// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package domain
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// Domain represents a storage space. Different domains can use the same database name.
// Multiple domains can be used in parallel without synchronization.
type Domain struct {
store kv.Storage
infoHandle *infoschema.Handle
privHandle *privileges.Handle
statsHandle unsafe.Pointer
statsLease time.Duration
ddl ddl.DDL
m sync.Mutex
SchemaValidator SchemaValidator
sysSessionPool *pools.ResourcePool
exit chan struct{}
etcdClient *clientv3.Client
wg sync.WaitGroup
MockReloadFailed MockFailure // It mocks reload failed.
// loadInfoSchema loads infoschema at startTS into handle, usedSchemaVersion is the currently used
// infoschema version, if it is the same as the schema version at startTS, we don't need to reload again.
// It returns the latest schema version, the changed table IDs, whether it's a full load and an error.
func (do *Domain) loadInfoSchema(handle *infoschema.Handle, usedSchemaVersion int64, startTS uint64) (int64, []int64, bool, error) {
var fullLoad bool
snapshot, err := do.store.GetSnapshot(kv.NewVersion(startTS))
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fullLoad, errors.Trace(err)
m := meta.NewSnapshotMeta(snapshot)
latestSchemaVersion, err := m.GetSchemaVersion()
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fullLoad, errors.Trace(err)
if usedSchemaVersion != 0 && usedSchemaVersion == latestSchemaVersion {
return latestSchemaVersion, nil, fullLoad, nil
// Update self schema version to etcd.
defer func() {
if err != nil {
log.Info("[ddl] not update self schema version to etcd")
err = do.ddl.SchemaSyncer().UpdateSelfVersion(context.Background(), latestSchemaVersion)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("[ddl] update self version from %v to %v failed %v", usedSchemaVersion, latestSchemaVersion, err)
startTime := time.Now()
ok, tblIDs, err := do.tryLoadSchemaDiffs(m, usedSchemaVersion, latestSchemaVersion)
if err != nil {
// We can fall back to full load, don't need to return the error.
log.Errorf("[ddl] failed to load schema diff err %v", err)
if ok {
log.Infof("[ddl] diff load InfoSchema from version %d to %d, in %v",
usedSchemaVersion, latestSchemaVersion, time.Since(startTime))
return latestSchemaVersion, tblIDs, fullLoad, nil
fullLoad = true
schemas, err := do.fetchAllSchemasWithTables(m)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fullLoad, errors.Trace(err)
newISBuilder, err := infoschema.NewBuilder(handle).InitWithDBInfos(schemas, latestSchemaVersion)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, fullLoad, errors.Trace(err)
log.Infof("[ddl] full load InfoSchema from version %d to %d, in %v",
usedSchemaVersion, latestSchemaVersion, time.Since(startTime))
return latestSchemaVersion, nil, fullLoad, nil
func (do *Domain) fetchAllSchemasWithTables(m *meta.Meta) ([]*model.DBInfo, error) {
allSchemas, err := m.ListDatabases()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
splittedSchemas := do.splitForConcurrentFetch(allSchemas)
doneCh := make(chan error, len(splittedSchemas))
for _, schemas := range splittedSchemas {
go do.fetchSchemasWithTables(schemas, m, doneCh)
for range splittedSchemas {
err = <-doneCh
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return allSchemas, nil
const fetchSchemaConcurrency = 8
func (do *Domain) splitForConcurrentFetch(schemas []*model.DBInfo) [][]*model.DBInfo {
groupSize := (len(schemas) + fetchSchemaConcurrency - 1) / fetchSchemaConcurrency
splitted := make([][]*model.DBInfo, 0, fetchSchemaConcurrency)
schemaCnt := len(schemas)
for i := 0; i < schemaCnt; i += groupSize {
end := i + groupSize
if end > schemaCnt {
end = schemaCnt
splitted = append(splitted, schemas[i:end])
return splitted
func (do *Domain) fetchSchemasWithTables(schemas []*model.DBInfo, m *meta.Meta, done chan error) {
for _, di := range schemas {
if di.State != model.StatePublic {
// schema is not public, can't be used outside.
tables, err := m.ListTables(di.ID)
if err != nil {
done <- err
di.Tables = make([]*model.TableInfo, 0, len(tables))
for _, tbl := range tables {
if tbl.State != model.StatePublic {
// schema is not public, can't be used outside.
di.Tables = append(di.Tables, tbl)
done <- nil
const (
initialVersion = 0
maxNumberOfDiffsToLoad = 100
func isTooOldSchema(usedVersion, newVersion int64) bool {
if usedVersion == initialVersion || newVersion-usedVersion > maxNumberOfDiffsToLoad {
return true
return false
// tryLoadSchemaDiffs tries to only load latest schema changes.
// Return true if the schema is loaded successfully.
// Return false if the schema can not be loaded by schema diff, then we need to do full load.
// The second returned value is the delta updated table IDs.
func (do *Domain) tryLoadSchemaDiffs(m *meta.Meta, usedVersion, newVersion int64) (bool, []int64, error) {
// If there isn't any used version, or used version is too old, we do full load.
if isTooOldSchema(usedVersion, newVersion) {
return false, nil, nil
if usedVersion > newVersion {
// When user use History Read feature, history schema will be loaded.
// usedVersion may be larger than newVersion, full load is needed.
return false, nil, nil
var diffs []*model.SchemaDiff
for usedVersion < newVersion {
diff, err := m.GetSchemaDiff(usedVersion)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, errors.Trace(err)
if diff == nil {
// If diff is missing for any version between used and new version, we fall back to full reload.
return false, nil, nil
diffs = append(diffs, diff)
builder := infoschema.NewBuilder(do.infoHandle).InitWithOldInfoSchema()
tblIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(diffs))
for _, diff := range diffs {
ids, err := builder.ApplyDiff(m, diff)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, errors.Trace(err)
tblIDs = append(tblIDs, ids...)
return true, tblIDs, nil
// InfoSchema gets information schema from domain.
func (do *Domain) InfoSchema() infoschema.InfoSchema {
return do.infoHandle.Get()
// GetSnapshotInfoSchema gets a snapshot information schema.
func (do *Domain) GetSnapshotInfoSchema(snapshotTS uint64) (infoschema.InfoSchema, error) {
snapHandle := do.infoHandle.EmptyClone()
_, _, _, err := do.loadInfoSchema(snapHandle, do.infoHandle.Get().SchemaMetaVersion(), snapshotTS)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return snapHandle.Get(), nil
// DDL gets DDL from domain.
func (do *Domain) DDL() ddl.DDL {
return do.ddl
// Store gets KV store from domain.
func (do *Domain) Store() kv.Storage {
return do.store
// GetScope gets the status variables scope.
func (do *Domain) GetScope(status string) variable.ScopeFlag {
// Now domain status variables scope are all default scope.
return variable.DefaultStatusVarScopeFlag
func (do *Domain) mockReloadFailed() error {
return errors.New("mock reload failed")
// Reload reloads InfoSchema.
// It's public in order to do the test.
func (do *Domain) Reload() error {
// for test
if do.MockReloadFailed.getValue() {
return do.mockReloadFailed()
// Lock here for only once at the same time.
defer do.m.Unlock()
startTime := time.Now()
var err error
var latestSchemaVersion int64
ver, err := do.store.CurrentVersion()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
schemaVersion := int64(0)
oldInfoSchema := do.infoHandle.Get()
if oldInfoSchema != nil {
schemaVersion = oldInfoSchema.SchemaMetaVersion()
var (
fullLoad bool
changedTableIDs []int64
latestSchemaVersion, changedTableIDs, fullLoad, err = do.loadInfoSchema(do.infoHandle, schemaVersion, ver.Ver)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if fullLoad {
log.Info("[ddl] full load and reset schema validator.")
do.SchemaValidator.Update(ver.Ver, schemaVersion, latestSchemaVersion, changedTableIDs)
lease := do.DDL().GetLease()
sub := time.Since(startTime)
// Reload interval is lease / 2, if load schema time elapses more than this interval,
// some query maybe responded by ErrInfoSchemaExpired error.
if sub > (lease/2) && lease > 0 {
log.Warnf("[ddl] loading schema takes a long time %v", sub)
return nil
func (do *Domain) loadSchemaInLoop(lease time.Duration) {
defer do.wg.Done()
// Lease renewal can run at any frequency.
// Use lease/2 here as recommend by paper.
ticker := time.NewTicker(lease / 2)
defer ticker.Stop()
defer recoverInDomain("loadSchemaInLoop", true)
syncer := do.ddl.SchemaSyncer()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
err := do.Reload()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[ddl] reload schema in loop err %v", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-syncer.GlobalVersionCh():
err := do.Reload()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[ddl] reload schema in loop err %v", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-syncer.Done():
// The schema syncer stops, we need stop the schema validator to synchronize the schema version.
log.Info("[ddl] reload schema in loop, schema syncer need restart")
err := do.mustRestartSyncer()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[ddl] reload schema in loop, schema syncer restart err %v", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-do.exit:
// mustRestartSyncer tries to restart the SchemaSyncer.
// It returns until it's successful or the domain is stoped.
func (do *Domain) mustRestartSyncer() error {
ctx := context.Background()
syncer := do.ddl.SchemaSyncer()
for {
err := syncer.Restart(ctx)
if err == nil {
return nil
// If the domain has stopped, we return an error immediately.
select {
case <-do.exit:
return errors.Trace(err)
log.Infof("[ddl] restart the schema syncer failed %v", err)
// Close closes the Domain and release its resource.
func (do *Domain) Close() {
if do.ddl != nil {
if do.etcdClient != nil {
type ddlCallback struct {
do *Domain
func (c *ddlCallback) OnChanged(err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("[ddl] on DDL change, must reload")
err = c.do.Reload()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[ddl] on DDL change reload err %v", err)
return nil
// MockFailure mocks reload failed.
// It's used for fixing data race in tests.
type MockFailure struct {
val bool // val is true means we need to mock reload failed.
// SetValue sets whether we need to mock reload failed.
func (m *MockFailure) SetValue(isFailed bool) {
defer m.Unlock()
m.val = isFailed
func (m *MockFailure) getValue() bool {
defer m.RUnlock()
return m.val
// EtcdBackend is used for judging a storage is a real TiKV.
type EtcdBackend interface {
EtcdAddrs() []string
TLSConfig() *tls.Config
StartGCWorker() error
const resourceIdleTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // resources in the ResourcePool will be recycled after idleTimeout
// NewDomain creates a new domain. Should not create multiple domains for the same store.
func NewDomain(store kv.Storage, ddlLease time.Duration, statsLease time.Duration, factory pools.Factory) *Domain {
capacity := 200 // capacity of the sysSessionPool size
return &Domain{
store: store,
SchemaValidator: NewSchemaValidator(ddlLease),
exit: make(chan struct{}),
sysSessionPool: pools.NewResourcePool(factory, capacity, capacity, resourceIdleTimeout),
statsLease: statsLease,
infoHandle: infoschema.NewHandle(store),
// Init initializes a domain.
func (do *Domain) Init(ddlLease time.Duration, sysFactory func(*Domain) (pools.Resource, error)) error {
if ebd, ok := do.store.(EtcdBackend); ok {
if addrs := ebd.EtcdAddrs(); addrs != nil {
cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{
Endpoints: addrs,
DialTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
DialOptions: []grpc.DialOption{
TLS: ebd.TLSConfig(),
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
do.etcdClient = cli
// TODO: Here we create new sessions with sysFac in DDL,
// which will use `do` as Domain instead of call `domap.Get`.
// That's because `domap.Get` requires a lock, but before
// we initialize Domain finish, we can't require that again.
// After we remove the lazy logic of creating Domain, we
// can simplify code here.
sysFac := func() (pools.Resource, error) {
return sysFactory(do)
sysCtxPool := pools.NewResourcePool(sysFac, 2, 2, resourceIdleTimeout)
ctx := context.Background()
callback := &ddlCallback{do: do}
do.ddl = ddl.NewDDL(ctx, do.etcdClient, do.store, do.infoHandle, callback, ddlLease, sysCtxPool)
err := do.ddl.SchemaSyncer().Init(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = do.Reload()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Only when the store is local that the lease value is 0.
// If the store is local, it doesn't need loadSchemaInLoop.
if ddlLease > 0 {
// Local store needs to get the change information for every DDL state in each session.
go do.loadSchemaInLoop(ddlLease)
return nil
// SysSessionPool returns the system session pool.
func (do *Domain) SysSessionPool() *pools.ResourcePool {
return do.sysSessionPool
// LoadPrivilegeLoop create a goroutine loads privilege tables in a loop, it
// should be called only once in BootstrapSession.
func (do *Domain) LoadPrivilegeLoop(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
ctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL = true
do.privHandle = privileges.NewHandle()
err := do.privHandle.Update(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
var watchCh clientv3.WatchChan
duration := 5 * time.Minute
if do.etcdClient != nil {
watchCh = do.etcdClient.Watch(context.Background(), privilegeKey)
duration = 10 * time.Minute
go func() {
defer recoverInDomain("loadPrivilegeInLoop", false)
var count int
for {
ok := true
select {
case <-do.exit:
case _, ok = <-watchCh:
case <-time.After(duration):
if !ok {
log.Error("[domain] load privilege loop watch channel closed.")
watchCh = do.etcdClient.Watch(context.Background(), privilegeKey)
if count > 10 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(count) * time.Second)
count = 0
err := do.privHandle.Update(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[domain] load privilege fail:", errors.ErrorStack(err))
} else {
log.Info("[domain] reload privilege success.")
return nil
// PrivilegeHandle returns the MySQLPrivilege.
func (do *Domain) PrivilegeHandle() *privileges.Handle {
return do.privHandle
// StatsHandle returns the statistic handle.
func (do *Domain) StatsHandle() *statistics.Handle {
return (*statistics.Handle)(atomic.LoadPointer(&do.statsHandle))
// CreateStatsHandle is used only for test.
func (do *Domain) CreateStatsHandle(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
atomic.StorePointer(&do.statsHandle, unsafe.Pointer(statistics.NewHandle(ctx, do.statsLease)))
// RunAutoAnalyze indicates if this TiDB server starts auto analyze worker and can run auto analyze job.
var RunAutoAnalyze = true
// UpdateTableStatsLoop creates a goroutine loads stats info and updates stats info in a loop.
// It will also start a goroutine to analyze tables automatically.
// It should be called only once in BootstrapSession.
func (do *Domain) UpdateTableStatsLoop(ctx sessionctx.Context) error {
ctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL = true
statsHandle := statistics.NewHandle(ctx, do.statsLease)
atomic.StorePointer(&do.statsHandle, unsafe.Pointer(statsHandle))
if do.statsLease <= 0 {
return nil
owner := do.newStatsOwner()
go do.updateStatsWorker(ctx, owner)
if RunAutoAnalyze {
go do.autoAnalyzeWorker(owner)
return nil
func (do *Domain) newStatsOwner() owner.Manager {
id := do.ddl.OwnerManager().ID()
cancelCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
var statsOwner owner.Manager
if do.etcdClient == nil {
statsOwner = owner.NewMockManager(id, cancelFunc)
} else {
statsOwner = owner.NewOwnerManager(do.etcdClient, statistics.StatsPrompt, id, statistics.StatsOwnerKey, cancelFunc)
// TODO: Need to do something when err is not nil.
err := statsOwner.CampaignOwner(cancelCtx)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("[stats] campaign owner fail:", errors.ErrorStack(err))
return statsOwner
func (do *Domain) updateStatsWorker(ctx sessionctx.Context, owner owner.Manager) {
lease := do.statsLease
deltaUpdateDuration := lease * 5
loadTicker := time.NewTicker(lease)
defer loadTicker.Stop()
deltaUpdateTicker := time.NewTicker(deltaUpdateDuration)
defer deltaUpdateTicker.Stop()
loadHistogramTicker := time.NewTicker(lease)
defer loadHistogramTicker.Stop()
gcStatsTicker := time.NewTicker(100 * lease)
defer gcStatsTicker.Stop()
dumpFeedbackTicker := time.NewTicker(200 * lease)
defer dumpFeedbackTicker.Stop()
loadFeedbackTicker := time.NewTicker(5 * lease)
defer loadFeedbackTicker.Stop()
statsHandle := do.StatsHandle()
t := time.Now()
err := statsHandle.InitStats(do.InfoSchema())
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] init stats info failed: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
} else {
log.Info("[stats] init stats info takes ", time.Now().Sub(t))
defer recoverInDomain("updateStatsWorker", false)
for {
select {
case <-loadTicker.C:
err = statsHandle.Update(do.InfoSchema())
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] update stats info fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-do.exit:
// This channel is sent only by ddl owner or the drop stats executor.
case t := <-statsHandle.DDLEventCh():
err = statsHandle.HandleDDLEvent(t)
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] handle ddl event fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case t := <-statsHandle.AnalyzeResultCh():
for i, hg := range t.Hist {
err = statistics.SaveStatsToStorage(ctx, t.TableID, t.Count, t.IsIndex, hg, t.Cms[i])
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] save histogram to storage fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-deltaUpdateTicker.C:
err = statsHandle.DumpStatsDeltaToKV()
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] dump stats delta fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-loadHistogramTicker.C:
err = statsHandle.LoadNeededHistograms()
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] load histograms fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-loadFeedbackTicker.C:
if !owner.IsOwner() {
err = statsHandle.HandleUpdateStats(do.InfoSchema())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[stats] update stats using feedback fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-dumpFeedbackTicker.C:
err = statsHandle.DumpStatsFeedbackToKV()
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] dump stats feedback fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-gcStatsTicker.C:
if !owner.IsOwner() {
err = statsHandle.GCStats(do.InfoSchema(), do.DDL().GetLease())
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] gc stats fail: ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
func (do *Domain) autoAnalyzeWorker(owner owner.Manager) {
statsHandle := do.StatsHandle()
analyzeTicker := time.NewTicker(do.statsLease)
defer analyzeTicker.Stop()
defer recoverInDomain("autoAnalyzeWorker", false)
for {
select {
case <-analyzeTicker.C:
if owner.IsOwner() {
err := statsHandle.HandleAutoAnalyze(do.InfoSchema())
if err != nil {
log.Error("[stats] auto analyze fail:", errors.ErrorStack(err))
case <-do.exit:
const privilegeKey = "/tidb/privilege"
// NotifyUpdatePrivilege updates privilege key in etcd, TiDB client that watches
// the key will get notification.
func (do *Domain) NotifyUpdatePrivilege(ctx sessionctx.Context) {
if do.etcdClient != nil {
row := do.etcdClient.KV
_, err := row.Put(context.Background(), privilegeKey, "")
if err != nil {
log.Warn("notify update privilege failed:", err)
func recoverInDomain(funcName string, quit bool) {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
buf := util.GetStack()
log.Errorf("%s, %v, %s", funcName, r, buf)
if quit {
// Wait for metrics to be pushed.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 15)
// Domain error codes.
const (
codeInfoSchemaExpired terror.ErrCode = 1
codeInfoSchemaChanged terror.ErrCode = 2
var (
// ErrInfoSchemaExpired returns the error that information schema is out of date.
ErrInfoSchemaExpired = terror.ClassDomain.New(codeInfoSchemaExpired, "Information schema is out of date.")
// ErrInfoSchemaChanged returns the error that information schema is changed.
ErrInfoSchemaChanged = terror.ClassDomain.New(codeInfoSchemaChanged, "Information schema is changed.")
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