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server.go 42.86 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package server
import (
raven "github.com/getsentry/raven-go"
gwruntime "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/runtime"
opentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
migrations "github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/pkg/sqlmigrations"
var (
// Allocation pool for gzip writers.
gzipWriterPool sync.Pool
// GracefulDrainModes is the standard succession of drain modes entered
// for a graceful shutdown.
GracefulDrainModes = []serverpb.DrainMode{serverpb.DrainMode_CLIENT, serverpb.DrainMode_LEASES}
// LicenseCheckFn is used to check if the current cluster has any enterprise
// features enabled. This function is overridden by an init hook in CCL
// builds.
LicenseCheckFn = func(
st *cluster.Settings, cluster uuid.UUID, org, feature string,
) error {
return errors.New("OSS build does not include Enterprise features")
// Server is the cockroach server node.
type Server struct {
nodeIDContainer base.NodeIDContainer
cfg Config
st *cluster.Settings
mux *http.ServeMux
clock *hlc.Clock
rpcContext *rpc.Context
grpc *grpc.Server
gossip *gossip.Gossip
nodeLiveness *storage.NodeLiveness
storePool *storage.StorePool
txnCoordSender *kv.TxnCoordSender
distSender *kv.DistSender
db *client.DB
kvDB *kv.DBServer
pgServer *pgwire.Server
distSQLServer *distsqlrun.ServerImpl
node *Node
registry *metric.Registry
recorder *status.MetricsRecorder
runtime status.RuntimeStatSampler
admin *adminServer
status *statusServer
authentication *authenticationServer
tsDB *ts.DB
tsServer ts.Server
raftTransport *storage.RaftTransport
stopper *stop.Stopper
sqlExecutor *sql.Executor
leaseMgr *sql.LeaseManager
sessionRegistry *sql.SessionRegistry
jobRegistry *jobs.Registry
engines Engines
internalMemMetrics sql.MemoryMetrics
adminMemMetrics sql.MemoryMetrics
// NewServer creates a Server from a server.Context.
func NewServer(cfg Config, stopper *stop.Stopper) (*Server, error) {
if _, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", cfg.AdvertiseAddr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to resolve RPC address %q: %v", cfg.AdvertiseAddr, err)
st := cfg.Settings
if cfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer == nil {
panic(errors.New("no tracer set in AmbientCtx"))
s := &Server{
st: st,
mux: http.NewServeMux(),
clock: hlc.NewClock(hlc.UnixNano, time.Duration(cfg.MaxOffset)),
stopper: stopper,
cfg: cfg,
registry: metric.NewRegistry(),
// If the tracer has a Close function, call it after the server stops.
if tr, ok := cfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer.(stop.Closer); ok {
// Attempt to load TLS configs right away, failures are permanent.
if certMgr, err := cfg.InitializeNodeTLSConfigs(stopper); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if certMgr != nil {
// The certificate manager is non-nil in secure mode.
// Add a dynamic log tag value for the node ID.
// We need to pass an ambient context to the various server components, but we
// won't know the node ID until we Start(). At that point it's too late to
// change the ambient contexts in the components (various background processes
// will have already started using them).
// NodeIDContainer allows us to add the log tag to the context now and update
// the value asynchronously. It's not significantly more expensive than a
// regular tag since it's just doing an (atomic) load when a log/trace message
// is constructed. The node ID is set by the Store if this host was
// bootstrapped; otherwise a new one is allocated in Node.
s.cfg.AmbientCtx.AddLogTag("n", &s.nodeIDContainer)
ctx := s.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
s.rpcContext = rpc.NewContext(s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.cfg.Config, s.clock, s.stopper)
s.rpcContext.HeartbeatCB = func() {
if err := s.rpcContext.RemoteClocks.VerifyClockOffset(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, err)
s.grpc = rpc.NewServer(s.rpcContext)
s.gossip = gossip.New(
// A custom RetryOptions is created which uses stopper.ShouldQuiesce() as
// the Closer. This prevents infinite retry loops from occurring during
// graceful server shutdown
// Such a loop occurs when the DistSender attempts a connection to the
// local server during shutdown, and receives an internal server error (HTTP
// Code 5xx). This is the correct error for a server to return when it is
// shutting down, and is normally retryable in a cluster environment.
// However, on a single-node setup (such as a test), retries will never
// succeed because the only server has been shut down; thus, the
// DistSender needs to know that it should not retry in this situation.
retryOpts := s.cfg.RetryOptions
if retryOpts == (retry.Options{}) {
retryOpts = base.DefaultRetryOptions()
retryOpts.Closer = s.stopper.ShouldQuiesce()
distSenderCfg := kv.DistSenderConfig{
AmbientCtx: s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
Settings: st,
Clock: s.clock,
RPCContext: s.rpcContext,
RPCRetryOptions: &retryOpts,
if distSenderTestingKnobs := s.cfg.TestingKnobs.DistSender; distSenderTestingKnobs != nil {
distSenderCfg.TestingKnobs = *distSenderTestingKnobs.(*kv.DistSenderTestingKnobs)
s.distSender = kv.NewDistSender(distSenderCfg, s.gossip)
txnMetrics := kv.MakeTxnMetrics(s.cfg.HistogramWindowInterval())
s.txnCoordSender = kv.NewTxnCoordSender(
s.db = client.NewDB(s.txnCoordSender, s.clock)
nlActive, nlRenewal := s.cfg.NodeLivenessDurations()
s.nodeLiveness = storage.NewNodeLiveness(
s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.clock, s.db, s.gossip, nlActive, nlRenewal,
s.storePool = storage.NewStorePool(
/* deterministic */ false,
s.raftTransport = storage.NewRaftTransport(
s.cfg.AmbientCtx, st, storage.GossipAddressResolver(s.gossip), s.grpc, s.rpcContext,
s.kvDB = kv.NewDBServer(s.cfg.Config, s.txnCoordSender, s.stopper)
roachpb.RegisterExternalServer(s.grpc, s.kvDB)
// Set up internal memory metrics for use by internal SQL executors.
s.internalMemMetrics = sql.MakeMemMetrics("internal", cfg.HistogramWindowInterval())
// Set up Lease Manager
var lmKnobs sql.LeaseManagerTestingKnobs
if leaseManagerTestingKnobs := cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLLeaseManager; leaseManagerTestingKnobs != nil {
lmKnobs = *leaseManagerTestingKnobs.(*sql.LeaseManagerTestingKnobs)
s.leaseMgr = sql.NewLeaseManager(&s.nodeIDContainer, *s.db, s.clock, lmKnobs,
s.stopper, &s.internalMemMetrics)
s.leaseMgr.RefreshLeases(s.stopper, s.db, s.gossip)
// We do not set memory monitors or a noteworthy limit because the children of
// this monitor will be setting their own noteworthy limits.
rootSQLMemoryMonitor := mon.MakeMonitor(
nil, /* curCount */
nil, /* maxHist */
-1, /* increment: use default increment */
math.MaxInt64, /* noteworthy */
rootSQLMemoryMonitor.Start(context.Background(), nil, mon.MakeStandaloneBudget(s.cfg.SQLMemoryPoolSize))
// Set up the DistSQL temp engine.
tempEngine, err := engine.NewTempEngine(ctx, s.cfg.TempStoreSpec)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf(ctx, "could not create temporary store: %v", err)
// Set up admin memory metrics for use by admin SQL executors.
s.adminMemMetrics = sql.MakeMemMetrics("admin", cfg.HistogramWindowInterval())
s.tsDB = ts.NewDB(s.db)
s.tsServer = ts.MakeServer(s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.tsDB, s.cfg.TimeSeriesServerConfig, s.stopper)
sqlExecutor := sql.InternalExecutor{LeaseManager: s.leaseMgr}
// TODO(bdarnell): make StoreConfig configurable.
storeCfg := storage.StoreConfig{
Settings: st,
AmbientCtx: s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
RaftConfig: s.cfg.RaftConfig,
Clock: s.clock,
DB: s.db,
Gossip: s.gossip,
NodeLiveness: s.nodeLiveness,
Transport: s.raftTransport,
RPCContext: s.rpcContext,
ScanInterval: s.cfg.ScanInterval,
ScanMaxIdleTime: s.cfg.ScanMaxIdleTime,
MetricsSampleInterval: s.cfg.MetricsSampleInterval,
HistogramWindowInterval: s.cfg.HistogramWindowInterval(),
StorePool: s.storePool,
SQLExecutor: sqlExecutor,
LogRangeEvents: s.cfg.EventLogEnabled,
TimeSeriesDataStore: s.tsDB,
EnableEpochRangeLeases: true,
if storeTestingKnobs := s.cfg.TestingKnobs.Store; storeTestingKnobs != nil {
storeCfg.TestingKnobs = *storeTestingKnobs.(*storage.StoreTestingKnobs)
s.recorder = status.NewMetricsRecorder(s.clock, s.nodeLiveness, s.rpcContext.RemoteClocks, s.gossip)
s.runtime = status.MakeRuntimeStatSampler(s.clock)
s.node = NewNode(storeCfg, s.recorder, s.registry, s.stopper, txnMetrics, sql.MakeEventLogger(s.leaseMgr))
roachpb.RegisterInternalServer(s.grpc, s.node)
storage.RegisterConsistencyServer(s.grpc, s.node.storesServer)
serverpb.RegisterInitServer(s.grpc, &noopInitServer{clusterID: s.ClusterID})
s.sessionRegistry = sql.MakeSessionRegistry()
s.jobRegistry = jobs.MakeRegistry(
s.clock, s.db, sqlExecutor, s.gossip, &s.nodeIDContainer, s.ClusterID)
distSQLMetrics := distsqlrun.MakeDistSQLMetrics(cfg.HistogramWindowInterval())
// Set up the DistSQL server.
distSQLCfg := distsqlrun.ServerConfig{
AmbientContext: s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
Settings: st,
DB: s.db,
// DistSQL also uses a DB that bypasses the TxnCoordSender.
FlowDB: client.NewDB(s.distSender, s.clock),
RPCContext: s.rpcContext,
Stopper: s.stopper,
NodeID: &s.nodeIDContainer,
TempStorage: tempEngine,
TempStorageMaxSizeBytes: s.cfg.TempStoreMaxSizeBytes,
ParentMemoryMonitor: &rootSQLMemoryMonitor,
Metrics: &distSQLMetrics,
JobRegistry: s.jobRegistry,
Gossip: s.gossip,
Extra1_0Compatibility: s.cfg.Extra1_0Compatibility,
if distSQLTestingKnobs := s.cfg.TestingKnobs.DistSQL; distSQLTestingKnobs != nil {
distSQLCfg.TestingKnobs = *distSQLTestingKnobs.(*distsqlrun.TestingKnobs)
s.distSQLServer = distsqlrun.NewServer(ctx, distSQLCfg)
distsqlrun.RegisterDistSQLServer(s.grpc, s.distSQLServer)
s.admin = newAdminServer(s)
s.status = newStatusServer(
s.authentication = newAuthenticationServer(s)
for _, gw := range []grpcGatewayServer{s.admin, s.status, s.authentication, &s.tsServer} {
nodeInfo := sql.NodeInfo{
AdminURL: cfg.AdminURL,
ClusterID: s.ClusterID,
NodeID: &s.nodeIDContainer,
// Set up Executor
execCfg := sql.ExecutorConfig{
Settings: s.st,
NodeInfo: nodeInfo,
AmbientCtx: s.cfg.AmbientCtx,
DB: s.db,
Gossip: s.gossip,
DistSender: s.distSender,
RPCContext: s.rpcContext,
LeaseManager: s.leaseMgr,
Clock: s.clock,
DistSQLSrv: s.distSQLServer,
StatusServer: s.status,
SessionRegistry: s.sessionRegistry,
JobRegistry: s.jobRegistry,
HistogramWindowInterval: s.cfg.HistogramWindowInterval(),
RangeDescriptorCache: s.distSender.RangeDescriptorCache(),
LeaseHolderCache: s.distSender.LeaseHolderCache(),
if sqlExecutorTestingKnobs := s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLExecutor; sqlExecutorTestingKnobs != nil {
execCfg.TestingKnobs = sqlExecutorTestingKnobs.(*sql.ExecutorTestingKnobs)
} else {
execCfg.TestingKnobs = new(sql.ExecutorTestingKnobs)
if sqlSchemaChangerTestingKnobs := s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLSchemaChanger; sqlSchemaChangerTestingKnobs != nil {
execCfg.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs = sqlSchemaChangerTestingKnobs.(*sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs)
} else {
execCfg.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs = new(sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs)
s.sqlExecutor = sql.NewExecutor(execCfg, s.stopper)
s.pgServer = pgwire.MakeServer(
return s, nil
// ClusterSettings returns the cluster settings.
func (s *Server) ClusterSettings() *cluster.Settings {
return s.st
// AnnotateCtx is a convenience wrapper; see AmbientContext.
func (s *Server) AnnotateCtx(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return s.cfg.AmbientCtx.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
// AnnotateCtxWithSpan is a convenience wrapper; see AmbientContext.
func (s *Server) AnnotateCtxWithSpan(
ctx context.Context, opName string,
) (context.Context, opentracing.Span) {
return s.cfg.AmbientCtx.AnnotateCtxWithSpan(ctx, opName)
// ClusterID returns the ID of the cluster this server is a part of.
func (s *Server) ClusterID() uuid.UUID {
return s.node.ClusterID
// NodeID returns the ID of this node within its cluster.
func (s *Server) NodeID() roachpb.NodeID {
return s.node.Descriptor.NodeID
// InitialBoot returns whether this is the first time the node has booted.
// Only intended to help print debugging info during server startup.
func (s *Server) InitialBoot() bool {
return s.node.initialBoot
// grpcGatewayServer represents a grpc service with HTTP endpoints through GRPC
// gateway.
type grpcGatewayServer interface {
RegisterService(g *grpc.Server)
ctx context.Context,
mux *gwruntime.ServeMux,
conn *grpc.ClientConn,
) error
// ListenError is returned from Start when we fail to start listening on either
// the main Cockroach port or the HTTP port, so that the CLI can instruct the
// user on what might have gone wrong.
type ListenError struct {
Addr string
func inspectEngines(
ctx context.Context, engines []engine.Engine, minVersion, serverVersion roachpb.Version,
) (
bootstrappedEngines []engine.Engine,
emptyEngines []engine.Engine,
_ cluster.ClusterVersion,
_ error,
) {
for _, engine := range engines {
_, err := storage.ReadStoreIdent(ctx, engine)
if _, notBootstrapped := err.(*storage.NotBootstrappedError); notBootstrapped {
emptyEngines = append(emptyEngines, engine)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, nil, cluster.ClusterVersion{}, err
bootstrappedEngines = append(bootstrappedEngines, engine)
cv, err := storage.SynthesizeClusterVersionFromEngines(ctx, bootstrappedEngines, minVersion, serverVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, cluster.ClusterVersion{}, err
return bootstrappedEngines, emptyEngines, cv, nil
// listenerInfo is a helper used to write files containing various listener
// information to the store directories. In contrast to the "listening url
// file", these are written once the listeners are available, before the server
// is necessarily ready to serve.
type listenerInfo struct {
listen string // the (RPC) listen address
advertise string // equals `listen` unless --advertise-host is used
http string // the HTTP endpoint
// Iter returns a mapping of file names to desired contents.
func (li listenerInfo) Iter() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"cockroach.advertise-addr": li.advertise,
"cockroach.http-addr": li.http,
"cockroach.listen-addr": li.listen,
// Start starts the server on the specified port, starts gossip and initializes
// the node using the engines from the server's context.
// The passed context can be used to trace the server startup. The context
// should represent the general startup operation.
func (s *Server) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
if !s.st.Initialized {
return errors.New("must pass initialized ClusterSettings")
ctx = s.AnnotateCtx(ctx)
startTime := timeutil.Now()
tlsConfig, err := s.cfg.GetServerTLSConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
httpServer := netutil.MakeServer(s.stopper, tlsConfig, s)
// The following code is a specialization of util/net.go's ListenAndServe
// which adds pgwire support. A single port is used to serve all protocols
// (pg, http, h2) via the following construction:
// non-TLS case:
// net.Listen -> cmux.New
// |
// - -> pgwire.Match -> pgwire.Server.ServeConn
// - -> cmux.Any -> grpc.(*Server).Serve
// TLS case:
// net.Listen -> cmux.New
// |
// - -> pgwire.Match -> pgwire.Server.ServeConn
// - -> cmux.Any -> grpc.(*Server).Serve
// Note that the difference between the TLS and non-TLS cases exists due to
// Go's lack of an h2c (HTTP2 Clear Text) implementation. See inline comments
// in util.ListenAndServe for an explanation of how h2c is implemented there
// and here.
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.cfg.Addr)
if err != nil {
return ListenError{
error: err,
Addr: s.cfg.Addr,
log.Eventf(ctx, "listening on port %s", s.cfg.Addr)
unresolvedListenAddr, err := officialAddr(ctx, s.cfg.Addr, ln.Addr(), os.Hostname)
if err != nil {
return err
s.cfg.Addr = unresolvedListenAddr.String()
unresolvedAdvertAddr, err := officialAddr(ctx, s.cfg.AdvertiseAddr, ln.Addr(), os.Hostname)
if err != nil {
return err
s.cfg.AdvertiseAddr = unresolvedAdvertAddr.String()
// The cmux matches don't shut down properly unless serve is called on the
// cmux at some point. Use serveOnMux to ensure it's called during shutdown
// if we wouldn't otherwise reach the point where we start serving on it.
var serveOnMux sync.Once
m := cmux.New(ln)
// Inject an initialization listener that will intercept all
// HTTP connections while the cluster is initializing.
initLActive := int32(0)
initL := m.Match(func(r io.Reader) bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&initLActive) != 0 && !pgwire.Match(r)
pgL := m.Match(pgwire.Match)
anyL := m.Match(cmux.Any())
httpLn, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.cfg.HTTPAddr)
if err != nil {
return ListenError{
error: err,
Addr: s.cfg.HTTPAddr,
unresolvedHTTPAddr, err := officialAddr(ctx, s.cfg.HTTPAddr, httpLn.Addr(), os.Hostname)
if err != nil {
return err
s.cfg.HTTPAddr = unresolvedHTTPAddr.String()
workersCtx := s.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(workersCtx context.Context) {
if err := httpLn.Close(); err != nil {
log.Fatal(workersCtx, err)
if tlsConfig != nil {
httpMux := cmux.New(httpLn)
clearL := httpMux.Match(cmux.HTTP1())
tlsL := httpMux.Match(cmux.Any())
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(context.Context) {
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(context.Context) {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Redirect(w, r, "https://"+r.Host+r.RequestURI, http.StatusPermanentRedirect)
mux.Handle("/health", s)
plainRedirectServer := netutil.MakeServer(s.stopper, tlsConfig, mux)
httpLn = tls.NewListener(tlsL, tlsConfig)
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(context.Context) {
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(context.Context) {
// TODO(bdarnell): Do we need to also close the other listeners?
serveOnMux.Do(func() {
// A cmux can't gracefully shut down without Serve being called on it.
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(context.Context) {
// Running the SQL migrations safely requires that we aren't serving SQL
// requests at the same time -- to ensure that, block the serving of SQL
// traffic until the migrations are done, as indicated by this channel.
serveSQL := make(chan bool)
tcpKeepAlive := envutil.EnvOrDefaultDuration("COCKROACH_SQL_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE", time.Minute)
var loggedKeepAliveStatus int32
// Attempt to set TCP keep-alive on connection. Don't fail on errors.
setTCPKeepAlive := func(ctx context.Context, conn net.Conn) {
if tcpKeepAlive == 0 {
muxConn, ok := conn.(*cmux.MuxConn)
if !ok {
tcpConn, ok := muxConn.Conn.(*net.TCPConn)
if !ok {
// Only log success/failure once.
doLog := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&loggedKeepAliveStatus, 0, 1)
if err := tcpConn.SetKeepAlive(true); err != nil {
if doLog {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to enable TCP keep-alive for pgwire: %v", err)
if err := tcpConn.SetKeepAlivePeriod(tcpKeepAlive); err != nil {
if doLog {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to set TCP keep-alive duration for pgwire: %v", err)
if doLog {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "setting TCP keep-alive to %s for pgwire", tcpKeepAlive)
pgCtx := s.pgServer.AmbientCtx.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
s.stopper.RunWorker(pgCtx, func(pgCtx context.Context) {
select {
case <-serveSQL:
case <-s.stopper.ShouldQuiesce():
netutil.FatalIfUnexpected(httpServer.ServeWith(pgCtx, s.stopper, pgL, func(conn net.Conn) {
connCtx := log.WithLogTagStr(pgCtx, "client", conn.RemoteAddr().String())
setTCPKeepAlive(connCtx, conn)
if err := s.pgServer.ServeConn(connCtx, conn); err != nil && !netutil.IsClosedConnection(err) {
// Report the error on this connection's context, so that we
// know which remote client caused the error when looking at
// the logs.
log.Error(connCtx, err)
// Enable the debug endpoints first to provide an earlier window
// into what's going on with the node in advance of exporting node
// functionality.
// TODO(marc): when cookie-based authentication exists,
// apply it for all web endpoints.
s.mux.Handle(debugEndpoint, authorizedHandler(http.HandlerFunc(handleDebug)))
// Filter the gossip bootstrap resolvers based on the listen and
// advertise addresses.
filtered := s.cfg.FilterGossipBootstrapResolvers(ctx, unresolvedListenAddr, unresolvedAdvertAddr)
s.gossip.Start(unresolvedAdvertAddr, filtered)
log.Event(ctx, "started gossip")
s.engines, err = s.cfg.CreateEngines(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create engines")
// Write listener info files early in the startup sequence. `listenerInfo` has a comment.
listenerFiles := listenerInfo{
advertise: unresolvedAdvertAddr.String(),
http: unresolvedHTTPAddr.String(),
listen: unresolvedListenAddr.String(),
for _, storeSpec := range s.cfg.Stores.Specs {
if storeSpec.InMemory {
for base, val := range listenerFiles {
file := filepath.Join(storeSpec.Path, base)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(file, []byte(val), 0644); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write %s", file)
if bootstrappedEngines, _, _, err := inspectEngines(ctx, s.engines, s.cfg.Settings.Version.MinSupportedVersion, s.cfg.Settings.Version.ServerVersion); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "inspecting engines")
} else if len(bootstrappedEngines) > 0 {
// We might have to sleep a bit to protect against this node producing non-
// monotonic timestamps. Before restarting, its clock might have been driven
// by other nodes' fast clocks, but when we restarted, we lost all this
// information. For example, a client might have written a value at a
// timestamp that's in the future of the restarted node's clock, and if we
// don't do something, the same client's read would not return the written
// value. So, we wait up to MaxOffset; we couldn't have served timestamps more
// than MaxOffset in the future (assuming that MaxOffset was not changed, see
// #9733).
// As an optimization for tests, we don't sleep if all the stores are brand
// new. In this case, the node will not serve anything anyway until it
// synchronizes with other nodes.
var sleepDuration time.Duration
// Don't have to sleep for monotonicity when using clockless reads
// (nor can we, for we would sleep forever).
if maxOffset := s.clock.MaxOffset(); maxOffset != timeutil.ClocklessMaxOffset {
sleepDuration = maxOffset - timeutil.Since(startTime)
if sleepDuration > 0 {
log.Infof(ctx, "sleeping for %s to guarantee HLC monotonicity", sleepDuration)
} else if len(s.cfg.GossipBootstrapResolvers) == 0 {
// If the _unfiltered_ list of hosts from the --join flag is
// empty, then this node can bootstrap a new cluster. We disallow
// this if this node is being started with itself specified as a
// --join host, because that's too likely to be operator error.
bootstrapVersion := s.cfg.Settings.Version.BootstrapVersion()
if s.cfg.TestingKnobs.Store != nil {
if storeKnobs, ok := s.cfg.TestingKnobs.Store.(*storage.StoreTestingKnobs); ok && storeKnobs.BootstrapVersion != nil {
bootstrapVersion = *storeKnobs.BootstrapVersion
if err = s.node.bootstrap(ctx, s.engines, bootstrapVersion); err != nil {
return err
log.Infof(ctx, "**** add additional nodes by specifying --join=%s", s.cfg.AdvertiseAddr)
} else {
log.Info(ctx, "no stores bootstrapped and --join flag specified, awaiting init command.")
initServer := newInitServer(s)
initServer.serve(ctx, initL)
atomic.StoreInt32(&initLActive, 1)
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(context.Context) {
serveOnMux.Do(func() {
if err = initServer.awaitBootstrap(); err != nil {
return nil
atomic.StoreInt32(&initLActive, 0)
// We ran this before, but might've bootstrapped in the meantime. This time
// we'll get the actual list of bootstrapped and empty engines.
bootstrappedEngines, emptyEngines, cv, err := inspectEngines(ctx, s.engines, s.cfg.Settings.Version.MinSupportedVersion, s.cfg.Settings.Version.ServerVersion)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "inspecting engines")
defer time.AfterFunc(30*time.Second, func() {
serverVersion := s.cfg.Settings.Version.ServerVersion
// If the version is an unstable development version, treat it as the last
// stable version so that the docs link will exist (for example, 1.1-5
// becomes 1.1).
serverVersion.Unstable = 0
msg := `The server appears to be unable to contact the other nodes in the cluster. Please try
- starting the other nodes, if you haven't already
- double-checking that the '--join' and '--host' flags are set up correctly
- not using the '--background' flag.
If problems persist, please see https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/v` + serverVersion.String() + `/cluster-setup-troubleshooting.html.`
log.Shout(context.Background(), log.Severity_WARNING,
// Now that we have a monotonic HLC wrt previous incarnations of the process,
// init all the replicas. At this point *some* store has been bootstrapped or
// we're joining an existing cluster for the first time.
err = s.node.start(
bootstrappedEngines, emptyEngines,
if err != nil {
return err
log.Event(ctx, "started node")
"cluster": s.ClusterID().String(),
"node": s.NodeID().String(),
"server_id": fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", s.ClusterID().Short(), s.NodeID()),
// We can now add the node registry.
s.recorder.AddNode(s.registry, s.node.Descriptor, s.node.startedAt, s.cfg.AdvertiseAddr, s.cfg.HTTPAddr)
// Begin recording runtime statistics.
// Begin recording time series data collected by the status monitor.
s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.recorder, s.cfg.MetricsSampleInterval, ts.Resolution10s, s.stopper,
// Begin recording status summaries.
// Create and start the schema change manager only after a NodeID
// has been assigned.
var testingKnobs *sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs
if s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLSchemaChanger != nil {
testingKnobs = s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLSchemaChanger.(*sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs)
} else {
testingKnobs = new(sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs)
s.sqlExecutor.Start(ctx, &s.adminMemMetrics, s.node.Descriptor)
log.Infof(ctx, "starting %s server at %s", s.cfg.HTTPRequestScheme(), unresolvedHTTPAddr)
log.Infof(ctx, "starting grpc/postgres server at %s", unresolvedListenAddr)
log.Infof(ctx, "advertising CockroachDB node at %s", unresolvedAdvertAddr)
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(context.Context) {
serveOnMux.Do(func() {
if len(s.cfg.SocketFile) != 0 {
log.Infof(ctx, "starting postgres server at unix:%s", s.cfg.SocketFile)
// Unix socket enabled: postgres protocol only.
unixLn, err := net.Listen("unix", s.cfg.SocketFile)
if err != nil {
return err
s.stopper.RunWorker(workersCtx, func(workersCtx context.Context) {
if err := unixLn.Close(); err != nil {
log.Fatal(workersCtx, err)
pgCtx := s.pgServer.AmbientCtx.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
s.stopper.RunWorker(pgCtx, func(pgCtx context.Context) {
select {
case <-serveSQL:
case <-s.stopper.ShouldQuiesce():
netutil.FatalIfUnexpected(httpServer.ServeWith(pgCtx, s.stopper, unixLn, func(conn net.Conn) {
connCtx := log.WithLogTagStr(pgCtx, "client", conn.RemoteAddr().String())
if err := s.pgServer.ServeConn(connCtx, conn); err != nil &&
!netutil.IsClosedConnection(err) {
// Report the error on this connection's context, so that we
// know which remote client caused the error when looking at
// the logs.
log.Error(connCtx, err)
log.Event(ctx, "accepting connections")
// Begin the node liveness heartbeat. Add a callback which
// 1. records the local store "last up" timestamp for every store whenever the
// liveness record is updated.
// 2. sets Draining if Decommissioning is set in the liveness record
decommissionSem := make(chan struct{}, 1)
s.nodeLiveness.StartHeartbeat(ctx, s.stopper, func(ctx context.Context) {
now := s.clock.Now()
if err := s.node.stores.VisitStores(func(s *storage.Store) error {
return s.WriteLastUpTimestamp(ctx, now)
}); err != nil {
log.Warning(ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "writing last up timestamp"))
if liveness, err := s.nodeLiveness.Self(); err != nil && err != storage.ErrNoLivenessRecord {
log.Warning(ctx, errors.Wrap(err, "retrieving own liveness record"))
} else if liveness != nil && liveness.Decommissioning && !liveness.Draining {
select {
case decommissionSem <- struct{}{}:
s.stopper.RunWorker(ctx, func(context.Context) {
defer func() {
if _, err := s.Drain(GracefulDrainModes); err != nil {
log.Warningf(ctx, "failed to set Draining when Decommissioning: %v", err)
// Already have an active goroutine trying to drain; don't add a
// second one.
if err := s.jobRegistry.Start(
ctx, s.stopper, s.nodeLiveness, jobs.DefaultCancelInterval, jobs.DefaultAdoptInterval,
); err != nil {
return err
// Initialize grpc-gateway mux and context.
jsonpb := &protoutil.JSONPb{
EnumsAsInts: true,
EmitDefaults: true,
Indent: " ",
protopb := new(protoutil.ProtoPb)
gwMux := gwruntime.NewServeMux(
gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(gwruntime.MIMEWildcard, jsonpb),
gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.JSONContentType, jsonpb),
gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.AltJSONContentType, jsonpb),
gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.ProtoContentType, protopb),
gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.AltProtoContentType, protopb),
gwCtx, gwCancel := context.WithCancel(s.AnnotateCtx(context.Background()))
var authHandler http.Handler = gwMux
if s.cfg.RequireWebSession() {
authHandler = newAuthenticationMux(s.authentication, authHandler)
// Setup HTTP<->gRPC handlers.
conn, err := s.rpcContext.GRPCDial(s.cfg.Addr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("error constructing grpc-gateway: %s; are your certificates valid?", err)
for _, gw := range []grpcGatewayServer{s.admin, s.status, s.authentication, &s.tsServer} {
if err := gw.RegisterGateway(gwCtx, gwMux, conn); err != nil {
return err
s.mux.Handle("/", http.FileServer(&assetfs.AssetFS{
Asset: ui.Asset,
AssetDir: ui.AssetDir,
AssetInfo: ui.AssetInfo,
s.mux.Handle(adminPrefix, authHandler)
s.mux.Handle(ts.URLPrefix, authHandler)
s.mux.Handle(statusPrefix, authHandler)
s.mux.Handle(authPrefix, gwMux)
s.mux.Handle("/health", gwMux)
s.mux.Handle(statusVars, http.HandlerFunc(s.status.handleVars))
log.Event(ctx, "added http endpoints")
// Before serving SQL requests, we have to make sure the database is
// in an acceptable form for this version of the software.
// We have to do this after actually starting up the server to be able to
// seamlessly use the kv client against other nodes in the cluster.
migMgr := migrations.NewManager(
s.stopper, s.db, s.sqlExecutor, s.clock, &s.internalMemMetrics, s.NodeID().String())
if err := migMgr.EnsureMigrations(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, err)
log.Infof(ctx, "done ensuring all necessary migrations have run")
log.Info(ctx, "serving sql connections")
// Record that this node joined the cluster in the event log. Since this
// executes a SQL query, this must be done after the SQL layer is ready.
if s.cfg.PIDFile != "" {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(s.cfg.PIDFile, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d\n", os.Getpid())), 0644); err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, err)
if s.cfg.ListeningURLFile != "" {
pgURL, err := s.cfg.PGURL(url.User(security.RootUser))
if err == nil {
err = ioutil.WriteFile(s.cfg.ListeningURLFile, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", pgURL)), 0644)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, err)
if err := sdnotify.Ready(); err != nil {
log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to signal readiness using systemd protocol: %s", err)
log.Event(ctx, "server ready")
return nil
func (s *Server) doDrain(modes []serverpb.DrainMode, setTo bool) ([]serverpb.DrainMode, error) {
for _, mode := range modes {
switch mode {
case serverpb.DrainMode_CLIENT:
if err := func() error {
// Since enabling the lease manager's draining mode will prevent
// the acquisition of new leases, the switch must be made after
// the pgServer has given sessions a chance to finish ongoing
// work.
defer s.leaseMgr.SetDraining(setTo)
return s.pgServer.SetDraining(setTo)
}(); err != nil {
return nil, err
case serverpb.DrainMode_LEASES:
s.nodeLiveness.SetDraining(context.TODO(), setTo)
if err := s.node.SetDraining(setTo); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, errors.Errorf("unknown drain mode: %s", mode)
var nowOn []serverpb.DrainMode
if s.pgServer.IsDraining() {
nowOn = append(nowOn, serverpb.DrainMode_CLIENT)
if s.node.IsDraining() {
nowOn = append(nowOn, serverpb.DrainMode_LEASES)
return nowOn, nil
// Drain idempotently activates the given DrainModes on the Server in the order
// in which they are supplied.
// For example, Drain is typically called with [CLIENT,LEADERSHIP] before
// terminating the process for graceful shutdown.
// On success, returns all active drain modes after carrying out the request.
// On failure, the system may be in a partially drained state and should be
// recovered by calling Undrain() with the same (or a larger) slice of modes.
func (s *Server) Drain(on []serverpb.DrainMode) ([]serverpb.DrainMode, error) {
return s.doDrain(on, true)
// Undrain idempotently deactivates the given DrainModes on the Server in the
// order in which they are supplied.
// On success, returns any remaining active drain modes.
func (s *Server) Undrain(off []serverpb.DrainMode) []serverpb.DrainMode {
nowActive, err := s.doDrain(off, false)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error returned to Undrain: %s", err))
return nowActive
// Decommission idempotently sets the decommissioning flag for specified nodes.
func (s *Server) Decommission(ctx context.Context, setTo bool, nodeIDs []roachpb.NodeID) error {
for _, nodeID := range nodeIDs {
if err := s.nodeLiveness.SetDecommissioning(ctx, nodeID, setTo); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "during liveness update %d -> %t", nodeID, setTo)
return nil
// startSampleEnvironment begins a worker that periodically instructs the
// runtime stat sampler to sample the environment.
func (s *Server) startSampleEnvironment(frequency time.Duration) {
// Immediately record summaries once on server startup.
ctx := s.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
s.stopper.RunWorker(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(frequency)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
case <-s.stopper.ShouldStop():
// Stop stops the server.
func (s *Server) Stop() {
// ServeHTTP is necessary to implement the http.Handler interface.
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// This is our base handler, so catch all panics and make sure they stick.
defer log.FatalOnPanic()
// Disable caching of responses.
w.Header().Set("Cache-control", "no-cache")
ae := r.Header.Get(httputil.AcceptEncodingHeader)
switch {
case strings.Contains(ae, httputil.GzipEncoding):
w.Header().Set(httputil.ContentEncodingHeader, httputil.GzipEncoding)
gzw := newGzipResponseWriter(w)
defer gzw.Close()
w = gzw
s.mux.ServeHTTP(w, r)
type gzipResponseWriter struct {
// Flush implements http.Flusher as required by grpc-gateway for clients
// which access streaming endpoints (as exercised by the acceptance tests
// at time of writing).
func (*gzipResponseWriter) Flush() {}
func newGzipResponseWriter(w http.ResponseWriter) *gzipResponseWriter {
var gz *gzip.Writer
if gzI := gzipWriterPool.Get(); gzI == nil {
gz = gzip.NewWriter(w)
} else {
gz = gzI.(*gzip.Writer)
return &gzipResponseWriter{WriteCloser: gz, ResponseWriter: w}
func (w *gzipResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return w.WriteCloser.Write(b)
func (w *gzipResponseWriter) Close() {
if w.WriteCloser != nil {
w.WriteCloser = nil
func officialAddr(
ctx context.Context, cfgAddr string, lnAddr net.Addr, osHostname func() (string, error),
) (*util.UnresolvedAddr, error) {
cfgHost, cfgPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(cfgAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lnHost, lnPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(lnAddr.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
host := cfgHost
if len(host) == 0 {
// A host was not provided. Ask the system.
name, err := osHostname()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to get hostname")
host = name
addrs, err := net.DefaultResolver.LookupHost(ctx, host)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to lookup hostname %q", host)
if len(addrs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("hostname %q did not resolve to any addresses; listener address: %s", host, lnHost)
// cfgPort may need to be used if --advertise-port was set on the command line.
port := lnPort
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(cfgPort); err == nil && i > 0 {
port = cfgPort
return util.NewUnresolvedAddr(lnAddr.Network(), net.JoinHostPort(host, port)), nil
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