// Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
func initWindowBuiltins() {
// Add all windows to the Builtins map after a few sanity checks.
for k, v := range windows {
for _, w := range v {
if !w.impure {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("window functions should all be impure, found %v", w))
if w.class != WindowClass {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("window functions should be marked with the WindowClass "+
"function class, found %v", w))
if w.WindowFunc == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("window functions should have WindowFunc constructors, "+
"found %v", w))
Builtins[k] = v
// IndexedRow is a row with a corresponding index.
type IndexedRow struct {
Idx int
Row Datums
// WindowFrame is a view into a subset of data over which calculations are made.
type WindowFrame struct {
// constant for all calls to WindowFunc.Add
Rows []IndexedRow
ArgIdxStart int // the index which arguments to the window function begin
ArgCount int // the number of window function arguments
// changes for each row (each call to WindowFunc.Add)
RowIdx int // the current row index
// changes for each peer group
FirstPeerIdx int // the first index in the current peer group
PeerRowCount int // the number of rows in the current peer group
func (wf WindowFrame) rank() int {
return wf.RowIdx + 1
func (wf WindowFrame) rowCount() int {
return len(wf.Rows)
// TODO(nvanbenschoten): This definition only holds while we don't support
// frame specification (RANGE or ROWS) in the OVER clause.
func (wf WindowFrame) frameSize() int {
return wf.FirstPeerIdx + wf.PeerRowCount
// firstInPeerGroup returns if the current row is the first in its peer group.
func (wf WindowFrame) firstInPeerGroup() bool {
return wf.RowIdx == wf.FirstPeerIdx
func (wf WindowFrame) args() Datums {
return wf.argsWithRowOffset(0)
func (wf WindowFrame) argsWithRowOffset(offset int) Datums {
return wf.Rows[wf.RowIdx+offset].Row[wf.ArgIdxStart : wf.ArgIdxStart+wf.ArgCount]
// WindowFunc performs a computation on each row using data from a provided WindowFrame.
type WindowFunc interface {
// Compute computes the window function for the provided window frame, given the
// current state of WindowFunc. The method should be called sequentially for every
// row in a partition in turn with the desired ordering of the WindowFunc. This is
// because there is an implicit carried dependency between each row and all those
// that have come before it (like in an AggregateFunc). As such, this approach does
// not present any exploitable associativity/commutativity for optimization.
Compute(context.Context, *EvalContext, WindowFrame) (Datum, error)
// Close allows the window function to free any memory it requested during execution,
// such as during the execution of an aggregation like CONCAT_AGG or ARRAY_AGG.
Close(context.Context, *EvalContext)
// windows are a special class of builtin functions that can only be applied
// as window functions using an OVER clause.
// See `windowFuncHolder` in the sql package.
var windows = map[string][]Builtin{
"row_number": {
makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{}, TypeInt, newRowNumberWindow),
"rank": {
makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{}, TypeInt, newRankWindow),
"dense_rank": {
makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{}, TypeInt, newDenseRankWindow),
"percent_rank": {
makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{}, TypeFloat, newPercentRankWindow),
"cume_dist": {
makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{}, TypeFloat, newCumulativeDistWindow),
"ntile": {
makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"n", TypeInt}}, TypeInt, newNtileWindow),
"lag": mergeBuiltinSlices(
collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}}, t, makeLeadLagWindowConstructor(false, false, false))
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}, {"n", TypeInt}}, t, makeLeadLagWindowConstructor(false, true, false))
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
// TODO(nvanbenschoten): We still have no good way to represent two parameters that
// can be any types but must be the same (eg. lag(T, Int, T)).
collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}, {"n", TypeInt}, {"default", t}},
t, makeLeadLagWindowConstructor(false, true, true))
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
"lead": mergeBuiltinSlices(
collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}}, t, makeLeadLagWindowConstructor(true, false, false))
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}, {"n", TypeInt}}, t, makeLeadLagWindowConstructor(true, true, false))
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}, {"n", TypeInt}, {"default", t}},
t, makeLeadLagWindowConstructor(true, true, true))
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
"first_value": collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}}, t, newFirstValueWindow)
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
"last_value": collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}}, t, newLastValueWindow)
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
"nth_value": collectBuiltins(func(t Type) Builtin {
return makeWindowBuiltin(ArgTypes{{"val", t}, {"n", TypeInt}}, t, newNthValueWindow)
}, TypesAnyNonArray...),
func makeWindowBuiltin(in ArgTypes, ret Type, f func([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc) Builtin {
return Builtin{
impure: true,
class: WindowClass,
Types: in,
ReturnType: fixedReturnType(ret),
WindowFunc: f,
func collectBuiltins(f func(Type) Builtin, types ...Type) []Builtin {
r := make([]Builtin, len(types))
for i := range types {
r[i] = f(types[i])
return r
func mergeBuiltinSlices(s ...[]Builtin) []Builtin {
var r []Builtin
for _, bs := range s {
r = append(r, bs...)
return r
var _ WindowFunc = &aggregateWindowFunc{}
var _ WindowFunc = &rowNumberWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &rankWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &denseRankWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &percentRankWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &cumulativeDistWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &ntileWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &leadLagWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &firstValueWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &lastValueWindow{}
var _ WindowFunc = &nthValueWindow{}
// aggregateWindowFunc aggregates over the the current row's window frame, using
// the internal AggregateFunc to perform the aggregation.
type aggregateWindowFunc struct {
agg AggregateFunc
peerRes Datum
func newAggregateWindow(agg AggregateFunc) WindowFunc {
return &aggregateWindowFunc{agg: agg}
func (w *aggregateWindowFunc) Compute(
ctx context.Context, evalCtx *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame,
) (Datum, error) {
if !wf.firstInPeerGroup() {
return w.peerRes, nil
// Accumulate all values in the peer group at the same time, as these
// must return the same value.
for i := 0; i < wf.PeerRowCount; i++ {
args := wf.argsWithRowOffset(i)
var value Datum
// COUNT_ROWS takes no arguments.
if len(args) > 0 {
value = args[0]
if err := w.agg.Add(ctx, value); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Retrieve the value for the entire peer group, save it, and return it.
peerRes, err := w.agg.Result()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w.peerRes = peerRes
return w.peerRes, nil
func (w *aggregateWindowFunc) Close(ctx context.Context, evalCtx *EvalContext) {
// rowNumberWindow computes the number of the current row within its partition,
// counting from 1.
type rowNumberWindow struct{}
func newRowNumberWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &rowNumberWindow{}
func (rowNumberWindow) Compute(_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame) (Datum, error) {
return NewDInt(DInt(wf.RowIdx + 1 /* one-indexed */)), nil
func (rowNumberWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// rankWindow computes the rank of the current row with gaps.
type rankWindow struct {
peerRes *DInt
func newRankWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &rankWindow{}
func (w *rankWindow) Compute(_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame) (Datum, error) {
if wf.firstInPeerGroup() {
w.peerRes = NewDInt(DInt(wf.rank()))
return w.peerRes, nil
func (w *rankWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// denseRankWindow computes the rank of the current row without gaps (it counts peer groups).
type denseRankWindow struct {
denseRank int
peerRes *DInt
func newDenseRankWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &denseRankWindow{}
func (w *denseRankWindow) Compute(
_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame,
) (Datum, error) {
if wf.firstInPeerGroup() {
w.peerRes = NewDInt(DInt(w.denseRank))
return w.peerRes, nil
func (w *denseRankWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// percentRankWindow computes the relative rank of the current row using:
// (rank - 1) / (total rows - 1)
type percentRankWindow struct {
peerRes *DFloat
func newPercentRankWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &percentRankWindow{}
var dfloatZero = NewDFloat(0)
func (w *percentRankWindow) Compute(
_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame,
) (Datum, error) {
// Return zero if there's only one row, per spec.
if wf.rowCount() <= 1 {
return dfloatZero, nil
if wf.firstInPeerGroup() {
// (rank - 1) / (total rows - 1)
w.peerRes = NewDFloat(DFloat(wf.rank()-1) / DFloat(wf.rowCount()-1))
return w.peerRes, nil
func (w *percentRankWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// cumulativeDistWindow computes the relative rank of the current row using:
// (number of rows preceding or peer with current row) / (total rows)
type cumulativeDistWindow struct {
peerRes *DFloat
func newCumulativeDistWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &cumulativeDistWindow{}
func (w *cumulativeDistWindow) Compute(
_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame,
) (Datum, error) {
if wf.firstInPeerGroup() {
// (number of rows preceding or peer with current row) / (total rows)
w.peerRes = NewDFloat(DFloat(wf.frameSize()) / DFloat(wf.rowCount()))
return w.peerRes, nil
func (w *cumulativeDistWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// ntileWindow computes an integer ranging from 1 to the argument value, dividing
// the partition as equally as possible.
type ntileWindow struct {
ntile *DInt // current result
curBucketCount int // row number of current bucket
boundary int // how many rows should be in the bucket
remainder int // (total rows) % (bucket num)
func newNtileWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &ntileWindow{}
var errInvalidArgumentForNtile = pgerror.NewErrorf(pgerror.CodeInvalidParameterValueError, "argument of ntile() must be greater than zero")
func (w *ntileWindow) Compute(_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame) (Datum, error) {
if w.ntile == nil {
// If this is the first call to ntileWindow.Compute, set up the buckets.
total := wf.rowCount()
arg := wf.args()[0]
if arg == DNull {
// per spec: If argument is the null value, then the result is the null value.
return DNull, nil
nbuckets := int(MustBeDInt(arg))
if nbuckets <= 0 {
// per spec: If argument is less than or equal to 0, then an error is returned.
return nil, errInvalidArgumentForNtile
w.ntile = NewDInt(1)
w.curBucketCount = 0
w.boundary = total / nbuckets
if w.boundary <= 0 {
w.boundary = 1
} else {
// If the total number is not divisible, add 1 row to leading buckets.
w.remainder = total % nbuckets
if w.remainder != 0 {
if w.boundary < w.curBucketCount {
// Move to next ntile bucket.
if w.remainder != 0 && int(*w.ntile) == w.remainder {
w.remainder = 0
w.ntile = NewDInt(*w.ntile + 1)
w.curBucketCount = 1
return w.ntile, nil
func (w *ntileWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
type leadLagWindow struct {
forward bool
withOffset bool
withDefault bool
func newLeadLagWindow(forward, withOffset, withDefault bool) WindowFunc {
return &leadLagWindow{
forward: forward,
withOffset: withOffset,
withDefault: withDefault,
func makeLeadLagWindowConstructor(
forward, withOffset, withDefault bool,
) func([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return func([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return newLeadLagWindow(forward, withOffset, withDefault)
func (w *leadLagWindow) Compute(_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame) (Datum, error) {
offset := 1
if w.withOffset {
offsetArg := wf.args()[1]
if offsetArg == DNull {
return DNull, nil
offset = int(MustBeDInt(offsetArg))
if !w.forward {
offset *= -1
if targetRow := wf.RowIdx + offset; targetRow < 0 || targetRow >= wf.rowCount() {
// Target row is out of the partition; supply default value if provided,
// otherwise return NULL.
if w.withDefault {
return wf.args()[2], nil
return DNull, nil
return wf.argsWithRowOffset(offset)[0], nil
func (w *leadLagWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// firstValueWindow returns value evaluated at the row that is the first row of the window frame.
type firstValueWindow struct{}
func newFirstValueWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &firstValueWindow{}
func (firstValueWindow) Compute(_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame) (Datum, error) {
return wf.Rows[0].Row[wf.ArgIdxStart], nil
func (firstValueWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// lastValueWindow returns value evaluated at the row that is the last row of the window frame.
type lastValueWindow struct{}
func newLastValueWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &lastValueWindow{}
func (lastValueWindow) Compute(_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame) (Datum, error) {
return wf.Rows[wf.frameSize()-1].Row[wf.ArgIdxStart], nil
func (lastValueWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
// nthValueWindow returns value evaluated at the row that is the nth row of the window frame
// (counting from 1). Returns null if no such row.
type nthValueWindow struct{}
func newNthValueWindow([]Type, *EvalContext) WindowFunc {
return &nthValueWindow{}
var errInvalidArgumentForNthValue = pgerror.NewErrorf(pgerror.CodeInvalidParameterValueError, "argument of nth_value() must be greater than zero")
func (nthValueWindow) Compute(_ context.Context, _ *EvalContext, wf WindowFrame) (Datum, error) {
arg := wf.args()[1]
if arg == DNull {
return DNull, nil
nth := int(MustBeDInt(arg))
if nth <= 0 {
return nil, errInvalidArgumentForNthValue
// per spec: Only consider the rows within the "window frame", which by default contains
// the rows from the start of the partition through the last peer of the current row.
if nth > wf.frameSize() {
return DNull, nil
return wf.Rows[nth-1].Row[wf.ArgIdxStart], nil
func (nthValueWindow) Close(context.Context, *EvalContext) {}
var _ Visitor = &ContainsWindowVisitor{}
// ContainsWindowVisitor checks if walked expressions contain window functions.
type ContainsWindowVisitor struct {
sawWindow bool
// VisitPre satisfies the Visitor interface.
func (v *ContainsWindowVisitor) VisitPre(expr Expr) (recurse bool, newExpr Expr) {
switch t := expr.(type) {
case *FuncExpr:
if t.IsWindowFunctionApplication() {
v.sawWindow = true
return false, expr
case *Subquery:
return false, expr
return true, expr
// VisitPost satisfies the Visitor interface.
func (*ContainsWindowVisitor) VisitPost(expr Expr) Expr { return expr }
// ContainsWindowFunc determines if an Expr contains a window function.
func (v *ContainsWindowVisitor) ContainsWindowFunc(expr Expr) bool {
if expr != nil {
WalkExprConst(v, expr)
ret := v.sawWindow
v.sawWindow = false
return ret
return false
// WindowFuncInExpr determines if an Expr contains a window function, using
// the Parser's embedded visitor.
func (p *Parser) WindowFuncInExpr(expr Expr) bool {
return p.containsWindowVisitor.ContainsWindowFunc(expr)
// WindowFuncInExprs determines if any of the provided TypedExpr contains a
// window function, using the Parser's embedded visitor.
func (p *Parser) WindowFuncInExprs(exprs []TypedExpr) bool {
for _, expr := range exprs {
if p.WindowFuncInExpr(expr) {
return true
return false
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