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subquery.go 13.73 KB
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// Copyright 2015 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
// subquery represents a subquery expression in an expression tree
// after it has been converted to a query plan. It is carried
// in the expression tree from the point type checking occurs to
// the point the query starts execution / evaluation.
type subquery struct {
planner *planner
typ parser.Type
subquery *parser.Subquery
execMode subqueryExecMode
expanded bool
started bool
plan planNode
result parser.Datum
type subqueryExecMode int
const (
// Sub-query is argument to EXISTS. Only 0 or 1 row is expected.
// Result type is Bool.
execModeExists subqueryExecMode = iota
// Sub-query is argument to IN. Any number of rows expected. Result
// type is tuple of rows. As a special case, if there is only one
// column selected, the result is a tuple of the selected values
// (instead of a tuple of 1-tuples).
// Sub-query is argument to an ARRAY constructor. Any number of rows
// expected, and exactly one column is expected. Result type is tuple
// of selected values.
// Sub-query is argument to another function. Exactly 1 row
// expected. Result type is tuple of columns, unless there is
// exactly 1 column in which case the result type is that column's
// type.
var _ parser.TypedExpr = &subquery{}
var _ parser.VariableExpr = &subquery{}
func (s *subquery) Format(buf *bytes.Buffer, f parser.FmtFlags) {
if s.execMode == execModeExists {
buf.WriteString("EXISTS ")
// Note: we remove the flag to print types, because subqueries can
// be printed in a context where type resolution has not occurred
// yet. We do not use FmtSimple directly however, in case the
// caller wants to use other flags (e.g. to anonymize identifiers).
parser.FormatNode(buf, parser.StripTypeFormatting(f), s.subquery)
func (s *subquery) String() string { return parser.AsString(s) }
func (s *subquery) Walk(v parser.Visitor) parser.Expr {
return s
func (s *subquery) Variable() {}
func (s *subquery) TypeCheck(_ *parser.SemaContext, desired parser.Type) (parser.TypedExpr, error) {
// TODO(knz): if/when type checking can be extracted from the
// newPlan recursion, we can propagate the desired type to the
// sub-query. For now, the type is simply derived during the subquery node
// creation by looking at the result column types.
// TODO(nvanbenschoten): Type checking for the comparison operator(s)
// should take this new node into account. In particular it should
// check that the tuple types match pairwise.
return s, nil
func (s *subquery) ResolvedType() parser.Type { return s.typ }
func (s *subquery) Eval(_ *parser.EvalContext) (parser.Datum, error) {
if s.result == nil {
panic("subquery was not pre-evaluated properly")
return s.result, nil
func (s *subquery) doEval(ctx context.Context) (result parser.Datum, err error) {
// After evaluation, there is no plan remaining.
defer func() { s.plan.Close(ctx); s.plan = nil }()
params := runParams{
ctx: ctx,
p: s.planner,
switch s.execMode {
case execModeExists:
// For EXISTS expressions, all we want to know is if there is at least one
// result.
next, err := s.plan.Next(params)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if next {
result = parser.MakeDBool(true)
if result == nil {
result = parser.MakeDBool(false)
case execModeAllRows, execModeAllRowsNormalized:
var rows parser.DTuple
next, err := s.plan.Next(params)
for ; next; next, err = s.plan.Next(params) {
values := s.plan.Values()
switch len(values) {
case 1:
// This seems hokey, but if we don't do this then the subquery expands
// to a tuple of tuples instead of a tuple of values and an expression
// like "k IN (SELECT foo FROM bar)" will fail because we're comparing
// a single value against a tuple.
rows.D = append(rows.D, values[0])
// The result from plan.Values() is only valid until the next call to
// plan.Next(), so make a copy.
valuesCopy := parser.NewDTupleWithLen(len(values))
copy(valuesCopy.D, values)
rows.D = append(rows.D, valuesCopy)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if ok, dir := s.subqueryTupleOrdering(); ok {
if dir == encoding.Descending {
if s.execMode == execModeAllRowsNormalized {
result = &rows
case execModeOneRow:
result = parser.DNull
hasRow, err := s.plan.Next(params)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if hasRow {
values := s.plan.Values()
switch len(values) {
case 1:
result = values[0]
valuesCopy := parser.NewDTupleWithLen(len(values))
copy(valuesCopy.D, values)
result = valuesCopy
another, err := s.plan.Next(params)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if another {
return result, fmt.Errorf("more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected subqueryExecMode: %d", s.execMode))
return result, nil
// subqueryTupleOrdering returns whether the rows of the subquery are ordered
// such that the resulting subquery tuple can be considered fully sorted.
// For this to happen, the columns in the subquery must be sorted in the same
// direction and with the same order of precedence that the tuple will have. The
// method will return a boolean specifying whether the result is in sorted order,
// and if so, will specify which direction it is sorted in.
// TODO(knz): This will not work for subquery renders that are not row dependent
// like
// because even if they are included in an ORDER BY clause, they will not be part
// of the plan.Ordering().
func (s *subquery) subqueryTupleOrdering() (bool, encoding.Direction) {
// Columns must be sorted in the order that they appear in the render
// and which they will later appear in the resulting tuple.
desired := make(sqlbase.ColumnOrdering, len(planColumns(s.plan)))
for i := range desired {
desired[i] = sqlbase.ColumnOrderInfo{
ColIdx: i,
Direction: encoding.Ascending,
// Check Ascending direction.
order := planOrdering(s.plan)
match := order.computeMatch(desired)
if match == len(desired) {
return true, encoding.Ascending
// Check Descending direction.
match = order.reverse().computeMatch(desired)
if match == len(desired) {
return true, encoding.Descending
return false, 0
// subqueryPlanVisitor is responsible for acting on the query plan
// that implements the sub-query, after it has been populated by
// subqueryVisitor. This visitor supports both starting
// and evaluating the sub-plans in one recursion.
type subqueryPlanVisitor struct {
p *planner
func (v *subqueryPlanVisitor) subqueryNode(ctx context.Context, sq *subquery) error {
if !sq.expanded {
panic("subquery was not expanded properly")
if !sq.started {
if err := v.p.startPlan(ctx, sq.plan); err != nil {
return err
sq.started = true
res, err := sq.doEval(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
sq.result = res
return nil
func (v *subqueryPlanVisitor) enterNode(_ context.Context, _ string, n planNode) bool {
if _, ok := n.(*explainPlanNode); ok {
// EXPLAIN doesn't start/substitute sub-queries.
return false
return true
func (p *planner) startSubqueryPlans(ctx context.Context, plan planNode) error {
// We also run and pre-evaluate the subqueries during start,
// so as to avoid re-running the sub-query for every row
// in the results of the surrounding planNode.
p.subqueryPlanVisitor = subqueryPlanVisitor{p: p}
return walkPlan(ctx, plan, planObserver{
subqueryNode: p.subqueryPlanVisitor.subqueryNode,
enterNode: p.subqueryPlanVisitor.enterNode,
// subquerySpanCollector is responsible for collecting all read spans that
// subqueries in a query plan may touch. Subqueries should never be performing
// any write operations, so only the read spans are collected.
type subquerySpanCollector struct {
params runParams
reads roachpb.Spans
func (v *subquerySpanCollector) subqueryNode(ctx context.Context, sq *subquery) error {
reads, writes, err := collectSpans(v.params, sq.plan)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(writes) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("unexpected span writes in subquery: %v", writes)
v.reads = append(v.reads, reads...)
return nil
func collectSubquerySpans(params runParams, plan planNode) (roachpb.Spans, error) {
v := subquerySpanCollector{params: params}
po := planObserver{subqueryNode: v.subqueryNode}
if err := walkPlan(params.ctx, plan, po); err != nil {
return nil, err
return v.reads, nil
// subqueryVisitor replaces parser.Subquery syntax nodes by a
// sql.subquery node and an initial query plan for running the
// sub-query.
type subqueryVisitor struct {
columns int
path []parser.Expr // parent expressions
pathBuf [4]parser.Expr
err error
// TODO(andrei): plumb the context through the parser.Visitor.
ctx context.Context
var _ parser.Visitor = &subqueryVisitor{}
func (v *subqueryVisitor) VisitPre(expr parser.Expr) (recurse bool, newExpr parser.Expr) {
if v.err != nil {
return false, expr
if _, ok := expr.(*subquery); ok {
// We already replaced this one; do nothing.
return false, expr
v.path = append(v.path, expr)
var exists *parser.ExistsExpr
sq, ok := expr.(*parser.Subquery)
if !ok {
exists, ok = expr.(*parser.ExistsExpr)
if !ok {
return true, expr
sq, ok = exists.Subquery.(*parser.Subquery)
if !ok {
return true, expr
v.hasSubqueries = true
// Calling newPlan() might recursively invoke expandSubqueries, so we need to preserve
// the state of the visitor across the call to newPlan().
visitorCopy := v.planner.subqueryVisitor
plan, err := v.planner.newPlan(v.ctx, sq.Select, nil)
v.planner.subqueryVisitor = visitorCopy
if err != nil {
v.err = err
return false, expr
result := &subquery{planner: v.planner, subquery: sq, plan: plan}
if exists != nil {
result.execMode = execModeExists
result.typ = parser.TypeBool
} else {
wantedNumColumns, execMode := v.getSubqueryContext()
result.execMode = execMode
// First check that the number of columns match.
cols := planColumns(plan)
if numColumns := len(cols); wantedNumColumns != numColumns {
switch wantedNumColumns {
case 1:
v.err = fmt.Errorf("subquery must return only one column, found %d",
v.err = fmt.Errorf("subquery must return %d columns, found %d",
wantedNumColumns, numColumns)
return false, expr
if wantedNumColumns == 1 && execMode != execModeAllRowsNormalized {
// This seems hokey, but if we don't do this then the subquery expands
// to a tuple of tuples instead of a tuple of values and an expression
// like "k IN (SELECT foo FROM bar)" will fail because we're comparing
// a single value against a tuple.
result.typ = cols[0].Typ
} else {
colTypes := make(parser.TTuple, wantedNumColumns)
for i, col := range cols {
colTypes[i] = col.Typ
result.typ = colTypes
return false, result
func (v *subqueryVisitor) VisitPost(expr parser.Expr) parser.Expr {
if v.err == nil {
v.path = v.path[:len(v.path)-1]
return expr
func (p *planner) replaceSubqueries(
ctx context.Context, expr parser.Expr, columns int,
) (parser.Expr, error) {
p.subqueryVisitor = subqueryVisitor{planner: p, columns: columns, ctx: ctx}
p.subqueryVisitor.path = p.subqueryVisitor.pathBuf[:0]
expr, _ = parser.WalkExpr(&p.subqueryVisitor, expr)
return expr, p.subqueryVisitor.err
// getSubqueryContext returns:
// - the desired number of columns;
// - the mode in which the sub-query should be executed.
func (v *subqueryVisitor) getSubqueryContext() (columns int, execMode subqueryExecMode) {
for i := len(v.path) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
switch e := v.path[i].(type) {
case *parser.ExistsExpr:
case *parser.Subquery:
case *parser.ParenExpr:
case *parser.ArrayFlatten:
// If the subquery is inside of an ARRAY constructor, it must return a
// single-column, multi-row result.
return 1, execModeAllRows
case *parser.ComparisonExpr:
// The subquery must occur on the right hand side of the comparison.
// TODO(pmattis): Figure out a way to lift this restriction so that we
// can support:
// SELECT (SELECT 1, 2) = (SELECT 1, 2)
columns = 1
switch t := e.Left.(type) {
case *parser.Tuple:
columns = len(t.Exprs)
case *parser.DTuple:
columns = len(t.D)
execMode = execModeOneRow
switch e.Operator {
case parser.In, parser.NotIn:
execMode = execModeAllRowsNormalized
return columns, execMode
// Any other expr that has this sub-query as operand
// is expecting a single value.
return 1, execModeOneRow
// We have not encountered any non-paren, non-IN expression so far,
// so the outer context is informing us of the desired number of
// columns.
return v.columns, execModeOneRow
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