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logical_plan_builder.go 65.25 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package plan
import (
const (
// TiDBMergeJoin is hint enforce merge join.
TiDBMergeJoin = "tidb_smj"
// TiDBIndexNestedLoopJoin is hint enforce index nested loop join.
TiDBIndexNestedLoopJoin = "tidb_inlj"
// TiDBHashJoin is hint enforce hash join.
TiDBHashJoin = "tidb_hj"
const (
// ErrExprInSelect is in select fields for the error of ErrFieldNotInGroupBy
ErrExprInSelect = "SELECT list"
// ErrExprInOrderBy is in order by items for the error of ErrFieldNotInGroupBy
ErrExprInOrderBy = "ORDER BY"
func (la *LogicalAggregation) collectGroupByColumns() {
la.groupByCols = la.groupByCols[:0]
for _, item := range la.GroupByItems {
if col, ok := item.(*expression.Column); ok {
la.groupByCols = append(la.groupByCols, col)
func (b *planBuilder) buildAggregation(p LogicalPlan, aggFuncList []*ast.AggregateFuncExpr, gbyItems []expression.Expression) (LogicalPlan, map[int]int) {
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagBuildKeyInfo
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagAggregationOptimize
// We may apply aggregation eliminate optimization.
// So we add the flagMaxMinEliminate to try to convert max/min to topn and flagPushDownTopN to handle the newly added topn operator.
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagMaxMinEliminate
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPushDownTopN
// when we eliminate the max and min we may add `is not null` filter.
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPredicatePushDown
plan4Agg := LogicalAggregation{AggFuncs: make([]*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, 0, len(aggFuncList))}.init(b.ctx)
schema4Agg := expression.NewSchema(make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(aggFuncList)+p.Schema().Len())...)
// aggIdxMap maps the old index to new index after applying common aggregation functions elimination.
aggIndexMap := make(map[int]int)
for i, aggFunc := range aggFuncList {
newArgList := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(aggFunc.Args))
for _, arg := range aggFunc.Args {
newArg, np, err := b.rewrite(arg, p, nil, true)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil, nil
p = np
newArgList = append(newArgList, newArg)
newFunc := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(b.ctx, aggFunc.F, newArgList, aggFunc.Distinct)
combined := false
for j, oldFunc := range plan4Agg.AggFuncs {
if oldFunc.Equal(b.ctx, newFunc) {
aggIndexMap[i] = j
combined = true
if !combined {
position := len(plan4Agg.AggFuncs)
aggIndexMap[i] = position
plan4Agg.AggFuncs = append(plan4Agg.AggFuncs, newFunc)
FromID: plan4Agg.id,
ColName: model.NewCIStr(fmt.Sprintf("%d_col_%d", plan4Agg.id, position)),
Position: position,
IsAggOrSubq: true,
RetType: newFunc.RetTp})
for _, col := range p.Schema().Columns {
newFunc := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(b.ctx, ast.AggFuncFirstRow, []expression.Expression{col.Clone()}, false)
plan4Agg.AggFuncs = append(plan4Agg.AggFuncs, newFunc)
plan4Agg.GroupByItems = gbyItems
// TODO: Add a Projection if any argument of aggregate funcs or group by items are scalar functions.
// plan4Agg.buildProjectionIfNecessary()
// b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagEliminateProjection
return plan4Agg, aggIndexMap
func (b *planBuilder) buildResultSetNode(node ast.ResultSetNode) LogicalPlan {
switch x := node.(type) {
case *ast.Join:
return b.buildJoin(x)
case *ast.TableSource:
var p LogicalPlan
switch v := x.Source.(type) {
case *ast.SelectStmt:
p = b.buildSelect(v)
case *ast.UnionStmt:
p = b.buildUnion(v)
case *ast.TableName:
p = b.buildDataSource(v)
b.err = ErrUnsupportedType.GenByArgs(v)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if v, ok := p.(*DataSource); ok {
v.TableAsName = &x.AsName
for _, col := range p.Schema().Columns {
col.OrigTblName = col.TblName
if x.AsName.L != "" {
col.TblName = x.AsName
col.DBName = model.NewCIStr("")
// Duplicate column name in one table is not allowed.
// "select * from (select 1, 1) as a;" is duplicate
dupNames := make(map[string]struct{}, len(p.Schema().Columns))
for _, col := range p.Schema().Columns {
name := col.ColName.O
if _, ok := dupNames[name]; ok {
b.err = ErrDupFieldName.GenByArgs(name)
return nil
dupNames[name] = struct{}{}
return p
case *ast.SelectStmt:
return b.buildSelect(x)
case *ast.UnionStmt:
return b.buildUnion(x)
b.err = ErrUnsupportedType.Gen("unsupported table source type %T", x)
return nil
func extractCorColumns(expr expression.Expression) (cols []*expression.CorrelatedColumn) {
switch v := expr.(type) {
case *expression.CorrelatedColumn:
return []*expression.CorrelatedColumn{v}
case *expression.ScalarFunction:
for _, arg := range v.GetArgs() {
cols = append(cols, extractCorColumns(arg)...)
func extractOnCondition(conditions []expression.Expression, left LogicalPlan, right LogicalPlan) (
eqCond []*expression.ScalarFunction, leftCond []expression.Expression, rightCond []expression.Expression,
otherCond []expression.Expression) {
for _, expr := range conditions {
binop, ok := expr.(*expression.ScalarFunction)
if ok && binop.FuncName.L == ast.EQ {
ln, lOK := binop.GetArgs()[0].(*expression.Column)
rn, rOK := binop.GetArgs()[1].(*expression.Column)
if lOK && rOK {
if left.Schema().Contains(ln) && right.Schema().Contains(rn) {
eqCond = append(eqCond, binop)
if left.Schema().Contains(rn) && right.Schema().Contains(ln) {
cond := expression.NewFunctionInternal(binop.GetCtx(), ast.EQ, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), rn, ln)
eqCond = append(eqCond, cond.(*expression.ScalarFunction))
columns := expression.ExtractColumns(expr)
allFromLeft, allFromRight := true, true
for _, col := range columns {
if !left.Schema().Contains(col) {
allFromLeft = false
if !right.Schema().Contains(col) {
allFromRight = false
if allFromRight {
rightCond = append(rightCond, expr)
} else if allFromLeft {
leftCond = append(leftCond, expr)
} else {
otherCond = append(otherCond, expr)
func extractTableAlias(p LogicalPlan) *model.CIStr {
if p.Schema().Len() > 0 && p.Schema().Columns[0].TblName.L != "" {
return &(p.Schema().Columns[0].TblName)
return nil
func (p *LogicalJoin) setPreferredJoinType(hintInfo *tableHintInfo) error {
if hintInfo == nil {
return nil
lhsAlias := extractTableAlias(p.children[0])
rhsAlias := extractTableAlias(p.children[1])
if hintInfo.ifPreferMergeJoin(lhsAlias, rhsAlias) {
p.preferJoinType |= preferMergeJoin
if hintInfo.ifPreferHashJoin(lhsAlias, rhsAlias) {
p.preferJoinType |= preferHashJoin
if hintInfo.ifPreferINLJ(lhsAlias) {
p.preferJoinType |= preferLeftAsIndexOuter
if hintInfo.ifPreferINLJ(rhsAlias) {
p.preferJoinType |= preferRightAsIndexOuter
// If there're multiple join types and one of them is not index join hint,
// then there is a conflict of join types.
if bits.OnesCount(p.preferJoinType) > 1 && (p.preferJoinType^preferRightAsIndexOuter^preferLeftAsIndexOuter) > 0 {
return errors.New("Join hints are conflict, you can only specify one type of join")
return nil
func (b *planBuilder) buildJoin(joinNode *ast.Join) LogicalPlan {
// We will construct a "Join" node for some statements like "INSERT",
// "DELETE", "UPDATE", "REPLACE". For this scenario "joinNode.Right" is nil
// and we only build the left "ResultSetNode".
if joinNode.Right == nil {
return b.buildResultSetNode(joinNode.Left)
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPredicatePushDown
leftPlan := b.buildResultSetNode(joinNode.Left)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
rightPlan := b.buildResultSetNode(joinNode.Right)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
joinPlan := LogicalJoin{StraightJoin: joinNode.StraightJoin || b.inStraightJoin}.init(b.ctx)
joinPlan.SetChildren(leftPlan, rightPlan)
joinPlan.SetSchema(expression.MergeSchema(leftPlan.Schema(), rightPlan.Schema()))
// Set join type.
switch joinNode.Tp {
case ast.LeftJoin:
joinPlan.JoinType = LeftOuterJoin
case ast.RightJoin:
joinPlan.JoinType = RightOuterJoin
joinPlan.JoinType = InnerJoin
// Merge sub join's redundantSchema into this join plan. When handle query like
// select t2.a from (t1 join t2 using (a)) join t3 using (a);
// we can simply search in the top level join plan to find redundant column.
var lRedundant, rRedundant *expression.Schema
if left, ok := leftPlan.(*LogicalJoin); ok && left.redundantSchema != nil {
lRedundant = left.redundantSchema
if right, ok := rightPlan.(*LogicalJoin); ok && right.redundantSchema != nil {
rRedundant = right.redundantSchema
joinPlan.redundantSchema = expression.MergeSchema(lRedundant, rRedundant)
// Set preferred join algorithm if some join hints is specified by user.
err := joinPlan.setPreferredJoinType(b.TableHints())
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// "NATURAL JOIN" doesn't have "ON" or "USING" conditions.
// The "NATURAL [LEFT] JOIN" of two tables is defined to be semantically
// equivalent to an "INNER JOIN" or a "LEFT JOIN" with a "USING" clause
// that names all columns that exist in both tables.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/join.html for more detail.
if joinNode.NaturalJoin {
if err = b.buildNaturalJoin(joinPlan, leftPlan, rightPlan, joinNode); err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil
} else if joinNode.Using != nil {
if err = b.buildUsingClause(joinPlan, leftPlan, rightPlan, joinNode); err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil
} else if joinNode.On != nil {
b.curClause = onClause
onExpr, newPlan, err := b.rewrite(joinNode.On.Expr, joinPlan, nil, false)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil
if newPlan != joinPlan {
b.err = errors.New("ON condition doesn't support subqueries yet")
return nil
onCondition := expression.SplitCNFItems(onExpr)
} else if joinPlan.JoinType == InnerJoin {
// If a inner join without "ON" or "USING" clause, it's a cartesian
// product over the join tables.
joinPlan.cartesianJoin = true
return joinPlan
// buildUsingClause eliminate the redundant columns and ordering columns based
// on the "USING" clause.
// According to the standard SQL, columns are ordered in the following way:
// 1. coalesced common columns of "leftPlan" and "rightPlan", in the order they
// appears in "leftPlan".
// 2. the rest columns in "leftPlan", in the order they appears in "leftPlan".
// 3. the rest columns in "rightPlan", in the order they appears in "rightPlan".
func (b *planBuilder) buildUsingClause(p *LogicalJoin, leftPlan, rightPlan LogicalPlan, join *ast.Join) error {
filter := make(map[string]bool, len(join.Using))
for _, col := range join.Using {
filter[col.Name.L] = true
return b.coalesceCommonColumns(p, leftPlan, rightPlan, join.Tp == ast.RightJoin, filter)
// buildNaturalJoin builds natural join output schema. It finds out all the common columns
// then using the same mechanism as buildUsingClause to eliminate redundant columns and build join conditions.
// According to standard SQL, producing this display order:
// All the common columns
// Every column in the first (left) table that is not a common column
// Every column in the second (right) table that is not a common column
func (b *planBuilder) buildNaturalJoin(p *LogicalJoin, leftPlan, rightPlan LogicalPlan, join *ast.Join) error {
return b.coalesceCommonColumns(p, leftPlan, rightPlan, join.Tp == ast.RightJoin, nil)
// coalesceCommonColumns is used by buildUsingClause and buildNaturalJoin. The filter is used by buildUsingClause.
func (b *planBuilder) coalesceCommonColumns(p *LogicalJoin, leftPlan, rightPlan LogicalPlan, rightJoin bool, filter map[string]bool) error {
lsc := leftPlan.Schema().Clone()
rsc := rightPlan.Schema().Clone()
lColumns, rColumns := lsc.Columns, rsc.Columns
if rightJoin {
lColumns, rColumns = rsc.Columns, lsc.Columns
// Find out all the common columns and put them ahead.
commonLen := 0
for i, lCol := range lColumns {
for j := commonLen; j < len(rColumns); j++ {
if lCol.ColName.L != rColumns[j].ColName.L {
if len(filter) > 0 {
if !filter[lCol.ColName.L] {
// Mark this column exist.
filter[lCol.ColName.L] = false
col := lColumns[i]
copy(lColumns[commonLen+1:i+1], lColumns[commonLen:i])
lColumns[commonLen] = col
col = rColumns[j]
copy(rColumns[commonLen+1:j+1], rColumns[commonLen:j])
rColumns[commonLen] = col
if len(filter) > 0 && len(filter) != commonLen {
for col, notExist := range filter {
if notExist {
return ErrUnknownColumn.GenByArgs(col, "from clause")
schemaCols := make([]*expression.Column, len(lColumns)+len(rColumns)-commonLen)
copy(schemaCols[:len(lColumns)], lColumns)
copy(schemaCols[len(lColumns):], rColumns[commonLen:])
conds := make([]expression.Expression, 0, commonLen)
for i := 0; i < commonLen; i++ {
lc, rc := lsc.Columns[i], rsc.Columns[i]
cond, err := expression.NewFunction(b.ctx, ast.EQ, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), lc, rc)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
conds = append(conds, cond)
p.redundantSchema = expression.MergeSchema(p.redundantSchema, expression.NewSchema(rColumns[:commonLen]...))
p.OtherConditions = append(conds, p.OtherConditions...)
return nil
func (b *planBuilder) buildSelection(p LogicalPlan, where ast.ExprNode, AggMapper map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int) LogicalPlan {
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPredicatePushDown
if b.curClause != havingClause {
b.curClause = whereClause
conditions := splitWhere(where)
expressions := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(conditions))
selection := LogicalSelection{}.init(b.ctx)
for _, cond := range conditions {
expr, np, err := b.rewrite(cond, p, AggMapper, false)
if err != nil {
b.err = err
return nil
p = np
if expr == nil {
cnfItems := expression.SplitCNFItems(expr)
for _, item := range cnfItems {
if con, ok := item.(*expression.Constant); ok {
ret, err := expression.EvalBool(b.ctx, expression.CNFExprs{con}, nil)
if err != nil || ret {
} else {
// If there is condition which is always false, return dual plan directly.
dual := LogicalTableDual{}.init(b.ctx)
return dual
expressions = append(expressions, item)
if len(expressions) == 0 {
return p
selection.Conditions = expressions
return selection
// buildProjectionFieldNameFromColumns builds the field name, table name and database name when field expression is a column reference.
func (b *planBuilder) buildProjectionFieldNameFromColumns(field *ast.SelectField, c *expression.Column) (colName, tblName, origTblName, dbName model.CIStr) {
if astCol, ok := getInnerFromParentheses(field.Expr).(*ast.ColumnNameExpr); ok {
colName, tblName, dbName = astCol.Name.Name, astCol.Name.Table, astCol.Name.Schema
if field.AsName.L != "" {
colName = field.AsName
if tblName.L == "" {
tblName = c.TblName
if dbName.L == "" {
dbName = c.DBName
return colName, tblName, c.OrigTblName, c.DBName
// buildProjectionFieldNameFromExpressions builds the field name when field expression is a normal expression.
func (b *planBuilder) buildProjectionFieldNameFromExpressions(field *ast.SelectField) model.CIStr {
if agg, ok := field.Expr.(*ast.AggregateFuncExpr); ok && agg.F == ast.AggFuncFirstRow {
// When the query is select t.a from t group by a; The Column Name should be a but not t.a;
return agg.Args[0].(*ast.ColumnNameExpr).Name.Name
innerExpr := getInnerFromParentheses(field.Expr)
valueExpr, isValueExpr := innerExpr.(*ast.ValueExpr)
// Non-literal: Output as inputed, except that comments need to be removed.
if !isValueExpr {
return model.NewCIStr(parser.SpecFieldPattern.ReplaceAllStringFunc(field.Text(), parser.TrimComment))
// Literal: Need special processing
switch valueExpr.Kind() {
case types.KindString:
projName := valueExpr.GetString()
projOffset := valueExpr.GetProjectionOffset()
if projOffset >= 0 {
projName = projName[:projOffset]
// See #3686, #3994:
// For string literals, string content is used as column name. Non-graph initial characters are trimmed.
fieldName := strings.TrimLeftFunc(projName, func(r rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsOneOf(mysql.RangeGraph, r)
return model.NewCIStr(fieldName)
case types.KindNull:
// See #4053, #3685
return model.NewCIStr("NULL")
// Keep as it is.
if innerExpr.Text() != "" {
return model.NewCIStr(innerExpr.Text())
return model.NewCIStr(field.Text())
// buildProjectionField builds the field object according to SelectField in projection.
func (b *planBuilder) buildProjectionField(id, position int, field *ast.SelectField, expr expression.Expression) *expression.Column {
var origTblName, tblName, colName, dbName model.CIStr
if c, ok := expr.(*expression.Column); ok && !c.IsAggOrSubq {
// Field is a column reference.
colName, tblName, origTblName, dbName = b.buildProjectionFieldNameFromColumns(field, c)
} else if field.AsName.L != "" {
// Field has alias.
colName = field.AsName
} else {
// Other: field is an expression.
colName = b.buildProjectionFieldNameFromExpressions(field)
return &expression.Column{
FromID: id,
Position: position,
TblName: tblName,
OrigTblName: origTblName,
ColName: colName,
DBName: dbName,
RetType: expr.GetType(),
// buildProjection returns a Projection plan and non-aux columns length.
func (b *planBuilder) buildProjection(p LogicalPlan, fields []*ast.SelectField, mapper map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int) (LogicalPlan, int) {
b.optFlag |= flagEliminateProjection
b.curClause = fieldList
proj := LogicalProjection{Exprs: make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(fields))}.init(b.ctx)
schema := expression.NewSchema(make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(fields))...)
oldLen := 0
for _, field := range fields {
newExpr, np, err := b.rewrite(field.Expr, p, mapper, true)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil, oldLen
p = np
proj.Exprs = append(proj.Exprs, newExpr)
col := b.buildProjectionField(proj.id, schema.Len()+1, field, newExpr)
if !field.Auxiliary {
return proj, oldLen
func (b *planBuilder) buildDistinct(child LogicalPlan, length int) LogicalPlan {
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagBuildKeyInfo
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagAggregationOptimize
plan4Agg := LogicalAggregation{
AggFuncs: make([]*aggregation.AggFuncDesc, 0, child.Schema().Len()),
GroupByItems: expression.Column2Exprs(child.Schema().Clone().Columns[:length]),
for _, col := range child.Schema().Columns {
aggDesc := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(b.ctx, ast.AggFuncFirstRow, []expression.Expression{col}, false)
plan4Agg.AggFuncs = append(plan4Agg.AggFuncs, aggDesc)
// TODO: Add a Projection if any argument of aggregate funcs or group by items are scala functions.
// plan4Agg.buildProjectionIfNecessary()
// b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagEliminateProjection
return plan4Agg
// joinFieldType finds the type which can carry the given types.
func joinFieldType(a, b *types.FieldType) *types.FieldType {
resultTp := types.NewFieldType(types.MergeFieldType(a.Tp, b.Tp))
resultTp.Decimal = mathutil.Max(a.Decimal, b.Decimal)
// `Flen - Decimal` is the fraction before '.'
resultTp.Flen = mathutil.Max(a.Flen-a.Decimal, b.Flen-b.Decimal) + resultTp.Decimal
resultTp.Charset = a.Charset
resultTp.Collate = a.Collate
expression.SetBinFlagOrBinStr(b, resultTp)
return resultTp
func (b *planBuilder) buildProjection4Union(u *LogicalUnionAll) {
unionSchema := u.children[0].Schema().Clone()
// Infer union result types by its children's schema.
for i, col := range unionSchema.Columns {
var resultTp *types.FieldType
for j, child := range u.children {
childTp := child.Schema().Columns[i].RetType
if j == 0 {
resultTp = childTp
} else {
resultTp = joinFieldType(resultTp, childTp)
col.RetType = resultTp
col.DBName = model.NewCIStr("")
// If the types of some child don't match the types of union, we add a projection with cast function.
for childID, child := range u.children {
exprs := make([]expression.Expression, len(child.Schema().Columns))
needProjection := false
for i, srcCol := range child.Schema().Columns {
dstType := unionSchema.Columns[i].RetType
srcType := srcCol.RetType
if !srcType.Equal(dstType) {
exprs[i] = expression.BuildCastFunction(b.ctx, srcCol.Clone(), dstType)
needProjection = true
} else {
exprs[i] = srcCol.Clone()
if _, isProj := child.(*LogicalProjection); needProjection || !isProj {
b.optFlag |= flagEliminateProjection
proj := LogicalProjection{Exprs: exprs}.init(b.ctx)
if childID == 0 {
for _, col := range unionSchema.Columns {
col.FromID = proj.ID()
u.children[childID] = proj
func (b *planBuilder) buildUnion(union *ast.UnionStmt) LogicalPlan {
u := LogicalUnionAll{}.init(b.ctx)
u.children = make([]LogicalPlan, len(union.SelectList.Selects))
for i, sel := range union.SelectList.Selects {
u.children[i] = b.buildSelect(sel)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if u.children[i].Schema().Len() != u.children[0].Schema().Len() {
b.err = errors.New("The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns")
return nil
var p LogicalPlan = u
if union.Distinct {
p = b.buildDistinct(u, u.Schema().Len())
if union.OrderBy != nil {
p = b.buildSort(p, union.OrderBy.Items, nil)
if union.Limit != nil {
p = b.buildLimit(p, union.Limit)
return p
// ByItems wraps a "by" item.
type ByItems struct {
Expr expression.Expression
Desc bool
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (by *ByItems) String() string {
if by.Desc {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s true", by.Expr)
return by.Expr.String()
// Clone makes a copy of ByItems.
func (by *ByItems) Clone() *ByItems {
return &ByItems{Expr: by.Expr.Clone(), Desc: by.Desc}
func (b *planBuilder) buildSort(p LogicalPlan, byItems []*ast.ByItem, aggMapper map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int) LogicalPlan {
b.curClause = orderByClause
sort := LogicalSort{}.init(b.ctx)
exprs := make([]*ByItems, 0, len(byItems))
for _, item := range byItems {
it, np, err := b.rewrite(item.Expr, p, aggMapper, true)
if err != nil {
b.err = err
return nil
p = np
exprs = append(exprs, &ByItems{Expr: it, Desc: item.Desc})
sort.ByItems = exprs
return sort
// getUintForLimitOffset gets uint64 value for limit/offset.
// For ordinary statement, limit/offset should be uint64 constant value.
// For prepared statement, limit/offset is string. We should convert it to uint64.
func getUintForLimitOffset(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, val interface{}) (uint64, error) {
switch v := val.(type) {
case uint64:
return v, nil
case int64:
if v >= 0 {
return uint64(v), nil
case string:
uVal, err := types.StrToUint(sc, v)
return uVal, errors.Trace(err)
return 0, errors.Errorf("Invalid type %T for LogicalLimit/Offset", val)
func (b *planBuilder) buildLimit(src LogicalPlan, limit *ast.Limit) LogicalPlan {
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPushDownTopN
var (
offset, count uint64
err error
sc := b.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
if limit.Offset != nil {
offset, err = getUintForLimitOffset(sc, limit.Offset.GetValue())
if err != nil {
b.err = ErrWrongArguments
return nil
if limit.Count != nil {
count, err = getUintForLimitOffset(sc, limit.Count.GetValue())
if err != nil {
b.err = ErrWrongArguments
return nil
if count > math.MaxUint64-offset {
count = math.MaxUint64 - offset
if offset+count == 0 {
tableDual := LogicalTableDual{RowCount: 0}.init(b.ctx)
tableDual.schema = src.Schema()
return tableDual
li := LogicalLimit{
Offset: offset,
Count: count,
return li
// colMatch(a,b) means that if a match b, e.g. t.a can match test.t.a but test.t.a can't match t.a.
// Because column a want column from database test exactly.
func colMatch(a *ast.ColumnName, b *ast.ColumnName) bool {
if a.Schema.L == "" || a.Schema.L == b.Schema.L {
if a.Table.L == "" || a.Table.L == b.Table.L {
return a.Name.L == b.Name.L
return false
func matchField(f *ast.SelectField, col *ast.ColumnNameExpr, ignoreAsName bool) bool {
// if col specify a table name, resolve from table source directly.
if col.Name.Table.L == "" {
if f.AsName.L == "" || ignoreAsName {
if curCol, isCol := f.Expr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr); isCol {
return curCol.Name.Name.L == col.Name.Name.L
// a expression without as name can't be matched.
return false
return f.AsName.L == col.Name.Name.L
return false
func resolveFromSelectFields(v *ast.ColumnNameExpr, fields []*ast.SelectField, ignoreAsName bool) (index int, err error) {
var matchedExpr ast.ExprNode
index = -1
for i, field := range fields {
if field.Auxiliary {
if matchField(field, v, ignoreAsName) {
curCol, isCol := field.Expr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr)
if !isCol {
return i, nil
if matchedExpr == nil {
matchedExpr = curCol
index = i
} else if !colMatch(matchedExpr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr).Name, curCol.Name) &&
!colMatch(curCol.Name, matchedExpr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr).Name) {
return -1, ErrAmbiguous.GenByArgs(curCol.Name.Name.L)
// AggregateFuncExtractor visits Expr tree.
// It converts ColunmNameExpr to AggregateFuncExpr and collects AggregateFuncExpr.
type havingAndOrderbyExprResolver struct {
inAggFunc bool
inExpr bool
orderBy bool
err error
p LogicalPlan
selectFields []*ast.SelectField
aggMapper map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int
colMapper map[*ast.ColumnNameExpr]int
gbyItems []*ast.ByItem
outerSchemas []*expression.Schema
curClause clauseCode
// Enter implements Visitor interface.
func (a *havingAndOrderbyExprResolver) Enter(n ast.Node) (node ast.Node, skipChildren bool) {
switch n.(type) {
case *ast.AggregateFuncExpr:
a.inAggFunc = true
case *ast.ParamMarkerExpr, *ast.ColumnNameExpr, *ast.ColumnName:
case *ast.SubqueryExpr, *ast.ExistsSubqueryExpr:
// Enter a new context, skip it.
// For example: select sum(c) + c + exists(select c from t) from t;
return n, true
a.inExpr = true
return n, false
func (a *havingAndOrderbyExprResolver) resolveFromSchema(v *ast.ColumnNameExpr, schema *expression.Schema) (int, error) {
col, err := schema.FindColumn(v.Name)
if err != nil {
return -1, errors.Trace(err)
if col == nil {
return -1, nil
newColName := &ast.ColumnName{
Schema: col.DBName,
Table: col.TblName,
Name: col.ColName,
for i, field := range a.selectFields {
if c, ok := field.Expr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr); ok && colMatch(newColName, c.Name) {
return i, nil
sf := &ast.SelectField{
Expr: &ast.ColumnNameExpr{Name: newColName},
Auxiliary: true,
a.selectFields = append(a.selectFields, sf)
return len(a.selectFields) - 1, nil
// Leave implements Visitor interface.
func (a *havingAndOrderbyExprResolver) Leave(n ast.Node) (node ast.Node, ok bool) {
switch v := n.(type) {
case *ast.AggregateFuncExpr:
a.inAggFunc = false
a.aggMapper[v] = len(a.selectFields)
a.selectFields = append(a.selectFields, &ast.SelectField{
Auxiliary: true,
Expr: v,
AsName: model.NewCIStr(fmt.Sprintf("sel_agg_%d", len(a.selectFields))),
case *ast.ColumnNameExpr:
resolveFieldsFirst := true
if a.inAggFunc || (a.orderBy && a.inExpr) {
resolveFieldsFirst = false
if !a.inAggFunc && !a.orderBy {
for _, item := range a.gbyItems {
if col, ok := item.Expr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr); ok &&
(colMatch(v.Name, col.Name) || colMatch(col.Name, v.Name)) {
resolveFieldsFirst = false
index := -1
if resolveFieldsFirst {
index, a.err = resolveFromSelectFields(v, a.selectFields, false)
if a.err != nil {
return node, false
if index == -1 {
if a.orderBy {
index, a.err = a.resolveFromSchema(v, a.p.Schema())
} else {
index, a.err = resolveFromSelectFields(v, a.selectFields, true)
} else {
// We should ignore the err when resolving from schema. Because we could resolve successfully
// when considering select fields.
var err error
index, err = a.resolveFromSchema(v, a.p.Schema())
_ = err
if index == -1 {
index, a.err = resolveFromSelectFields(v, a.selectFields, false)
if a.err != nil {
return node, false
if index == -1 {
// If we can't find it any where, it may be a correlated columns.
for _, schema := range a.outerSchemas {
col, err1 := schema.FindColumn(v.Name)
if err1 != nil {
a.err = errors.Trace(err1)
return node, false
if col != nil {
return n, true
a.err = ErrUnknownColumn.GenByArgs(v.Name.OrigColName(), clauseMsg[a.curClause])
return node, false
if a.inAggFunc {
return a.selectFields[index].Expr, true
a.colMapper[v] = index
return n, true
// resolveHavingAndOrderBy will process aggregate functions and resolve the columns that don't exist in select fields.
// If we found some columns that are not in select fields, we will append it to select fields and update the colMapper.
// When we rewrite the order by / having expression, we will find column in map at first.
func (b *planBuilder) resolveHavingAndOrderBy(sel *ast.SelectStmt, p LogicalPlan) (
map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int, map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int) {
extractor := &havingAndOrderbyExprResolver{
p: p,
selectFields: sel.Fields.Fields,
aggMapper: make(map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int),
colMapper: b.colMapper,
outerSchemas: b.outerSchemas,
if sel.GroupBy != nil {
extractor.gbyItems = sel.GroupBy.Items
// Extract agg funcs from having clause.
if sel.Having != nil {
extractor.curClause = havingClause
n, ok := sel.Having.Expr.Accept(extractor)
if !ok {
b.err = errors.Trace(extractor.err)
return nil, nil
sel.Having.Expr = n.(ast.ExprNode)
havingAggMapper := extractor.aggMapper
extractor.aggMapper = make(map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int)
extractor.orderBy = true
extractor.inExpr = false
// Extract agg funcs from order by clause.
if sel.OrderBy != nil {
extractor.curClause = orderByClause
for _, item := range sel.OrderBy.Items {
n, ok := item.Expr.Accept(extractor)
if !ok {
b.err = errors.Trace(extractor.err)
return nil, nil
item.Expr = n.(ast.ExprNode)
sel.Fields.Fields = extractor.selectFields
return havingAggMapper, extractor.aggMapper
func (b *planBuilder) extractAggFuncs(fields []*ast.SelectField) ([]*ast.AggregateFuncExpr, map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int) {
extractor := &AggregateFuncExtractor{}
for _, f := range fields {
n, _ := f.Expr.Accept(extractor)
f.Expr = n.(ast.ExprNode)
aggList := extractor.AggFuncs
totalAggMapper := make(map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int)
for i, agg := range aggList {
totalAggMapper[agg] = i
return aggList, totalAggMapper
// gbyResolver resolves group by items from select fields.
type gbyResolver struct {
fields []*ast.SelectField
schema *expression.Schema
err error
inExpr bool
func (g *gbyResolver) Enter(inNode ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
switch inNode.(type) {
case *ast.SubqueryExpr, *ast.CompareSubqueryExpr, *ast.ExistsSubqueryExpr:
return inNode, true
case *ast.ValueExpr, *ast.ColumnNameExpr, *ast.ParenthesesExpr, *ast.ColumnName:
g.inExpr = true
return inNode, false
func (g *gbyResolver) Leave(inNode ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
extractor := &AggregateFuncExtractor{}
switch v := inNode.(type) {
case *ast.ColumnNameExpr:
col, err := g.schema.FindColumn(v.Name)
if col == nil || !g.inExpr {
var index = -1
index, g.err = resolveFromSelectFields(v, g.fields, false)
if g.err != nil {
return inNode, false
if col != nil {
return inNode, true
if index != -1 {
ret := g.fields[index].Expr
if len(extractor.AggFuncs) != 0 {
err = ErrIllegalReference.GenByArgs(v.Name.OrigColName(), "reference to group function")
} else {
return ret, true
g.err = errors.Trace(err)
return inNode, false
case *ast.PositionExpr:
if v.N < 1 || v.N > len(g.fields) {
g.err = errors.Errorf("Unknown column '%d' in 'group statement'", v.N)
return inNode, false
ret := g.fields[v.N-1].Expr
if len(extractor.AggFuncs) != 0 {
g.err = ErrWrongGroupField.GenByArgs(g.fields[v.N-1].Text())
return inNode, false
return ret, true
return inNode, true
func tblInfoFromCol(from ast.ResultSetNode, col *expression.Column) *model.TableInfo {
var tableList []*ast.TableName
tableList = extractTableList(from, tableList)
for _, field := range tableList {
if field.Name.L == col.TblName.L {
return field.TableInfo
if field.Name.L != col.TblName.L {
if field.Schema.L == col.DBName.L {
return field.TableInfo
return nil
func buildFuncDependCol(p LogicalPlan, cond ast.ExprNode) (*expression.Column, *expression.Column) {
binOpExpr, ok := cond.(*ast.BinaryOperationExpr)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
if binOpExpr.Op != opcode.EQ {
return nil, nil
lColExpr, ok := binOpExpr.L.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
rColExpr, ok := binOpExpr.R.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
lCol, err := p.Schema().FindColumn(lColExpr.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
rCol, err := p.Schema().FindColumn(rColExpr.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
return lCol, rCol
func buildWhereFuncDepend(p LogicalPlan, where ast.ExprNode) map[*expression.Column]*expression.Column {
whereConditions := splitWhere(where)
colDependMap := make(map[*expression.Column]*expression.Column, 2*len(whereConditions))
for _, cond := range whereConditions {
lCol, rCol := buildFuncDependCol(p, cond)
if lCol == nil || rCol == nil {
colDependMap[lCol] = rCol
colDependMap[rCol] = lCol
return colDependMap
func buildJoinFuncDepend(p LogicalPlan, from ast.ResultSetNode) map[*expression.Column]*expression.Column {
switch x := from.(type) {
case *ast.Join:
if x.On == nil {
return nil
onConditions := splitWhere(x.On.Expr)
colDependMap := make(map[*expression.Column]*expression.Column, len(onConditions))
for _, cond := range onConditions {
lCol, rCol := buildFuncDependCol(p, cond)
if lCol == nil || rCol == nil {
lTbl := tblInfoFromCol(x.Left, lCol)
if lTbl == nil {
lCol, rCol = rCol, lCol
switch x.Tp {
case ast.CrossJoin:
colDependMap[lCol] = rCol
colDependMap[rCol] = lCol
case ast.LeftJoin:
colDependMap[rCol] = lCol
case ast.RightJoin:
colDependMap[lCol] = rCol
return colDependMap
return nil
func checkColFuncDepend(p LogicalPlan, col *expression.Column, tblInfo *model.TableInfo, gbyCols map[*expression.Column]struct{}, whereDepends, joinDepends map[*expression.Column]*expression.Column) bool {
for _, index := range tblInfo.Indices {
if !index.Unique {
funcDepend := true
for _, indexCol := range index.Columns {
iColInfo := tblInfo.Columns[indexCol.Offset]
if !mysql.HasNotNullFlag(iColInfo.Flag) {
funcDepend = false
cn := &ast.ColumnName{
Schema: col.DBName,
Table: col.TblName,
Name: iColInfo.Name,
iCol, err := p.Schema().FindColumn(cn)
if err != nil || iCol == nil {
funcDepend = false
if _, ok := gbyCols[iCol]; ok {
if wCol, ok := whereDepends[iCol]; ok {
if _, ok = gbyCols[wCol]; ok {
if jCol, ok := joinDepends[iCol]; ok {
if _, ok = gbyCols[jCol]; ok {
funcDepend = false
if funcDepend {
return true
primaryFuncDepend := true
hasPrimaryField := false
for _, colInfo := range tblInfo.Columns {
if !mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(colInfo.Flag) {
hasPrimaryField = true
pCol, err := p.Schema().FindColumn(&ast.ColumnName{
Schema: col.DBName,
Table: col.TblName,
Name: colInfo.Name,
if err != nil {
primaryFuncDepend = false
if _, ok := gbyCols[pCol]; ok {
if wCol, ok := whereDepends[pCol]; ok {
if _, ok = gbyCols[wCol]; ok {
if jCol, ok := joinDepends[pCol]; ok {
if _, ok = gbyCols[jCol]; ok {
primaryFuncDepend = false
return primaryFuncDepend && hasPrimaryField
// ErrExprLoc is for generate the ErrFieldNotInGroupBy error info
type ErrExprLoc struct {
Offset int
Loc string
func checkExprInGroupBy(p LogicalPlan, expr ast.ExprNode, offset int, loc string, gbyCols map[*expression.Column]struct{}, gbyExprs []ast.ExprNode, notInGbyCols map[*expression.Column]ErrExprLoc) {
if _, ok := expr.(*ast.AggregateFuncExpr); ok {
if _, ok := expr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr); !ok {
for _, gbyExpr := range gbyExprs {
if reflect.DeepEqual(gbyExpr, expr) {
colMap := make(map[*expression.Column]struct{}, len(p.Schema().Columns))
allColFromExprNode(p, expr, colMap)
for col := range colMap {
if _, ok := gbyCols[col]; !ok {
notInGbyCols[col] = ErrExprLoc{Offset: offset, Loc: loc}
func (b *planBuilder) checkOnlyFullGroupBy(p LogicalPlan, fields []*ast.SelectField, orderBy *ast.OrderByClause, gby *ast.GroupByClause, from ast.ResultSetNode, where ast.ExprNode) {
gbyCols := make(map[*expression.Column]struct{}, len(fields))
gbyExprs := make([]ast.ExprNode, 0, len(fields))
schema := p.Schema()
for _, byItem := range gby.Items {
if colExpr, ok := byItem.Expr.(*ast.ColumnNameExpr); ok {
col, err := schema.FindColumn(colExpr.Name)
if err != nil || col == nil {
gbyCols[col] = struct{}{}
} else {
gbyExprs = append(gbyExprs, byItem.Expr)
notInGbyCols := make(map[*expression.Column]ErrExprLoc, len(fields))
for offset, field := range fields {
if field.Auxiliary {
checkExprInGroupBy(p, field.Expr, offset, ErrExprInSelect, gbyCols, gbyExprs, notInGbyCols)
if orderBy != nil {
for offset, item := range orderBy.Items {
checkExprInGroupBy(p, item.Expr, offset, ErrExprInOrderBy, gbyCols, gbyExprs, notInGbyCols)
if len(notInGbyCols) == 0 {
whereDepends := buildWhereFuncDepend(p, where)
joinDepends := buildJoinFuncDepend(p, from)
tblMap := make(map[*model.TableInfo]struct{}, len(notInGbyCols))
for col, errExprLoc := range notInGbyCols {
tblInfo := tblInfoFromCol(from, col)
if tblInfo == nil {
if _, ok := tblMap[tblInfo]; ok {
if checkColFuncDepend(p, col, tblInfo, gbyCols, whereDepends, joinDepends) {
tblMap[tblInfo] = struct{}{}
switch errExprLoc.Loc {
case ErrExprInSelect:
b.err = ErrFieldNotInGroupBy.GenByArgs(errExprLoc.Offset+1, errExprLoc.Loc, fields[errExprLoc.Offset].Text())
case ErrExprInOrderBy:
b.err = ErrFieldNotInGroupBy.GenByArgs(errExprLoc.Offset+1, errExprLoc.Loc, orderBy.Items[errExprLoc.Offset].Expr.Text())
type colResolver struct {
p LogicalPlan
cols map[*expression.Column]struct{}
func (c *colResolver) Enter(inNode ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
switch inNode.(type) {
case *ast.ColumnNameExpr, *ast.SubqueryExpr, *ast.AggregateFuncExpr:
return inNode, true
return inNode, false
func (c *colResolver) Leave(inNode ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
switch v := inNode.(type) {
case *ast.ColumnNameExpr:
col, err := c.p.Schema().FindColumn(v.Name)
if err == nil && col != nil {
c.cols[col] = struct{}{}
return inNode, true
func allColFromExprNode(p LogicalPlan, n ast.Node, cols map[*expression.Column]struct{}) {
extractor := &colResolver{
p: p,
cols: cols,
func (b *planBuilder) resolveGbyExprs(p LogicalPlan, gby *ast.GroupByClause, fields []*ast.SelectField) (LogicalPlan, []expression.Expression) {
b.curClause = groupByClause
exprs := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(gby.Items))
resolver := &gbyResolver{
fields: fields,
schema: p.Schema(),
for _, item := range gby.Items {
resolver.inExpr = false
retExpr, _ := item.Expr.Accept(resolver)
if resolver.err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(resolver.err)
return nil, nil
item.Expr = retExpr.(ast.ExprNode)
expr, np, err := b.rewrite(item.Expr, p, nil, true)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil, nil
exprs = append(exprs, expr)
p = np
return p, exprs
func (b *planBuilder) unfoldWildStar(p LogicalPlan, selectFields []*ast.SelectField) (resultList []*ast.SelectField) {
for i, field := range selectFields {
if field.WildCard == nil {
resultList = append(resultList, field)
if field.WildCard.Table.L == "" && i > 0 {
b.err = ErrInvalidWildCard
dbName := field.WildCard.Schema
tblName := field.WildCard.Table
findTblNameInSchema := false
for _, col := range p.Schema().Columns {
if (dbName.L == "" || dbName.L == col.DBName.L) &&
(tblName.L == "" || tblName.L == col.TblName.L) &&
col.ID != model.ExtraHandleID {
findTblNameInSchema = true
colName := &ast.ColumnNameExpr{
Name: &ast.ColumnName{
Schema: col.DBName,
Table: col.TblName,
Name: col.ColName,
field := &ast.SelectField{Expr: colName}
resultList = append(resultList, field)
if !findTblNameInSchema {
b.err = ErrBadTable.GenByArgs(tblName)
func (b *planBuilder) pushTableHints(hints []*ast.TableOptimizerHint) bool {
var sortMergeTables, INLJTables, hashJoinTables []model.CIStr
for _, hint := range hints {
switch hint.HintName.L {
case TiDBMergeJoin:
sortMergeTables = append(sortMergeTables, hint.Tables...)
case TiDBIndexNestedLoopJoin:
INLJTables = append(INLJTables, hint.Tables...)
case TiDBHashJoin:
hashJoinTables = append(hashJoinTables, hint.Tables...)
// ignore hints that not implemented
if len(sortMergeTables)+len(INLJTables)+len(hashJoinTables) > 0 {
b.tableHintInfo = append(b.tableHintInfo, tableHintInfo{
sortMergeJoinTables: sortMergeTables,
indexNestedLoopJoinTables: INLJTables,
hashJoinTables: hashJoinTables,
return true
return false
func (b *planBuilder) popTableHints() {
b.tableHintInfo = b.tableHintInfo[:len(b.tableHintInfo)-1]
// TableHints returns the *tableHintInfo of PlanBuilder.
func (b *planBuilder) TableHints() *tableHintInfo {
if len(b.tableHintInfo) == 0 {
return nil
return &(b.tableHintInfo[len(b.tableHintInfo)-1])
func (b *planBuilder) buildSelect(sel *ast.SelectStmt) LogicalPlan {
if sel.TableHints != nil {
// table hints without query block support only visible in current SELECT
if b.pushTableHints(sel.TableHints) {
defer b.popTableHints()
if sel.SelectStmtOpts != nil {
origin := b.inStraightJoin
b.inStraightJoin = sel.SelectStmtOpts.StraightJoin
defer func() { b.inStraightJoin = origin }()
var (
p LogicalPlan
aggFuncs []*ast.AggregateFuncExpr
havingMap, orderMap, totalMap map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int
gbyCols []expression.Expression
if sel.From != nil {
p = b.buildResultSetNode(sel.From.TableRefs)
} else {
p = b.buildTableDual()
if b.err != nil {
return nil
originalFields := sel.Fields.Fields
sel.Fields.Fields = b.unfoldWildStar(p, sel.Fields.Fields)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.GroupBy != nil {
p, gbyCols = b.resolveGbyExprs(p, sel.GroupBy, sel.Fields.Fields)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if b.ctx.GetSessionVars().SQLMode.HasOnlyFullGroupBy() {
b.checkOnlyFullGroupBy(p, sel.Fields.Fields, sel.OrderBy, sel.GroupBy, sel.From.TableRefs, sel.Where)
// We must resolve having and order by clause before build projection,
// because when the query is "select a+1 as b from t having sum(b) < 0", we must replace sum(b) to sum(a+1),
// which only can be done before building projection and extracting Agg functions.
havingMap, orderMap = b.resolveHavingAndOrderBy(sel, p)
if sel.Where != nil {
p = b.buildSelection(p, sel.Where, nil)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.LockTp != ast.SelectLockNone {
p = b.buildSelectLock(p, sel.LockTp)
hasAgg := b.detectSelectAgg(sel)
if hasAgg {
aggFuncs, totalMap = b.extractAggFuncs(sel.Fields.Fields)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
var aggIndexMap map[int]int
p, aggIndexMap = b.buildAggregation(p, aggFuncs, gbyCols)
for k, v := range totalMap {
totalMap[k] = aggIndexMap[v]
if b.err != nil {
return nil
var oldLen int
p, oldLen = b.buildProjection(p, sel.Fields.Fields, totalMap)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.Having != nil {
b.curClause = havingClause
p = b.buildSelection(p, sel.Having.Expr, havingMap)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.Distinct {
p = b.buildDistinct(p, oldLen)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.OrderBy != nil {
p = b.buildSort(p, sel.OrderBy.Items, orderMap)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.Limit != nil {
p = b.buildLimit(p, sel.Limit)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
sel.Fields.Fields = originalFields
if oldLen != p.Schema().Len() {
proj := LogicalProjection{Exprs: expression.Column2Exprs(p.Schema().Columns[:oldLen])}.init(b.ctx)
schema := expression.NewSchema(p.Schema().Clone().Columns[:oldLen]...)
for _, col := range schema.Columns {
col.FromID = proj.ID()
return proj
return p
func (b *planBuilder) buildTableDual() LogicalPlan {
dual := LogicalTableDual{RowCount: 1}.init(b.ctx)
return dual
func (ds *DataSource) newExtraHandleSchemaCol() *expression.Column {
return &expression.Column{
FromID: ds.id,
DBName: ds.DBName,
TblName: ds.tableInfo.Name,
ColName: model.ExtraHandleName,
RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong),
Position: len(ds.tableInfo.Columns), // set a unique position
ID: model.ExtraHandleID,
// RatioOfPseudoEstimate means if modifyCount / statsTblCount is greater than this ratio, we think the stats is invalid
// and use pseudo estimation.
var RatioOfPseudoEstimate = 0.7
// getStatsTable gets statistics information for a table specified by "tableID".
// A pseudo statistics table is returned in any of the following scenario:
// 1. tidb-server started and statistics handle has not been initialized.
// 2. table row count from statistics is zero.
// 3. statistics is outdated.
func (b *planBuilder) getStatsTable(tblInfo *model.TableInfo) *statistics.Table {
statsHandle := domain.GetDomain(b.ctx).StatsHandle()
// 1. tidb-server started and statistics handle has not been initialized.
if statsHandle == nil {
return statistics.PseudoTable(tblInfo)
statsTbl := statsHandle.GetTableStats(tblInfo)
// 2. table row count from statistics is zero.
if statsTbl.Count == 0 {
return statistics.PseudoTable(tblInfo)
// 3. statistics is outdated.
if float64(statsTbl.ModifyCount)/float64(statsTbl.Count) > RatioOfPseudoEstimate {
countFromStats := statsTbl.Count
statsTbl = statistics.PseudoTable(tblInfo)
// Table row count from statistics is more meaningful than the
// pseudo row count in most cases.
statsTbl.Count = countFromStats
return statsTbl
func (b *planBuilder) buildDataSource(tn *ast.TableName) LogicalPlan {
dbName := tn.Schema
if dbName.L == "" {
dbName = model.NewCIStr(b.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
tbl, err := b.is.TableByName(dbName, tn.Name)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil
tableInfo := tbl.Meta()
b.visitInfo = appendVisitInfo(b.visitInfo, mysql.SelectPriv, dbName.L, tableInfo.Name.L, "")
availableIdxes, err := getAvailableIndices(tn.IndexHints, tableInfo)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil
var columns []*table.Column
if b.inUpdateStmt {
columns = tbl.WritableCols()
} else {
columns = tbl.Cols()
ds := DataSource{
DBName: dbName,
tableInfo: tableInfo,
statisticTable: b.getStatsTable(tableInfo),
indexHints: tn.IndexHints,
availableIndices: availableIdxes,
Columns: make([]*model.ColumnInfo, 0, len(columns)),
var handleCol *expression.Column
schema := expression.NewSchema(make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(columns))...)
for i, col := range columns {
ds.Columns = append(ds.Columns, col.ToInfo())
FromID: ds.id,
Position: i,
DBName: dbName,
TblName: tableInfo.Name,
ColName: col.Name,
ID: col.ID,
RetType: &col.FieldType,
if tableInfo.PKIsHandle && mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(col.Flag) {
handleCol = schema.Columns[i]
// We append an extra handle column to the schema when "ds" is not a memory
// table e.g. table in the "INFORMATION_SCHEMA" database, and the handle
// column is not the primary key of "ds".
isMemDB := infoschema.IsMemoryDB(ds.DBName.L)
if !isMemDB && handleCol == nil {
ds.Columns = append(ds.Columns, model.NewExtraHandleColInfo())
handleCol = ds.newExtraHandleSchemaCol()
if handleCol != nil {
schema.TblID2Handle[tableInfo.ID] = []*expression.Column{handleCol}
var result LogicalPlan = ds
// If this SQL is executed in a non-readonly transaction, we need a
// "UnionScan" operator to read the modifications of former SQLs, which is
// buffered in tidb-server memory.
if b.ctx.Txn() != nil && !b.ctx.Txn().IsReadOnly() {
us := LogicalUnionScan{}.init(b.ctx)
result = us
// If this table contains any virtual generated columns, we need a
// "Projection" to calculate these columns.
proj := b.projectVirtualColumns(ds, columns)
if proj != nil {
result = proj
return result
// projectVirtualColumns is only for DataSource. If some table has virtual generated columns,
// we add a projection on the original DataSource, and calculate those columns in the projection
// so that plans above it can reference generated columns by their name.
func (b *planBuilder) projectVirtualColumns(ds *DataSource, columns []*table.Column) *LogicalProjection {
var hasVirtualGeneratedColumn = false
for _, column := range columns {
if column.IsGenerated() && !column.GeneratedStored {
hasVirtualGeneratedColumn = true
if !hasVirtualGeneratedColumn {
return nil
var proj = LogicalProjection{
Exprs: make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(columns)),
calculateGenCols: true,
for i, colExpr := range ds.Schema().Columns {
var exprIsGen = false
var expr expression.Expression
if i < len(columns) {
var column = columns[i]
if column.IsGenerated() && !column.GeneratedStored {
var err error
expr, _, err = b.rewrite(column.GeneratedExpr, ds, nil, true)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// Because the expression maybe return different type from
// the generated column, we should wrap a CAST on the result.
expr = expression.BuildCastFunction(b.ctx, expr, colExpr.GetType())
exprIsGen = true
if !exprIsGen {
expr = colExpr.Clone()
proj.Exprs = append(proj.Exprs, expr)
return proj
// buildApplyWithJoinType builds apply plan with outerPlan and innerPlan, which apply join with particular join type for
// every row from outerPlan and the whole innerPlan.
func (b *planBuilder) buildApplyWithJoinType(outerPlan, innerPlan LogicalPlan, tp JoinType) LogicalPlan {
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPredicatePushDown
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagBuildKeyInfo
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagDecorrelate
ap := LogicalApply{LogicalJoin: LogicalJoin{JoinType: tp}}.init(b.ctx)
ap.SetChildren(outerPlan, innerPlan)
ap.SetSchema(expression.MergeSchema(outerPlan.Schema(), innerPlan.Schema()))
for i := outerPlan.Schema().Len(); i < ap.Schema().Len(); i++ {
ap.schema.Columns[i].IsAggOrSubq = true
return ap
// buildSemiApply builds apply plan with outerPlan and innerPlan, which apply semi-join for every row from outerPlan and the whole innerPlan.
func (b *planBuilder) buildSemiApply(outerPlan, innerPlan LogicalPlan, condition []expression.Expression, asScalar, not bool) LogicalPlan {
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPredicatePushDown
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagBuildKeyInfo
b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagDecorrelate
join := b.buildSemiJoin(outerPlan, innerPlan, condition, asScalar, not)
ap := &LogicalApply{LogicalJoin: *join}
ap.tp = TypeApply
ap.self = ap
return ap
func (b *planBuilder) buildExists(p LogicalPlan) LogicalPlan {
for {
switch plan := p.(type) {
// This can be removed when in exists clause,
// e.g. exists(select count(*) from t order by a) is equal to exists t.
case *LogicalProjection, *LogicalSort:
p = p.Children()[0]
case *LogicalAggregation:
if len(plan.GroupByItems) == 0 {
p = b.buildTableDual()
break out
p = p.Children()[0]
break out
exists := LogicalExists{}.init(b.ctx)
newCol := &expression.Column{
FromID: exists.id,
RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny),
ColName: model.NewCIStr("exists_col")}
return exists
func (b *planBuilder) buildMaxOneRow(p LogicalPlan) LogicalPlan {
maxOneRow := LogicalMaxOneRow{}.init(b.ctx)
return maxOneRow
func (b *planBuilder) buildSemiJoin(outerPlan, innerPlan LogicalPlan, onCondition []expression.Expression, asScalar bool, not bool) *LogicalJoin {
joinPlan := LogicalJoin{}.init(b.ctx)
for i, expr := range onCondition {
onCondition[i] = expr.Decorrelate(outerPlan.Schema())
joinPlan.SetChildren(outerPlan, innerPlan)
if asScalar {
newSchema := outerPlan.Schema().Clone()
FromID: joinPlan.id,
ColName: model.NewCIStr(fmt.Sprintf("%d_aux_0", joinPlan.id)),
RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny),
IsAggOrSubq: true,
if not {
joinPlan.JoinType = AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin
} else {
joinPlan.JoinType = LeftOuterSemiJoin
} else {
if not {
joinPlan.JoinType = AntiSemiJoin
} else {
joinPlan.JoinType = SemiJoin
// Apply forces to choose hash join currently, so don't worry the hints will take effect if the semi join is in one apply.
if b.TableHints() != nil {
outerAlias := extractTableAlias(outerPlan)
innerAlias := extractTableAlias(innerPlan)
if b.TableHints().ifPreferMergeJoin(outerAlias, innerAlias) {
joinPlan.preferJoinType |= preferMergeJoin
if b.TableHints().ifPreferHashJoin(outerAlias, innerAlias) {
joinPlan.preferJoinType |= preferHashJoin
// semi join's outer is always the left side.
if b.TableHints().ifPreferINLJ(outerAlias) {
joinPlan.preferJoinType = preferLeftAsIndexOuter
// If there're multiple join hints, they're conflict.
if bits.OnesCount(joinPlan.preferJoinType) > 1 {
b.err = errors.New("Join hints are conflict, you can only specify one type of join")
return nil
return joinPlan
func (b *planBuilder) buildUpdate(update *ast.UpdateStmt) Plan {
b.inUpdateStmt = true
sel := &ast.SelectStmt{Fields: &ast.FieldList{}, From: update.TableRefs, Where: update.Where, OrderBy: update.Order, Limit: update.Limit}
p := b.buildResultSetNode(sel.From.TableRefs)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
var tableList []*ast.TableName
tableList = extractTableList(sel.From.TableRefs, tableList)
for _, t := range tableList {
dbName := t.Schema.L
if dbName == "" {
dbName = b.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
b.visitInfo = appendVisitInfo(b.visitInfo, mysql.UpdatePriv, dbName, t.Name.L, "")
if sel.Where != nil {
p = b.buildSelection(p, sel.Where, nil)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.OrderBy != nil {
p = b.buildSort(p, sel.OrderBy.Items, nil)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.Limit != nil {
p = b.buildLimit(p, sel.Limit)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
orderedList, np := b.buildUpdateLists(tableList, update.List, p)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
p = np
updt := Update{
OrderedList: orderedList,
IgnoreErr: update.IgnoreErr,
updt.SelectPlan, b.err = doOptimize(b.optFlag, p)
return updt
func (b *planBuilder) buildUpdateLists(tableList []*ast.TableName, list []*ast.Assignment, p LogicalPlan) ([]*expression.Assignment, LogicalPlan) {
b.curClause = fieldList
modifyColumns := make(map[string]struct{}, p.Schema().Len()) // Which columns are in set list.
for _, assign := range list {
col, _, err := p.findColumn(assign.Column)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil, nil
columnFullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", col.DBName.L, col.TblName.L, col.ColName.L)
modifyColumns[columnFullName] = struct{}{}
// If columns in set list contains generated columns, raise error.
// And, fill virtualAssignments here; that's for generated columns.
virtualAssignments := make([]*ast.Assignment, 0)
tableAsName := make(map[*model.TableInfo][]*model.CIStr)
extractTableAsNameForUpdate(p, tableAsName)
for _, tn := range tableList {
tableInfo := tn.TableInfo
tableVal, found := b.is.TableByID(tableInfo.ID)
if !found {
b.err = infoschema.ErrTableNotExists.GenByArgs(tn.DBInfo.Name.O, tableInfo.Name.O)
return nil, nil
for i, colInfo := range tableInfo.Columns {
if !colInfo.IsGenerated() {
columnFullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", tn.Schema.L, tn.Name.L, colInfo.Name.L)
if _, ok := modifyColumns[columnFullName]; ok {
b.err = ErrBadGeneratedColumn.GenByArgs(colInfo.Name.O, tableInfo.Name.O)
return nil, nil
for _, asName := range tableAsName[tableInfo] {
virtualAssignments = append(virtualAssignments, &ast.Assignment{
Column: &ast.ColumnName{Table: *asName, Name: colInfo.Name},
Expr: tableVal.Cols()[i].GeneratedExpr,
newList := make([]*expression.Assignment, 0, p.Schema().Len())
allAssignments := append(list, virtualAssignments...)
for i, assign := range allAssignments {
col, _, err := p.findColumn(assign.Column)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil, nil
var newExpr expression.Expression
var np LogicalPlan
if i < len(list) {
newExpr, np, err = b.rewrite(assign.Expr, p, nil, false)
} else {
// rewrite with generation expression
rewritePreprocess := func(expr ast.Node) ast.Node {
switch x := expr.(type) {
case *ast.ColumnName:
return &ast.ColumnName{
Schema: assign.Column.Schema,
Table: assign.Column.Table,
Name: x.Name,
return expr
newExpr, np, err = b.rewriteWithPreprocess(assign.Expr, p, nil, false, rewritePreprocess)
if err != nil {
b.err = errors.Trace(err)
return nil, nil
newExpr = expression.BuildCastFunction(b.ctx, newExpr, col.GetType())
p = np
newList = append(newList, &expression.Assignment{Col: col.Clone().(*expression.Column), Expr: newExpr})
return newList, p
// extractTableAsNameForUpdate extracts tables' alias names for update.
func extractTableAsNameForUpdate(p LogicalPlan, asNames map[*model.TableInfo][]*model.CIStr) {
switch x := p.(type) {
case *DataSource:
alias := extractTableAlias(p)
if alias != nil {
if _, ok := asNames[x.tableInfo]; !ok {
asNames[x.tableInfo] = make([]*model.CIStr, 0, 1)
asNames[x.tableInfo] = append(asNames[x.tableInfo], alias)
case *LogicalProjection:
if x.calculateGenCols {
ds := x.Children()[0].(*DataSource)
alias := extractTableAlias(x)
if alias != nil {
if _, ok := asNames[ds.tableInfo]; !ok {
asNames[ds.tableInfo] = make([]*model.CIStr, 0, 1)
asNames[ds.tableInfo] = append(asNames[ds.tableInfo], alias)
for _, child := range p.Children() {
extractTableAsNameForUpdate(child, asNames)
func (b *planBuilder) buildDelete(delete *ast.DeleteStmt) Plan {
sel := &ast.SelectStmt{Fields: &ast.FieldList{}, From: delete.TableRefs, Where: delete.Where, OrderBy: delete.Order, Limit: delete.Limit}
p := b.buildResultSetNode(sel.From.TableRefs)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.Where != nil {
p = b.buildSelection(p, sel.Where, nil)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.OrderBy != nil {
p = b.buildSort(p, sel.OrderBy.Items, nil)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
if sel.Limit != nil {
p = b.buildLimit(p, sel.Limit)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
var tables []*ast.TableName
if delete.Tables != nil {
tables = delete.Tables.Tables
del := Delete{
Tables: tables,
IsMultiTable: delete.IsMultiTable,
del.SelectPlan, b.err = doOptimize(b.optFlag, p)
if b.err != nil {
return nil
var tableList []*ast.TableName
tableList = extractTableList(delete.TableRefs.TableRefs, tableList)
// Collect visitInfo.
if delete.Tables != nil {
// Delete a, b from a, b, c, d... add a and b.
for _, tn := range delete.Tables.Tables {
foundMatch := false
for _, v := range tableList {
dbName := v.Schema.L
if dbName == "" {
dbName = b.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
if (tn.Schema.L == "" || tn.Schema.L == dbName) && tn.Name.L == v.Name.L {
tn.Schema.L = dbName
tn.DBInfo = v.DBInfo
tn.TableInfo = v.TableInfo
foundMatch = true
if !foundMatch {
var asNameList []string
asNameList = extractTableSourceAsNames(delete.TableRefs.TableRefs, asNameList)
for _, asName := range asNameList {
tblName := tn.Name.L
if tn.Schema.L != "" {
tblName = tn.Schema.L + "." + tblName
if asName == tblName {
// check sql like: `delete a from (select * from t) as a, t`
b.err = ErrNonUpdatableTable.GenByArgs(tn.Name.O, "DELETE")
return nil
// check sql like: `delete b from (select * from t) as a, t`
b.err = ErrUnknownTable.GenByArgs(tn.Name.O, "MULTI DELETE")
return nil
b.visitInfo = appendVisitInfo(b.visitInfo, mysql.DeletePriv, tn.Schema.L, tn.TableInfo.Name.L, "")
} else {
// Delete from a, b, c, d.
for _, v := range tableList {
dbName := v.Schema.L
if dbName == "" {
dbName = b.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
b.visitInfo = appendVisitInfo(b.visitInfo, mysql.DeletePriv, dbName, v.Name.L, "")
return del
// extractTableList extracts all the TableNames from node.
func extractTableList(node ast.ResultSetNode, input []*ast.TableName) []*ast.TableName {
switch x := node.(type) {
case *ast.Join:
input = extractTableList(x.Left, input)
input = extractTableList(x.Right, input)
case *ast.TableSource:
if s, ok := x.Source.(*ast.TableName); ok {
if x.AsName.L != "" {
newTableName := *s
newTableName.Name = x.AsName
s.Name = x.AsName
input = append(input, &newTableName)
} else {
input = append(input, s)
return input
// extractTableSourceAsNames extracts all the TableSource.AsNames from node.
func extractTableSourceAsNames(node ast.ResultSetNode, input []string) []string {
switch x := node.(type) {
case *ast.Join:
input = extractTableSourceAsNames(x.Left, input)
input = extractTableSourceAsNames(x.Right, input)
case *ast.TableSource:
if s, ok := x.Source.(*ast.TableName); ok {
if x.AsName.L == "" {
input = append(input, s.Name.L)
input = append(input, x.AsName.L)
return input
func appendVisitInfo(vi []visitInfo, priv mysql.PrivilegeType, db, tbl, col string) []visitInfo {
return append(vi, visitInfo{
privilege: priv,
db: db,
table: tbl,
column: col,
func getInnerFromParentheses(expr ast.ExprNode) ast.ExprNode {
if pexpr, ok := expr.(*ast.ParenthesesExpr); ok {
return getInnerFromParentheses(pexpr.Expr)
return expr
马建仓 AI 助手
