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allocator.go 33.97 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
const (
// maxFractionUsedThreshold: if the fraction used of a store descriptor
// capacity is greater than this value, it will never be used as a rebalance
// target and it will always be eligible to rebalance replicas to other
// stores.
maxFractionUsedThreshold = 0.95
// baseLeaseRebalanceThreshold is the minimum ratio of a store's lease surplus
// to the mean range/lease count that permits lease-transfers away from that
// store.
baseLeaseRebalanceThreshold = 0.05
// minReplicaWeight sets a floor for how low a replica weight can be. This is
// needed because a weight of zero doesn't work in the current lease scoring
// algorithm.
minReplicaWeight = 0.001
// priorities for various repair operations.
addMissingReplicaPriority float64 = 10000
addDecommissioningReplacementPriority float64 = 5000
removeDeadReplicaPriority float64 = 1000
removeDecommissioningReplicaPriority float64 = 200
removeExtraReplicaPriority float64 = 100
// MinLeaseTransferStatsDuration configures the minimum amount of time a
// replica must wait for stats about request counts to accumulate before
// making decisions based on them. The higher this is, the less likely
// thrashing is (up to a point).
// Made configurable for the sake of testing.
var MinLeaseTransferStatsDuration = 30 * time.Second
// enableLoadBasedLeaseRebalancing controls whether lease rebalancing is done
// via the new heuristic based on request load and latency or via the simpler
// approach that purely seeks to balance the number of leases per node evenly.
var enableLoadBasedLeaseRebalancing = settings.RegisterBoolSetting(
"set to enable rebalancing of range leases based on load and latency",
// leaseRebalancingAggressiveness enables users to tweak how aggressive their
// cluster is at moving leases towards the localities where the most requests
// are coming from. Settings lower than 1.0 will make the system less
// aggressive about moving leases toward requests than the default, while
// settings greater than 1.0 will cause more aggressive placement.
// Setting this to 0 effectively disables load-based lease rebalancing, and
// settings less than 0 are disallowed.
var leaseRebalancingAggressiveness = settings.RegisterNonNegativeFloatSetting(
"set greater than 1.0 to rebalance leases toward load more aggressively, "+
"or between 0 and 1.0 to be more conservative about rebalancing leases",
// AllocatorAction enumerates the various replication adjustments that may be
// recommended by the allocator.
type AllocatorAction int
// These are the possible allocator actions.
const (
_ AllocatorAction = iota
var allocatorActionNames = map[AllocatorAction]string{
AllocatorNoop: "noop",
AllocatorRemove: "remove",
AllocatorAdd: "add",
AllocatorRemoveDead: "remove dead",
AllocatorRemoveDecommissioning: "remove decommissioning",
AllocatorConsiderRebalance: "consider rebalance",
func (a AllocatorAction) String() string {
return allocatorActionNames[a]
type transferDecision int
const (
_ transferDecision = iota
// allocatorError indicates a retryable error condition which sends replicas
// being processed through the replicate_queue into purgatory so that they
// can be retried quickly as soon as new stores come online, or additional
// space frees up.
type allocatorError struct {
required []config.Constraint
relaxConstraints bool
aliveStoreCount int
func (ae *allocatorError) Error() string {
anyAll := "all attributes"
if ae.relaxConstraints {
anyAll = "an attribute"
var auxInfo string
// Whenever the likely problem is not having enough nodes up, make the
// message really clear.
if ae.relaxConstraints || len(ae.required) == 0 {
auxInfo = "; likely not enough nodes in cluster"
return fmt.Sprintf("0 of %d store%s with %s matching %s%s",
ae.aliveStoreCount, util.Pluralize(int64(ae.aliveStoreCount)),
anyAll, ae.required, auxInfo)
func (*allocatorError) purgatoryErrorMarker() {}
var _ purgatoryError = &allocatorError{}
// allocatorRand pairs a rand.Rand with a mutex.
// TODO: Allocator is typically only accessed from a single thread (the
// replication queue), but this assumption is broken in tests which force
// replication scans. If those tests can be modified to suspend the normal
// replication queue during the forced scan, then this rand could be used
// without a mutex.
type allocatorRand struct {
func makeAllocatorRand(source rand.Source) allocatorRand {
return allocatorRand{
Mutex: &syncutil.Mutex{},
Rand: rand.New(source),
// RangeInfo contains the information needed by the allocator to make
// rebalancing decisions for a given range.
type RangeInfo struct {
Desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor
LogicalBytes int64
WritesPerSecond float64
func rangeInfoForRepl(repl *Replica, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) RangeInfo {
writesPerSecond, _ := repl.writeStats.avgQPS()
return RangeInfo{
Desc: desc,
LogicalBytes: repl.GetMVCCStats().Total(),
WritesPerSecond: writesPerSecond,
// Allocator tries to spread replicas as evenly as possible across the stores
// in the cluster.
type Allocator struct {
storePool *StorePool
nodeLatencyFn func(addr string) (time.Duration, bool)
randGen allocatorRand
// MakeAllocator creates a new allocator using the specified StorePool.
func MakeAllocator(
storePool *StorePool, nodeLatencyFn func(addr string) (time.Duration, bool),
) Allocator {
var randSource rand.Source
// There are number of test cases that make a test store but don't add
// gossip or a store pool. So we can't rely on the existence of the
// store pool in those cases.
if storePool != nil && storePool.deterministic {
randSource = rand.NewSource(777)
} else {
randSource = rand.NewSource(rand.Int63())
return Allocator{
storePool: storePool,
nodeLatencyFn: nodeLatencyFn,
randGen: makeAllocatorRand(randSource),
// ComputeAction determines the exact operation needed to repair the
// supplied range, as governed by the supplied zone configuration. It
// returns the required action that should be taken and a priority.
func (a *Allocator) ComputeAction(
ctx context.Context, zone config.ZoneConfig, rangeInfo RangeInfo,
) (AllocatorAction, float64) {
if a.storePool == nil {
// Do nothing if storePool is nil for some unittests.
return AllocatorNoop, 0
// TODO(mrtracy): Handle non-homogeneous and mismatched attribute sets.
need := int(zone.NumReplicas)
have := len(rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas)
quorum := computeQuorum(need)
if have < need {
// Range is under-replicated, and should add an additional replica.
// Priority is adjusted by the difference between the current replica
// count and the quorum of the desired replica count.
priority := addMissingReplicaPriority + float64(quorum-have)
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "AllocatorAdd - missing replica need=%d, have=%d, priority=%.2f", need, have, priority)
return AllocatorAdd, priority
decommissioningReplicas := a.storePool.decommissioningReplicas(rangeInfo.Desc.RangeID, rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas)
if have == need && len(decommissioningReplicas) > 0 {
// Range has decommissioning replica(s). We should up-replicate to add
// another replica. The decommissioning replica(s) will be down-replicated
// later.
priority := addDecommissioningReplacementPriority
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "AllocatorAdd - replacement for %d decommissioning replicas priority=%.2f",
len(decommissioningReplicas), priority)
return AllocatorAdd, priority
liveReplicas, deadReplicas := a.storePool.liveAndDeadReplicas(rangeInfo.Desc.RangeID, rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas)
if len(liveReplicas) < quorum {
// Do not take any removal action if we do not have a quorum of live
// replicas.
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "unable to take action - live replicas %v don't meet quorum of %d",
liveReplicas, quorum)
return AllocatorNoop, 0
// Removal actions follow.
if len(deadReplicas) > 0 {
// The range has dead replicas, which should be removed immediately.
removeDead := false
switch {
case have > need:
// Allow removal of a dead replica if we have more than we need.
// Reduce priority for this case?
removeDead = true
default: // have == need
// Only allow removal of a dead replica if we have a suitable allocation
// target that we can up-replicate to. This isn't necessarily the target
// we'll up-replicate to, just an indication that such a target exists.
if _, _, err := a.AllocateTarget(
true, /* relaxConstraints */
); err == nil {
removeDead = true
if removeDead {
// Adjust the priority by the distance of live replicas from quorum.
priority := removeDeadReplicaPriority + float64(quorum-len(liveReplicas))
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "AllocatorRemoveDead - dead=%d, live=%d, quorum=%d, priority=%.2f",
len(deadReplicas), len(liveReplicas), quorum, priority)
return AllocatorRemoveDead, priority
if have > need && len(decommissioningReplicas) > 0 {
// Range is over-replicated, and has a decommissioning replica which
// should be removed.
priority := removeDecommissioningReplicaPriority
log.VEventf(ctx, 3,
"AllocatorRemoveDecommissioning - need=%d, have=%d, num_decommissioning=%d, priority=%.2f",
need, have, len(decommissioningReplicas), priority)
return AllocatorRemoveDecommissioning, priority
if have > need {
// Range is over-replicated, and should remove a replica.
// Ranges with an even number of replicas get extra priority because
// they have a more fragile quorum.
priority := removeExtraReplicaPriority - float64(have%2)
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "AllocatorRemove - need=%d, have=%d, priority=%.2f", need, have, priority)
return AllocatorRemove, priority
// Nothing needs to be done, but we may want to rebalance.
return AllocatorConsiderRebalance, 0
type decisionDetails struct {
Target string
Existing string `json:",omitempty"`
RangeBytes int64
RangeWritesPerSecond float64
// AllocateTarget returns a suitable store for a new allocation with the
// required attributes. Nodes already accommodating existing replicas are ruled
// out as targets. The range ID of the replica being allocated for is also
// passed in to ensure that we don't try to replace an existing dead replica on
// a store. If relaxConstraints is true, then the required attributes will be
// relaxed as necessary, from least specific to most specific, in order to
// allocate a target.
func (a *Allocator) AllocateTarget(
ctx context.Context,
constraints config.Constraints,
existing []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
rangeInfo RangeInfo,
relaxConstraints bool,
) (*roachpb.StoreDescriptor, string, error) {
sl, _, throttledStoreCount := a.storePool.getStoreList(rangeInfo.Desc.RangeID, storeFilterThrottled)
candidates := allocateCandidates(
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "allocate candidates: %s", candidates)
if target := candidates.selectGood(a.randGen); target != nil {
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "add target: %s", target)
details, err := json.Marshal(decisionDetails{
Target: target.String(),
RangeBytes: rangeInfo.LogicalBytes,
RangeWritesPerSecond: rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond,
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to marshal details for choosing allocate target: %s", err)
return &target.store, string(details), nil
// When there are throttled stores that do match, we shouldn't send
// the replica to purgatory.
if throttledStoreCount > 0 {
return nil, "", errors.Errorf("%d matching stores are currently throttled", throttledStoreCount)
return nil, "", &allocatorError{
required: constraints.Constraints,
// RemoveTarget returns a suitable replica to remove from the provided replica
// set. It first attempts to randomly select a target from the set of stores
// that have greater than the average number of replicas. Failing that, it
// falls back to selecting a random target from any of the existing
// replicas.
func (a Allocator) RemoveTarget(
ctx context.Context,
constraints config.Constraints,
candidates []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
rangeInfo RangeInfo,
) (roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, string, error) {
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}, "", errors.Errorf("must supply at least one candidate replica to allocator.RemoveTarget()")
// Retrieve store descriptors for the provided candidates from the StorePool.
existingStoreIDs := make(roachpb.StoreIDSlice, len(candidates))
for i, exist := range candidates {
existingStoreIDs[i] = exist.StoreID
sl, _, _ := a.storePool.getStoreListFromIDs(existingStoreIDs, roachpb.RangeID(0), storeFilterNone)
rankedCandidates := removeCandidates(
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "remove candidates: %s", rankedCandidates)
if bad := rankedCandidates.selectBad(a.randGen); bad != nil {
for _, exist := range rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas {
if exist.StoreID == bad.store.StoreID {
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "remove target: %s", bad)
details, err := json.Marshal(decisionDetails{
Target: bad.String(),
RangeBytes: rangeInfo.LogicalBytes,
RangeWritesPerSecond: rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond,
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to marshal details for choosing remove target: %s", err)
return exist, string(details), nil
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}, "", errors.New("could not select an appropriate replica to be removed")
// RebalanceTarget returns a suitable store for a rebalance target with
// required attributes. Rebalance targets are selected via the same mechanism
// as AllocateTarget(), except the chosen target must follow some additional
// criteria. Namely, if chosen, it must further the goal of balancing the
// cluster.
// The supplied parameters are the required attributes for the range and
// information about the range being considered for rebalancing.
// The existing replicas modulo any store with dead replicas are candidates for
// rebalancing. Note that rebalancing is accomplished by first adding a new
// replica to the range, then removing the most undesirable replica.
// Simply ignoring a rebalance opportunity in the event that the target chosen
// by AllocateTarget() doesn't fit balancing criteria is perfectly fine, as
// other stores in the cluster will also be doing their probabilistic best to
// rebalance. This helps prevent a stampeding herd targeting an abnormally
// under-utilized store.
func (a Allocator) RebalanceTarget(
ctx context.Context, constraints config.Constraints, rangeInfo RangeInfo, filter storeFilter,
) (*roachpb.StoreDescriptor, string) {
sl, _, _ := a.storePool.getStoreList(rangeInfo.Desc.RangeID, filter)
existingCandidates, candidates := rebalanceCandidates(
// We're going to add another replica to the range which will change the
// quorum size. Verify that the number of existing candidates is sufficient
// to meet the new quorum. Note that "existingCandidates" only contains
// replicas on live nodes while "rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas" contains all of the
// replicas for a range. For a range configured for 3 replicas, this will
// disable rebalancing if one of the replicas is on a down node. Instead,
// we'll have to wait for the down node to be declared dead and go through the
// dead-node removal dance: remove dead replica, add new replica.
// NB: The len(rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas) > 1 check allows rebalancing of ranges
// with only a single replica. This is a corner case which could happen in
// practice and also affects tests.
newQuorum := computeQuorum(len(rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas) + 1)
if len(rangeInfo.Desc.Replicas) > 1 && len(existingCandidates) < newQuorum {
// Don't rebalance as we won't be able to make quorum after the rebalance
// until the new replica has been caught up.
return nil, ""
// No need to rebalance.
if len(existingCandidates) == 0 {
return nil, ""
// Find all candidates that are better than the worst existing replica.
targets := candidates.betterThan(existingCandidates[len(existingCandidates)-1])
target := targets.selectGood(a.randGen)
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "rebalance candidates: %s\nexisting replicas: %s\ntarget: %s",
candidates, existingCandidates, target)
if target == nil {
return nil, ""
details, err := json.Marshal(decisionDetails{
Target: target.String(),
Existing: existingCandidates.String(),
RangeBytes: rangeInfo.LogicalBytes,
RangeWritesPerSecond: rangeInfo.WritesPerSecond,
if err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to marshal details for choosing rebalance target: %s", err)
return &target.store, string(details)
// TransferLeaseTarget returns a suitable replica to transfer the range lease
// to from the provided list. It excludes the current lease holder replica
// unless asked to do otherwise by the checkTransferLeaseSource parameter.
func (a *Allocator) TransferLeaseTarget(
ctx context.Context,
constraints config.Constraints,
existing []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
leaseStoreID roachpb.StoreID,
rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
stats *replicaStats,
checkTransferLeaseSource bool,
checkCandidateFullness bool,
alwaysAllowDecisionWithoutStats bool,
) roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor {
sl, _, _ := a.storePool.getStoreList(rangeID, storeFilterNone)
sl = sl.filter(constraints)
// Filter stores that are on nodes containing existing replicas, but leave
// the stores containing the existing replicas in place. This excludes stores
// that we can't rebalance to, avoiding an issue in a 3-node cluster where
// there are multiple stores per node.
// TODO(peter,bram): This will need adjustment with the new allocator. `sl`
// needs to contain only the possible rebalance candidates + the existing
// stores the replicas are on.
filteredDescs := make([]roachpb.StoreDescriptor, 0, len(sl.stores))
for _, s := range sl.stores {
var exclude bool
for _, r := range existing {
if r.NodeID == s.Node.NodeID && r.StoreID != s.StoreID {
exclude = true
if !exclude {
filteredDescs = append(filteredDescs, s)
sl = makeStoreList(filteredDescs)
source, ok := a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor(leaseStoreID)
if !ok {
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
// Try to pick a replica to transfer the lease to while also determining
// whether we actually should be transferring the lease. The transfer
// decision is only needed if we've been asked to check the source.
transferDec, repl := a.shouldTransferLeaseUsingStats(
ctx, sl, source, existing, stats,
if checkTransferLeaseSource {
switch transferDec {
case shouldNotTransfer:
if !alwaysAllowDecisionWithoutStats {
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
case decideWithoutStats:
if !a.shouldTransferLeaseWithoutStats(ctx, sl, source, existing) {
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
case shouldTransfer:
log.Fatalf(ctx, "unexpected transfer decision %d with replica %+v", transferDec, repl)
if repl != (roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}) {
return repl
// Fall back to logic that doesn't take request counts and latency into
// account if the counts/latency-based logic couldn't pick a best replica.
candidates := make([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, 0, len(existing))
for _, repl := range existing {
if leaseStoreID == repl.StoreID {
storeDesc, ok := a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor(repl.StoreID)
if !ok {
if !checkCandidateFullness || float64(storeDesc.Capacity.LeaseCount) < sl.candidateLeases.mean-0.5 {
candidates = append(candidates, repl)
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
defer a.randGen.Unlock()
return candidates[a.randGen.Intn(len(candidates))]
// ShouldTransferLease returns true if the specified store is overfull in terms
// of leases with respect to the other stores matching the specified
// attributes.
func (a *Allocator) ShouldTransferLease(
ctx context.Context,
constraints config.Constraints,
existing []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
leaseStoreID roachpb.StoreID,
rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
stats *replicaStats,
) bool {
source, ok := a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor(leaseStoreID)
if !ok {
return false
sl, _, _ := a.storePool.getStoreList(rangeID, storeFilterNone)
sl = sl.filter(constraints)
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "ShouldTransferLease (lease-holder=%d):\n%s", leaseStoreID, sl)
transferDec, _ := a.shouldTransferLeaseUsingStats(ctx, sl, source, existing, stats)
var result bool
switch transferDec {
case shouldNotTransfer:
result = false
case shouldTransfer:
result = true
case decideWithoutStats:
result = a.shouldTransferLeaseWithoutStats(ctx, sl, source, existing)
log.Fatalf(ctx, "unexpected transfer decision %d", transferDec)
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "ShouldTransferLease decision (lease-holder=%d): %t", leaseStoreID, result)
return result
func (a Allocator) shouldTransferLeaseUsingStats(
ctx context.Context,
sl StoreList,
source roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
existing []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
stats *replicaStats,
) (transferDecision, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor) {
// Only use load-based rebalancing if it's enabled and we have both
// stats and locality information to base our decision on.
if stats == nil || !enableLoadBasedLeaseRebalancing.Get(&a.storePool.st.SV) {
return decideWithoutStats, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
replicaLocalities := a.storePool.getLocalities(existing)
for _, locality := range replicaLocalities {
if len(locality.Tiers) == 0 {
return decideWithoutStats, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
qpsStats, qpsStatsDur := stats.perLocalityDecayingQPS()
// If we haven't yet accumulated enough data, avoid transferring for now,
// unless we've been explicitly asked otherwise. Do not fall back to the
// algorithm that doesn't use stats, since it can easily start fighting with
// the stats-based algorithm. This provides some amount of safety from lease
// thrashing, since leases cannot transfer more frequently than this threshold
// (because replica stats get reset upon lease transfer).
if qpsStatsDur < MinLeaseTransferStatsDuration {
return shouldNotTransfer, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
// On the other hand, if we don't have any stats with associated localities,
// then do fall back to the algorithm that doesn't use request stats.
delete(qpsStats, "")
if len(qpsStats) == 0 {
return decideWithoutStats, roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}
replicaWeights := make(map[roachpb.NodeID]float64)
for requestLocalityStr, qps := range qpsStats {
var requestLocality roachpb.Locality
if err := requestLocality.Set(requestLocalityStr); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "unable to parse locality string %q: %s", requestLocalityStr, err)
for nodeID, replicaLocality := range replicaLocalities {
// Add weights to each replica based on the number of requests from
// that replica's locality and neighboring localities.
replicaWeights[nodeID] += (1 - replicaLocality.DiversityScore(requestLocality)) * qps
log.VEventf(ctx, 1,
"shouldTransferLease qpsStats: %+v, replicaLocalities: %+v, replicaWeights: %+v",
qpsStats, replicaLocalities, replicaWeights)
sourceWeight := math.Max(minReplicaWeight, replicaWeights[source.Node.NodeID])
// TODO(a-robinson): This may not have enough protection against all leases
// ending up on a single node in extreme cases. Continue testing against
// different situations.
var bestRepl roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor
bestReplScore := int32(math.MinInt32)
for _, repl := range existing {
if repl.NodeID == source.Node.NodeID {
storeDesc, ok := a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor(repl.StoreID)
if !ok {
addr, err := a.storePool.gossip.GetNodeIDAddress(repl.NodeID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "missing address for node %d: %s", repl.NodeID, err)
remoteLatency, ok := a.nodeLatencyFn(addr.String())
if !ok {
remoteWeight := math.Max(minReplicaWeight, replicaWeights[repl.NodeID])
score := loadBasedLeaseRebalanceScore(
ctx, a.storePool.st, remoteWeight, remoteLatency, storeDesc, sourceWeight, source, sl.candidateLeases.mean)
if score > bestReplScore {
bestReplScore = score
bestRepl = repl
// Return the best replica even in cases where transferring is not advised in
// order to support forced lease transfers, such as when removing a replica or
// draining all leases before shutdown.
if bestReplScore > 0 {
return shouldTransfer, bestRepl
return shouldNotTransfer, bestRepl
// loadBasedLeaseRebalanceScore attempts to give a score to how desirable it
// would be to transfer a range lease from the local store to a remote store.
// It does so using a formula based on the latency between the stores and
// a number that we call the "weight" of each replica, which represents how
// many requests for the range have been coming from localities near the
// replica.
// The overarching goal is to move leases towards where requests are coming
// from when the latency between localities is high, because the leaseholder
// being near the request gateway makes for lower request latencies.
// This must be balanced against hurting throughput by putting too many leases
// one just a few nodes, though, which is why we get progressively more
// aggressive about moving the leases toward requests when latencies are high.
// The calculations below were determined via a bunch of manual testing (see
// #13232 or the leaseholder_locality.md RFC for more details), but the general
// logic behind each part of the formula is as follows:
// * LeaseRebalancingAggressiveness: Allow the aggressiveness to be tuned via
// an environment variable.
// * 0.1: Constant factor to reduce aggressiveness by default
// * math.Log10(remoteWeight/sourceWeight): Comparison of the remote replica's
// weight to the local replica's weight. Taking the log of the ratio instead
// of using the ratio directly makes things symmetric -- i.e. r1 comparing
// itself to r2 will come to the same conclusion as r2 comparing itself to r1.
// * math.Log1p(remoteLatencyMillis): This will be 0 if there's no latency,
// removing the weight/latency factor from consideration. Otherwise, it grows
// the aggressiveness for stores that are farther apart. Note that Log1p grows
// faster than Log10 as its argument gets larger, which is intentional to
// increase the importance of latency.
// * overfullScore and underfullScore: rebalanceThreshold helps us get an idea
// of the ideal number of leases on each store. We then calculate these to
// compare how close each node is to its ideal state and use the differences
// from the ideal state on each node to compute a final score.
func loadBasedLeaseRebalanceScore(
ctx context.Context,
st *cluster.Settings,
remoteWeight float64,
remoteLatency time.Duration,
remoteStore roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
sourceWeight float64,
source roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
meanLeases float64,
) int32 {
remoteLatencyMillis := float64(remoteLatency) / float64(time.Millisecond)
rebalanceAdjustment :=
leaseRebalancingAggressiveness.Get(&st.SV) * 0.1 * math.Log10(remoteWeight/sourceWeight) * math.Log1p(remoteLatencyMillis)
// Start with twice the base rebalance threshold in order to fight more
// strongly against thrashing caused by small variances in the distribution
// of request weights.
rebalanceThreshold := (2 * baseLeaseRebalanceThreshold) - rebalanceAdjustment
overfullLeaseThreshold := int32(math.Ceil(meanLeases * (1 + rebalanceThreshold)))
overfullScore := source.Capacity.LeaseCount - overfullLeaseThreshold
underfullLeaseThreshold := int32(math.Floor(meanLeases * (1 - rebalanceThreshold)))
underfullScore := underfullLeaseThreshold - remoteStore.Capacity.LeaseCount
totalScore := overfullScore + underfullScore
log.VEventf(ctx, 1,
"node: %d, sourceWeight: %.2f, remoteWeight: %.2f, remoteLatency: %v, "+
"rebalanceThreshold: %.2f, meanLeases: %.2f, sourceLeaseCount: %d, overfullThreshold: %d, "+
"remoteLeaseCount: %d, underfullThreshold: %d, totalScore: %d",
remoteStore.Node.NodeID, sourceWeight, remoteWeight, remoteLatency,
rebalanceThreshold, meanLeases, source.Capacity.LeaseCount, overfullLeaseThreshold,
remoteStore.Capacity.LeaseCount, underfullLeaseThreshold, totalScore,
return totalScore
func (a Allocator) shouldTransferLeaseWithoutStats(
ctx context.Context,
sl StoreList,
source roachpb.StoreDescriptor,
existing []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
) bool {
// Allow lease transfer if we're above the overfull threshold, which is
// mean*(1+baseLeaseRebalanceThreshold).
overfullLeaseThreshold := int32(math.Ceil(sl.candidateLeases.mean * (1 + baseLeaseRebalanceThreshold)))
minOverfullThreshold := int32(math.Ceil(sl.candidateLeases.mean + 5))
if overfullLeaseThreshold < minOverfullThreshold {
overfullLeaseThreshold = minOverfullThreshold
if source.Capacity.LeaseCount > overfullLeaseThreshold {
return true
if float64(source.Capacity.LeaseCount) > sl.candidateLeases.mean {
underfullLeaseThreshold := int32(math.Ceil(sl.candidateLeases.mean * (1 - baseLeaseRebalanceThreshold)))
minUnderfullThreshold := int32(math.Ceil(sl.candidateLeases.mean - 5))
if underfullLeaseThreshold > minUnderfullThreshold {
underfullLeaseThreshold = minUnderfullThreshold
for _, repl := range existing {
storeDesc, ok := a.storePool.getStoreDescriptor(repl.StoreID)
if !ok {
if storeDesc.Capacity.LeaseCount < underfullLeaseThreshold {
return true
return false
// computeQuorum computes the quorum value for the given number of nodes.
func computeQuorum(nodes int) int {
return (nodes / 2) + 1
// filterBehindReplicas removes any "behind" replicas from the supplied
// slice. A "behind" replica is one which is not at or past the quorum commit
// index. We forgive brandNewReplicaID for being behind, since a new range can
// take a little while to fully catch up.
func filterBehindReplicas(
raftStatus *raft.Status,
replicas []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
brandNewReplicaID roachpb.ReplicaID,
) []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor {
if raftStatus == nil || len(raftStatus.Progress) == 0 {
// raftStatus.Progress is only populated on the Raft leader which means we
// won't be able to rebalance a lease away if the lease holder is not the
// Raft leader. This is rare enough not to matter.
return nil
// NB: We use raftStatus.Commit instead of getQuorumIndex() because the
// latter can return a value that is less than the commit index. This is
// useful for Raft log truncation which sometimes wishes to keep those
// earlier indexes, but not appropriate for determining which nodes are
// behind the actual commit index of the range.
candidates := make([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, 0, len(replicas))
for _, r := range replicas {
if progress, ok := raftStatus.Progress[uint64(r.ReplicaID)]; ok {
if uint64(r.ReplicaID) == raftStatus.Lead ||
r.ReplicaID == brandNewReplicaID ||
(progress.State == raft.ProgressStateReplicate &&
progress.Match >= raftStatus.Commit) {
candidates = append(candidates, r)
return candidates
// filterUnremovableReplicas removes any unremovable replicas from the supplied
// slice. An unremovable replicas is one which is a necessary part of the
// quorum that will result from removing 1 replica. We forgive brandNewReplicaID
// for being behind, since a new range can take a little while to catch up.
// This is important when we've just added a replica in order to rebalance to
// it (#17879).
func filterUnremovableReplicas(
raftStatus *raft.Status,
replicas []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
brandNewReplicaID roachpb.ReplicaID,
) []roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor {
upToDateReplicas := filterBehindReplicas(raftStatus, replicas, brandNewReplicaID)
quorum := computeQuorum(len(replicas) - 1)
if len(upToDateReplicas) < quorum {
// The number of up-to-date replicas is less than quorum. No replicas can
// be removed.
return nil
if len(upToDateReplicas) > quorum {
// The number of up-to-date replicas is larger than quorum. Any replica can
// be removed.
return replicas
candidates := make([]roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, 0, len(replicas)-len(upToDateReplicas))
necessary := func(r roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor) bool {
for _, t := range upToDateReplicas {
if t == r {
return true
return false
for _, r := range replicas {
if !necessary(r) {
candidates = append(candidates, r)
return candidates
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