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replica.go 209.25 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
const (
// sentinelGossipTTL is time-to-live for the gossip sentinel. The
// sentinel informs a node whether or not it's connected to the
// primary gossip network and not just a partition. As such it must
// expire on a reasonable basis and be continually re-gossiped. The
// replica which is the lease holder of the first range gossips it.
sentinelGossipTTL = 2 * time.Minute
// sentinelGossipInterval is the approximate interval at which the
// sentinel info is gossiped.
sentinelGossipInterval = sentinelGossipTTL / 2
// configGossipTTL is the time-to-live for configuration maps.
configGossipTTL = 0 // does not expire
// optimizePutThreshold is the minimum length of a contiguous run
// of batched puts or conditional puts, after which the constituent
// put operations will possibly be optimized by determining whether
// the key space being written is starting out empty.
optimizePutThreshold = 10
replicaChangeTxnName = "change-replica"
splitTxnName = "split"
mergeTxnName = "merge"
defaultReplicaRaftMuWarnThreshold = 500 * time.Millisecond
// TODO(irfansharif, peter): What's a good default? Too low and everything comes
// to a grinding halt, too high and we're not really throttling anything
// (we'll still generate snapshots). Should it be adjusted dynamically?
// We set the defaultProposalQuota to be less than raftLogMaxSize, in doing so
// we ensure all replicas have sufficiently up to date logs so that when the
// log gets truncated, the followers do not need non-preemptive snapshots.
var defaultProposalQuota = raftLogMaxSize / 4
// This flag controls whether Transaction entries are automatically gc'ed
// upon EndTransaction if they only have local intents (which can be
// resolved synchronously with EndTransaction). Certain tests become
// simpler with this being turned off.
var txnAutoGC = true
var syncRaftLog = settings.RegisterBoolSetting(
"set to true to synchronize on Raft log writes to persistent storage",
// MaxCommandSizeFloor is the minimum allowed value for the MaxCommandSize
// cluster setting.
const MaxCommandSizeFloor = 4 << 20 // 4MB
// MaxCommandSize wraps "kv.raft.command.max_size".
var MaxCommandSize = settings.RegisterValidatedByteSizeSetting(
"maximum size of a raft command",
func(size int64) error {
if size < MaxCommandSizeFloor {
return fmt.Errorf("max_size must be greater than %s", humanizeutil.IBytes(MaxCommandSizeFloor))
return nil
// raftInitialLog{Index,Term} are the starting points for the raft log. We
// bootstrap the raft membership by synthesizing a snapshot as if there were
// some discarded prefix to the log, so we must begin the log at an arbitrary
// index greater than 1.
const (
raftInitialLogIndex = 10
raftInitialLogTerm = 5
type proposalRetryReason int
const (
proposalNoRetry proposalRetryReason = iota
// proposalIllegalLeaseIndex indicates the proposal failed to apply at
// a Lease index it was not legal for. The command should be retried.
// proposalAmbiguousShouldBeReevaluated indicates that it's ambiguous whether
// the command was committed (and possibly even applied) or not. The command
// should be retried. However, the original proposal may have succeeded, so if
// the retry does not succeed, care must be taken to correctly inform the
// caller via an AmbiguousResultError.
// proposalErrorReproposing indicates that re-proposal
// failed. Because the original proposal may have succeeded, an
// AmbiguousResultError must be returned. The command should not be
// retried.
// proposalRangeNoLongerExists indicates the proposal was for a
// range that no longer exists. Because the original proposal may
// have succeeded, an AmbiguousResultError must be returned. The
// command should not be retried.
// proposalResult indicates the result of a proposal. Exactly one of
// Reply, Err and ProposalRetry is set, and it represents the result of
// the proposal.
type proposalResult struct {
Reply *roachpb.BatchResponse
Err *roachpb.Error
ProposalRetry proposalRetryReason
Intents []intentsWithArg
type replicaChecksum struct {
// started is true if the checksum computation has started.
started bool
// Computed checksum. This is set to nil on error.
checksum []byte
// If gcTimestamp is nonzero, GC this checksum after gcTimestamp. gcTimestamp
// is zero if and only if the checksum computation is in progress.
gcTimestamp time.Time
// This channel is closed after the checksum is computed, and is used
// as a notification.
notify chan struct{}
// Some debug output that can be added to the CollectChecksumResponse.
snapshot *roachpb.RaftSnapshotData
type atomicDescString struct {
strPtr unsafe.Pointer
// store atomically updates d.strPtr with the string representation of desc.
func (d *atomicDescString) store(replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d/", desc.RangeID)
if replicaID == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "?:")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d:", replicaID)
if !desc.IsInitialized() {
} else {
const maxRangeChars = 30
rngStr := keys.PrettyPrintRange(roachpb.Key(desc.StartKey), roachpb.Key(desc.EndKey), maxRangeChars)
str := buf.String()
atomic.StorePointer(&d.strPtr, unsafe.Pointer(&str))
// String returns the string representation of the range; since we are not
// using a lock, the copy might be inconsistent.
func (d *atomicDescString) String() string {
return *(*string)(atomic.LoadPointer(&d.strPtr))
// A Replica is a contiguous keyspace with writes managed via an
// instance of the Raft consensus algorithm. Many ranges may exist
// in a store and they are unlikely to be contiguous. Ranges are
// independent units and are responsible for maintaining their own
// integrity by replacing failed replicas, splitting and merging
// as appropriate.
type Replica struct {
// TODO(tschottdorf): Duplicates r.mu.state.desc.RangeID; revisit that.
RangeID roachpb.RangeID // Should only be set by the constructor.
store *Store
abortCache *AbortCache // Avoids anomalous reads after abort
pushTxnQueue *pushTxnQueue // Queues push txn attempts by txn ID
// leaseholderStats tracks all incoming BatchRequests to the replica and which
// localities they come from in order to aid in lease rebalancing decisions.
leaseholderStats *replicaStats
// writeStats tracks the number of keys written by applied raft commands
// in order to aid in replica rebalancing decisions.
writeStats *replicaStats
// creatingReplica is set when a replica is created as uninitialized
// via a raft message.
creatingReplica *roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor
// Held in read mode during read-only commands. Held in exclusive mode to
// prevent read-only commands from executing. Acquired before the embedded
// RWMutex.
readOnlyCmdMu syncutil.RWMutex
// rangeStr is a string representation of a RangeDescriptor that can be
// atomically read and updated without needing to acquire the replica.mu lock.
// All updates to state.Desc should be duplicated here.
rangeStr atomicDescString
// raftMu protects Raft processing the replica.
// Locking notes: Replica.raftMu < Replica.mu
// TODO(peter): evaluate runtime overhead of the timed mutex.
raftMu struct {
// Note that there are two replicaStateLoaders, in raftMu and mu,
// depending on which lock is being held.
stateLoader replicaStateLoader
// on-disk storage for sideloaded SSTables. nil when there's no ReplicaID.
sideloaded sideloadStorage
// Contains the lease history when enabled.
leaseHistory *leaseHistory
cmdQMu struct {
// Protects all fields in the cmdQMu struct.
// Locking notes: Replica.mu < Replica.cmdQMu
// Enforces at most one command is running per key(s) within each span
// scope. The globally-scoped component tracks user writes (i.e. all
// keys for which keys.Addr is the identity), the locally-scoped component
// the rest (e.g. RangeDescriptor, transaction record, Lease, ...).
// Commands with different accesses but the same scope are stored in the
// same component.
queues [numSpanScope]*CommandQueue
mu struct {
// Protects all fields in the mu struct.
// Has the replica been destroyed.
destroyed error
// Corrupted persistently (across process restarts) indicates whether the
// replica has been corrupted.
// TODO(tschottdorf): remove/refactor this field.
corrupted bool
// Is the range quiescent? Quiescent ranges are not Tick()'d and unquiesce
// whenever a Raft operation is performed.
quiescent bool
// The state of the Raft state machine.
state storagebase.ReplicaState
// Counter used for assigning lease indexes for proposals.
lastAssignedLeaseIndex uint64
// Last index/term persisted to the raft log (not necessarily
// committed). Note that lastTerm may be 0 (and thus invalid) even when
// lastIndex is known, in which case the term will have to be retrieved
// from the Raft log entry. Use the invalidLastTerm constant for this
// case.
lastIndex, lastTerm uint64
// The most recent commit index seen in a message from the leader. Used by
// the follower to estimate the number of Raft log entries it is
// behind. This field is only valid when the Replica is a follower.
estimatedCommitIndex uint64
// The raft log index of a pending preemptive snapshot. Used to prohibit
// raft log truncation while a preemptive snapshot is in flight. A value of
// 0 indicates that there is no pending snapshot.
pendingSnapshotIndex uint64
// raftLogSize is the approximate size in bytes of the persisted raft log.
// On server restart, this value is assumed to be zero to avoid costly scans
// of the raft log. This will be correct when all log entries predating this
// process have been truncated.
raftLogSize int64
// raftLogLastCheckSize is the value of raftLogSize the last time the Raft
// log was checked for truncation or at the time of the last Raft log
// truncation.
raftLogLastCheckSize int64
// pendingLeaseRequest is used to coalesce RequestLease requests.
pendingLeaseRequest pendingLeaseRequest
// minLeaseProposedTS is the minimum acceptable lease.ProposedTS; only
// leases proposed after this timestamp can be used for proposing commands.
// This is used to protect against several hazards:
// - leases held (or even proposed) before a restart cannot be used after a
// restart. This is because:
// a) the command queue is wiped during the restart; there might be
// writes in flight that are not reflected in the new command queue. So,
// we need to synchronize all new reads with those old in-flight writes.
// Forcing acquisition of a new lease essentially flushes all the
// previous raft commands.
// b) a lease transfer might have been in progress at the time of the
// restart. Using the existing lease after the restart would break the
// transfer proposer's promise to not use the existing lease.
// - a lease cannot be used after a transfer is initiated. Moreover, even
// lease extension that were in flight at the time of the transfer cannot be
// used, if they eventually apply.
minLeaseProposedTS hlc.Timestamp
// Max bytes before split.
maxBytes int64
// proposals stores the Raft in-flight commands which
// originated at this Replica, i.e. all commands for which
// propose has been called, but which have not yet
// applied.
// The *ProposalData in the map are "owned" by it. Elements from the
// map must only be referenced while Replica.mu is held, except if the
// element is removed from the map first. The notable exception is the
// contained RaftCommand, which we treat as immutable.
proposals map[storagebase.CmdIDKey]*ProposalData
internalRaftGroup *raft.RawNode
// The ID of the replica within the Raft group. May be 0 if the replica has
// been created from a preemptive snapshot (i.e. before being added to the
// Raft group). The replica ID will be non-zero whenever the replica is
// part of a Raft group.
replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID
// The minimum allowed ID for this replica. Initialized from
// RaftTombstone.NextReplicaID.
minReplicaID roachpb.ReplicaID
// The ID of the leader replica within the Raft group. Used to determine
// when the leadership changes.
leaderID roachpb.ReplicaID
// The most recently added replica for the range and when it was added.
// Used to determine whether a replica is new enough that we shouldn't
// penalize it for being slightly behind. These field gets cleared out once
// we know that the replica has caught up.
lastReplicaAdded roachpb.ReplicaID
lastReplicaAddedTime time.Time
// The last seen replica descriptors from incoming Raft messages. These are
// stored so that the replica still knows the replica descriptors for itself
// and for its message recipients in the circumstances when its RangeDescriptor
// is out of date.
// Normally, a replica knows about the other replica descriptors for a
// range via the RangeDescriptor stored in Replica.mu.state.Desc. But that
// descriptor is only updated during a Split or ChangeReplicas operation.
// There are periods during a Replica's lifetime when that information is
// out of date:
// 1. When a replica is being newly created as the result of an incoming
// Raft message for it. This is the common case for ChangeReplicas and an
// uncommon case for Splits. The leader will be sending the replica
// messages and the replica needs to be able to respond before it can
// receive an updated range descriptor (via a snapshot,
// changeReplicasTrigger, or splitTrigger).
// 2. If the node containing a replica is partitioned or down while the
// replicas for the range are updated. When the node comes back up, other
// replicas may begin communicating with it and it needs to be able to
// respond. Unlike 1 where there is no range descriptor, in this situation
// the replica has a range descriptor but it is out of date. Note that a
// replica being removed from a node and then quickly re-added before the
// replica has been GC'd will also use the last seen descriptors. In
// effect, this is another path for which the replica's local range
// descriptor is out of date.
// The last seen replica descriptors are updated on receipt of every raft
// message via Replica.setLastReplicaDescriptors (see
// Store.HandleRaftRequest). These last seen descriptors are used when
// the replica's RangeDescriptor contains missing or out of date descriptors
// for a replica (see Replica.sendRaftMessage).
// Removing a replica from Store.mu.replicas is not a problem because
// when a replica is completely removed, it won't be recreated until
// there is another event that will repopulate the replicas map in the
// range descriptor. When it is temporarily dropped and recreated, the
// newly recreated replica will have a complete range descriptor.
lastToReplica, lastFromReplica roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor
// submitProposalFn can be set to mock out the propose operation.
submitProposalFn func(*ProposalData) error
// Computed checksum at a snapshot UUID.
checksums map[uuid.UUID]replicaChecksum
// proposalQuota is the quota pool maintained by the lease holder where
// incoming writes acquire quota from a fixed quota pool before going
// through. If there is no quota available, the write is throttled
// until quota is made available to the pool.
// Acquired quota for a given command is only released when all the
// replicas have persisted the corresponding entry into their logs.
proposalQuota *quotaPool
proposalQuotaBaseIndex uint64
// For command size based allocations we keep track of the sizes of all
// in-flight commands.
commandSizes map[storagebase.CmdIDKey]int
// Once the leader observes a proposal come 'out of Raft', we consult
// the 'commandSizes' map to determine the size of the associated
// command and add it to a queue of quotas we have yet to release back
// to the quota pool. We only do so when all replicas have persisted
// the corresponding entry into their logs.
quotaReleaseQueue []int
// Counts calls to Replica.tick()
ticks int
// Counts Raft messages refused due to queue congestion.
droppedMessages int
// Note that there are two replicaStateLoaders, in raftMu and mu,
// depending on which lock is being held.
stateLoader replicaStateLoader
unreachablesMu struct {
remotes map[roachpb.ReplicaID]struct{}
// KeyRange is an interface type for the replicasByKey BTree, to compare
// Replica and ReplicaPlaceholder.
type KeyRange interface {
Desc() *roachpb.RangeDescriptor
var _ KeyRange = &Replica{}
// withRaftGroupLocked calls the supplied function with the (lazily
// initialized) Raft group. The supplied function should return true for the
// unquiesceAndWakeLeader argument if the replica should be unquiesced (and the
// leader awoken). See handleRaftReady for an instance of where this value
// varies. The shouldCampaignOnCreation argument indicates whether a new raft group
// should be campaigned upon creation and is used to eagerly campaign idle
// replicas.
// Requires that both Replica.mu and Replica.raftMu are held.
func (r *Replica) withRaftGroupLocked(
shouldCampaignOnCreation bool, f func(r *raft.RawNode) (unquiesceAndWakeLeader bool, _ error),
) error {
if r.mu.destroyed != nil {
// Silently ignore all operations on destroyed replicas. We can't return an
// error here as all errors returned from this method are considered fatal.
return nil
if r.mu.replicaID == 0 {
// The replica's raft group has not yet been configured (i.e. the replica
// was created from a preemptive snapshot).
return nil
if shouldCampaignOnCreation {
// Special handling of idle replicas: we campaign their Raft group upon
// creation if we gossiped our store descriptor more than the election
// timeout in the past.
shouldCampaignOnCreation = (r.mu.internalRaftGroup == nil) && r.store.canCampaignIdleReplica()
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
if r.mu.internalRaftGroup == nil {
raftGroup, err := raft.NewRawNode(newRaftConfig(
&raftLogger{ctx: ctx},
), nil)
if err != nil {
return err
r.mu.internalRaftGroup = raftGroup
if !shouldCampaignOnCreation {
// Automatically campaign and elect a leader for this group if there's
// exactly one known node for this group.
// A grey area for this being correct happens in the case when we're
// currently in the process of adding a second node to the group, with
// the change committed but not applied.
// Upon restarting, the first node would immediately elect itself and
// only then apply the config change, where really it should be applying
// first and then waiting for the majority (which would now require two
// votes, not only its own).
// However, in that special case, the second node has no chance to be
// elected leader while the first node restarts (as it's aware of the
// configuration and knows it needs two votes), so the worst that could
// happen is both nodes ending up in candidate state, timing out and then
// voting again. This is expected to be an extremely rare event.
// TODO(peter): It would be more natural for this campaigning to only be
// done when proposing a command (see defaultProposeRaftCommandLocked).
// Unfortunately, we enqueue the right hand side of a split for Raft
// ready processing if the range only has a single replica (see
// splitPostApply). Doing so implies we need to be campaigning
// that right hand side range when raft ready processing is
// performed. Perhaps we should move the logic for campaigning single
// replica ranges there so that normally we only eagerly campaign when
// proposing.
shouldCampaignOnCreation = r.isSoloReplicaRLocked()
if shouldCampaignOnCreation {
log.VEventf(ctx, 3, "campaigning")
if err := raftGroup.Campaign(); err != nil {
return err
if fn := r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.OnCampaign; fn != nil {
unquiesce, err := f(r.mu.internalRaftGroup)
if unquiesce {
return err
// withRaftGroup calls the supplied function with the (lazily initialized)
// Raft group. It acquires and releases the Replica lock, so r.mu must not be
// held (or acquired by the supplied function).
// Requires that Replica.raftMu is held.
func (r *Replica) withRaftGroup(
f func(r *raft.RawNode) (unquiesceAndWakeLeader bool, _ error),
) error {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return r.withRaftGroupLocked(false, f)
var _ client.Sender = &Replica{}
func newReplica(rangeID roachpb.RangeID, store *Store) *Replica {
r := &Replica{
AmbientContext: store.cfg.AmbientCtx,
RangeID: rangeID,
store: store,
abortCache: NewAbortCache(rangeID),
pushTxnQueue: newPushTxnQueue(store),
r.mu.stateLoader = makeReplicaStateLoader(rangeID)
if leaseHistoryMaxEntries > 0 {
r.leaseHistory = newLeaseHistory()
if store.cfg.StorePool != nil {
r.leaseholderStats = newReplicaStats(store.Clock(), store.cfg.StorePool.getNodeLocalityString)
// Pass nil for the localityOracle because we intentionally don't track the
// origin locality of write load.
r.writeStats = newReplicaStats(store.Clock(), nil)
// Init rangeStr with the range ID.
r.rangeStr.store(0, &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{RangeID: rangeID})
// Add replica log tag - the value is rangeStr.String().
r.AmbientContext.AddLogTag("r", &r.rangeStr)
// Add replica pointer value. NB: this was historically useful for debugging
// replica GC issues, but is a distraction at the moment.
// r.AmbientContext.AddLogTagStr("@", fmt.Sprintf("%x", unsafe.Pointer(r)))
raftMuLogger := thresholdLogger(
func(ctx context.Context, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Warningf(ctx, "raftMu: "+msg, args...)
r.raftMu.timedMutex = makeTimedMutex(raftMuLogger)
r.raftMu.stateLoader = makeReplicaStateLoader(rangeID)
return r
// NewReplica initializes the replica using the given metadata. If the
// replica is initialized (i.e. desc contains more than a RangeID),
// replicaID should be 0 and the replicaID will be discovered from the
// descriptor.
func NewReplica(
desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor, store *Store, replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID,
) (*Replica, error) {
r := newReplica(desc.RangeID, store)
return r, r.init(desc, store.Clock(), replicaID)
func (r *Replica) init(
desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor, clock *hlc.Clock, replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID,
) error {
defer r.raftMu.Unlock()
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return r.initRaftMuLockedReplicaMuLocked(desc, clock, replicaID)
func (r *Replica) initRaftMuLockedReplicaMuLocked(
desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor, clock *hlc.Clock, replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID,
) error {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
if r.mu.state.Desc != nil && r.isInitializedRLocked() {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "r%d: cannot reinitialize an initialized replica", desc.RangeID)
if desc.IsInitialized() && replicaID != 0 {
return errors.Errorf("replicaID must be 0 when creating an initialized replica")
r.cmdQMu.queues[spanGlobal] = NewCommandQueue(true /* optimizeOverlap */)
r.cmdQMu.queues[spanLocal] = NewCommandQueue(false /* !optimizeOverlap */)
r.mu.proposals = map[storagebase.CmdIDKey]*ProposalData{}
r.mu.checksums = map[uuid.UUID]replicaChecksum{}
// Clear the internal raft group in case we're being reset. Since we're
// reloading the raft state below, it isn't safe to use the existing raft
// group.
r.mu.internalRaftGroup = nil
// Init the minLeaseProposedTS such that we won't use an existing lease (if
// any). This is so that, after a restart, we don't propose under old leases.
// If the replica is being created through a split, this value will be
// overridden.
if !r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.DontPreventUseOfOldLeaseOnStart {
r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS = clock.Now()
var err error
if r.mu.state, err = r.mu.stateLoader.load(ctx, r.store.Engine(), desc); err != nil {
return err
r.rangeStr.store(0, r.mu.state.Desc)
r.mu.lastIndex, err = r.mu.stateLoader.loadLastIndex(ctx, r.store.Engine())
if err != nil {
return err
r.mu.lastTerm = invalidLastTerm
pErr, err := r.mu.stateLoader.loadReplicaDestroyedError(ctx, r.store.Engine())
if err != nil {
return err
r.mu.destroyed = pErr.GetDetail()
r.mu.corrupted = r.mu.destroyed != nil
if replicaID == 0 {
repDesc, ok := desc.GetReplicaDescriptor(r.store.StoreID())
if !ok {
// This is intentionally not an error and is the code path exercised
// during preemptive snapshots. The replica ID will be sent when the
// actual raft replica change occurs.
return nil
replicaID = repDesc.ReplicaID
r.rangeStr.store(replicaID, r.mu.state.Desc)
if err := r.setReplicaIDRaftMuLockedMuLocked(replicaID); err != nil {
return err
r.assertStateLocked(ctx, r.store.Engine())
return nil
// String returns the string representation of the replica using an
// inconsistent copy of the range descriptor. Therefore, String does not
// require a lock and its output may not be atomic with other ongoing work in
// the replica. This is done to prevent deadlocks in logging sites.
func (r *Replica) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[n%d,s%d,r%s]", r.store.Ident.NodeID, r.store.Ident.StoreID, &r.rangeStr)
// destroyData deletes all data associated with a replica, leaving a
// tombstone. Requires that Replica.raftMu is held.
func (r *Replica) destroyDataRaftMuLocked(
ctx context.Context, consistentDesc roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
) error {
startTime := timeutil.Now()
// Use a more efficient write-only batch because we don't need to do any
// reads from the batch.
batch := r.store.Engine().NewWriteOnlyBatch()
defer batch.Close()
ms := r.GetMVCCStats()
// NB: this uses the local descriptor instead of the consistent one to match
// the data on disk.
if err := clearRangeData(ctx, r.Desc(), ms.KeyCount, r.store.Engine(), batch); err != nil {
return err
clearTime := timeutil.Now()
// Save a tombstone to ensure that replica IDs never get reused.
if err := r.setTombstoneKey(ctx, batch, &consistentDesc); err != nil {
return err
// We need to sync here because we are potentially deleting sideloaded
// proposals from the file system next. We could write the tombstone only in
// a synchronous batch first and then delete the data alternatively, but
// then need to handle the case in which there is both the tombstone and
// leftover replica data.
if err := batch.Commit(true); err != nil {
return err
commitTime := timeutil.Now()
// NB: we need the nil check below because it's possible that we're
// GC'ing a Replica without a replicaID, in which case it does not
// have a sideloaded storage.
// TODO(tschottdorf): at node startup, we should remove all on-disk
// directories belonging to replicas which aren't present. A crash
// here will currently leave the files around forever.
if r.raftMu.sideloaded != nil {
if err := r.raftMu.sideloaded.Clear(ctx); err != nil {
return err
log.Infof(ctx, "removed %d (%d+%d) keys in %0.0fms [clear=%0.0fms commit=%0.0fms]",
ms.KeyCount+ms.SysCount, ms.KeyCount, ms.SysCount,
return nil
func (r *Replica) cancelPendingCommandsLocked() {
for _, p := range r.mu.proposals {
resp := proposalResult{
Reply: &roachpb.BatchResponse{},
Err: roachpb.NewError(roachpb.NewAmbiguousResultError("removing replica")),
ProposalRetry: proposalRangeNoLongerExists,
r.mu.proposals = map[storagebase.CmdIDKey]*ProposalData{}
// setTombstoneKey writes a tombstone to disk to ensure that replica IDs never
// get reused. It determines what the minimum next replica ID can be using
// the provided RangeDescriptor and the Replica's own ID.
// We have to be careful to set the right key, since a replica can be using an
// ID that it hasn't yet received a RangeDescriptor for if it receives raft
// requests for that replica ID (as seen in #14231).
func (r *Replica) setTombstoneKey(
ctx context.Context, eng engine.ReadWriter, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
) error {
nextReplicaID := r.nextReplicaIDLocked(desc)
r.mu.minReplicaID = nextReplicaID
tombstoneKey := keys.RaftTombstoneKey(desc.RangeID)
tombstone := &roachpb.RaftTombstone{
NextReplicaID: nextReplicaID,
return engine.MVCCPutProto(ctx, eng, nil, tombstoneKey,
hlc.Timestamp{}, nil, tombstone)
// nextReplicaIDLocked returns the minimum ID that a new replica can be created
// with for this replica's range. We have to be very careful to ensure that
// replica IDs never get re-used because that can cause panics.
// The externalDesc parameter is an optional way to provide an additional
// descriptor for the range that was looked up outside the replica code.
func (r *Replica) nextReplicaIDLocked(externalDesc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) roachpb.ReplicaID {
result := r.mu.state.Desc.NextReplicaID
if externalDesc != nil && result < externalDesc.NextReplicaID {
result = externalDesc.NextReplicaID
if result < r.mu.minReplicaID {
result = r.mu.minReplicaID
return result
func (r *Replica) setReplicaID(replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID) error {
defer r.raftMu.Unlock()
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return r.setReplicaIDRaftMuLockedMuLocked(replicaID)
func (r *Replica) setReplicaIDRaftMuLockedMuLocked(replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID) error {
if r.mu.replicaID == replicaID {
// The common case: the replica ID is unchanged.
return nil
if replicaID == 0 {
// If the incoming message does not have a new replica ID it is a
// preemptive snapshot. We'll update minReplicaID if the snapshot is
// accepted.
return nil
if replicaID < r.mu.minReplicaID {
return &roachpb.RaftGroupDeletedError{}
if r.mu.replicaID > replicaID {
return errors.Errorf("replicaID cannot move backwards from %d to %d", r.mu.replicaID, replicaID)
// if r.mu.replicaID != 0 {
// // TODO(bdarnell): clean up previous raftGroup (update peers)
// }
// Initialize or update the sideloaded storage. If the sideloaded storage
// already exists (which is iff the previous replicaID was non-zero), then
// we have to move the contained files over (this corresponds to the case in
// which our replica is removed and re-added to the range, without having
// the replica GC'ed in the meantime).
// Note that we can't race with a concurrent replicaGC here because both that
// and this is under raftMu.
var prevSideloadedDir string
if ss := r.raftMu.sideloaded; ss != nil {
prevSideloadedDir = ss.Dir()
var err error
if r.raftMu.sideloaded, err = newDiskSideloadStorage(
r.store.cfg.Settings, r.mu.state.Desc.RangeID, replicaID, r.store.Engine().GetAuxiliaryDir(),
); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "while initializing sideloaded storage")
if prevSideloadedDir != "" {
if _, err := os.Stat(prevSideloadedDir); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
// Old directory not found.
} else {
// Old directory found, so we have something to move over to the new one.
if err := os.Rename(prevSideloadedDir, r.raftMu.sideloaded.Dir()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "while moving sideloaded directory")
previousReplicaID := r.mu.replicaID
r.mu.replicaID = replicaID
if replicaID >= r.mu.minReplicaID {
r.mu.minReplicaID = replicaID + 1
// Reset the raft group to force its recreation on next usage.
r.mu.internalRaftGroup = nil
// If there was a previous replica, repropose its pending commands under
// this new incarnation.
if previousReplicaID != 0 {
if log.V(1) {
log.Infof(r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO()), "changed replica ID from %d to %d",
previousReplicaID, replicaID)
// repropose all pending commands under new replicaID.
r.refreshProposalsLocked(0, reasonReplicaIDChanged)
return nil
func (r *Replica) setEstimatedCommitIndexLocked(commit uint64) {
// The estimated commit index only ratchets up to account for Raft messages
// arriving out of order.
if r.mu.estimatedCommitIndex < commit {
r.mu.estimatedCommitIndex = commit
func (r *Replica) maybeAcquireProposalQuota(ctx context.Context, quota int64) error {
quotaPool := r.mu.proposalQuota
// Quota acquisition only takes place on the leader replica,
// r.mu.proposalQuota is set to nil if a node is a follower (see
// updateProposalQuotaRaftMuLocked). For the cases where the range lease
// holder is not the same as the range leader, i.e. the lease holder is a
// follower, r.mu.proposalQuota == nil. This means all quota acquisitions
// go through without any throttling whatsoever but given how short lived
// these scenarios are we don't try to remedy any further.
// NB: It is necessary to allow proposals with a nil quota pool to go
// through, for otherwise a follower could never request the lease.
if quotaPool == nil {
return nil
// Trace if we're running low on available proposal quota; it might explain
// why we're taking so long.
if q := quotaPool.approximateQuota(); q < quotaPool.maxQuota()/10 && log.HasSpanOrEvent(ctx) {
log.Eventf(ctx, "quota running low, currently available ~%d", q)
return quotaPool.acquire(ctx, quota)
func (r *Replica) updateProposalQuotaRaftMuLocked(
ctx context.Context, lastLeaderID roachpb.ReplicaID,
) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if r.mu.replicaID == 0 {
// The replica was created from preemptive snapshot and has not been
// added to the Raft group.
// We need to check if the replica is being destroyed and if so, unblock
// all ongoing and subsequent quota acquisition goroutines (if any).
// TODO(irfansharif): There is still a potential problem here that leaves
// clients hanging if the replica gets destroyed but this code path is
// never taken. Moving quota pool draining to every point where a
// replica can get destroyed is an option, alternatively we can clear
// our leader status and close the proposalQuota whenever the replica is
// destroyed.
if r.mu.destroyed != nil {
if r.mu.proposalQuota != nil {
r.mu.proposalQuota = nil
r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue = nil
r.mu.commandSizes = nil
if r.mu.leaderID != lastLeaderID {
if r.mu.replicaID == r.mu.leaderID {
// We're becoming the leader.
r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex = r.mu.lastIndex
if r.mu.proposalQuota != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, "proposalQuota was not nil before becoming the leader")
if releaseQueueLen := len(r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue); releaseQueueLen != 0 {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "len(r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue) = %d, expected 0", releaseQueueLen)
if commandSizesLen := len(r.mu.commandSizes); commandSizesLen != 0 {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "len(r.mu.commandSizes) = %d, expected 0", commandSizesLen)
// Raft may propose commands itself (specifically the empty
// commands when leadership changes), and these commands don't go
// through the code paths where we acquire quota from the pool. To
// offset this we reset the quota pool whenever leadership changes
// hands.
r.mu.proposalQuota = newQuotaPool(defaultProposalQuota)
r.mu.commandSizes = make(map[storagebase.CmdIDKey]int)
} else if r.mu.proposalQuota != nil {
// We're becoming a follower.
// We unblock all ongoing and subsequent quota acquisition
// goroutines (if any).
r.mu.proposalQuota = nil
r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue = nil
r.mu.commandSizes = nil
} else if r.mu.proposalQuota == nil {
if r.mu.replicaID == r.mu.leaderID {
log.Fatal(ctx, "leader has uninitialized proposalQuota pool")
// We're a follower.
// We're still the leader.
// TODO(peter): Can we avoid retrieving the Raft status on every invocation
// in order to avoid the associated allocation? Tracking the progress
// ourselves via looking at MsgAppResp messages would be overkill. Perhaps
// another accessor on RawNode.
status := r.raftStatusRLocked()
if status == nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, "leader with nil RaftStatus")
// Find the minimum index that active followers have acknowledged.
minIndex := status.Commit
for _, rep := range r.mu.state.Desc.Replicas {
// Only consider followers that have "healthy" RPC connections. We
// don't use node liveness here as doing so could lead to deadlock
// unless we avoided enforcing proposal quota for node liveness ranges.
if r.store.cfg.Transport.resolver != nil {
addr, err := r.store.cfg.Transport.resolver(rep.NodeID)
if err != nil {
if err := r.store.cfg.Transport.rpcContext.ConnHealth(addr.String()); err != nil {
if progress, ok := status.Progress[uint64(rep.ReplicaID)]; ok {
// Only consider followers who are in advance of the quota base
// index. This prevents a follower from coming back online and
// preventing throughput to the range until it has caught up.
if progress.Match < r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex {
if progress.Match > 0 && progress.Match < minIndex {
minIndex = progress.Match
// If this is the most recently added replica and it has caught up, clear
// our state that was tracking it. This is unrelated to managing proposal
// quota, but this is a convenient place to do so.
if rep.ReplicaID == r.mu.lastReplicaAdded && progress.Match >= status.Commit {
r.mu.lastReplicaAdded = 0
r.mu.lastReplicaAddedTime = time.Time{}
if r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex < minIndex {
// We've persisted minIndex - r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex entries to
// the raft log on all replicas with "healthy" RPC connections since
// last we checked, we 'should' be able to release the difference back to
// the quota pool. But consider the scenario where we have a single
// replica that we're writing to, we only construct the
// quotaReleaseQueue when entries 'come out' of Raft via
// raft.Ready.CommittedEntries. The minIndex computed above uses the
// replica's commit index which is independent of whether or we've
// iterated over the entirety of raft.Ready.CommittedEntries and
// therefore may not have all minIndex - r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex
// command sizes in our quotaReleaseQueue. Hence we only process
// min(minIndex - r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex, len(r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue))
// quota releases.
numReleases := minIndex - r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex
if qLen := uint64(len(r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue)); qLen < numReleases {
numReleases = qLen
sum := 0
for _, rel := range r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue[:numReleases] {
sum += rel
r.mu.proposalQuotaBaseIndex += numReleases
r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue = r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue[numReleases:]
// getEstimatedBehindCountRLocked returns an estimate of how far this replica is
// behind. A return value of 0 indicates that the replica is up to date.
func (r *Replica) getEstimatedBehindCountRLocked(raftStatus *raft.Status) int64 {
if r.mu.quiescent {
// The range is quiescent, so it is up to date.
return 0
if raftStatus != nil && roachpb.ReplicaID(raftStatus.SoftState.Lead) == r.mu.replicaID {
// We're the leader, so we can't be behind.
return 0
if !HasRaftLeader(raftStatus) && r.store.canCampaignIdleReplica() {
// The Raft group is idle or there is no Raft leader. This can be a
// temporary situation due to an in progress election or because the group
// can't achieve quorum. In either case, assume we're up to date.
return 0
if r.mu.estimatedCommitIndex == 0 {
// We haven't heard from the leader, assume we're far behind. This is the
// case that is commonly hit when a node restarts. In particular, we hit
// this case until an election timeout passes and canCampaignIdleReplica
// starts to return true. The results it that a restarted node will
// consider its replicas far behind initially which will in turn cause it
// to reject rebalances.
return prohibitRebalancesBehindThreshold
if r.mu.estimatedCommitIndex >= r.mu.state.RaftAppliedIndex {
return int64(r.mu.estimatedCommitIndex - r.mu.state.RaftAppliedIndex)
return 0
// GetMaxBytes atomically gets the range maximum byte limit.
func (r *Replica) GetMaxBytes() int64 {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.mu.maxBytes
// SetMaxBytes atomically sets the maximum byte limit before
// split. This value is cached by the range for efficiency.
func (r *Replica) SetMaxBytes(maxBytes int64) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
r.mu.maxBytes = maxBytes
// IsFirstRange returns true if this is the first range.
func (r *Replica) IsFirstRange() bool {
return r.RangeID == 1
// IsDestroyed returns a non-nil error if the replica has been destroyed.
func (r *Replica) IsDestroyed() error {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.mu.destroyed
// getLease returns the current lease, and the tentative next one, if a lease
// request initiated by this replica is in progress.
func (r *Replica) getLease() (roachpb.Lease, *roachpb.Lease) {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.getLeaseRLocked()
func (r *Replica) getLeaseRLocked() (roachpb.Lease, *roachpb.Lease) {
if nextLease, ok := r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.RequestPending(); ok {
return *r.mu.state.Lease, &nextLease
return *r.mu.state.Lease, nil
// OwnsValidLease returns whether this replica is the current valid
// leaseholder. Note that this method does not check to see if a transfer is
// pending, but returns the status of the current lease and ownership at the
// specified point in time.
func (r *Replica) OwnsValidLease(ts hlc.Timestamp) bool {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.ownsValidLeaseRLocked(ts)
func (r *Replica) ownsValidLeaseRLocked(ts hlc.Timestamp) bool {
return r.mu.state.Lease.OwnedBy(r.store.StoreID()) &&
r.leaseStatus(*r.mu.state.Lease, ts, r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS).State == LeaseState_VALID
// IsLeaseValid returns true if the replica's lease is owned by this
// replica and is valid (not expired, not in stasis).
func (r *Replica) IsLeaseValid(lease roachpb.Lease, ts hlc.Timestamp) bool {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.isLeaseValidRLocked(lease, ts)
func (r *Replica) isLeaseValidRLocked(lease roachpb.Lease, ts hlc.Timestamp) bool {
return r.leaseStatus(lease, ts, r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS).State == LeaseState_VALID
// newNotLeaseHolderError returns a NotLeaseHolderError initialized with the
// replica for the holder (if any) of the given lease.
// Note that this error can be generated on the Raft processing goroutine, so
// its output should be completely determined by its parameters.
func newNotLeaseHolderError(
l *roachpb.Lease, proposerStoreID roachpb.StoreID, rangeDesc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
) *roachpb.NotLeaseHolderError {
err := &roachpb.NotLeaseHolderError{
RangeID: rangeDesc.RangeID,
err.Replica, _ = rangeDesc.GetReplicaDescriptor(proposerStoreID)
if l != nil {
// Normally, we return the lease-holding Replica here. However, in the
// case in which a leader removes itself, we want the followers to
// avoid handing out a misleading clue (which in itself shouldn't be
// overly disruptive as the lease would expire and then this method
// shouldn't be called for it any more, but at the very least it
// could catch tests in a loop, presumably due to manual clocks).
_, stillMember := rangeDesc.GetReplicaDescriptor(l.Replica.StoreID)
if stillMember {
err.LeaseHolder = &l.Replica
err.Lease = l
return err
// leaseGoodToGo is a fast-path for lease checks which verifies that an
// existing lease is valid and owned by the current store. This method should
// not be called directly. Use redirectOnOrAcquireLease instead.
func (r *Replica) leaseGoodToGo(ctx context.Context) (LeaseStatus, bool) {
timestamp := r.store.Clock().Now()
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
if r.requiresExpiringLeaseRLocked() {
// Slow-path for expiration-based leases.
return LeaseStatus{}, false
status := r.leaseStatus(*r.mu.state.Lease, timestamp, r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS)
if status.State == LeaseState_VALID && status.Lease.OwnedBy(r.store.StoreID()) {
// We own the lease...
if repDesc, err := r.getReplicaDescriptorRLocked(); err == nil {
if _, ok := r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.TransferInProgress(repDesc.ReplicaID); !ok {
// ...and there is no transfer pending.
return status, true
return LeaseStatus{}, false
// redirectOnOrAcquireLease checks whether this replica has the lease
// at the current timestamp. If it does, returns success. If another
// replica currently holds the lease, redirects by returning
// NotLeaseHolderError. If the lease is expired, a renewal is
// synchronously requested. Leases are eagerly renewed when a request
// with a timestamp within rangeLeaseRenewalDuration of the lease
// expiration is served.
// TODO(spencer): for write commands, don't wait while requesting
// the range lease. If the lease acquisition fails, the write cmd
// will fail as well. If it succeeds, as is likely, then the write
// will not incur latency waiting for the command to complete.
// Reads, however, must wait.
func (r *Replica) redirectOnOrAcquireLease(ctx context.Context) (LeaseStatus, *roachpb.Error) {
if status, ok := r.leaseGoodToGo(ctx); ok {
return status, nil
// Loop until the lease is held or the replica ascertains the actual
// lease holder. Returns also on context.Done() (timeout or cancellation).
var status LeaseStatus
for attempt := 1; ; attempt++ {
timestamp := r.store.Clock().Now()
llChan, pErr := func() (<-chan *roachpb.Error, *roachpb.Error) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
status = r.leaseStatus(*r.mu.state.Lease, timestamp, r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS)
switch status.State {
case LeaseState_ERROR:
// Lease state couldn't be determined.
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "lease state couldn't be determined")
return nil, roachpb.NewError(
newNotLeaseHolderError(nil, r.store.StoreID(), r.mu.state.Desc))
case LeaseState_VALID, LeaseState_STASIS:
if !status.Lease.OwnedBy(r.store.StoreID()) {
_, stillMember := r.mu.state.Desc.GetReplicaDescriptor(status.Lease.Replica.StoreID)
if !stillMember {
// This would be the situation in which the lease holder gets removed when
// holding the lease, or in which a lease request erroneously gets accepted
// for a replica that is not in the replica set. Neither of the two can
// happen since appropriate mechanisms have been added:
// 1. Only the lease holder (at the time) schedules removal of a replica,
// but the lease can change hands and so the situation in which a follower
// coordinates a replica removal of the (new) lease holder is possible (if
// unlikely) in practice. In this situation, the new lease holder would at
// some point be asked to propose the replica change's EndTransaction to
// Raft. A check has been added that prevents proposals that amount to the
// removal of the proposer's (and hence lease holder's) Replica, preventing
// this scenario.
// 2. A lease is accepted for a Replica that has been removed. Without
// precautions, this could happen because lease requests are special in
// that they are the only command that is proposed on a follower (other
// commands may be proposed from followers, but not successfully so). For
// all proposals, processRaftCommand checks that their ProposalLease is
// compatible with the active lease for the log position. For commands
// proposed on the lease holder, the command queue then serializes
// everything. But lease requests get created on followers based on their
// local state and thus without being sequenced through the command queue.
// Thus a recently removed follower (unaware of its own removal) could
// submit a proposal for the lease (correctly using as a ProposerLease the
// last active lease), and would receive it given the up-to-date
// ProposerLease. Hence, an extra check is in order: processRaftCommand
// makes sure that lease requests for a replica not in the descriptor are
// bounced.
log.Fatalf(ctx, "lease %s owned by replica %+v that no longer exists",
status.Lease, status.Lease.Replica)
// Otherwise, if the lease is currently held by another replica, redirect
// to the holder.
return nil, roachpb.NewError(
newNotLeaseHolderError(&status.Lease, r.store.StoreID(), r.mu.state.Desc))
// Check that we're not in the process of transferring the lease away.
// If we are transferring the lease away, we can't serve reads or
// propose Raft commands - see comments on TransferLease.
// TODO(andrei): If the lease is being transferred, consider returning a
// new error type so the client backs off until the transfer is
// completed.
repDesc, err := r.getReplicaDescriptorRLocked()
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
if transferLease, ok := r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.TransferInProgress(
repDesc.ReplicaID); ok {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(
newNotLeaseHolderError(&transferLease, r.store.StoreID(), r.mu.state.Desc))
// If the lease is in stasis, we can't serve requests until we've
// renewed the lease, so we return the channel to block on renewal.
// Otherwise, we don't need to wait for the extension and simply
// ignore the returned channel (which is buffered) and continue.
if status.State == LeaseState_STASIS {
return r.requestLeaseLocked(ctx, status), nil
// Extend the lease if this range uses expiration-based
// leases, the lease is in need of renewal, and there's not
// already an extension pending.
_, requestPending := r.mu.pendingLeaseRequest.RequestPending()
if !requestPending && r.requiresExpiringLeaseRLocked() {
renewal := status.Lease.Expiration.Add(-r.store.cfg.RangeLeaseRenewalDuration().Nanoseconds(), 0)
if !timestamp.Less(renewal) {
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "extending lease %s at %s", status.Lease, timestamp)
// We had an active lease to begin with, but we want to trigger
// a lease extension. We explicitly ignore the returned channel
// as we won't block on it.
// Since we return and don't wait, our context will likely cancel
// soon, perhaps before the request is even in flight. Use a new
// context instead.
_ = r.requestLeaseLocked(r.AnnotateCtx(context.Background()), status)
case LeaseState_EXPIRED:
// No active lease: Request renewal if a renewal is not already pending.
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "request range lease (attempt #%d)", attempt)
return r.requestLeaseLocked(ctx, status), nil
case LeaseState_PROSCRIBED:
// Lease proposed timestamp is earlier than the min proposed
// timestamp limit this replica must observe. If this store
// owns the lease, re-request. Otherwise, redirect.
if status.Lease.OwnedBy(r.store.StoreID()) {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "request range lease (attempt #%d)", attempt)
return r.requestLeaseLocked(ctx, status), nil
// If lease is currently held by another, redirect to holder.
return nil, roachpb.NewError(
newNotLeaseHolderError(&status.Lease, r.store.StoreID(), r.mu.state.Desc))
// Return a nil chan to signal that we have a valid lease.
return nil, nil
if pErr != nil {
return LeaseStatus{}, pErr
if llChan == nil {
// We own a valid lease.
return status, nil
// Wait for the range lease to finish, or the context to expire.
pErr = func() *roachpb.Error {
slowTimer := timeutil.NewTimer()
defer slowTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case pErr = <-llChan:
if pErr != nil {
switch tErr := pErr.GetDetail().(type) {
case *roachpb.AmbiguousResultError:
// This can happen if the RequestLease command we sent has been
// applied locally through a snapshot: the RequestLeaseRequest
// cannot be reproposed so we get this ambiguity.
// We'll just loop around.
return nil
case *roachpb.LeaseRejectedError:
if tErr.Existing.OwnedBy(r.store.StoreID()) {
// The RequestLease command we sent was rejected because another
// lease was applied in the meantime, but we own that other
// lease. So, loop until the current node becomes aware that
// it's the leaseholder.
return nil
// Getting a LeaseRejectedError back means someone else got there
// first, or the lease request was somehow invalid due to a concurrent
// change. That concurrent change could have been that this replica was
// removed (see processRaftCommand), so check for that case before
// falling back to a NotLeaseHolderError.
var err error
if _, descErr := r.GetReplicaDescriptor(); descErr != nil {
err = descErr
} else if lease, _ := r.getLease(); !r.IsLeaseValid(lease, r.store.Clock().Now()) {
err = newNotLeaseHolderError(nil, r.store.StoreID(), r.Desc())
} else {
err = newNotLeaseHolderError(&lease, r.store.StoreID(), r.Desc())
pErr = roachpb.NewError(err)
return pErr
log.Eventf(ctx, "lease acquisition succeeded: %+v", status.Lease)
return nil
case <-slowTimer.C:
slowTimer.Read = true
log.Warningf(ctx, "have been waiting %s attempting to acquire lease",
defer r.store.metrics.SlowLeaseRequests.Dec(1)
case <-ctx.Done():
log.ErrEventf(ctx, "lease acquisition failed: %s", ctx.Err())
return roachpb.NewError(newNotLeaseHolderError(nil, r.store.StoreID(), r.Desc()))
case <-r.store.Stopper().ShouldStop():
return roachpb.NewError(newNotLeaseHolderError(nil, r.store.StoreID(), r.Desc()))
if pErr != nil {
return LeaseStatus{}, pErr
// IsInitialized is true if we know the metadata of this range, either
// because we created it or we have received an initial snapshot from
// another node. It is false when a range has been created in response
// to an incoming message but we are waiting for our initial snapshot.
func (r *Replica) IsInitialized() bool {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.isInitializedRLocked()
// isInitializedRLocked is true if we know the metadata of this range, either
// because we created it or we have received an initial snapshot from
// another node. It is false when a range has been created in response
// to an incoming message but we are waiting for our initial snapshot.
// isInitializedLocked requires that the replica lock is held.
func (r *Replica) isInitializedRLocked() bool {
return r.mu.state.Desc.IsInitialized()
// Desc returns the authoritative range descriptor, acquiring a replica lock in
// the process.
func (r *Replica) Desc() *roachpb.RangeDescriptor {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.mu.state.Desc
// NodeID returns the ID of the node this replica belongs to.
func (r *Replica) NodeID() roachpb.NodeID {
return r.store.nodeDesc.NodeID
// setDesc atomically sets the range's descriptor. This method calls
// processRangeDescriptorUpdate() to make the Store handle the descriptor
// update. Requires raftMu to be locked.
func (r *Replica) setDesc(desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) error {
if r.store == nil {
// r.rm is null in some tests.
return nil
return r.store.processRangeDescriptorUpdate(r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO()), r)
// setDescWithoutProcessUpdate updates the range descriptor without calling
// processRangeDescriptorUpdate. Requires raftMu to be locked.
func (r *Replica) setDescWithoutProcessUpdate(desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
if desc.RangeID != r.RangeID {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
log.Fatalf(ctx, "range descriptor ID (%d) does not match replica's range ID (%d)",
desc.RangeID, r.RangeID)
if r.mu.state.Desc != nil && r.mu.state.Desc.IsInitialized() &&
(desc == nil || !desc.IsInitialized()) {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
log.Fatalf(ctx, "cannot replace initialized descriptor with uninitialized one: %+v -> %+v",
r.mu.state.Desc, desc)
newMaxID := maxReplicaID(desc)
if newMaxID > r.mu.lastReplicaAdded {
r.mu.lastReplicaAdded = newMaxID
r.mu.lastReplicaAddedTime = timeutil.Now()
r.rangeStr.store(r.mu.replicaID, desc)
r.mu.state.Desc = desc
func maxReplicaID(desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor) roachpb.ReplicaID {
if desc == nil || !desc.IsInitialized() {
return 0
var maxID roachpb.ReplicaID
for _, repl := range desc.Replicas {
if repl.ReplicaID > maxID {
maxID = repl.ReplicaID
return maxID
// LastReplicaAdded returns the ID of the most recently added replica and the
// time at which it was added.
func (r *Replica) LastReplicaAdded() (roachpb.ReplicaID, time.Time) {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.mu.lastReplicaAdded, r.mu.lastReplicaAddedTime
// GetReplicaDescriptor returns the replica for this range from the range
// descriptor. Returns a *RangeNotFoundError if the replica is not found.
// No other errors are returned.
func (r *Replica) GetReplicaDescriptor() (roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, error) {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.getReplicaDescriptorRLocked()
// getReplicaDescriptorRLocked is like getReplicaDescriptor, but assumes that
// r.mu is held for either reading or writing.
func (r *Replica) getReplicaDescriptorRLocked() (roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, error) {
repDesc, ok := r.mu.state.Desc.GetReplicaDescriptor(r.store.StoreID())
if ok {
return repDesc, nil
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{}, roachpb.NewRangeNotFoundError(r.RangeID)
// setLastReplicaDescriptors sets the the most recently seen replica
// descriptors to those contained in the *RaftMessageRequest, acquiring r.mu
// to do so.
func (r *Replica) setLastReplicaDescriptors(req *RaftMessageRequest) {
r.mu.lastFromReplica = req.FromReplica
r.mu.lastToReplica = req.ToReplica
// GetMVCCStats returns a copy of the MVCC stats object for this range.
func (r *Replica) GetMVCCStats() enginepb.MVCCStats {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.mu.state.Stats
// ContainsKey returns whether this range contains the specified key.
// TODO(bdarnell): This is not the same as RangeDescriptor.ContainsKey.
func (r *Replica) ContainsKey(key roachpb.Key) bool {
return containsKey(*r.Desc(), key)
func containsKey(desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor, key roachpb.Key) bool {
if bytes.HasPrefix(key, keys.LocalRangeIDPrefix) {
return bytes.HasPrefix(key, keys.MakeRangeIDPrefix(desc.RangeID))
keyAddr, err := keys.Addr(key)
if err != nil {
return false
return desc.ContainsKey(keyAddr)
// ContainsKeyRange returns whether this range contains the specified
// key range from start to end.
func (r *Replica) ContainsKeyRange(start, end roachpb.Key) bool {
return containsKeyRange(*r.Desc(), start, end)
func containsKeyRange(desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor, start, end roachpb.Key) bool {
startKeyAddr, err := keys.Addr(start)
if err != nil {
return false
endKeyAddr, err := keys.Addr(end)
if err != nil {
return false
return desc.ContainsKeyRange(startKeyAddr, endKeyAddr)
// getLastReplicaGCTimestamp reads the timestamp at which the replica was
// last checked for removal by the replica gc queue.
func (r *Replica) getLastReplicaGCTimestamp(ctx context.Context) (hlc.Timestamp, error) {
key := keys.RangeLastReplicaGCTimestampKey(r.RangeID)
var timestamp hlc.Timestamp
_, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(ctx, r.store.Engine(), key, hlc.Timestamp{}, true, nil, &timestamp)
if err != nil {
return hlc.Timestamp{}, err
return timestamp, nil
func (r *Replica) setLastReplicaGCTimestamp(ctx context.Context, timestamp hlc.Timestamp) error {
key := keys.RangeLastReplicaGCTimestampKey(r.RangeID)
return engine.MVCCPutProto(ctx, r.store.Engine(), nil, key, hlc.Timestamp{}, nil, &timestamp)
// getQueueLastProcessed returns the last processed timestamp for the
// specified queue, or the zero timestamp if not available.
func (r *Replica) getQueueLastProcessed(ctx context.Context, queue string) (hlc.Timestamp, error) {
key := keys.QueueLastProcessedKey(r.Desc().StartKey, queue)
var timestamp hlc.Timestamp
if r.store != nil {
_, err := engine.MVCCGetProto(ctx, r.store.Engine(), key, hlc.Timestamp{}, true, nil, &timestamp)
if err != nil {
return hlc.Timestamp{}, err
return timestamp, nil
// setQueueLastProcessed writes the last processed timestamp for the
// specified queue.
func (r *Replica) setQueueLastProcessed(
ctx context.Context, queue string, timestamp hlc.Timestamp,
) error {
key := keys.QueueLastProcessedKey(r.Desc().StartKey, queue)
return r.store.DB().PutInline(ctx, key, &timestamp)
// RaftStatus returns the current raft status of the replica. It returns nil
// if the Raft group has not been initialized yet.
func (r *Replica) RaftStatus() *raft.Status {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.raftStatusRLocked()
func (r *Replica) raftStatusRLocked() *raft.Status {
if rg := r.mu.internalRaftGroup; rg != nil {
return rg.Status()
return nil
// State returns a copy of the internal state of the Replica, along with some
// auxiliary information.
func (r *Replica) State() storagebase.RangeInfo {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
var ri storagebase.RangeInfo
ri.ReplicaState = *(protoutil.Clone(&r.mu.state)).(*storagebase.ReplicaState)
ri.LastIndex = r.mu.lastIndex
ri.NumPending = uint64(len(r.mu.proposals))
ri.RaftLogSize = r.mu.raftLogSize
ri.NumDropped = uint64(r.mu.droppedMessages)
if r.mu.proposalQuota != nil {
ri.ApproximateProposalQuota = r.mu.proposalQuota.approximateQuota()
return ri
// assertStateLocked can be called from the Raft goroutine to check that the
// in-memory and on-disk states of the Replica are congruent.
// Requires that both r.raftMu and r.mu are held.
// TODO(tschottdorf): Consider future removal (for example, when #7224 is resolved).
func (r *Replica) assertStateLocked(ctx context.Context, reader engine.Reader) {
diskState, err := r.mu.stateLoader.load(ctx, reader, r.mu.state.Desc)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, err)
if !diskState.Equal(r.mu.state) {
// The roundabout way of printing here is to expose this information in sentry.io.
// TODO(dt): expose properly once #15892 is addressed.
log.Errorf(ctx, "on-disk and in-memory state diverged:\n%s", pretty.Diff(diskState, r.mu.state))
r.mu.state.Desc, diskState.Desc = nil, nil
log.Fatal(ctx, log.Safe(
fmt.Sprintf("on-disk and in-memory state diverged: %s",
pretty.Diff(diskState, r.mu.state)),
// maybeInitializeRaftGroup check whether the internal Raft group has
// not yet been initialized. If not, it is created and set to campaign
// if this replica is the most recent owner of the range lease.
func (r *Replica) maybeInitializeRaftGroup(ctx context.Context) {
// If this replica hasn't initialized the Raft group, create it and
// unquiesce and wake the leader to ensure the replica comes up to date.
initialized := r.mu.internalRaftGroup != nil
if initialized {
// Acquire raftMu, but need to maintain lock ordering (raftMu then mu).
defer r.raftMu.Unlock()
defer r.mu.Unlock()
// Campaign if this replica is the current lease holder to avoid
// an election storm after a recent split. If no replica is the
// lease holder, all replicas must campaign to avoid waiting for
// an election timeout to acquire the lease. In the latter case,
// there's less chance of an election storm because this replica
// will only campaign if it's been idle for >= election timeout,
// so there's most likely been no traffic to the range.
shouldCampaignOnCreation := r.mu.state.Lease.OwnedBy(r.store.StoreID()) ||
r.leaseStatus(*r.mu.state.Lease, r.store.Clock().Now(), r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS).State !=
if err := r.withRaftGroupLocked(shouldCampaignOnCreation, func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
}); err != nil {
log.ErrEventf(ctx, "unable to initialize raft group: %s", err)
// Send executes a command on this range, dispatching it to the
// read-only, read-write, or admin execution path as appropriate.
// ctx should contain the log tags from the store (and up).
func (r *Replica) Send(
ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
var br *roachpb.BatchResponse
if r.leaseholderStats != nil && ba.Header.GatewayNodeID != 0 {
if err := r.checkBatchRequest(ba); err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
// Add the range log tag.
ctx = r.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
ctx, cleanup := tracing.EnsureContext(ctx, r.AmbientContext.Tracer, "replica send")
defer cleanup()
// If the internal Raft group is not initialized, create it and wake the leader.
useRaft := ba.IsWrite()
isReadOnly := ba.IsReadOnly()
if isReadOnly && r.store.Clock().MaxOffset() == timeutil.ClocklessMaxOffset {
// Clockless reads mode: reads go through Raft.
useRaft = true
// Differentiate between admin, read-only and write.
var pErr *roachpb.Error
if useRaft {
log.Event(ctx, "read-write path")
br, pErr = r.executeWriteBatch(ctx, ba)
} else if isReadOnly {
log.Event(ctx, "read-only path")
br, pErr = r.executeReadOnlyBatch(ctx, ba)
} else if ba.IsAdmin() {
log.Event(ctx, "admin path")
br, pErr = r.executeAdminBatch(ctx, ba)
} else if len(ba.Requests) == 0 {
// empty batch; shouldn't happen (we could handle it, but it hints
// at someone doing weird things, and once we drop the key range
// from the header it won't be clear how to route those requests).
log.Fatalf(ctx, "empty batch")
} else {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "don't know how to handle command %s", ba)
if _, ok := pErr.GetDetail().(*roachpb.RaftGroupDeletedError); ok {
// This error needs to be converted appropriately so that
// clients will retry.
pErr = roachpb.NewError(roachpb.NewRangeNotFoundError(r.RangeID))
if pErr != nil {
log.Eventf(ctx, "replica.Send got error: %s", pErr)
} else {
if filter := r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.TestingResponseFilter; filter != nil {
pErr = filter(ba, br)
return br, pErr
// requestCanProceed returns an error if a request (identified by its
// key span and timestamp) can proceed. It may be called multiple
// times during the processing of the request (i.e. during both
// proposal and application for write commands).
// This is called downstream of raft and therefore should be changed
// only with extreme care. It also accesses replica state that is not
// declared in the SpanSet; this is OK because it can never change the
// evaluation of a batch, only allow or disallow it.
func (r *Replica) requestCanProceed(rspan roachpb.RSpan, ts hlc.Timestamp) error {
desc := r.mu.state.Desc
threshold := r.mu.state.GCThreshold
if !threshold.Less(ts) {
return errors.Errorf("batch timestamp %v must be after GC threshold %v", ts, threshold)
if desc.ContainsKeyRange(rspan.Key, rspan.EndKey) {
return nil
mismatchErr := roachpb.NewRangeKeyMismatchError(
rspan.Key.AsRawKey(), rspan.EndKey.AsRawKey(), desc)
// Try to suggest the correct range on a key mismatch error where
// even the start key of the request went to the wrong range.
if !desc.ContainsKey(rspan.Key) {
if repl := r.store.LookupReplica(rspan.Key, nil); repl != nil {
// Only return the correct range descriptor as a hint
// if we know the current lease holder for that range, which
// indicates that our knowledge is not stale.
if lease, _ := repl.getLease(); repl.IsLeaseValid(lease, r.store.Clock().Now()) {
mismatchErr.SuggestedRange = repl.Desc()
return mismatchErr
// checkBatchRequest verifies BatchRequest validity requirements. In
// particular, timestamp, user, user priority and transactions must
// all be set to identical values between the batch request header and
// all constituent batch requests. Also, either all requests must be
// read-only, or none.
// TODO(tschottdorf): should check that request is contained in range
// and that EndTransaction only occurs at the very end.
func (r *Replica) checkBatchRequest(ba roachpb.BatchRequest) error {
if ba.IsReadOnly() {
if ba.ReadConsistency == roachpb.INCONSISTENT && ba.Txn != nil {
// Disallow any inconsistent reads within txns.
return errors.Errorf("cannot allow inconsistent reads within a transaction")
if ba.ReadConsistency == roachpb.CONSENSUS {
return errors.Errorf("consensus reads not implemented")
} else if ba.ReadConsistency == roachpb.INCONSISTENT {
return errors.Errorf("inconsistent mode is only available to reads")
return nil
// batchCmdSet holds a *cmd for each permutation of SpanAccess and spanScope. The
// batch is divided into separate *cmds for access type (read-only or read/write)
// and key scope (local or global; used to facilitate use by the separate local
// and global command queues).
type batchCmdSet [numSpanAccess][numSpanScope]*cmd
// endCmds holds necessary information to end a batch after Raft
// command processing.
type endCmds struct {
repl *Replica
cmds batchCmdSet
ba roachpb.BatchRequest
// done removes pending commands from the command queue and updates
// the timestamp cache using the final timestamp of each command.
func (ec *endCmds) done(br *roachpb.BatchResponse, pErr *roachpb.Error, retry proposalRetryReason) {
// Update the timestamp cache if the command succeeded and is not
// being retried. Each request is considered in turn; only those
// marked as affecting the cache are processed. Inconsistent reads
// are excluded.
if pErr == nil && retry == proposalNoRetry && ec.ba.ReadConsistency != roachpb.INCONSISTENT {
span, err := keys.Range(ec.ba)
if err != nil {
// This can't happen because we've already called keys.Range before
// evaluating the request.
log.Fatal(context.Background(), err)
creq := makeCacheRequest(&ec.ba, br, span)
if ec.repl.store.Clock().MaxOffset() == timeutil.ClocklessMaxOffset {
// Clockless mode: all reads count as writes.
creq.writes, creq.reads = append(creq.writes, creq.reads...), nil
if fn := ec.repl.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.OnCommandQueueAction; fn != nil {
fn(&ec.ba, storagebase.CommandQueueFinishExecuting)
func makeCacheRequest(
ba *roachpb.BatchRequest, br *roachpb.BatchResponse, span roachpb.RSpan,
) cacheRequest {
cr := cacheRequest{
span: span,
timestamp: ba.Timestamp,
if ba.Txn != nil {
cr.txnID = ba.Txn.ID
for i, union := range ba.Requests {
args := union.GetInner()
if roachpb.UpdatesTimestampCache(args) {
header := args.Header()
switch args.(type) {
case *roachpb.DeleteRangeRequest:
// DeleteRange adds to the write timestamp cache to prevent
// subsequent writes from rewriting history.
cr.writes = append(cr.writes, header)
case *roachpb.EndTransactionRequest:
// EndTransaction adds to the write timestamp cache to ensure replays
// create a transaction record with WriteTooOld set.
// Note that TimestampCache.ExpandRequests lazily creates the
// transaction key from the request key.
cr.txn = roachpb.Span{Key: header.Key}
case *roachpb.ScanRequest:
resp := br.Responses[i].GetInner().(*roachpb.ScanResponse)
if ba.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys != 0 &&
ba.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys == int64(len(resp.Rows)) {
// If the scan requested a limited number of results and we hit the
// limit, truncate the span of keys to add to the timestamp cache
// to those that were returned.
// NB: We need to include any key read by the operation, even if
// not returned, in the span added to the timestamp cache in order
// to prevent phantom read anomalies. That means we can only
// perform this truncate if the scan requested a limited number of
// results and we hit that limit.
// Make a copy of the key to avoid holding on to the large buffer the
// key was allocated from for the response.
src := resp.Rows[len(resp.Rows)-1].Key
// Size the new key to be exactly what we need for key.Next() to not
// allocate.
key := make(roachpb.Key, len(src), len(src)+1)
copy(key, src)
header.EndKey = key.Next()
cr.reads = append(cr.reads, header)
case *roachpb.ReverseScanRequest:
resp := br.Responses[i].GetInner().(*roachpb.ReverseScanResponse)
if ba.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys != 0 &&
ba.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys == int64(len(resp.Rows)) {
// See comment in the ScanRequest case. For revert scans, results
// are returned in reverse order and we truncate the start key of
// the span.
// Make a copy of the key to avoid holding on to the large buffer the
// key was allocated from for the response.
src := resp.Rows[len(resp.Rows)-1].Key
key := make(roachpb.Key, len(src))
copy(key, src)
header.Key = key
cr.reads = append(cr.reads, header)
cr.reads = append(cr.reads, header)
return cr
func collectSpans(desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor, ba *roachpb.BatchRequest) (*SpanSet, error) {
spans := &SpanSet{}
// TODO(bdarnell): need to make this less global when the local
// command queue is used more heavily. For example, a split will
// have a large read-only span but also a write (see #10084).
// Currently local spans are the exception, so preallocate for the
// common case in which all are global. We rarely mix read and
// write commands, so preallocate for writes if there are any
// writes present in the batch.
// TODO(bdarnell): revisit as the local portion gets its appropriate
// use.
if ba.IsReadOnly() {
spans.reserve(SpanReadOnly, spanGlobal, len(ba.Requests))
} else {
spans.reserve(SpanReadWrite, spanGlobal, len(ba.Requests))
for _, union := range ba.Requests {
inner := union.GetInner()
if _, ok := inner.(*roachpb.NoopRequest); ok {
if cmd, ok := commands[inner.Method()]; ok {
cmd.DeclareKeys(desc, ba.Header, inner, spans)
} else {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unrecognized command %s", inner.Method())
// If any command gave us spans that are invalid, bail out early
// (before passing them to the command queue, which may panic).
if err := spans.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return spans, nil
// beginCmds waits for any overlapping, already-executing commands via
// the command queue and adds itself to queues based on keys affected by the
// batched commands. This gates subsequent commands with overlapping keys or
// key ranges. This method will block if there are any overlapping commands
// already in the queue. Returns a cleanup function to be called when the
// commands are done and can be removed from the queue, and whose returned
// error is to be used in place of the supplied error.
func (r *Replica) beginCmds(
ctx context.Context, ba *roachpb.BatchRequest, spans *SpanSet,
) (*endCmds, error) {
var newCmds batchCmdSet
clocklessReads := r.store.Clock().MaxOffset() == timeutil.ClocklessMaxOffset
// Don't use the command queue for inconsistent reads.
if ba.ReadConsistency != roachpb.INCONSISTENT {
// Check for context cancellation before inserting into the
// command queue (and check again afterward). Once we're in the
// command queue we'll need to transfer our prerequisites to all
// dependent commands if we want to cancel, so it's good to bail
// out early if we can.
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s before command queue: %s", err, ba.Summary())
log.Warning(ctx, errStr)
log.ErrEvent(ctx, errStr)
return nil, err
// Get the requested timestamp for a given scope. This is used for
// non-interference of earlier reads with later writes, but only for
// the global command queue. Reads and writes to local keys are specified
// as having a zero timestamp which will cause them to always interfere.
// This is done to avoid confusion with local keys declared as part of
// proposer evaluated KV.
scopeTS := func(scope spanScope) hlc.Timestamp {
switch scope {
case spanGlobal:
if txn := ba.Txn; txn != nil {
return txn.OrigTimestamp
return ba.Timestamp
case spanLocal:
return hlc.Timestamp{}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected scope %d", scope))
var prereqs [numSpanAccess][numSpanScope][]*cmd
var prereqCount int
// Collect all the channels to wait on before adding this batch to the
// command queue.
for i := SpanAccess(0); i < numSpanAccess; i++ {
// With clockless reads, everything is treated as writing.
readOnly := i == SpanReadOnly && !clocklessReads
for j := spanScope(0); j < numSpanScope; j++ {
prereqs[i][j] = r.cmdQMu.queues[j].getPrereqs(readOnly, scopeTS(j), spans.getSpans(i, j))
prereqCount += len(prereqs[i][j])
for i := SpanAccess(0); i < numSpanAccess; i++ {
readOnly := i == SpanReadOnly && !clocklessReads // ditto above
for j := spanScope(0); j < numSpanScope; j++ {
newCmds[i][j] = r.cmdQMu.queues[j].add(readOnly, scopeTS(j), prereqs[i][j], spans.getSpans(i, j))
ctxDone := ctx.Done()
beforeWait := timeutil.Now()
if prereqCount > 0 {
log.Eventf(ctx, "waiting for %d overlapping requests", prereqCount)
if fn := r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.OnCommandQueueAction; fn != nil {
fn(ba, storagebase.CommandQueueWaitForPrereqs)
for _, accessCmds := range newCmds {
for _, newCmd := range accessCmds {
// If newCmd is nil it means that the BatchRequest contains no spans for this
// SpanAccess/spanScope permutation.
if newCmd == nil {
// Loop until the command has no more pending prerequisites. Resolving cancelled
// prerequisites can add new transitive dependencies to a command, so newCmd.prereqs
// should not be accessed directly (see ResolvePendingPrereq).
for {
pre := newCmd.PendingPrereq()
if pre == nil {
select {
case <-pre.pending:
// The prerequisite command has finished so remove it from our prereq list.
// If the prereq still has pending dependencies, migrate them.
case <-ctxDone:
err := ctx.Err()
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s while in command queue: %s", err, ba)
log.Warning(ctx, errStr)
log.ErrEvent(ctx, errStr)
// Remove the command from the command queue immediately. Dependents will
// transfer transitive dependencies when they try to block on this command,
// because our prereqs slice is not empty. This migration of dependencies
// will happen for each dependent in ResolvePendingPrereq, which will notice
// that our prereqs slice was not empty when we stopped pending and will
// adopt our prerequisites in turn. New commands that would have established
// a dependency on this command will never see it, which is fine.
if fn := r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.OnCommandQueueAction; fn != nil {
fn(ba, storagebase.CommandQueueCancellation)
return nil, err
case <-r.store.stopper.ShouldQuiesce():
// While shutting down, commands may have been added to the
// command queue that will never finish.
return nil, &roachpb.NodeUnavailableError{}
if prereqCount > 0 {
log.Eventf(ctx, "waited %s for overlapping requests", timeutil.Since(beforeWait))
if fn := r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.OnCommandQueueAction; fn != nil {
fn(ba, storagebase.CommandQueueBeginExecuting)
} else {
log.Event(ctx, "operation accepts inconsistent results")
// Update the incoming timestamp if unset. Wait until after any
// preceding command(s) for key range are complete so that the node
// clock has been updated to the high water mark of any commands
// which might overlap this one in effect.
// TODO(spencer,tschottdorf): might remove this, but harder than it looks.
// This isn't just unittests (which would require revamping the test
// context sender), but also some of the scanner queues place batches
// directly into the local range they're servicing.
if ba.Timestamp == (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
if txn := ba.Txn; txn != nil {
ba.Timestamp = txn.OrigTimestamp
} else {
ba.Timestamp = r.store.Clock().Now()
ec := &endCmds{
repl: r,
cmds: newCmds,
ba: *ba,
return ec, nil
// removeCmdsFromCommandQueue removes a batch's set of commands for the
// replica's command queue.
func (r *Replica) removeCmdsFromCommandQueue(cmds batchCmdSet) {
for _, accessCmds := range cmds {
for scope, cmd := range accessCmds {
// applyTimestampCache moves the batch timestamp forward depending on
// the presence of overlapping entries in the timestamp cache. If the
// batch is transactional, the txn timestamp and the txn.WriteTooOld
// bool are updated.
// Two important invariants of Cockroach: 1) encountering a more
// recently written value means transaction restart. 2) values must
// be written with a greater timestamp than the most recent read to
// the same key. Check the timestamp cache for reads/writes which
// are at least as recent as the timestamp of this write. The cmd must
// update its timestamp to be greater than more recent values in the
// timestamp cache. When the write returns, the updated timestamp
// will inform the batch response timestamp or batch response txn
// timestamp.
func (r *Replica) applyTimestampCache(ba *roachpb.BatchRequest) (bool, *roachpb.Error) {
span, err := keys.Range(*ba)
if err != nil {
return false, roachpb.NewError(err)
// TODO(peter): We only need to hold a write lock during the ExpandRequests
// calls. Investigate whether using a RWMutex here reduces lock contention.
defer r.store.tsCacheMu.Unlock()
if ba.Txn != nil {
r.store.tsCacheMu.cache.ExpandRequests(ba.Txn.Timestamp, span)
} else {
r.store.tsCacheMu.cache.ExpandRequests(ba.Timestamp, span)
var bumped bool
for _, union := range ba.Requests {
args := union.GetInner()
if roachpb.ConsultsTimestampCache(args) {
header := args.Header()
// BeginTransaction is a special case. We use the transaction
// key to look for an entry which would indicate this transaction
// has already been finalized, in which case this is a replay.
if _, ok := args.(*roachpb.BeginTransactionRequest); ok {
key := keys.TransactionKey(header.Key, ba.Txn.ID)
wTS, _, wOK := r.store.tsCacheMu.cache.GetMaxWrite(key, nil)
if wOK {
return bumped, roachpb.NewError(roachpb.NewTransactionReplayError())
} else if !wTS.Less(ba.Txn.Timestamp) {
// This is a crucial bit of code. The timestamp cache is
// reset with the current time as the low-water
// mark, so if this replica recently obtained the lease,
// this case will be true for new txns, even if they're not
// a replay. We move the timestamp forward and return retry.
// If it's really a replay, it won't retry.
txn := ba.Txn.Clone()
bumped = txn.Timestamp.Forward(wTS.Next()) || bumped
err = roachpb.NewTransactionRetryError(roachpb.RETRY_POSSIBLE_REPLAY)
return bumped, roachpb.NewErrorWithTxn(err, &txn)
// Forward the timestamp if there's been a more recent read (by someone else).
rTS, rTxnID, _ := r.store.tsCacheMu.cache.GetMaxRead(header.Key, header.EndKey)
if ba.Txn != nil {
if ba.Txn.ID != rTxnID {
nextTS := rTS.Next()
if ba.Txn.Timestamp.Less(nextTS) {
txn := ba.Txn.Clone()
bumped = txn.Timestamp.Forward(nextTS) || bumped
ba.Txn = &txn
} else {
bumped = ba.Timestamp.Forward(rTS.Next()) || bumped
// On more recent writes, forward the timestamp and set the
// write too old boolean for transactions. Note that currently
// only EndTransaction and DeleteRange requests update the
// write timestamp cache.
wTS, wTxnID, _ := r.store.tsCacheMu.cache.GetMaxWrite(header.Key, header.EndKey)
if ba.Txn != nil {
if ba.Txn.ID != wTxnID {
if !wTS.Less(ba.Txn.Timestamp) {
txn := ba.Txn.Clone()
bumped = txn.Timestamp.Forward(wTS.Next()) || bumped
txn.WriteTooOld = true
ba.Txn = &txn
} else {
bumped = ba.Timestamp.Forward(wTS.Next()) || bumped
return bumped, nil
// executeAdminBatch executes the command directly. There is no interaction
// with the command queue or the timestamp cache, as admin commands
// are not meant to consistently access or modify the underlying data.
// Admin commands must run on the lease holder replica. Batch support here is
// limited to single-element batches; everything else catches an error.
func (r *Replica) executeAdminBatch(
ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
if len(ba.Requests) != 1 {
return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("only single-element admin batches allowed")
rSpan, err := keys.Range(ba)
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
if err := r.requestCanProceed(rSpan, ba.Timestamp); err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
args := ba.Requests[0].GetInner()
if sp := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); sp != nil {
// Admin commands always require the range lease.
_, pErr := r.redirectOnOrAcquireLease(ctx)
if pErr != nil {
return nil, pErr
var resp roachpb.Response
switch tArgs := args.(type) {
case *roachpb.AdminSplitRequest:
var reply roachpb.AdminSplitResponse
reply, pErr = r.AdminSplit(ctx, *tArgs)
resp = &reply
case *roachpb.AdminMergeRequest:
var reply roachpb.AdminMergeResponse
reply, pErr = r.AdminMerge(ctx, *tArgs)
resp = &reply
case *roachpb.AdminTransferLeaseRequest:
pErr = roachpb.NewError(r.AdminTransferLease(ctx, tArgs.Target))
resp = &roachpb.AdminTransferLeaseResponse{}
case *roachpb.AdminChangeReplicasRequest:
var err error
for _, target := range tArgs.Targets {
err = r.ChangeReplicas(
ctx, tArgs.ChangeType, target, r.Desc(), ReasonAdminRequest, "")
if err != nil {
pErr = roachpb.NewError(err)
resp = &roachpb.AdminChangeReplicasResponse{}
case *roachpb.CheckConsistencyRequest:
var reply roachpb.CheckConsistencyResponse
reply, pErr = r.CheckConsistency(ctx, *tArgs)
resp = &reply
case *roachpb.ImportRequest:
cArgs := CommandArgs{
EvalCtx: ReplicaEvalContext{r, nil},
Header: ba.Header,
Args: args,
var err error
resp, err = importCmdFn(ctx, cArgs)
pErr = roachpb.NewError(err)
case *roachpb.AdminScatterRequest:
reply, err := r.adminScatter(ctx, *tArgs)
pErr = roachpb.NewError(err)
resp = &reply
return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("unrecognized admin command: %T", args)
if pErr != nil {
return nil, pErr
br := &roachpb.BatchResponse{}
br.Txn = resp.Header().Txn
return br, nil
// executeReadOnlyBatch updates the read timestamp cache and waits for any
// overlapping writes currently processing through Raft ahead of us to
// clear via the command queue.
func (r *Replica) executeReadOnlyBatch(
ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (br *roachpb.BatchResponse, pErr *roachpb.Error) {
// If the read is consistent, the read requires the range lease.
if ba.ReadConsistency != roachpb.INCONSISTENT {
if _, pErr = r.redirectOnOrAcquireLease(ctx); pErr != nil {
return nil, pErr
spans, err := collectSpans(*r.Desc(), &ba)
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
// Add the read to the command queue to gate subsequent
// overlapping commands until this command completes.
log.Event(ctx, "command queue")
endCmds, err := r.beginCmds(ctx, &ba, spans)
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
log.Event(ctx, "waiting for read lock")
defer r.readOnlyCmdMu.RUnlock()
// Guarantee we remove the commands from the command queue. It is
// important that this is inside the readOnlyCmdMu lock so that the
// timestamp cache update is synchronized. This is wrapped to delay
// pErr evaluation to its value when returning.
defer func() {
endCmds.done(br, pErr, proposalNoRetry)
if err := r.IsDestroyed(); err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
rSpan, err := keys.Range(ba)
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
if err := r.requestCanProceed(rSpan, ba.Timestamp); err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
// Evaluate read-only batch command. It checks for matching key range; note
// that holding readOnlyCmdMu throughout is important to avoid reads from the
// "wrong" key range being served after the range has been split.
var result EvalResult
rec := ReplicaEvalContext{r, spans}
readOnly := r.store.Engine().NewReadOnly()
defer readOnly.Close()
br, result, pErr = evaluateBatch(ctx, storagebase.CmdIDKey(""), readOnly, rec, nil, ba)
if intents := result.Local.detachIntents(pErr != nil); len(intents) > 0 {
log.Eventf(ctx, "submitting %d intents to asynchronous processing", len(intents))
// Do not allow synchronous intent resolution for RangeLookup requests as
// doing so can deadlock if the request originated from the local node
// which means the local range descriptor cache has an in-flight
// RangeLookup request which prohibits any concurrent requests for the same
// range. See #17760.
_, hasRangeLookup := ba.GetArg(roachpb.RangeLookup)
r.store.intentResolver.processIntentsAsync(ctx, r, intents, !hasRangeLookup)
if pErr != nil {
log.ErrEvent(ctx, pErr.String())
} else {
log.Event(ctx, "read completed")
return br, pErr
// executeWriteBatch is the entry point for client requests which may mutate the
// range's replicated state. Requests taking this path are ultimately
// serialized through Raft, but pass through additional machinery whose goal is
// to allow commands which commute to be proposed in parallel. The naive
// alternative, submitting requests to Raft one after another, paying massive
// latency, is only taken for commands whose effects may overlap.
// Internally, multiple iterations of the above process may take place
// due to the Raft proposal failing retryably, possibly due to proposal
// reordering or re-proposals.
func (r *Replica) executeWriteBatch(
ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
var ambiguousResult bool
for count := 0; ; count++ {
br, pErr, retry := r.tryExecuteWriteBatch(ctx, ba)
switch retry {
case proposalIllegalLeaseIndex:
continue // retry
case proposalAmbiguousShouldBeReevaluated:
ambiguousResult = true
continue // retry
case proposalRangeNoLongerExists, proposalErrorReproposing:
ambiguousResult = true
if pErr != nil {
// If this is a transactional request but doesn't include an
// EndTransaction with commit=true, return error immediately.
if etArg, ok := ba.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction); ba.Txn != nil &&
(!ok || !etArg.(*roachpb.EndTransactionRequest).Commit) {
return nil, pErr
// If we've gotten an indication of possible ambiguous result,
// we must return an AmbiguousResultError to prevent callers
// from retrying thinking this batch could not have succeeded.
// TODO(spencer): add metrics for how often the re-proposed
// commands succeed and how often we return errors.
if _, ok := pErr.GetDetail().(*roachpb.AmbiguousResultError); !ok && ambiguousResult {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "received error after %d retries; returning ambiguous result: %s",
count, pErr)
are := roachpb.NewAmbiguousResultError(
fmt.Sprintf("Raft re-proposal failed: %s", pErr))
are.WrappedErr = pErr
return nil, roachpb.NewError(are)
return br, pErr
// tryExecuteWriteBatch is invoked by executeWriteBatch, which will
// call this method until it returns a non-retryable result. Retries
// may happen if either the proposal was submitted to Raft but did not
// end up in a legal log position, or the proposal was submitted to
// Raft and then was re-proposed. On re-proposals, the proposal may
// have applied successfully and so the caller must be careful to
// indicate an ambiguous result to the caller in the event
// proposalReproposed is returned.
// Concretely,
// - The keys affected by the command are added to the command queue (i.e.
// tracked as in-flight mutations).
// - Wait until the command queue promises that no overlapping mutations are
// in flight.
// - The timestamp cache is checked to determine if the command's affected keys
// were accessed with a timestamp exceeding that of the command; if so, the
// command's timestamp is incremented accordingly.
// - A RaftCommand is constructed. If proposer-evaluated KV is active,
// the request is evaluated and the EvalResult is placed in the
// RaftCommand. If not, the request itself is added to the command.
// - The proposal is inserted into the Replica's in-flight proposals map,
// a lease index is assigned to it, and it is submitted to Raft, returning
// a channel.
// - The result of the Raft proposal is read from the channel and the command
// registered with the timestamp cache, removed from the command queue, and
// its result (which could be an error) returned to the client.
// TODO(tschottdorf): take special care with "special" commands and their
// reorderings. For example, a batch of writes and a split could be in flight
// in parallel without overlap, but if the writes hit the RHS, something must
// prevent them from writing outside of the key range when they apply.
// NB: changing BatchRequest to a pointer here would have to be done cautiously
// as this method makes the assumption that it operates on a shallow copy (see
// call to applyTimestampCache).
func (r *Replica) tryExecuteWriteBatch(
ctx context.Context, ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (br *roachpb.BatchResponse, pErr *roachpb.Error, retry proposalRetryReason) {
startTime := timeutil.Now()
spans, err := collectSpans(*r.Desc(), &ba)
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err), proposalNoRetry
var endCmds *endCmds
if !ba.IsLeaseRequest() {
// Add the write to the command queue to gate subsequent overlapping
// commands until this command completes. Note that this must be
// done before getting the max timestamp for the key(s), as
// timestamp cache is only updated after preceding commands have
// been run to successful completion.
log.Event(ctx, "command queue")
var err error
endCmds, err = r.beginCmds(ctx, &ba, spans)
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err), proposalNoRetry
// Guarantee we remove the commands from the command queue. This is
// wrapped to delay pErr evaluation to its value when returning.
defer func() {
if endCmds != nil {
endCmds.done(br, pErr, retry)
var lease roachpb.Lease
// For lease commands, use the provided previous lease for verification.
if ba.IsSingleSkipLeaseCheckRequest() {
lease = ba.GetPrevLeaseForLeaseRequest()
} else {
// Other write commands require that this replica has the range
// lease.
var status LeaseStatus
if status, pErr = r.redirectOnOrAcquireLease(ctx); pErr != nil {
return nil, pErr, proposalNoRetry
lease = status.Lease
// Examine the read and write timestamp caches for preceding
// commands which require this command to move its timestamp
// forward. Or, in the case of a transactional write, the txn
// timestamp and possible write-too-old bool.
if bumped, pErr := r.applyTimestampCache(&ba); pErr != nil {
return nil, pErr, proposalNoRetry
} else if bumped {
// If we bump the transaction's timestamp, we must absolutely
// tell the client in a response transaction (for otherwise it
// doesn't know about the incremented timestamp). Response
// transactions are set far away from this code, but at the time
// of writing, they always seem to be set. Since that is a
// likely target of future micro-optimization, this assertion is
// meant to protect against future correctness anomalies.
defer func() {
if br != nil && ba.Txn != nil && br.Txn == nil {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "assertion failed: transaction updated by "+
"timestamp cache, but transaction returned in response; "+
"updated timestamp would have been lost (recovered): "+
"%s in batch %s", ba.Txn, ba,
log.Event(ctx, "applied timestamp cache")
ch, tryAbandon, undoQuotaAcquisition, pErr := r.propose(ctx, lease, ba, endCmds, spans)
defer func() {
// NB: We may be double free-ing here, consider the following cases:
// - The request was evaluated and the command resulted in an error, but a
// proposal is still sent.
// - Proposals get duplicated.
// To counter this our quota pool is capped at the initial quota size.
if pErr != nil {
if pErr != nil {
return nil, pErr, proposalNoRetry
// After the command is proposed to Raft, invoking endCmds.done is now the
// responsibility of processRaftCommand.
endCmds = nil
// If the command was accepted by raft, wait for the range to apply it.
ctxDone := ctx.Done()
shouldQuiesce := r.store.stopper.ShouldQuiesce()
slowTimer := timeutil.NewTimer()
defer slowTimer.Stop()
for {
select {
case propResult := <-ch:
if len(propResult.Intents) > 0 {
// Semi-synchronously process any intents that need resolving here in
// order to apply back pressure on the client which generated them. The
// resolution is semi-synchronous in that there is a limited number of
// outstanding asynchronous resolution tasks allowed after which
// further calls will block.
// TODO(peter): Re-proposed and cancelled (but executed) commands can
// both leave intents to GC that don't hit this code path. No good
// solution presents itself at the moment and such intents will be
// resolved on reads.
r.store.intentResolver.processIntentsAsync(ctx, r, propResult.Intents, true /* allowSync*/)
return propResult.Reply, propResult.Err, propResult.ProposalRetry
case <-slowTimer.C:
slowTimer.Read = true
log.Warningf(ctx, "have been waiting %s for proposing command %s",
base.SlowRequestThreshold, ba)
defer r.store.metrics.SlowRaftRequests.Dec(1)
case <-ctxDone:
// If our context was cancelled, return an AmbiguousResultError
// if the command isn't already being executed and using our
// context, in which case we expect it to finish soon. The
// AmbiguousResultError indicates to caller that the command may
// have executed.
if tryAbandon() {
log.Warningf(ctx, "context cancellation after %0.1fs of attempting command %s",
timeutil.Since(startTime).Seconds(), ba)
return nil, roachpb.NewError(roachpb.NewAmbiguousResultError(ctx.Err().Error())), proposalNoRetry
ctxDone = nil
case <-shouldQuiesce:
// If shutting down, return an AmbiguousResultError if the
// command isn't already being executed and using our context,
// in which case we expect it to finish soon. AmbiguousResultError
// indicates to caller that the command may have executed. If
// tryAbandon fails, we iterate through the loop again to wait
// for the command to finish.
if tryAbandon() {
log.Warningf(ctx, "shutdown cancellation after %0.1fs of attempting command %s",
timeutil.Since(startTime).Seconds(), ba)
return nil, roachpb.NewError(roachpb.NewAmbiguousResultError("server shutdown")), proposalNoRetry
shouldQuiesce = nil
// requestToProposal converts a BatchRequest into a ProposalData, by
// evaluating it. The returned ProposalData is partially valid even
// on a non-nil *roachpb.Error.
func (r *Replica) requestToProposal(
ctx context.Context,
idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey,
ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
endCmds *endCmds,
spans *SpanSet,
) (*ProposalData, *roachpb.Error) {
proposal := &ProposalData{
ctx: ctx,
idKey: idKey,
endCmds: endCmds,
doneCh: make(chan proposalResult, 1),
Request: &ba,
var pErr *roachpb.Error
var result *EvalResult
result, pErr = r.evaluateProposal(ctx, idKey, ba, spans)
// Fill out the results even if pErr != nil; we'll return the error below.
proposal.Local = &result.Local
proposal.command = storagebase.RaftCommand{
ReplicatedEvalResult: result.Replicated,
WriteBatch: result.WriteBatch,
if r.store.TestingKnobs().TestingEvalFilter != nil {
// For backwards compatibility, tests that use TestingEvalFilter
// need the original request to be preserved. See #10493
proposal.command.TestingBatchRequest = &ba
return proposal, pErr
// evaluateProposal generates an EvalResult from the given request by
// evaluating it, returning both state which is held only on the
// proposer and that which is to be replicated through Raft. The
// return value is ready to be inserted into Replica's proposal map
// and subsequently passed to submitProposalLocked.
// If an *Error is returned, the proposal should fail fast, i.e. be
// sent directly back to the client without going through Raft, but
// while still handling LocalEvalResult. Note that even if this method
// returns a nil error, the command could still return an error to the
// client, but only after going through raft (e.g. to lay down
// intents).
// Replica.mu must not be held.
func (r *Replica) evaluateProposal(
ctx context.Context, idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, spans *SpanSet,
) (*EvalResult, *roachpb.Error) {
// Note that we don't hold any locks at this point. This is important
// since evaluating a proposal is expensive (at least under proposer-
// evaluated KV).
var result EvalResult
if ba.Timestamp == (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
return nil, roachpb.NewErrorf("can't propose Raft command with zero timestamp")
result = r.evaluateProposalInner(ctx, idKey, ba, spans)
if result.Local.Err != nil {
// Failed proposals (whether they're failfast or not) can't have any
// EvalResult except what's whitelisted here.
result.Local = LocalEvalResult{
intentsAlways: result.Local.intentsAlways,
Err: r.maybeSetCorrupt(ctx, result.Local.Err),
leaseMetricsResult: result.Local.leaseMetricsResult,
if result.WriteBatch == nil {
result.Replicated.IsLeaseRequest = ba.IsLeaseRequest()
result.Replicated.Timestamp = ba.Timestamp
rSpan, err := keys.Range(ba)
if err != nil {
return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
result.Replicated.StartKey = rSpan.Key
result.Replicated.EndKey = rSpan.EndKey
if result.WriteBatch == nil {
if result.Local.Err == nil {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "proposal must fail fast with an error: %+v", ba)
return &result, result.Local.Err
// If there is an error, it will be returned to the client when the
// proposal (and thus WriteBatch) applies.
return &result, nil
// insertProposalLocked assigns a MaxLeaseIndex to a proposal and adds
// it to the pending map.
func (r *Replica) insertProposalLocked(
proposal *ProposalData, proposerReplica roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, proposerLease roachpb.Lease,
) {
// Assign a lease index. Note that we do this as late as possible
// to make sure (to the extent that we can) that we don't assign
// (=predict) the index differently from the order in which commands are
// proposed (and thus likely applied).
if r.mu.lastAssignedLeaseIndex < r.mu.state.LeaseAppliedIndex {
r.mu.lastAssignedLeaseIndex = r.mu.state.LeaseAppliedIndex
if !proposal.Request.IsLeaseRequest() {
proposal.command.MaxLeaseIndex = r.mu.lastAssignedLeaseIndex
proposal.command.ProposerReplica = proposerReplica
proposal.command.ProposerLease = proposerLease
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(proposal.ctx, "submitting proposal %x: maxLeaseIndex=%d",
proposal.idKey, proposal.command.MaxLeaseIndex)
if _, ok := r.mu.proposals[proposal.idKey]; ok {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
log.Fatalf(ctx, "pending command already exists for %s", proposal.idKey)
r.mu.proposals[proposal.idKey] = proposal
func makeIDKey() storagebase.CmdIDKey {
idKeyBuf := make([]byte, 0, raftCommandIDLen)
idKeyBuf = encoding.EncodeUint64Ascending(idKeyBuf, uint64(rand.Int63()))
return storagebase.CmdIDKey(idKeyBuf)
// propose prepares the necessary pending command struct and initializes a
// client command ID if one hasn't been. A verified lease is supplied
// as a parameter if the command requires a lease; nil otherwise. It
// then proposes the command to Raft and returns
// - a channel which receives a response or error upon application
// - a closure used to attempt to abandon the command. When called, it tries to
// remove the pending command from the internal commands map. This is
// possible until execution of the command at the local replica has already
// begun, in which case false is returned and the client needs to continue
// waiting for successful execution.
// - a callback to undo quota acquisition if the attempt to propose the batch
// request to raft fails. This also cleans up the command sizes stored for
// the corresponding proposal.
// - any error obtained during the creation or proposal of the command, in
// which case the other returned values are zero.
func (r *Replica) propose(
ctx context.Context,
lease roachpb.Lease,
ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
endCmds *endCmds,
spans *SpanSet,
) (chan proposalResult, func() bool, func(), *roachpb.Error) {
noop := func() {}
if err := r.IsDestroyed(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, noop, roachpb.NewError(err)
rSpan, err := keys.Range(ba)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, noop, roachpb.NewError(err)
// Must check that the request is in bounds at proposal time in
// addition to application time because some evaluation functions
// (especially EndTransaction with SplitTrigger) fail (with a
// replicaCorruptionError) if called when out of bounds. This is not
// synchronized with anything else, but in cases where it matters
// the command is also registered in the command queue for the range
// descriptor key.
if err := r.requestCanProceed(rSpan, ba.Timestamp); err != nil {
return nil, nil, noop, roachpb.NewError(err)
idKey := makeIDKey()
proposal, pErr := r.requestToProposal(ctx, idKey, ba, endCmds, spans)
log.Event(proposal.ctx, "evaluated request")
// An error here corresponds to a failfast-proposal: The command resulted
// in an error and did not need to commit a batch (the common error case).
if pErr != nil {
if proposal.Local == nil {
return nil, nil, noop, roachpb.NewError(errors.Errorf(
"requestToProposal returned error %s without eval results", pErr))
intents := proposal.Local.detachIntents(true /* hasError */)
if proposal.Local != nil {
r.handleLocalEvalResult(ctx, *proposal.Local)
if endCmds != nil {
endCmds.done(nil, pErr, proposalNoRetry)
ch := make(chan proposalResult, 1)
ch <- proposalResult{Err: pErr, Intents: intents}
return ch, func() bool { return false }, noop, nil
// TODO(irfansharif): This int cast indicates that if someone configures a
// very large max proposal size, there is weird overflow behavior and it
// will not work the way it should.
if proposal.command.Size() > int(MaxCommandSize.Get(&r.store.cfg.Settings.SV)) {
// Once a command is written to the raft log, it must be loaded
// into memory and replayed on all replicas. If a command is
// too big, stop it here.
return nil, nil, noop, roachpb.NewError(errors.Errorf(
"command is too large: %d bytes (max: %d)",
proposal.command.Size(), MaxCommandSize.Get(&r.store.cfg.Settings.SV),
if err := r.maybeAcquireProposalQuota(ctx, int64(proposal.command.Size())); err != nil {
return nil, nil, noop, roachpb.NewError(err)
// submitProposalLocked calls withRaftGroupLocked which requires that
// raftMu is held. In order to maintain our lock ordering we need to lock
// Replica.raftMu here before locking Replica.mu.
// TODO(peter): It appears that we only need to hold Replica.raftMu when
// calling raft.NewRawNode. We could get fancier with the locking here to
// optimize for the common case where Replica.mu.internalRaftGroup is
// non-nil, but that doesn't currently seem worth it. Always locking raftMu
// has a tiny (~1%) performance hit for single-node block_writer testing.
defer r.raftMu.Unlock()
defer r.mu.Unlock()
log.Event(proposal.ctx, "acquired {raft,replica}mu")
// Add size of proposal to commandSizes map.
if r.mu.commandSizes != nil {
r.mu.commandSizes[proposal.idKey] = proposal.command.Size()
undoQuotaAcquisition := func() {
if r.mu.commandSizes != nil && r.mu.proposalQuota != nil {
delete(r.mu.commandSizes, proposal.idKey)
if filter := r.store.TestingKnobs().TestingProposalFilter; filter != nil {
for index, union := range ba.Requests {
filterArgs := storagebase.FilterArgs{
Ctx: ctx,
CmdID: idKey,
Index: index,
Sid: r.store.StoreID(),
Req: union.GetInner(),
Hdr: ba.Header,
if pErr := filter(filterArgs); pErr != nil {
return nil, nil, undoQuotaAcquisition, pErr
// NB: We need to check Replica.mu.destroyed again in case the Replica has
// been destroyed between the initial check at the beginning of this method
// and the acquisition of Replica.mu. Failure to do so will leave pending
// proposals that never get cleared.
if err := r.mu.destroyed; err != nil {
return nil, nil, undoQuotaAcquisition, roachpb.NewError(err)
repDesc, err := r.getReplicaDescriptorRLocked()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, undoQuotaAcquisition, roachpb.NewError(err)
r.insertProposalLocked(proposal, repDesc, lease)
if err := r.submitProposalLocked(proposal); err != nil {
delete(r.mu.proposals, proposal.idKey)
return nil, nil, undoQuotaAcquisition, roachpb.NewError(err)
// Must not use `proposal` in the closure below as a proposal which is not
// present in r.mu.proposals is no longer protected by the mutex. Abandoning
// a command only abandons the associated context. As soon as we propose a
// command to Raft, ownership passes to the "below Raft" machinery. In
// particular, endCmds will be invoked when the command is applied. There are
// a handful of cases where the command may not be applied (or even
// processed): the process crashes or the local replica is removed from the
// range.
tryAbandon := func() bool {
p, ok := r.mu.proposals[idKey]
if ok {
// TODO(radu): Should this context be created via tracer.ForkCtxSpan?
// We'd need to make sure the span is finished eventually.
p.ctx = r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
return ok
return proposal.doneCh, tryAbandon, undoQuotaAcquisition, nil
// submitProposalLocked proposes or re-proposes a command in r.mu.proposals.
// The replica lock must be held.
func (r *Replica) submitProposalLocked(p *ProposalData) error {
p.proposedAtTicks = r.mu.ticks
if r.mu.submitProposalFn != nil {
return r.mu.submitProposalFn(p)
return defaultSubmitProposalLocked(r, p)
func (r *Replica) isSoloReplicaRLocked() bool {
return len(r.mu.state.Desc.Replicas) == 1 &&
r.mu.state.Desc.Replicas[0].ReplicaID == r.mu.replicaID
func defaultSubmitProposalLocked(r *Replica, p *ProposalData) error {
data, err := protoutil.Marshal(&p.command)
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.store.enqueueRaftUpdateCheck(r.RangeID)
const largeProposalEventThresholdBytes = 2 << 19 // 512kb
// Log an event if this is a large proposal. These are more likely to cause
// blips or worse, and it's good to be able to pick them from traces.
// TODO(tschottdorf): can we mark them so lightstep can group them?
if size := len(data); size > largeProposalEventThresholdBytes {
log.Eventf(p.ctx, "proposal is large: %s", humanizeutil.IBytes(int64(size)))
if crt := p.command.ReplicatedEvalResult.ChangeReplicas; crt != nil {
// EndTransactionRequest with a ChangeReplicasTrigger is special
// because raft needs to understand it; it cannot simply be an
// opaque command.
log.Infof(p.ctx, "proposing %s", crt)
// Ensure that we aren't trying to remove ourselves from the range without
// having previously given up our lease, since the range won't be able
// to make progress while the lease is owned by a removed replica (and
// leases can stay in such a state for a very long time when using epoch-
// based range leases). This shouldn't happen often, but has been seen
// before (#12591).
if crt.ChangeType == roachpb.REMOVE_REPLICA && crt.Replica.ReplicaID == r.mu.replicaID {
log.Errorf(p.ctx, "received invalid ChangeReplicasTrigger %s to remove self (leaseholder)", crt)
return errors.Errorf("%s: received invalid ChangeReplicasTrigger %s to remove self (leaseholder)", r, crt)
confChangeCtx := ConfChangeContext{
CommandID: string(p.idKey),
Payload: data,
Replica: crt.Replica,
encodedCtx, err := protoutil.Marshal(&confChangeCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
return r.withRaftGroupLocked(true, func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
// We're proposing a command here so there is no need to wake the
// leader if we were quiesced.
return false, /* !unquiesceAndWakeLeader */
Type: changeTypeInternalToRaft[crt.ChangeType],
NodeID: uint64(crt.Replica.ReplicaID),
Context: encodedCtx,
return r.withRaftGroupLocked(true, func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
encode := encodeRaftCommandV1
if p.command.ReplicatedEvalResult.AddSSTable != nil {
if p.command.ReplicatedEvalResult.AddSSTable.Data == nil {
return false, errors.New("cannot sideload empty SSTable")
encode = encodeRaftCommandV2
log.Event(p.ctx, "sideloadable proposal detected")
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(p.ctx, "proposing command %x: %s", p.idKey, p.Request.Summary())
// We're proposing a command so there is no need to wake the leader if we
// were quiesced.
return false /* !unquiesceAndWakeLeader */, raftGroup.Propose(encode(p.idKey, data))
// mark the replica as quiesced. Returns true if the Replica is successfully
// quiesced and false otherwise.
func (r *Replica) quiesce() bool {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return r.quiesceLocked()
func (r *Replica) quiesceLocked() bool {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
if len(r.mu.proposals) != 0 {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: %d pending commands", len(r.mu.proposals))
return false
if !r.mu.quiescent {
if log.V(3) {
log.Infof(ctx, "quiescing")
r.mu.quiescent = true
} else if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "already quiesced")
return true
func (r *Replica) unquiesceLocked() {
if r.mu.quiescent {
if log.V(3) {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
log.Infof(ctx, "unquiescing")
r.mu.quiescent = false
func (r *Replica) unquiesceAndWakeLeaderLocked() {
if r.mu.quiescent {
if log.V(3) {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
log.Infof(ctx, "unquiescing: waking leader")
r.mu.quiescent = false
// Propose an empty command which will wake the leader.
_ = r.mu.internalRaftGroup.Propose(encodeRaftCommandV1(makeIDKey(), nil))
type handleRaftReadyStats struct {
processed int
// handleRaftReady processes a raft.Ready containing entries and messages that
// are ready to read, be saved to stable storage, committed or sent to other
// peers. It takes a non-empty IncomingSnapshot to indicate that it is
// about to process a snapshot.
// The returned string is nonzero whenever an error is returned to give a
// non-sensitive cue as to what happened.
func (r *Replica) handleRaftReady(inSnap IncomingSnapshot) (handleRaftReadyStats, string, error) {
defer r.raftMu.Unlock()
return r.handleRaftReadyRaftMuLocked(inSnap)
// handleRaftReadyLocked is the same as handleRaftReady but requires that the
// replica's raftMu be held.
// The returned string is nonzero whenever an error is returned to give a
// non-sensitive cue as to what happened.
func (r *Replica) handleRaftReadyRaftMuLocked(
inSnap IncomingSnapshot,
) (handleRaftReadyStats, string, error) {
var stats handleRaftReadyStats
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
var hasReady bool
var rd raft.Ready
lastIndex := r.mu.lastIndex // used for append below
lastTerm := r.mu.lastTerm
raftLogSize := r.mu.raftLogSize
leaderID := r.mu.leaderID
lastLeaderID := leaderID
// We defer the check to Replica.updateProposalQuotaRaftMuLocked because we need
// to check it in both cases, if hasReady is false and otherwise.
// If hasReady == false:
// Consider the case when our quota is of size 1 and two out of three
// replicas have committed one log entry while the third is lagging
// behind. When the third replica finally does catch up and sends
// along a MsgAppResp, since the entry is already committed on the
// leader replica, no Ready is emitted. But given that the third
// replica has caught up, we can release
// some quota back to the pool.
// Otherwise:
// Consider the case where there are two replicas and we have a quota
// of size 1. We acquire the quota when the write gets proposed on the
// leader and expect it to be released when the follower commits it
// locally. In order to do so we need to have the entry 'come out of
// raft' and in the case of a two node raft group, this only happens if
// hasReady == true.
// If we don't release quota back at the end of
// handleRaftReadyRaftMuLocked, the next write will get blocked.
defer r.updateProposalQuotaRaftMuLocked(ctx, lastLeaderID)
err := r.withRaftGroupLocked(false, func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
if hasReady = raftGroup.HasReady(); hasReady {
rd = raftGroup.Ready()
return hasReady /* unquiesceAndWakeLeader */, nil
if err != nil {
const expl = "while checking raft group for Ready"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
if !hasReady {
return stats, "", nil
logRaftReady(ctx, rd)
refreshReason := noReason
if rd.SoftState != nil && leaderID != roachpb.ReplicaID(rd.SoftState.Lead) {
// Refresh pending commands if the Raft leader has changed. This is usually
// the first indication we have of a new leader on a restarted node.
// TODO(peter): Re-proposing commands when SoftState.Lead changes can lead
// to wasteful multiple-reproposals when we later see an empty Raft command
// indicating a newly elected leader or a conf change. Replay protection
// prevents any corruption, so the waste is only a performance issue.
if log.V(3) {
log.Infof(ctx, "raft leader changed: %d -> %d", leaderID, rd.SoftState.Lead)
if !r.store.TestingKnobs().DisableRefreshReasonNewLeader {
refreshReason = reasonNewLeader
leaderID = roachpb.ReplicaID(rd.SoftState.Lead)
if !raft.IsEmptySnap(rd.Snapshot) {
snapUUID, err := uuid.FromBytes(rd.Snapshot.Data)
if err != nil {
const expl = "invalid snapshot id"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
if inSnap.SnapUUID == (uuid.UUID{}) {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "programming error: a snapshot application was attempted outside of the streaming snapshot codepath")
if snapUUID != inSnap.SnapUUID {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "incoming snapshot id doesn't match raft snapshot id: %s != %s", snapUUID, inSnap.SnapUUID)
if err := r.applySnapshot(ctx, inSnap, rd.Snapshot, rd.HardState); err != nil {
const expl = "while applying snapshot"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
if err := func() error {
defer r.store.mu.Unlock()
if r.store.removePlaceholderLocked(ctx, r.RangeID) {
atomic.AddInt32(&r.store.counts.filledPlaceholders, 1)
return r.store.processRangeDescriptorUpdateLocked(ctx, r)
}(); err != nil {
const expl = "could not processRangeDescriptorUpdate after applySnapshot"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
// r.mu.lastIndex and r.mu.lastTerm were updated in applySnapshot, but
// we also want to make sure we reflect these changes in the local
// variables we're tracking here. We could pull these values from
// r.mu itself, but that would require us to grab a lock.
if lastIndex, err = r.raftMu.stateLoader.loadLastIndex(ctx, r.store.Engine()); err != nil {
const expl = "loading last index"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
lastTerm = invalidLastTerm
// We refresh pending commands after applying a snapshot because this
// replica may have been temporarily partitioned from the Raft group and
// missed leadership changes that occurred. Suppose node A is the leader,
// and then node C gets partitioned away from the others. Leadership passes
// back and forth between A and B during the partition, but when the
// partition is healed node A is leader again.
if !r.store.TestingKnobs().DisableRefreshReasonSnapshotApplied &&
refreshReason == noReason {
refreshReason = reasonSnapshotApplied
// Use a more efficient write-only batch because we don't need to do any
// reads from the batch. Any reads are performed via the "distinct" batch
// which passes the reads through to the underlying DB.
batch := r.store.Engine().NewWriteOnlyBatch()
defer batch.Close()
// We know that all of the writes from here forward will be to distinct keys.
writer := batch.Distinct()
prevLastIndex := lastIndex
if len(rd.Entries) > 0 {
// All of the entries are appended to distinct keys, returning a new
// last index.
thinEntries, sideLoadedEntriesSize, err := r.maybeSideloadEntriesRaftMuLocked(ctx, rd.Entries)
if err != nil {
const expl = "during sideloading"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
raftLogSize += sideLoadedEntriesSize
if lastIndex, lastTerm, raftLogSize, err = r.append(
ctx, writer, lastIndex, lastTerm, raftLogSize, thinEntries,
); err != nil {
const expl = "during append"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
if !raft.IsEmptyHardState(rd.HardState) {
if err := r.raftMu.stateLoader.setHardState(ctx, writer, rd.HardState); err != nil {
const expl = "during setHardState"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
// Synchronously commit the batch with the Raft log entries and Raft hard
// state as we're promising not to lose this data.
// Note that the data is visible to other goroutines before it is synced to
// disk. This is fine. The important constraints are that these syncs happen
// before Raft messages are sent and before the call to RawNode.Advance. Our
// regular locking is sufficient for this and if other goroutines can see the
// data early, that's fine. In particular, snapshots are not a problem (I
// think they're the only thing that might access log entries or HardState
// from other goroutines). Snapshots do not include either the HardState or
// uncommitted log entries, and even if they did include log entries that
// were not persisted to disk, it wouldn't be a problem because raft does not
// infer the that entries are persisted on the node that sends a snapshot.
start := timeutil.Now()
if err := batch.Commit(syncRaftLog.Get(&r.store.cfg.Settings.SV) && rd.MustSync); err != nil {
const expl = "while committing batch"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
elapsed := timeutil.Since(start)
if len(rd.Entries) > 0 {
// We may have just overwritten parts of the log which contain
// sideloaded SSTables from a previous term (and perhaps discarded some
// entries that we didn't overwrite). Remove any such leftover on-disk
// payloads (we can do that now because we've committed the deletion
// just above).
firstPurge := rd.Entries[0].Index // first new entry written
purgeTerm := rd.Entries[0].Term - 1
lastPurge := prevLastIndex // old end of the log, include in deletion
for i := firstPurge; i <= lastPurge; i++ {
err := r.raftMu.sideloaded.Purge(ctx, i, purgeTerm)
if err != nil && errors.Cause(err) != errSideloadedFileNotFound {
const expl = "while purging index %d"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrapf(err, expl, i)
// Update protected state (last index, last term, raft log size and raft
// leader ID) and set raft log entry cache. We clear any older, uncommitted
// log entries and cache the latest ones.
// Note also that we're likely to send messages related to the Entries we
// just appended, and these entries need to be inlined when sending them to
// followers - populating the cache here saves a lot of that work.
r.store.raftEntryCache.addEntries(r.RangeID, rd.Entries)
r.mu.lastIndex = lastIndex
r.mu.lastTerm = lastTerm
r.mu.raftLogSize = raftLogSize
r.mu.leaderID = leaderID
if r.mu.replicaID == leaderID && !raft.IsEmptyHardState(rd.HardState) {
for _, message := range rd.Messages {
drop := false
if message.Type == raftpb.MsgApp {
// Iterate over the entries to inline sideloaded commands.
for j := range message.Entries {
cow := false
newEnt, err := maybeInlineSideloadedRaftCommand(
if err != nil {
// We can simply drop the message since it could always get lost
// in transit anyway.
log.Errorf(ctx, "while inlining sideloaded commands: %s", err)
drop = true
if newEnt != nil {
if !cow {
cow = true
// Copy the whole slice to avoid data races. Entries are
// usually shared between multiple outgoing messages,
// and while it would be possible to only modify them
// only the first time around, that isn't easy to
// implement (since you have to do nontrivial work to
// decide whether inlining needs to happen).
message.Entries = append([]raftpb.Entry(nil), message.Entries...)
message.Entries[j] = *newEnt
if !drop {
r.sendRaftMessage(ctx, message)
for _, e := range rd.CommittedEntries {
switch e.Type {
case raftpb.EntryNormal:
// Committed entries come straight from the Raft log. Consequently,
// sideloaded SSTables are not usually inlined.
if newEnt, err := maybeInlineSideloadedRaftCommand(
ctx, r.RangeID, e, r.raftMu.sideloaded, r.store.raftEntryCache,
); err != nil {
const expl = "maybeInlineSideloadedRaftCommand"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
} else if newEnt != nil {
e = *newEnt
var commandID storagebase.CmdIDKey
var command storagebase.RaftCommand
// Process committed entries. etcd raft occasionally adds a nil entry
// (our own commands are never empty). This happens in two situations:
// When a new leader is elected, and when a config change is dropped due
// to the "one at a time" rule. In both cases we may need to resubmit our
// pending proposals (In the former case we resubmit everything because
// we proposed them to a former leader that is no longer able to commit
// them. In the latter case we only need to resubmit pending config
// changes, but it's hard to distinguish so we resubmit everything
// anyway). We delay resubmission until after we have processed the
// entire batch of entries.
if len(e.Data) == 0 {
// Overwrite unconditionally since this is the most aggressive
// reproposal mode.
refreshReason = reasonNewLeaderOrConfigChange
commandID = "" // special-cased value, command isn't used
} else {
var encodedCommand []byte
commandID, encodedCommand = DecodeRaftCommand(e.Data)
// An empty command is used to unquiesce a range and wake the
// leader. Clear commandID so it's ignored for processing.
if len(encodedCommand) == 0 {
commandID = ""
} else if err := command.Unmarshal(encodedCommand); err != nil {
const expl = "while unmarshalling entry"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
if changedRepl := r.processRaftCommand(ctx, commandID, e.Term, e.Index, command); changedRepl {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "unexpected replication change from command %s", &command)
if r.mu.replicaID == r.mu.leaderID {
// At this point we're not guaranteed to have proposalQuota
// initialized, the same is true for quotaReleaseQueue and
// commandSizes. By checking if the specified commandID is
// present in commandSizes, we'll only queue the cmdSize if
// they're all initialized.
if cmdSize, ok := r.mu.commandSizes[commandID]; ok {
r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue = append(r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue, cmdSize)
delete(r.mu.commandSizes, commandID)
case raftpb.EntryConfChange:
var cc raftpb.ConfChange
if err := cc.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {
const expl = "while unmarshaling ConfChange"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
var ccCtx ConfChangeContext
if err := ccCtx.Unmarshal(cc.Context); err != nil {
const expl = "while unmarshaling ConfChangeContext"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
var command storagebase.RaftCommand
if err := command.Unmarshal(ccCtx.Payload); err != nil {
const expl = "while unmarshaling RaftCommand"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
commandID := storagebase.CmdIDKey(ccCtx.CommandID)
if changedRepl := r.processRaftCommand(
ctx, commandID, e.Term, e.Index, command,
); !changedRepl {
// If we did not apply the config change, tell raft that the config change was aborted.
cc = raftpb.ConfChange{}
if r.mu.replicaID == r.mu.leaderID {
if cmdSize, ok := r.mu.commandSizes[commandID]; ok {
r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue = append(r.mu.quotaReleaseQueue, cmdSize)
delete(r.mu.commandSizes, commandID)
if err := r.withRaftGroup(func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
}); err != nil {
const expl = "during ApplyConfChange"
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
log.Fatalf(ctx, "unexpected Raft entry: %v", e)
if refreshReason != noReason {
r.refreshProposalsLocked(0, refreshReason)
// TODO(bdarnell): need to check replica id and not Advance if it
// has changed. Or do we need more locking to guarantee that replica
// ID cannot change during handleRaftReady?
const expl = "during advance"
if err := r.withRaftGroup(func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
}); err != nil {
return stats, expl, errors.Wrap(err, expl)
return stats, "", nil
// tick the Raft group, returning any error and true if the raft group exists
// and false otherwise.
func (r *Replica) tick() (bool, error) {
remotes := r.unreachablesMu.remotes
r.unreachablesMu.remotes = nil
defer r.raftMu.Unlock()
defer r.mu.Unlock()
// If the raft group is uninitialized, do not initialize raft groups on
// tick.
if r.mu.internalRaftGroup == nil {
return false, nil
for remoteReplica := range remotes {
if r.mu.quiescent {
// While a replica is quiesced we still advance its logical clock. This is
// necessary to avoid a scenario where the leader quiesces and a follower
// does not. The follower calls an election but the election fails because
// the leader and other follower believe that no time in the current term
// has passed. The Raft group is then in a state where one member has a
// term that is advanced which will then cause subsequent heartbeats from
// the existing leader to be rejected in a way that the leader will step
// down. This situation is caused by an interaction between quiescence and
// the Raft CheckQuorum feature which relies on the logical clock ticking
// at roughly the same rate on all members of the group.
// By ticking the logical clock (incrementing an integer) we avoid this
// situation. If one of the followers does not quiesce it will call an
// election but the election will succeed. Note that while we expect such
// elections from quiesced followers to be extremely rare, it is very
// difficult to completely eliminate them so we want to minimize the
// disruption when they do occur.
// For more details, see #9372.
// TODO(bdarnell): remove this once we have fully switched to PreVote
if !enablePreVote {
return false, nil
if r.maybeQuiesceLocked() {
return false, nil
if !r.store.TestingKnobs().DisableRefreshReasonTicks &&
r.mu.ticks%r.store.cfg.RaftElectionTimeoutTicks == 0 {
// RaftElectionTimeoutTicks is a reasonable approximation of how long we
// should wait before deciding that our previous proposal didn't go
// through. Note that the combination of the above condition and passing
// RaftElectionTimeoutTicks to refreshProposalsLocked means that commands
// will be refreshed when they have been pending for 1 to 2 election
// cycles.
r.store.cfg.RaftElectionTimeoutTicks, reasonTicks,
return true, nil
// maybeTickQuiesced attempts to tick a quiesced or dormant replica, returning
// true on success and false if the regular tick path must be taken
// (i.e. Replica.tick).
func (r *Replica) maybeTickQuiesced() bool {
var done bool
if r.mu.internalRaftGroup == nil {
done = true
} else if r.mu.quiescent {
done = true
if !enablePreVote {
// NB: It is safe to call TickQuiesced without holding Replica.raftMu
// because that method simply increments a counter without performing any
// other logic.
return done
// maybeQuiesceLocked checks to see if the replica is quiescable and initiates
// quiescence if it is. Returns true if the replica has been quiesced and false
// otherwise.
// A quiesced range is not ticked and thus doesn't create MsgHeartbeat requests
// or cause elections. The Raft leader for a range checks various
// pre-conditions: no pending raft commands, no pending raft ready, all of the
// followers are up to date, etc. Quiescence is initiated by a special
// MsgHeartbeat that is tagged as Quiesce. Upon receipt (see
// Store.processRaftRequest), the follower checks to see if the term/commit
// matches and marks the local replica as quiescent. If the term/commit do not
// match the MsgHeartbeat is passed through to Raft which will generate a
// MsgHeartbeatResp that will unquiesce the sender.
// Any Raft operation on the local replica will unquiesce the Replica. For
// example, a Raft operation initiated on a follower will unquiesce the
// follower which will send a MsgProp to the leader that will unquiesce the
// leader. If the leader of a quiesced range dies, followers will not notice,
// though any request directed to the range will eventually end up on a
// follower which will unquiesce the follower and lead to an election. When a
// follower unquiesces for a reason other than receiving a raft message or
// proposing a raft command (for example the concurrent enqueuing of a tick),
// it wakes the leader by sending an empty message proposal. This avoids
// unnecessary elections due to bugs in which a follower is left unquiesced
// while the leader is quiesced.
// Note that both the quiesce and wake-the-leader messages can be dropped or
// reordered by the transport. The wake-the-leader message is termless so it
// won't affect elections and, while it triggers reproprosals that won't cause
// problems on reordering. If the wake-the-leader message is dropped the leader
// won't be woken and the follower will eventually call an election.
// If the quiesce message is dropped the follower which missed it will not
// quiesce and will eventually cause an election. The quiesce message is tagged
// with the current term and commit index. If the quiesce message is reordered
// it will either still apply to the recipient or the recipient will have moved
// forward and the quiesce message will fall back to being a heartbeat.
// TODO(peter): There remains a scenario in which a follower is left unquiesced
// while the leader is quiesced: the follower's receive queue is full and the
// "quiesce" message is dropped. This seems very very unlikely because if the
// follower isn't keeping up with raft messages it is unlikely that the leader
// would quiesce. The fallout from this situation are undesirable raft
// elections which will cause throughput hiccups to the range, but not
// correctness issues.
// TODO(peter): When a node goes down, any range which has a replica on the
// down node will not quiesce. This could be a significant performance
// impact. Additionally, when the node comes back up we want to bring any
// replicas it contains back up to date. Right now this will be handled because
// those ranges never quiesce. One thought for handling both these scenarios is
// to hook into the StorePool and its notion of "down" nodes. But that might
// not be sensitive enough.
func (r *Replica) maybeQuiesceLocked() bool {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
status, ok := shouldReplicaQuiesce(ctx, r, r.store.Clock().Now(), len(r.mu.proposals))
if !ok {
return false
return r.quiesceAndNotifyLocked(ctx, status)
type quiescer interface {
raftStatusRLocked() *raft.Status
raftLastIndexLocked() (uint64, error)
hasRaftReadyRLocked() bool
ownsValidLeaseRLocked(ts hlc.Timestamp) bool
maybeTransferRaftLeader(ctx context.Context, status *raft.Status, ts hlc.Timestamp)
func (r *Replica) hasRaftReadyRLocked() bool {
return r.mu.internalRaftGroup.HasReady()
func (r *Replica) maybeTransferRaftLeader(
ctx context.Context, status *raft.Status, now hlc.Timestamp,
) {
l := *r.mu.state.Lease
if !r.isLeaseValidRLocked(l, now) {
if pr, ok := status.Progress[uint64(l.Replica.ReplicaID)]; ok && pr.Match >= status.Commit {
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "transferring raft leadership to replica ID %v", l.Replica.ReplicaID)
// shouldReplicaQuiesce determines if a replica should be quiesced. All of the
// access to Replica internals are gated by the quiescer interface to
// facilitate testing. Returns the raft.Status and true on success, and (nil,
// false) on failure.
func shouldReplicaQuiesce(
ctx context.Context, q quiescer, now hlc.Timestamp, numProposals int,
) (*raft.Status, bool) {
if numProposals != 0 {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: %d pending commands", numProposals)
return nil, false
status := q.raftStatusRLocked()
if status == nil {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: dormant Raft group")
return nil, false
if status.SoftState.RaftState != raft.StateLeader {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: not leader")
return nil, false
if status.LeadTransferee != 0 {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: leader transfer to %d in progress", status.LeadTransferee)
return nil, false
// Only quiesce if this replica is the leaseholder as well;
// otherwise the replica which is the valid leaseholder may have
// pending commands which it's waiting on this leader to propose.
if !q.ownsValidLeaseRLocked(now) {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: not leaseholder")
// Try to correct leader-not-leaseholder condition, if encountered,
// assuming the leaseholder is caught up to the commit index.
// TODO(peter): It is surprising that a method named shouldReplicaQuiesce
// might initiate transfer of the Raft leadership.
q.maybeTransferRaftLeader(ctx, status, now)
return nil, false
// We need all of Applied, Commit, LastIndex and Progress.Match indexes to be
// equal in order to quiesce.
if status.Applied != status.Commit {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: applied (%d) != commit (%d)",
status.Applied, status.Commit)
return nil, false
lastIndex, err := q.raftLastIndexLocked()
if err != nil {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: %v", err)
return nil, false
if status.Commit != lastIndex {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: commit (%d) != lastIndex (%d)",
status.Commit, lastIndex)
return nil, false
var foundSelf bool
for id, progress := range status.Progress {
if id == status.ID {
foundSelf = true
if progress.Match != status.Applied {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: replica %d match (%d) != applied (%d)",
id, progress.Match, status.Applied)
return nil, false
if !foundSelf {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: %d not found in progress: %+v",
status.ID, status.Progress)
return nil, false
if q.hasRaftReadyRLocked() {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: raft ready")
return nil, false
return status, true
func (r *Replica) quiesceAndNotifyLocked(ctx context.Context, status *raft.Status) bool {
fromReplica, fromErr := r.getReplicaDescriptorByIDRLocked(r.mu.replicaID, r.mu.lastToReplica)
if fromErr != nil {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "not quiescing: cannot find from replica (%d)", r.mu.replicaID)
return false
for id := range status.Progress {
if roachpb.ReplicaID(id) == r.mu.replicaID {
toReplica, toErr := r.getReplicaDescriptorByIDRLocked(
roachpb.ReplicaID(id), r.mu.lastFromReplica)
if toErr != nil {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "failed to quiesce: cannot find to replica (%d)", id)
return false
msg := raftpb.Message{
From: uint64(r.mu.replicaID),
To: id,
Type: raftpb.MsgHeartbeat,
Term: status.Term,
Commit: status.Commit,
if r.maybeCoalesceHeartbeat(ctx, msg, toReplica, fromReplica, true) {
req := &RaftMessageRequest{
RangeID: r.RangeID,
ToReplica: toReplica,
FromReplica: fromReplica,
Message: msg,
Quiesce: true,
if !r.sendRaftMessageRequest(ctx, req) {
return false
return true
// pendingCmdSlice sorts by increasing MaxLeaseIndex.
type pendingCmdSlice []*ProposalData
func (s pendingCmdSlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s pendingCmdSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s pendingCmdSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].command.MaxLeaseIndex < s[j].command.MaxLeaseIndex
//go:generate stringer -type refreshRaftReason
type refreshRaftReason int
const (
noReason refreshRaftReason = iota
// refreshProposalsLocked goes through the pending proposals, notifying
// proposers whose proposals need to be retried, and resubmitting proposals
// which were likely dropped (but may still apply at a legal Lease index) -
// ensuring that the proposer will eventually get a reply on the channel it's
// waiting on.
// mu must be held.
// refreshAtDelta only applies for reasonTicks and specifies how old (in ticks)
// a command must be for it to be inspected; the usual value is the number of
// ticks of an election timeout (affect only proposals that have had ample time
// to apply but didn't).
func (r *Replica) refreshProposalsLocked(refreshAtDelta int, reason refreshRaftReason) {
if refreshAtDelta != 0 && reason != reasonTicks {
log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "refreshAtDelta specified for reason %s != reasonTicks", reason)
numShouldRetry := 0
var reproposals pendingCmdSlice
for idKey, p := range r.mu.proposals {
if p.command.MaxLeaseIndex == 0 {
// Commands without a MaxLeaseIndex cannot be reproposed, as they might
// apply twice. We also don't want to ask the proposer to retry these
// special commands.
delete(r.mu.proposals, idKey)
log.VEventf(p.ctx, 2, "refresh (reason: %s) returning AmbiguousResultError for command "+
"without MaxLeaseIndex: %v", reason, p.command)
p.finishRaftApplication(proposalResult{Err: roachpb.NewError(
fmt.Sprintf("unknown status for command without MaxLeaseIndex "+
"at refreshProposalsLocked time (refresh reason: %s)", reason)))})
} else if p.command.MaxLeaseIndex <= r.mu.state.LeaseAppliedIndex {
// The command's designated lease index slot was filled up. We got to
// LeaseAppliedIndex and p is still pending in r.mu.proposals; generally
// this means that proposal p didn't commit, and it will be sent back to
// the proposer for a retry - the request needs to be re-evaluated and the
// command re-proposed with a new MaxLeaseIndex.
// An exception is the case when we're refreshing because of
// reasonSnapshotApplied - in that case we don't know if p or some other
// command filled the p.command.MaxLeaseIndex slot (i.e. p might have been
// applied, but we're not watching for every proposal when applying a
// snapshot, so nobody removed p from r.mu.proposals). In this ambiguous
// case, we'll also send the command back to the proposer for a retry, but
// the proposer needs to be aware that, if the retry fails, an
// AmbiguousResultError needs to be returned to the higher layers.
// We're relying on the fact that all commands are either idempotent
// (generally achieved through the wonders of MVCC) or, if they aren't,
// the 2nd application will somehow fail to apply (e.g. a command
// resulting from a RequestLease is not idempotent, but the 2nd
// application will be rejected by the ProposerLease verification).
// Note that we can't use the commit index here (which is typically a
// little ahead), because a pending command is removed only as it
// applies. Thus we'd risk reproposing a command that has been committed
// but not yet applied.
delete(r.mu.proposals, idKey)
log.Eventf(p.ctx, "retry proposal %x: %s", p.idKey, reason)
if reason == reasonSnapshotApplied {
p.finishRaftApplication(proposalResult{ProposalRetry: proposalAmbiguousShouldBeReevaluated})
} else {
p.finishRaftApplication(proposalResult{ProposalRetry: proposalIllegalLeaseIndex})
} else if reason == reasonTicks && p.proposedAtTicks > r.mu.ticks-refreshAtDelta {
// The command was proposed too recently, don't bother reproprosing it
// yet.
} else {
// The proposal can still apply according to its MaxLeaseIndex. But it's
// likely that the proposal was dropped, so we're going to repropose it
// directly; it's cheaper than asking the proposer to re-evaluate and
// re-propose. Note that we don't need to worry about receiving ambiguous
// responses for this reproposal - we'll only be handling one response
// across the original proposal and the reproposal because we're
// reproposing with the same MaxLeaseIndex and the same idKey as the
// original (a possible second response for the same idKey would be
// ignored).
// This situation happens when we've proposed commands that never made it
// to the leader - usually because we didn't know who the leader is. When
// we do discover the leader we need to repropose the command. In local
// testing, by far the most common reason for these reproposals is the
// initial leader election after a split. Specifically, when a range is
// split when the next command is proposed to the RHS the leader is
// elected. After the election completes the command is reproposed for
// both reasonNewLeader and reasonNewLeaderOrConfigChange.
reproposals = append(reproposals, p)
if log.V(1) && (numShouldRetry > 0 || len(reproposals) > 0) {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
"pending commands: sent %d back to client, reproposing %d (at %d.%d) %s",
numShouldRetry, len(reproposals), r.mu.state.RaftAppliedIndex,
r.mu.state.LeaseAppliedIndex, reason)
// Reproposals are those commands which we weren't able to send back to the
// client (since we're not sure that another copy of them could apply at
// the "correct" index). For reproposals, it's generally pretty unlikely
// that they can make it in the right place. Reproposing in order is
// definitely required, however.
// TODO(tschottdorf): evaluate whether `r.mu.proposals` should be a list/slice.
for _, p := range reproposals {
log.Eventf(p.ctx, "re-submitting command %x to Raft: %s", p.idKey, reason)
if err := r.submitProposalLocked(p); err != nil {
delete(r.mu.proposals, p.idKey)
p.finishRaftApplication(proposalResult{Err: roachpb.NewError(err), ProposalRetry: proposalErrorReproposing})
func (r *Replica) getReplicaDescriptorByIDRLocked(
replicaID roachpb.ReplicaID, fallback roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
) (roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, error) {
if repDesc, ok := r.mu.state.Desc.GetReplicaDescriptorByID(replicaID); ok {
return repDesc, nil
if fallback.ReplicaID == replicaID {
return fallback, nil
return roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor{},
errors.Errorf("replica %d not present in %v, %v", replicaID, fallback, r.mu.state.Desc.Replicas)
// maybeCoalesceHeartbeat returns true if the heartbeat was coalesced and added
// to the appropriate queue.
func (r *Replica) maybeCoalesceHeartbeat(
ctx context.Context,
msg raftpb.Message,
toReplica, fromReplica roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor,
quiesce bool,
) bool {
var hbMap map[roachpb.StoreIdent][]RaftHeartbeat
switch msg.Type {
case raftpb.MsgHeartbeat:
hbMap = r.store.coalescedMu.heartbeats
case raftpb.MsgHeartbeatResp:
hbMap = r.store.coalescedMu.heartbeatResponses
return false
beat := RaftHeartbeat{
RangeID: r.RangeID,
ToReplicaID: toReplica.ReplicaID,
FromReplicaID: fromReplica.ReplicaID,
Term: msg.Term,
Commit: msg.Commit,
Quiesce: quiesce,
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "coalescing beat: %+v", beat)
toStore := roachpb.StoreIdent{
StoreID: toReplica.StoreID,
NodeID: toReplica.NodeID,
hbMap[toStore] = append(hbMap[toStore], beat)
return true
// sendRaftMessage sends a Raft message.
func (r *Replica) sendRaftMessage(ctx context.Context, msg raftpb.Message) {
fromReplica, fromErr := r.getReplicaDescriptorByIDRLocked(roachpb.ReplicaID(msg.From), r.mu.lastToReplica)
toReplica, toErr := r.getReplicaDescriptorByIDRLocked(roachpb.ReplicaID(msg.To), r.mu.lastFromReplica)
if fromErr != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to look up sender replica %d in r%d while sending %s: %s",
msg.From, r.RangeID, msg.Type, fromErr)
if toErr != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to look up recipient replica %d in r%d while sending %s: %s",
msg.To, r.RangeID, msg.Type, toErr)
// Raft-initiated snapshots are handled by the Raft snapshot queue.
if msg.Type == raftpb.MsgSnap {
if _, err := r.store.raftSnapshotQueue.Add(r, raftSnapshotPriority); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "unable to add replica to Raft repair queue: %s", err)
if r.maybeCoalesceHeartbeat(ctx, msg, toReplica, fromReplica, false) {
if !r.sendRaftMessageRequest(ctx, &RaftMessageRequest{
RangeID: r.RangeID,
ToReplica: toReplica,
FromReplica: fromReplica,
Message: msg,
}) {
if err := r.withRaftGroup(func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
}); err != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, err)
// addUnreachableRemoteReplica adds the given remote ReplicaID to be reported
// as unreachable on the next tick.
func (r *Replica) addUnreachableRemoteReplica(remoteReplica roachpb.ReplicaID) {
if r.unreachablesMu.remotes == nil {
r.unreachablesMu.remotes = make(map[roachpb.ReplicaID]struct{})
r.unreachablesMu.remotes[remoteReplica] = struct{}{}
// sendRaftMessageRequest sends a raft message, returning false if the message
// was dropped. It is the caller's responsibility to call ReportUnreachable on
// the Raft group.
func (r *Replica) sendRaftMessageRequest(ctx context.Context, req *RaftMessageRequest) bool {
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "sending raft request %+v", req)
ok := r.store.cfg.Transport.SendAsync(req)
// TODO(peter): Looping over all of the outgoing Raft message queues to
// update this stat on every send is a bit expensive.
return ok
func (r *Replica) reportSnapshotStatus(to uint64, snapErr error) {
defer r.raftMu.Unlock()
snapStatus := raft.SnapshotFinish
if snapErr != nil {
snapStatus = raft.SnapshotFailure
if err := r.withRaftGroup(func(raftGroup *raft.RawNode) (bool, error) {
raftGroup.ReportSnapshot(to, snapStatus)
return true, nil
}); err != nil {
ctx := r.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
log.Fatal(ctx, err)
func (r *Replica) checkForcedErrLocked(
ctx context.Context,
idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey,
raftCmd storagebase.RaftCommand,
proposal *ProposalData,
proposedLocally bool,
) (uint64, proposalRetryReason, *roachpb.Error) {
leaseIndex := r.mu.state.LeaseAppliedIndex
isLeaseRequest := raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.IsLeaseRequest
var requestedLease roachpb.Lease
if isLeaseRequest {
requestedLease = *raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.State.Lease
var forcedErr *roachpb.Error
if idKey == "" {
// This is an empty Raft command (which is sent by Raft after elections
// to trigger reproposals or during concurrent configuration changes).
// Nothing to do here except making sure that the corresponding batch
// (which is bogus) doesn't get executed (for it is empty and so
// properties like key range are undefined).
forcedErr = roachpb.NewErrorf("no-op on empty Raft entry")
} else if !raftCmd.ProposerLease.Equivalent(*r.mu.state.Lease) {
// Verify the lease matches the proposer's expectation. We rely on
// the proposer's determination of whether the existing lease is
// held, and can be used, or is expired, and can be replaced.
// Verify checks that the lease has not been modified since proposal
// due to Raft delays / reorderings.
// To understand why this lease verification is necessary, see comments on the
// proposer_lease field in the proto.
ctx, 1,
"command proposed from replica %+v with %v incompatible to %v",
raftCmd.ProposerReplica, raftCmd.ProposerLease, *r.mu.state.Lease,
if !isLeaseRequest {
// We return a NotLeaseHolderError so that the DistSender retries.
nlhe := newNotLeaseHolderError(
r.mu.state.Lease, raftCmd.ProposerReplica.StoreID, r.mu.state.Desc)
nlhe.CustomMsg = fmt.Sprintf(
"stale proposal: command was proposed under lease %s but is being applied "+
"under lease: %s", raftCmd.ProposerLease, r.mu.state.Lease)
forcedErr = roachpb.NewError(nlhe)
} else {
// For lease requests we return a special error that
// redirectOnOrAcquireLease() understands. Note that these
// requests don't go through the DistSender.
forcedErr = roachpb.NewError(&roachpb.LeaseRejectedError{
Existing: *r.mu.state.Lease,
Requested: requestedLease,
} else if isLeaseRequest {
// Lease commands are ignored by the counter (and their MaxLeaseIndex is ignored). This
// makes sense since lease commands are proposed by anyone, so we can't expect a coherent
// MaxLeaseIndex. Also, lease proposals are often replayed, so not making them update the
// counter makes sense from a testing perspective.
// However, leases get special vetting to make sure we don't give one to a replica that was
// since removed (see #15385 and a comment in redirectOnOrAcquireLease).
if _, ok := r.mu.state.Desc.GetReplicaDescriptor(requestedLease.Replica.StoreID); !ok {
forcedErr = roachpb.NewError(&roachpb.LeaseRejectedError{
Existing: *r.mu.state.Lease,
Requested: requestedLease,
Message: "replica not part of range",
} else if r.mu.state.LeaseAppliedIndex < raftCmd.MaxLeaseIndex {
// The happy case: the command is applying at or ahead of the minimal
// permissible index. It's ok if it skips a few slots (as can happen
// during rearrangement); this command will apply, but later ones which
// were proposed at lower indexes may not. Overall though, this is more
// stable and simpler than requiring commands to apply at their exact
// lease index: Handling the case in which MaxLeaseIndex > oldIndex+1
// is otherwise tricky since we can't tell the client to try again
// (reproposals could exist and may apply at the right index, leading
// to a replay), and assigning the required index would be tedious
// seeing that it would have to rewind sometimes.
leaseIndex = raftCmd.MaxLeaseIndex
} else {
// The command is trying to apply at a past log position. That's
// unfortunate and hopefully rare; the client on the proposer will try
// again. Note that in this situation, the leaseIndex does not advance.
forcedErr = roachpb.NewErrorf(
"command observed at lease index %d, but required < %d", leaseIndex, raftCmd.MaxLeaseIndex,
if proposedLocally {
ctx, 1,
"retry proposal %x: applied at lease index %d, required <= %d",
proposal.idKey, leaseIndex, raftCmd.MaxLeaseIndex,
return leaseIndex, proposalIllegalLeaseIndex, forcedErr
return leaseIndex, proposalNoRetry, forcedErr
// processRaftCommand processes a raft command by unpacking the
// command struct to get args and reply and then applying the command
// to the state machine via applyRaftCommand(). The result is sent on
// the command's done channel, if available. As a special case, the
// zero idKey signifies an empty Raft command, which will apply as a
// no-op (without accessing raftCmd), updating only the applied index.
// This method returns true if the command successfully applied a
// replica change.
// TODO(tschottdorf): once we properly check leases and lease requests etc,
// make sure that the error returned from this method is always populated in
// those cases, as one of the callers uses it to abort replica changes.
func (r *Replica) processRaftCommand(
ctx context.Context,
idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey,
term, index uint64,
raftCmd storagebase.RaftCommand,
) bool {
if index == 0 {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "processRaftCommand requires a non-zero index")
if log.V(4) {
log.Infof(ctx, "processing command %x: maxLeaseIndex=%d", idKey, raftCmd.MaxLeaseIndex)
var ts hlc.Timestamp
var rSpan roachpb.RSpan
if idKey != "" {
ts = raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.Timestamp
rSpan = roachpb.RSpan{
Key: raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.StartKey,
EndKey: raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.EndKey,
proposal, proposedLocally := r.mu.proposals[idKey]
// TODO(tschottdorf): consider the Trace situation here.
if proposedLocally {
// We initiated this command, so use the caller-supplied context.
ctx = proposal.ctx
proposal.ctx = nil // avoid confusion
delete(r.mu.proposals, idKey)
leaseIndex, proposalRetry, forcedErr := r.checkForcedErrLocked(ctx, idKey, raftCmd, proposal, proposedLocally)
if forcedErr == nil {
forcedErr = roachpb.NewError(r.requestCanProceed(rSpan, ts))
// applyRaftCommand will return "expected" errors, but may also indicate
// replica corruption (as of now, signaled by a replicaCorruptionError).
// We feed its return through maybeSetCorrupt to act when that happens.
if forcedErr != nil {
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "applying command with forced error: %s", forcedErr)
} else {
log.Event(ctx, "applying command")
if splitMergeUnlock, err := r.maybeAcquireSplitMergeLock(ctx, raftCmd); err != nil {
log.Eventf(ctx, "unable to acquire split lock: %s", err)
// Send a crash report because a former bug in the error handling might have
// been the root cause of #19172.
_ = r.store.stopper.RunAsyncTask(ctx, "crash report", func(ctx context.Context) {
0, // depth
"while acquiring split lock: %s",
forcedErr = roachpb.NewError(err)
} else if splitMergeUnlock != nil {
// Close over raftCmd to capture its value at execution time; we clear
// ReplicatedEvalResult on certain errors.
defer func() {
var response proposalResult
var writeBatch *storagebase.WriteBatch
if filter := r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.TestingApplyFilter; forcedErr == nil && filter != nil {
forcedErr = filter(storagebase.ApplyFilterArgs{
CmdID: idKey,
ReplicatedEvalResult: raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult,
StoreID: r.store.StoreID(),
RangeID: r.RangeID,
if forcedErr != nil {
// Apply an empty entry.
raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult = storagebase.ReplicatedEvalResult{}
raftCmd.WriteBatch = nil
raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.State.RaftAppliedIndex = index
raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.State.LeaseAppliedIndex = leaseIndex
// Update the node clock with the serviced request. This maintains
// a high water mark for all ops serviced, so that received ops without
// a timestamp specified are guaranteed one higher than any op already
// executed for overlapping keys.
var pErr *roachpb.Error
if raftCmd.WriteBatch != nil {
writeBatch = raftCmd.WriteBatch
// AddSSTable ingestions run before the actual batch. This makes sure
// that when the Raft command is applied, the ingestion has definitely
// succeeded. Note that we have taken precautions during command
// evaluation to avoid having mutations in the WriteBatch that affect
// the SSTable. Not doing so could result in order reversal (and missing
// values) here. If the key range we are ingesting into isn't empty,
// we're not using AddSSTable but a plain WriteBatch.
if raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.AddSSTable != nil {
raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.AddSSTable = nil
var err error
raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.Delta, err = r.applyRaftCommand(
ctx, idKey, raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult, writeBatch)
// applyRaftCommand returned an error, which usually indicates
// either a serious logic bug in CockroachDB or a disk
// corruption/out-of-space issue. Make sure that these fail with
// descriptive message so that we can differentiate the root causes.
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "unable to update the state machine: %s", err)
// Report the fatal error separately and only with the error, as that
// triggers an optimization for which we directly report the error to
// sentry (which in turn allows sentry to distinguish different error
// types).
log.Fatal(ctx, err)
if filter := r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.TestingPostApplyFilter; pErr == nil && filter != nil {
pErr = filter(storagebase.ApplyFilterArgs{
CmdID: idKey,
ReplicatedEvalResult: raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult,
StoreID: r.store.StoreID(),
RangeID: r.RangeID,
// calling maybeSetCorrupt here is mostly for tests and looks. The
// interesting errors originate in applyRaftCommand, and they are
// already handled above.
pErr = r.maybeSetCorrupt(ctx, pErr)
if pErr == nil {
pErr = forcedErr
var lResult *LocalEvalResult
if proposedLocally {
if proposalRetry != proposalNoRetry {
response.ProposalRetry = proposalRetry
if pErr == nil {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "proposal with nontrivial retry behavior, but no error: %+v", proposal)
if pErr != nil {
// A forced error was set (i.e. we did not apply the proposal,
// for instance due to its log position) or the Replica is now
// corrupted.
response.Err = pErr
} else if proposal.Local.Err != nil {
// Everything went as expected, but this proposal should return
// an error to the client.
response.Err = proposal.Local.Err
} else if proposal.Local.Reply != nil {
response.Reply = proposal.Local.Reply
} else {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "proposal must return either a reply or an error: %+v", proposal)
response.Intents = proposal.Local.detachIntents(response.Err != nil)
lResult = proposal.Local
// Handle the EvalResult, executing any side effects of the last
// state machine transition.
// Note that this must happen after committing (the engine.Batch), but
// before notifying a potentially waiting client.
r.handleEvalResultRaftMuLocked(ctx, lResult, raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult)
if proposedLocally {
} else if response.Err != nil {
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "applying raft command resulted in error: %s", response.Err)
return raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.ChangeReplicas != nil
// maybeAcquireSplitMergeLock examines the given raftCmd (which need
// not be evaluated yet) and acquires the split or merge lock if
// necessary (in addition to other preparation). It returns a function
// which will release any lock acquired (or nil) and use the result of
// applying the command to perform any necessary cleanup.
func (r *Replica) maybeAcquireSplitMergeLock(
ctx context.Context, raftCmd storagebase.RaftCommand,
) (func(storagebase.ReplicatedEvalResult), error) {
if split := raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.Split; split != nil {
return r.acquireSplitLock(ctx, &split.SplitTrigger)
} else if merge := raftCmd.ReplicatedEvalResult.Merge; merge != nil {
return r.acquireMergeLock(&merge.MergeTrigger)
return nil, nil
func (r *Replica) acquireSplitLock(
ctx context.Context, split *roachpb.SplitTrigger,
) (func(storagebase.ReplicatedEvalResult), error) {
rightRng, created, err := r.store.getOrCreateReplica(ctx, split.RightDesc.RangeID, 0, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// It would be nice to assert that rightRng is not initialized
// here. Unfortunately, due to reproposals and retries we might be executing
// a reproposal for a split trigger that was already executed via a
// retry. The reproposed command will not succeed (the transaction has
// already committed).
// TODO(peter): It might be okay to return an error here, but it is more
// conservative to hit the exact same error paths that we would hit for other
// commands that have reproposals interacting with retries (i.e. we don't
// treat splits differently).
return func(rResult storagebase.ReplicatedEvalResult) {
if rResult.Split == nil && created && !rightRng.IsInitialized() {
// An error occurred during processing of the split and the RHS is still
// uninitialized. Mark the RHS destroyed and remove it from the replica's
// map as it is likely detritus. One reason this can occur is when
// concurrent splits on the same key are executed. Only one of the splits
// will succeed while the other will allocate a range ID, but fail to
// commit.
// We condition this removal on whether the RHS was newly created in
// order to be conservative. If a Raft message had created the Replica
// then presumably it was alive for some reason other than a concurrent
// split and shouldn't be destroyed.
rightRng.mu.destroyed = errors.Errorf("%s: failed to initialize", rightRng)
delete(r.store.mu.uninitReplicas, rightRng.RangeID)
}, nil
func (r *Replica) acquireMergeLock(
merge *roachpb.MergeTrigger,
) (func(storagebase.ReplicatedEvalResult), error) {
rightRng, err := r.store.GetReplica(merge.RightDesc.RangeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(peter,tschottdorf): This is necessary but likely not sufficient. The
// right hand side of the merge can still race on reads. See #8630.
return func(storagebase.ReplicatedEvalResult) {
}, nil
// applyRaftCommand applies a raft command from the replicated log to the
// underlying state machine (i.e. the engine). When the state machine can not be
// updated, an error (which is likely fatal!) is returned and must be handled by
// the caller.
func (r *Replica) applyRaftCommand(
ctx context.Context,
idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey,
rResult storagebase.ReplicatedEvalResult,
writeBatch *storagebase.WriteBatch,
) (enginepb.MVCCStats, error) {
if rResult.State.RaftAppliedIndex <= 0 {
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.New("raft command index is <= 0")
if writeBatch != nil && len(writeBatch.Data) > 0 {
// Record the write activity, passing a 0 nodeID because replica.writeStats
// intentionally doesn't track the origin of the writes.
mutationCount, err := engine.RocksDBBatchCount(writeBatch.Data)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "unable to read header of committed WriteBatch: %s", err)
} else {
r.writeStats.recordCount(float64(mutationCount), 0 /* nodeID */)
oldRaftAppliedIndex := r.mu.state.RaftAppliedIndex
oldLeaseAppliedIndex := r.mu.state.LeaseAppliedIndex
ms := r.mu.state.Stats
if rResult.State.RaftAppliedIndex != oldRaftAppliedIndex+1 {
// If we have an out of order index, there's corruption. No sense in
// trying to update anything or running the command. Simply return
// a corruption error.
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Errorf("applied index jumped from %d to %d",
oldRaftAppliedIndex, rResult.State.RaftAppliedIndex)
batch := r.store.Engine().NewWriteOnlyBatch()
defer batch.Close()
if writeBatch != nil {
if err := batch.ApplyBatchRepr(writeBatch.Data, false); err != nil {
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to apply WriteBatch")
// The only remaining use of the batch is for range-local keys which we know
// have not been previously written within this batch. Currently the only
// remaining writes are the raft applied index and the updated MVCC stats.
writer := batch.Distinct()
// Advance the last applied index. We use a blind write in order to avoid
// reading the previous applied index keys on every write operation. This
// requires a little additional work in order maintain the MVCC stats.
var appliedIndexNewMS enginepb.MVCCStats
if err := r.raftMu.stateLoader.setAppliedIndexBlind(ctx, writer, &appliedIndexNewMS,
rResult.State.RaftAppliedIndex, rResult.State.LeaseAppliedIndex); err != nil {
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to set applied index")
rResult.Delta.SysBytes += appliedIndexNewMS.SysBytes -
r.raftMu.stateLoader.calcAppliedIndexSysBytes(oldRaftAppliedIndex, oldLeaseAppliedIndex)
// Special-cased MVCC stats handling to exploit commutativity of stats
// delta upgrades. Thanks to commutativity, the command queue does not
// have to serialize on the stats key.
if err := r.raftMu.stateLoader.setMVCCStats(ctx, writer, &ms); err != nil {
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to update MVCCStats")
// TODO(peter): We did not close the writer in an earlier version of
// the code, which went undetected even though we used the batch after
// (though only to commit it). We should add an assertion to prevent that in
// the future.
start := timeutil.Now()
var assertHS *raftpb.HardState
if util.RaceEnabled && rResult.Split != nil && r.store.cfg.Settings.Version.IsActive(cluster.VersionSplitHardStateBelowRaft) {
oldHS, err := loadHardState(ctx, r.store.Engine(), rResult.Split.RightDesc.RangeID)
if err != nil {
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to load HardState")
assertHS = &oldHS
if err := batch.Commit(false); err != nil {
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Wrap(err, "could not commit batch")
if assertHS != nil {
// Load the HardState that was just committed (if any).
newHS, err := loadHardState(ctx, r.store.Engine(), rResult.Split.RightDesc.RangeID)
if err != nil {
return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to load HardState")
// Assert that nothing moved "backwards".
if newHS.Term < assertHS.Term || (newHS.Term == assertHS.Term && newHS.Commit < assertHS.Commit) {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "clobbered HardState: %s\n\npreviously: %s\noverwritten with: %s",
pretty.Diff(newHS, *assertHS), pretty.Sprint(*assertHS), pretty.Sprint(newHS))
elapsed := timeutil.Since(start)
return rResult.Delta, nil
// evaluateProposalInner executes the command in a batch engine and returns
// the batch containing the results. If the return value contains a non-nil
// WriteBatch, the caller should go ahead with the proposal (eventually
// committing the data contained in the batch), even when the Err field is set
// (which is then the result sent to the client).
// TODO(tschottdorf): the setting of WriteTooOld does not work. With
// proposer-evaluated KV, TestStoreResolveWriteIntentPushOnRead fails in the
// SNAPSHOT case since the transactional write in that test *always* catches
// a WriteTooOldError. With proposer-evaluated KV disabled the same happens,
// but the resulting WriteTooOld flag on the transaction is lost, letting the
// test pass erroneously.
// TODO(bdarnell): merge evaluateProposal and evaluateProposalInner. There
// is no longer a clear distinction between them.
func (r *Replica) evaluateProposalInner(
ctx context.Context, idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, spans *SpanSet,
) EvalResult {
// Keep track of original txn Writing state to sanitize txn
// reported with any error except TransactionRetryError.
wasWriting := ba.Txn != nil && ba.Txn.Writing
// Evaluate the commands. If this returns without an error, the batch should
// be committed.
var result EvalResult
var batch engine.Batch
// TODO(tschottdorf): absorb all returned values in `pd` below this point
// in the call stack as well.
var pErr *roachpb.Error
var ms enginepb.MVCCStats
var br *roachpb.BatchResponse
batch, ms, br, result, pErr = r.evaluateTxnWriteBatch(ctx, idKey, ba, spans)
result.Replicated.Delta = ms
result.Local.Reply = br
result.Local.Err = pErr
if batch == nil {
return result
if result.Local.Err != nil && ba.IsWrite() {
if _, ok := result.Local.Err.GetDetail().(*roachpb.TransactionRetryError); !ok {
// TODO(tschottdorf): make `nil` acceptable. Corresponds to
// roachpb.Response{With->Or}Error.
result.Local.Reply = &roachpb.BatchResponse{}
// Reset the batch to clear out partial execution. Don't set
// a WriteBatch to signal to the caller that we fail-fast this
// proposal.
batch = nil
// Restore the original txn's Writing bool if the error specifies a
// transaction.
if txn := result.Local.Err.GetTxn(); txn != nil {
if ba.Txn == nil {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "error had a txn but batch is non-transactional. Err txn: %s", txn)
if txn.ID == ba.Txn.ID {
txn.Writing = wasWriting
return result
// If the batch failed with a TransactionRetryError, any preceding
// mutations in the batch engine should still be applied so that
// intents are laid down in preparation for the retry. However,
// no reply is sent back.
result.Local.Reply = nil
result.WriteBatch = &storagebase.WriteBatch{
Data: batch.Repr(),
// Note: reusing the proposer's batch when applying the command on the
// proposer was explored as an optimization but resulted in no performance
// benefit.
return result
// checkIfTxnAborted checks the txn abort cache for the given
// transaction. In case the transaction has been aborted, return a
// transaction abort error.
func checkIfTxnAborted(
ctx context.Context, rec ReplicaEvalContext, b engine.Reader, txn roachpb.Transaction,
) *roachpb.Error {
var entry roachpb.AbortCacheEntry
aborted, err := rec.AbortCache().Get(ctx, b, txn.ID, &entry)
if err != nil {
return roachpb.NewError(NewReplicaCorruptionError(errors.Wrap(err, "could not read from abort cache")))
if aborted {
// We hit the cache, so let the transaction restart.
if log.V(1) {
log.Infof(ctx, "found abort cache entry for %s with priority %d",
txn.ID.Short(), entry.Priority)
newTxn := txn.Clone()
if entry.Priority > newTxn.Priority {
newTxn.Priority = entry.Priority
return roachpb.NewErrorWithTxn(roachpb.NewTransactionAbortedError(), &newTxn)
return nil
type intentsWithArg struct {
args roachpb.Request
intents []roachpb.Intent
// evaluateTxnWriteBatch attempts to execute transactional batches on
// the 1-phase-commit path as just an atomic, non-transactional batch
// of write commands. One phase commit batches contain transactional
// writes sandwiched by BeginTransaction and EndTransaction requests.
// If the batch is transactional, and there's nothing to suggest that
// the transaction will require retry or restart, the batch's txn is
// stripped and it's executed as a normal batch write. If the writes
// cannot all be completed at the intended timestamp, the batch's txn
// is restored and it's re-executed as transactional. This allows it
// to lay down intents and return an appropriate retryable error.
func (r *Replica) evaluateTxnWriteBatch(
ctx context.Context, idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey, ba roachpb.BatchRequest, spans *SpanSet,
) (engine.Batch, enginepb.MVCCStats, *roachpb.BatchResponse, EvalResult, *roachpb.Error) {
ms := enginepb.MVCCStats{}
// If not transactional or there are indications that the batch's txn will
// require restart or retry, execute as normal.
if !r.store.TestingKnobs().DisableOnePhaseCommits && isOnePhaseCommit(ba) {
arg, _ := ba.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction)
etArg := arg.(*roachpb.EndTransactionRequest)
// Try executing with transaction stripped. We use the transaction timestamp
// to write any values as it may have been advanced by the timestamp cache.
strippedBa := ba
strippedBa.Timestamp = strippedBa.Txn.Timestamp
strippedBa.Txn = nil
strippedBa.Requests = ba.Requests[1 : len(ba.Requests)-1] // strip begin/end txn reqs
// If all writes occurred at the intended timestamp, we've succeeded on the fast path.
batch := r.store.Engine().NewBatch()
if util.RaceEnabled && spans != nil {
batch = makeSpanSetBatch(batch, spans)
rec := ReplicaEvalContext{r, spans}
br, result, pErr := evaluateBatch(ctx, idKey, batch, rec, &ms, strippedBa)
if pErr == nil && ba.Timestamp == br.Timestamp {
clonedTxn := ba.Txn.Clone()
clonedTxn.Writing = true
clonedTxn.Status = roachpb.COMMITTED
// If the end transaction is not committed, clear the batch and mark the status aborted.
if !etArg.Commit {
clonedTxn.Status = roachpb.ABORTED
batch = r.store.Engine().NewBatch()
ms = enginepb.MVCCStats{}
} else {
// Run commit trigger manually.
innerResult, err := runCommitTrigger(ctx, rec, batch, &ms, *etArg, &clonedTxn)
if err != nil {
return batch, ms, br, result, roachpb.NewErrorf("failed to run commit trigger: %s", err)
if err := result.MergeAndDestroy(innerResult); err != nil {
return batch, ms, br, result, roachpb.NewError(err)
br.Txn = &clonedTxn
// Add placeholder responses for begin & end transaction requests.
br.Responses = append([]roachpb.ResponseUnion{{BeginTransaction: &roachpb.BeginTransactionResponse{}}}, br.Responses...)
br.Responses = append(br.Responses, roachpb.ResponseUnion{EndTransaction: &roachpb.EndTransactionResponse{OnePhaseCommit: true}})
return batch, ms, br, result, nil
ms = enginepb.MVCCStats{}
// Handle the case of a required one phase commit transaction.
if etArg.Require1PC {
if pErr != nil {
return nil, ms, nil, EvalResult{}, pErr
} else if ba.Timestamp != br.Timestamp {
err := roachpb.NewTransactionRetryError(roachpb.RETRY_REASON_UNKNOWN)
return nil, ms, nil, EvalResult{}, roachpb.NewError(err)
log.Fatal(ctx, "unreachable")
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "1PC execution failed, reverting to regular execution for batch")
batch := r.store.Engine().NewBatch()
if util.RaceEnabled && spans != nil {
batch = makeSpanSetBatch(batch, spans)
rec := ReplicaEvalContext{r, spans}
br, result, pErr := evaluateBatch(ctx, idKey, batch, rec, &ms, ba)
return batch, ms, br, result, pErr
// isOnePhaseCommit returns true iff the BatchRequest contains all
// commands in the transaction, starting with BeginTransaction and
// ending with EndTransaction. One phase commits are disallowed if (1) the
// transaction has already been flagged with a write too old error or
// (2) if isolation is serializable and the commit timestamp has been
// forwarded, or (3) the transaction exceeded its deadline.
func isOnePhaseCommit(ba roachpb.BatchRequest) bool {
if ba.Txn == nil {
return false
if retry, _ := isEndTransactionTriggeringRetryError(ba.Txn, ba.Txn); retry {
return false
if _, hasBegin := ba.GetArg(roachpb.BeginTransaction); !hasBegin {
return false
arg, hasEnd := ba.GetArg(roachpb.EndTransaction)
if !hasEnd {
return false
etArg := arg.(*roachpb.EndTransactionRequest)
return !isEndTransactionExceedingDeadline(ba.Header.Timestamp, *etArg)
// optimizePuts searches for contiguous runs of Put & CPut commands in
// the supplied request union. Any run which exceeds a minimum length
// threshold employs a full order iterator to determine whether the
// range of keys being written is empty. If so, then the run can be
// set to put "blindly", meaning no iterator need be used to read
// existing values during the MVCC write.
// The caller should use the returned slice (which is either equal to
// the input slice, or has been shallow-copied appropriately to avoid
// mutating the original requests).
func optimizePuts(
batch engine.ReadWriter, origReqs []roachpb.RequestUnion, distinctSpans bool,
) []roachpb.RequestUnion {
var minKey, maxKey roachpb.Key
var unique map[string]struct{}
if !distinctSpans {
unique = make(map[string]struct{}, len(origReqs))
// Returns false on occurrence of a duplicate key.
maybeAddPut := func(key roachpb.Key) bool {
// Note that casting the byte slice key to a string does not allocate.
if unique != nil {
if _, ok := unique[string(key)]; ok {
return false
unique[string(key)] = struct{}{}
if minKey == nil || bytes.Compare(key, minKey) < 0 {
minKey = key
if maxKey == nil || bytes.Compare(key, maxKey) > 0 {
maxKey = key
return true
firstUnoptimizedIndex := len(origReqs)
for i, r := range origReqs {
switch t := r.GetInner().(type) {
case *roachpb.PutRequest:
if maybeAddPut(t.Key) {
case *roachpb.ConditionalPutRequest:
if maybeAddPut(t.Key) {
case *roachpb.InitPutRequest:
if maybeAddPut(t.Key) {
firstUnoptimizedIndex = i
if firstUnoptimizedIndex < optimizePutThreshold { // don't bother if below this threshold
return origReqs
iter := batch.NewIterator(false /* total order iterator */)
defer iter.Close()
// If there are enough puts in the run to justify calling seek,
// we can determine whether any part of the range being written
// is "virgin" and set the puts to write blindly.
// Find the first non-empty key in the run.
var iterKey roachpb.Key
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
// TODO(bdarnell): return an error here instead of silently
// running without the optimization?
log.Errorf(context.TODO(), "Seek returned error; disabling blind-put optimization: %s", err)
return origReqs
} else if ok && bytes.Compare(iter.Key().Key, maxKey) <= 0 {
iterKey = iter.Key().Key
// Set the prefix of the run which is being written to virgin
// keyspace to "blindly" put values.
reqs := append([]roachpb.RequestUnion(nil), origReqs...)
for i := range reqs[:firstUnoptimizedIndex] {
inner := reqs[i].GetInner()
if iterKey == nil || bytes.Compare(iterKey, inner.Header().Key) > 0 {
switch t := inner.(type) {
case *roachpb.PutRequest:
shallow := *t
shallow.Blind = true
case *roachpb.ConditionalPutRequest:
shallow := *t
shallow.Blind = true
case *roachpb.InitPutRequest:
shallow := *t
shallow.Blind = true
log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "unexpected non-put request: %s", t)
return reqs
// evaluateBatch evaluates a batch request by splitting it up into its
// individual commands, passing them to evaluateCommand, and combining
// the results.
func evaluateBatch(
ctx context.Context,
idKey storagebase.CmdIDKey,
batch engine.ReadWriter,
rec ReplicaEvalContext,
ms *enginepb.MVCCStats,
ba roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, EvalResult, *roachpb.Error) {
br := ba.CreateReply()
maxKeys := int64(math.MaxInt64)
if ba.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys != 0 {
// We have a batch of requests with a limit. We keep track of how many
// remaining keys we can touch.
maxKeys = ba.Header.MaxSpanRequestKeys
// Optimize any contiguous sequences of put and conditional put ops.
if len(ba.Requests) >= optimizePutThreshold {
ba.Requests = optimizePuts(batch, ba.Requests, ba.Header.DistinctSpans)
// Create a shallow clone of the transaction. We only modify a few
// non-pointer fields (BatchIndex, WriteTooOld, Timestamp), so this saves
// a few allocs.
if ba.Txn != nil {
txnShallow := *ba.Txn
ba.Txn = &txnShallow
// Check whether this transaction has been aborted, if applicable.
// This applies to writes that leave intents (the use of the
// IsTransactionWrite flag excludes operations like HeartbeatTxn),
// and reads that occur in a transaction that has already written
// (see #2231 for more about why we check for aborted transactions
// on reads). Note that 1PC transactions have had their
// transaction field cleared by this point so we do not execute
// this check in that case.
if ba.IsTransactionWrite() || ba.Txn.Writing {
if pErr := checkIfTxnAborted(ctx, rec, batch, *ba.Txn); pErr != nil {
return nil, EvalResult{}, pErr
var result EvalResult
for index, union := range ba.Requests {
// Execute the command.
args := union.GetInner()
if ba.Txn != nil {
ba.Txn.BatchIndex = int32(index)
// Note that responses are populated even when an error is returned.
// TODO(tschottdorf): Change that. IIRC there is nontrivial use of it currently.
reply := br.Responses[index].GetInner()
curResult, pErr := evaluateCommand(ctx, idKey, index, batch, rec, ms, ba.Header, maxKeys, args, reply)
if err := result.MergeAndDestroy(curResult); err != nil {
// TODO(tschottdorf): see whether we really need to pass nontrivial
// EvalResult up on error and if so, formalize that.
"unable to absorb EvalResult: %s\ndiff(new, old): %s",
err, pretty.Diff(curResult, result),
if pErr != nil {
switch tErr := pErr.GetDetail().(type) {
case *roachpb.WriteTooOldError:
// We got a WriteTooOldError. In case this is a transactional request,
// we want to run the other commands in the batch and let them lay
// intents so that other concurrent overlapping transactions are forced
// through intent resolution and the chances of this batch succeeding
// when it will be retried are increased.
if ba.Txn == nil {
return nil, result, pErr
// On WriteTooOldError, we've written a new value or an intent
// at a too-high timestamp and we must forward the batch txn or
// timestamp as appropriate so that it's returned.
ba.Txn.WriteTooOld = true
// Clear the WriteTooOldError; we're done processing it by having
// moved the batch or txn timestamps forward and set WriteTooOld
// if this is a transactional write. The EndTransaction will detect this
// pushed timestamp and return a TransactionRetryError.
pErr = nil
// Initialize the error index.
return nil, result, pErr
if maxKeys != math.MaxInt64 {
retResults := reply.Header().NumKeys
if retResults > maxKeys {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "received %d results, limit was %d", retResults, maxKeys)
maxKeys -= retResults
// If transactional, we use ba.Txn for each individual command and
// accumulate updates to it.
// TODO(spencer,tschottdorf): need copy-on-write behavior for the
// updated batch transaction / timestamp.
if ba.Txn != nil {
if txn := reply.Header().Txn; txn != nil {
if ba.Txn != nil {
// If transactional, send out the final transaction entry with the reply.
br.Txn = ba.Txn
} else {
// When non-transactional, use the timestamp field.
return br, result, nil
// getLeaseForGossip tries to obtain a range lease. Only one of the replicas
// should gossip; the bool returned indicates whether it's us.
func (r *Replica) getLeaseForGossip(ctx context.Context) (bool, *roachpb.Error) {
// If no Gossip available (some tests) or range too fresh, noop.
if r.store.Gossip() == nil || !r.IsInitialized() {
return false, roachpb.NewErrorf("no gossip or range not initialized")
var hasLease bool
var pErr *roachpb.Error
if err := r.store.Stopper().RunTask(
ctx, "storage.Replica: acquiring lease to gossip",
func(ctx context.Context) {
// Check for or obtain the lease, if none active.
_, pErr = r.redirectOnOrAcquireLease(ctx)
hasLease = pErr == nil
if pErr != nil {
switch e := pErr.GetDetail().(type) {
case *roachpb.NotLeaseHolderError:
// NotLeaseHolderError means there is an active lease, but only if
// the lease holder is set; otherwise, it's likely a timeout.
if e.LeaseHolder != nil {
pErr = nil
// Any other error is worth being logged visibly.
log.Warningf(ctx, "could not acquire lease for range gossip: %s", e)
}); err != nil {
pErr = roachpb.NewError(err)
return hasLease, pErr
// maybeGossipFirstRange adds the sentinel and first range metadata to gossip
// if this is the first range and a range lease can be obtained. The Store
// calls this periodically on first range replicas.
func (r *Replica) maybeGossipFirstRange(ctx context.Context) *roachpb.Error {
if !r.IsFirstRange() {
return nil
// When multiple nodes are initialized with overlapping Gossip addresses, they all
// will attempt to gossip their cluster ID. This is a fairly obvious misconfiguration,
// so we error out below.
if uuidBytes, err := r.store.Gossip().GetInfo(gossip.KeyClusterID); err == nil {
if gossipClusterID, err := uuid.FromBytes(uuidBytes); err == nil {
if gossipClusterID != r.store.ClusterID() {
ctx, "store %d belongs to cluster %s, but attempted to join cluster %s via gossip",
r.store.StoreID(), r.store.ClusterID(), gossipClusterID)
// Gossip the cluster ID from all replicas of the first range; there
// is no expiration on the cluster ID.
if log.V(1) {
log.Infof(ctx, "gossiping cluster id %q from store %d, r%d", r.store.ClusterID(),
r.store.StoreID(), r.RangeID)
if err := r.store.Gossip().AddInfo(
gossip.KeyClusterID, r.store.ClusterID().GetBytes(), 0*time.Second,
); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to gossip cluster ID: %s", err)
if r.store.cfg.TestingKnobs.DisablePeriodicGossips {
return nil
hasLease, pErr := r.getLeaseForGossip(ctx)
if pErr != nil {
return pErr
} else if !hasLease {
return nil
return nil
func (r *Replica) gossipFirstRange(ctx context.Context) {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
// Gossip is not provided for the bootstrap store and for some tests.
if r.store.Gossip() == nil {
log.Event(ctx, "gossiping sentinel and first range")
if log.V(1) {
log.Infof(ctx, "gossiping sentinel from store %d, r%d", r.store.StoreID(), r.RangeID)
if err := r.store.Gossip().AddInfo(gossip.KeySentinel, r.store.ClusterID().GetBytes(), sentinelGossipTTL); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to gossip sentinel: %s", err)
if log.V(1) {
log.Infof(ctx, "gossiping first range from store %d, r%d: %s",
r.store.StoreID(), r.RangeID, r.mu.state.Desc.Replicas)
if err := r.store.Gossip().AddInfoProto(
gossip.KeyFirstRangeDescriptor, r.mu.state.Desc, configGossipTTL); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to gossip first range metadata: %s", err)
// shouldGossip returns true if this replica should be gossiping. Gossip is
// inherently inconsistent and asynchronous, we're using the lease as a way to
// ensure that only one node gossips at a time.
func (r *Replica) shouldGossip() bool {
return r.OwnsValidLease(r.store.Clock().Now())
// maybeGossipSystemConfig scans the entire SystemConfig span and gossips it.
// The first call is on NewReplica. Further calls come from the trigger on
// EndTransaction or range lease acquisition.
// Note that maybeGossipSystemConfig gossips information only when the
// lease is actually held. The method does not request a range lease
// here since RequestLease and applyRaftCommand call the method and we
// need to avoid deadlocking in redirectOnOrAcquireLease.
// maybeGossipSystemConfig must only be called from Raft commands
// (which provide the necessary serialization to avoid data races).
func (r *Replica) maybeGossipSystemConfig(ctx context.Context) error {
if r.store.Gossip() == nil {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "not gossiping system config because gossip isn't initialized")
return nil
if !r.IsInitialized() {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "not gossiping system config because the replica isn't initialized")
return nil
if !r.ContainsKey(keys.SystemConfigSpan.Key) {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2,
"not gossiping system config because the replica doesn't contain the system config's start key")
return nil
if !r.shouldGossip() {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "not gossiping system config because the replica doesn't hold the lease")
return nil
// TODO(marc): check for bad split in the middle of the SystemConfig span.
loadedCfg, err := r.loadSystemConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not load SystemConfig span")
if gossipedCfg, ok := r.store.Gossip().GetSystemConfig(); ok && gossipedCfg.Equal(loadedCfg) &&
r.store.Gossip().InfoOriginatedHere(gossip.KeySystemConfig) {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "not gossiping unchanged system config")
return nil
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "gossiping system config")
if err := r.store.Gossip().AddInfoProto(gossip.KeySystemConfig, &loadedCfg, 0); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to gossip system config")
return nil
// maybeGossipNodeLiveness gossips information for all node liveness
// records stored on this range. To scan and gossip, this replica
// must hold the lease to a range which contains some or all of the
// node liveness records. After scanning the records, it checks
// against what's already in gossip and only gossips records which
// are out of date.
func (r *Replica) maybeGossipNodeLiveness(ctx context.Context, span roachpb.Span) error {
if r.store.Gossip() == nil || !r.IsInitialized() {
return nil
if !r.ContainsKeyRange(span.Key, span.EndKey) || !r.shouldGossip() {
return nil
ba := roachpb.BatchRequest{}
ba.Timestamp = r.store.Clock().Now()
ba.Add(&roachpb.ScanRequest{Span: span})
// Call evaluateBatch instead of Send to avoid command queue reentrance.
rec := ReplicaEvalContext{r, nil}
br, result, pErr :=
evaluateBatch(ctx, storagebase.CmdIDKey(""), r.store.Engine(), rec, nil, ba)
if pErr != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(pErr.GoError(), "couldn't scan node liveness records in span %s", span)
if result.Local.intents != nil && len(*result.Local.intents) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected intents on node liveness span %s: %+v", span, *result.Local.intents)
kvs := br.Responses[0].GetInner().(*roachpb.ScanResponse).Rows
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "gossiping %d node liveness record(s) from span %s", len(kvs), span)
for _, kv := range kvs {
var kvLiveness, gossipLiveness Liveness
if err := kv.Value.GetProto(&kvLiveness); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal liveness value %s", kv.Key)
key := gossip.MakeNodeLivenessKey(kvLiveness.NodeID)
// Look up liveness from gossip; skip gossiping anew if unchanged.
if err := r.store.Gossip().GetInfoProto(key, &gossipLiveness); err == nil {
if gossipLiveness == kvLiveness {
if err := r.store.Gossip().AddInfoProto(key, &kvLiveness, 0); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to gossip node liveness (%+v)", kvLiveness)
return nil
// NewReplicaCorruptionError creates a new error indicating a corrupt replica,
// with the supplied list of errors given as history.
func NewReplicaCorruptionError(err error) *roachpb.ReplicaCorruptionError {
return &roachpb.ReplicaCorruptionError{ErrorMsg: err.Error()}
// maybeSetCorrupt is a stand-in for proper handling of failing replicas. Such a
// failure is indicated by a call to maybeSetCorrupt with a ReplicaCorruptionError.
// Currently any error is passed through, but prospectively it should stop the
// range from participating in progress, trigger a rebalance operation and
// decide on an error-by-error basis whether the corruption is limited to the
// range, store, node or cluster with corresponding actions taken.
// TODO(d4l3k): when marking a Replica corrupt, must subtract its stats from
// r.store.metrics. Errors which happen between committing a batch and sending
// a stats delta from the store are going to be particularly tricky and the
// best bet is to not have any of those.
// @bdarnell remarks: Corruption errors should be rare so we may want the store
// to just recompute its stats in the background when one occurs.
func (r *Replica) maybeSetCorrupt(ctx context.Context, pErr *roachpb.Error) *roachpb.Error {
if cErr, ok := pErr.GetDetail().(*roachpb.ReplicaCorruptionError); ok {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
log.Errorf(ctx, "stalling replica due to: %s", cErr.ErrorMsg)
cErr.Processed = true
r.mu.destroyed = cErr
r.mu.corrupted = true
pErr = roachpb.NewError(cErr)
// Try to persist the destroyed error message. If the underlying store is
// corrupted the error won't be processed and a panic will occur.
if err := r.mu.stateLoader.setReplicaDestroyedError(ctx, r.store.Engine(), pErr); err != nil {
cErr.Processed = false
return roachpb.NewError(cErr)
return pErr
var errSystemConfigIntent = errors.New("must retry later due to intent on SystemConfigSpan")
// loadSystemConfig scans the system config span and returns the system
// config.
func (r *Replica) loadSystemConfig(ctx context.Context) (config.SystemConfig, error) {
ba := roachpb.BatchRequest{}
ba.ReadConsistency = roachpb.INCONSISTENT
ba.Timestamp = r.store.Clock().Now()
ba.Add(&roachpb.ScanRequest{Span: keys.SystemConfigSpan})
// Call evaluateBatch instead of Send to avoid command queue reentrance.
rec := ReplicaEvalContext{r, nil}
br, result, pErr := evaluateBatch(
ctx, storagebase.CmdIDKey(""), r.store.Engine(), rec, nil, ba,
if pErr != nil {
return config.SystemConfig{}, pErr.GoError()
if intents := result.Local.detachIntents(false /* !hasError */); len(intents) > 0 {
// There were intents, so what we read may not be consistent. Attempt
// to nudge the intents in case they're expired; next time around we'll
// hopefully have more luck.
r.store.intentResolver.processIntentsAsync(ctx, r, intents, true /* allowSync */)
return config.SystemConfig{}, errSystemConfigIntent
kvs := br.Responses[0].GetInner().(*roachpb.ScanResponse).Rows
return config.SystemConfig{Values: kvs}, nil
// needsSplitBySize returns true if the size of the range requires it
// to be split.
func (r *Replica) needsSplitBySize() bool {
defer r.mu.RUnlock()
return r.needsSplitBySizeRLocked()
func (r *Replica) needsSplitBySizeRLocked() bool {
maxBytes := r.mu.maxBytes
size := r.mu.state.Stats.Total()
return maxBytes > 0 && size > maxBytes
func (r *Replica) exceedsDoubleSplitSizeRLocked() bool {
maxBytes := r.mu.maxBytes
size := r.mu.state.Stats.Total()
return maxBytes > 0 && size > maxBytes*2
func (r *Replica) setPendingSnapshotIndex(index uint64) error {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
// We allow the pendingSnapshotIndex to change from 0 to 1 and then from 1 to
// a value greater than 1. Any other change indicates 2 current preemptive
// snapshots on the same replica which is disallowed.
if (index == 1 && r.mu.pendingSnapshotIndex != 0) ||
(index > 1 && r.mu.pendingSnapshotIndex != 1) {
return errors.Errorf(
"%s: can't set pending snapshot index to %d; pending snapshot already present: %d",
r, index, r.mu.pendingSnapshotIndex)
r.mu.pendingSnapshotIndex = index
return nil
func (r *Replica) clearPendingSnapshotIndex() {
r.mu.pendingSnapshotIndex = 0
func (r *Replica) endKey() roachpb.RKey {
return r.Desc().EndKey
// Less implements the btree.Item interface.
func (r *Replica) Less(i btree.Item) bool {
return r.endKey().Less(i.(rangeKeyItem).endKey())
// ReplicaMetrics contains details on the current status of the replica.
type ReplicaMetrics struct {
Leader bool
LeaseValid bool
Leaseholder bool
LeaseType roachpb.LeaseType
LeaseStatus LeaseStatus
Quiescent bool
// Is this the replica which collects per-range metrics? This is done either
// on the leader or, if there is no leader, on the largest live replica ID.
RangeCounter bool
Unavailable bool
Underreplicated bool
BehindCount int64
SelfBehindCount int64
CmdQMetricsLocal CommandQueueMetrics
CmdQMetricsGlobal CommandQueueMetrics
// Metrics returns the current metrics for the replica.
func (r *Replica) Metrics(
ctx context.Context,
now hlc.Timestamp,
cfg config.SystemConfig,
livenessMap map[roachpb.NodeID]bool,
) ReplicaMetrics {
raftStatus := r.raftStatusRLocked()
leaseStatus := r.leaseStatus(*r.mu.state.Lease, now, r.mu.minLeaseProposedTS)
quiescent := r.mu.quiescent || r.mu.internalRaftGroup == nil
desc := r.mu.state.Desc
selfBehindCount := r.getEstimatedBehindCountRLocked(raftStatus)
cmdQMetricsLocal := r.cmdQMu.queues[spanLocal].metrics()
cmdQMetricsGlobal := r.cmdQMu.queues[spanGlobal].metrics()
return calcReplicaMetrics(
func isRaftLeader(raftStatus *raft.Status) bool {
return raftStatus != nil && raftStatus.SoftState.RaftState == raft.StateLeader
// HasRaftLeader returns true if the raft group has a raft leader currently.
func HasRaftLeader(raftStatus *raft.Status) bool {
return raftStatus != nil && raftStatus.SoftState.Lead != 0
func calcReplicaMetrics(
ctx context.Context,
now hlc.Timestamp,
cfg config.SystemConfig,
livenessMap map[roachpb.NodeID]bool,
desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
raftStatus *raft.Status,
leaseStatus LeaseStatus,
storeID roachpb.StoreID,
quiescent bool,
selfBehindCount int64,
cmdQMetricsLocal CommandQueueMetrics,
cmdQMetricsGlobal CommandQueueMetrics,
) ReplicaMetrics {
var m ReplicaMetrics
var leaseOwner bool
m.LeaseStatus = leaseStatus
if leaseStatus.State == LeaseState_VALID {
m.LeaseValid = true
leaseOwner = leaseStatus.Lease.OwnedBy(storeID)
m.LeaseType = leaseStatus.Lease.Type()
m.Leaseholder = m.LeaseValid && leaseOwner
m.Leader = isRaftLeader(raftStatus)
m.Quiescent = quiescent
if !m.Leader {
m.SelfBehindCount = selfBehindCount
// We gather per-range stats on either the leader or, if there is no leader,
// the first live replica in the descriptor. Note that the first live replica
// is an arbitrary choice. We want to select one live replica to do the
// counting that all replicas can agree on.
// Note that the current heuristics can double count. If the first live
// replica is on a node that is partitioned from the other replicas in the
// range it may not know the leader even though there is one. This scenario
// seems rare as it requires the partitioned node to be alive enough to be
// performing liveness heartbeats.
if !HasRaftLeader(raftStatus) {
// The range doesn't have a leader or we don't know who the leader is.
for _, rd := range desc.Replicas {
if livenessMap[rd.NodeID] {
m.RangeCounter = rd.StoreID == storeID
} else {
m.RangeCounter = m.Leader
if m.RangeCounter {
var goodReplicas int
goodReplicas, m.BehindCount = calcGoodReplicas(raftStatus, desc, livenessMap)
if goodReplicas < computeQuorum(len(desc.Replicas)) {
m.Unavailable = true
if zoneConfig, err := cfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey); err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, err)
} else if int32(goodReplicas) < zoneConfig.NumReplicas {
m.Underreplicated = true
m.CmdQMetricsLocal = cmdQMetricsLocal
m.CmdQMetricsGlobal = cmdQMetricsGlobal
return m
// calcGoodReplicas returns a count of the "good" replicas and a count of the
// number of log entries the replicas are behind. The log entry count is only
// returned if the local replica is the leader. A "good" replica must be on a
// live node and, if there is a leader, not too far behind.
func calcGoodReplicas(
raftStatus *raft.Status, desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor, livenessMap map[roachpb.NodeID]bool,
) (int, int64) {
leader := isRaftLeader(raftStatus)
var goodReplicas int
var behindCount int64
for _, rd := range desc.Replicas {
live := livenessMap[rd.NodeID]
if !leader {
if live {
if progress, ok := raftStatus.Progress[uint64(rd.ReplicaID)]; ok {
if live {
// A single range can process thousands of ops/sec, so a replica that
// is 10 Raft log entries behind is fairly current. Setting this value
// to 0 makes the under-replicated metric overly sensitive. Setting
// this value too high makes the metric not show all of the
// under-replicated replicas.
const behindThreshold = 10
// TODO(peter): progress.Match will be 0 if this node recently
// became the leader. Presume such replicas are up to date until we
// hear otherwise. This is a bit of a hack.
if progress.Match == 0 ||
progress.Match+behindThreshold >= raftStatus.Commit {
if progress.Match > 0 &&
progress.Match < raftStatus.Commit {
behindCount += int64(raftStatus.Commit) - int64(progress.Match)
return goodReplicas, behindCount
// QueriesPerSecond returns the range's average QPS if it is the current
// leaseholder. If it isn't, this will return 0 because the replica does not
// know about the reads that the leaseholder is serving.
func (r *Replica) QueriesPerSecond() float64 {
qps, _ := r.leaseholderStats.avgQPS()
return qps
// WritesPerSecond returns the range's average keys written per second.
func (r *Replica) WritesPerSecond() float64 {
wps, _ := r.writeStats.avgQPS()
return wps
// GetLeaseHistory returns the lease history stored on this replica.
func (r *Replica) GetLeaseHistory() []roachpb.Lease {
if r.leaseHistory == nil {
return nil
return r.leaseHistory.get()
// EnableLeaseHistory turns on the lease history for testing purposes. Returns
// a function to return it to its original state that can be deferred.
func EnableLeaseHistory(maxEntries int) func() {
originalValue := leaseHistoryMaxEntries
leaseHistoryMaxEntries = maxEntries
return func() {
leaseHistoryMaxEntries = originalValue
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