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txn.go 10.12 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package session
import (
binlog "github.com/pingcap/tipb/go-binlog"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// TxnState wraps kv.Transaction to provide a new kv.Transaction.
// 1. It holds all statement related modification in the buffer before flush to the txn,
// so if execute statement meets error, the txn won't be made dirty.
// 2. It's a lazy transaction, that means it's a txnFuture before StartTS() is really need.
type TxnState struct {
// States of a TxnState should be one of the followings:
// Invalid: kv.Transaction == nil && txnFuture == nil
// Pending: kv.Transaction == nil && txnFuture != nil
// Valid: kv.Transaction != nil && txnFuture == nil
txnFuture *txnFuture
buf kv.MemBuffer
mutations map[int64]*binlog.TableMutation
dirtyTableOP []dirtyTableOperation
// If StmtCommit meets error (which should not happen, just in case), mark it.
// And rollback the whole transaction when it commit.
fail error
func (st *TxnState) init() {
st.buf = kv.NewMemDbBuffer(kv.DefaultTxnMembufCap)
st.mutations = make(map[int64]*binlog.TableMutation)
// Valid implements the kv.Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) Valid() bool {
return st.Transaction != nil && st.Transaction.Valid()
// Fail returns st.fail, TODO: remove this func after we removed the st.fail.
func (st *TxnState) Fail() error {
return st.fail
func (st *TxnState) pending() bool {
return st.Transaction == nil && st.txnFuture != nil
func (st *TxnState) validOrPending() bool {
return st.txnFuture != nil || st.Valid()
func (st *TxnState) String() string {
if st.Transaction != nil {
return st.Transaction.String()
if st.txnFuture != nil {
return "txnFuture"
return "invalid transaction"
func (st *TxnState) changeInvalidToValid(txn kv.Transaction) {
st.Transaction = txn
st.txnFuture = nil
func (st *TxnState) changeInvalidToPending(future *txnFuture) {
st.Transaction = nil
st.txnFuture = future
func (st *TxnState) changePendingToValid(txnCap int) error {
if st.txnFuture == nil {
return errors.New("transaction future is not set")
future := st.txnFuture
st.txnFuture = nil
txn, err := future.wait()
if err != nil {
st.Transaction = nil
return errors.Trace(err)
st.Transaction = txn
return nil
func (st *TxnState) changeToInvalid() {
st.Transaction = nil
st.txnFuture = nil
// dirtyTableOperation represents an operation to dirtyTable, we log the operation
// first and apply the operation log when statement commit.
type dirtyTableOperation struct {
kind int
tid int64
handle int64
row []types.Datum
// Commit overrides the Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) Commit(ctx context.Context) error {
if st.fail != nil {
// If any error happen during StmtCommit, don't commit this transaction.
err := st.fail
st.fail = nil
return errors.Trace(err)
if len(st.mutations) != 0 || len(st.dirtyTableOP) != 0 || st.buf.Len() != 0 {
log.Errorf("The code should never run here, TxnState=%#v, mutations=%#v, dirtyTableOP=%#v, buf=%#v something must be wrong: %s",
return errors.New("invalid transaction")
return errors.Trace(st.Transaction.Commit(ctx))
// Rollback overrides the Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) Rollback() error {
if st.fail != nil {
st.fail = nil
return errors.Trace(st.Transaction.Rollback())
// Get overrides the Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) Get(k kv.Key) ([]byte, error) {
val, err := st.buf.Get(k)
if kv.IsErrNotFound(err) {
val, err = st.Transaction.Get(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if len(val) == 0 {
return nil, kv.ErrNotExist
return val, nil
// Set overrides the Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) Set(k kv.Key, v []byte) error {
return st.buf.Set(k, v)
// Delete overrides the Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) Delete(k kv.Key) error {
return st.buf.Delete(k)
// Iter overrides the Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) Iter(k kv.Key, upperBound kv.Key) (kv.Iterator, error) {
bufferIt, err := st.buf.Iter(k, upperBound)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
retrieverIt, err := st.Transaction.Iter(k, upperBound)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return kv.NewUnionIter(bufferIt, retrieverIt, false)
// IterReverse overrides the Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) IterReverse(k kv.Key) (kv.Iterator, error) {
bufferIt, err := st.buf.IterReverse(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
retrieverIt, err := st.Transaction.IterReverse(k)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return kv.NewUnionIter(bufferIt, retrieverIt, true)
func (st *TxnState) cleanup() {
for key := range st.mutations {
delete(st.mutations, key)
if st.dirtyTableOP != nil {
empty := dirtyTableOperation{}
for i := 0; i < len(st.dirtyTableOP); i++ {
st.dirtyTableOP[i] = empty
st.dirtyTableOP = st.dirtyTableOP[:0]
// SetOption implement the kv.Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) SetOption(opt kv.Option, val interface{}) {
if st.fail != nil {
st.Transaction.SetOption(opt, val)
// DelOption implement the kv.Transaction interface.
func (st *TxnState) DelOption(opt kv.Option) {
if st.fail != nil {
func getBinlogMutation(ctx sessionctx.Context, tableID int64) *binlog.TableMutation {
bin := binloginfo.GetPrewriteValue(ctx, true)
for i := range bin.Mutations {
if bin.Mutations[i].TableId == tableID {
return &bin.Mutations[i]
idx := len(bin.Mutations)
bin.Mutations = append(bin.Mutations, binlog.TableMutation{TableId: tableID})
return &bin.Mutations[idx]
func mergeToMutation(m1, m2 *binlog.TableMutation) {
m1.InsertedRows = append(m1.InsertedRows, m2.InsertedRows...)
m1.UpdatedRows = append(m1.UpdatedRows, m2.UpdatedRows...)
m1.DeletedIds = append(m1.DeletedIds, m2.DeletedIds...)
m1.DeletedPks = append(m1.DeletedPks, m2.DeletedPks...)
m1.DeletedRows = append(m1.DeletedRows, m2.DeletedRows...)
m1.Sequence = append(m1.Sequence, m2.Sequence...)
func mergeToDirtyDB(dirtyDB *executor.DirtyDB, op dirtyTableOperation) {
switch op.kind {
case executor.DirtyTableAddRow:
dirtyDB.AddRow(op.tid, op.handle, op.row)
case executor.DirtyTableDeleteRow:
dirtyDB.DeleteRow(op.tid, op.handle)
case executor.DirtyTableTruncate:
// txnFuture is a promise, which promises to return a txn in future.
type txnFuture struct {
future oracle.Future
store kv.Storage
span opentracing.Span
mockFail bool
var mockGetTSErrorInRetryOnce = true
func (tf *txnFuture) wait() (kv.Transaction, error) {
if tf.mockFail {
return nil, errors.New("mock get timestamp fail")
// mockGetTSErrorInRetry should wait mockCommitErrorOnce first, then will run into retry() logic.
// Then mockGetTSErrorInRetry will return retryable error when first retry.
// Before PR #8743, we don't cleanup txn after meet error such as error like: PD server timeout[try again later]
// This may cause duplicate data to be written.
// gofail: var mockGetTSErrorInRetry bool
//if mockGetTSErrorInRetry && mockGetTSErrorInRetryOnce && !mockCommitErrorOnce {
// mockGetTSErrorInRetryOnce = false
// return nil, errors.Errorf("PD server timeout[try again later]")
startTS, err := tf.future.Wait()
if err == nil {
return tf.store.BeginWithStartTS(startTS)
// It would retry get timestamp.
return tf.store.Begin()
func (s *session) getTxnFuture(ctx context.Context) *txnFuture {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "session.getTxnFuture")
oracleStore := s.store.GetOracle()
tsFuture := oracleStore.GetTimestampAsync(ctx)
ret := &txnFuture{future: tsFuture, store: s.store, span: span}
if x := ctx.Value("mockGetTSFail"); x != nil {
ret.mockFail = true
return ret
// StmtCommit implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (s *session) StmtCommit() {
if s.txn.fail != nil {
defer s.txn.cleanup()
st := &s.txn
err := kv.WalkMemBuffer(st.buf, func(k kv.Key, v []byte) error {
// gofail: var mockStmtCommitError bool
// if mockStmtCommitError {
// return errors.New("mock stmt commit error")
// }
if len(v) == 0 {
return errors.Trace(st.Transaction.Delete(k))
return errors.Trace(st.Transaction.Set(k, v))
if err != nil {
s.txn.fail = errors.Trace(err)
// Need to flush binlog.
for tableID, delta := range st.mutations {
mutation := getBinlogMutation(s, tableID)
mergeToMutation(mutation, delta)
if len(st.dirtyTableOP) > 0 {
dirtyDB := executor.GetDirtyDB(s)
for _, op := range st.dirtyTableOP {
mergeToDirtyDB(dirtyDB, op)
// StmtRollback implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (s *session) StmtRollback() {
// StmtGetMutation implements the sessionctx.Context interface.
func (s *session) StmtGetMutation(tableID int64) *binlog.TableMutation {
st := &s.txn
if _, ok := st.mutations[tableID]; !ok {
st.mutations[tableID] = &binlog.TableMutation{TableId: tableID}
return st.mutations[tableID]
func (s *session) StmtAddDirtyTableOP(op int, tid int64, handle int64, row []types.Datum) {
s.txn.dirtyTableOP = append(s.txn.dirtyTableOP, dirtyTableOperation{op, tid, handle, row})
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