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discovery.go 5.53 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package discovery
import (
proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
// CryptoService is an interface that the discovery expects to be implemented and passed on creation
type CryptoService interface {
// ValidateAliveMsg validates that an Alive message is authentic
ValidateAliveMsg(message *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool
// SignMessage signs a message
SignMessage(m *proto.GossipMessage, internalEndpoint string) *proto.Envelope
// EnvelopeFilter may or may not remove part of the Envelope
// that the given SignedGossipMessage originates from.
type EnvelopeFilter func(message *proto.SignedGossipMessage) *proto.Envelope
// Sieve defines the messages that are allowed to be sent to some remote peer,
// based on some criteria.
// Returns whether the sieve permits sending a given message.
type Sieve func(message *proto.SignedGossipMessage) bool
// DisclosurePolicy defines which messages a given remote peer
// is eligible of knowing about, and also what is it eligible
// to know about out of a given SignedGossipMessage.
// Returns:
// 1) A Sieve for a given remote peer.
// The Sieve is applied for each peer in question and outputs
// whether the message should be disclosed to the remote peer.
// 2) A EnvelopeFilter for a given SignedGossipMessage, which may remove
// part of the Envelope the SignedGossipMessage originates from
type DisclosurePolicy func(remotePeer *NetworkMember) (Sieve, EnvelopeFilter)
// CommService is an interface that the discovery expects to be implemented and passed on creation
type CommService interface {
// Gossip gossips a message
Gossip(msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage)
// SendToPeer sends to a given peer a message.
// The nonce can be anything since the communication module handles the nonce itself
SendToPeer(peer *NetworkMember, msg *proto.SignedGossipMessage)
// Ping probes a remote peer and returns if it's responsive or not
Ping(peer *NetworkMember) bool
// Accept returns a read-only channel for membership messages sent from remote peers
Accept() <-chan proto.ReceivedMessage
// PresumedDead returns a read-only channel for peers that are presumed to be dead
PresumedDead() <-chan common.PKIidType
// CloseConn orders to close the connection with a certain peer
CloseConn(peer *NetworkMember)
// Forward sends message to the next hop, excluding the hop
// from which message was initially received
Forward(msg proto.ReceivedMessage)
// NetworkMember is a peer's representation
type NetworkMember struct {
Endpoint string
Metadata []byte
PKIid common.PKIidType
InternalEndpoint string
Properties *proto.Properties
// String returns a string representation of the NetworkMember
func (n *NetworkMember) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Endpoint: %s, InternalEndpoint: %s, PKI-ID: %v, Metadata: %v", n.Endpoint, n.InternalEndpoint, n.PKIid, n.Metadata)
// PreferredEndpoint computes the endpoint to connect to,
// while preferring internal endpoint over the standard
// endpoint
func (n NetworkMember) PreferredEndpoint() string {
if n.InternalEndpoint != "" {
return n.InternalEndpoint
return n.Endpoint
// PeerIdentification encompasses a remote peer's
// PKI-ID and whether its in the same org as the current
// peer or not
type PeerIdentification struct {
ID common.PKIidType
SelfOrg bool
type identifier func() (*PeerIdentification, error)
// Discovery is the interface that represents a discovery module
type Discovery interface {
// Lookup returns a network member, or nil if not found
Lookup(PKIID common.PKIidType) *NetworkMember
// Self returns this instance's membership information
Self() NetworkMember
// UpdateMetadata updates this instance's metadata
// UpdateEndpoint updates this instance's endpoint
// Stops this instance
// GetMembership returns the alive members in the view
GetMembership() []NetworkMember
// InitiateSync makes the instance ask a given number of peers
// for their membership information
InitiateSync(peerNum int)
// Connect makes this instance to connect to a remote instance
// The identifier param is a function that can be used to identify
// the peer, and to assert its PKI-ID, whether its in the peer's org or not,
// and whether the action was successful or not
Connect(member NetworkMember, id identifier)
// Members represents an aggregation of NetworkMembers
type Members []NetworkMember
// ByID returns a mapping from the PKI-IDs (in string form)
// to NetworkMember
func (members Members) ByID() map[string]NetworkMember {
res := make(map[string]NetworkMember, len(members))
for _, peer := range members {
res[string(peer.PKIid)] = peer
return res
// Intersect returns the intersection of 2 Members
func (members Members) Intersect(otherMembers Members) Members {
var res Members
m := otherMembers.ByID()
for _, member := range members {
if _, exists := m[string(member.PKIid)]; exists {
res = append(res, member)
return res
// Filter returns only members that satisfy the given filter
func (members Members) Filter(filter func(member NetworkMember) bool) Members {
var res Members
for _, member := range members {
if filter(member) {
res = append(res, member)
return res
// HaveExternalEndpoints selects network members that have external endpoints
func HasExternalEndpoint(member NetworkMember) bool {
return member.Endpoint != ""
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