// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package base
import (
// This file implements method receivers for members of server.Context struct
// -- 'Stores' and 'JoinList', which satisfies pflag's value interface
// MinimumStoreSize is the smallest size in bytes that a store can have. This
// number is based on config's defaultZoneConfig's RangeMaxBytes, which is
// extremely stable. To avoid adding the dependency on config here, it is just
// hard coded to 640MiB.
const MinimumStoreSize = 10 * 64 << 20
// StoreSpec contains the details that can be specified in the cli pertaining
// to the --store flag.
type StoreSpec struct {
Path string
// SizeInBytes is used for calculating free space and making rebalancing
// decisions. Zero indicates that there is no maximum size. This value is not
// actually used by the engine and thus not enforced.
SizeInBytes int64
SizePercent float64
InMemory bool
Attributes roachpb.Attributes
// String returns a fully parsable version of the store spec.
func (ss StoreSpec) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if len(ss.Path) != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "path=%s,", ss.Path)
if ss.InMemory {
fmt.Fprint(&buffer, "type=mem,")
if ss.SizeInBytes > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "size=%s,", humanizeutil.IBytes(ss.SizeInBytes))
if ss.SizePercent > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "size=%s%%,", humanize.Ftoa(ss.SizePercent))
if len(ss.Attributes.Attrs) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&buffer, "attrs=")
for i, attr := range ss.Attributes.Attrs {
if i != 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&buffer, ":")
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, attr)
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, ",")
// Trim the extra comma from the end if it exists.
if l := buffer.Len(); l > 0 {
buffer.Truncate(l - 1)
return buffer.String()
// fractionRegex is the regular expression that recognizes whether
// the specified size is a fraction of the total available space.
// Proportional sizes can be expressed as fractional numbers, either
// in absolute value or with a trailing "%" sign. A fractional number
// without a trailing "%" must be recognized by the presence of a
// decimal separator; numbers without decimal separators are plain
// sizes in bytes (separate case in the parsing).
// The first part of the regexp matches NNN.[MMM]; the second part
// [NNN].MMM, and the last part matches explicit percentages with or
// without a decimal separator.
// Values smaller than 1% and 100% are rejected after parsing using
// a separate check.
var fractionRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?%)$`)
// NewStoreSpec parses the string passed into a --store flag and returns a
// StoreSpec if it is correctly parsed.
// There are four possible fields that can be passed in, comma separated:
// - path=xxx The directory in which to the rocks db instance should be
// located, required unless using a in memory storage.
// - type=mem This specifies that the store is an in memory storage instead of
// an on disk one. mem is currently the only other type available.
// - size=xxx The optional maximum size of the storage. This can be in one of a
// few different formats.
// - 10000000000 -> 10000000000 bytes
// - 20GB -> 20000000000 bytes
// - 20GiB -> 21474836480 bytes
// - 0.02TiB -> 21474836480 bytes
// - 20% -> 20% of the available space
// - 0.2 -> 20% of the available space
// - attrs=xxx:yyy:zzz A colon separated list of optional attributes.
// Note that commas are forbidden within any field name or value.
func NewStoreSpec(value string) (StoreSpec, error) {
if len(value) == 0 {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("no value specified")
var ss StoreSpec
used := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, split := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
if len(split) == 0 {
subSplits := strings.SplitN(split, "=", 2)
var field string
var value string
if len(subSplits) == 1 {
field = "path"
value = subSplits[0]
} else {
field = strings.ToLower(subSplits[0])
value = subSplits[1]
if _, ok := used[field]; ok {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("%s field was used twice in store definition", field)
used[field] = struct{}{}
if len(field) == 0 {
if len(value) == 0 {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("no value specified for %s", field)
switch field {
case "path":
if value[0] == '~' {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("store path cannot start with '~': %s", value)
// Ensure that the store paths are absolute. This will clarify the
// output of the startup messages and ensure that logging doesn't
// get confused if the current working directory were to change for
// any reason.
var err error
ss.Path, err = filepath.Abs(value)
if err != nil {
return StoreSpec{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not find absolute path for %s", value)
case "size":
if fractionRegex.MatchString(value) {
percentFactor := 100.0
factorValue := value
if value[len(value)-1] == '%' {
percentFactor = 1.0
factorValue = value[:len(value)-1]
var err error
ss.SizePercent, err = strconv.ParseFloat(factorValue, 64)
ss.SizePercent *= percentFactor
if err != nil {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("could not parse store size (%s) %s", value, err)
if ss.SizePercent > 100 || ss.SizePercent < 1 {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("store size (%s) must be between 1%% and 100%%", value)
} else {
var err error
ss.SizeInBytes, err = humanizeutil.ParseBytes(value)
if err != nil {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("could not parse store size (%s) %s", value, err)
if ss.SizeInBytes < MinimumStoreSize {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("store size (%s) must be larger than %s", value,
case "attrs":
// Check to make sure there are no duplicate attributes.
attrMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, attribute := range strings.Split(value, ":") {
if _, ok := attrMap[attribute]; ok {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("duplicate attribute given for store: %s", attribute)
attrMap[attribute] = struct{}{}
for attribute := range attrMap {
ss.Attributes.Attrs = append(ss.Attributes.Attrs, attribute)
case "type":
if value == "mem" {
ss.InMemory = true
} else {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid store type", value)
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a valid store field", field)
if ss.InMemory {
// Only in memory stores don't need a path and require a size.
if ss.Path != "" {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("path specified for in memory store")
if ss.SizePercent == 0 && ss.SizeInBytes == 0 {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("size must be specified for an in memory store")
} else if ss.Path == "" {
return StoreSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("no path specified")
return ss, nil
// StoreSpecList contains a slice of StoreSpecs that implements pflag's value
// interface.
type StoreSpecList struct {
Specs []StoreSpec
updated bool // updated is used to determine if specs only contain the default value.
var _ pflag.Value = &StoreSpecList{}
// String returns a string representation of all the StoreSpecs. This is part
// of pflag's value interface.
func (ssl StoreSpecList) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for _, ss := range ssl.Specs {
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "--store=%s ", ss)
// Trim the extra space from the end if it exists.
if l := buffer.Len(); l > 0 {
buffer.Truncate(l - 1)
return buffer.String()
// Type returns the underlying type in string form. This is part of pflag's
// value interface.
func (ssl *StoreSpecList) Type() string {
return "StoreSpec"
// Set adds a new value to the StoreSpecValue. It is the important part of
// pflag's value interface.
func (ssl *StoreSpecList) Set(value string) error {
spec, err := NewStoreSpec(value)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ssl.updated {
ssl.Specs = []StoreSpec{spec}
ssl.updated = true
} else {
ssl.Specs = append(ssl.Specs, spec)
return nil
// JoinListType is a slice of strings that implements pflag's value
// interface.
type JoinListType []string
// String returns a string representation of all the JoinListType. This is part
// of pflag's value interface.
func (jls JoinListType) String() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for _, jl := range jls {
fmt.Fprintf(&buffer, "--join=%s ", jl)
// Trim the extra space from the end if it exists.
if l := buffer.Len(); l > 0 {
buffer.Truncate(l - 1)
return buffer.String()
// Type returns the underlying type in string form. This is part of pflag's
// value interface.
func (jls *JoinListType) Type() string {
return "string"
// Set adds a new value to the JoinListType. It is the important part of
// pflag's value interface.
func (jls *JoinListType) Set(value string) error {
*jls = append(*jls, value)
return nil
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