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distsql_running.go 13.96 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
opentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
// To allow queries to send out flow RPCs in parallel, we use a pool of workers
// that can issue the RPCs on behalf of the running code. The pool is shared by
// multiple queries.
const numRunners = 16
// runnerRequest is the request that is sent (via a channel) to a worker.
type runnerRequest struct {
ctx context.Context
rpcContext *rpc.Context
flowReq *distsqlrun.SetupFlowRequest
nodeID roachpb.NodeID
nodeAddress string
resultChan chan<- runnerResult
// runnerResult is returned by a worker (via a channel) for each received
// request.
type runnerResult struct {
nodeID roachpb.NodeID
err error
func (req runnerRequest) run() {
res := runnerResult{nodeID: req.nodeID}
conn, err := req.rpcContext.GRPCDial(req.nodeAddress)
if err != nil {
res.err = err
} else {
client := distsqlrun.NewDistSQLClient(conn)
// TODO(radu): do we want a timeout here?
resp, err := client.SetupFlow(req.ctx, req.flowReq)
if err != nil {
res.err = err
} else {
res.err = resp.Error.ErrorDetail()
req.resultChan <- res
func (dsp *distSQLPlanner) initRunners() {
// This channel has to be unbuffered because we want to only be able to send
// requests if a worker is actually there to receive them.
dsp.runnerChan = make(chan runnerRequest)
for i := 0; i < numRunners; i++ {
dsp.stopper.RunWorker(context.TODO(), func(context.Context) {
runnerChan := dsp.runnerChan
stopChan := dsp.stopper.ShouldStop()
for {
select {
case req := <-runnerChan:
case <-stopChan:
// Run executes a physical plan. The plan should have been finalized using
// FinalizePlan.
// Note that errors that happen while actually running the flow are reported to
// recv, not returned by this function.
// TODO(andrei): Some errors ocurring during the "starting" phase are also
// reported to recv instead of being returned (see the flow.Start() call for the
// local flow). Perhaps we should push all errors to recv and have this function
// not return anything.
func (dsp *distSQLPlanner) Run(
planCtx *planningCtx,
txn *client.Txn,
plan *physicalPlan,
recv *distSQLReceiver,
evalCtx parser.EvalContext,
) error {
ctx := planCtx.ctx
if err := planCtx.sanityCheckAddresses(); err != nil {
return err
flows := plan.GenerateFlowSpecs(dsp.nodeDesc.NodeID /* gateway */)
if logPlanDiagram {
log.VEvent(ctx, 1, "creating plan diagram")
json, url, err := distsqlrun.GeneratePlanDiagramWithURL(flows)
if err != nil {
log.Infof(ctx, "Error generating diagram: %s", err)
} else {
log.Infof(ctx, "Plan diagram JSON:\n%s", json)
log.Infof(ctx, "Plan diagram URL:\n%s", url.String())
log.VEvent(ctx, 1, "running DistSQL plan")
defer dsp.distSQLSrv.ServerConfig.Metrics.QueryStop()
recv.resultToStreamColMap = plan.planToStreamColMap
thisNodeID := dsp.nodeDesc.NodeID
evalCtxProto := distsqlrun.MakeEvalContext(evalCtx)
for _, s := range evalCtx.SearchPath {
evalCtxProto.SearchPath = append(evalCtxProto.SearchPath, s)
// Start all the flows except the flow on this node (there is always a flow on
// this node).
var resultChan chan runnerResult
if len(flows) > 1 {
resultChan = make(chan runnerResult, len(flows)-1)
for nodeID, flowSpec := range flows {
if nodeID == thisNodeID {
// Skip this node.
req := &distsqlrun.SetupFlowRequest{
Version: distsqlrun.Version,
Txn: *txn.Proto(),
Flow: flowSpec,
EvalContext: evalCtxProto,
runReq := runnerRequest{
ctx: ctx,
rpcContext: dsp.rpcContext,
flowReq: req,
nodeID: nodeID,
nodeAddress: planCtx.nodeAddresses[nodeID],
resultChan: resultChan,
// Send out a request to the workers; if no worker is available, run
// directly.
select {
case dsp.runnerChan <- runReq:
var firstErr error
// Now wait for all the flows to be scheduled on remote nodes. Note that we
// are not waiting for the flows themselves to complete.
for i := 0; i < len(flows)-1; i++ {
res := <-resultChan
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = res.err
// TODO(radu): accumulate the flows that we failed to set up and move them
// into the local flow.
if firstErr != nil {
return firstErr
// Set up the flow on this node.
localReq := distsqlrun.SetupFlowRequest{
Version: distsqlrun.Version,
Txn: *txn.Proto(),
Flow: flows[thisNodeID],
EvalContext: evalCtxProto,
ctx, flow, err := dsp.distSQLSrv.SetupSyncFlow(ctx, &localReq, recv)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(radu): this should go through the flow scheduler.
if err := flow.Start(ctx, func() {}); err != nil {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "unexpected error from syncFlow.Start(): %s "+
"The error should have gone to the consumer.", err)
return nil
// distSQLReceiver is a RowReceiver that writes results to a rowResultWriter.
// This is where the DistSQL execution meets the SQL Session - the RowContainer
// comes from a client Session.
// distSQLReceiver also update the RangeDescriptorCache and the LeaseholderCache
// in response to DistSQL metadata about misplanned ranges.
type distSQLReceiver struct {
ctx context.Context
// resultWriter is the interface which we sent results to.
resultWriter rowResultWriter
// resultToStreamColMap maps result columns to columns in the distsqlrun results
// stream.
resultToStreamColMap []int
// err represents the error that we received either from a producer or
// internally in the operation of the distSQLReceiver. If set, this will
// ultimately be returned as the error for the SQL query.
// Once set, no more rows are accepted.
err error
// cancelled is atomically set to 1 when this distSQL receiver has been marked
// as cancelled. Upon the next Push(), err is set to a non-nil
// value, and ConsumerClosed is the ConsumerStatus.
cancelled int32
row parser.Datums
status distsqlrun.ConsumerStatus
alloc sqlbase.DatumAlloc
closed bool
rangeCache *kv.RangeDescriptorCache
leaseCache *kv.LeaseHolderCache
// The transaction in which the flow producing data for this receiver runs.
// The distSQLReceiver updates the TransactionProto in response to
// RetryableTxnError's. Nil if no transaction should be updated on errors
// (i.e. if the flow overall doesn't run in a transaction).
txn *client.Txn
// A handler for clock signals arriving from remote nodes. This should update
// this node's clock.
updateClock func(observedTs hlc.Timestamp)
// rowResultWriter is a subset of StatementResult to be used with the
// distSQLReceiver. It's implemented by RowResultWriter.
type rowResultWriter interface {
// AddRow takes the passed in row and adds it to the current result.
AddRow(ctx context.Context, row parser.Datums) error
// IncrementRowsAffected increments a counter by n. This is used for all
// result types other than parser.Rows.
IncrementRowsAffected(n int)
// GetStatementType returns the StatementType that corresponds to the type of
// results that should be sent to this interface.
StatementType() parser.StatementType
var _ distsqlrun.RowReceiver = &distSQLReceiver{}
var _ distsqlrun.CancellableRowReceiver = &distSQLReceiver{}
// makeDistSQLReceiver creates a distSQLReceiver.
// ctx is the Context that the receiver will use throughput its lifetime.
// sink is the container where the results will be stored. If only the row count
// is needed, this can be nil.
// txn is the transaction in which the producer flow runs; it will be updated
// on errors. Nil if the flow overall doesn't run in a transaction.
func makeDistSQLReceiver(
ctx context.Context,
resultWriter rowResultWriter,
rangeCache *kv.RangeDescriptorCache,
leaseCache *kv.LeaseHolderCache,
txn *client.Txn,
updateClock func(observedTs hlc.Timestamp),
) (distSQLReceiver, error) {
return distSQLReceiver{
ctx: ctx,
resultWriter: resultWriter,
rangeCache: rangeCache,
leaseCache: leaseCache,
txn: txn,
updateClock: updateClock,
}, nil
// Push is part of the RowReceiver interface.
func (r *distSQLReceiver) Push(
row sqlbase.EncDatumRow, meta distsqlrun.ProducerMetadata,
) distsqlrun.ConsumerStatus {
if !meta.Empty() {
if meta.Err != nil && r.err == nil {
if r.txn != nil {
if retryErr, ok := meta.Err.(*roachpb.UnhandledRetryableError); ok {
// Update the txn in response to remote errors. In the non-DistSQL
// world, the TxnCoordSender does this, and the client.Txn updates
// itself in non-error cases. Those updates are not necessary if we're
// just doing reads. Once DistSQL starts performing writes, we'll need
// to perform such updates too.
r.txn.UpdateStateOnRemoteRetryableErr(r.ctx, retryErr.PErr)
// Update the clock with information from the error. On non-DistSQL
// code paths, the DistSender does this.
// TODO(andrei): We don't propagate clock signals on success cases
// through DistSQL; we should. We also don't propagate them through
// non-retryable errors; we also should.
meta.Err = roachpb.NewHandledRetryableTxnError(
meta.Err.Error(), r.txn.Proto().ID, *r.txn.Proto())
r.err = meta.Err
if len(meta.Ranges) > 0 {
if err := r.updateCaches(r.ctx, meta.Ranges); err != nil && r.err == nil {
r.err = err
if len(meta.TraceData) > 0 {
span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(r.ctx)
if span == nil {
r.err = errors.New("trying to ingest remote spans but there is no recording span set up")
} else if err := tracing.ImportRemoteSpans(span, meta.TraceData); err != nil {
r.err = errors.Errorf("error ingesting remote spans: %s", err)
return r.status
if r.err == nil && atomic.LoadInt32(&r.cancelled) == 1 {
// Set the error to reflect query cancellation.
r.err = sqlbase.NewQueryCanceledError()
if r.err != nil {
// TODO(andrei): We should drain here.
return distsqlrun.ConsumerClosed
if r.status != distsqlrun.NeedMoreRows {
return r.status
if r.resultWriter.StatementType() != parser.Rows {
// We only need the row count.
return r.status
if r.row == nil {
r.row = make(parser.Datums, len(r.resultToStreamColMap))
for i, resIdx := range r.resultToStreamColMap {
err := row[resIdx].EnsureDecoded(&r.alloc)
if err != nil {
r.err = err
r.status = distsqlrun.ConsumerClosed
return r.status
r.row[i] = row[resIdx].Datum
// Note that AddRow accounts for the memory used by the Datums.
if err := r.resultWriter.AddRow(r.ctx, r.row); err != nil {
r.err = err
// TODO(andrei): We should drain here. Metadata from this query would be
// useful, particularly as it was likely a large query (since AddRow()
// above failed, presumably with an out-of-memory error).
r.status = distsqlrun.ConsumerClosed
return r.status
return r.status
// ProducerDone is part of the RowReceiver interface.
func (r *distSQLReceiver) ProducerDone() {
if r.closed {
panic("double close")
r.closed = true
// SetCancelled is part of the CancellableRowReceiver interface.
func (r *distSQLReceiver) SetCancelled() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&r.cancelled, 1)
// updateCaches takes information about some ranges that were mis-planned and
// updates the range descriptor and lease-holder caches accordingly.
// TODO(andrei): updating these caches is not perfect: we can clobber newer
// information that someone else has populated because there's no timing info
// anywhere. We also may fail to remove stale info from the LeaseHolderCache if
// the ids of the ranges that we get are different than the ids in that cache.
func (r *distSQLReceiver) updateCaches(ctx context.Context, ranges []roachpb.RangeInfo) error {
// Update the RangeDescriptorCache.
rngDescs := make([]roachpb.RangeDescriptor, len(ranges))
for i, ri := range ranges {
rngDescs[i] = ri.Desc
if err := r.rangeCache.InsertRangeDescriptors(ctx, rngDescs...); err != nil {
return err
// Update the LeaseHolderCache.
for _, ri := range ranges {
r.leaseCache.Update(ctx, ri.Desc.RangeID, ri.Lease.Replica)
return nil
// PlanAndRun generates a physical plan from a planNode tree and executes it. It
// assumes that the tree is supported (see CheckSupport).
// Note that errors that happen while actually running the flow are reported to
// recv, not returned by this function.
func (dsp *distSQLPlanner) PlanAndRun(
ctx context.Context,
txn *client.Txn,
tree planNode,
recv *distSQLReceiver,
evalCtx parser.EvalContext,
) error {
planCtx := dsp.NewPlanningCtx(ctx, txn)
log.VEvent(ctx, 1, "creating DistSQL plan")
plan, err := dsp.createPlanForNode(&planCtx, tree)
if err != nil {
return err
dsp.FinalizePlan(&planCtx, &plan)
return dsp.Run(&planCtx, txn, &plan, recv, evalCtx)
马建仓 AI 助手
