// Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package roachpb
import (
// UserPriority is a custom type for transaction's user priority.
type UserPriority float64
func (up UserPriority) String() string {
switch up {
case MinUserPriority:
return "low"
case UnspecifiedUserPriority, NormalUserPriority:
return "normal"
case MaxUserPriority:
return "high"
return fmt.Sprintf("%g", float64(up))
const (
// MinUserPriority is the minimum allowed user priority.
MinUserPriority = 0.001
// UnspecifiedUserPriority means NormalUserPriority.
UnspecifiedUserPriority = 0
// NormalUserPriority is set to 1, meaning ops run through the database
// are all given equal weight when a random priority is chosen. This can
// be set specifically via client.NewDBWithPriority().
NormalUserPriority = 1
// MaxUserPriority is the maximum allowed user priority.
MaxUserPriority = 1000
// A RangeID is a unique ID associated to a Raft consensus group.
type RangeID int64
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
func (r RangeID) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(r), 10)
// RangeIDSlice implements sort.Interface.
type RangeIDSlice []RangeID
func (r RangeIDSlice) Len() int { return len(r) }
func (r RangeIDSlice) Swap(i, j int) { r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i] }
func (r RangeIDSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return r[i] < r[j] }
const (
isAdmin = 1 << iota // admin cmds don't go through raft, but run on lease holder
isRead // read-only cmds don't go through raft, but may run on lease holder
isWrite // write cmds go through raft and must be proposed on lease holder
isTxn // txn commands may be part of a transaction
isTxnWrite // txn write cmds start heartbeat and are marked for intent resolution
isRange // range commands may span multiple keys
isReverse // reverse commands traverse ranges in descending direction
isAlone // requests which must be alone in a batch
// Requests for acquiring a lease skip the (proposal-time) check that the
// proposing replica has a valid lease.
consultsTSCache // mutating commands which write data at a timestamp
updatesTSCache // commands which read data at a timestamp
// IsReadOnly returns true iff the request is read-only.
func IsReadOnly(args Request) bool {
flags := args.flags()
return (flags&isRead) != 0 && (flags&isWrite) == 0
// IsTransactionWrite returns true if the request produces write
// intents when used within a transaction.
func IsTransactionWrite(args Request) bool {
return (args.flags() & isTxnWrite) != 0
// IsRange returns true if the command is range-based and must include
// a start and an end key.
func IsRange(args Request) bool {
return (args.flags() & isRange) != 0
// ConsultsTimestampCache returns whether the command must consult
// the timestamp cache to determine whether a mutation is safe at
// a proposed timestamp or needs to move to a higher timestamp to
// avoid re-writing history.
func ConsultsTimestampCache(args Request) bool {
return (args.flags() & consultsTSCache) != 0
// UpdatesTimestampCache returns whether the command must update
// the timestamp cache in order to set a low water mark for the
// timestamp at which mutations to overlapping key(s) can write
// such that they don't re-write history.
func UpdatesTimestampCache(args Request) bool {
return (args.flags() & updatesTSCache) != 0
// Request is an interface for RPC requests.
type Request interface {
// Header returns the request header.
Header() Span
// SetHeader sets the request header.
// Method returns the request method.
Method() Method
// ShallowCopy returns a shallow copy of the receiver.
ShallowCopy() Request
flags() int
// leaseRequestor is implemented by requests dealing with leases.
// Implementors return the previous lease at the time the request
// was proposed.
type leaseRequestor interface {
prevLease() Lease
var _ leaseRequestor = &RequestLeaseRequest{}
func (rlr *RequestLeaseRequest) prevLease() Lease {
return rlr.PrevLease
var _ leaseRequestor = &TransferLeaseRequest{}
func (tlr *TransferLeaseRequest) prevLease() Lease {
return tlr.PrevLease
// Response is an interface for RPC responses.
type Response interface {
// Header returns the response header.
Header() ResponseHeader
// SetHeader sets the response header.
// Verify verifies response integrity, as applicable.
Verify(req Request) error
// combinable is implemented by response types whose corresponding
// requests may cross range boundaries, such as Scan or DeleteRange.
// combine() allows responses from individual ranges to be aggregated
// into a single one.
type combinable interface {
combine(combinable) error
// combine is used by range-spanning Response types (e.g. Scan or DeleteRange)
// to merge their headers.
func (rh *ResponseHeader) combine(otherRH ResponseHeader) error {
if rh.Txn != nil && otherRH.Txn == nil {
rh.Txn = nil
if rh.ResumeSpan != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("combining %+v with %+v", rh.ResumeSpan, otherRH.ResumeSpan))
rh.ResumeSpan = otherRH.ResumeSpan
rh.NumKeys += otherRH.NumKeys
rh.RangeInfos = append(rh.RangeInfos, otherRH.RangeInfos...)
return nil
// combine implements the combinable interface.
func (sr *ScanResponse) combine(c combinable) error {
otherSR := c.(*ScanResponse)
if sr != nil {
sr.Rows = append(sr.Rows, otherSR.Rows...)
if err := sr.ResponseHeader.combine(otherSR.Header()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var _ combinable = &ScanResponse{}
// combine implements the combinable interface.
func (sr *ReverseScanResponse) combine(c combinable) error {
otherSR := c.(*ReverseScanResponse)
if sr != nil {
sr.Rows = append(sr.Rows, otherSR.Rows...)
if err := sr.ResponseHeader.combine(otherSR.Header()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var _ combinable = &ReverseScanResponse{}
// combine implements the combinable interface.
func (dr *DeleteRangeResponse) combine(c combinable) error {
otherDR := c.(*DeleteRangeResponse)
if dr != nil {
dr.Keys = append(dr.Keys, otherDR.Keys...)
if err := dr.ResponseHeader.combine(otherDR.Header()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// combine implements the combinable interface.
func (rr *ResolveIntentRangeResponse) combine(c combinable) error {
otherRR := c.(*ResolveIntentRangeResponse)
if rr != nil {
if err := rr.ResponseHeader.combine(otherRR.Header()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var _ combinable = &ResolveIntentRangeResponse{}
// Combine implements the combinable interface.
func (cc *CheckConsistencyResponse) combine(c combinable) error {
if cc != nil {
otherCC := c.(*CheckConsistencyResponse)
if err := cc.ResponseHeader.combine(otherCC.Header()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var _ combinable = &CheckConsistencyResponse{}
// Combine implements the combinable interface.
func (er *ExportResponse) combine(c combinable) error {
if er != nil {
otherER := c.(*ExportResponse)
if err := er.ResponseHeader.combine(otherER.Header()); err != nil {
return err
er.Files = append(er.Files, otherER.Files...)
return nil
var _ combinable = &ExportResponse{}
// Combine implements the combinable interface.
func (r *AdminScatterResponse) combine(c combinable) error {
if r != nil {
otherR := c.(*AdminScatterResponse)
if err := r.ResponseHeader.combine(otherR.Header()); err != nil {
return err
r.Ranges = append(r.Ranges, otherR.Ranges...)
return nil
var _ combinable = &AdminScatterResponse{}
// Header implements the Request interface.
func (rh Span) Header() Span {
return rh
// SetHeader implements the Request interface.
func (rh *Span) SetHeader(other Span) {
*rh = other
func (h *BatchResponse_Header) combine(o BatchResponse_Header) error {
if h.Error != nil || o.Error != nil {
return errors.Errorf(
"can't combine batch responses with errors, have errors %q and %q",
h.Error, o.Error,
if h.Txn == nil {
h.Txn = o.Txn
} else {
h.CollectedSpans = append(h.CollectedSpans, o.CollectedSpans...)
return nil
// Header implements the Request interface.
func (*NoopRequest) Header() Span { panic("NoopRequest has no span") }
// SetHeader implements the Request interface.
func (*NoopRequest) SetHeader(_ Span) { panic("NoopRequest has no span") }
// SetHeader implements the Response interface.
func (rh *ResponseHeader) SetHeader(other ResponseHeader) {
*rh = other
// Header implements the Response interface for ResponseHeader.
func (rh ResponseHeader) Header() ResponseHeader {
return rh
// Header implements the Response interface.
func (*NoopResponse) Header() ResponseHeader { return ResponseHeader{} }
// SetHeader implements the Response interface.
func (*NoopResponse) SetHeader(_ ResponseHeader) {}
// Verify implements the Response interface for ResopnseHeader with a
// default noop. Individual response types should override this method
// if they contain checksummed data which can be verified.
func (rh *ResponseHeader) Verify(req Request) error {
return nil
// Verify verifies the integrity of the get response value.
func (gr *GetResponse) Verify(req Request) error {
if gr.Value != nil {
return gr.Value.Verify(req.Header().Key)
return nil
// Verify verifies the integrity of every value returned in the scan.
func (sr *ScanResponse) Verify(req Request) error {
for _, kv := range sr.Rows {
if err := kv.Value.Verify(kv.Key); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Verify verifies the integrity of every value returned in the reverse scan.
func (sr *ReverseScanResponse) Verify(req Request) error {
for _, kv := range sr.Rows {
if err := kv.Value.Verify(kv.Key); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Verify implements the Response interface.
func (*NoopResponse) Verify(_ Request) error {
return nil
// GetInner returns the Request contained in the union.
func (ru RequestUnion) GetInner() Request {
return ru.GetValue().(Request)
// GetInner returns the Response contained in the union.
func (ru ResponseUnion) GetInner() Response {
return ru.GetValue().(Response)
// MustSetInner sets the Request contained in the union. It panics if the
// request is not recognized by the union type. The RequestUnion is reset
// before being repopulated.
func (ru *RequestUnion) MustSetInner(args Request) {
if !ru.SetValue(args) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T excludes %T", ru, args))
// MustSetInner sets the Response contained in the union. It panics if the
// response is not recognized by the union type. The ResponseUnion is reset
// before being repopulated.
func (ru *ResponseUnion) MustSetInner(reply Response) {
if !ru.SetValue(reply) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T excludes %T", ru, reply))
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*GetRequest) Method() Method { return Get }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*PutRequest) Method() Method { return Put }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ConditionalPutRequest) Method() Method { return ConditionalPut }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*InitPutRequest) Method() Method { return InitPut }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*IncrementRequest) Method() Method { return Increment }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*DeleteRequest) Method() Method { return Delete }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*DeleteRangeRequest) Method() Method { return DeleteRange }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ScanRequest) Method() Method { return Scan }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ReverseScanRequest) Method() Method { return ReverseScan }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*CheckConsistencyRequest) Method() Method { return CheckConsistency }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*BeginTransactionRequest) Method() Method { return BeginTransaction }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*EndTransactionRequest) Method() Method { return EndTransaction }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*AdminSplitRequest) Method() Method { return AdminSplit }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*AdminMergeRequest) Method() Method { return AdminMerge }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*AdminTransferLeaseRequest) Method() Method { return AdminTransferLease }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*AdminChangeReplicasRequest) Method() Method { return AdminChangeReplicas }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*HeartbeatTxnRequest) Method() Method { return HeartbeatTxn }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*GCRequest) Method() Method { return GC }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*PushTxnRequest) Method() Method { return PushTxn }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*QueryTxnRequest) Method() Method { return QueryTxn }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*RangeLookupRequest) Method() Method { return RangeLookup }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ResolveIntentRequest) Method() Method { return ResolveIntent }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ResolveIntentRangeRequest) Method() Method { return ResolveIntentRange }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*NoopRequest) Method() Method { return Noop }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*MergeRequest) Method() Method { return Merge }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*TruncateLogRequest) Method() Method { return TruncateLog }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*RequestLeaseRequest) Method() Method { return RequestLease }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*TransferLeaseRequest) Method() Method { return TransferLease }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*LeaseInfoRequest) Method() Method { return LeaseInfo }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ComputeChecksumRequest) Method() Method { return ComputeChecksum }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*DeprecatedVerifyChecksumRequest) Method() Method { return DeprecatedVerifyChecksum }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*WriteBatchRequest) Method() Method { return WriteBatch }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ExportRequest) Method() Method { return Export }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*ImportRequest) Method() Method { return Import }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*AdminScatterRequest) Method() Method { return AdminScatter }
// Method implements the Request interface.
func (*AddSSTableRequest) Method() Method { return AddSSTable }
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (gr *GetRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *gr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (pr *PutRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *pr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (cpr *ConditionalPutRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *cpr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (pr *InitPutRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *pr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (ir *IncrementRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *ir
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (dr *DeleteRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *dr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (drr *DeleteRangeRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *drr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (sr *ScanRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *sr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (rsr *ReverseScanRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *rsr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (ccr *CheckConsistencyRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *ccr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (btr *BeginTransactionRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *btr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (etr *EndTransactionRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *etr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (asr *AdminSplitRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *asr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (amr *AdminMergeRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *amr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (atlr *AdminTransferLeaseRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *atlr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (acrr *AdminChangeReplicasRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *acrr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (htr *HeartbeatTxnRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *htr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (gcr *GCRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *gcr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (ptr *PushTxnRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *ptr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (qtr *QueryTxnRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *qtr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (rlr *RangeLookupRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *rlr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (rir *ResolveIntentRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *rir
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (rirr *ResolveIntentRangeRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *rirr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (nr *NoopRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *nr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (mr *MergeRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *mr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (tlr *TruncateLogRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *tlr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (rlr *RequestLeaseRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *rlr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (tlr *TransferLeaseRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *tlr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (lt *LeaseInfoRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *lt
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (ccr *ComputeChecksumRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *ccr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (dvcr *DeprecatedVerifyChecksumRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *dvcr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (r *WriteBatchRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *r
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (ekr *ExportRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *ekr
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (r *ImportRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *r
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (r *AdminScatterRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *r
return &shallowCopy
// ShallowCopy implements the Request interface.
func (r *AddSSTableRequest) ShallowCopy() Request {
shallowCopy := *r
return &shallowCopy
// NewGet returns a Request initialized to get the value at key.
func NewGet(key Key) Request {
return &GetRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
// NewIncrement returns a Request initialized to increment the value at
// key by increment.
func NewIncrement(key Key, increment int64) Request {
return &IncrementRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
Increment: increment,
// NewPut returns a Request initialized to put the value at key.
func NewPut(key Key, value Value) Request {
return &PutRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
Value: value,
// NewPutInline returns a Request initialized to put the value at key
// using an inline value.
func NewPutInline(key Key, value Value) Request {
return &PutRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
Value: value,
Inline: true,
// NewConditionalPut returns a Request initialized to put value as a byte
// slice at key if the existing value at key equals expValueBytes.
func NewConditionalPut(key Key, value, expValue Value) Request {
var expValuePtr *Value
if expValue.RawBytes != nil {
// Make a copy to avoid forcing expValue itself on to the heap.
expValueTmp := expValue
expValuePtr = &expValueTmp
return &ConditionalPutRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
Value: value,
ExpValue: expValuePtr,
// NewInitPut returns a Request initialized to put the value at key, as long as
// the key doesn't exist, returning a ConditionFailedError if the key exists and
// the existing value is different from value. If failOnTombstones is set to
// true, tombstones count as mismatched values and will cause a
// ConditionFailedError.
func NewInitPut(key Key, value Value, failOnTombstones bool) Request {
return &InitPutRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
Value: value,
FailOnTombstones: failOnTombstones,
// NewDelete returns a Request initialized to delete the value at key.
func NewDelete(key Key) Request {
return &DeleteRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
// NewDeleteRange returns a Request initialized to delete the values in
// the given key range (excluding the endpoint).
func NewDeleteRange(startKey, endKey Key, returnKeys bool) Request {
return &DeleteRangeRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: startKey,
EndKey: endKey,
ReturnKeys: returnKeys,
// NewScan returns a Request initialized to scan from start to end keys
// with max results.
func NewScan(key, endKey Key) Request {
return &ScanRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
EndKey: endKey,
// NewCheckConsistency returns a Request initialized to scan from start to end keys.
func NewCheckConsistency(key, endKey Key, withDiff bool) Request {
return &CheckConsistencyRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
EndKey: endKey,
WithDiff: withDiff,
// NewReverseScan returns a Request initialized to reverse scan from end to
// start keys with max results.
func NewReverseScan(key, endKey Key) Request {
return &ReverseScanRequest{
Span: Span{
Key: key,
EndKey: endKey,
func (*GetRequest) flags() int { return isRead | isTxn | updatesTSCache }
func (*PutRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isTxn | isTxnWrite | consultsTSCache }
// ConditionalPut and InitPut effectively read and may not write,
// so must update the timestamp cache.
func (*ConditionalPutRequest) flags() int {
return isRead | isWrite | isTxn | isTxnWrite | updatesTSCache | consultsTSCache
func (*InitPutRequest) flags() int {
return isRead | isWrite | isTxn | isTxnWrite | updatesTSCache | consultsTSCache
func (*IncrementRequest) flags() int { return isRead | isWrite | isTxn | isTxnWrite | consultsTSCache }
func (*DeleteRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isTxn | isTxnWrite | consultsTSCache }
func (drr *DeleteRangeRequest) flags() int {
// DeleteRangeRequest has different properties if the "inline" flag is set.
// This flag indicates that the request is deleting inline MVCC values,
// which cannot be deleted transactionally - inline DeleteRange will thus
// fail if executed as part of a transaction. This alternate flag set
// is needed to prevent the command from being automatically wrapped into a
// transaction by TxnCoordSender, which can occur if the command spans
// multiple ranges.
// TODO(mrtracy): The behavior of DeleteRangeRequest with "inline" set has
// likely diverged enough that it should be promoted into its own command.
// However, it is complicated to plumb a new command through the system,
// while this special case in flags() fixes all current issues succinctly.
// This workaround does not preclude us from creating a separate
// "DeleteInlineRange" command at a later date.
if drr.Inline {
return isWrite | isRange | isAlone
// DeleteRange updates the timestamp cache as it doesn't leave
// intents or tombstones for keys which don't yet exist. By updating
// the write timestamp cache, it forces subsequent writes to get a
// write-too-old error and avoids the phantom delete anomaly.
return isWrite | isTxn | isTxnWrite | isRange | updatesTSCache | consultsTSCache
func (*ScanRequest) flags() int { return isRead | isRange | isTxn | updatesTSCache }
func (*ReverseScanRequest) flags() int { return isRead | isRange | isReverse | isTxn | updatesTSCache }
func (*BeginTransactionRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isTxn | consultsTSCache }
// EndTransaction updates the write timestamp cache to prevent
// replays. Replays for the same transaction key and timestamp will
// have Txn.WriteTooOld=true and must retry on EndTransaction.
func (*EndTransactionRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isTxn | isAlone | updatesTSCache }
func (*AdminSplitRequest) flags() int { return isAdmin | isAlone }
func (*AdminMergeRequest) flags() int { return isAdmin | isAlone }
func (*AdminTransferLeaseRequest) flags() int { return isAdmin | isAlone }
func (*AdminChangeReplicasRequest) flags() int { return isAdmin | isAlone }
func (*HeartbeatTxnRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isTxn }
func (*GCRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isRange }
func (*PushTxnRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isAlone }
func (*QueryTxnRequest) flags() int { return isRead | isAlone }
func (*RangeLookupRequest) flags() int { return isRead }
func (*ResolveIntentRequest) flags() int { return isWrite }
func (*ResolveIntentRangeRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isRange }
func (*NoopRequest) flags() int { return isRead } // slightly special
func (*TruncateLogRequest) flags() int { return isWrite }
func (*MergeRequest) flags() int { return isWrite }
func (*RequestLeaseRequest) flags() int {
return isWrite | isAlone | skipLeaseCheck
// LeaseInfoRequest is usually executed in an INCONSISTENT batch, which has the
// effect of the `skipLeaseCheck` flag that lease write operations have.
func (*LeaseInfoRequest) flags() int { return isRead | isAlone }
func (*TransferLeaseRequest) flags() int {
// TransferLeaseRequest requires the lease, which is checked in
// `AdminTransferLease()` before the TransferLeaseRequest is created and sent
// for evaluation and in the usual way at application time (i.e.
// replica.processRaftCommand() checks that the lease hasn't changed since the
// command resulting from the evaluation of TransferLeaseRequest was
// proposed).
// But we're marking it with skipLeaseCheck because `redirectOnOrAcquireLease`
// can't be used before evaluation as, by the time that call would be made,
// the store has registered that a transfer is in progress and
// `redirectOnOrAcquireLease` would already tentatively redirect to the future
// lease holder.
return isWrite | isAlone | skipLeaseCheck
func (*ComputeChecksumRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isRange }
func (*DeprecatedVerifyChecksumRequest) flags() int { return isWrite }
func (*CheckConsistencyRequest) flags() int { return isAdmin | isRange }
func (*WriteBatchRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isRange }
func (*ExportRequest) flags() int { return isRead | isRange | updatesTSCache }
func (*ImportRequest) flags() int { return isAdmin | isAlone }
func (*AdminScatterRequest) flags() int { return isAdmin | isAlone | isRange }
func (*AddSSTableRequest) flags() int { return isWrite | isAlone | isRange }
// Keys returns credentials in an aws.Config.
func (b *ExportStorage_S3) Keys() *aws.Config {
return &aws.Config{
Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(b.AccessKey, b.Secret, ""),
// InsertRangeInfo inserts ri into a slice of RangeInfo's if a descriptor for
// the same range is not already present. If it is present, it's overwritten;
// the rationale being that ri is newer information than what we had before.
func InsertRangeInfo(ris []RangeInfo, ri RangeInfo) []RangeInfo {
for i := range ris {
if ris[i].Desc.RangeID == ri.Desc.RangeID {
ris[i] = ri
return ris
return append(ris, ri)
// Add combines the values from other, for use on an accumulator BulkOpSummary.
func (b *BulkOpSummary) Add(other BulkOpSummary) {
b.DataSize += other.DataSize
b.Rows += other.Rows
b.IndexEntries += other.IndexEntries
b.SystemRecords += other.SystemRecords
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