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get_artifact_parameters.go 16.36 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
王帆 提交于 2023-02-13 08:49 . first commit
// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package artifact
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
import (
cr "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/client"
// NewGetArtifactParams creates a new GetArtifactParams object
// with the default values initialized.
func NewGetArtifactParams() *GetArtifactParams {
var (
xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault = string("application/vnd.security.vulnerability.report; version=1.1, application/vnd.scanner.adapter.vuln.report.harbor+json; version=1.0")
pageDefault = int64(1)
pageSizeDefault = int64(10)
withAccessoryDefault = bool(false)
withImmutableStatusDefault = bool(false)
withLabelDefault = bool(false)
withScanOverviewDefault = bool(false)
withSignatureDefault = bool(false)
withTagDefault = bool(true)
return &GetArtifactParams{
XAcceptVulnerabilities: &xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault,
Page: &pageDefault,
PageSize: &pageSizeDefault,
WithAccessory: &withAccessoryDefault,
WithImmutableStatus: &withImmutableStatusDefault,
WithLabel: &withLabelDefault,
WithScanOverview: &withScanOverviewDefault,
WithSignature: &withSignatureDefault,
WithTag: &withTagDefault,
timeout: cr.DefaultTimeout,
// NewGetArtifactParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetArtifactParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetArtifactParams {
var (
xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault = string("application/vnd.security.vulnerability.report; version=1.1, application/vnd.scanner.adapter.vuln.report.harbor+json; version=1.0")
pageDefault = int64(1)
pageSizeDefault = int64(10)
withAccessoryDefault = bool(false)
withImmutableStatusDefault = bool(false)
withLabelDefault = bool(false)
withScanOverviewDefault = bool(false)
withSignatureDefault = bool(false)
withTagDefault = bool(true)
return &GetArtifactParams{
XAcceptVulnerabilities: &xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault,
Page: &pageDefault,
PageSize: &pageSizeDefault,
WithAccessory: &withAccessoryDefault,
WithImmutableStatus: &withImmutableStatusDefault,
WithLabel: &withLabelDefault,
WithScanOverview: &withScanOverviewDefault,
WithSignature: &withSignatureDefault,
WithTag: &withTagDefault,
timeout: timeout,
// NewGetArtifactParamsWithContext creates a new GetArtifactParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetArtifactParams {
var (
xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault = string("application/vnd.security.vulnerability.report; version=1.1, application/vnd.scanner.adapter.vuln.report.harbor+json; version=1.0")
pageDefault = int64(1)
pageSizeDefault = int64(10)
withAccessoryDefault = bool(false)
withImmutableStatusDefault = bool(false)
withLabelDefault = bool(false)
withScanOverviewDefault = bool(false)
withSignatureDefault = bool(false)
withTagDefault = bool(true)
return &GetArtifactParams{
XAcceptVulnerabilities: &xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault,
Page: &pageDefault,
PageSize: &pageSizeDefault,
WithAccessory: &withAccessoryDefault,
WithImmutableStatus: &withImmutableStatusDefault,
WithLabel: &withLabelDefault,
WithScanOverview: &withScanOverviewDefault,
WithSignature: &withSignatureDefault,
WithTag: &withTagDefault,
Context: ctx,
// NewGetArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetArtifactParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewGetArtifactParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetArtifactParams {
var (
xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault = string("application/vnd.security.vulnerability.report; version=1.1, application/vnd.scanner.adapter.vuln.report.harbor+json; version=1.0")
pageDefault = int64(1)
pageSizeDefault = int64(10)
withAccessoryDefault = bool(false)
withImmutableStatusDefault = bool(false)
withLabelDefault = bool(false)
withScanOverviewDefault = bool(false)
withSignatureDefault = bool(false)
withTagDefault = bool(true)
return &GetArtifactParams{
XAcceptVulnerabilities: &xAcceptVulnerabilitiesDefault,
Page: &pageDefault,
PageSize: &pageSizeDefault,
WithAccessory: &withAccessoryDefault,
WithImmutableStatus: &withImmutableStatusDefault,
WithLabel: &withLabelDefault,
WithScanOverview: &withScanOverviewDefault,
WithSignature: &withSignatureDefault,
WithTag: &withTagDefault,
HTTPClient: client,
/*GetArtifactParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get artifact operation typically these are written to a http.Request
type GetArtifactParams struct {
A comma-separated lists of MIME types for the scan report or scan summary. The first mime type will be used when the report found for it.
Currently the mime type supports 'application/vnd.scanner.adapter.vuln.report.harbor+json; version=1.0' and 'application/vnd.security.vulnerability.report; version=1.1'
XAcceptVulnerabilities *string
An unique ID for the request
XRequestID *string
The page number
Page *int64
The size of per page
PageSize *int64
The name of the project
ProjectName string
The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag
Reference string
The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb
RepositoryName string
Specify whether the accessories are included of the returning artifacts.
WithAccessory *bool
Specify whether the immutable status is inclued inside the tags of the returning artifacts.
WithImmutableStatus *bool
Specify whether the labels are inclued inside the returning artifacts
WithLabel *bool
Specify whether the scan overview is inclued inside the returning artifacts
WithScanOverview *bool
Specify whether the signature is inclued inside the returning artifacts
WithSignature *bool
Specify whether the tags are inclued inside the returning artifacts
WithTag *bool
timeout time.Duration
Context context.Context
HTTPClient *http.Client
// WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
o.timeout = timeout
// WithContext adds the context to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetContext adds the context to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
o.Context = ctx
// WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) {
o.HTTPClient = client
// WithXAcceptVulnerabilities adds the xAcceptVulnerabilities to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithXAcceptVulnerabilities(xAcceptVulnerabilities *string) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetXAcceptVulnerabilities adds the xAcceptVulnerabilities to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetXAcceptVulnerabilities(xAcceptVulnerabilities *string) {
o.XAcceptVulnerabilities = xAcceptVulnerabilities
// WithXRequestID adds the xRequestID to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithXRequestID(xRequestID *string) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetXRequestID adds the xRequestId to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetXRequestID(xRequestID *string) {
o.XRequestID = xRequestID
// WithPage adds the page to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithPage(page *int64) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetPage adds the page to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetPage(page *int64) {
o.Page = page
// WithPageSize adds the pageSize to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int64) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetPageSize adds the pageSize to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int64) {
o.PageSize = pageSize
// WithProjectName adds the projectName to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithProjectName(projectName string) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetProjectName adds the projectName to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetProjectName(projectName string) {
o.ProjectName = projectName
// WithReference adds the reference to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithReference(reference string) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetReference adds the reference to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetReference(reference string) {
o.Reference = reference
// WithRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithRepositoryName(repositoryName string) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetRepositoryName adds the repositoryName to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetRepositoryName(repositoryName string) {
o.RepositoryName = repositoryName
// WithWithAccessory adds the withAccessory to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithAccessory(withAccessory *bool) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetWithAccessory adds the withAccessory to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithAccessory(withAccessory *bool) {
o.WithAccessory = withAccessory
// WithWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetWithImmutableStatus adds the withImmutableStatus to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithImmutableStatus(withImmutableStatus *bool) {
o.WithImmutableStatus = withImmutableStatus
// WithWithLabel adds the withLabel to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithLabel(withLabel *bool) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetWithLabel adds the withLabel to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithLabel(withLabel *bool) {
o.WithLabel = withLabel
// WithWithScanOverview adds the withScanOverview to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetWithScanOverview adds the withScanOverview to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithScanOverview(withScanOverview *bool) {
o.WithScanOverview = withScanOverview
// WithWithSignature adds the withSignature to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithSignature(withSignature *bool) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetWithSignature adds the withSignature to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithSignature(withSignature *bool) {
o.WithSignature = withSignature
// WithWithTag adds the withTag to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WithWithTag(withTag *bool) *GetArtifactParams {
return o
// SetWithTag adds the withTag to the get artifact params
func (o *GetArtifactParams) SetWithTag(withTag *bool) {
o.WithTag = withTag
// WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
func (o *GetArtifactParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {
if err := r.SetTimeout(o.timeout); err != nil {
return err
var res []error
if o.XAcceptVulnerabilities != nil {
// header param X-Accept-Vulnerabilities
if err := r.SetHeaderParam("X-Accept-Vulnerabilities", *o.XAcceptVulnerabilities); err != nil {
return err
if o.XRequestID != nil {
// header param X-Request-Id
if err := r.SetHeaderParam("X-Request-Id", *o.XRequestID); err != nil {
return err
if o.Page != nil {
// query param page
var qrPage int64
if o.Page != nil {
qrPage = *o.Page
qPage := swag.FormatInt64(qrPage)
if qPage != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("page", qPage); err != nil {
return err
if o.PageSize != nil {
// query param page_size
var qrPageSize int64
if o.PageSize != nil {
qrPageSize = *o.PageSize
qPageSize := swag.FormatInt64(qrPageSize)
if qPageSize != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("page_size", qPageSize); err != nil {
return err
// path param project_name
if err := r.SetPathParam("project_name", o.ProjectName); err != nil {
return err
// path param reference
if err := r.SetPathParam("reference", o.Reference); err != nil {
return err
// path param repository_name
if err := r.SetPathParam("repository_name", o.RepositoryName); err != nil {
return err
if o.WithAccessory != nil {
// query param with_accessory
var qrWithAccessory bool
if o.WithAccessory != nil {
qrWithAccessory = *o.WithAccessory
qWithAccessory := swag.FormatBool(qrWithAccessory)
if qWithAccessory != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("with_accessory", qWithAccessory); err != nil {
return err
if o.WithImmutableStatus != nil {
// query param with_immutable_status
var qrWithImmutableStatus bool
if o.WithImmutableStatus != nil {
qrWithImmutableStatus = *o.WithImmutableStatus
qWithImmutableStatus := swag.FormatBool(qrWithImmutableStatus)
if qWithImmutableStatus != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("with_immutable_status", qWithImmutableStatus); err != nil {
return err
if o.WithLabel != nil {
// query param with_label
var qrWithLabel bool
if o.WithLabel != nil {
qrWithLabel = *o.WithLabel
qWithLabel := swag.FormatBool(qrWithLabel)
if qWithLabel != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("with_label", qWithLabel); err != nil {
return err
if o.WithScanOverview != nil {
// query param with_scan_overview
var qrWithScanOverview bool
if o.WithScanOverview != nil {
qrWithScanOverview = *o.WithScanOverview
qWithScanOverview := swag.FormatBool(qrWithScanOverview)
if qWithScanOverview != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("with_scan_overview", qWithScanOverview); err != nil {
return err
if o.WithSignature != nil {
// query param with_signature
var qrWithSignature bool
if o.WithSignature != nil {
qrWithSignature = *o.WithSignature
qWithSignature := swag.FormatBool(qrWithSignature)
if qWithSignature != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("with_signature", qWithSignature); err != nil {
return err
if o.WithTag != nil {
// query param with_tag
var qrWithTag bool
if o.WithTag != nil {
qrWithTag = *o.WithTag
qWithTag := swag.FormatBool(qrWithTag)
if qWithTag != "" {
if err := r.SetQueryParam("with_tag", qWithTag); err != nil {
return err
if len(res) > 0 {
return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
return nil
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