorter than the number of columns being
// inserted into. Generate default values for those columns using the
// default expressions.
if len(rowVals) < len(insertCols) {
// It's not cool to append to the slice returned by a node; make a copy.
oldVals := rowVals
rowVals = make(parser.Datums, len(insertCols))
copy(rowVals, oldVals)
for i := len(oldVals); i < len(insertCols); i++ {
if defaultExprs == nil {
rowVals[i] = parser.DNull
d, err := defaultExprs[i].Eval(&evalCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rowVals[i] = d
// Check to see if NULL is being inserted into any non-nullable column.
for _, col := range tableDesc.Columns {
if !col.Nullable {
if i, ok := insertColIDtoRowIndex[col.ID]; !ok || rowVals[i] == parser.DNull {
return nil, sqlbase.NewNonNullViolationError(col.Name)
// Ensure that the values honor the specified column widths.
for i := range rowVals {
if err := sqlbase.CheckValueWidth(insertCols[i], rowVals[i]); err != nil {
return nil, err
return rowVals, nil
func (p *planner) processColumns(
tableDesc *sqlbase.TableDescriptor, node parser.UnresolvedNames,
) ([]sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor, error) {
if node == nil {
// VisibleColumns is used here to prevent INSERT INTO <table> VALUES (...)
// (as opposed to INSERT INTO <table> (...) VALUES (...)) from writing
// hidden columns. At present, the only hidden column is the implicit rowid
// primary key column.
return tableDesc.VisibleColumns(), nil
cols := make([]sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor, len(node))
colIDSet := make(map[sqlbase.ColumnID]struct{}, len(node))
for i, n := range node {
c, err := n.NormalizeUnqualifiedColumnItem()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(c.Selector) > 0 {
return nil, util.UnimplementedWithIssueErrorf(8318, "compound types not supported yet: %q", n)
col, err := tableDesc.FindActiveColumnByName(c.ColumnName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := colIDSet[col.ID]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple assignments to the same column %q", n)
colIDSet[col.ID] = struct{}{}
cols[i] = col
return cols, nil
// extractInsertSource removes the parentheses around the data source of an INSERT statement.
// If the data source is a VALUES clause not further qualified with LIMIT/OFFSET and ORDER BY,
// the 2nd return value is a pre-casted pointer to the VALUES clause.
func extractInsertSource(s *parser.Select) (parser.SelectStatement, *parser.ValuesClause, error) {
wrapped := s.Select
limit := s.Limit
orderBy := s.OrderBy
for s, ok := wrapped.(*parser.ParenSelect); ok; s, ok = wrapped.(*parser.ParenSelect) {
wrapped = s.Select.Select
if s.Select.OrderBy != nil {
if orderBy != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple ORDER BY clauses not allowed")
orderBy = s.Select.OrderBy
if s.Select.Limit != nil {
if limit != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple LIMIT clauses not allowed")
limit = s.Select.Limit
if orderBy == nil && limit == nil {
values, _ := wrapped.(*parser.ValuesClause)
return wrapped, values, nil
return &parser.ParenSelect{
Select: &parser.Select{Select: wrapped, OrderBy: orderBy, Limit: limit},
}, nil, nil
func getDefaultValuesClause(
defaultExprs []parser.TypedExpr, cols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor,
) parser.SelectStatement {
row := make(parser.Exprs, 0, len(cols))
for i := range cols {
if defaultExprs == nil {
row = append(row, parser.DNull)
row = append(row, defaultExprs[i])
return &parser.ValuesClause{Tuples: []*parser.Tuple{{Exprs: row}}}
func fillDefaults(
defaultExprs []parser.TypedExpr, cols []sqlbase.ColumnDescriptor, values *parser.ValuesClause,
) *parser.ValuesClause {
ret := values
for tIdx, tuple := range values.Tuples {
tupleCopied := false
for eIdx, val := range tuple.Exprs {
switch val.(type) {
case parser.DefaultVal:
if !tupleCopied {
if ret == values {
ret = &parser.ValuesClause{Tuples: append([]*parser.Tuple(nil), values.Tuples...)}
ret.Tuples[tIdx] =
&parser.Tuple{Exprs: append([]parser.Expr(nil), tuple.Exprs...)}
tupleCopied = true
if defaultExprs == nil || eIdx >= len(defaultExprs) {
// The case where eIdx is too large for defaultExprs will be
// transformed into an error by the check on the number of
// columns in Insert().
ret.Tuples[tIdx].Exprs[eIdx] = parser.DNull
} else {
ret.Tuples[tIdx].Exprs[eIdx] = defaultExprs[eIdx]
return ret
func (n *insertNode) Columns() sqlbase.ResultColumns {
return n.rh.columns
func (n *insertNode) Values() parser.Datums {
return n.run.resultRow
func (n *insertNode) MarkDebug(mode explainMode) {
if mode != explainDebug {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown debug mode %d", mode))
n.run.explain = mode
func (n *insertNode) DebugValues() debugValues {
return n.run.rows.DebugValues()
func (n *insertNode) Ordering() orderingInfo { return orderingInfo{} }
func (n *insertNode) Spans(ctx context.Context) (reads, writes roachpb.Spans, err error) {
return n.run.collectSpans(ctx)
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