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mysnapcore / mysnapd

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tupelo-shen 提交于 2022-11-08 15:12 . fix: overlord commit
// -*- Mode: Go; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
* Copyright (C) 2020 Canonical Ltd
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package assertstate
import (
const storeGroup = "store assertion"
// maxGroups is the maximum number of assertion groups we set with the
// asserts.Pool used to refresh snap assertions, it corresponds
// roughly to for how many snaps we will request assertions in
// in one /v2/snaps/refresh request.
// Given that requesting assertions for ~500 snaps together with no
// updates can take around 900ms-1s, conservatively set it to half of
// that. Most systems should be done in one request anyway.
var maxGroups = 256
func bulkRefreshSnapDeclarations(s *state.State, snapStates map[string]*snapstate.SnapState, userID int, deviceCtx snapstate.DeviceContext, opts *RefreshAssertionsOptions) error {
db := cachedDB(s)
pool := asserts.NewPool(db, maxGroups)
var mergedRPErr *resolvePoolError
tryResolvePool := func() error {
err := resolvePool(s, pool, nil, userID, deviceCtx, opts)
if rpe, ok := err.(*resolvePoolError); ok {
if mergedRPErr == nil {
mergedRPErr = rpe
} else {
return nil
return err
c := 0
for instanceName, snapst := range snapStates {
sideInfo := snapst.CurrentSideInfo()
if sideInfo.SnapID == "" {
declRef := &asserts.Ref{
Type: asserts.SnapDeclarationType,
PrimaryKey: []string{release.Series, sideInfo.SnapID},
// update snap-declaration (and prereqs) for the snap,
// they were originally added at install time
if err := pool.AddToUpdate(declRef, instanceName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot prepare snap-declaration refresh for snap %q: %v", instanceName, err)
if c%maxGroups == 0 {
// we have exhausted max groups, resolve
// what we setup so far and then clear groups
// to reuse the pool
if err := tryResolvePool(); err != nil {
return err
if err := pool.ClearGroups(); err != nil {
// this shouldn't happen but if it
// does fallback
return &bulkAssertionFallbackError{err}
modelAs := deviceCtx.Model()
// fetch store assertion if available
if modelAs.Store() != "" {
storeRef := asserts.Ref{
Type: asserts.StoreType,
PrimaryKey: []string{modelAs.Store()},
if err := pool.AddToUpdate(&storeRef, storeGroup); err != nil {
if !asserts.IsNotFound(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot prepare store assertion refresh: %v", err)
// assertion is not present in the db yet,
// we'll try to resolve it (fetch it) first
storeAt := &asserts.AtRevision{
Ref: storeRef,
Revision: asserts.RevisionNotKnown,
err := pool.AddUnresolved(storeAt, storeGroup)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot prepare store assertion fetching: %v", err)
if err := tryResolvePool(); err != nil {
return err
if mergedRPErr != nil {
if e := mergedRPErr.errors[storeGroup]; asserts.IsNotFound(e) || e == asserts.ErrUnresolved {
// ignore
delete(mergedRPErr.errors, storeGroup)
if len(mergedRPErr.errors) == 0 {
return nil
mergedRPErr.message = "cannot refresh snap-declarations for snaps"
return mergedRPErr
return nil
func bulkRefreshValidationSetAsserts(s *state.State, vsets map[string]*ValidationSetTracking, beforeCommitChecker func(*asserts.Database, asserts.Backstore) error, userID int, deviceCtx snapstate.DeviceContext, opts *RefreshAssertionsOptions) error {
db := cachedDB(s)
pool := asserts.NewPool(db, maxGroups)
ignoreNotFound := make(map[string]bool)
for _, vs := range vsets {
var atSeq *asserts.AtSequence
if vs.PinnedAt > 0 {
// pinned to specific sequence, update to latest revision for same
// sequence.
atSeq = &asserts.AtSequence{
Type: asserts.ValidationSetType,
SequenceKey: []string{release.Series, vs.AccountID, vs.Name},
Sequence: vs.PinnedAt,
Pinned: true,
} else {
// not pinned, update to latest sequence
atSeq = &asserts.AtSequence{
Type: asserts.ValidationSetType,
SequenceKey: []string{release.Series, vs.AccountID, vs.Name},
Sequence: vs.Current,
// every sequence to resolve has own group
group := atSeq.Unique()
if vs.LocalOnly {
ignoreNotFound[group] = true
if err := pool.AddSequenceToUpdate(atSeq, group); err != nil {
return err
err := resolvePoolNoFallback(s, pool, beforeCommitChecker, userID, deviceCtx, opts)
if err == nil {
return nil
if _, ok := err.(*snapasserts.ValidationSetsConflictError); ok {
return err
if _, ok := err.(*snapasserts.ValidationSetsValidationError); ok {
return err
if rerr, ok := err.(*resolvePoolError); ok {
// ignore resolving errors for validation sets that are local only (no
// assertion in the store).
for group := range ignoreNotFound {
if e := rerr.errors[group]; asserts.IsNotFound(e) || e == asserts.ErrUnresolved {
delete(rerr.errors, group)
if len(rerr.errors) == 0 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("cannot refresh validation set assertions: %v", err)
// marker error to request falling back to the old implemention for assertion
// refreshes
type bulkAssertionFallbackError struct {
err error
func (e *bulkAssertionFallbackError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unsuccessful bulk assertion refresh, fallback: %v", e.err)
type resolvePoolError struct {
message string
// errors maps groups to errors
errors map[string]error
func (rpe *resolvePoolError) merge(rpe1 *resolvePoolError) {
// we expect usually rpe and rpe1 errors to be disjunct, but is also
// ok for rpe1 errors to win
for k, e := range rpe1.errors {
rpe.errors[k] = e
func (rpe *resolvePoolError) Error() string {
message := rpe.message
if message == "" {
message = "cannot fetch and resolve assertions"
s := make([]string, 0, 1+len(rpe.errors))
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%s:", message))
groups := make([]string, 0, len(rpe.errors))
for g := range rpe.errors {
groups = append(groups, g)
for _, g := range groups {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf(" - %s: %v", g, rpe.errors[g]))
return strings.Join(s, "\n")
func resolvePool(s *state.State, pool *asserts.Pool, checkBeforeCommit func(*asserts.Database, asserts.Backstore) error, userID int, deviceCtx snapstate.DeviceContext, opts *RefreshAssertionsOptions) error {
user, err := userFromUserID(s, userID)
if err != nil {
return err
sto := snapstate.Store(s, deviceCtx)
db := cachedDB(s)
unsupported := handleUnsupported(db)
for {
storeOpts := &store.RefreshOptions{IsAutoRefresh: opts.IsAutoRefresh}
_, aresults, err := sto.SnapAction(context.TODO(), nil, nil, pool, user, storeOpts)
if err != nil {
// request fallback on
// * unexpected SnapActionErrors or
// * unexpected HTTP status of 4xx or 500
ignore := false
switch stoErr := err.(type) {
case *store.SnapActionError:
if !stoErr.NoResults || len(stoErr.Other) != 0 {
return &bulkAssertionFallbackError{stoErr}
// simply no results error, we are likely done
ignore = true
case *store.UnexpectedHTTPStatusError:
if stoErr.StatusCode >= 400 && stoErr.StatusCode <= 500 {
return &bulkAssertionFallbackError{stoErr}
if !ignore {
return err
if len(aresults) == 0 {
// everything resolved if no errors
for _, ares := range aresults {
b := asserts.NewBatch(unsupported)
err := sto.DownloadAssertions(ares.StreamURLs, b, user)
if err != nil {
pool.AddGroupingError(err, ares.Grouping)
_, err = pool.AddBatch(b, ares.Grouping)
if err != nil {
return err
if checkBeforeCommit != nil {
if err := checkBeforeCommit(db, pool.Backstore()); err != nil {
return err
errors := pool.Errors()
if len(errors) != 0 {
return &resolvePoolError{errors: errors}
return nil
func resolvePoolNoFallback(s *state.State, pool *asserts.Pool, checkBeforeCommit func(*asserts.Database, asserts.Backstore) error, userID int, deviceCtx snapstate.DeviceContext, opts *RefreshAssertionsOptions) error {
err := resolvePool(s, pool, checkBeforeCommit, userID, deviceCtx, opts)
if err != nil {
// no fallback, report inner error.
if ferr, ok := err.(*bulkAssertionFallbackError); ok {
err = ferr.err
return err


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