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standardchannel.go 4.90 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. 2017 All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package msgprocessor
import (
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
// StandardChannelSupport includes the resources needed for the StandardChannel processor.
type StandardChannelSupport interface {
// Sequence should return the current configSeq
Sequence() uint64
// ChainID returns the ChannelID
ChainID() string
// Signer returns the signer for this orderer
Signer() crypto.LocalSigner
// ProposeConfigUpdate takes in an Envelope of type CONFIG_UPDATE and produces a
// ConfigEnvelope to be used as the Envelope Payload Data of a CONFIG message
ProposeConfigUpdate(configtx *cb.Envelope) (*cb.ConfigEnvelope, error)
// StandardChannel implements the Processor interface for standard extant channels
type StandardChannel struct {
support StandardChannelSupport
filters *RuleSet
// NewStandardChannel creates a new standard message processor
func NewStandardChannel(support StandardChannelSupport, filters *RuleSet) *StandardChannel {
return &StandardChannel{
filters: filters,
support: support,
// CreateStandardChannelFilters creates the set of filters for a normal (non-system) chain
func CreateStandardChannelFilters(filterSupport channelconfig.Resources) *RuleSet {
ordererConfig, ok := filterSupport.OrdererConfig()
if !ok {
logger.Panicf("Missing orderer config")
return NewRuleSet([]Rule{
NewSigFilter(policies.ChannelWriters, filterSupport),
// ClassifyMsg inspects the message to determine which type of processing is necessary
func (s *StandardChannel) ClassifyMsg(chdr *cb.ChannelHeader) Classification {
switch chdr.Type {
case int32(cb.HeaderType_CONFIG_UPDATE):
return ConfigUpdateMsg
case int32(cb.HeaderType_ORDERER_TRANSACTION):
// In order to maintain backwards compatibility, we must classify these messages
return ConfigMsg
case int32(cb.HeaderType_CONFIG):
// In order to maintain backwards compatibility, we must classify these messages
return ConfigMsg
return NormalMsg
// ProcessNormalMsg will check the validity of a message based on the current configuration. It returns the current
// configuration sequence number and nil on success, or an error if the message is not valid
func (s *StandardChannel) ProcessNormalMsg(env *cb.Envelope) (configSeq uint64, err error) {
configSeq = s.support.Sequence()
err = s.filters.Apply(env)
// ProcessConfigUpdateMsg will attempt to apply the config impetus msg to the current configuration, and if successful
// return the resulting config message and the configSeq the config was computed from. If the config impetus message
// is invalid, an error is returned.
func (s *StandardChannel) ProcessConfigUpdateMsg(env *cb.Envelope) (config *cb.Envelope, configSeq uint64, err error) {
logger.Debugf("Processing config update message for channel %s", s.support.ChainID())
// Call Sequence first. If seq advances between proposal and acceptance, this is okay, and will cause reprocessing
// however, if Sequence is called last, then a success could be falsely attributed to a newer configSeq
seq := s.support.Sequence()
err = s.filters.Apply(env)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
configEnvelope, err := s.support.ProposeConfigUpdate(env)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
config, err = utils.CreateSignedEnvelope(cb.HeaderType_CONFIG, s.support.ChainID(), s.support.Signer(), configEnvelope, msgVersion, epoch)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// We re-apply the filters here, especially for the size filter, to ensure that the transaction we
// just constructed is not too large for our consenter. It additionally reapplies the signature
// check, which although not strictly necessary, is a good sanity check, in case the orderer
// has not been configured with the right cert material. The additional overhead of the signature
// check is negligable, as this is the reconfig path and not the normal path.
err = s.filters.Apply(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return config, seq, nil
// ProcessConfigMsg takes an envelope of type `HeaderType_CONFIG`, unpacks the `ConfigEnvelope` from it
// extracts the `ConfigUpdate` from `LastUpdate` field, and calls `ProcessConfigUpdateMsg` on it.
func (s *StandardChannel) ProcessConfigMsg(env *cb.Envelope) (config *cb.Envelope, configSeq uint64, err error) {
logger.Debugf("Processing config message for channel %s", s.support.ChainID())
configEnvelope := &cb.ConfigEnvelope{}
_, err = utils.UnmarshalEnvelopeOfType(env, cb.HeaderType_CONFIG, configEnvelope)
if err != nil {
return s.ProcessConfigUpdateMsg(configEnvelope.LastUpdate)
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