Warning reason: Prohibit the PUBLIC role from having permissions on the pg_authid system table.Since all users inherit the permissions of the PUBLIC role, to prevent sensitiv e information from being leaked or altered, the PUBLIC role is not allowed to have any permissions on the pg_authid system table.
Warning reason:Disallow granting all privileges on objects to the PUBLIC role.The PUBLIC role belongs to any user, and if all permissions of an object are granted to the PUBL IC role, then any user will inherit all permissions of this object, which violates the principle of least privilege. To ensure the security of database data, this role should have as few permissions as possible, and it is prohibited to grant all permissions of an object to the PUBLIC role.
Total numbers:1. Abnormal numbers:0. Warning numbers:1.
2. B5修复后打印了报错信息
openGauss=# CREATE user lily WITH CREATEROLE PASSWORD "qwer*963.";
openGauss=# SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolcreaterole = true AND rolsuper = false;
Warning reason:Ensure revocation of unnecessary administrative privileges from regular users.As a regular user, they should not possess administrative permissions beyond thei r normal scope. To ensure that the permissions of regular users are minimized while meeting normal business needs, unnecessary administrative permissions for regular users should be revoked.
[GAUSS-51632] : Failed to do python3 '/data/lhj/6.0.0master/tool/script/local/LocalCheckSE.py' -t Set_Permission_management -l '/data/lhj/6.0.0master/log/lhj/lhj/om/gs_local.log' . E rror: