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openLooKeng / hetu-core

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[Btree index] The splits can not be filtered for transactional partition table

Defect 成员
2020-12-29 20:32

Software Environment:

  • openLooKeng version (source or binary):1.1.0

  • OS platform & distribution (eg., Linux Ubuntu 16.04):Linux

  • Java version:1.8

Describe the current behavior

Describe the expected behavior

Steps to reproduce the issue

1.Create table

CREATE TABLE hive.index_test.testorders4 (
orderkey bigint,
orderstatus varchar,
totalprice double,
orderdate date
) WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY['orderdate'], transactional = true);

2.Insert data into table

3.Create btree index

create index idx1 using btree on hive.index_test.testorders4(orderkey) with (level=partition);

4.Query data 2 times

select * from hive.index_test.testorders4 where orderkey=10;


Step4 the split do not reduce,and there throw some exception from server.log

From the log, it may not find the index file in HDFS.

Read index from HDFS

Related log/screenshots

Special notes for this issue

评论 (1)

Jiwen 创建了缺陷
Jiwen 里程碑设置为20210330-v1.2.0
Jiwen 关联分支设置为master
Jiwen 计划截止日期设置为2021-03-31
Jiwen 关联仓库设置为openLooKeng/hetu-core
Jiwen 添加了
Jiwen 通过里程碑20210330-v1.2.0关联项目设置为Proj-openLooKeng

Test Version




Test step

lk:test> CREATE TABLE testorders4 (
      -> orderkey bigint,
      -> orderstatus varchar,
      -> totalprice double,
      -> orderdate date
      -> ) WITH (partitioned_by = ARRAY['orderdate'], transactional = true);
lk:test> insert into testorders4 values(11,varchar'BAD',double'100.15',date'2019-05-20');
INSERT: 1 row

Query 20211018_062106_00095_4rik7, FINISHED, 5 nodes
Splits: 102 total, 102 done (100.00%)
0:02 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

lk:test> insert into testorders4 values(10,varchar'SUCCESS',double'125.15',date'2019-05-17');
INSERT: 1 row

Query 20211018_062137_00096_4rik7, FINISHED, 5 nodes
Splits: 102 total, 102 done (100.00%)
0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

lk:test> insert into testorders4 values(11,varchar'BAD',double'100.15',date'2019-05-20');
INSERT: 1 row

Query 20211018_062151_00097_4rik7, FINISHED, 5 nodes
Splits: 102 total, 102 done (100.00%)
0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

lk:test> insert into testorders4 values(10,varchar'SUCCESS',double'125.15',date'2019-05-17');
INSERT: 1 row

Query 20211018_062159_00098_4rik7, FINISHED, 5 nodes
Splits: 102 total, 102 done (100.00%)
0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

lk:test> insert into testorders4 values(11,varchar'BAD',double'100.15',date'2019-05-20');
INSERT: 1 row

Query 20211018_062201_00099_4rik7, FINISHED, 5 nodes
Splits: 102 total, 102 done (100.00%)
0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

lk:test> insert into testorders4 values(11,varchar'BAD',double'100.15',date'2019-05-20');
INSERT: 1 row

Query 20211018_062205_00100_4rik7, FINISHED, 5 nodes
Splits: 102 total, 102 done (100.00%)
0:00 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

lk:test> SELECT * from testorders4;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       11 | BAD         |     100.15 | 2019-05-20
       11 | BAD         |     100.15 | 2019-05-20
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       11 | BAD         |     100.15 | 2019-05-20
       11 | BAD         |     100.15 | 2019-05-20
(6 rows)

Query 20211018_062214_00101_4rik7, FINISHED, 4 nodes
Splits: 22 total, 22 done (100.00%)
0:00 [6 rows, 6.93KB] [16 rows/s, 19.1KB/s]
lk:test> select * from testorders4 where orderkey=10;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
(2 rows)

Query 20211018_063122_00007_8zqxi, FINISHED, 4 nodes
Splits: 22 total, 22 done (100.00%)
0:01 [2 rows, 2.35KB] [2 rows/s, 3.28KB/s]

lk:test> select * from testorders4 where orderkey=10;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
(2 rows)

Query 20211018_063131_00008_8zqxi, FINISHED, 4 nodes
Splits: 22 total, 22 done (100.00%)
0:00 [2 rows, 2.35KB] [7 rows/s, 8.73KB/s]

lk:test> select * from testorders4 where orderkey=10;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
(2 rows)

Query 20211018_063136_00009_8zqxi, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 18 total, 18 done (100.00%)
0:00 [2 rows, 2.35KB] [7 rows/s, 8.51KB/s]

lk:test> select * from testorders4 where orderkey=10;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
(2 rows)

Query 20211018_063138_00010_8zqxi, FINISHED, 3 nodes
Splits: 18 total, 18 done (100.00%)
0:00 [2 rows, 2.35KB] [10 rows/s, 11.8KB/s]
lk:test> set session heuristicindex_filter_enabled=false;
lk:test> select * from testorders4 where orderkey=10;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
(2 rows)

Query 20211018_063202_00016_8zqxi, FINISHED, 4 nodes
Splits: 22 total, 22 done (100.00%)
0:00 [2 rows, 2.35KB] [5 rows/s, 6.49KB/s]

lk:test> select * from testorders4 where orderkey=10;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
(2 rows)

Query 20211018_063204_00017_8zqxi, FINISHED, 4 nodes
Splits: 22 total, 22 done (100.00%)
0:00 [2 rows, 2.35KB] [12 rows/s, 14.5KB/s]

lk:test> select * from testorders4 where orderkey=10;
 orderkey | orderstatus | totalprice | orderdate
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
       10 | SUCCESS     |     125.15 | 2019-05-17
(2 rows)

Query 20211018_063205_00018_8zqxi, FINISHED, 4 nodes
Splits: 22 total, 22 done (100.00%)
0:00 [2 rows, 2.35KB] [13 rows/s, 15.6KB/s]

Test Result

bTree index reduce splits number.


Regression Passed

yumei 任务状态Todo 修改为Tested

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