// Copyright 2013 The ql Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSES/QL-LICENSE file.
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package session
import (
binlog "github.com/pingcap/tipb/go-binlog"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Session context
type Session interface {
Status() uint16 // Flag of current status, such as autocommit.
LastInsertID() uint64 // LastInsertID is the last inserted auto_increment ID.
AffectedRows() uint64 // Affected rows by latest executed stmt.
Execute(context.Context, string) ([]ast.RecordSet, error) // Execute a sql statement.
String() string // String is used to debug.
CommitTxn(context.Context) error
RollbackTxn(context.Context) error
// PrepareStmt executes prepare statement in binary protocol.
PrepareStmt(sql string) (stmtID uint32, paramCount int, fields []*ast.ResultField, err error)
// ExecutePreparedStmt executes a prepared statement.
ExecutePreparedStmt(ctx context.Context, stmtID uint32, param ...interface{}) (ast.RecordSet, error)
DropPreparedStmt(stmtID uint32) error
SetClientCapability(uint32) // Set client capability flags.
SetCollation(coID int) error
Auth(user *auth.UserIdentity, auth []byte, salt []byte) bool
ShowProcess() util.ProcessInfo
// PrePareTxnCtx is exported for test.
// FieldList returns fields list of a table.
FieldList(tableName string) (fields []*ast.ResultField, err error)
var (
_ Session = (*session)(nil)
type stmtRecord struct {
stmtID uint32
st ast.Statement
stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext
params []interface{}
// StmtHistory holds all histories of statements in a txn.
type StmtHistory struct {
history []*stmtRecord
// Add appends a stmt to history list.
func (h *StmtHistory) Add(stmtID uint32, st ast.Statement, stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext, params ...interface{}) {
s := &stmtRecord{
stmtID: stmtID,
st: st,
stmtCtx: stmtCtx,
params: append(([]interface{})(nil), params...),
h.history = append(h.history, s)
// Count returns the count of the history.
func (h *StmtHistory) Count() int {
return len(h.history)
type session struct {
// processInfo is used by ShowProcess(), and should be modified atomically.
processInfo atomic.Value
txn TxnState
mu struct {
values map[fmt.Stringer]interface{}
store kv.Storage
parser *parser.Parser
preparedPlanCache *kvcache.SimpleLRUCache
sessionVars *variable.SessionVars
sessionManager util.SessionManager
statsCollector *statistics.SessionStatsCollector
func (s *session) getMembufCap() int {
if s.sessionVars.ImportingData {
return kv.ImportingTxnMembufCap
return kv.DefaultTxnMembufCap
func (s *session) cleanRetryInfo() {
if !s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying {
retryInfo := s.sessionVars.RetryInfo
for _, stmtID := range retryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs {
delete(s.sessionVars.PreparedStmts, stmtID)
func (s *session) Status() uint16 {
return s.sessionVars.Status
func (s *session) LastInsertID() uint64 {
if s.sessionVars.LastInsertID > 0 {
return s.sessionVars.LastInsertID
return s.sessionVars.InsertID
func (s *session) AffectedRows() uint64 {
return s.sessionVars.StmtCtx.AffectedRows()
func (s *session) SetClientCapability(capability uint32) {
s.sessionVars.ClientCapability = capability
func (s *session) SetConnectionID(connectionID uint64) {
s.sessionVars.ConnectionID = connectionID
func (s *session) SetTLSState(tlsState *tls.ConnectionState) {
// If user is not connected via TLS, then tlsState == nil.
if tlsState != nil {
s.sessionVars.TLSConnectionState = tlsState
func (s *session) GetTLSState() *tls.ConnectionState {
return s.sessionVars.TLSConnectionState
func (s *session) SetCollation(coID int) error {
cs, co, err := charset.GetCharsetInfoByID(coID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
for _, v := range variable.SetNamesVariables {
terror.Log(errors.Trace(s.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(v, cs)))
terror.Log(errors.Trace(s.sessionVars.SetSystemVar(variable.CollationConnection, co)))
return nil
func (s *session) PreparedPlanCache() *kvcache.SimpleLRUCache {
return s.preparedPlanCache
func (s *session) SetSessionManager(sm util.SessionManager) {
s.sessionManager = sm
func (s *session) GetSessionManager() util.SessionManager {
return s.sessionManager
func (s *session) StoreQueryFeedback(feedback interface{}) {
if s.statsCollector != nil {
// FieldList returns fields list of a table.
func (s *session) FieldList(tableName string) ([]*ast.ResultField, error) {
is := executor.GetInfoSchema(s)
dbName := model.NewCIStr(s.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
tName := model.NewCIStr(tableName)
table, err := is.TableByName(dbName, tName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
cols := table.Cols()
fields := make([]*ast.ResultField, 0, len(cols))
for _, col := range table.Cols() {
rf := &ast.ResultField{
ColumnAsName: col.Name,
TableAsName: tName,
DBName: dbName,
Table: table.Meta(),
Column: col.ColumnInfo,
fields = append(fields, rf)
return fields, nil
type schemaLeaseChecker struct {
schemaVer int64
relatedTableIDs []int64
var (
// SchemaOutOfDateRetryInterval is the sleeping time when we fail to try.
SchemaOutOfDateRetryInterval = int64(500 * time.Millisecond)
// SchemaOutOfDateRetryTimes is upper bound of retry times when the schema is out of date.
SchemaOutOfDateRetryTimes = int32(10)
func (s *schemaLeaseChecker) Check(txnTS uint64) error {
schemaOutOfDateRetryInterval := atomic.LoadInt64(&SchemaOutOfDateRetryInterval)
schemaOutOfDateRetryTimes := int(atomic.LoadInt32(&SchemaOutOfDateRetryTimes))
for i := 0; i < schemaOutOfDateRetryTimes; i++ {
result := s.SchemaValidator.Check(txnTS, s.schemaVer, s.relatedTableIDs)
switch result {
case domain.ResultSucc:
return nil
case domain.ResultFail:
return domain.ErrInfoSchemaChanged
case domain.ResultUnknown:
return domain.ErrInfoSchemaExpired
func (s *session) doCommit(ctx context.Context) error {
if !s.txn.Valid() {
return nil
defer func() {
s.sessionVars.SetStatusFlag(mysql.ServerStatusInTrans, false)
if s.sessionVars.BinlogClient != nil {
prewriteValue := binloginfo.GetPrewriteValue(s, false)
if prewriteValue != nil {
prewriteData, err := prewriteValue.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
info := &binloginfo.BinlogInfo{
Data: &binlog.Binlog{
Tp: binlog.BinlogType_Prewrite,
PrewriteValue: prewriteData,
Client: s.sessionVars.BinlogClient.(binlog.PumpClient),
s.txn.SetOption(kv.BinlogInfo, info)
// Get the related table IDs.
relatedTables := s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.TableDeltaMap
tableIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(relatedTables))
for id := range relatedTables {
tableIDs = append(tableIDs, id)
// Set this option for 2 phase commit to validate schema lease.
s.txn.SetOption(kv.SchemaLeaseChecker, &schemaLeaseChecker{
SchemaValidator: domain.GetDomain(s).SchemaValidator,
schemaVer: s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.SchemaVersion,
relatedTableIDs: tableIDs,
if err := s.txn.Commit(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
func (s *session) doCommitWithRetry(ctx context.Context) error {
var txnSize int
if s.txn.Valid() {
txnSize = s.txn.Size()
err := s.doCommit(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Don't retry in BatchInsert mode. As a counter-example, insert into t1 select * from t2,
// BatchInsert already commit the first batch 1000 rows, then it commit 1000-2000 and retry the statement,
// Finally t1 will have more data than t2, with no errors return to user!
if s.isRetryableError(err) && !s.sessionVars.BatchInsert && commitRetryLimit != 0 {
log.Warnf("[%d] retryable error: %v, txn: %v", s.sessionVars.ConnectionID, err, s.txn)
// Transactions will retry 2 ~ commitRetryLimit times.
// We make larger transactions retry less times to prevent cluster resource outage.
txnSizeRate := float64(txnSize) / float64(kv.TxnTotalSizeLimit)
maxRetryCount := commitRetryLimit - uint(float64(commitRetryLimit-1)*txnSizeRate)
err = s.retry(ctx, maxRetryCount)
counter := s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.StatementCount
duration := time.Since(s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.CreateTime).Seconds()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[%d] finished txn:%v, %v", s.sessionVars.ConnectionID, s.txn, err)
return errors.Trace(err)
mapper := s.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.TableDeltaMap
if s.statsCollector != nil && mapper != nil {
for id, item := range mapper {
s.statsCollector.Update(id, item.Delta, item.Count)
return nil
func (s *session) CommitTxn(ctx context.Context) error {
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
span = opentracing.StartSpan("session.CommitTxn", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
defer span.Finish()
err := s.doCommitWithRetry(ctx)
label := metrics.LblOK
if err != nil {
label = metrics.LblError
return errors.Trace(err)
func (s *session) RollbackTxn(ctx context.Context) error {
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
span = opentracing.StartSpan("session.RollbackTxn", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
defer span.Finish()
var err error
if s.txn.Valid() {
s.sessionVars.SetStatusFlag(mysql.ServerStatusInTrans, false)
return errors.Trace(err)
func (s *session) GetClient() kv.Client {
return s.store.GetClient()
func (s *session) String() string {
// TODO: how to print binded context in values appropriately?
sessVars := s.sessionVars
data := map[string]interface{}{
"id": sessVars.ConnectionID,
"user": sessVars.User,
"currDBName": sessVars.CurrentDB,
"status": sessVars.Status,
"strictMode": sessVars.StrictSQLMode,
if s.txn.Valid() {
// if txn is committed or rolled back, txn is nil.
data["txn"] = s.txn.String()
if sessVars.SnapshotTS != 0 {
data["snapshotTS"] = sessVars.SnapshotTS
if sessVars.LastInsertID > 0 {
data["lastInsertID"] = sessVars.LastInsertID
if len(sessVars.PreparedStmts) > 0 {
data["preparedStmtCount"] = len(sessVars.PreparedStmts)
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
return string(b)
const sqlLogMaxLen = 1024
// SchemaChangedWithoutRetry is used for testing.
var SchemaChangedWithoutRetry bool
func (s *session) isRetryableError(err error) bool {
if SchemaChangedWithoutRetry {
return kv.IsRetryableError(err)
return kv.IsRetryableError(err) || domain.ErrInfoSchemaChanged.Equal(err)
func (s *session) retry(ctx context.Context, maxCnt uint) error {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "retry")
defer span.Finish()
connID := s.sessionVars.ConnectionID
if s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.ForUpdate {
return errors.Errorf("[%d] can not retry select for update statement", connID)
s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying = true
var retryCnt uint
defer func() {
s.sessionVars.RetryInfo.Retrying = false
// retryCnt only increments on retryable error, so +1 here.
metrics.SessionRetry.Observe(float64(retryCnt + 1))
s.sessionVars.SetStatusFlag(mysql.ServerStatusInTrans, false)
nh := GetHistory(s)
var err error
for {
for i, sr := range nh.history {
st := sr.st
if st.IsReadOnly() {
err = st.RebuildPlan()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if retryCnt == 0 {
// We do not have to log the query every time.
// We print the queries at the first try only.
log.Warnf("[%d] Retry [%d] query [%d] %s", connID, retryCnt, i, sqlForLog(st.OriginText()))
} else {
log.Warnf("[%d] Retry [%d] query [%d]", connID, retryCnt, i)
s.sessionVars.StmtCtx = sr.stmtCtx
_, err = st.Exec(ctx)
if err != nil {
if hook := ctx.Value("preCommitHook"); hook != nil {
// For testing purpose.
if err == nil {
err = s.doCommit(ctx)
if err == nil {
if !s.isRetryableError(err) {
log.Warnf("[%d] session:%v, err:%v in retry", connID, s, err)
return errors.Trace(err)
if retryCnt >= maxCnt {
log.Warnf("[%d] Retry reached max count %d", connID, retryCnt)
return errors.Trace(err)
log.Warnf("[%d] retryable error: %v, txn: %v", connID, err, s.txn)
s.sessionVars.SetStatusFlag(mysql.ServerStatusInTrans, false)
return err
func sqlForLog(sql string) string {
if len(sql) > sqlLogMaxLen {
return sql[:sqlLogMaxLen] + fmt.Sprintf("(len:%d)", len(sql))
return sql
func (s *session) sysSessionPool() *pools.ResourcePool {
return domain.GetDomain(s).SysSessionPool()
// ExecRestrictedSQL implements RestrictedSQLExecutor interface.
// This is used for executing some restricted sql statements, usually executed during a normal statement execution.
// Unlike normal Exec, it doesn't reset statement status, doesn't commit or rollback the current transaction
// and doesn't write binlog.
func (s *session) ExecRestrictedSQL(sctx sessionctx.Context, sql string) ([]types.Row, []*ast.ResultField, error) {
var span opentracing.Span
ctx := context.TODO()
span, ctx = opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "session.ExecRestrictedSQL")
defer span.Finish()
// Use special session to execute the sql.
tmp, err := s.sysSessionPool().Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
se := tmp.(*session)
defer s.sysSessionPool().Put(tmp)
recordSets, err := se.Execute(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
var (
rows []types.Row
fields []*ast.ResultField
// Execute all recordset, take out the first one as result.
for i, rs := range recordSets {
tmp, err := drainRecordSet(ctx, rs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
if err = rs.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
if i == 0 {
rows = tmp
fields = rs.Fields()
return rows, fields, nil
func createSessionFunc(store kv.Storage) pools.Factory {
return func() (pools.Resource, error) {
se, err := createSession(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
err = variable.SetSessionSystemVar(se.sessionVars, variable.AutocommitVar, types.NewStringDatum("1"))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
se.sessionVars.CommonGlobalLoaded = true
se.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL = true
return se, nil
func createSessionWithDomainFunc(store kv.Storage) func(*domain.Domain) (pools.Resource, error) {
return func(dom *domain.Domain) (pools.Resource, error) {
se, err := createSessionWithDomain(store, dom)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
err = variable.SetSessionSystemVar(se.sessionVars, variable.AutocommitVar, types.NewStringDatum("1"))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
se.sessionVars.CommonGlobalLoaded = true
se.sessionVars.InRestrictedSQL = true
return se, nil
func drainRecordSet(ctx context.Context, rs ast.RecordSet) ([]types.Row, error) {
var rows []types.Row
for {
chk := rs.NewChunk()
err := rs.NextChunk(ctx, chk)
if err != nil || chk.NumRows() == 0 {
return rows, errors.Trace(err)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(chk)
for r := iter.Begin(); r != iter.End(); r = iter.Next() {
rows = append(rows, r)
// getExecRet executes restricted sql and the result is one column.
// It returns a string value.
func (s *session) getExecRet(ctx sessionctx.Context, sql string) (string, error) {
rows, fields, err := s.ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
if len(rows) == 0 {
return "", executor.ErrResultIsEmpty
d := rows[0].GetDatum(0, &fields[0].Column.FieldType)
value, err := d.ToString()
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return value, nil
// GetAllSysVars implements GlobalVarAccessor.GetAllSysVars interface.
func (s *session) GetAllSysVars() (map[string]string, error) {
if s.Value(sessionctx.Initing) != nil {
return nil, nil
sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, mysql.SystemDB, mysql.GlobalVariablesTable)
rows, _, err := s.ExecRestrictedSQL(s, sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ret := make(map[string]string)
for _, r := range rows {
k, v := r.GetString(0), r.GetString(1)
ret[k] = v
return ret, nil
// GetGlobalSysVar implements GlobalVarAccessor.GetGlobalSysVar interface.
func (s *session) GetGlobalSysVar(name string) (string, error) {
if s.Value(sessionctx.Initing) != nil {
// When running bootstrap or upgrade, we should not access global storage.
return "", nil
mysql.SystemDB, mysql.GlobalVariablesTable, name)
sysVar, err := s.getExecRet(s, sql)
if err != nil {
if executor.ErrResultIsEmpty.Equal(err) {
if sv, ok := variable.SysVars[name]; ok {
return sv.Value, nil
return "", variable.UnknownSystemVar.GenByArgs(name)
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return sysVar, nil
// SetGlobalSysVar implements GlobalVarAccessor.SetGlobalSysVar interface.
func (s *session) SetGlobalSysVar(name string, value string) error {
if name == variable.SQLModeVar {
value = mysql.FormatSQLModeStr(value)
if _, err := mysql.GetSQLMode(value); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
sql := fmt.Sprintf(`REPLACE %s.%s VALUES ('%s', '%s');`,
mysql.SystemDB, mysql.GlobalVariablesTable, strings.ToLower(name), value)
_, _, err := s.ExecRestrictedSQL(s, sql)
return errors.Trace(err)
func (s *session) ParseSQL(ctx context.Context, sql, charset, collation string) ([]ast.StmtNode, error) {
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
span1 := opentracing.StartSpan("session.ParseSQL", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
defer span1.Finish()
return s.parser.Parse(sql, charset, collation)
func (s *session) SetProcessInfo(sql string) {
pi := util.ProcessInfo{
ID: s.sessionVars.ConnectionID,
DB: s.sessionVars.CurrentDB,
Command: "Query",
Time: time.Now(),
State: s.Status(),
Info: sql,
if s.sessionVars.User != nil {
pi.User = s.sessionVars.User.Username
pi.Host = s.sessionVars.User.Hostname
func (s *session) executeStatement(ctx context.Context, connID uint64, stmtNode ast.StmtNode, stmt ast.Statement, recordSets []ast.RecordSet) ([]ast.RecordSet, error) {
s.SetValue(sessionctx.QueryString, stmt.OriginText())
if _, ok := stmtNode.(ast.DDLNode); ok {
s.SetValue(sessionctx.LastExecuteDDL, true)
} else {
logStmt(stmtNode, s.sessionVars)
startTime := time.Now()
recordSet, err := runStmt(ctx, s, stmt)
if err != nil {
if !kv.ErrKeyExists.Equal(err) {
log.Warnf("[%d] session error:\n%v\n%s", connID, errors.ErrorStack(err), s)
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if recordSet != nil {
recordSets = append(recordSets, recordSet)
return recordSets, nil
func (s *session) Execute(ctx context.Context, sql string) (recordSets []ast.RecordSet, err error) {
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
span, ctx = opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "session.Execute")
defer span.Finish()
var (
cacheKey kvcache.Key
cacheValue kvcache.Value
hitCache = false
connID = s.sessionVars.ConnectionID
planCacheEnabled = plan.PlanCacheEnabled // Read global configuration only once.
if planCacheEnabled {
schemaVersion := domain.GetDomain(s).InfoSchema().SchemaMetaVersion()
readOnly := s.Txn() == nil || s.Txn().IsReadOnly()
cacheKey = plan.NewSQLCacheKey(s.sessionVars, sql, schemaVersion, readOnly)
cacheValue, hitCache = plan.GlobalPlanCache.Get(cacheKey)
if hitCache {
stmtNode := cacheValue.(*plan.SQLCacheValue).StmtNode
stmt := &executor.ExecStmt{
InfoSchema: executor.GetInfoSchema(s),
Plan: cacheValue.(*plan.SQLCacheValue).Plan,
Expensive: cacheValue.(*plan.SQLCacheValue).Expensive,
Text: stmtNode.Text(),
StmtNode: stmtNode,
Ctx: s,
executor.ResetStmtCtx(s, stmtNode)
if recordSets, err = s.executeStatement(ctx, connID, stmtNode, stmt, recordSets); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
} else {
err = s.loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
charsetInfo, collation := s.sessionVars.GetCharsetInfo()
// Step1: Compile query string to abstract syntax trees(ASTs).
startTS := time.Now()
stmtNodes, err := s.ParseSQL(ctx, sql, charsetInfo, collation)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[%d] parse error:\n%v\n%s", connID, err, sql)
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
compiler := executor.Compiler{Ctx: s}
for _, stmtNode := range stmtNodes {
// Step2: Transform abstract syntax tree to a physical plan(stored in executor.ExecStmt).
startTS = time.Now()
// Some executions are done in compile stage, so we reset them before compile.
executor.ResetStmtCtx(s, stmtNode)
stmt, err := compiler.Compile(ctx, stmtNode)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[%d] compile error:\n%v\n%s", connID, err, sql)
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// Step3: Cache the physical plan if possible.
if planCacheEnabled && stmt.Cacheable && len(stmtNodes) == 1 && !s.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.HistogramsNotLoad() {
plan.GlobalPlanCache.Put(cacheKey, plan.NewSQLCacheValue(stmtNode, stmt.Plan, stmt.Expensive))
// Step4: Execute the physical plan.
if recordSets, err = s.executeStatement(ctx, connID, stmtNode, stmt, recordSets); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if s.sessionVars.ClientCapability&mysql.ClientMultiResults == 0 && len(recordSets) > 1 {
// return the first recordset if client doesn't support ClientMultiResults.
recordSets = recordSets[:1]
return recordSets, nil
// rollbackOnError makes sure the next statement starts a new transaction with the latest InfoSchema.
func (s *session) rollbackOnError(ctx context.Context) {
if !s.sessionVars.InTxn() {
// PrepareStmt is used for executing prepare statement in binary protocol
func (s *session) PrepareStmt(sql string) (stmtID uint32, paramCount int, fields []*ast.ResultField, err error) {
if s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema == nil {
// We don't need to create a transaction for prepare statement, just get information schema will do.
s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.InfoSchema = domain.GetDomain(s).InfoSchema()
err = s.loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded()
if err != nil {
err = errors.Trace(err)
ctx := context.Background()
inTxn := s.GetSessionVars().InTxn()
// NewPrepareExec may need startTS to build the executor, for example prepare statement has subquery in int.
// So we have to call PrepareTxnCtx here.
prepareExec := executor.NewPrepareExec(s, executor.GetInfoSchema(s), sql)
err = prepareExec.NextChunk(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Trace(err)
if !inTxn {
// We could start a transaction to build the prepare executor before, we should rollback it here.
err = s.RollbackTxn(ctx)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Trace(err)
return prepareExec.ID, prepareExec.ParamCount, prepareExec.Fields, nil
// checkArgs makes sure all the arguments' types are known and can be handled.
// integer types are converted to int64 and uint64, time.Time is converted to types.Time.
// time.Duration is converted to types.Duration, other known types are leaved as it is.
func checkArgs(args ...interface{}) error {
for i, v := range args {
switch x := v.(type) {
case bool:
if x {
args[i] = int64(1)
} else {
args[i] = int64(0)
case int8:
args[i] = int64(x)
case int16:
args[i] = int64(x)
case int32:
args[i] = int64(x)
case int:
args[i] = int64(x)
case uint8:
args[i] = uint64(x)
case uint16:
args[i] = uint64(x)
case uint32:
args[i] = uint64(x)
case uint:
args[i] = uint64(x)
case int64:
case uint64:
case float32:
case float64:
case string:
case []byte:
case time.Duration:
args[i] = types.Duration{Duration: x}
case time.Time:
args[i] = types.Time{Time: types.FromGoTime(x), Type: mysql.TypeDatetime}
case nil:
return errors.Errorf("cannot use arg[%d] (type %T):unsupported type", i, v)
return nil
// ExecutePreparedStmt executes a prepared statement.
func (s *session) ExecutePreparedStmt(ctx context.Context, stmtID uint32, args ...interface{}) (ast.RecordSet, error) {
err := checkArgs(args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
st, err := executor.CompileExecutePreparedStmt(s, stmtID, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
logQuery(st.OriginText(), s.sessionVars)
r, err := runStmt(ctx, s, st)
return r, errors.Trace(err)
func (s *session) DropPreparedStmt(stmtID uint32) error {
vars := s.sessionVars
if _, ok := vars.PreparedStmts[stmtID]; !ok {
return plan.ErrStmtNotFound
vars.RetryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs = append(vars.RetryInfo.DroppedPreparedStmtIDs, stmtID)
return nil
func (s *session) Txn() kv.Transaction {
if !s.txn.Valid() {
return nil
return &s.txn
func (s *session) NewTxn() error {
if s.txn.Valid() {
ctx := context.TODO()
err := s.CommitTxn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
txn, err := s.store.Begin()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.StartTS = txn.StartTS()
return nil
func (s *session) SetValue(key fmt.Stringer, value interface{}) {
s.mu.values[key] = value
func (s *session) Value(key fmt.Stringer) interface{} {
value := s.mu.values[key]
return value
func (s *session) ClearValue(key fmt.Stringer) {
delete(s.mu.values, key)
// Close function does some clean work when session end.
func (s *session) Close() {
if s.statsCollector != nil {
ctx := context.TODO()
if err := s.RollbackTxn(ctx); err != nil {
log.Error("session Close error:", errors.ErrorStack(err))
// GetSessionVars implements the context.Context interface.
func (s *session) GetSessionVars() *variable.SessionVars {
return s.sessionVars
func (s *session) Auth(user *auth.UserIdentity, authentication []byte, salt []byte) bool {
pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(s)
// Check IP.
if pm.ConnectionVerification(user.Username, user.Hostname, authentication, salt) {
s.sessionVars.User = user
return true
// Check Hostname.
for _, addr := range getHostByIP(user.Hostname) {
if pm.ConnectionVerification(user.Username, addr, authentication, salt) {
s.sessionVars.User = &auth.UserIdentity{
Username: user.Username,
Hostname: addr,
return true
log.Errorf("User connection verification failed %s", user)
return false
func getHostByIP(ip string) []string {
if ip == "" {
return []string{"localhost"}
addrs, err := net.LookupAddr(ip)
return addrs
func chooseMinLease(n1 time.Duration, n2 time.Duration) time.Duration {
if n1 <= n2 {
return n1
return n2
// CreateSession4Test creates a new session environment for test.
func CreateSession4Test(store kv.Storage) (Session, error) {
s, err := CreateSession(store)
if err == nil {
// initialize session variables for test.
s.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize = 2
return s, errors.Trace(err)
// CreateSession creates a new session environment.
func CreateSession(store kv.Storage) (Session, error) {
s, err := createSession(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// Add auth here.
do, err := domap.Get(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
pm := &privileges.UserPrivileges{
Handle: do.PrivilegeHandle(),
privilege.BindPrivilegeManager(s, pm)
// Add statsUpdateHandle.
if do.StatsHandle() != nil {
s.statsCollector = do.StatsHandle().NewSessionStatsCollector()
return s, nil
// BootstrapSession runs the first time when the TiDB server start.
func BootstrapSession(store kv.Storage) (*domain.Domain, error) {
ver := getStoreBootstrapVersion(store)
if ver == notBootstrapped {
runInBootstrapSession(store, bootstrap)
} else if ver < currentBootstrapVersion {
runInBootstrapSession(store, upgrade)
se, err := createSession(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
dom := domain.GetDomain(se)
err = dom.LoadPrivilegeLoop(se)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
se1, err := createSession(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
err = dom.UpdateTableStatsLoop(se1)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if raw, ok := store.(domain.EtcdBackend); ok {
err = raw.StartGCWorker()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return dom, errors.Trace(err)
// GetDomain gets the associated domain for store.
func GetDomain(store kv.Storage) (*domain.Domain, error) {
return domap.Get(store)
// runInBootstrapSession create a special session for boostrap to run.
// If no bootstrap and storage is remote, we must use a little lease time to
// bootstrap quickly, after bootstrapped, we will reset the lease time.
// TODO: Using a bootstap tool for doing this may be better later.
func runInBootstrapSession(store kv.Storage, bootstrap func(Session)) {
saveLease := schemaLease
schemaLease = chooseMinLease(schemaLease, 100*time.Millisecond)
s, err := createSession(store)
if err != nil {
// Bootstrap fail will cause program exit.
schemaLease = saveLease
s.SetValue(sessionctx.Initing, true)
dom := domain.GetDomain(s)
func createSession(store kv.Storage) (*session, error) {
dom, err := domap.Get(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
s := &session{
store: store,
parser: parser.New(),
sessionVars: variable.NewSessionVars(),
if plan.PreparedPlanCacheEnabled {
s.preparedPlanCache = kvcache.NewSimpleLRUCache(plan.PreparedPlanCacheCapacity)
s.mu.values = make(map[fmt.Stringer]interface{})
domain.BindDomain(s, dom)
// session implements variable.GlobalVarAccessor. Bind it to ctx.
s.sessionVars.GlobalVarsAccessor = s
s.sessionVars.BinlogClient = binloginfo.GetPumpClient()
return s, nil
// createSessionWithDomain creates a new Session and binds it with a Domain.
// We need this because when we start DDL in Domain, the DDL need a session
// to change some system tables. But at that time, we have been already in
// a lock context, which cause we can't call createSesion directly.
func createSessionWithDomain(store kv.Storage, dom *domain.Domain) (*session, error) {
s := &session{
store: store,
parser: parser.New(),
sessionVars: variable.NewSessionVars(),
if plan.PreparedPlanCacheEnabled {
s.preparedPlanCache = kvcache.NewSimpleLRUCache(plan.PreparedPlanCacheCapacity)
s.mu.values = make(map[fmt.Stringer]interface{})
domain.BindDomain(s, dom)
// session implements variable.GlobalVarAccessor. Bind it to ctx.
s.sessionVars.GlobalVarsAccessor = s
return s, nil
const (
notBootstrapped = 0
currentBootstrapVersion = 17
func getStoreBootstrapVersion(store kv.Storage) int64 {
defer storeBootstrappedLock.Unlock()
// check in memory
_, ok := storeBootstrapped[store.UUID()]
if ok {
return currentBootstrapVersion
var ver int64
// check in kv store
err := kv.RunInNewTxn(store, false, func(txn kv.Transaction) error {
var err error
t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
ver, err = t.GetBootstrapVersion()
return errors.Trace(err)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("check bootstrapped err %v", err)
if ver > notBootstrapped {
// here mean memory is not ok, but other server has already finished it
storeBootstrapped[store.UUID()] = true
return ver
func finishBootstrap(store kv.Storage) {
storeBootstrapped[store.UUID()] = true
err := kv.RunInNewTxn(store, true, func(txn kv.Transaction) error {
t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
err := t.FinishBootstrap(currentBootstrapVersion)
return errors.Trace(err)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("finish bootstrap err %v", err)
const quoteCommaQuote = "', '"
const loadCommonGlobalVarsSQL = "select HIGH_PRIORITY * from mysql.global_variables where variable_name in ('" +
variable.AutocommitVar + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.SQLModeVar + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.MaxAllowedPacket + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.TimeZone + quoteCommaQuote +
/* TiDB specific global variables: */
variable.TiDBSkipUTF8Check + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.TiDBIndexJoinBatchSize + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.TiDBIndexLookupSize + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.TiDBIndexLookupConcurrency + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.TiDBIndexSerialScanConcurrency + quoteCommaQuote +
variable.TiDBDistSQLScanConcurrency + "')"
// loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded loads and applies commonly used global variables for the session.
func (s *session) loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded() error {
vars := s.sessionVars
if vars.CommonGlobalLoaded {
return nil
if s.Value(sessionctx.Initing) != nil {
// When running bootstrap or upgrade, we should not access global storage.
return nil
// Set the variable to true to prevent cyclic recursive call.
vars.CommonGlobalLoaded = true
rows, fields, err := s.ExecRestrictedSQL(s, loadCommonGlobalVarsSQL)
if err != nil {
vars.CommonGlobalLoaded = false
log.Errorf("Failed to load common global variables.")
return errors.Trace(err)
for _, row := range rows {
varName := row.GetString(0)
varVal := row.GetDatum(1, &fields[1].Column.FieldType)
if _, ok := vars.GetSystemVar(varName); !ok {
err = variable.SetSessionSystemVar(s.sessionVars, varName, varVal)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
vars.CommonGlobalLoaded = true
return nil
// PrepareTxnCtx starts a goroutine to begin a transaction if needed, and creates a new transaction context.
// It is called before we execute a sql query.
func (s *session) PrepareTxnCtx(ctx context.Context) {
if s.txn.validOrPending() {
txnFuture := s.getTxnFuture(ctx)
is := domain.GetDomain(s).InfoSchema()
s.sessionVars.TxnCtx = &variable.TransactionContext{
InfoSchema: is,
SchemaVersion: is.SchemaMetaVersion(),
CreateTime: time.Now(),
if !s.sessionVars.IsAutocommit() {
s.sessionVars.SetStatusFlag(mysql.ServerStatusInTrans, true)
// RefreshTxnCtx implements context.RefreshTxnCtx interface.
func (s *session) RefreshTxnCtx(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := s.doCommit(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return errors.Trace(s.NewTxn())
// ActivePendingTxn implements Context.ActivePendingTxn interface.
func (s *session) ActivePendingTxn() error {
if s.txn.Valid() {
return nil
txnCap := s.getMembufCap()
// The transaction status should be pending.
if err := s.txn.changePendingToValid(txnCap); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
s.sessionVars.TxnCtx.StartTS = s.txn.StartTS()
isoLevel, _ := s.sessionVars.GetSystemVar(variable.TxnIsolation)
if isoLevel == ast.ReadCommitted {
s.txn.SetOption(kv.IsolationLevel, kv.RC)
return nil
// InitTxnWithStartTS create a transaction with startTS.
func (s *session) InitTxnWithStartTS(startTS uint64) error {
if s.txn.Valid() {
return nil
// no need to get txn from txnFutureCh since txn should init with startTs
txn, err := s.store.BeginWithStartTS(startTS)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = s.loadCommonGlobalVariablesIfNeeded()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// GetStore gets the store of session.
func (s *session) GetStore() kv.Storage {
return s.store
func (s *session) ShowProcess() util.ProcessInfo {
var pi util.ProcessInfo
tmp := s.processInfo.Load()
if tmp != nil {
pi = tmp.(util.ProcessInfo)
return pi
// logStmt logs some crucial SQL including: CREATE USER/GRANT PRIVILEGE/CHANGE PASSWORD/DDL etc and normal SQL
// if variable.ProcessGeneralLog is set.
func logStmt(node ast.StmtNode, vars *variable.SessionVars) {
switch stmt := node.(type) {
case *ast.CreateUserStmt, *ast.DropUserStmt, *ast.AlterUserStmt, *ast.SetPwdStmt, *ast.GrantStmt,
*ast.RevokeStmt, *ast.AlterTableStmt, *ast.CreateDatabaseStmt, *ast.CreateIndexStmt, *ast.CreateTableStmt,
*ast.DropDatabaseStmt, *ast.DropIndexStmt, *ast.DropTableStmt, *ast.RenameTableStmt, *ast.TruncateTableStmt:
user := vars.User
if ss, ok := node.(ast.SensitiveStmtNode); ok {
log.Infof("[CRUCIAL OPERATION] %s (by %s).", ss.SecureText(), user)
} else {
log.Infof("[CRUCIAL OPERATION] %s (by %s).", stmt.Text(), user)
logQuery(node.Text(), vars)
func logQuery(query string, vars *variable.SessionVars) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&variable.ProcessGeneralLog) != 0 && !vars.InRestrictedSQL {
log.Infof("[con:%d][txn:%d] %s", vars.ConnectionID, vars.TxnCtx.StartTS, query)
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