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newflydd 提交于 2017-10-27 10:21 . init
// interactive web user interface
package web
import (
type SerializedTxn struct {
Id string
Duration int64
Start int64
ConnCtx mvc.ConnectionContext
*proto.HttpTxn `json:"-"`
Req SerializedRequest
Resp SerializedResponse
type SerializedBody struct {
RawContentType string
ContentType string
Text string
Length int
Error string
ErrorOffset int
Form url.Values
type SerializedRequest struct {
Raw string
MethodPath string
Params url.Values
Header http.Header
Body SerializedBody
Binary bool
type SerializedResponse struct {
Raw string
Status string
Header http.Header
Body SerializedBody
Binary bool
type WebHttpView struct {
webview *WebView
ctl mvc.Controller
httpProto *proto.Http
state chan SerializedUiState
HttpRequests *util.Ring
idToTxn map[string]*SerializedTxn
type SerializedUiState struct {
Tunnels []mvc.Tunnel
type SerializedPayload struct {
Txns []interface{}
UiState SerializedUiState
func newWebHttpView(ctl mvc.Controller, wv *WebView, proto *proto.Http) *WebHttpView {
whv := &WebHttpView{
Logger: log.NewPrefixLogger("view", "web", "http"),
webview: wv,
ctl: ctl,
httpProto: proto,
idToTxn: make(map[string]*SerializedTxn),
HttpRequests: util.NewRing(20),
return whv
type XMLDoc struct {
data []byte `xml:",innerxml"`
func makeBody(h http.Header, body []byte) SerializedBody {
b := SerializedBody{
Length: len(body),
Text: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(body),
ErrorOffset: -1,
// some errors like XML errors only give a line number
// and not an exact offset
offsetForLine := func(line int) int {
lines := strings.SplitAfterN(b.Text, "\n", line)
return b.Length - len(lines[len(lines)-1])
var err error
b.RawContentType = h.Get("Content-Type")
if b.RawContentType != "" {
b.ContentType = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(b.RawContentType, ";")[0])
switch b.ContentType {
case "application/xml", "text/xml":
err = xml.Unmarshal(body, new(XMLDoc))
if err != nil {
if syntaxError, ok := err.(*xml.SyntaxError); ok {
// xml syntax errors only give us a line number, so we
// count to find an offset
b.ErrorOffset = offsetForLine(syntaxError.Line)
case "application/json":
err = json.Unmarshal(body, new(json.RawMessage))
if err != nil {
if syntaxError, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok {
b.ErrorOffset = int(syntaxError.Offset)
case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
b.Form, err = url.ParseQuery(string(body))
if err != nil {
b.Error = err.Error()
return b
func (whv *WebHttpView) updateHttp() {
// open channels for incoming http state changes
// and broadcasts
txnUpdates := whv.httpProto.Txns.Reg()
for txn := range txnUpdates {
// XXX: it's not safe for proto.Http and this code
// to be accessing txn and txn.(req/resp) without synchronization
htxn := txn.(*proto.HttpTxn)
// we haven't processed this transaction yet if we haven't set the
// user data
if htxn.UserCtx == nil {
rawReq, err := proto.DumpRequestOut(htxn.Req.Request, true)
if err != nil {
whv.Error("Failed to dump request: %v", err)
body := makeBody(htxn.Req.Header, htxn.Req.BodyBytes)
whtxn := &SerializedTxn{
Id: util.RandId(8),
HttpTxn: htxn,
Req: SerializedRequest{
MethodPath: htxn.Req.Method + " " + htxn.Req.URL.Path,
Raw: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(rawReq),
Params: htxn.Req.URL.Query(),
Header: htxn.Req.Header,
Body: body,
Binary: !utf8.Valid(rawReq),
Start: htxn.Start.Unix(),
ConnCtx: htxn.ConnUserCtx.(mvc.ConnectionContext),
htxn.UserCtx = whtxn
// XXX: unsafe map access from multiple go routines
whv.idToTxn[whtxn.Id] = whtxn
// XXX: use return value to delete from map so we don't leak memory
} else {
rawResp, err := httputil.DumpResponse(htxn.Resp.Response, true)
if err != nil {
whv.Error("Failed to dump response: %v", err)
txn := htxn.UserCtx.(*SerializedTxn)
body := makeBody(htxn.Resp.Header, htxn.Resp.BodyBytes)
txn.Duration = htxn.Duration.Nanoseconds()
txn.Resp = SerializedResponse{
Status: htxn.Resp.Status,
Raw: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(rawResp),
Header: htxn.Resp.Header,
Body: body,
Binary: !utf8.Valid(rawResp),
payload, err := json.Marshal(txn)
if err != nil {
whv.Error("Failed to serialized txn payload for websocket: %v", err)
whv.webview.wsMessages.In() <- payload
func (whv *WebHttpView) register() {
http.HandleFunc("/http/in/replay", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err := util.MakePanicTrace(r)
whv.Error("Replay failed: %v", err)
http.Error(w, err, 500)
txnid := r.Form.Get("txnid")
if txn, ok := whv.idToTxn[txnid]; ok {
reqBytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(txn.Req.Raw)
if err != nil {
whv.ctl.PlayRequest(txn.ConnCtx.Tunnel, reqBytes)
} else {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(400), 400)
http.HandleFunc("/http/in", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err := util.MakePanicTrace(r)
whv.Error("HTTP web view failed: %v", err)
http.Error(w, err, 500)
pageTmpl, err := ioutil.ReadFile("page.html")
if err != nil {
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("page.html").Delims("{%", "%}").Parse(string(pageTmpl)))
payloadData := SerializedPayload{
Txns: whv.HttpRequests.Slice(),
UiState: SerializedUiState{Tunnels: whv.ctl.State().GetTunnels()},
payload, err := json.Marshal(payloadData)
if err != nil {
// write the response
if err := tmpl.Execute(w, string(payload)); err != nil {
func (whv *WebHttpView) Shutdown() {


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