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gc_queue.go 36.69 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
const (
// gcQueueTimerDuration is the duration between GCs of queued replicas.
gcQueueTimerDuration = 1 * time.Second
// intentAgeNormalization is the average age of outstanding intents
// which amount to a score of "1" added to total replica priority.
intentAgeNormalization = 24 * time.Hour // 1 day
// intentAgeThreshold is the threshold after which an extant intent
// will be resolved.
intentAgeThreshold = 2 * time.Hour // 2 hour
// txnCleanupThreshold is the threshold after which a transaction is
// considered abandoned and fit for removal, as measured by the maximum
// of its last heartbeat and timestamp.
// TODO(tschottdorf): need to enforce at all times that this is much
// larger than the heartbeat interval used by the coordinator.
txnCleanupThreshold = time.Hour
// abortCacheAgeThreshold is the duration after which abort cache entries
// of transactions are garbage collected.
// It's important that this is kept aligned with the (maximum) heartbeat
// interval used by transaction coordinators throughout the cluster to make
// sure that no coordinator can run with a transaction which has been
// aborted and whose abort cache entry is being deleted.
abortCacheAgeThreshold = 5 * base.DefaultHeartbeatInterval
// Thresholds used to decide whether to queue for GC based
// on keys and intents.
gcKeyScoreThreshold = 2
gcIntentScoreThreshold = 10
// gcTaskLimit is the maximum number of concurrent goroutines
// that will be created by GC.
gcTaskLimit = 25
// gcChunkKeySize is the default size for GCRequest's batch key size.
gcChunkKeySize = 256 * 1000
// gcQueue manages a queue of replicas slated to be scanned in their
// entirety using the MVCC versions iterator. The gc queue manages the
// following tasks:
// - GC of version data via TTL expiration (and more complex schemes
// as implemented going forward).
// - Resolve extant write intents (pushing their transactions).
// - GC of old transaction and AbortSpan entries. This should include
// most committed and aborted entries almost immediately and, after a
// threshold on inactivity, all others.
// The shouldQueue function combines the need for the above tasks into a
// single priority. If any task is overdue, shouldQueue returns true.
type gcQueue struct {
// newGCQueue returns a new instance of gcQueue.
func newGCQueue(store *Store, gossip *gossip.Gossip) *gcQueue {
gcq := &gcQueue{}
gcq.baseQueue = newBaseQueue(
"gc", gcq, store, gossip,
maxSize: defaultQueueMaxSize,
needsLease: true,
needsSystemConfig: true,
acceptsUnsplitRanges: false,
successes: store.metrics.GCQueueSuccesses,
failures: store.metrics.GCQueueFailures,
pending: store.metrics.GCQueuePending,
processingNanos: store.metrics.GCQueueProcessingNanos,
return gcq
type gcFunc func([]roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey, *GCInfo) error
type pushFunc func(hlc.Timestamp, *roachpb.Transaction, roachpb.PushTxnType)
type resolveFunc func([]roachpb.Intent, ResolveOptions) error
type processAsyncFunc func(*roachpb.Transaction, []roachpb.Intent) error
// gcQueueScore holds details about the score returned by makeGCQueueScoreImpl for
// testing and logging. The fields in this struct are documented in
// makeGCQueueScoreImpl.
type gcQueueScore struct {
TTL time.Duration
LikelyLastGC time.Duration
DeadFraction float64
ValuesScalableScore float64
IntentScore float64
FuzzFactor float64
FinalScore float64
ShouldQueue bool
GCBytes int64
GCByteAge int64
ExpMinGCByteAgeReduction int64
func (r gcQueueScore) String() string {
if (r == gcQueueScore{}) {
return "(empty)"
if r.ExpMinGCByteAgeReduction < 0 {
r.ExpMinGCByteAgeReduction = 0
likelyLastGC := "never"
if r.LikelyLastGC != 0 {
likelyLastGC = fmt.Sprintf("%s ago", r.LikelyLastGC)
return fmt.Sprintf("queue=%t with %.2f/fuzz(%.2f)=%.2f=valScaleScore(%.2f)*deadFrac(%.2f)+intentScore(%.2f)\n"+
"likely last GC: %s, %s non-live, curr. age %s*s, min exp. reduction: %s*s",
r.ShouldQueue, r.FinalScore, r.FuzzFactor, r.FinalScore/r.FuzzFactor, r.ValuesScalableScore,
r.DeadFraction, r.IntentScore, likelyLastGC, humanizeutil.IBytes(r.GCBytes),
humanizeutil.IBytes(r.GCByteAge), humanizeutil.IBytes(r.ExpMinGCByteAgeReduction))
// shouldQueue determines whether a replica should be queued for garbage
// collection, and if so, at what priority. Returns true for shouldQ
// in the event that the cumulative ages of GC'able bytes or extant
// intents exceed thresholds.
func (gcq *gcQueue) shouldQueue(
ctx context.Context, now hlc.Timestamp, repl *Replica, sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
) (bool, float64) {
r := makeGCQueueScore(ctx, repl, now, sysCfg)
return r.ShouldQueue, r.FinalScore
func makeGCQueueScore(
ctx context.Context, repl *Replica, now hlc.Timestamp, sysCfg config.SystemConfig,
) gcQueueScore {
ms := repl.mu.state.Stats
gcThreshold := repl.mu.state.GCThreshold
desc := repl.Desc()
zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "could not find zone config for range %s: %s", repl, err)
return gcQueueScore{}
// Use desc.RangeID for fuzzing the final score, so that different ranges
// have slightly different priorities and even symmetrical workloads don't
// trigger GC at the same time.
r := makeGCQueueScoreImpl(
ctx, int64(desc.RangeID), now, ms, zone.GC.TTLSeconds,
if (gcThreshold != hlc.Timestamp{}) {
r.LikelyLastGC = time.Duration(now.WallTime - gcThreshold.Add(r.TTL.Nanoseconds(), 0).WallTime)
return r
// makeGCQueueScoreImpl is used to compute when to trigger the GC Queue. It's
// important that we don't queue a replica before a relevant amount of data is
// actually deletable, or the queue might run in a tight loop. To this end, we
// use a base score with the right interplay between GCByteAge and TTL and
// additionally weigh it so that GC is delayed when a large proportion of the
// data in the replica is live. Additionally, returned scores are slightly
// perturbed to avoid groups of replicas becoming eligible for GC at the same
// time repeatedly.
// More details below.
// When a key of size `B` is deleted at timestamp `T` or superseded by a newer
// version, it henceforth is accounted for in the range's `GCBytesAge`. At time
// `S`, its contribution to age will be `B*seconds(S-T)`. The aggregate
// `GCBytesAge` of all deleted versions in the cluster is what the GC queue at
// the time of writing bases its `shouldQueue` method on.
// If a replica is queued to have its old values garbage collected, its contents
// are scanned. However, the values which are deleted follow a criterion that
// isn't immediately connected to `GCBytesAge`: We (basically) delete everything
// that's older than the Replica's `TTLSeconds`.
// Thus, it's not obvious that garbage collection has the effect of reducing the
// metric that we use to consider the replica for the next GC cycle, and it
// seems that we messed it up.
// The previous metric used for queueing: `GCBytesAge/(1<<20 * ttl)` does not
// have the right scaling. For example, consider that a value of size `1mb` is
// overwritten with a newer version. After `ttl` seconds, it contributes `1mb`
// to `GCBytesAge`, and so the replica has a score of `1`, i.e. (roughly) the
// range becomes interesting to the GC queue. When GC runs, it will delete value
// that are `ttl` old, which our value is. But a Replica is ~64mb, so picture
// that you have 64mb of key-value data all at the same timestamp, and they
// become superseded. Already after `ttl/64`, the metric becomes 1, but they
// keys won't be GC'able for another (63*ttl)/64. Thus, GC will run "all the
// time" long before it can actually have an effect.
// The metric with correct scaling must thus take into account the size of the
// range. What size exactly? Any data that isn't live (i.e. isn't readable by a
// scan from the far future). That's `KeyBytes + ms.ValBytes - ms.LiveBytes`,
// which is also known as `GCBytes` in the code. Hence, the better metric is
// `GCBytesAge/(ttl*GCBytes)`.
// Using this metric guarantees that after truncation, `GCBytesAge` is at most
// `ttl*GCBytes` (where `GCBytes` has been updated), i.e. the new metric is at
// most 1.
// To visualize this, picture a rectangular frame of width `ttl` and height
// `GCBytes` (i.e. the horizontal dimension is time, the vertical one bytes),
// where the right boundary of the frame corresponds to age zero. Each non-live
// key is a domino aligned with the right side of the frame, its width equal to
// its size, and its height given by the duration (in seconds) it's been
// non-live.
// The combined surface of the dominos is then `GCBytesAge`, and the claim is
// that if the total sum of domino heights (i.e. sizes) is `GCBytes`, and the
// surface is larger than `ttl*GCBytes` by some positive `X`, then after
// removing the dominos that cross the line `x=-ttl` (i.e. `ttl` to the left
// from the right side of the frame), at least a surface area of `X` has been
// removed.
// x=-ttl GCBytes=1+4
// | 3 (age)
// | +-------+
// | | keep | 1 (bytes)
// | +-------+
// +-----------------------+
// | |
// | remove | 3 (bytes)
// | |
// +-----------------------+
// | 7 (age)
// This is true because
// deletable area = total area - nondeletable area
// = X + ttl*GCBytes - nondeletable area
// >= X + ttl*GCBytes - ttl*(bytes in nondeletable area)
// = X + ttl*(GCBytes - bytes in nondeletable area)
// >= X.
// Or, in other words, you can only hope to put `ttl*GCBytes` of area in the
// "safe" rectangle. Once you've done that, everything else you put is going to
// be deleted.
// This means that running GC will always result in a `GCBytesAge` of `<=
// ttl*GCBytes`, and that a decent trigger for GC is a multiple of
// `ttl*GCBytes`.
func makeGCQueueScoreImpl(
ctx context.Context, fuzzSeed int64, now hlc.Timestamp, ms enginepb.MVCCStats, ttlSeconds int32,
) gcQueueScore {
var r gcQueueScore
r.TTL = time.Duration(ttlSeconds) * time.Second
// Treat a zero TTL as a one-second TTL, which avoids a priority of infinity
// and otherwise behaves indistinguishable given that we can't possibly hope
// to GC values faster than that.
if r.TTL == 0 {
r.TTL = time.Second
r.GCByteAge = ms.GCByteAge(now.WallTime)
r.GCBytes = ms.GCBytes()
// If we GC'ed now, we can expect to delete at least this much GCByteAge.
// GCByteAge - TTL*GCBytes = ExpMinGCByteAgeReduction & algebra.
// Note that for ranges with ContainsEstimates=true, the value here may not
// reflect reality, and may even be nonsensical (though that's unlikely).
r.ExpMinGCByteAgeReduction = r.GCByteAge - r.GCBytes*int64(r.TTL.Seconds())
// DeadFraction is close to 1 when most values are dead, and close to zero
// when most of the replica is live. For example, for a replica with no
// superseded values, this should be (almost) zero. For one just hit
// completely by a DeleteRange, it should be (almost) one.
// The algebra below is complicated by the fact that ranges may contain
// stats that aren't exact (ContainsEstimates=true).
clamp := func(n int64) float64 {
if n < 0 {
return 0.0
return float64(n)
r.DeadFraction = math.Max(1-clamp(ms.LiveBytes)/(1+clamp(ms.ValBytes)+clamp(ms.KeyBytes)), 0)
// The "raw" GC score is the total GC'able bytes age normalized by (non-live
// size * the replica's TTL in seconds). This is a scale-invariant factor by
// (at least) which GCByteAge reduces when deleting values older than the
// TTL. The risk of an inaccurate GCBytes in the presence of estimated stats
// is neglected as GCByteAge and GCBytes undercount in the same way and
// estimation only happens for timeseries writes.
denominator := r.TTL.Seconds() * (1.0 + clamp(r.GCBytes)) // +1 avoids NaN
r.ValuesScalableScore = clamp(r.GCByteAge) / denominator
// However, it doesn't take into account the size of the live data, which
// also needs to be scanned in order to GC. We don't want to run this costly
// scan unless we get a corresponding expected reduction in GCByteAge, so we
// weighs by fraction of non-live data below.
// Intent score. This computes the average age of outstanding intents and
// normalizes. Note that at the time of writing this criterion hasn't
// undergone a reality check yet.
r.IntentScore = ms.AvgIntentAge(now.WallTime) / float64(intentAgeNormalization.Nanoseconds()/1E9)
// Random factor in [0.75, 1.25] to cause decoherence of replicas with
// similar load. This isn't 100% symmetric due to rounding issues near zero,
// but not an issue in practice.
r.FuzzFactor = 0.75 + rand.New(rand.NewSource(fuzzSeed)).Float64()/2.0
// Compute priority.
valScore := r.DeadFraction * r.ValuesScalableScore
r.ShouldQueue = r.FuzzFactor*valScore > gcKeyScoreThreshold || r.FuzzFactor*r.IntentScore > gcIntentScoreThreshold
r.FinalScore = r.FuzzFactor * (valScore + r.IntentScore)
return r
// processLocalKeyRange scans the local range key entries, consisting of
// transaction records, queue last processed timestamps, and range descriptors.
// - Transaction entries:
// - Update txnMap with transactions which are old and in state
// PENDING for subsequent PushTxn.
// - For transactions in state ABORTED or COMMITTED, schedule the
// intents for asynchronous resolution. The actual transaction spans
// are not returned for GC in this pass, but are separately GC'ed
// after successful resolution of all intents. The exception is if
// there are no intents on the txn record, in which case it's returned
// for immediate GC.
// - Queue last processed times: cleanup any entries which don't match
// this range's start key. This can happen on range merges.
func processLocalKeyRange(
ctx context.Context,
snap engine.Reader,
desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
txnMap map[uuid.UUID]*roachpb.Transaction,
cutoff hlc.Timestamp,
infoMu *lockableGCInfo,
processAsyncFn processAsyncFunc,
) ([]roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey, error) {
defer infoMu.Unlock()
var gcKeys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey
handleTxnIntents := func(key roachpb.Key, txn *roachpb.Transaction) error {
if len(txn.Intents) > 0 {
return processAsyncFn(txn, roachpb.AsIntents(txn.Intents, txn))
gcKeys = append(gcKeys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: key}) // zero timestamp
return nil
handleOneTransaction := func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) error {
var txn roachpb.Transaction
if err := kv.Value.GetProto(&txn); err != nil {
return err
if !txn.LastActive().Less(cutoff) {
return nil
txnID := txn.ID
// The transaction record should be considered for removal.
switch txn.Status {
case roachpb.PENDING:
// Marked as running, so we need to push it to abort it but won't
// try to GC it in this cycle (for convenience).
// TODO(tschottdorf): refactor so that we can GC PENDING entries
// in the same cycle, but keeping the calls to pushTxn in a central
// location (keeping it easy to batch them up in the future).
txnMap[txnID] = &txn
return nil
case roachpb.ABORTED:
return handleTxnIntents(kv.Key, &txn)
case roachpb.COMMITTED:
return handleTxnIntents(kv.Key, &txn)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid transaction state: %s", txn))
handleOneQueueLastProcessed := func(kv roachpb.KeyValue, rangeKey roachpb.RKey) error {
if !rangeKey.Equal(desc.StartKey) {
// Garbage collect the last processed timestamp if it doesn't match start key.
gcKeys = append(gcKeys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: kv.Key}) // zero timestamp
return nil
handleOne := func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) error {
rangeKey, suffix, _, err := keys.DecodeRangeKey(kv.Key)
if err != nil {
return err
if suffix.Equal(keys.LocalTransactionSuffix.AsRawKey()) {
if err := handleOneTransaction(kv); err != nil {
return err
} else if suffix.Equal(keys.LocalQueueLastProcessedSuffix.AsRawKey()) {
if err := handleOneQueueLastProcessed(kv, roachpb.RKey(rangeKey)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
startKey := keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(desc.StartKey)
endKey := keys.MakeRangeKeyPrefix(desc.EndKey)
_, err := engine.MVCCIterate(ctx, snap, startKey, endKey,
hlc.Timestamp{}, true /* consistent */, nil, /* txn */
false /* !reverse */, func(kv roachpb.KeyValue) (bool, error) {
return false, handleOne(kv)
return gcKeys, err
// processAbortCache iterates through the local abort cache entries
// and collects entries which indicate that a client which was running
// this transaction must have realized that it has been aborted (due to
// heartbeating having failed). The parameter minAge is typically a
// multiple of the heartbeat timeout used by the coordinator.
// TODO(tschottdorf): this could be done in Replica.GC itself, but it's
// handy to have it here for stats (though less performant due to sending
// all of the keys over the wire).
func processAbortCache(
ctx context.Context,
snap engine.Reader,
rangeID roachpb.RangeID,
threshold hlc.Timestamp,
infoMu *lockableGCInfo,
pushTxn pushFunc,
) []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey {
var gcKeys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey
abortCache := NewAbortCache(rangeID)
defer infoMu.Unlock()
abortCache.Iterate(ctx, snap, func(key []byte, v roachpb.AbortCacheEntry) {
if v.Timestamp.Less(threshold) {
gcKeys = append(gcKeys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: key})
return gcKeys
// process iterates through all keys in a replica's range, calling the garbage
// collector for each key and associated set of values. GC'd keys are batched
// into GC calls. Extant intents are resolved if intents are older than
// intentAgeThreshold. The transaction and abort cache records are also
// scanned and old entries evicted. During normal operation, both of these
// records are cleaned up when their respective transaction finishes, so the
// amount of work done here is expected to be small.
// Some care needs to be taken to avoid cyclic recreation of entries during GC:
// * a Push initiated due to an intent may recreate a transaction entry
// * resolving an intent may write a new abort cache entry
// * obtaining the transaction for a abort cache entry requires a Push
// The following order is taken below:
// 1) collect all intents with sufficiently old txn record
// 2) collect these intents' transactions
// 3) scan the transaction table, collecting abandoned or completed txns
// 4) push all of these transactions (possibly recreating entries)
// 5) resolve all intents (unless the txn is still PENDING), which will recreate
// AbortSpan entries (but with the txn timestamp; i.e. likely GC'able)
// 6) scan the AbortSpan table for old entries
// 7) push these transactions (again, recreating txn entries).
// 8) send a GCRequest.
func (gcq *gcQueue) process(ctx context.Context, repl *Replica, sysCfg config.SystemConfig) error {
now := repl.store.Clock().Now()
r := makeGCQueueScore(ctx, repl, now, sysCfg)
if !r.ShouldQueue {
log.Eventf(ctx, "skipping replica; low score %s", r)
return nil
log.Eventf(ctx, "processing replica with score %s", r)
return gcq.processImpl(ctx, repl, sysCfg, now)
// chunkGCRequest chunks the supplied gcKeys (which are consumed by this method) into
// multiple batches which must be executed in order by the caller.
func chunkGCRequest(
desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor, info *GCInfo, gcKeys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey,
) []roachpb.GCRequest {
var template roachpb.GCRequest
var ret []roachpb.GCRequest
template.Key = desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()
template.EndKey = desc.EndKey.AsRawKey()
gc1 := template
gc1.Threshold = info.Threshold
gc1.TxnSpanGCThreshold = info.TxnSpanGCThreshold
ret = append(ret, gc1)
size := 0
idx := 0
for i, key := range gcKeys {
size += len(key.Key)
if size >= gcChunkKeySize {
gc2 := template
gc2.Keys = gcKeys[idx : i+1]
ret = append(ret, gc2)
idx = i + 1
size = 0
if idx < len(gcKeys) {
gc2 := template
gc2.Keys = gcKeys[idx:]
ret = append(ret, gc2)
return ret
func (gcq *gcQueue) processImpl(
ctx context.Context, repl *Replica, sysCfg config.SystemConfig, now hlc.Timestamp,
) error {
snap := repl.store.Engine().NewSnapshot()
desc := repl.Desc()
defer snap.Close()
// Lookup the GC policy for the zone containing this key range.
zone, err := sysCfg.GetZoneConfigForKey(desc.StartKey)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("could not find zone config for range %s: %s", repl, err)
info, err := RunGC(ctx, desc, snap, now, zone.GC,
func(gcKeys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey, info *GCInfo) error {
// Chunk the keys into multiple GC requests to interleave more
// gracefully with other Raft traffic.
batches := chunkGCRequest(desc, info, gcKeys)
for i, gcArgs := range batches {
var ba roachpb.BatchRequest
// Technically not needed since we're talking directly to the Range.
ba.RangeID = desc.RangeID
ba.Timestamp = now
// TODO(tschottdorf): This is one of these instances in which we want
// to be more careful that the request ends up on the correct Replica,
// and we might have to worry about mixing range-local and global keys
// in a batch which might end up spanning Ranges by the time it executes.
log.Eventf(ctx, "sending batch %d of %d", i+1, len(batches))
if _, pErr := repl.Send(ctx, ba); pErr != nil {
log.ErrEvent(ctx, pErr.String())
return pErr.GoError()
return nil
func(now hlc.Timestamp, txn *roachpb.Transaction, typ roachpb.PushTxnType) {
pushTxn(ctx, gcq.store.DB(), now, txn, typ)
func(intents []roachpb.Intent, opts ResolveOptions) error {
return repl.store.intentResolver.resolveIntents(ctx, intents, opts)
func(txn *roachpb.Transaction, intents []roachpb.Intent) error {
// Synthesize an EndTransaction request in order to send intentsWithArgs.
iwa := intentsWithArg{
args: &roachpb.EndTransactionRequest{
Span: roachpb.Span{Key: txn.Key},
Commit: txn.Status == roachpb.COMMITTED,
intents: intents,
// We really do not want to hang up the queue on this kind of
// processing, so it's better to just skip txns which we can't
// pass to the async processor (allowSyncProcessing=false).
// Their intents will get cleaned up on demand, and we'll
// eventually get back to them. Not much harm in having old txn
// records lying around in the meantime.
err := repl.store.intentResolver.processIntentsAsync(
ctx, repl, []intentsWithArg{iwa}, false, /* allowSyncProcessing */
if errors.Cause(err) == stop.ErrThrottled {
log.Eventf(ctx, "processing txn %s: %s; skipping for future GC", txn.ID.Short(), err)
return nil
return err
if err != nil {
return err
log.Eventf(ctx, "MVCC stats after GC: %+v", repl.GetMVCCStats())
log.Eventf(ctx, "GC score after GC: %s", makeGCQueueScore(ctx, repl, repl.store.Clock().Now(), sysCfg))
return nil
// GCInfo contains statistics and insights from a GC run.
type GCInfo struct {
// Now is the timestamp used for age computations.
Now hlc.Timestamp
// Policy is the policy used for this garbage collection cycle.
Policy config.GCPolicy
// Stats about the userspace key-values considered, namely the number of
// keys with GC'able data, the number of "old" intents and the number of
// associated distinct transactions.
NumKeysAffected, IntentsConsidered, IntentTxns int
// TransactionSpanTotal is the total number of entries in the transaction span.
TransactionSpanTotal int
// Summary of transactions which were found GCable (assuming that
// potentially necessary intent resolutions did not fail).
TransactionSpanGCAborted, TransactionSpanGCCommitted, TransactionSpanGCPending int
// TxnSpanGCThreshold is the cutoff for transaction span GC. Transactions
// with a smaller LastActive() were considered for GC.
TxnSpanGCThreshold hlc.Timestamp
// AbortSpanTotal is the total number of transactions present in the abort cache.
AbortSpanTotal int
// AbortSpanConsidered is the number of abort cache entries old enough to be
// considered for removal. An "entry" corresponds to one transaction;
// more than one key-value pair may be associated with it.
AbortSpanConsidered int
// AbortSpanGCNum is the number of abort cache entries fit for removal (due
// to their transactions having terminated).
AbortSpanGCNum int
// PushTxn is the total number of pushes attempted in this cycle.
PushTxn int
// ResolveTotal is the total number of attempted intent resolutions in
// this cycle.
ResolveTotal int
// ResolveErrors is the number of successful intent resolutions.
ResolveSuccess int
// Threshold is the computed expiration timestamp. Equal to `Now - Policy`.
Threshold hlc.Timestamp
func (info *GCInfo) updateMetrics(metrics *StoreMetrics) {
type lockableGCInfo struct {
// RunGC runs garbage collection for the specified descriptor on the
// provided Engine (which is not mutated). It uses the provided
// pushTxnFn to clarify the true status of a transaction,
// resolveIntentsFn to resolve intents synchronously, and
// processAsyncFn to asynchronously cleanup after encountered
// transactions.
func RunGC(
ctx context.Context,
desc *roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
snap engine.Reader,
now hlc.Timestamp,
policy config.GCPolicy,
gcFn gcFunc,
pushTxnFn pushFunc,
resolveIntentsFn resolveFunc,
processAsyncFn processAsyncFunc,
) (GCInfo, error) {
iter := NewReplicaDataIterator(desc, snap, true /* replicatedOnly */)
defer iter.Close()
var infoMu = lockableGCInfo{}
infoMu.Policy = policy
infoMu.Now = now
realResolveIntentsFn := resolveIntentsFn
resolveIntentsFn = func(intents []roachpb.Intent, opts ResolveOptions) (err error) {
defer func() {
infoMu.ResolveTotal += len(intents)
if err == nil {
infoMu.ResolveSuccess += len(intents)
return realResolveIntentsFn(intents, opts)
realProcessAsyncFn := processAsyncFn
processAsyncFn = func(txn *roachpb.Transaction, intents []roachpb.Intent) (err error) {
defer func() {
// Note: infoMu lock is already held.
infoMu.ResolveTotal += len(intents)
if err == nil {
// TODO(spencer): this is only partially correct; what it
// provides is a count of the intents for which async
// resolution was undertaken, not the count of intents which
// were successfully resolved. We need to keep a separate
// count of successes / failures for intent resolution in the
// intent resolver instead.
infoMu.ResolveSuccess += len(intents)
return realProcessAsyncFn(txn, intents)
realPushTxnFn := pushTxnFn
pushTxnFn = func(ts hlc.Timestamp, txn *roachpb.Transaction, typ roachpb.PushTxnType) {
realPushTxnFn(ts, txn, typ)
// Compute intent expiration (intent age at which we attempt to resolve).
intentExp := now
intentExp.WallTime -= intentAgeThreshold.Nanoseconds()
txnExp := now
txnExp.WallTime -= txnCleanupThreshold.Nanoseconds()
abortSpanGCThreshold := now.Add(-int64(abortCacheAgeThreshold), 0)
gc := engine.MakeGarbageCollector(now, policy)
infoMu.Threshold = gc.Threshold
infoMu.TxnSpanGCThreshold = txnExp
var gcKeys []roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey
var expBaseKey roachpb.Key
var keys []engine.MVCCKey
var vals [][]byte
// Maps from txn ID to txn and intent key slice.
txnMap := map[uuid.UUID]*roachpb.Transaction{}
intentSpanMap := map[uuid.UUID][]roachpb.Span{}
// processKeysAndValues is invoked with each key and its set of
// values. Intents older than the intent age threshold are sent for
// resolution and values after the MVCC metadata, and possible
// intent, are sent for garbage collection.
processKeysAndValues := func() {
// If there's more than a single value for the key, possibly send for GC.
if len(keys) > 1 {
meta := &enginepb.MVCCMetadata{}
if err := proto.Unmarshal(vals[0], meta); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "unable to unmarshal MVCC metadata for key %q: %s", keys[0], err)
} else {
// In the event that there's an active intent, send for
// intent resolution if older than the threshold.
startIdx := 1
if meta.Txn != nil {
// Keep track of intent to resolve if older than the intent
// expiration threshold.
if meta.Timestamp.Less(intentExp) {
txnID := meta.Txn.ID
txn := &roachpb.Transaction{
TxnMeta: *meta.Txn,
txnMap[txnID] = txn
intentSpanMap[txnID] = append(intentSpanMap[txnID], roachpb.Span{Key: expBaseKey})
// With an active intent, GC ignores MVCC metadata & intent value.
startIdx = 2
// See if any values may be GC'd.
if gcTS := gc.Filter(keys[startIdx:], vals[startIdx:]); gcTS != (hlc.Timestamp{}) {
// TODO(spencer): need to split the requests up into
// multiple requests in the event that more than X keys
// are added to the request.
gcKeys = append(gcKeys, roachpb.GCRequest_GCKey{Key: expBaseKey, Timestamp: gcTS})
// Iterate through the keys and values of this replica's range.
log.Event(ctx, "iterating through range")
for ; ; iter.Next() {
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
return GCInfo{}, err
} else if !ok {
iterKey := iter.Key()
if !iterKey.IsValue() || !iterKey.Key.Equal(expBaseKey) {
// Moving to the next key (& values).
expBaseKey = iterKey.Key
if !iterKey.IsValue() {
keys = []engine.MVCCKey{iter.Key()}
vals = [][]byte{iter.Value()}
// An implicit metadata.
keys = []engine.MVCCKey{engine.MakeMVCCMetadataKey(iterKey.Key)}
// A nil value for the encoded MVCCMetadata. This will unmarshal to an
// empty MVCCMetadata which is sufficient for processKeysAndValues to
// determine that there is no intent.
vals = [][]byte{nil}
keys = append(keys, iter.Key())
vals = append(vals, iter.Value())
// Handle last collected set of keys/vals.
infoMu.IntentTxns = len(txnMap)
infoMu.NumKeysAffected = len(gcKeys)
// Process local range key entries (txn records, queue last processed times).
localRangeKeys, err := processLocalKeyRange(ctx, snap, desc, txnMap, txnExp, &infoMu, processAsyncFn)
if err != nil {
return GCInfo{}, err
// From now on, all newly added keys are range-local.
// TODO(tschottdorf): Might need to use two requests at some point since we
// hard-coded the full non-local key range in the header, but that does
// not take into account the range-local keys. It will be OK as long as
// we send directly to the Replica, though.
gcKeys = append(gcKeys, localRangeKeys...)
// Clean up the abort cache.
log.Event(ctx, "processing abort cache")
gcKeys = append(gcKeys, processAbortCache(
ctx, snap, desc.RangeID, abortSpanGCThreshold, &infoMu, pushTxnFn)...)
log.Eventf(ctx, "assembled GC keys, now proceeding to GC; stats so far %+v", infoMu.GCInfo)
// Process the keys before beginning to push transactions and
// resolve intents so that we don't lose all of the work we've done
// thus far gathering GC'able keys.
if err := gcFn(gcKeys, &infoMu.GCInfo); err != nil {
return GCInfo{}, err
// Process push transactions in parallel. We first push all
// transactions before resolving intents. If we have too many
// transactions, that can lead to the case in which our context
// expires and we can't actually clean up any of the intents. Since
// we have hopefully succeeded in pushing a lot of transactions, the
// next time around we should have less work here and manage to get
// to the intents.
log.Eventf(ctx, "pushing up to %d transactions (concurrency %d)", len(txnMap), gcTaskLimit)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
sem := make(chan struct{}, gcTaskLimit)
for _, txn := range txnMap {
if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
sem <- struct{}{}
// Avoid passing loop variable into closure.
txnCopy := txn
go func() {
defer func() {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return // don't bother if already expired
pushTxnFn(now, txnCopy, roachpb.PUSH_ABORT)
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
// Don't bother if already expired.
return GCInfo{}, err
// Resolve all intents. If we have too many intents, that can lead to
// the case in which our context expires and we can't finish. However,
// because all of these intents fall within a single range, this is
// likely to be less problematic than cleaning up a highly distributed
// transaction's intents. Because the intent resolution is done in batches
// of 100 intents, even if this times out, the next pass will be easier.
var intents []roachpb.Intent
for txnID, txn := range txnMap {
if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING {
intents = append(intents, roachpb.AsIntents(intentSpanMap[txnID], txn)...)
log.Eventf(ctx, "resolving %d intents", len(intents))
if err := resolveIntentsFn(intents, ResolveOptions{Wait: true, Poison: false}); err != nil {
return GCInfo{}, err
return infoMu.GCInfo, nil
// timer returns a constant duration to space out GC processing
// for successive queued replicas.
func (*gcQueue) timer(_ time.Duration) time.Duration {
return gcQueueTimerDuration
// purgatoryChan returns nil.
func (*gcQueue) purgatoryChan() <-chan struct{} {
return nil
// pushTxn attempts to abort the txn via push. The wait group is signaled on
// completion.
func pushTxn(
ctx context.Context,
db *client.DB,
now hlc.Timestamp,
txn *roachpb.Transaction,
typ roachpb.PushTxnType,
) {
// Attempt to push the transaction which created the intent.
pushArgs := &roachpb.PushTxnRequest{
Span: roachpb.Span{
Key: txn.Key,
Now: now,
PusherTxn: roachpb.Transaction{TxnMeta: enginepb.TxnMeta{Priority: math.MaxInt32}},
PusheeTxn: txn.TxnMeta,
PushType: typ,
b := &client.Batch{}
if err := db.Run(ctx, b); err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "push of txn %s failed: %s", txn, err)
br := b.RawResponse()
// Update the supplied txn on successful push.
*txn = br.Responses[0].GetInner().(*roachpb.PushTxnResponse).PusheeTxn
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