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mutrow.go 9.20 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package chunk
import (
// MutRow represents a mutable Row.
// The underlying columns only contains one row and not exposed to the user.
type MutRow Row
// ToRow converts the MutRow to Row, so it can be used to read data.
func (mr MutRow) ToRow() Row {
return Row(mr)
// Len returns the number of columns.
func (mr MutRow) Len() int {
return len(mr.c.columns)
// MutRowFromValues creates a MutRow from a interface slice.
func MutRowFromValues(vals ...interface{}) MutRow {
c := &Chunk{}
for _, val := range vals {
col := makeMutRowColumn(val)
c.columns = append(c.columns, col)
return MutRow{c: c}
// MutRowFromDatums creates a MutRow from a datum slice.
func MutRowFromDatums(datums []types.Datum) MutRow {
c := &Chunk{}
for _, d := range datums {
col := makeMutRowColumn(d.GetValue())
c.columns = append(c.columns, col)
return MutRow{c: c, idx: 0}
// MutRowFromTypes creates a MutRow from a FieldType slice, each column is initialized to zero value.
func MutRowFromTypes(types []*types.FieldType) MutRow {
c := &Chunk{}
for _, tp := range types {
col := makeMutRowColumn(zeroValForType(tp))
c.columns = append(c.columns, col)
return MutRow{c: c, idx: 0}
func zeroValForType(tp *types.FieldType) interface{} {
switch tp.Tp {
case mysql.TypeFloat:
return float32(0)
case mysql.TypeDouble:
return float64(0)
case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong, mysql.TypeYear:
if mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(tp.Flag) {
return uint64(0)
return int64(0)
case mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarString, mysql.TypeVarchar:
return ""
case mysql.TypeBlob, mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob:
return []byte{}
case mysql.TypeDuration:
return types.ZeroDuration
case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
return types.NewDecFromInt(0)
case mysql.TypeDate:
return types.ZeroDate
case mysql.TypeDatetime:
return types.ZeroDatetime
case mysql.TypeTimestamp:
return types.ZeroTimestamp
case mysql.TypeBit:
return types.BinaryLiteral{}
case mysql.TypeSet:
return types.Set{}
case mysql.TypeEnum:
return types.Enum{}
case mysql.TypeJSON:
return json.CreateBinary(nil)
return nil
func makeMutRowColumn(in interface{}) *column {
switch x := in.(type) {
case nil:
col := makeMutRowUint64Column(uint64(0))
col.nullBitmap[0] = 0
return col
case int:
return makeMutRowUint64Column(uint64(x))
case int64:
return makeMutRowUint64Column(uint64(x))
case uint64:
return makeMutRowUint64Column(x)
case float64:
return makeMutRowUint64Column(math.Float64bits(x))
case float32:
col := newMutRowFixedLenColumn(4)
*(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = math.Float32bits(x)
return col
case string:
return makeMutRowBytesColumn(hack.Slice(x))
case []byte:
return makeMutRowBytesColumn(x)
case types.BinaryLiteral:
return makeMutRowBytesColumn(x)
case *types.MyDecimal:
col := newMutRowFixedLenColumn(types.MyDecimalStructSize)
*(*types.MyDecimal)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = *x
return col
case types.Time:
col := newMutRowFixedLenColumn(16)
writeTime(col.data, x)
return col
case json.BinaryJSON:
col := newMutRowVarLenColumn(len(x.Value) + 1)
col.data[0] = x.TypeCode
copy(col.data[1:], x.Value)
return col
case types.Duration:
col := newMutRowFixedLenColumn(16)
*(*types.Duration)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = x
return col
case types.Enum:
col := newMutRowVarLenColumn(len(x.Name) + 8)
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = x.Value
copy(col.data[8:], x.Name)
return col
case types.Set:
col := newMutRowVarLenColumn(len(x.Name) + 8)
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = x.Value
copy(col.data[8:], x.Name)
return col
return nil
func newMutRowFixedLenColumn(elemSize int) *column {
buf := make([]byte, elemSize+1)
col := &column{
length: 1,
elemBuf: buf[:elemSize],
data: buf[:elemSize],
nullBitmap: buf[elemSize:],
col.nullBitmap[0] = 1
return col
func newMutRowVarLenColumn(valSize int) *column {
buf := make([]byte, valSize+1)
col := &column{
length: 1,
offsets: []int32{0, int32(valSize)},
data: buf[:valSize],
nullBitmap: buf[valSize:],
col.nullBitmap[0] = 1
return col
func makeMutRowUint64Column(val uint64) *column {
col := newMutRowFixedLenColumn(8)
*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = val
return col
func makeMutRowBytesColumn(bin []byte) *column {
col := newMutRowVarLenColumn(len(bin))
copy(col.data, bin)
col.nullBitmap[0] = 1
return col
// SetRow sets the MutRow with Row.
func (mr MutRow) SetRow(row Row) {
for colIdx, rCol := range row.c.columns {
mrCol := mr.c.columns[colIdx]
if rCol.isNull(row.idx) {
mrCol.nullBitmap[0] = 0
elemLen := len(rCol.elemBuf)
if elemLen > 0 {
copy(mrCol.data, rCol.data[row.idx*elemLen:(row.idx+1)*elemLen])
} else {
setMutRowBytes(mrCol, rCol.data[rCol.offsets[row.idx]:rCol.offsets[row.idx+1]])
mrCol.nullBitmap[0] = 1
// SetValues sets the MutRow with values.
func (mr MutRow) SetValues(vals ...interface{}) {
for i, v := range vals {
mr.SetValue(i, v)
// SetValue sets the MutRow with colIdx and value.
func (mr MutRow) SetValue(colIdx int, val interface{}) {
col := mr.c.columns[colIdx]
if val == nil {
col.nullBitmap[0] = 0
switch x := val.(type) {
case int:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(col.data, uint64(x))
case int64:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(col.data, uint64(x))
case uint64:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(col.data, x)
case float64:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(col.data, math.Float64bits(x))
case float32:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(col.data, math.Float32bits(x))
case string:
setMutRowBytes(col, hack.Slice(x))
case []byte:
setMutRowBytes(col, x)
case types.BinaryLiteral:
setMutRowBytes(col, x)
case types.Duration:
*(*types.Duration)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = x
case *types.MyDecimal:
*(*types.MyDecimal)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = *x
case types.Time:
writeTime(col.data, x)
case types.Enum:
setMutRowNameValue(col, x.Name, x.Value)
case types.Set:
setMutRowNameValue(col, x.Name, x.Value)
case json.BinaryJSON:
setMutRowJSON(col, x)
col.nullBitmap[0] = 1
// SetDatums sets the MutRow with datum slice.
func (mr MutRow) SetDatums(datums ...types.Datum) {
for i, d := range datums {
mr.SetDatum(i, d)
// SetDatum sets the MutRow with colIdx and datum.
func (mr MutRow) SetDatum(colIdx int, d types.Datum) {
col := mr.c.columns[colIdx]
if d.IsNull() {
col.nullBitmap[0] = 0
switch d.Kind() {
case types.KindInt64, types.KindUint64, types.KindFloat64:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(mr.c.columns[colIdx].data, d.GetUint64())
case types.KindFloat32:
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(mr.c.columns[colIdx].data, math.Float32bits(d.GetFloat32()))
case types.KindString, types.KindBytes, types.KindBinaryLiteral:
setMutRowBytes(col, d.GetBytes())
case types.KindMysqlTime:
writeTime(col.data, d.GetMysqlTime())
case types.KindMysqlDuration:
*(*types.Duration)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = d.GetMysqlDuration()
case types.KindMysqlDecimal:
*(*types.MyDecimal)(unsafe.Pointer(&col.data[0])) = *d.GetMysqlDecimal()
case types.KindMysqlJSON:
setMutRowJSON(col, d.GetMysqlJSON())
case types.KindMysqlEnum:
e := d.GetMysqlEnum()
setMutRowNameValue(col, e.Name, e.Value)
case types.KindMysqlSet:
s := d.GetMysqlSet()
setMutRowNameValue(col, s.Name, s.Value)
mr.c.columns[colIdx] = makeMutRowColumn(d.GetValue())
col.nullBitmap[0] = 1
func setMutRowBytes(col *column, bin []byte) {
if len(col.data) >= len(bin) {
col.data = col.data[:len(bin)]
} else {
buf := make([]byte, len(bin)+1)
col.data = buf[:len(bin)]
col.nullBitmap = buf[len(bin):]
copy(col.data, bin)
col.offsets[1] = int32(len(bin))
func setMutRowNameValue(col *column, name string, val uint64) {
dataLen := len(name) + 8
if len(col.data) >= dataLen {
col.data = col.data[:dataLen]
} else {
buf := make([]byte, dataLen+1)
col.data = buf[:dataLen]
col.nullBitmap = buf[dataLen:]
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(col.data, val)
copy(col.data[8:], name)
col.offsets[1] = int32(dataLen)
func setMutRowJSON(col *column, j json.BinaryJSON) {
dataLen := len(j.Value) + 1
if len(col.data) >= dataLen {
col.data = col.data[:dataLen]
} else {
// In MutRow, there always exists 1 data in every column,
// we should allocate one more byte for null bitmap.
buf := make([]byte, dataLen+1)
col.data = buf[:dataLen]
col.nullBitmap = buf[dataLen:]
col.data[0] = j.TypeCode
copy(col.data[1:], j.Value)
col.offsets[1] = int32(dataLen)
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