function (#6390) (#6409)
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package plan
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
netWorkFactor = 1.5
netWorkStartFactor = 20.0
scanFactor = 2.0
descScanFactor = 5 * scanFactor
memoryFactor = 5.0
hashAggMemFactor = 2.0
selectionFactor = 0.8
distinctFactor = 0.8
cpuFactor = 0.9
// wholeTaskTypes records all possible kinds of task that a plan can return. For Agg, TopN and Limit, we will try to get
// these tasks one by one.
var wholeTaskTypes = [...]taskType{copSingleReadTaskType, copDoubleReadTaskType, rootTaskType}
var invalidTask = &rootTask{cst: math.MaxFloat64}
// getPropByOrderByItems will check if this sort property can be pushed or not. In order to simplify the problem, we only
// consider the case that all expression are columns and all of them are asc or desc.
func getPropByOrderByItems(items []*ByItems) (*requiredProp, bool) {
desc := false
cols := make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(items))
for i, item := range items {
col, ok := item.Expr.(*expression.Column)
if !ok {
return nil, false
cols = append(cols, col)
desc = item.Desc
if i > 0 && item.Desc != items[i-1].Desc {
return nil, false
return &requiredProp{cols: cols, desc: desc}, true
func (p *LogicalTableDual) findBestTask(prop *requiredProp) (task, error) {
if !prop.isEmpty() {
return invalidTask, nil
dual := PhysicalTableDual{RowCount: p.RowCount}.init(p.ctx, p.stats)
return &rootTask{p: dual}, nil
// findBestTask implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (p *baseLogicalPlan) findBestTask(prop *requiredProp) (bestTask task, err error) {
// Look up the task with this prop in the task map.
// It's used to reduce double counting.
bestTask = p.getTask(prop)
if bestTask != nil {
return bestTask, nil
if prop.taskTp != rootTaskType {
// Currently all plan cannot totally push down.
p.storeTask(prop, invalidTask)
return invalidTask, nil
bestTask = invalidTask
childTasks := make([]task, 0, len(p.children))
for _, pp := range p.self.exhaustPhysicalPlans(prop) {
// find best child tasks firstly.
childTasks = childTasks[:0]
for i, child := range p.children {
childTask, err := child.findBestTask(pp.getChildReqProps(i))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
childTasks = append(childTasks, childTask)
// combine best child tasks with parent physical plan.
curTask := pp.attach2Task(childTasks...)
// get the most efficient one.
if curTask.cost() < bestTask.cost() {
bestTask = curTask
p.storeTask(prop, bestTask)
return bestTask, nil
// tryToGetMemTask will check if this table is a mem table. If it is, it will produce a task.
func (ds *DataSource) tryToGetMemTask(prop *requiredProp) (task task, err error) {
if !prop.isEmpty() {
return nil, nil
if !infoschema.IsMemoryDB(ds.DBName.L) {
return nil, nil
memTable := PhysicalMemTable{
DBName: ds.DBName,
Table: ds.tableInfo,
Columns: ds.Columns,
TableAsName: ds.TableAsName,
}.init(ds.ctx, ds.stats)
memTable.Ranges = ranger.FullIntRange()
// Stop to push down these conditions.
var retPlan PhysicalPlan = memTable
if len(ds.pushedDownConds) > 0 {
sel := PhysicalSelection{
Conditions: ds.pushedDownConds,
}.init(ds.ctx, ds.stats)
retPlan = sel
return &rootTask{p: retPlan}, nil
// tryToGetDualTask will check if the push down predicate has false constant. If so, it will return table dual.
func (ds *DataSource) tryToGetDualTask() (task, error) {
for _, cond := range ds.pushedDownConds {
if _, ok := cond.(*expression.Constant); ok {
result, err := expression.EvalBool(ds.ctx, []expression.Expression{cond}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if !result {
dual := PhysicalTableDual{}.init(ds.ctx, ds.stats)
return &rootTask{
p: dual,
}, nil
return nil, nil
// findBestTask implements the PhysicalPlan interface.
// It will enumerate all the available indices and choose a plan with least cost.
func (ds *DataSource) findBestTask(prop *requiredProp) (task, error) {
// If ds is an inner plan in an IndexJoin, the IndexJoin will generate an inner plan by itself.
// So here we do nothing.
// TODO: Add a special prop to handle IndexJoin's inner plan.
// Then we can remove forceToTableScan and forceToIndexScan.
if prop == nil {
return nil, nil
t := ds.getTask(prop)
if t != nil {
return t, nil
t, err := ds.tryToGetDualTask()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if t != nil {
ds.storeTask(prop, t)
return t, nil
t, err = ds.tryToGetMemTask(prop)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if t != nil {
ds.storeTask(prop, t)
return t, nil
indices := ds.availableIndices.indices
includeTableScan := ds.availableIndices.includeTableScan
t = invalidTask
if includeTableScan {
t, err = ds.convertToTableScan(prop)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if !includeTableScan || len(ds.pushedDownConds) > 0 || len(prop.cols) > 0 {
for i, idx := range indices {
// TODO: We can also check if the prop matches the index columns.
if !ds.relevantIndices[i] && len(prop.cols) == 0 {
idxTask, err := ds.convertToIndexScan(prop, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if idxTask.cost() < t.cost() {
t = idxTask
ds.storeTask(prop, t)
return t, nil
func isCoveringIndex(columns []*model.ColumnInfo, indexColumns []*model.IndexColumn, pkIsHandle bool) bool {
for _, colInfo := range columns {
if pkIsHandle && mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(colInfo.Flag) {
if colInfo.ID == model.ExtraHandleID {
isIndexColumn := false
for _, indexCol := range indexColumns {
isFullLen := indexCol.Length == types.UnspecifiedLength || indexCol.Length == colInfo.Flen
if colInfo.Name.L == indexCol.Name.L && isFullLen {
isIndexColumn = true
if !isIndexColumn {
return false
return true
func (ds *DataSource) forceToIndexScan(idx *model.IndexInfo, remainedConds []expression.Expression) PhysicalPlan {
is := PhysicalIndexScan{
Table: ds.tableInfo,
TableAsName: ds.TableAsName,
DBName: ds.DBName,
Columns: ds.Columns,
Index: idx,
dataSourceSchema: ds.schema,
Ranges: ranger.FullNewRange(),
KeepOrder: false,
is.filterCondition = remainedConds
is.stats = ds.stats
cop := &copTask{
indexPlan: is,
if !isCoveringIndex(is.Columns, is.Index.Columns, is.Table.PKIsHandle) {
// On this way, it's double read case.
ts := PhysicalTableScan{Columns: ds.Columns, Table: is.Table}.init(ds.ctx)
cop.tablePlan = ts
is.initSchema(ds.id, idx, cop.tablePlan != nil)
is.addPushedDownSelection(cop, ds, math.MaxFloat64)
t := finishCopTask(ds.ctx, cop)
return t.plan()
// If there is a table reader which needs to keep order, we should append a pk to table scan.
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) appendExtraHandleCol(ds *DataSource) {
if len(ds.schema.TblID2Handle) > 0 {
pkInfo := model.NewExtraHandleColInfo()
ts.Columns = append(ts.Columns, pkInfo)
handleCol := ds.newExtraHandleSchemaCol()
ts.schema.TblID2Handle[ds.tableInfo.ID] = []*expression.Column{handleCol}
// convertToIndexScan converts the DataSource to index scan with idx.
func (ds *DataSource) convertToIndexScan(prop *requiredProp, idx *model.IndexInfo) (task task, err error) {
is := PhysicalIndexScan{
Table: ds.tableInfo,
TableAsName: ds.TableAsName,
DBName: ds.DBName,
Columns: ds.Columns,
Index: idx,
dataSourceSchema: ds.schema,
statsTbl := ds.statisticTable
if statsTbl.Indices[idx.ID] != nil {
is.Hist = &statsTbl.Indices[idx.ID].Histogram
rowCount := float64(statsTbl.Count)
sc := ds.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
idxCols, colLengths := expression.IndexInfo2Cols(ds.Schema().Columns, idx)
is.Ranges = ranger.FullNewRange()
eqCount := 0
if len(ds.pushedDownConds) > 0 {
is.conditions = ds.pushedDownConds
if len(idxCols) > 0 {
is.Ranges, is.AccessCondition, is.filterCondition, eqCount, err = ranger.DetachCondAndBuildRangeForIndex(ds.ctx, ds.pushedDownConds, idxCols, colLengths)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
rowCount, err = statsTbl.GetRowCountByIndexRanges(sc, is.Index.ID, is.Ranges)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
} else {
is.filterCondition = ds.pushedDownConds
cop := &copTask{indexPlan: is}
if !isCoveringIndex(is.Columns, is.Index.Columns, is.Table.PKIsHandle) {
// On this way, it's double read case.
ts := PhysicalTableScan{Columns: ds.Columns, Table: is.Table}.init(ds.ctx)
cop.tablePlan = ts
// If it's parent requires single read task, return max cost.
if prop.taskTp == copSingleReadTaskType {
return &copTask{cst: math.MaxFloat64}, nil
} else if prop.taskTp == copDoubleReadTaskType {
// If it's parent requires double read task, return max cost.
return &copTask{cst: math.MaxFloat64}, nil
is.initSchema(ds.id, idx, cop.tablePlan != nil)
// Check if this plan matches the property.
matchProperty := false
if !prop.isEmpty() {
for i, col := range idx.Columns {
// not matched
if col.Name.L == prop.cols[0].ColName.L {
matchProperty = matchIndicesProp(idx.Columns[i:], prop.cols)
} else if i >= eqCount {
// Only use expectedCnt when it's smaller than the count we calculated.
// e.g. IndexScan(count1)->After Filter(count2). The `ds.statsAfterSelect.count` is count2. count1 is the one we need to calculate
// If expectedCnt and count2 are both zero and we go into the below `if` block, the count1 will be set to zero though it's shouldn't be.
if matchProperty && prop.expectedCnt < ds.statsAfterSelect.count {
selectivity, err := statsTbl.Selectivity(ds.ctx, is.filterCondition)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("An error happened: %v, we have to use the default selectivity", err.Error())
selectivity = selectionFactor
rowCount = math.Min(prop.expectedCnt/selectivity, rowCount)
is.stats = ds.stats.scaleByExpectCnt(rowCount)
cop.cst = rowCount * scanFactor
task = cop
if matchProperty {
if prop.desc {
is.Desc = true
cop.cst = rowCount * descScanFactor
if cop.tablePlan != nil {
cop.keepOrder = true
is.KeepOrder = true
is.addPushedDownSelection(cop, ds, prop.expectedCnt)
} else {
expectedCnt := math.MaxFloat64
if prop.isEmpty() {
expectedCnt = prop.expectedCnt
} else {
return invalidTask, nil
is.addPushedDownSelection(cop, ds, expectedCnt)
if prop.taskTp == rootTaskType {
task = finishCopTask(ds.ctx, task)
} else if _, ok := task.(*rootTask); ok {
return invalidTask, nil
return task, nil
func (is *PhysicalIndexScan) initSchema(id int, idx *model.IndexInfo, isDoubleRead bool) {
indexCols := make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(idx.Columns))
for _, col := range idx.Columns {
indexCols = append(indexCols, &expression.Column{FromID: id, Position: col.Offset})
setHandle := false
for _, col := range is.Columns {
if (mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(col.Flag) && is.Table.PKIsHandle) || col.ID == model.ExtraHandleID {
indexCols = append(indexCols, &expression.Column{FromID: id, ID: col.ID, Position: col.Offset})
setHandle = true
// If it's double read case, the first index must return handle. So we should add extra handle column
// if there isn't a handle column.
if isDoubleRead && !setHandle {
indexCols = append(indexCols, &expression.Column{FromID: id, ID: model.ExtraHandleID, Position: -1})
func (is *PhysicalIndexScan) addPushedDownSelection(copTask *copTask, p *DataSource, expectedCnt float64) {
// Add filter condition to table plan now.
if len(is.filterCondition) > 0 {
var indexConds, tableConds []expression.Expression
if copTask.tablePlan != nil {
indexConds, tableConds = splitIndexFilterConditions(is.filterCondition, is.Index.Columns, is.Table)
} else {
indexConds = is.filterCondition
if indexConds != nil {
indexSel := PhysicalSelection{Conditions: indexConds}.init(is.ctx,
p.getStatsByFilter(append(is.AccessCondition, indexConds...)).scaleByExpectCnt(expectedCnt))
copTask.indexPlan = indexSel
copTask.cst += copTask.count() * cpuFactor
if tableConds != nil {
tableSel := PhysicalSelection{Conditions: tableConds}.init(is.ctx, p.statsAfterSelect.scaleByExpectCnt(expectedCnt))
copTask.tablePlan = tableSel
copTask.cst += copTask.count() * cpuFactor
func matchIndicesProp(idxCols []*model.IndexColumn, propCols []*expression.Column) bool {
if len(idxCols) < len(propCols) {
return false
for i, col := range propCols {
if idxCols[i].Length != types.UnspecifiedLength || col.ColName.L != idxCols[i].Name.L {
return false
return true
func splitIndexFilterConditions(conditions []expression.Expression, indexColumns []*model.IndexColumn,
table *model.TableInfo) (indexConds, tableConds []expression.Expression) {
var pkName model.CIStr
if table.PKIsHandle {
pkInfo := table.GetPkColInfo()
if pkInfo != nil {
pkName = pkInfo.Name
var indexConditions, tableConditions []expression.Expression
for _, cond := range conditions {
if checkIndexCondition(cond, indexColumns, pkName) {
indexConditions = append(indexConditions, cond)
} else {
tableConditions = append(tableConditions, cond)
return indexConditions, tableConditions
// checkIndexCondition will check whether all columns of condition is index columns or primary key column.
func checkIndexCondition(condition expression.Expression, indexColumns []*model.IndexColumn, pkName model.CIStr) bool {
cols := expression.ExtractColumns(condition)
for _, col := range cols {
if pkName.L == col.ColName.L {
isIndexColumn := false
for _, indCol := range indexColumns {
if col.ColName.L == indCol.Name.L && indCol.Length == types.UnspecifiedLength {
isIndexColumn = true
if !isIndexColumn {
return false
return true
func (ds *DataSource) forceToTableScan(pk *expression.Column) PhysicalPlan {
var ranges []*ranger.NewRange
if pk != nil {
ranges = ranger.FullIntNewRange(mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(pk.RetType.Flag))
} else {
ranges = ranger.FullIntNewRange(false)
ts := PhysicalTableScan{
Table: ds.tableInfo,
Columns: ds.Columns,
TableAsName: ds.TableAsName,
DBName: ds.DBName,
Ranges: ranges,
ts.stats = ds.stats
ts.filterCondition = ds.pushedDownConds
copTask := &copTask{
tablePlan: ts,
indexPlanFinished: true,
ts.addPushedDownSelection(copTask, ds.stats)
t := finishCopTask(ds.ctx, copTask)
return t.plan()
// convertToTableScan converts the DataSource to table scan.
func (ds *DataSource) convertToTableScan(prop *requiredProp) (task task, err error) {
// It will be handled in convertToIndexScan.
if prop.taskTp == copDoubleReadTaskType {
return &copTask{cst: math.MaxFloat64}, nil
ts := PhysicalTableScan{
Table: ds.tableInfo,
Columns: ds.Columns,
TableAsName: ds.TableAsName,
DBName: ds.DBName,
sc := ds.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
var pkCol *expression.Column
if ts.Table.PKIsHandle {
if pkColInfo := ts.Table.GetPkColInfo(); pkColInfo != nil {
pkCol = expression.ColInfo2Col(ts.schema.Columns, pkColInfo)
if ds.statisticTable.Columns[pkColInfo.ID] != nil {
ts.Hist = &ds.statisticTable.Columns[pkColInfo.ID].Histogram
if pkCol != nil {
ts.Ranges = ranger.FullIntNewRange(mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(pkCol.RetType.Flag))
} else {
ts.Ranges = ranger.FullIntNewRange(false)
statsTbl := ds.statisticTable
rowCount := float64(statsTbl.Count)
if len(ds.pushedDownConds) > 0 {
if pkCol != nil {
ts.AccessCondition, ts.filterCondition = ranger.DetachCondsForTableRange(ds.ctx, ds.pushedDownConds, pkCol)
ts.Ranges, err = ranger.BuildTableRange(ts.AccessCondition, sc, pkCol.RetType)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// TODO: We can use ds.getStatsByFilter(accessConditions).
rowCount, err = statsTbl.GetRowCountByIntColumnRanges(sc, pkCol.ID, ts.Ranges)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
} else {
ts.filterCondition = ds.pushedDownConds
copTask := &copTask{
tablePlan: ts,
indexPlanFinished: true,
task = copTask
matchProperty := len(prop.cols) == 1 && pkCol != nil && prop.cols[0].Equal(nil, pkCol)
// Only use expectedCnt when it's smaller than the count we calculated.
// e.g. IndexScan(count1)->After Filter(count2). The `ds.statsAfterSelect.count` is count2. count1 is the one we need to calculate
// If expectedCnt and count2 are both zero and we go into the below `if` block, the count1 will be set to zero though it's shouldn't be.
if matchProperty && prop.expectedCnt < ds.statsAfterSelect.count {
selectivity, err := statsTbl.Selectivity(ds.ctx, ts.filterCondition)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("An error happened: %v, we have to use the default selectivity", err.Error())
selectivity = selectionFactor
rowCount = math.Min(prop.expectedCnt/selectivity, rowCount)
ts.stats = ds.stats.scaleByExpectCnt(rowCount)
copTask.cst = rowCount * scanFactor
if matchProperty {
if prop.desc {
ts.Desc = true
copTask.cst = rowCount * descScanFactor
ts.KeepOrder = true
copTask.keepOrder = true
ts.addPushedDownSelection(copTask, ds.statsAfterSelect.scaleByExpectCnt(prop.expectedCnt))
} else {
expectedCnt := math.MaxFloat64
if prop.isEmpty() {
expectedCnt = prop.expectedCnt
} else {
return invalidTask, nil
ts.addPushedDownSelection(copTask, ds.statsAfterSelect.scaleByExpectCnt(expectedCnt))
if prop.taskTp == rootTaskType {
task = finishCopTask(ds.ctx, task)
} else if _, ok := task.(*rootTask); ok {
return invalidTask, nil
return task, nil
func (ts *PhysicalTableScan) addPushedDownSelection(copTask *copTask, stats *statsInfo) {
// Add filter condition to table plan now.
if len(ts.filterCondition) > 0 {
sel := PhysicalSelection{Conditions: ts.filterCondition}.init(ts.ctx, stats)
copTask.tablePlan = sel
// FIXME: It seems wrong...
copTask.cst += copTask.count() * cpuFactor
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