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plan.go 17.44 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2015 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
type planMaker interface {
// newPlan starts preparing the query plan for a single SQL
// statement.
// It performs as many early checks as possible on the structure of
// the SQL statement, including verifying permissions and type
// checking. The returned plan object is not ready to execute; the
// optimizePlan() method must be called first. See makePlan()
// below.
// This method should not be used directly; instead prefer makePlan()
// or prepare() below.
ctx context.Context, stmt parser.Statement, desiredTypes []parser.Type,
) (planNode, error)
// makePlan prepares the query plan for a single SQL statement. it
// calls newPlan() then optimizePlan() on the result. Execution must
// start by calling Start() first and then iterating using Next()
// and Values() in order to retrieve matching rows.
// makePlan starts preparing the query plan for a single SQL
// statement.
// It performs as many early checks as possible on the structure of
// the SQL statement, including verifying permissions and type checking.
// The returned plan object is ready to execute. Execution
// must start by calling Start() first and then iterating using
// Next() and Values() in order to retrieve matching
// rows.
makePlan(ctx context.Context, stmt Statement) (planNode, error)
// prepare does the same checks as makePlan but skips building some
// data structures necessary for execution, based on the assumption
// that the plan will never be run. A planNode built with prepare()
// will do just enough work to check the structural validity of the
// SQL statement and determine types for placeholders. However it is
// not appropriate to call optimizePlan(), Next() or Values() on a plan
// object created with prepare().
prepare(ctx context.Context, stmt parser.Statement) (planNode, error)
var _ planMaker = &planner{}
// runParams is a struct containing all parameters passed to planNode.Next() and
// planNode.Start().
type runParams struct {
// context.Context for this method call.
ctx context.Context
// planner associated with this planNode.
p *planner
// planNode defines the interface for executing a query or portion of a query.
// The following methods apply to planNodes and contain special cases
// for each type; they thus need to be extended when adding/removing
// planNode instances:
// - planMaker.newPlan()
// - planMaker.prepare()
// - planMaker.setNeededColumns() (needed_columns.go)
// - planMaker.expandPlan() (expand_plan.go)
// - planVisitor.visit() (walk.go)
// - planNodeNames (walk.go)
// - planMaker.optimizeFilters() (filter_opt.go)
// - setLimitHint() (limit_hint.go)
// - collectSpans() (plan_spans.go)
// - planOrdering() (plan_ordering.go)
// - planColumns() (plan_columns.go)
type planNode interface {
// Start begins the processing of the query/statement and starts
// performing side effects for data-modifying statements. Returns an
// error if initial processing fails.
// Note: Don't use directly. Use startPlan() instead.
// Available after optimizePlan() (or makePlan).
Start(params runParams) error
// Next performs one unit of work, returning false if an error is
// encountered or if there is no more work to do. For statements
// that return a result set, the Values() method will return one row
// of results each time that Next() returns true.
// See executor.go: forEachRow() for an example.
// Available after Start(). It is illegal to call Next() after it returns
// false.
Next(params runParams) (bool, error)
// Values returns the values at the current row. The result is only valid
// until the next call to Next().
// Available after Next().
Values() parser.Datums
// Close terminates the planNode execution and releases its resources.
// This method should be called if the node has been used in any way (any
// methods on it have been called) after it was constructed. Note that this
// doesn't imply that Start() has been necessarily called.
Close(ctx context.Context)
// planNodeFastPath is implemented by nodes that can perform all their
// work during Start(), possibly affecting even multiple rows. For
// example, DELETE can do this.
type planNodeFastPath interface {
// FastPathResults returns the affected row count and true if the
// node has no result set and has already executed when Start() completes.
FastPathResults() (int, bool)
var _ planNode = &alterTableNode{}
var _ planNode = &copyNode{}
var _ planNode = &createDatabaseNode{}
var _ planNode = &createIndexNode{}
var _ planNode = &createTableNode{}
var _ planNode = &createViewNode{}
var _ planNode = &delayedNode{}
var _ planNode = &deleteNode{}
var _ planNode = &distinctNode{}
var _ planNode = &dropDatabaseNode{}
var _ planNode = &dropIndexNode{}
var _ planNode = &dropTableNode{}
var _ planNode = &dropViewNode{}
var _ planNode = &zeroNode{}
var _ planNode = &unaryNode{}
var _ planNode = &explainDistSQLNode{}
var _ planNode = &explainPlanNode{}
var _ planNode = &traceNode{}
var _ planNode = &filterNode{}
var _ planNode = &groupNode{}
var _ planNode = &hookFnNode{}
var _ planNode = &indexJoinNode{}
var _ planNode = &insertNode{}
var _ planNode = &joinNode{}
var _ planNode = &limitNode{}
var _ planNode = &ordinalityNode{}
var _ planNode = &testingRelocateNode{}
var _ planNode = &renderNode{}
var _ planNode = &scanNode{}
var _ planNode = &scatterNode{}
var _ planNode = &showRangesNode{}
var _ planNode = &showFingerprintsNode{}
var _ planNode = &sortNode{}
var _ planNode = &splitNode{}
var _ planNode = &unionNode{}
var _ planNode = &updateNode{}
var _ planNode = &valueGenerator{}
var _ planNode = &valuesNode{}
var _ planNode = &windowNode{}
var _ planNode = &createUserNode{}
var _ planNode = &dropUserNode{}
var _ planNodeFastPath = &deleteNode{}
var _ planNodeFastPath = &dropUserNode{}
// makePlan implements the Planner interface.
func (p *planner) makePlan(ctx context.Context, stmt Statement) (planNode, error) {
plan, err := p.newPlan(ctx, stmt.AST, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if stmt.ExpectedTypes != nil {
if !stmt.ExpectedTypes.TypesEqual(planColumns(plan)) {
return nil, pgerror.NewError(pgerror.CodeFeatureNotSupportedError,
"cached plan must not change result type")
if err := p.semaCtx.Placeholders.AssertAllAssigned(); err != nil {
return nil, err
needed := allColumns(plan)
plan, err = p.optimizePlan(ctx, plan, needed)
if err != nil {
// Once the plan has undergone optimization, it may contain
// monitor-registered memory, even in case of error.
return nil, err
if log.V(3) {
log.Infof(ctx, "statement %s compiled to:\n%s", stmt, planToString(ctx, plan))
return plan, nil
// startPlan starts the plan and all its sub-query nodes.
func (p *planner) startPlan(ctx context.Context, plan planNode) error {
if err := p.startSubqueryPlans(ctx, plan); err != nil {
return err
params := runParams{
ctx: ctx,
p: p,
if err := plan.Start(params); err != nil {
return err
// Trigger limit propagation through the plan and sub-queries.
return nil
func (p *planner) maybePlanHook(ctx context.Context, stmt parser.Statement) (planNode, error) {
// TODO(dan): This iteration makes the plan dispatch no longer constant
// time. We could fix that with a map of `reflect.Type` but including
// reflection in such a primary codepath is unfortunate. Instead, the
// upcoming IR work will provide unique numeric type tags, which will
// elegantly solve this.
for _, planHook := range planHooks {
if fn, header, err := planHook(stmt, p); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if fn != nil {
return &hookFnNode{f: fn, header: header}, nil
return nil, nil
// delegateQuery creates a plan for a given SQL query.
// In addition, the caller can specify an additional validation
// function (initialCheck) that will be ran and checked for errors
// during plan optimization. This is meant for checks that cannot be
// run during a SQL prepare operation.
func (p *planner) delegateQuery(
ctx context.Context,
name string,
sql string,
initialCheck func(ctx context.Context) error,
desiredTypes []parser.Type,
) (planNode, error) {
// Prepare the sub-plan.
stmt, err := parser.ParseOne(sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
plan, err := p.newPlan(ctx, stmt, desiredTypes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if initialCheck == nil {
return plan, nil
// To enable late calling into initialCheck, we use a delayedNode.
return &delayedNode{
name: name,
// The columns attribute cannot be a straight-up reference to the sub-plan's
// own columns, because they can be modified in-place by setNeededColumns().
columns: append(sqlbase.ResultColumns(nil), planColumns(plan)...),
// The delayed constructor's only responsibility is to call
// initialCheck() - the plan is already constructed.
constructor: func(ctx context.Context, _ *planner) (planNode, error) {
if err := initialCheck(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return plan, nil
// Breaking with the common usage pattern of delayedNode, where
// the plan attribute is initially nil (the constructor creates
// it), here we prepopulate the field with the sub-plan created
// above. We do this instead of simply returning the newly created
// sub-plan in a constructor closure, to ensure the sub-plan is
// properly Close()d if the delayedNode is discarded before its
// constructor is called.
plan: plan,
}, nil
// newPlan constructs a planNode from a statement. This is used
// recursively by the various node constructors.
func (p *planner) newPlan(
ctx context.Context, stmt parser.Statement, desiredTypes []parser.Type,
) (planNode, error) {
// This will set the system DB trigger for transactions containing
// DDL statements that have no effect, such as
// where the table already exists. This will generate some false
// refreshes, but that's expected to be quite rare in practice.
if stmt.StatementType() == parser.DDL {
if err := p.txn.SetSystemConfigTrigger(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err,
"schema change statement cannot follow a statement that has written in the same transaction")
if plan, err := p.maybePlanHook(ctx, stmt); plan != nil || err != nil {
return plan, err
switch n := stmt.(type) {
case *parser.AlterTable:
return p.AlterTable(ctx, n)
case *parser.BeginTransaction:
return p.BeginTransaction(n)
case *parser.CancelQuery:
return p.CancelQuery(ctx, n)
case *parser.CancelJob:
return p.CancelJob(ctx, n)
case CopyDataBlock:
return p.CopyData(ctx, n)
case *parser.CopyFrom:
return p.CopyFrom(ctx, n)
case *parser.CreateDatabase:
return p.CreateDatabase(n)
case *parser.CreateIndex:
return p.CreateIndex(ctx, n)
case *parser.CreateTable:
return p.CreateTable(ctx, n)
case *parser.CreateUser:
return p.CreateUser(ctx, n)
case *parser.CreateView:
return p.CreateView(ctx, n)
case *parser.Deallocate:
return p.Deallocate(ctx, n)
case *parser.Delete:
return p.Delete(ctx, n, desiredTypes)
case *parser.Discard:
return p.Discard(ctx, n)
case *parser.DropDatabase:
return p.DropDatabase(ctx, n)
case *parser.DropIndex:
return p.DropIndex(ctx, n)
case *parser.DropTable:
return p.DropTable(ctx, n)
case *parser.DropView:
return p.DropView(ctx, n)
case *parser.DropUser:
return p.DropUser(ctx, n)
case *parser.Execute:
return p.Execute(ctx, n)
case *parser.Explain:
return p.Explain(ctx, n)
case *parser.Grant:
return p.Grant(ctx, n)
case *parser.Insert:
return p.Insert(ctx, n, desiredTypes)
case *parser.ParenSelect:
return p.newPlan(ctx, n.Select, desiredTypes)
case *parser.PauseJob:
return p.PauseJob(ctx, n)
case *parser.TestingRelocate:
return p.TestingRelocate(ctx, n)
case *parser.RenameColumn:
return p.RenameColumn(ctx, n)
case *parser.RenameDatabase:
return p.RenameDatabase(ctx, n)
case *parser.RenameIndex:
return p.RenameIndex(ctx, n)
case *parser.RenameTable:
return p.RenameTable(ctx, n)
case *parser.ResumeJob:
return p.ResumeJob(ctx, n)
case *parser.Revoke:
return p.Revoke(ctx, n)
case *parser.Scatter:
return p.Scatter(ctx, n)
case *parser.Select:
return p.Select(ctx, n, desiredTypes)
case *parser.SelectClause:
return p.SelectClause(ctx, n, nil, nil, desiredTypes, publicColumns)
case *parser.SetClusterSetting:
return p.SetClusterSetting(ctx, n)
case *parser.SetVar:
return p.SetVar(ctx, n)
case *parser.SetTransaction:
return p.SetTransaction(n)
case *parser.SetDefaultIsolation:
return p.SetDefaultIsolation(n)
case *parser.ShowClusterSetting:
return p.ShowClusterSetting(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowVar:
return p.ShowVar(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowColumns:
return p.ShowColumns(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowConstraints:
return p.ShowConstraints(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowCreateTable:
return p.ShowCreateTable(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowCreateView:
return p.ShowCreateView(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowDatabases:
return p.ShowDatabases(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowGrants:
return p.ShowGrants(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowIndex:
return p.ShowIndex(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowQueries:
return p.ShowQueries(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowJobs:
return p.ShowJobs(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowSessions:
return p.ShowSessions(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowTables:
return p.ShowTables(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowTrace:
return p.ShowTrace(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowTransactionStatus:
return p.ShowTransactionStatus(ctx)
case *parser.ShowUsers:
return p.ShowUsers(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowRanges:
return p.ShowRanges(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowFingerprints:
return p.ShowFingerprints(ctx, n)
case *parser.Split:
return p.Split(ctx, n)
case *parser.Truncate:
if err := p.txn.SetSystemConfigTrigger(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p.Truncate(ctx, n)
case *parser.UnionClause:
return p.UnionClause(ctx, n, desiredTypes)
case *parser.Update:
return p.Update(ctx, n, desiredTypes)
case *parser.ValuesClause:
return p.ValuesClause(ctx, n, desiredTypes)
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown statement type: %T", stmt)
// prepare constructs the logical plan for the statement. This is
// needed both to type placeholders and to inform pgwire of the types
// of the result columns. All statements that either support
// placeholders or have result columns must be handled here.
func (p *planner) prepare(ctx context.Context, stmt parser.Statement) (planNode, error) {
if plan, err := p.maybePlanHook(ctx, stmt); plan != nil || err != nil {
return plan, err
switch n := stmt.(type) {
case *parser.CancelQuery:
return p.CancelQuery(ctx, n)
case *parser.CancelJob:
return p.CancelJob(ctx, n)
case *parser.Delete:
return p.Delete(ctx, n, nil)
case *parser.Explain:
return p.Explain(ctx, n)
case *parser.Insert:
return p.Insert(ctx, n, nil)
case *parser.PauseJob:
return p.PauseJob(ctx, n)
case *parser.ResumeJob:
return p.ResumeJob(ctx, n)
case *parser.Select:
return p.Select(ctx, n, nil)
case *parser.SelectClause:
return p.SelectClause(ctx, n, nil, nil, nil, publicColumns)
case *parser.SetClusterSetting:
return p.SetClusterSetting(ctx, n)
case *parser.SetVar:
return p.SetVar(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowClusterSetting:
return p.ShowClusterSetting(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowVar:
return p.ShowVar(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowCreateTable:
return p.ShowCreateTable(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowCreateView:
return p.ShowCreateView(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowColumns:
return p.ShowColumns(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowDatabases:
return p.ShowDatabases(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowGrants:
return p.ShowGrants(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowIndex:
return p.ShowIndex(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowConstraints:
return p.ShowConstraints(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowQueries:
return p.ShowQueries(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowJobs:
return p.ShowJobs(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowSessions:
return p.ShowSessions(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowTables:
return p.ShowTables(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowTrace:
return p.ShowTrace(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowUsers:
return p.ShowUsers(ctx, n)
case *parser.ShowTransactionStatus:
return p.ShowTransactionStatus(ctx)
case *parser.ShowRanges:
return p.ShowRanges(ctx, n)
case *parser.Split:
return p.Split(ctx, n)
case *parser.TestingRelocate:
return p.TestingRelocate(ctx, n)
case *parser.Scatter:
return p.Scatter(ctx, n)
case *parser.Update:
return p.Update(ctx, n, nil)
// Other statement types do not have result columns and do not
// support placeholders so there is no need for any special
// handling here.
return nil, nil
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