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validator_keylevel.go 10.71 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package statebased
import (
commonerrors "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/errors"
validation "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/handlers/validation/api/policies"
type epEvaluator interface {
CheckCCEPIfNotChecked(cc, coll string, blockNum, txNum uint64, sd []*protoutil.SignedData) commonerrors.TxValidationError
CheckCCEPIfNoEPChecked(cc string, blockNum, txNum uint64, sd []*protoutil.SignedData) commonerrors.TxValidationError
type baseEvaluator struct {
vpmgr KeyLevelValidationParameterManager
policySupport validation.PolicyEvaluator
func (p *baseEvaluator) checkSBAndCCEP(cc, coll, key string, blockNum, txNum uint64, signatureSet []*protoutil.SignedData) commonerrors.TxValidationError {
// see if there is a key-level validation parameter for this key
vp, err := p.vpmgr.GetValidationParameterForKey(cc, coll, key, blockNum, txNum)
if err != nil {
// error handling for GetValidationParameterForKey follows this rationale:
switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) {
// 1) if there is a conflict because validation params have been updated
// by another transaction in this block, we will get ValidationParameterUpdatedError.
// This should lead to invalidating the transaction by calling policyErr
case *ValidationParameterUpdatedError:
return policyErr(err)
// 2) if the ledger returns "determinstic" errors, that is, errors that
// every peer in the channel will also return (such as errors linked to
// an attempt to retrieve metadata from a non-defined collection) should be
// logged and ignored. The ledger will take the most appropriate action
// when performing its side of the validation.
case *ledger.CollConfigNotDefinedError, *ledger.InvalidCollNameError:
logger.Warningf(errors.WithMessage(err, "skipping key-level validation").Error())
err = nil
// 3) any other type of error should return an execution failure which will
// lead to halting the processing on this channel. Note that any non-categorized
// deterministic error would be caught by the default and would lead to
// a processing halt. This would certainly be a bug, but - in the absence of a
// single, well-defined deterministic error returned by the ledger, it is
// best to err on the side of caution and rather halt processing (because a
// deterministic error is treated like an I/O one) rather than risking a fork
// (in case an I/O error is treated as a deterministic one).
return &commonerrors.VSCCExecutionFailureError{
Err: err,
// if no key-level validation parameter has been specified, the regular cc endorsement policy needs to hold
if len(vp) == 0 {
return p.CheckCCEPIfNotChecked(cc, coll, blockNum, txNum, signatureSet)
// validate against key-level vp
err = p.policySupport.Evaluate(vp, signatureSet)
if err != nil {
return policyErr(errors.Wrapf(err, "validation of key %s (coll'%s':ns'%s') in tx %d:%d failed", key, coll, cc, blockNum, txNum))
return nil
func (p *baseEvaluator) Evaluate(blockNum, txNum uint64, NsRwSets []*rwsetutil.NsRwSet, ns string, sd []*protoutil.SignedData) commonerrors.TxValidationError {
// iterate over all writes in the rwset
for _, nsRWSet := range NsRwSets {
// skip other namespaces
if nsRWSet.NameSpace != ns {
// public writes
// we validate writes against key-level validation parameters
// if any are present or the chaincode-wide endorsement policy
for _, pubWrite := range nsRWSet.KvRwSet.Writes {
err := p.checkSBAndCCEP(ns, "", pubWrite.Key, blockNum, txNum, sd)
if err != nil {
return err
// public metadata writes
// we validate writes against key-level validation parameters
// if any are present or the chaincode-wide endorsement policy
for _, pubMdWrite := range nsRWSet.KvRwSet.MetadataWrites {
err := p.checkSBAndCCEP(ns, "", pubMdWrite.Key, blockNum, txNum, sd)
if err != nil {
return err
// writes in collections
// we validate writes against key-level validation parameters
// if any are present or the chaincode-wide endorsement policy
for _, collRWSet := range nsRWSet.CollHashedRwSets {
coll := collRWSet.CollectionName
for _, hashedWrite := range collRWSet.HashedRwSet.HashedWrites {
key := string(hashedWrite.KeyHash)
err := p.checkSBAndCCEP(ns, coll, key, blockNum, txNum, sd)
if err != nil {
return err
// metadata writes in collections
// we validate writes against key-level validation parameters
// if any are present or the chaincode-wide endorsement policy
for _, collRWSet := range nsRWSet.CollHashedRwSets {
coll := collRWSet.CollectionName
for _, hashedMdWrite := range collRWSet.HashedRwSet.MetadataWrites {
key := string(hashedMdWrite.KeyHash)
err := p.checkSBAndCCEP(ns, coll, key, blockNum, txNum, sd)
if err != nil {
return err
// we make sure that we check at least the CCEP to honour FAB-9473
return p.CheckCCEPIfNoEPChecked(ns, blockNum, txNum, sd)
// RWSetPolicyEvaluatorFactory is a factory for policy evaluators
type RWSetPolicyEvaluatorFactory interface {
// Evaluator returns a new policy evaluator
// given the supplied chaincode endorsement policy
Evaluator(ccEP []byte) RWSetPolicyEvaluator
// RWSetPolicyEvaluator provides means to evaluate transaction artefacts
type RWSetPolicyEvaluator interface {
Evaluate(blockNum, txNum uint64, NsRwSets []*rwsetutil.NsRwSet, ns string, sd []*protoutil.SignedData) commonerrors.TxValidationError
type blockDependency struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
blockNum uint64
txDepOnce []sync.Once
// KeyLevelValidator implements per-key level ep validation
type KeyLevelValidator struct {
vpmgr KeyLevelValidationParameterManager
blockDep blockDependency
pef RWSetPolicyEvaluatorFactory
func NewKeyLevelValidator(evaluator RWSetPolicyEvaluatorFactory, vpmgr KeyLevelValidationParameterManager) *KeyLevelValidator {
return &KeyLevelValidator{
vpmgr: vpmgr,
blockDep: blockDependency{},
pef: evaluator,
func (klv *KeyLevelValidator) extractDependenciesForTx(blockNum, txNum uint64, envelopeBytes []byte) {
env, err := protoutil.GetEnvelopeFromBlock(envelopeBytes)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("while executing GetEnvelopeFromBlock got error '%s', skipping tx at height (%d,%d)", err, blockNum, txNum)
payl, err := protoutil.UnmarshalPayload(env.Payload)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("while executing GetPayload got error '%s', skipping tx at height (%d,%d)", err, blockNum, txNum)
tx, err := protoutil.UnmarshalTransaction(payl.Data)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("while executing GetTransaction got error '%s', skipping tx at height (%d,%d)", err, blockNum, txNum)
cap, err := protoutil.UnmarshalChaincodeActionPayload(tx.Actions[0].Payload)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("while executing GetChaincodeActionPayload got error '%s', skipping tx at height (%d,%d)", err, blockNum, txNum)
pRespPayload, err := protoutil.UnmarshalProposalResponsePayload(cap.Action.ProposalResponsePayload)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("while executing GetProposalResponsePayload got error '%s', skipping tx at height (%d,%d)", err, blockNum, txNum)
respPayload, err := protoutil.UnmarshalChaincodeAction(pRespPayload.Extension)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("while executing GetChaincodeAction got error '%s', skipping tx at height (%d,%d)", err, blockNum, txNum)
klv.vpmgr.ExtractValidationParameterDependency(blockNum, txNum, respPayload.Results)
// PreValidate implements the function of the StateBasedValidator interface
func (klv *KeyLevelValidator) PreValidate(txNum uint64, block *common.Block) {
if klv.blockDep.blockNum != block.Header.Number {
klv.blockDep.blockNum = block.Header.Number
klv.blockDep.txDepOnce = make([]sync.Once, len(block.Data.Data))
for i := int64(txNum); i >= 0; i-- {
txPosition := uint64(i)
func() {
klv.extractDependenciesForTx(block.Header.Number, txPosition, block.Data.Data[txPosition])
// Validate implements the function of the StateBasedValidator interface
func (klv *KeyLevelValidator) Validate(cc string, blockNum, txNum uint64, rwsetBytes, prp, ccEP []byte, endorsements []*peer.Endorsement) commonerrors.TxValidationError {
// construct signature set
signatureSet := []*protoutil.SignedData{}
for _, endorsement := range endorsements {
data := make([]byte, len(prp)+len(endorsement.Endorser))
copy(data, prp)
copy(data[len(prp):], endorsement.Endorser)
signatureSet = append(signatureSet, &protoutil.SignedData{
// set the data that is signed; concatenation of proposal response bytes and endorser ID
Data: data,
// set the identity that signs the message: it's the endorser
Identity: endorsement.Endorser,
// set the signature
Signature: endorsement.Signature})
// construct the policy checker object
policyEvaluator := klv.pef.Evaluator(ccEP)
// unpack the rwset
rwset := &rwsetutil.TxRwSet{}
if err := rwset.FromProtoBytes(rwsetBytes); err != nil {
return policyErr(errors.WithMessagef(err, "txRWSet.FromProtoBytes failed on tx (%d,%d)", blockNum, txNum))
// return the decision of the policy evaluator
return policyEvaluator.Evaluate(blockNum, txNum, rwset.NsRwSets, cc, signatureSet)
// PostValidate implements the function of the StateBasedValidator interface
func (klv *KeyLevelValidator) PostValidate(cc string, blockNum, txNum uint64, err error) {
klv.vpmgr.SetTxValidationResult(cc, blockNum, txNum, err)
func policyErr(err error) *commonerrors.VSCCEndorsementPolicyError {
return &commonerrors.VSCCEndorsementPolicyError{
Err: err,
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