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update_batch_bytes.go 3.18 KB
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Chongxin Luo authored 2020-01-27 09:52 . Fix file license header.
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package privacyenabledstate
import (
type UpdatesBytesBuilder struct {
// DeterministicBytesForPubAndHashUpdates constructs the bytes for a given UpdateBatch
// while constructing the bytes, it considers only public writes and hashed writes for
// the collections. For achieving the determinism, it constructs a slice of proto messages
// of type 'KVWriteProto'. In the slice, all the writes for a namespace "ns1" appear before
// the writes for another namespace "ns2" if "ns1" < "ns2" (lexicographically). Within a
// namespace, all the public writes appear before the collection writes. Like namespaces,
// the collections writes within a namespace appear in the order of lexicographical order.
// If an entry has the same namespace as its preceding entry, the namespace field is skipped.
// A Similar treatment is given to the repetitive entries for a collection within a namespace.
// For illustration, see the corresponding unit tests
func (bb *UpdatesBytesBuilder) DeterministicBytesForPubAndHashUpdates(u *UpdateBatch) ([]byte, error) {
pubUpdates := u.PubUpdates
hashUpdates := u.HashUpdates.UpdateMap
namespaces := dedupAndSort(
kvWritesProto := []*KVWriteProto{}
for _, ns := range namespaces {
if ns == "" {
// an empty namespace is used for persisting the channel config
// skipping the channel config from including into commit hash computation
// as this proto uses maps and hence is non deterministic
p := bb.buildForKeys(pubUpdates.GetUpdates(ns))
collsForNs, ok := hashUpdates[ns]
if ok {
p = append(p, bb.buildForColls(collsForNs)...)
p[0].Namespace = ns
kvWritesProto = append(kvWritesProto, p...)
batchProto := &KVWritesBatchProto{
Kvwrites: kvWritesProto,
batchBytes, err := proto.Marshal(batchProto)
return batchBytes, errors.Wrap(err, "error constructing deterministic bytes from update batch")
func (bb *UpdatesBytesBuilder) buildForColls(colls nsBatch) []*KVWriteProto {
collNames := colls.GetCollectionNames()
collsProto := []*KVWriteProto{}
for _, collName := range collNames {
collUpdates := colls.getCollectionUpdates(collName)
p := bb.buildForKeys(collUpdates)
p[0].Collection = collName
collsProto = append(collsProto, p...)
return collsProto
func (bb *UpdatesBytesBuilder) buildForKeys(kv map[string]*statedb.VersionedValue) []*KVWriteProto {
keys := util.GetSortedKeys(kv)
p := []*KVWriteProto{}
for _, key := range keys {
val := kv[key]
p = append(
Key: []byte(key),
Value: val.Value,
IsDelete: val.Value == nil,
VersionBytes: val.Version.ToBytes(),
return p
func dedupAndSort(a, b []string) []string {
m := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, entry := range a {
m[entry] = struct{}{}
for _, entry := range b {
m[entry] = struct{}{}
return util.GetSortedKeys(m)
