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argon2.go 11.85 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// -*- Mode: Go; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
* Copyright (C) 2021 Canonical Ltd
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package argon2
import (
const (
// Dummy password for benchmarking (same value used by cryptsetup)
benchmarkPassword = "foo"
initialTargetDuration = 250 * time.Millisecond
minTimeCost = 4
minMemoryCostKiB = 32 * 1024
maxMemoryCostKiB = 4 * 1024 * 1024
tolerance = 0.05
var (
// Dummy salt for benchmarking (same value used by cryptsetup)
benchmarkSalt = []byte("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv")
// BenchmarkParams defines the parameters for benchmarking the Argon2 algorithm
type BenchmarkParams struct {
// MaxMemoryCostKiB sets the upper memory usage limit in KiB.
MaxMemoryCostKiB uint32
// TargetDuration sets the target time for which the benchmark will
// compute cost parameters.
TargetDuration time.Duration
// Threads is the number of parallel threads that will be used
// for the key derivation. Set this to zero to derive it from
// the number of CPUs.
Threads uint8
// CostParams defines the cost parameters for key derivation using Argon2. It
// can either be generated by Benchmark or supplied with well known values.
type CostParams struct {
// Time corresponds to the number of iterations of the algorithm
// that the key derivation will use.
Time uint32
// MemoryKiB is the amount of memory in KiB that the key derivation
// will use.
MemoryKiB uint32
// Threads is the number of parallel threads that will be used
// for the key derivation.
Threads uint8
type benchmarkContext struct {
keyLen uint32 // desired key length
keyFn KeyDurationFunc // callback for running an individual measurement
maxMemoryCostKiB uint32 // maximum memory cost
cost CostParams // current computed cost parameters
duration time.Duration // last measured duration
// timeCostIncreaseCount tracks the number of consecutive increases
// in the time cost.
timeCostIncreaseCount int
// timeExecution measures the amount of time it takes to execute the Argon2i key
// derivation with the current cost parameters. It will perform a number of
// measurements as specified by the iterations parameter and update the current
// duration with the minimum execution time. If any execution time is less than
// targetDuration, then it will return early without performing any further
// measurements.
func (c *benchmarkContext) timeExecution(iterations int, targetDuration time.Duration) error {
var minDuration time.Duration
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
duration, err := c.keyFn(&c.cost)
if err != nil {
return err
if i == 0 {
minDuration = duration
if duration < minDuration {
minDuration = duration
if minDuration < targetDuration {
c.duration = minDuration
return nil
// isMakingProgress returns true if the number of consecutive increases in the time cost
// is less than 10. As there is no ceiling on the time cost, benchmarking should abort
// if this returns true, which might be an indication that the function used to time
// the algorithm is returning bogus numbers.
func (c *benchmarkContext) isMakingProgress() bool {
return c.timeCostIncreaseCount < 10
// computeNextCostParameters calculates the next cost parameters to try based on the
// previous execution duration, target duration and current cost parameters.
func (c *benchmarkContext) computeNextCostParams(targetDuration time.Duration) (done bool) {
newTimeCost := c.cost.Time
newMemoryCostKiB := c.cost.MemoryKiB
newTimeCostIncreaseCount := 0
switch {
case c.duration < targetDuration:
// Previous duration was shorter than the target duration, so
// we need to increase the cost.
switch {
case c.cost.MemoryKiB < c.maxMemoryCostKiB:
// Current memory cost is less than the maximum, so increase the memory cost.
newMemoryCostKiB = uint32((int64(c.cost.MemoryKiB) * int64(targetDuration)) / int64(c.duration))
if newMemoryCostKiB > c.maxMemoryCostKiB {
// New memory cost overshoots the maximum, so set it to the maximum
// and increase the time cost by a proportionate amount.
newMemoryCostKiB = c.maxMemoryCostKiB
newTimeCost = uint32((int64(c.cost.Time*c.cost.MemoryKiB) * int64(targetDuration)) / (int64(c.duration) * int64(c.maxMemoryCostKiB)))
newTimeCostIncreaseCount = c.timeCostIncreaseCount + 1
// Current memory cost is at the maximum, so increase the time cost.
// There is no maximum time cost.
newTimeCost = uint32((int64(c.cost.Time) * int64(targetDuration)) / int64(c.duration))
newTimeCostIncreaseCount = c.timeCostIncreaseCount + 1
case c.duration > targetDuration:
// Previous duration was longer than the target duration, so
// we need to decrease the cost.
switch {
case c.cost.Time > minTimeCost:
// Current time cost is greater than the minimum time cost, so
// decrease the time cost.
newTimeCost = uint32((int64(c.cost.Time) * int64(targetDuration)) / int64(c.duration))
if newTimeCost < minTimeCost {
// New time cost undershoots the minimum, so set it to the minimum
// and decrease the memory cost by a proportionate amount.
newTimeCost = minTimeCost
newMemoryCostKiB = uint32((int64(c.cost.MemoryKiB*c.cost.Time) * int64(targetDuration)) / (int64(c.duration) * minTimeCost))
if newMemoryCostKiB < minMemoryCostKiB {
// New memory cost undershoots the minimum, so set it to the
// minimum and end the benchmarking.
newMemoryCostKiB = minMemoryCostKiB
done = true
// Current time cost is at the minimum, so decrease the memory cost.
newMemoryCostKiB = uint32((int64(c.cost.MemoryKiB) * int64(targetDuration)) / int64(c.duration))
if newMemoryCostKiB < minMemoryCostKiB {
// New memory cost undershoots the minimum, so set it to the
// minimum and end the benchmarking.
newMemoryCostKiB = minMemoryCostKiB
done = true
if c.cost.Time == newTimeCost && c.cost.MemoryKiB == newMemoryCostKiB {
// The cost parameters are unchanged, so end the benchmarking.
done = true
c.cost.Time = newTimeCost
c.cost.MemoryKiB = newMemoryCostKiB
c.timeCostIncreaseCount = newTimeCostIncreaseCount
return done
func (c *benchmarkContext) run(params *BenchmarkParams, keyFn KeyDurationFunc, sysInfo *unix.Sysinfo_t, numCpu int) (*CostParams, error) {
c.keyFn = keyFn
// Set a ceiling on the maximum memory cost of half of the
// available RAM or 4GB, whichever is less.
halfTotalRamKiB := uint64(sysInfo.Totalram) * uint64(sysInfo.Unit) / 2048
if halfTotalRamKiB > math.MaxUint32 {
halfTotalRamKiB = math.MaxUint32
c.maxMemoryCostKiB = uint32(maxMemoryCostKiB)
if uint32(halfTotalRamKiB) < c.maxMemoryCostKiB {
c.maxMemoryCostKiB = uint32(halfTotalRamKiB)
if params.MaxMemoryCostKiB < c.maxMemoryCostKiB {
c.maxMemoryCostKiB = params.MaxMemoryCostKiB
// Set the number of threads to the number of CPUs or use
// the number supplied (maximum 4)
threads := numCpu
if params.Threads > 0 {
threads = int(params.Threads)
if threads > 4 {
threads = 4
c.cost.Threads = uint8(threads)
// Set the time and memory cost to their minimum values.
c.cost.Time = minTimeCost
c.cost.MemoryKiB = minMemoryCostKiB
// Perform an initial benchmark with a target duration of 250ms
for i := 0; c.duration < initialTargetDuration; i++ {
if i > 0 {
if c.duration < 25*time.Millisecond {
c.duration = 25 * time.Millisecond
if done := c.computeNextCostParams(initialTargetDuration); done {
if !c.isMakingProgress() {
return nil, errors.New("not making sufficient progress")
if err := c.timeExecution(3, initialTargetDuration); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Starting with the parameters from the initial benchmark, perform the
// proper benchmark with the supplied target duration and a +/-5% tolerance.
minTargetDuration := params.TargetDuration - time.Duration(float64(params.TargetDuration)*tolerance)
maxTargetDuration := params.TargetDuration + time.Duration(float64(params.TargetDuration)*tolerance)
for c.duration < minTargetDuration || c.duration > maxTargetDuration {
if done := c.computeNextCostParams(params.TargetDuration); done {
if !c.isMakingProgress() {
return nil, errors.New("not making sufficient progress")
if err := c.timeExecution(1, params.TargetDuration); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &c.cost, nil
// KeyDuration runs a key derivation with the built-in benchmarking values and
// the specified cost parameters and length, and then returns the amount of time
// taken to execute.
// By design, this function consumes a lot of memory depending on the supplied parameters.
// It may be desirable to execute it in a short-lived utility process.
func KeyDuration(params *CostParams, keyLen uint32) time.Duration {
start := time.Now()
Key(benchmarkPassword, benchmarkSalt, params, keyLen)
return time.Now().Sub(start)
// KeyDurationFunc provides a mechanism to delegate key derivation measurements
// to a short-lived utility process during benchmarking.
type KeyDurationFunc func(params *CostParams) (time.Duration, error)
// Benchmark computes the cost parameters for the desired duration and maximum
// memory cost.
// The algorithm is based on the one implemented in cryptsetup. If the current
// duration is shorter than the target duration, then increasing the memory cost
// is prioritized over increasing the time cost. The time cost is only increased
// once the maximum memory cost has been reached. If the current duration is
// longer than the target duration, then decreasing the time cost is prioritized
// over decreasing the memory cost. The memory cost is only decreased once the
// hard-coded minimum time cost has been reached.
// The package hard codes a minimum time cost of 4 iterations, and a minimum
// memory cost of 32MiB. A maximum memory cost of half of the total RAM or 4GB
// provides a ceiling to the supplied maximum memory cost. The algorithm will
// set 1 thread per CPU, up to a limit of 4 threads.
// The supplied callback is used to actually run the key derivation measurement,
// which will consume a lot of memory depending on the supplied parameters. Each
// measurement should generally be delegated to a short-lived utility process,
// which should call the KeyDuration function from this package. If the measurement
// is performed in the current process, the garbage collector must be executed at
// the end of each measurement.
func Benchmark(params *BenchmarkParams, keyFn KeyDurationFunc) (*CostParams, error) {
var sysInfo unix.Sysinfo_t
if err := unixSysinfo(&sysInfo); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("cannot determine available memory: %w", err)
context := new(benchmarkContext)
return context.run(params, keyFn, &sysInfo, runtimeNumCPU())
// Key derives a key of the desired length from the supplied passphrase and salt using the
// Argon2i algorithm with the supplied cost parameters.
// By design, this function consumes a lot of memory depending on the supplied parameters.
// It may be desirable to execute it in a short-lived utility process.
func Key(passphrase string, salt []byte, params *CostParams, keyLen uint32) []byte {
return argon2.Key([]byte(passphrase), salt, params.Time, params.MemoryKiB, params.Threads, keyLen)
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