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push_txn_queue.go 24.65 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2017 The Cockroach Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
const maxWaitForQueryTxn = 50 * time.Millisecond
// shouldPushImmediately returns whether the PushTxn request should
// proceed without queueing. This is true for pushes which are neither
// ABORT nor TIMESTAMP, but also for ABORT and TIMESTAMP pushes where
// the pushee has min priority or pusher has max priority.
func shouldPushImmediately(req *roachpb.PushTxnRequest) bool {
if !(req.PushType == roachpb.PUSH_ABORT || req.PushType == roachpb.PUSH_TIMESTAMP) {
return true
p1, p2 := req.PusherTxn.Priority, req.PusheeTxn.Priority
if p1 > p2 && (p1 == roachpb.MaxTxnPriority || p2 == roachpb.MinTxnPriority) {
return true
return false
// isPushed returns whether the PushTxn request has already been
// fulfilled by the current transaction state. This may be true
// for transactions with pushed timestamps.
func isPushed(req *roachpb.PushTxnRequest, txn *roachpb.Transaction) bool {
return (txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING ||
(req.PushType == roachpb.PUSH_TIMESTAMP && req.PushTo.Less(txn.Timestamp)))
func txnExpiration(txn *roachpb.Transaction) hlc.Timestamp {
return txn.LastActive().Add(2*base.DefaultHeartbeatInterval.Nanoseconds(), 0)
func isExpired(now hlc.Timestamp, txn *roachpb.Transaction) bool {
return txnExpiration(txn).Less(now)
// createPushTxnResponse returns a PushTxnResponse struct with a
// copy of the supplied transaction. It is necessary to fully copy
// each field in the transaction to avoid race conditions.
func createPushTxnResponse(txn *roachpb.Transaction) *roachpb.PushTxnResponse {
return &roachpb.PushTxnResponse{PusheeTxn: txn.Clone()}
// A waitingPush represents a PushTxn command that is waiting on the
// pushee transaction to commit or abort. It maintains a transitive
// set of all txns which are waiting on this txn in order to detect
// dependency cycles.
type waitingPush struct {
req *roachpb.PushTxnRequest
// pending channel receives updated, pushed txn or nil if queue is cleared.
pending chan *roachpb.Transaction
mu struct {
dependents map[uuid.UUID]struct{} // transitive set of txns waiting on this txn
// A waitingQuery represents a QueryTxn command that is waiting on
// a target transaction to change status or acquire new dependencies.
type waitingQuery struct {
req *roachpb.QueryTxnRequest
pending chan struct{}
// A pendingTxn represents a transaction waiting to be pushed by one
// or more PushTxn requests.
type pendingTxn struct {
txn atomic.Value // the most recent txn record
waitingPushes []*waitingPush
func (pt *pendingTxn) getTxn() *roachpb.Transaction {
return pt.txn.Load().(*roachpb.Transaction)
func (pt *pendingTxn) getDependentsSet() map[uuid.UUID]struct{} {
set := map[uuid.UUID]struct{}{}
for _, push := range pt.waitingPushes {
if id := push.req.PusherTxn.ID; id != (uuid.UUID{}) {
set[id] = struct{}{}
if push.mu.dependents != nil {
for txnID := range push.mu.dependents {
set[txnID] = struct{}{}
return set
// A pushTxnQueue enqueues PushTxn requests which are waiting on
// extant txns with conflicting intents to abort or commit.
// Internally, it maintains a map from extant txn IDs to queues of
// pending PushTxn requests.
// When a write intent is encountered, the command which encountered
// it (called the "pusher" here) initiates a PushTxn request to
// determine the disposition of the intent's transaction (called the
// "pushee" here). This queue is where a PushTxn request will wait
// if it discovers that the pushee's transaction is still pending,
// and cannot be otherwise aborted or pushed forward.
// pushTxnQueue is thread safe.
type pushTxnQueue struct {
store *Store
mu struct {
txns map[uuid.UUID]*pendingTxn
queries map[uuid.UUID][]*waitingQuery
func newPushTxnQueue(store *Store) *pushTxnQueue {
return &pushTxnQueue{
store: store,
// Enable allows transactions to be enqueued and waiting pushers
// added. This method must be idempotent as it can be invoked multiple
// times as range leases are updated for the same replica.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) Enable() {
defer ptq.mu.Unlock()
if ptq.mu.txns == nil {
ptq.mu.txns = map[uuid.UUID]*pendingTxn{}
if ptq.mu.queries == nil {
ptq.mu.queries = map[uuid.UUID][]*waitingQuery{}
// Clear empties the queue and returns all waiters. This method should
// be invoked when the replica loses or transfers its lease. If
// `disable` is true, future transactions may not be enqueued or
// waiting pushers added. Call Enable() once the lease is again
// acquired by the replica.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) Clear(disable bool) {
var pushWaiters []chan *roachpb.Transaction
for _, pt := range ptq.mu.txns {
for _, w := range pt.waitingPushes {
pushWaiters = append(pushWaiters, w.pending)
pt.waitingPushes = nil
var queryWaiters []chan struct{}
for _, waitingQueries := range ptq.mu.queries {
for _, w := range waitingQueries {
queryWaiters = append(queryWaiters, w.pending)
if log.V(1) {
"clearing %d push waiters and %d query waiters",
if disable {
ptq.mu.txns = nil
ptq.mu.queries = nil
} else {
ptq.mu.txns = map[uuid.UUID]*pendingTxn{}
ptq.mu.queries = map[uuid.UUID][]*waitingQuery{}
// Send on the pending push waiter channels outside of the mutex lock.
for _, w := range pushWaiters {
w <- nil
// Close query waiters outside of the mutex lock.
for _, w := range queryWaiters {
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) isEnabled() bool {
defer ptq.mu.Unlock()
return ptq.mu.txns != nil
// Enqueue creates a new pendingTxn for the target txn of a failed
// PushTxn command. Subsequent PushTxn requests for the same txn
// will be enqueued behind the pendingTxn via MaybeWait().
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) Enqueue(txn *roachpb.Transaction) {
defer ptq.mu.Unlock()
if ptq.mu.txns == nil {
// Not enabled; do nothing.
// If the txn which failed to push is already pending, update the
// transaction status.
if pt, ok := ptq.mu.txns[txn.ID]; ok {
} else {
pt = &pendingTxn{}
ptq.mu.txns[txn.ID] = pt
// UpdateTxn is invoked to update a transaction's status after a
// successful PushTxn or EndTransaction command. It unblocks all
// pending waiters.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) UpdateTxn(ctx context.Context, txn *roachpb.Transaction) {
if log.V(1) {
if count := len(ptq.mu.queries[txn.ID]); count > 0 {
log.Infof(ctx, "returning %d waiting queries for %s", count, txn.ID.Short())
for _, w := range ptq.mu.queries[txn.ID] {
delete(ptq.mu.queries, txn.ID)
if ptq.mu.txns == nil {
// Not enabled; do nothing.
pending, ok := ptq.mu.txns[txn.ID]
if !ok {
waitingPushes := pending.waitingPushes
pending.waitingPushes = nil
delete(ptq.mu.txns, txn.ID)
if log.V(1) && len(waitingPushes) > 0 {
log.Infof(context.Background(), "updating %d push waiters for %s", len(waitingPushes), txn.ID.Short())
// Send on pending waiter channels outside of the mutex lock.
for _, w := range waitingPushes {
w.pending <- txn
// GetDependents returns a slice of transactions waiting on the specified
// txn either directly or indirectly.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) GetDependents(txnID uuid.UUID) []uuid.UUID {
defer ptq.mu.Unlock()
if ptq.mu.txns == nil {
// Not enabled; do nothing.
return nil
if pending, ok := ptq.mu.txns[txnID]; ok {
set := pending.getDependentsSet()
dependents := make([]uuid.UUID, 0, len(set))
for txnID := range set {
dependents = append(dependents, txnID)
return dependents
return nil
// isTxnUpdated returns whether the transaction specified in
// the QueryTxnRequest has had its status or priority updated
// or whether the known set of dependent transactions has
// changed.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) isTxnUpdated(pending *pendingTxn, req *roachpb.QueryTxnRequest) bool {
// First check whether txn status or priority has changed.
txn := pending.getTxn()
if txn.Status != roachpb.PENDING || txn.Priority > req.Txn.Priority {
return true
// Next, see if there is any discrepancy in the set of known dependents.
set := pending.getDependentsSet()
if len(req.KnownWaitingTxns) != len(set) {
return true
for _, txnID := range req.KnownWaitingTxns {
if _, ok := set[txnID]; !ok {
return true
return false
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) clearWaitingQueriesLocked(ctx context.Context, txnID uuid.UUID) {
waitingQueries := ptq.mu.queries[txnID]
if log.V(1) && len(waitingQueries) > 0 {
"proceeding with %d query waiters for %s",
for _, w := range waitingQueries {
delete(ptq.mu.queries, txnID)
var errDeadlock = roachpb.NewErrorf("deadlock detected")
// MaybeWaitForPush checks whether there is a queue already
// established for pushing the transaction. If not, or if the PushTxn
// request isn't queueable, return immediately. If there is a queue,
// enqueue this request as a waiter and enter a select loop waiting
// for resolution.
// If the transaction is successfully pushed while this method is waiting,
// the first return value is a non-nil PushTxnResponse object.
// In the event of a dependency cycle of pushers leading to deadlock,
// this method will return an errDeadlock error.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) MaybeWaitForPush(
ctx context.Context, repl *Replica, req *roachpb.PushTxnRequest,
) (*roachpb.PushTxnResponse, *roachpb.Error) {
if shouldPushImmediately(req) {
return nil, nil
// If the push txn queue is not enabled or if the request is not
// contained within the replica, do nothing. The request can fall
// outside of the replica after a split or merge. Note that the
// ContainsKey check is done under the push txn queue's lock to
// ensure that it's not cleared before an incorrect insertion happens.
if ptq.mu.txns == nil || !repl.ContainsKey(req.Key) {
return nil, nil
// If there's no pending queue for this txn, return not pushed. If
// already pushed, return push success.
pending, ok := ptq.mu.txns[req.PusheeTxn.ID]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
if txn := pending.getTxn(); isPushed(req, txn) {
return createPushTxnResponse(txn), nil
push := &waitingPush{
req: req,
pending: make(chan *roachpb.Transaction, 1),
pending.waitingPushes = append(pending.waitingPushes, push)
// Because we're adding another dependent on the pending
// transaction, send on the waiting queries' channel to
// indicate there is a new dependent and they should proceed
// to execute the QueryTxn command.
ptq.clearWaitingQueriesLocked(ctx, req.PusheeTxn.ID)
if req.PusherTxn.ID != (uuid.UUID{}) {
"%s pushing %s (%d pending)",
} else {
log.VEventf(ctx, 2, "pushing %s (%d pending)", req.PusheeTxn.ID.Short(), len(pending.waitingPushes))
// Wait for any updates to the pusher txn to be notified when
// status, priority, or dependents (for deadlock detection) have
// changed.
var queryPusherCh <-chan *roachpb.Transaction // accepts updates to the pusher txn
var queryPusherErrCh <-chan *roachpb.Error // accepts errors querying the pusher txn
var readyCh chan struct{} // signaled when pusher txn should be queried
if req.PusherTxn.ID != (uuid.UUID{}) {
// Create a context which will be canceled once this call completes.
// This ensures that the goroutine created to query the pusher txn
// is properly cleaned up.
var cancel func()
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
readyCh = make(chan struct{}, 1)
queryPusherCh, queryPusherErrCh = ptq.startQueryPusherTxn(ctx, push, readyCh)
// Ensure that the pusher querying goroutine is complete at exit.
defer func() {
if queryPusherErrCh != nil {
var pusheeTxnTimer timeutil.Timer
defer pusheeTxnTimer.Stop()
pusherPriority := req.PusherTxn.Priority
pusheePriority := req.PusheeTxn.Priority
for {
// Set the timer to check for the pushee txn's expiration.
expiration := txnExpiration(pending.txn.Load().(*roachpb.Transaction)).GoTime()
now := ptq.store.Clock().Now().GoTime()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Caller has given up.
log.Event(ctx, "pusher giving up due to context cancellation")
return nil, roachpb.NewError(ctx.Err())
case txn := <-push.pending:
log.Eventf(ctx, "result of pending push: %v", txn)
// If txn is nil, the queue was cleared, presumably because the
// replica lost the range lease. Return not pushed so request
// proceeds and is redirected to the new range lease holder.
if txn == nil {
return nil, nil
// Transaction was committed, aborted or had its timestamp
// pushed. If this PushTxn request is satisfied, return
// successful PushTxn response.
if isPushed(req, txn) {
log.Event(ctx, "push request is satisfied")
return createPushTxnResponse(txn), nil
// If not successfully pushed, return not pushed so request proceeds.
log.Event(ctx, "not pushed; returning to caller")
return nil, nil
case <-pusheeTxnTimer.C:
log.Event(ctx, "querying pushee")
pusheeTxnTimer.Read = true
// Periodically check whether the pushee txn has been abandoned.
updatedPushee, _, pErr := ptq.queryTxnStatus(
ctx, req.PusheeTxn, false, nil, ptq.store.Clock().Now(),
if pErr != nil {
return nil, pErr
} else if updatedPushee == nil {
// Continue with push.
log.Event(ctx, "pushee not found, push should now succeed")
return nil, nil
pusheePriority = updatedPushee.Priority
if isExpired(ptq.store.Clock().Now(), updatedPushee) {
log.VEventf(ctx, 1, "pushing expired txn %s", req.PusheeTxn.ID.Short())
return nil, nil
case updatedPusher := <-queryPusherCh:
log.Eventf(ctx, "pusher was updated: %v", updatedPusher)
switch updatedPusher.Status {
case roachpb.COMMITTED:
return nil, roachpb.NewErrorWithTxn(roachpb.NewTransactionStatusError("already committed"), updatedPusher)
case roachpb.ABORTED:
return nil, roachpb.NewErrorWithTxn(roachpb.NewTransactionAbortedError(), updatedPusher)
if updatedPusher.Priority > pusherPriority {
pusherPriority = updatedPusher.Priority
// Check for dependency cycle to find and break deadlocks.
_, haveDependency := push.mu.dependents[req.PusheeTxn.ID]
dependents := make([]string, 0, len(push.mu.dependents))
for id := range push.mu.dependents {
dependents = append(dependents, id.Short())
"%s (%d), pushing %s (%d), has dependencies=%s",
// Since the pusher has been updated, clear any waiting queries
// so that they continue with a query of new dependents added here.
ptq.clearWaitingQueriesLocked(ctx, req.PusheeTxn.ID)
if haveDependency {
// Break the deadlock if the pusher has higher priority.
p1, p2 := pusheePriority, pusherPriority
if p1 < p2 || (p1 == p2 && bytes.Compare(req.PusheeTxn.ID.GetBytes(), req.PusherTxn.ID.GetBytes()) < 0) {
if log.V(1) {
"%s breaking deadlock by force push of %s; dependencies=%s",
return nil, errDeadlock
// Signal the pusher query txn loop to continue.
readyCh <- struct{}{}
case pErr := <-queryPusherErrCh:
queryPusherErrCh = nil
return nil, pErr
// MaybeWaitForQuery checks whether there is a queue already
// established for pushing the transaction. If not, or if the QueryTxn
// request hasn't specified WaitForUpdate, return immediately. If
// there is a queue, enqueue this request as a waiter and enter a
// select loop waiting for any updates to the target transaction.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) MaybeWaitForQuery(
ctx context.Context, repl *Replica, req *roachpb.QueryTxnRequest,
) *roachpb.Error {
if !req.WaitForUpdate {
return nil
// If the push txn queue is not enabled or if the request is not
// contained within the replica, do nothing. The request can fall
// outside of the replica after a split or merge. Note that the
// ContainsKey check is done under the push txn queue's lock to
// ensure that it's not cleared before an incorrect insertion happens.
if ptq.mu.txns == nil || !repl.ContainsKey(req.Key) {
return nil
var maxWaitCh <-chan time.Time
pending, ok := ptq.mu.txns[req.Txn.ID]
// If the transaction we're waiting to query has a queue of txns
// in turn waiting on it, and is _already_ updated from what the
// caller is expecting, return to query the updates immediately.
if ok && ptq.isTxnUpdated(pending, req) {
return nil
} else if !ok {
// If the transaction we're querying has no queue established,
// it's possible that it's no longer pending. To avoid waiting
// forever for an update that isn't forthcoming, we set a maximum
// time to wait for updates before allowing the query to
// proceed.
maxWaitCh = time.After(maxWaitForQueryTxn)
query := &waitingQuery{
req: req,
pending: make(chan struct{}),
ptq.mu.queries[req.Txn.ID] = append(ptq.mu.queries[req.Txn.ID], query)
if log.V(2) {
log.Infof(ctx, "waiting on query for %s", req.Txn.ID.Short())
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Caller has given up.
return roachpb.NewError(ctx.Err())
case <-maxWaitCh:
return nil
case <-query.pending:
return nil
// startQueryPusherTxn starts a goroutine to send QueryTxn requests to
// fetch updates to the pusher's own transaction until the context is
// done or an error occurs while querying. Returns two channels: one
// for updated versions of the pusher transaction, and the other for
// errors encountered while querying. The readyCh parameter is used by
// the caller to signal when the next query to the pusher should be
// sent, and is mostly intended to avoid an extra RPC in the event that
// the QueryTxn returns sufficient information to determine a dependency
// cycle exists and must be broken.
// Note that the contents of the pusher transaction including updated
// priority and set of known waiting transactions (dependents) are
// accumulated over iterations and supplied with each successive
// invocation of QueryTxn in order to avoid busy querying.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) startQueryPusherTxn(
ctx context.Context, push *waitingPush, readyCh <-chan struct{},
) (<-chan *roachpb.Transaction, <-chan *roachpb.Error) {
ch := make(chan *roachpb.Transaction, 1)
errCh := make(chan *roachpb.Error, 1)
var waitingTxns []uuid.UUID
if push.mu.dependents != nil {
waitingTxns = make([]uuid.UUID, 0, len(push.mu.dependents))
for txnID := range push.mu.dependents {
waitingTxns = append(waitingTxns, txnID)
pusher := push.req.PusherTxn.Clone()
if err := ptq.store.Stopper().RunAsyncTask(
ctx, "storage.pushTxnQueue: monitoring pusher txn",
func(ctx context.Context) {
// We use a backoff/retry here in case the pusher transaction
// doesn't yet exist.
for r := retry.StartWithCtx(ctx, base.DefaultRetryOptions()); r.Next(); {
var pErr *roachpb.Error
var updatedPusher *roachpb.Transaction
updatedPusher, waitingTxns, pErr = ptq.queryTxnStatus(
ctx, pusher.TxnMeta, true, waitingTxns, ptq.store.Clock().Now(),
if pErr != nil {
errCh <- pErr
} else if updatedPusher == nil {
// No pusher to query; the BeginTransaction hasn't yet created the
// pusher's record. Continue in order to backoff and retry.
log.Event(ctx, "no pusher found; backing off")
// Update the pending pusher's set of dependents. These accumulate
// and are used to propagate the transitive set of dependencies for
// distributed deadlock detection.
if push.mu.dependents == nil {
push.mu.dependents = map[uuid.UUID]struct{}{}
for _, txnID := range waitingTxns {
push.mu.dependents[txnID] = struct{}{}
// Send an update of the pusher txn.
ch <- &pusher
// Wait for context cancellation or indication on readyCh that the
// push waiter requires another query of the pusher txn.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
errCh <- roachpb.NewError(ctx.Err())
case <-readyCh:
// Reset the retry to query again immediately.
errCh <- roachpb.NewError(ctx.Err())
}); err != nil {
errCh <- roachpb.NewError(err)
return ch, errCh
// queryTxnStatus does a "query" push on the specified transaction
// to glean possible changes, such as a higher timestamp and/or
// priority. It turns out this is necessary while a request is waiting
// to push a transaction, as two txns can have circular dependencies
// where both are unable to push because they have different
// information about their own txns.
// Returns the updated transaction (or nil if not updated) as well as
// the list of transactions which are waiting on the updated txn.
func (ptq *pushTxnQueue) queryTxnStatus(
ctx context.Context,
txnMeta enginepb.TxnMeta,
wait bool,
dependents []uuid.UUID,
now hlc.Timestamp,
) (*roachpb.Transaction, []uuid.UUID, *roachpb.Error) {
b := &client.Batch{}
Span: roachpb.Span{
Key: txnMeta.Key,
Txn: txnMeta,
WaitForUpdate: wait,
KnownWaitingTxns: dependents,
if err := ptq.store.db.Run(ctx, b); err != nil {
// TODO(tschottdorf):
// We shouldn't catch an error here (unless it's from the abort cache, in
// which case we would not get the crucial information that we've been
// aborted; instead we'll go around thinking we're still PENDING,
// potentially caught in an infinite loop). Same issue: we must not use
// RunWithResponse on this level - we're trying to do internal kv stuff
// through the public interface. Likely not exercised in tests, so I'd be
// ok tackling this separately.
// Scenario:
// - we're aborted and don't know if we have a read-write conflict
// - the push above fails and we get a WriteIntentError
// - we try to update our transaction (right here, and if we don't we might
// be stuck in a race, that's why we do this - the txn proto we're using
// might be outdated)
// - query fails because our home range has the abort cache populated we catch
// a TransactionAbortedError, but with a pending transaction (since we lose
// the original txn, and you just use the txn we had...)
// so something is sketchy here, but it should all resolve nicely when we
// don't use store.db for these internal requests any more.
return nil, nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
br := b.RawResponse()
resp := br.Responses[0].GetInner().(*roachpb.QueryTxnResponse)
// ID can be nil if no BeginTransaction has been sent yet.
if updatedTxn := &resp.QueriedTxn; updatedTxn.ID != (uuid.UUID{}) {
return updatedTxn, resp.WaitingTxns, nil
return nil, nil, nil
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