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sorterstrategy.go 9.73 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package distsqlrun
import (
// sorterStrategy is an interface implemented by structs that know how to sort
// rows on behalf of a sorter processor.
type sorterStrategy interface {
// Execute performs a sorter processor's sorting work. Rows are read from the
// sorter's input and, after being sorted, passed to the sorter's
// post-processing stage.
// It returns once either all the input has been exhausted or the consumer
// indicated that no more rows are needed. In any case, the caller is
// responsible for draining and closing the producer and the consumer.
Execute(context.Context, *sorter) error
// sortAllStrategy reads in all values into the wrapped rows and
// uses sort.Sort to sort all values in-place. It has a worst-case time
// complexity of O(n*log(n)) and a worst-case space complexity of O(n).
// The strategy is intended to be used when all values need to be sorted.
type sortAllStrategy struct {
rows *memRowContainer
useTempStorage bool
var _ sorterStrategy = &sortAllStrategy{}
func newSortAllStrategy(rows *memRowContainer, useTempStorage bool) sorterStrategy {
return &sortAllStrategy{
rows: rows,
useTempStorage: useTempStorage,
// Execute runs an in memory implementation of a sort. If this run fails with a
// memory error, the strategy will fall back to use disk.
func (ss *sortAllStrategy) Execute(ctx context.Context, s *sorter) error {
defer ss.rows.Close(ctx)
row, err := ss.executeImpl(ctx, s, ss.rows)
// TODO(asubiotto): A memory error could also be returned if a limit other
// than the COCKROACH_WORK_MEM was reached. We should distinguish between
// these cases and log the event to facilitate debugging of queries that
// may be slow for this reason.
// We return the memory error if the row is nil because this case implies
// that we received the memory error from a code path that was not adding
// a row (e.g. from an upstream processor).
if pgErr, ok := pgerror.GetPGCause(err); !(ok && pgErr.Code == pgerror.CodeOutOfMemoryError) || row == nil {
return err
if !ss.useTempStorage {
return errors.Wrap(err, "external storage for large queries disabled")
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "falling back to disk")
diskContainer := makeDiskRowContainer(
ctx, s.flowCtx.diskMonitor, ss.rows.types, ss.rows.ordering, s.tempStorage,
defer diskContainer.Close(ctx)
// Transfer the rows from memory to disk. Note that this frees up the
// memory taken up by ss.rows.
i := ss.rows.NewIterator(ctx)
defer i.Close()
for i.Rewind(); ; i.Next() {
if ok, err := i.Valid(); err != nil {
return err
} else if !ok {
memRow, err := i.Row()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := diskContainer.AddRow(ctx, memRow); err != nil {
return err
// Add the row that caused the memory container to run out of memory.
if err := diskContainer.AddRow(ctx, row); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := ss.executeImpl(ctx, s, &diskContainer); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// The execution loop for the SortAll strategy:
// - loads all rows into memory. If the memory budget is not high enough, all
// rows are stored on disk.
// - runs sort.Sort to sort rows in place. In the disk-backed case, the rows
// are already kept in sorted order.
// - sends each row out to the output stream.
// If an error occurs while adding a row to the given container, the row is
// returned in order to not lose it.
func (ss *sortAllStrategy) executeImpl(
ctx context.Context, s *sorter, r sortableRowContainer,
) (sqlbase.EncDatumRow, error) {
for {
row, err := s.input.NextRow()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if row == nil {
if err := r.AddRow(ctx, row); err != nil {
return row, err
i := r.NewIterator(ctx)
defer i.Close()
for i.Rewind(); ; i.Next() {
if ok, err := i.Valid(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !ok {
row, err := i.Row()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
consumerStatus, err := s.out.EmitRow(ctx, row)
if err != nil || consumerStatus != NeedMoreRows {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
// sortTopKStrategy creates a max-heap in its wrapped rows and keeps
// this heap populated with only the top k values seen. It accomplishes this
// by comparing new values (before the deep copy) with the top of the heap.
// If the new value is less than the current top, the top will be replaced
// and the heap will be fixed. If not, the new value is dropped. When finished,
// the max heap is converted to a min-heap effectively sorting the values
// correctly in-place. It has a worst-case time complexity of O(n*log(k)) and a
// worst-case space complexity of O(k).
// The strategy is intended to be used when exactly k values need to be sorted,
// where k is known before sorting begins.
// TODO(irfansharif): (taken from TODO found in sql/sort.go) There are better
// algorithms that can achieve a sorted top k in a worst-case time complexity
// of O(n + k*log(k)) while maintaining a worst-case space complexity of O(k).
// For instance, the top k can be found in linear time, and then this can be
// sorted in linearithmic time.
// TODO(asubiotto): Use diskRowContainer for these other strategies.
type sortTopKStrategy struct {
rows *memRowContainer
k int64
var _ sorterStrategy = &sortTopKStrategy{}
func newSortTopKStrategy(rows *memRowContainer, k int64) sorterStrategy {
ss := &sortTopKStrategy{
rows: rows,
k: k,
return ss
// The execution loop for the SortTopK strategy is similar to that of the
// SortAll strategy; the difference is that we push rows into a max-heap of size
// at most K, and only sort those.
func (ss *sortTopKStrategy) Execute(ctx context.Context, s *sorter) error {
defer ss.rows.Close(ctx)
heapCreated := false
for {
row, err := s.input.NextRow()
if err != nil {
return err
if row == nil {
if int64(ss.rows.Len()) < ss.k {
// Accumulate up to k values.
if err := ss.rows.AddRow(ctx, row); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if !heapCreated {
// Arrange the k values into a max-heap.
heapCreated = true
// Replace the max value if the new row is smaller, maintaining the
// max-heap.
if err := ss.rows.MaybeReplaceMax(ctx, row); err != nil {
return err
for ss.rows.Len() > 0 {
// Push the row to the output; stop if they don't need more rows.
consumerStatus, err := s.out.EmitRow(ctx, ss.rows.EncRow(0))
if err != nil || consumerStatus != NeedMoreRows {
return err
return nil
// If we're scanning an index with a prefix matching an ordering prefix, we only accumulate values
// for equal fields in this prefix, sort the accumulated chunk and then output.
type sortChunksStrategy struct {
rows *memRowContainer
alloc sqlbase.DatumAlloc
var _ sorterStrategy = &sortChunksStrategy{}
func newSortChunksStrategy(rows *memRowContainer) sorterStrategy {
return &sortChunksStrategy{
rows: rows,
func (ss *sortChunksStrategy) Execute(ctx context.Context, s *sorter) error {
defer ss.rows.Close(ctx)
// pivoted is a helper function that determines if the given row shares the same values for the
// first s.matchLen ordering columns with the given pivot.
pivoted := func(row, pivot sqlbase.EncDatumRow) (bool, error) {
for _, ord := range s.ordering[:s.matchLen] {
cmp, err := row[ord.ColIdx].Compare(&ss.alloc, ss.rows.evalCtx, &pivot[ord.ColIdx])
if err != nil || cmp != 0 {
return false, err
return true, nil
nextRow, err := s.input.NextRow()
if err != nil || nextRow == nil {
return err
for {
pivot := nextRow
// We will accumulate rows to form a chunk such that they all share the same values
// for the first s.matchLen ordering columns.
for {
if log.V(3) {
log.Infof(ctx, "pushing row %s", nextRow)
if err := ss.rows.AddRow(ctx, nextRow); err != nil {
return err
nextRow, err = s.input.NextRow()
if err != nil {
return err
if nextRow == nil {
p, err := pivoted(nextRow, pivot)
if err != nil {
return err
if p {
// We verify if the nextRow here is infact 'greater' than pivot.
if cmp, err := nextRow.Compare(&ss.alloc, s.ordering, ss.rows.evalCtx, pivot); err != nil {
return err
} else if cmp < 0 {
return errors.Errorf("incorrectly ordered row %s before %s", pivot, nextRow)
// Sort the rows that have been pushed onto the buffer.
// Stream out sorted rows in order to row receiver.
for ss.rows.Len() > 0 {
consumerStatus, err := s.out.EmitRow(ctx, ss.rows.EncRow(0))
if err != nil || consumerStatus != NeedMoreRows {
// We don't need any more rows; clear out ss so to not hold on to that
// memory.
ss = &sortChunksStrategy{}
return err
if nextRow == nil {
// We've reached the end of the table.
return nil
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