// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ranger
import (
func buildIndexRange(sc *variable.StatementContext, cols []*expression.Column, lengths []int,
accessCondition []expression.Expression) ([]*types.IndexRange, error) {
rb := builder{sc: sc}
var (
ranges []*types.IndexRange
eqAndInCount int
for eqAndInCount = 0; eqAndInCount < len(accessCondition) && eqAndInCount < len(cols); eqAndInCount++ {
if sf, ok := accessCondition[eqAndInCount].(*expression.ScalarFunction); !ok || (sf.FuncName.L != ast.EQ && sf.FuncName.L != ast.In) {
// Build ranges for equal or in access conditions.
point := rb.build(accessCondition[eqAndInCount])
if eqAndInCount == 0 {
ranges = rb.buildIndexRanges(point, cols[eqAndInCount].RetType)
} else {
ranges = rb.appendIndexRanges(ranges, point, cols[eqAndInCount].RetType)
rangePoints := fullRange
// Build rangePoints for non-equal access conditions.
for i := eqAndInCount; i < len(accessCondition); i++ {
rangePoints = rb.intersection(rangePoints, rb.build(accessCondition[i]))
if eqAndInCount == 0 {
ranges = rb.buildIndexRanges(rangePoints, cols[0].RetType)
} else if eqAndInCount < len(accessCondition) {
ranges = rb.appendIndexRanges(ranges, rangePoints, cols[eqAndInCount].RetType)
// Take prefix index into consideration.
if hasPrefix(lengths) {
fixPrefixColRange(ranges, lengths)
if len(ranges) > 0 && len(ranges[0].LowVal) < len(cols) {
for _, ran := range ranges {
if ran.HighExclude || ran.LowExclude {
if ran.HighExclude {
ran.HighVal = append(ran.HighVal, types.NewDatum(nil))
} else {
ran.HighVal = append(ran.HighVal, types.MaxValueDatum())
if ran.LowExclude {
ran.LowVal = append(ran.LowVal, types.MaxValueDatum())
} else {
ran.LowVal = append(ran.LowVal, types.NewDatum(nil))
return ranges, errors.Trace(rb.err)
func hasPrefix(lengths []int) bool {
for _, l := range lengths {
if l != types.UnspecifiedLength {
return true
return false
func fixPrefixColRange(ranges []*types.IndexRange, lengths []int) {
for _, ran := range ranges {
for i := 0; i < len(ran.LowVal); i++ {
fixRangeDatum(&ran.LowVal[i], lengths[i])
ran.LowExclude = false
for i := 0; i < len(ran.HighVal); i++ {
fixRangeDatum(&ran.HighVal[i], lengths[i])
ran.HighExclude = false
func fixRangeDatum(v *types.Datum, length int) {
// If this column is prefix and the prefix length is smaller than the range, cut it.
if length != types.UnspecifiedLength && length < len(v.GetBytes()) {
// getEQColOffset judge if the expression is a eq function that one side is constant and another is column.
// If so, it will return the offset of this column in the slice.
func getEQColOffset(expr expression.Expression, cols []*expression.Column) int {
f, ok := expr.(*expression.ScalarFunction)
if !ok || f.FuncName.L != ast.EQ {
return -1
if c, ok := f.GetArgs()[0].(*expression.Column); ok {
if _, ok := f.GetArgs()[1].(*expression.Constant); ok {
for i, col := range cols {
if col.Equal(c, nil) {
return i
if c, ok := f.GetArgs()[1].(*expression.Column); ok {
if _, ok := f.GetArgs()[0].(*expression.Constant); ok {
for i, col := range cols {
if col.Equal(c, nil) {
return i
return -1
// detachColumnCNFConditions detaches the condition for calculating range from the other conditions.
// Please make sure that the top level is CNF form.
func detachColumnCNFConditions(conditions []expression.Expression, checker *conditionChecker) ([]expression.Expression, []expression.Expression) {
var accessConditions, filterConditions []expression.Expression
for _, cond := range conditions {
if sf, ok := cond.(*expression.ScalarFunction); ok && sf.FuncName.L == ast.LogicOr {
dnfItems := expression.FlattenDNFConditions(sf)
colulmnDNFItems, hasResidual := detachColumnDNFConditions(dnfItems, checker)
// If this CNF has expression that cannot be resolved as access condition, then the total DNF expression
// should be also appended into filter condition.
if hasResidual {
filterConditions = append(filterConditions, cond)
if len(colulmnDNFItems) == 0 {
rebuildDNF := expression.ComposeDNFCondition(nil, colulmnDNFItems...)
accessConditions = append(accessConditions, rebuildDNF)
if !checker.check(cond) {
filterConditions = append(filterConditions, cond)
accessConditions = append(accessConditions, cond)
if checker.shouldReserve {
filterConditions = append(filterConditions, cond)
checker.shouldReserve = false
return accessConditions, filterConditions
// detachColumnDNFConditions detaches the condition for calculating range from the other conditions.
// Please make sure that the top level is DNF form.
func detachColumnDNFConditions(conditions []expression.Expression, checker *conditionChecker) ([]expression.Expression, bool) {
var (
hasResidualConditions bool
accessConditions []expression.Expression
for _, cond := range conditions {
if sf, ok := cond.(*expression.ScalarFunction); ok && sf.FuncName.L == ast.LogicAnd {
cnfItems := expression.FlattenCNFConditions(sf)
columnCNFItems, others := detachColumnCNFConditions(cnfItems, checker)
if len(others) > 0 {
hasResidualConditions = true
if len(columnCNFItems) == 0 {
rebuildCNF := expression.ComposeCNFCondition(nil, columnCNFItems...)
accessConditions = append(accessConditions, rebuildCNF)
} else if checker.check(cond) {
accessConditions = append(accessConditions, cond)
if checker.shouldReserve {
hasResidualConditions = true
checker.shouldReserve = false
} else {
return nil, true
return accessConditions, hasResidualConditions
// DetachIndexConditions will detach the index filters from table filters.
func DetachIndexConditions(conditions []expression.Expression, cols []*expression.Column,
lengths []int) (accessConds []expression.Expression, filterConds []expression.Expression) {
accessConds = make([]expression.Expression, len(cols))
// PushDownNot here can convert query 'not (a != 1)' to 'a = 1'.
for i, cond := range conditions {
conditions[i] = expression.PushDownNot(cond, false, nil)
var accessEqualCount int
for _, cond := range conditions {
offset := getEQColOffset(cond, cols)
if offset != -1 {
accessConds[offset] = cond
for i, cond := range accessConds {
if cond == nil {
accessConds = accessConds[:i]
accessEqualCount = i
if lengths[i] != types.UnspecifiedLength {
filterConds = append(filterConds, cond)
if i == len(accessConds)-1 {
accessEqualCount = len(accessConds)
// We should remove all accessConds, so that they will not be added to filter conditions.
conditions = removeAccessConditions(conditions, accessConds)
var curIndex int
for curIndex = accessEqualCount; curIndex < len(cols); curIndex++ {
checker := &conditionChecker{
cols: cols,
columnOffset: curIndex,
length: lengths[curIndex],
// First of all, we should extract all of in/eq expressions from rest conditions for every continuous index column.
// e.g. For index (a,b,c) and conditions a in (1,2) and b < 1 and c in (3,4), we should only extract column a in (1,2).
accessIdx := checker.findEqOrInFunc(conditions)
// If we fail to find any in or eq expression, we should consider all of other conditions for the next column.
if accessIdx == -1 {
accessConds, filterConds = checker.extractAccessAndFilterConds(conditions, accessConds, filterConds)
accessConds = append(accessConds, conditions[accessIdx])
if lengths[curIndex] != types.UnspecifiedLength {
filterConds = append(filterConds, conditions[accessIdx])
conditions = append(conditions[:accessIdx], conditions[accessIdx+1:]...)
// If curIndex equals to len of index columns, it means the rest conditions haven't been appended to filter conditions.
if curIndex == len(cols) {
filterConds = append(filterConds, conditions...)
return accessConds, filterConds
// buildColumnRange builds the range for sampling histogram to calculate the row count.
func buildColumnRange(conds []expression.Expression, sc *variable.StatementContext, tp *types.FieldType) ([]*types.ColumnRange, error) {
if len(conds) == 0 {
return []*types.ColumnRange{{Low: types.Datum{}, High: types.MaxValueDatum()}}, nil
rb := builder{sc: sc}
rangePoints := fullRange
for _, cond := range conds {
rangePoints = rb.intersection(rangePoints, rb.build(cond))
if rb.err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(rb.err)
ranges := rb.buildColumnRanges(rangePoints, tp)
if rb.err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(rb.err)
return ranges, nil
// DetachCondsForSelectivity detaches the conditions used for range calculation from other useless conditions.
func DetachCondsForSelectivity(conds []expression.Expression, rangeType int, cols []*expression.Column,
lengths []int) (accessConditions, otherConditions []expression.Expression) {
if rangeType == IntRangeType || rangeType == ColumnRangeType {
return DetachColumnConditions(conds, cols[0].ColName)
} else if rangeType == IndexRangeType {
return DetachIndexConditions(conds, cols, lengths)
return nil, conds
// DetachCondsForTableRange detaches the conditions used for range calculation form other useless conditions for
// calculating the table range.
func DetachCondsForTableRange(ctx context.Context, conds []expression.Expression, col *expression.Column) (accessContditions, otherConditions []expression.Expression) {
checker := &conditionChecker{
colName: col.ColName,
length: types.UnspecifiedLength,
for i, cond := range conds {
conds[i] = expression.PushDownNot(cond, false, ctx)
return detachColumnCNFConditions(conds, checker)
// BuildRange is a method which can calculate IntColumnRange, ColumnRange, IndexRange.
func BuildRange(sc *variable.StatementContext, conds []expression.Expression, rangeType int, cols []*expression.Column,
lengths []int) (retRanges []types.Range, _ error) {
if rangeType == IntRangeType {
ranges, err := BuildTableRange(conds, sc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
retRanges = make([]types.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
retRanges = append(retRanges, ran)
} else if rangeType == ColumnRangeType {
ranges, err := buildColumnRange(conds, sc, cols[0].RetType)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
retRanges = make([]types.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
retRanges = append(retRanges, ran)
} else if rangeType == IndexRangeType {
ranges, err := buildIndexRange(sc, cols, lengths, conds)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
retRanges = make([]types.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
retRanges = append(retRanges, ran)
// Ranges2IntRanges changes []types.Range to []types.IntColumnRange
func Ranges2IntRanges(ranges []types.Range) []types.IntColumnRange {
retRanges := make([]types.IntColumnRange, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
retRanges = append(retRanges, ran.Convert2IntRange())
return retRanges
// Ranges2ColumnRanges changes []types.Range to []*types.ColumnRange
func Ranges2ColumnRanges(ranges []types.Range) []*types.ColumnRange {
retRanges := make([]*types.ColumnRange, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
retRanges = append(retRanges, ran.Convert2ColumnRange())
return retRanges
// Ranges2IndexRanges changes []types.Range to []*types.IndexRange
func Ranges2IndexRanges(ranges []types.Range) []*types.IndexRange {
retRanges := make([]*types.IndexRange, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
retRanges = append(retRanges, ran.Convert2IndexRange())
return retRanges
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