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blocksprovider.go 4.54 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package mocks
import (
gossip_common "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/gossip/common"
gossip_proto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/gossip"
// MockGossipServiceAdapter mocking structure for gossip service, used to initialize
// the blocks providers implementation and asserts the number
// of function calls used.
type MockGossipServiceAdapter struct {
addPayloadCnt int32
GossipBlockDisseminations chan uint64
type MockAtomicBroadcastClient struct {
BD *MockBlocksDeliverer
func (mabc *MockAtomicBroadcastClient) Broadcast(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (orderer.AtomicBroadcast_BroadcastClient, error) {
panic("Should not be used")
func (mabc *MockAtomicBroadcastClient) Deliver(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (orderer.AtomicBroadcast_DeliverClient, error) {
return mabc.BD, nil
// PeersOfChannel returns the slice with peers participating in given channel
func (*MockGossipServiceAdapter) PeersOfChannel(gossip_common.ChainID) []discovery.NetworkMember {
return []discovery.NetworkMember{}
// AddPayload adds gossip payload to the local state transfer buffer
func (mock *MockGossipServiceAdapter) AddPayload(chainID string, payload *gossip_proto.Payload) error {
atomic.AddInt32(&mock.addPayloadCnt, 1)
return nil
// AddPayloadCount returns the number of times Recv has been called.
func (mock *MockGossipServiceAdapter) AddPayloadCount() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&mock.addPayloadCnt)
// Gossip message to the all peers
func (mock *MockGossipServiceAdapter) Gossip(msg *gossip_proto.GossipMessage) {
mock.GossipBlockDisseminations <- msg.GetDataMsg().Payload.SeqNum
// MockBlocksDeliverer mocking structure of BlocksDeliverer interface to initialize
// the blocks provider implementation
type MockBlocksDeliverer struct {
DisconnectCalled chan struct{}
DisconnectAndDisableCalled chan struct{}
CloseCalled chan struct{}
Pos uint64
recvCnt int32
MockRecv func(mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) (*orderer.DeliverResponse, error)
// Recv gets responses from the ordering service, currently mocked to return
// only one response with empty block.
func (mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) Recv() (*orderer.DeliverResponse, error) {
atomic.AddInt32(&mock.recvCnt, 1)
return mock.MockRecv(mock)
// RecvCount returns the number of times Recv has been called.
func (mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) RecvCount() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&mock.recvCnt)
// MockRecv mock for the Recv function
func MockRecv(mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) (*orderer.DeliverResponse, error) {
pos := mock.Pos
// Advance position for the next call
return &orderer.DeliverResponse{
Type: &orderer.DeliverResponse_Block{
Block: &common.Block{
Header: &common.BlockHeader{
Number: pos,
DataHash: []byte{},
PreviousHash: []byte{},
Data: &common.BlockData{
Data: [][]byte{},
}, nil
// Send sends the envelope with request for the blocks for ordering service
// currently mocked and not doing anything
func (mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) Send(env *common.Envelope) error {
payload, _ := utils.GetPayload(env)
seekInfo := &orderer.SeekInfo{}
proto.Unmarshal(payload.Data, seekInfo)
// Read starting position
switch t := seekInfo.Start.Type.(type) {
case *orderer.SeekPosition_Oldest:
mock.Pos = 0
case *orderer.SeekPosition_Specified:
mock.Pos = t.Specified.Number
return nil
func (mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) Disconnect(disableEndpoint bool) {
if disableEndpoint {
mock.DisconnectAndDisableCalled <- struct{}{}
} else {
mock.DisconnectCalled <- struct{}{}
func (mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) Close() {
if mock.CloseCalled == nil {
mock.CloseCalled <- struct{}{}
func (mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) UpdateEndpoints(endpoints []string) {
func (mock *MockBlocksDeliverer) GetEndpoints() []string {
return []string{} // empty slice
// MockLedgerInfo mocking implementation of LedgerInfo interface, needed
// for test initialization purposes
type MockLedgerInfo struct {
Height uint64
// LedgerHeight returns mocked value to the ledger height
func (li *MockLedgerInfo) LedgerHeight() (uint64, error) {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&li.Height), nil
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