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planner.go 13.92 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
// planner is the centerpiece of SQL statement execution combining session
// state and database state with the logic for SQL execution. It is logically
// scoped to the execution of a single statement, and should not be used to
// execute multiple statements. It is not safe to use the same planner from
// multiple goroutines concurrently.
// planners are usually created by using the newPlanner method on a Session.
// If one needs to be created outside of a Session, use makeInternalPlanner().
type planner struct {
txn *client.Txn
// As the planner executes statements, it may change the current user session.
session *Session
// Reference to the corresponding sql Statement for this query.
stmt *Statement
// Contexts for different stages of planning and execution.
semaCtx parser.SemaContext
evalCtx parser.EvalContext
// asOfSystemTime indicates whether the transaction timestamp was
// forced to a specific value (in which case that value is stored in
// txn.mu.Proto.OrigTimestamp). If set, avoidCachedDescriptors below
// must also be set.
// TODO(anyone): we may want to support table readers at arbitrary
// timestamps, so that each FROM clause can have its own
// timestamp. In that case, the timestamp would not be set
// globally for the entire txn and this field would not be needed.
asOfSystemTime bool
// avoidCachedDescriptors, when true, instructs all code that
// accesses table/view descriptors to force reading the descriptors
// within the transaction. This is necessary to:
// - ensure that queries ran with AS OF SYSTEM TIME get the right
// version of descriptors.
// - queries that create/update descriptors read all their dependencies
// in the same txn that they write new descriptors or update their
// dependencies, so that update/creation appears transactional
// to the rest of the cluster.
// Code that sets this to true should probably also check that
// the txn isolation level is SERIALIZABLE, and reject any update
// if it is SNAPSHOT.
avoidCachedDescriptors bool
// If set, the planner should skip checking for the SELECT privilege when
// initializing plans to read from a table. This should be used with care.
skipSelectPrivilegeChecks bool
// autoCommit indicates whether we're planning for a spontaneous transaction.
// If autoCommit is true, the plan is allowed (but not required) to
// commit the transaction along with other KV operations.
// Note: The autoCommit parameter enables operations to enable the
// 1PC optimization. This is a bit hackish/preliminary at present.
autoCommit bool
// phaseTimes helps measure the time spent in each phase of SQL execution.
// See executor_statement_metrics.go for details.
phaseTimes phaseTimes
// cancelChecker is used by planNodes to check for cancellation of the associated
// query.
cancelChecker *sqlbase.CancelChecker
// planDeps, if non-nil, collects the table/view dependencies for this query.
// Any planNode constructors that resolves a table name or reference in the query
// to a descriptor must register this descriptor into planDeps.
// This is (currently) used by CREATE VIEW.
// TODO(knz): Remove this in favor of a better encapsulated mechanism.
planDeps planDependencies
// hasStar collects whether any star expansion has occurred during
// logical plan construction. This is used by CREATE VIEW until
// #10028 is addressed.
hasStar bool
// hasSubqueries collects whether any subqueries expansion has
// occurred during logical plan construction.
hasSubqueries bool
// Avoid allocations by embedding commonly used objects and visitors.
parser parser.Parser
subqueryVisitor subqueryVisitor
subqueryPlanVisitor subqueryPlanVisitor
nameResolutionVisitor nameResolutionVisitor
srfExtractionVisitor srfExtractionVisitor
// Use a common datum allocator across all the plan nodes. This separates the
// plan lifetime from the lifetime of returned results allowing plan nodes to
// be pool allocated.
alloc sqlbase.DatumAlloc
var emptyPlanner planner
// noteworthyInternalMemoryUsageBytes is the minimum size tracked by each
// internal SQL pool before the pool starts explicitly logging overall usage
// growth in the log.
var noteworthyInternalMemoryUsageBytes = envutil.EnvOrDefaultInt64("COCKROACH_NOTEWORTHY_INTERNAL_MEMORY_USAGE", 100*1024)
// makePlanner creates a new planner instance, referencing a dummy session.
func makeInternalPlanner(
opName string, txn *client.Txn, user string, memMetrics *MemoryMetrics,
) *planner {
// init with an empty session. We can't leave this nil because too much code
// looks in the session for the current database.
ctx := log.WithLogTagStr(context.Background(), opName, "")
s := &Session{
Location: time.UTC,
User: user,
TxnState: txnState{Ctx: ctx},
context: ctx,
tables: TableCollection{databaseCache: newDatabaseCache(config.SystemConfig{})},
s.mon = mon.MakeUnlimitedMonitor(ctx,
memMetrics.CurBytesCount, memMetrics.MaxBytesHist,
s.sessionMon = mon.MakeMonitor("internal-session",
-1, noteworthyInternalMemoryUsageBytes/5)
s.sessionMon.Start(ctx, &s.mon, mon.BoundAccount{})
s.TxnState.mon = mon.MakeMonitor("internal-txn",
-1, noteworthyInternalMemoryUsageBytes/5)
s.TxnState.mon.Start(ctx, &s.mon, mon.BoundAccount{})
p := s.newPlanner(nil, txn)
if txn != nil {
if txn.Proto().OrigTimestamp == (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
panic("makeInternalPlanner called with a transaction without timestamps")
ts := txn.Proto().OrigTimestamp.GoTime()
return p
func finishInternalPlanner(p *planner) {
// ExecCfg implements the PlanHookState interface.
func (p *planner) ExecCfg() *ExecutorConfig {
return p.session.execCfg
func (p *planner) LeaseMgr() *LeaseManager {
return p.session.tables.leaseMgr
func (p *planner) User() string {
return p.session.User
func (p *planner) EvalContext() parser.EvalContext {
return p.evalCtx
// TODO(dan): This is here to implement PlanHookState, but it's not clear that
// this is the right abstraction. We could also export distSQLPlanner, for
// example. Revisit.
func (p *planner) DistLoader() *DistLoader {
return &DistLoader{distSQLPlanner: p.session.distSQLPlanner}
// setTxn resets the current transaction in the planner and
// initializes the timestamps used by SQL built-in functions from
// the new txn object, if any.
func (p *planner) setTxn(txn *client.Txn) {
p.txn = txn
p.evalCtx.Txn = txn
if txn != nil {
} else {
// query initializes a planNode from a SQL statement string. Close() must be
// called on the returned planNode after use.
// This function is not suitable for use in the planNode constructors directly:
// the returned planNode has already been optimized.
// Consider also (*planner).delegateQuery(...).
func (p *planner) query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (planNode, error) {
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "internal query: %s", sql)
if len(args) > 0 {
log.Infof(ctx, "placeholders: %q", args)
stmt, err := parser.ParseOne(sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
golangFillQueryArguments(&p.semaCtx.Placeholders, args)
return p.makePlan(ctx, Statement{AST: stmt})
// QueryRow implements the parser.EvalPlanner interface.
func (p *planner) QueryRow(
ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{},
) (parser.Datums, error) {
rows, err := p.queryRows(ctx, sql, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch len(rows) {
case 0:
return nil, nil
case 1:
return rows[0], nil
return nil, &parser.MultipleResultsError{SQL: sql}
// queryRows executes a SQL query string where multiple result rows are returned.
func (p *planner) queryRows(
ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{},
) ([]parser.Datums, error) {
plan, err := p.query(ctx, sql, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer plan.Close(ctx)
if err := p.startPlan(ctx, plan); err != nil {
return nil, err
params := runParams{
ctx: ctx,
p: p,
var rows []parser.Datums
if err = forEachRow(params, plan, func(values parser.Datums) error {
if values != nil {
valCopy := append(parser.Datums(nil), values...)
rows = append(rows, valCopy)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return rows, nil
// exec executes a SQL query string and returns the number of rows
// affected.
func (p *planner) exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
plan, err := p.query(ctx, sql, args...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer plan.Close(ctx)
if err := p.startPlan(ctx, plan); err != nil {
return 0, err
params := runParams{
ctx: ctx,
p: p,
return countRowsAffected(params, plan)
func (p *planner) fillFKTableMap(ctx context.Context, m sqlbase.TableLookupsByID) error {
for tableID := range m {
table, err := p.session.tables.getTableVersionByID(ctx, p.txn, tableID)
if err == errTableAdding {
m[tableID] = sqlbase.TableLookup{IsAdding: true}
if err != nil {
return err
m[tableID] = sqlbase.TableLookup{Table: table}
return nil
// isDatabaseVisible returns true if the given database is visible
// given the provided prefix.
// An empty prefix makes all databases visible.
// System databases are always visible.
// Otherwise only the database with the same name as the prefix is available.
func isDatabaseVisible(dbName, prefix, user string) bool {
if isSystemDatabaseName(dbName) {
return true
} else if dbName == prefix {
return true
} else if prefix == "" {
return true
return false
// TypeAsString enforces (not hints) that the given expression typechecks as a
// string and returns a function that can be called to get the string value
// during (planNode).Start.
func (p *planner) TypeAsString(e parser.Expr, op string) (func() (string, error), error) {
typedE, err := parser.TypeCheckAndRequire(e, &p.semaCtx, parser.TypeString, op)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fn := func() (string, error) {
d, err := typedE.Eval(&p.evalCtx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
str, ok := d.(*parser.DString)
if !ok {
return "", errors.Errorf("failed to cast %T to string", d)
return string(*str), nil
return fn, nil
// TypeAsStringOpts enforces (not hints) that the given expressions
// typecheck as strings, and returns a function that can be called to
// get the string value during (planNode).Start.
func (p *planner) TypeAsStringOpts(
opts parser.KVOptions, expectValues map[string]bool,
) (func() (map[string]string, error), error) {
typed := make(map[string]parser.TypedExpr, len(opts))
for _, opt := range opts {
k := string(opt.Key)
takesValue, ok := expectValues[k]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid option %q", k)
if opt.Value == nil {
if takesValue {
return nil, errors.Errorf("option %q requires a value", k)
typed[k] = nil
if !takesValue {
return nil, errors.Errorf("option %q does not take a value", k)
r, err := parser.TypeCheckAndRequire(opt.Value, &p.semaCtx, parser.TypeString, k)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typed[k] = r
fn := func() (map[string]string, error) {
res := make(map[string]string, len(typed))
for name, e := range typed {
if e == nil {
res[name] = ""
d, err := e.Eval(&p.evalCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
str, ok := d.(*parser.DString)
if !ok {
return res, errors.Errorf("failed to cast %T to string", d)
res[name] = string(*str)
return res, nil
return fn, nil
// TypeAsStringArray enforces (not hints) that the given expressions all typecheck as
// strings and returns a function that can be called to get the string values
// during (planNode).Start.
func (p *planner) TypeAsStringArray(
exprs parser.Exprs, op string,
) (func() ([]string, error), error) {
typedExprs := make([]parser.TypedExpr, len(exprs))
for i := range exprs {
typedE, err := parser.TypeCheckAndRequire(exprs[i], &p.semaCtx, parser.TypeString, op)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
typedExprs[i] = typedE
fn := func() ([]string, error) {
strs := make([]string, len(exprs))
for i := range exprs {
d, err := typedExprs[i].Eval(&p.evalCtx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
str, ok := d.(*parser.DString)
if !ok {
return strs, errors.Errorf("failed to cast %T to string", d)
strs[i] = string(*str)
return strs, nil
return fn, nil
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