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multi_iterator.go 6.78 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2017 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed as a CockroachDB Enterprise file under the Cockroach Community
// License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/blob/master/LICENSE
package engineccl
import (
const invalidIdxSentinel = -1
// multiIterator multiplexes iteration over a number of engine.Iterators.
type multiIterator struct {
iters []engine.SimpleIterator
// The index into `iters` of the iterator currently being pointed at.
currentIdx int
// The indexes of every iterator with the same key as the one in currentIdx.
itersWithCurrentKey []int
// The indexes of every iterator with the same key and timestamp as the one
// in currentIdx.
itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp []int
// err, if non-nil, is an error encountered by one of the underlying
// Iterators or in some incompatibility between them. If err is non-nil,
// Valid must return false.
err error
var _ engine.SimpleIterator = &multiIterator{}
// MakeMultiIterator creates an iterator that multiplexes
// engine.SimpleIterators. The caller is responsible for closing the passed
// iterators after closing the returned multiIterator.
// If two iterators have an entry with exactly the same key and timestamp, the
// one with a higher index in this constructor arg is preferred. The other is
// skipped.
func MakeMultiIterator(iters []engine.SimpleIterator) engine.SimpleIterator {
return &multiIterator{
iters: iters,
currentIdx: invalidIdxSentinel,
itersWithCurrentKey: make([]int, 0, len(iters)),
itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp: make([]int, 0, len(iters)),
func (f *multiIterator) Close() {
// No-op, multiIterator doesn't close the underlying iterators.
// Seek advances the iterator to the first key in the engine which is >= the
// provided key.
func (f *multiIterator) Seek(key engine.MVCCKey) {
for _, iter := range f.iters {
// Each of the iterators now points at the first key >= key. Set currentIdx
// and itersWithCurrentKey but don't advance any of the underlying
// iterators.
// Valid must be called after any call to Seek(), Next(), or similar methods. It
// returns (true, nil) if the iterator points to a valid key (it is undefined to
// call UnsafeKey(), UnsafeValue(), or similar methods unless Valid() has
// returned (true, nil)). It returns (false, nil) if the iterator has moved past
// the end of the valid range, or (false, err) if an error has occurred. Valid()
// will never return true with a non-nil error.
func (f *multiIterator) Valid() (bool, error) {
valid := f.currentIdx != invalidIdxSentinel && f.err == nil
return valid, f.err
// UnsafeKey returns the current key, but the memory is invalidated on the next
// call to {NextKey,Seek}.
func (f *multiIterator) UnsafeKey() engine.MVCCKey {
return f.iters[f.currentIdx].UnsafeKey()
// UnsafeValue returns the current value as a byte slice, but the memory is
// invalidated on the next call to {NextKey,Seek}.
func (f *multiIterator) UnsafeValue() []byte {
return f.iters[f.currentIdx].UnsafeValue()
// Next advances the iterator to the next key/value in the iteration. After this
// call, Valid() will be true if the iterator was not positioned at the last
// key.
func (f *multiIterator) Next() {
// Advance each iterator at the current key and timestamp to its next key,
// then recompute currentIdx.
for _, iterIdx := range f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp {
// NextKey advances the iterator to the next MVCC key. This operation is
// distinct from Next which advances to the next version of the current key or
// the next key if the iterator is currently located at the last version for a
// key.
func (f *multiIterator) NextKey() {
// Advance each iterator at the current key to its next key, then recompute
// currentIdx.
for _, iterIdx := range f.itersWithCurrentKey {
func (f *multiIterator) advance() {
// Loop through every iterator, storing the best next value for currentIdx
// in proposedNextIdx as we go. If it's still invalidIdxSentinel at the end,
// then all the underlying iterators are exhausted and so is this one.
proposedNextIdx := invalidIdxSentinel
for iterIdx, iter := range f.iters {
// If this iterator is exhausted skip it (or error if it's errored).
// TODO(dan): Iterators that are exhausted could be removed to save
// having to check them on all future calls to advance.
if ok, err := iter.Valid(); err != nil {
f.err = err
} else if !ok {
// Fill proposedMVCCKey with the mvcc key of the current best for the
// next value for currentIdx (or a sentinel that sorts after everything
// if this is the first non-exhausted iterator).
proposedMVCCKey := engine.MVCCKey{Key: keys.MaxKey}
if proposedNextIdx != invalidIdxSentinel {
proposedMVCCKey = f.iters[proposedNextIdx].UnsafeKey()
iterMVCCKey := iter.UnsafeKey()
if cmp := bytes.Compare(iterMVCCKey.Key, proposedMVCCKey.Key); cmp < 0 {
// The iterator at iterIdx has a lower key than any seen so far.
// Update proposedNextIdx with it and reset itersWithCurrentKey
// (because everything seen so for must have had a higher key).
f.itersWithCurrentKey = f.itersWithCurrentKey[:0]
f.itersWithCurrentKey = append(f.itersWithCurrentKey, iterIdx)
f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp = f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp[:0]
f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp = append(f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp, iterIdx)
proposedNextIdx = iterIdx
} else if cmp == 0 {
// The iterator at iterIdx has the same key as the current best, add
// it to itersWithCurrentKey and check how the timestamps compare.
f.itersWithCurrentKey = append(f.itersWithCurrentKey, iterIdx)
if proposedMVCCKey.Timestamp == iterMVCCKey.Timestamp {
// We have two exactly equal mvcc keys (both key and timestamps
// match). The one in the later iterator takes precedence and
// the one in the earlier iterator should be omitted from
// iteration.
f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp = append(f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp, iterIdx)
proposedNextIdx = iterIdx
} else if iterMVCCKey.Less(proposedMVCCKey) {
// This iterator sorts before the current best in mvcc sort
// order, so update the current best.
f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp = f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp[:0]
f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp = append(f.itersWithCurrentKeyTimestamp, iterIdx)
proposedNextIdx = iterIdx
// NB: proposedNextIdx will still be invalidIdxSentinel here if this
// iterator is exhausted.
f.currentIdx = proposedNextIdx
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