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parallel_stmts.go 13.08 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2017 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
// ParallelizeQueue maintains a set of planNodes running with parallelized execution.
// Parallelized execution means that multiple statements run asynchronously, with
// their results mocked out to the client and with independent statements allowed
// to run in parallel. Any errors seen when running these statements are delayed
// until the parallelized execution is "synchronized" on the next non-parallelized
// statement. The syntax to parallelize statement execution is the statement with
// RETURNING NOTHING appended to it. The feature is described further in
// docs/RFCS/sql_parallelization.md.
// It uses a DependencyAnalyzer to determine dependencies between plans. Using
// this knowledge, the queue provides the following guarantees about the execution
// of plans:
// 1. No two plans will ever be run concurrently if they are dependent of one another.
// 2. If two dependent plans are added to the queue, the plan added first will be
// executed before the plan added second.
// 3. No plans will begin execution once an error has been seen until Wait is
// called to drain the plans and reset the error-set state.
type ParallelizeQueue struct {
// analyzer is a DependencyAnalyzer that computes when certain plans are dependent
// on one another. It determines if it is safe to run plans concurrently.
analyzer DependencyAnalyzer
// plans is a set of all running and pending plans, with their corresponding "done"
// channels. These channels are closed when the plan has finished executing.
plans map[planNode]doneChan
// errs is the set of error seen since the last call to Wait. Referred to as
// the current "parallel batch's error-set". This will be populated by any
// errors returned from the exec functions passed to Add.
errs []error
mu syncutil.Mutex
runningGroup sync.WaitGroup
// doneChan is a channel that is closed when a plan finishes execution.
type doneChan chan struct{}
// MakeParallelizeQueue creates a new empty ParallelizeQueue that uses the provided
// DependencyAnalyzer to determine plan dependencies.
func MakeParallelizeQueue(analyzer DependencyAnalyzer) ParallelizeQueue {
return ParallelizeQueue{
plans: make(map[planNode]doneChan),
analyzer: analyzer,
// Add inserts a new plan in the queue and executes the provided function when
// all plans that it depends on have completed successfully, obeying the guarantees
// made by the ParallelizeQueue above. The exec function should be used to run the
// planNode and return any error observed during its execution.
// Add should not be called concurrently with Wait. See Wait's comment for more
// details.
func (pq *ParallelizeQueue) Add(params runParams, plan planNode, exec func(planNode) error) error {
prereqs, finishLocked, err := pq.insertInQueue(params, plan)
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
defer pq.runningGroup.Done()
defer plan.Close(params.ctx)
// Block on the execution of each prerequisite plan blocking us.
for _, prereq := range prereqs {
// Don't bother executing if an error has already been set.
if abort := func() bool {
defer pq.mu.Unlock()
if len(pq.errs) > 0 {
return true
return false
}(); abort {
// Execute the plan.
err := exec(plan)
if err != nil {
pq.errs = append(pq.errs, err)
return nil
// insertInQueue inserts the planNode in the queue. It returns a list of the "done"
// channels of prerequisite blocking the new plan from executing. It also returns a
// function to call when the new plan has finished executing. This function must be
// called while pq.mu is held.
func (pq *ParallelizeQueue) insertInQueue(
params runParams, newPlan planNode,
) ([]doneChan, func(), error) {
defer pq.mu.Unlock()
// Determine the set of prerequisite plans.
prereqs, err := pq.prereqsForPlanLocked(params, newPlan)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Insert newPlan in running set.
newDoneChan := make(doneChan)
pq.plans[newPlan] = newDoneChan
finish := func() {
// Remove the current plan from the running set and signal to dependent
// plans that we're done by closing our done channel.
delete(pq.plans, newPlan)
// Remove the current plan from the DependencyAnalyzer, in case it was
// caching any state about the plan.
return prereqs, finish, nil
// prereqsForPlanLocked determines the set of plans currently running and pending
// that a new plan is dependent on. It returns a slice of doneChans for each plan
// in this set. Returns a nil slice if the plan has no prerequisites and can be run
// immediately.
func (pq *ParallelizeQueue) prereqsForPlanLocked(
params runParams, newPlan planNode,
) ([]doneChan, error) {
// First, submit the planNode to the analyzer for analysis. This assures
// that the analysis takes place before the plan is executed, even if
// no calls to analyzer.Independent are necessary at this time.
if err := pq.analyzer.Analyze(params, newPlan); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add all plans from the plan set that this new plan is dependent on.
var prereqs []doneChan
for plan, doneChan := range pq.plans {
if !pq.analyzer.Independent(plan, newPlan) {
prereqs = append(prereqs, doneChan)
return prereqs, nil
// Len returns the number of plans in the ParallelizeQueue.
func (pq *ParallelizeQueue) Len() int {
defer pq.mu.Unlock()
return len(pq.plans)
// Wait blocks until the ParallelizeQueue finishes executing all plans. It then
// returns the error-set of the last batch of parallelized execution before reseting
// the error-set to allow for future use.
// Wait can not be called concurrently with Add. If we need to lift this
// restriction, consider replacing the sync.WaitGroup with a syncutil.RWMutex,
// which will provide the desired starvation and ordering properties. Those
// being that once Wait is called, future Adds will not be reordered ahead
// of Waits attempts to drain all running and pending plans.
func (pq *ParallelizeQueue) Wait() []error {
// There is no race condition between waiting on the WaitGroup and locking
// the mutex because ParallelizeQueue.Wait cannot be called concurrently with
// Add. We lock only because Errs may be called concurrently.
defer pq.mu.Unlock()
errs := pq.errs
pq.errs = nil
return errs
// Errs returns the ParallelizeQueue's error-set.
func (pq *ParallelizeQueue) Errs() []error {
defer pq.mu.Unlock()
return pq.errs
// DependencyAnalyzer determines if plans are independent of one another, where
// independent plans are defined by whether their execution could be safely
// reordered without having an effect on their runtime semantics or on their
// results. DependencyAnalyzer is used by ParallelizeQueue to test whether it is
// safe for multiple statements to be run concurrently.
// DependencyAnalyzer implementations do not need to be safe to use from multiple
// goroutines concurrently.
type DependencyAnalyzer interface {
// Analyze collects any upfront analysis that is necessary to make future
// independence decisions about the planNode. It must be called before
// calling Independent for each planNode, and the planNode provided must
// not be running when Analyze is called. Analyze is allowed to mutate the
// provided planner if necessary.
Analyze(runParams, planNode) error
// Independent determines if the provided planNodess are independent from
// one another. Either planNode may be running when Independent is called,
// so the method will not modify the plans in any way. Implementations of
// Independent are always commutative.
Independent(planNode, planNode) bool
// Clear is a hint to the DependencyAnalyzer that the provided plan will
// no longer be needed. It is useful for DependencyAnalyzers that cache
// state on the planNodes during Analyze.
var _ DependencyAnalyzer = dependencyAnalyzerFunc(nil)
var _ DependencyAnalyzer = &spanBasedDependencyAnalyzer{}
// dependencyAnalyzerFunc is an implementation of DependencyAnalyzer that defers
// to a function for all dependency decisions.
type dependencyAnalyzerFunc func(planNode, planNode) bool
func (f dependencyAnalyzerFunc) Independent(p1 planNode, p2 planNode) bool {
return f(p1, p2)
func (f dependencyAnalyzerFunc) Analyze(_ runParams, _ planNode) error { return nil }
func (f dependencyAnalyzerFunc) Clear(_ planNode) {}
// NoDependenciesAnalyzer is a DependencyAnalyzer that performs no analysis on
// planNodes and asserts that all plans are independent.
var NoDependenciesAnalyzer DependencyAnalyzer = dependencyAnalyzerFunc(func(
_ planNode, _ planNode,
) bool {
return true
// planAnalysis holds the read and write spans that a planNode will touch during
// execution, along with other information necessary to determine plan independence.
type planAnalysis struct {
read interval.RangeGroup
write interval.RangeGroup
hasOrderingFn bool
// spanBasedDependencyAnalyzer determines planNode independence based off of
// the read and write spans that a pair of planNodes interact with. The
// implementation of DependencyAnalyzer expects all planNodes to implement the
// spanCollector interface, and will panic if they do not.
type spanBasedDependencyAnalyzer struct {
// spanCache caches the analysis results of all active planNodes, so
// that the analysis only needs to be performed once.
analysisCache map[planNode]planAnalysis
// NewSpanBasedDependencyAnalyzer creates a new SpanBasedDependencyAnalyzer.
func NewSpanBasedDependencyAnalyzer() DependencyAnalyzer {
return &spanBasedDependencyAnalyzer{
analysisCache: make(map[planNode]planAnalysis),
func (a *spanBasedDependencyAnalyzer) Analyze(params runParams, p planNode) error {
readSpans, writeSpans, err := collectSpans(params, p)
if err != nil {
return err
hasOrderingFn := containsOrderingFunction(params.ctx, p)
analysis := planAnalysis{
read: rangeGroupFromSpans(readSpans),
write: rangeGroupFromSpans(writeSpans),
hasOrderingFn: hasOrderingFn,
a.analysisCache[p] = analysis
return nil
func (a *spanBasedDependencyAnalyzer) Independent(p1 planNode, p2 planNode) bool {
a1, ok1 := a.analysisCache[p1]
a2, ok2 := a.analysisCache[p2]
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
panic("Analyze must be called for each plan before Independent")
if a1.hasOrderingFn || a2.hasOrderingFn {
return false
if interval.RangeGroupsOverlap(a1.write, a2.write) {
return false
if interval.RangeGroupsOverlap(a1.read, a2.write) {
return false
if interval.RangeGroupsOverlap(a1.write, a2.read) {
return false
return true
func (a *spanBasedDependencyAnalyzer) Clear(p planNode) {
delete(a.analysisCache, p)
// orderingFunctions is a set of all functions that preclude statement independence.
// These functions are contractually monotonic within a transaction and thus prevents
// reordering.
var orderingFunctions = map[string]struct{}{
"statement_timestamp": {},
func containsOrderingFunction(ctx context.Context, plan planNode) bool {
sawOrderingFn := false
po := planObserver{expr: func(_, _ string, n int, expr parser.Expr) {
if f, ok := expr.(*parser.FuncExpr); ok {
if _, ok := orderingFunctions[f.Func.String()]; ok {
sawOrderingFn = true
if err := walkPlan(ctx, plan, po); err != nil {
return sawOrderingFn
func rangeGroupFromSpans(spans roachpb.Spans) interval.RangeGroup {
rg := interval.NewRangeList()
for _, s := range spans {
return rg
// IsStmtParallelized determines if a given statement's execution should be
// parallelized. This means that its results should be mocked out, and that
// it should be run asynchronously and in parallel with other statements that
// are independent.
func IsStmtParallelized(stmt Statement) bool {
parallelizedRetClause := func(ret parser.ReturningClause) bool {
_, ok := ret.(*parser.ReturningNothing)
return ok
switch s := stmt.AST.(type) {
case *parser.Delete:
return parallelizedRetClause(s.Returning)
case *parser.Insert:
return parallelizedRetClause(s.Returning)
case *parser.Update:
return parallelizedRetClause(s.Returning)
return false
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