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results_writer.go 11.24 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2017 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
// WireFailureError is used when sending data over pgwire fails.
type WireFailureError struct {
err error
func (e WireFailureError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("WireFailureError: %s", e.err.Error())
// NewWireFailureError returns a new WireFailureError which wraps err.
func NewWireFailureError(err error) error {
return WireFailureError{err}
// ResultsWriter is the interface used to by the Executor to produce results for
// query execution for a SQL client. The main implementer is v3Conn, which
// streams the results on a SQL network connection. There's also bufferedWriter,
// which buffers all results in memory.
// ResultsWriter is built with the SQL session model in mind: queries from a
// given SQL client (which we'll call the consumer to not confuse it with
// clients of this interface - the Executor) keep coming out of band and all of
// their results (generally, datum tuples) are pushed to a single ResultsWriter.
// The ResultsWriter needs to be made aware of which results pertain to which
// statement, as implementations need to split results accordingly. The
// ResultsWriter also supports the notion of a "results group": the
// ResultsWriter sequentially goes through groups of results and the group is
// the level at which a client can request for results to be dropped; a group
// can be reset, meaning that the consumer will not receive any of them. Only
// the current group can be reset; the client gives up the ability to reset a
// group the moment it closes it. This feature is used to support the automatic
// retries that we do for SQL transactions - groups will correspond to
// transactions and, when the Executor decides to automatically retry a
// transaction, it will reset its group (as it can't automatically retry if any
// results have been sent to the consumer).
// Example usage:
// var rw ResultsWriter
// group := rw.NewResultsGroup()
// defer group.Close()
// sr := group.NewStatementResult()
// for each result row {
// if err := sr.AddRow(...); err != nil {
// // send err to the client in another way
// }
// }
// sr.CloseResult()
// group.Close()
type ResultsWriter interface {
// NewResultsGroup creates a new ResultGroup and indicates that future results
// are part of a new result group.
// A single group can be ongoing on a ResultsWriter at a time; it is illegal to
// create a new group before the previous one has been Close()d.
NewResultsGroup() ResultsGroup
// SetEmptyQuery is used to indicate that there are no statements to run.
// Empty queries are different than queries with no results.
// ResultsGroup is used to produce a result group (see ResultsWriter).
type ResultsGroup interface {
// Close should be called once all the results for a group have been produced
// (i.e. after all StatementResults have been closed). It informs the
// implementation that the results are not going to be reset any more, and
// thus can be sent to the client.
// Close has to be called before new groups are created. It's illegal to call
// Close before CloseResult() has been called on all of the group's
// StatementResults.
// NewStatementResult creates a new StatementResult, indicating that future
// results are part of a new SQL query.
// A single StatementResult can be active on a ResultGroup at a time; it is
// illegal to create a new StatementResult before CloseResult() has been
// called on the previous one.
NewStatementResult() StatementResult
// Flush informs the ResultsGroup that the caller relinquishes the capability
// to Reset() the results that have been already been accumulated on this
// group. This means that future Reset() calls will only reset up to the
// current point in the stream - only future results will be discarded. This
// is used to ensure that some results are always sent to the client even if
// further statements are retried automatically; it supports the statements
// run in the AutoRetry state: these statements are not executed again when
// doing an automatic retry, and so their results shouldn't be reset.
// It is illegal to call this while any StatementResults on this group are
// open.
// Like StatementResult.AddRow(), Flush returns communication errors, if any.
// TODO(andrei): provide guidance on handling these errors.
Flush(context.Context) error
// ResultsSentToClient returns true if any results pertaining to this group
// beyond the last Flush() point have been sent to the consumer.
// Remember that the implementation is free to buffer or send results to the
// client whenever it pleases. This method checks to see if the implementation
// has in fact sent anything so far.
// TODO(andrei): add a note about the synchronous nature of the implementation
// imposed by this interface.
ResultsSentToClient() bool
// Reset discards all the accumulated results from the last Flush() call
// onwards (or from the moment the group was created if Flush() was never
// called).
// It is illegal to call Reset if any results have already been sent to the
// consumer; this can be tested with ResultsSentToClient().
// StatementResult is used to produce results for a single query (see
// ResultsWriter).
type StatementResult interface {
// BeginResult should be called prior to any of the other methods.
// TODO(andrei): remove BeginResult and SetColumns, and have
// NewStatementResult() take in a parser.Statement
BeginResult(stmt parser.Statement)
// GetPGTag returns the PGTag of the statement passed into BeginResult.
PGTag() string
// GetStatementType returns the StatementType that corresponds to the type of
// results that should be sent to this interface.
StatementType() parser.StatementType
// SetColumns should be called after BeginResult and before AddRow if the
// StatementType is parser.Rows.
SetColumns(columns sqlbase.ResultColumns)
// AddRow takes the passed in row and adds it to the current result.
AddRow(ctx context.Context, row parser.Datums) error
// IncrementRowsAffected increments a counter by n. This is used for all
// result types other than parser.Rows.
IncrementRowsAffected(n int)
// RowsAffected returns either the number of times AddRow was called, or the
// sum of all n passed into IncrementRowsAffected.
RowsAffected() int
// CloseResult ends the current result. The v3Conn will send control codes to
// the client informing it that the result for a statement is now complete.
// CloseResult cannot be called unless there's a corresponding BeginResult
// prior.
CloseResult() error
type bufferedWriter struct {
acc mon.BoundAccount
// pastResults spans transactions.
pastResults ResultList
// currentGroupResults spans a transaction.
currentGroupResults ResultList
// currentResult and resultInProgress spans a statement.
currentResult Result
resultInProgress bool
func newBufferedWriter(acc mon.BoundAccount) *bufferedWriter {
return &bufferedWriter{acc: acc}
func (b *bufferedWriter) results() StatementResults {
b.pastResults = append(b.pastResults, b.currentGroupResults...)
return StatementResults{b.pastResults, len(b.pastResults) == 0}
// NewResultsGroup is part of the ResultsWriter interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) NewResultsGroup() ResultsGroup {
return b
// SetEmptyQuery is part of the ResultsWriter interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) SetEmptyQuery() {
// SetEmptyQuery implements the ResultsGroup interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) NewStatementResult() StatementResult {
return b
// CanAutomaticallyRetry implements the ResultsGroup interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) ResultsSentToClient() bool {
return false
// Close implements the ResultsGroup interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) Close() {
// TODO(andrei): The work that's duplicated from CloseResult() should not be
// performed by this method.
if b.resultInProgress {
b.currentGroupResults = append(b.currentGroupResults, b.currentResult)
b.resultInProgress = false
b.pastResults = append(b.pastResults, b.currentGroupResults...)
b.currentGroupResults = nil
b.resultInProgress = false
// Flush implements the ResultsGroup interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) Flush(context.Context) error {
if b.resultInProgress {
panic("can't flush while a StatementResult is in progress")
b.pastResults = append(b.pastResults, b.currentGroupResults...)
b.currentGroupResults = nil
return nil
// Reset implements the ResultsGroup interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) Reset(ctx context.Context) {
if b.currentGroupResults != nil {
b.currentGroupResults = nil
b.resultInProgress = false
// BeginResult implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) BeginResult(stmt parser.Statement) {
if b.resultInProgress {
panic("can't start new result before ending the previous")
b.resultInProgress = true
b.currentResult = Result{PGTag: stmt.StatementTag(), Type: stmt.StatementType()}
// GetPGTag implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) PGTag() string {
return b.currentResult.PGTag
// SetColumns implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) SetColumns(columns sqlbase.ResultColumns) {
if !b.resultInProgress {
panic("no result in progress")
b.currentResult.Columns = columns
if b.currentResult.Type == parser.Rows {
b.currentResult.Rows = sqlbase.NewRowContainer(
b.acc, sqlbase.ColTypeInfoFromResCols(columns), 0,
// RowsAffected implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) RowsAffected() int {
if b.currentResult.Type == parser.Rows {
return b.currentResult.Rows.Len()
return b.currentResult.RowsAffected
// CloseResult implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) CloseResult() error {
if !b.resultInProgress {
panic("no result in progress")
b.currentGroupResults = append(b.currentGroupResults, b.currentResult)
b.resultInProgress = false
return nil
// StatementType implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) StatementType() parser.StatementType {
return b.currentResult.Type
// IncrementRowsAffected implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) IncrementRowsAffected(n int) {
if !b.resultInProgress {
panic("no result in progress")
b.currentResult.RowsAffected += n
// AddRow implements the StatementResult interface.
func (b *bufferedWriter) AddRow(ctx context.Context, row parser.Datums) error {
if !b.resultInProgress {
panic("no result in progress")
_, err := b.currentResult.Rows.AddRow(ctx, row)
return err
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