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mytime.go 12.12 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package types
import (
gotime "time"
// MysqlTime is the internal struct type for Time.
type MysqlTime struct {
year uint16 // year <= 9999
month uint8 // month <= 12
day uint8 // day <= 31
// When it's type is Time, HH:MM:SS may be 839:59:59, so use int to avoid overflow.
hour int // hour <= 23
minute uint8 // minute <= 59
second uint8 // second <= 59
microsecond uint32
// Year returns the year value.
func (t MysqlTime) Year() int {
return int(t.year)
// Month returns the month value.
func (t MysqlTime) Month() int {
return int(t.month)
// Day returns the day value.
func (t MysqlTime) Day() int {
return int(t.day)
// Hour returns the hour value.
func (t MysqlTime) Hour() int {
return int(t.hour)
// Minute returns the minute value.
func (t MysqlTime) Minute() int {
return int(t.minute)
// Second returns the second value.
func (t MysqlTime) Second() int {
return int(t.second)
// Microsecond returns the microsecond value.
func (t MysqlTime) Microsecond() int {
return int(t.microsecond)
// Weekday returns the Weekday value.
func (t MysqlTime) Weekday() gotime.Weekday {
// TODO: Consider time_zone variable.
t1, err := t.GoTime(gotime.Local)
if err != nil {
return 0
return t1.Weekday()
// YearDay returns day in year.
func (t MysqlTime) YearDay() int {
if t.month == 0 || t.day == 0 {
return 0
return calcDaynr(int(t.year), int(t.month), int(t.day)) -
calcDaynr(int(t.year), 1, 1) + 1
// YearWeek return year and week.
func (t MysqlTime) YearWeek(mode int) (int, int) {
behavior := weekMode(mode) | weekBehaviourYear
return calcWeek(&t, behavior)
// Week returns the week value.
func (t MysqlTime) Week(mode int) int {
if t.month == 0 || t.day == 0 {
return 0
_, week := calcWeek(&t, weekMode(mode))
return week
// GoTime converts MysqlTime to GoTime.
func (t MysqlTime) GoTime(loc *gotime.Location) (gotime.Time, error) {
// gotime.Time can't represent month 0 or day 0, date contains 0 would be converted to a nearest date,
// For example, 2006-12-00 00:00:00 would become 2015-11-30 23:59:59.
tm := gotime.Date(t.Year(), gotime.Month(t.Month()), t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second(), t.Microsecond()*1000, loc)
year, month, day := tm.Date()
hour, minute, second := tm.Clock()
microsec := tm.Nanosecond() / 1000
// This function will check the result, and return an error if it's not the same with the origin input.
if year != t.Year() || int(month) != t.Month() || day != t.Day() ||
hour != t.Hour() || minute != t.Minute() || second != t.Second() ||
microsec != t.Microsecond() {
return tm, errors.Trace(ErrInvalidTimeFormat.GenByArgs(t))
return tm, nil
// IsLeapYear returns if it's leap year.
func (t MysqlTime) IsLeapYear() bool {
return (t.year%4 == 0 && t.year%100 != 0) || t.year%400 == 0
func calcTimeFromSec(to *MysqlTime, seconds, microseconds int) {
to.hour = seconds / 3600
seconds = seconds % 3600
to.minute = uint8(seconds / 60)
to.second = uint8(seconds % 60)
to.microsecond = uint32(microseconds)
const secondsIn24Hour = 86400
// calcTimeDiff calculates difference between two datetime values as seconds + microseconds.
// t1 and t2 should be TIME/DATE/DATETIME value.
// sign can be +1 or -1, and t2 is preprocessed with sign first.
func calcTimeDiff(t1, t2 MysqlTime, sign int) (seconds, microseconds int, neg bool) {
days := calcDaynr(t1.Year(), t1.Month(), t1.Day())
days2 := calcDaynr(t2.Year(), t2.Month(), t2.Day())
days -= sign * days2
tmp := (int64(days)*secondsIn24Hour+
1e6 +
int64(t1.Microsecond()) - int64(sign)*int64(t2.Microsecond())
if tmp < 0 {
tmp = -tmp
neg = true
seconds = int(tmp / 1e6)
microseconds = int(tmp % 1e6)
// datetimeToUint64 converts time value to integer in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
func datetimeToUint64(t MysqlTime) uint64 {
return dateToUint64(t)*1e6 + timeToUint64(t)
// dateToUint64 converts time value to integer in YYYYMMDD format.
func dateToUint64(t MysqlTime) uint64 {
return uint64(t.Year())*10000 +
uint64(t.Month())*100 +
// timeToUint64 converts time value to integer in HHMMSS format.
func timeToUint64(t MysqlTime) uint64 {
return uint64(t.Hour())*10000 +
uint64(t.Minute())*100 +
// calcDaynr calculates days since 0000-00-00.
func calcDaynr(year, month, day int) int {
if year == 0 && month == 0 {
return 0
delsum := 365*year + 31*(month-1) + day
if month <= 2 {
} else {
delsum -= (month*4 + 23) / 10
temp := ((year/100 + 1) * 3) / 4
return delsum + year/4 - temp
// DateDiff calculates number of days between two days.
func DateDiff(startTime, endTime MysqlTime) int {
return calcDaynr(startTime.Year(), startTime.Month(), startTime.Day()) - calcDaynr(endTime.Year(), endTime.Month(), endTime.Day())
// calcDaysInYear calculates days in one year, it works with 0 <= year <= 99.
func calcDaysInYear(year int) int {
if (year&3) == 0 && (year%100 != 0 || (year%400 == 0 && (year != 0))) {
return 366
return 365
// calcWeekday calculates weekday from daynr, returns 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday ...
func calcWeekday(daynr int, sundayFirstDayOfWeek bool) int {
daynr += 5
if sundayFirstDayOfWeek {
return daynr % 7
type weekBehaviour uint
const (
// weekBehaviourMondayFirst set Monday as first day of week; otherwise Sunday is first day of week
weekBehaviourMondayFirst weekBehaviour = 1 << iota
// If set, Week is in range 1-53, otherwise Week is in range 0-53.
// Note that this flag is only relevant if WEEK_JANUARY is not set.
// If not set, Weeks are numbered according to ISO 8601:1988.
// If set, the week that contains the first 'first-day-of-week' is week 1.
func (v weekBehaviour) test(flag weekBehaviour) bool {
return (v & flag) != 0
func weekMode(mode int) weekBehaviour {
var weekFormat weekBehaviour
weekFormat = weekBehaviour(mode & 7)
if (weekFormat & weekBehaviourMondayFirst) == 0 {
weekFormat ^= weekBehaviourFirstWeekday
return weekFormat
// calcWeek calculates week and year for the time.
func calcWeek(t *MysqlTime, wb weekBehaviour) (year int, week int) {
var days int
daynr := calcDaynr(int(t.year), int(t.month), int(t.day))
firstDaynr := calcDaynr(int(t.year), 1, 1)
mondayFirst := wb.test(weekBehaviourMondayFirst)
weekYear := wb.test(weekBehaviourYear)
firstWeekday := wb.test(weekBehaviourFirstWeekday)
weekday := calcWeekday(firstDaynr, !mondayFirst)
year = int(t.year)
if t.month == 1 && int(t.day) <= 7-weekday {
if !weekYear &&
((firstWeekday && weekday != 0) || (!firstWeekday && weekday >= 4)) {
week = 0
weekYear = true
days = calcDaysInYear(year)
firstDaynr -= days
weekday = (weekday + 53*7 - days) % 7
if (firstWeekday && weekday != 0) ||
(!firstWeekday && weekday >= 4) {
days = daynr - (firstDaynr + 7 - weekday)
} else {
days = daynr - (firstDaynr - weekday)
if weekYear && days >= 52*7 {
weekday = (weekday + calcDaysInYear(year)) % 7
if (!firstWeekday && weekday < 4) ||
(firstWeekday && weekday == 0) {
week = 1
week = days/7 + 1
// mixDateAndTime mixes a date value and a time value.
func mixDateAndTime(date, time *MysqlTime, neg bool) {
if !neg && time.hour < 24 {
date.hour = time.hour
date.minute = time.minute
date.second = time.second
date.microsecond = time.microsecond
// Time is negative or outside of 24 hours internal.
sign := -1
if neg {
sign = 1
seconds, microseconds, _ := calcTimeDiff(*date, *time, sign)
// If we want to use this function with arbitrary dates, this code will need
// to cover cases when time is negative and "date < -time".
days := seconds / secondsIn24Hour
calcTimeFromSec(date, seconds%secondsIn24Hour, microseconds)
year, month, day := getDateFromDaynr(uint(days))
date.year = uint16(year)
date.month = uint8(month)
date.day = uint8(day)
var daysInMonth = []int{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
// getDateFromDaynr changes a daynr to year, month and day,
// daynr 0 is returned as date 00.00.00
func getDateFromDaynr(daynr uint) (year uint, month uint, day uint) {
if daynr <= 365 || daynr >= 3652500 {
year = daynr * 100 / 36525
temp := (((year-1)/100 + 1) * 3) / 4
dayOfYear := daynr - year*365 - (year-1)/4 + temp
daysInYear := calcDaysInYear(int(year))
for dayOfYear > uint(daysInYear) {
dayOfYear -= uint(daysInYear)
daysInYear = calcDaysInYear(int(year))
leapDay := uint(0)
if daysInYear == 366 {
if dayOfYear > 31+28 {
if dayOfYear == 31+28 {
// Handle leapyears leapday.
leapDay = 1
month = 1
for _, days := range daysInMonth {
if dayOfYear <= uint(days) {
dayOfYear -= uint(days)
day = dayOfYear + leapDay
const (
intervalYEAR = "YEAR"
intervalMONTH = "MONTH"
intervalWEEK = "WEEK"
intervalDAY = "DAY"
intervalHOUR = "HOUR"
intervalMINUTE = "MINUTE"
intervalSECOND = "SECOND"
func timestampDiff(intervalType string, t1 MysqlTime, t2 MysqlTime) int64 {
seconds, microseconds, neg := calcTimeDiff(t2, t1, 1)
months := uint(0)
if intervalType == intervalYEAR || intervalType == intervalQUARTER ||
intervalType == intervalMONTH {
var (
yearBeg, yearEnd, monthBeg, monthEnd, dayBeg, dayEnd uint
secondBeg, secondEnd, microsecondBeg, microsecondEnd uint
if neg {
yearBeg = uint(t2.Year())
yearEnd = uint(t1.Year())
monthBeg = uint(t2.Month())
monthEnd = uint(t1.Month())
dayBeg = uint(t2.Day())
dayEnd = uint(t1.Day())
secondBeg = uint(t2.Hour()*3600 + t2.Minute()*60 + t2.Second())
secondEnd = uint(t1.Hour()*3600 + t1.Minute()*60 + t1.Second())
microsecondBeg = uint(t2.Microsecond())
microsecondEnd = uint(t1.Microsecond())
} else {
yearBeg = uint(t1.Year())
yearEnd = uint(t2.Year())
monthBeg = uint(t1.Month())
monthEnd = uint(t2.Month())
dayBeg = uint(t1.Day())
dayEnd = uint(t2.Day())
secondBeg = uint(t1.Hour()*3600 + t1.Minute()*60 + t1.Second())
secondEnd = uint(t2.Hour()*3600 + t2.Minute()*60 + t2.Second())
microsecondBeg = uint(t1.Microsecond())
microsecondEnd = uint(t2.Microsecond())
// calc years
years := yearEnd - yearBeg
if monthEnd < monthBeg ||
(monthEnd == monthBeg && dayEnd < dayBeg) {
// calc months
months = 12 * years
if monthEnd < monthBeg ||
(monthEnd == monthBeg && dayEnd < dayBeg) {
months += 12 - (monthBeg - monthEnd)
} else {
months += monthEnd - monthBeg
if dayEnd < dayBeg {
} else if (dayEnd == dayBeg) &&
((secondEnd < secondBeg) ||
(secondEnd == secondBeg && microsecondEnd < microsecondBeg)) {
negV := int64(1)
if neg {
negV = -1
switch intervalType {
case intervalYEAR:
return int64(months) / 12 * negV
case intervalQUARTER:
return int64(months) / 3 * negV
case intervalMONTH:
return int64(months) * negV
case intervalWEEK:
return int64(seconds) / secondsIn24Hour / 7 * negV
case intervalDAY:
return int64(seconds) / secondsIn24Hour * negV
case intervalHOUR:
return int64(seconds) / 3600 * negV
case intervalMINUTE:
return int64(seconds) / 60 * negV
case intervalSECOND:
return int64(seconds) * negV
case intervalMICROSECOND:
// In MySQL difference between any two valid datetime values
// in microseconds fits into longlong.
return int64(seconds*1000000+microseconds) * negV
return 0
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