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// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package infoschema
import (
// Builder builds a new InfoSchema.
type Builder struct {
is *infoSchema
handle *Handle
// ApplyDiff applies SchemaDiff to the new InfoSchema.
// Return the detal updated table IDs that are produced from SchemaDiff and an error.
func (b *Builder) ApplyDiff(m *meta.Meta, diff *model.SchemaDiff) ([]int64, error) {
b.is.schemaMetaVersion = diff.Version
if diff.Type == model.ActionCreateSchema {
return nil, b.applyCreateSchema(m, diff)
} else if diff.Type == model.ActionDropSchema {
tblIDs := b.applyDropSchema(diff.SchemaID)
return tblIDs, nil
roDBInfo, ok := b.is.SchemaByID(diff.SchemaID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotExists.GenByArgs(
fmt.Sprintf("(Schema ID %d)", diff.SchemaID),
var oldTableID, newTableID int64
tblIDs := make([]int64, 0, 2)
switch diff.Type {
case model.ActionCreateTable:
newTableID = diff.TableID
tblIDs = append(tblIDs, newTableID)
case model.ActionDropTable:
oldTableID = diff.TableID
tblIDs = append(tblIDs, oldTableID)
case model.ActionTruncateTable:
oldTableID = diff.OldTableID
newTableID = diff.TableID
tblIDs = append(tblIDs, oldTableID, newTableID)
oldTableID = diff.TableID
newTableID = diff.TableID
tblIDs = append(tblIDs, oldTableID)
b.copySortedTables(oldTableID, newTableID)
// We try to reuse the old allocator, so the cached auto ID can be reused.
var alloc autoid.Allocator
if tableIDIsValid(oldTableID) {
if oldTableID == newTableID && diff.Type != model.ActionRenameTable && diff.Type != model.ActionRebaseAutoID {
alloc, _ = b.is.AllocByID(oldTableID)
if diff.Type == model.ActionRenameTable {
oldRoDBInfo, ok := b.is.SchemaByID(diff.OldSchemaID)
if !ok {
return nil, ErrDatabaseNotExists.GenByArgs(
fmt.Sprintf("(Schema ID %d)", diff.OldSchemaID),
b.applyDropTable(oldRoDBInfo, oldTableID)
} else {
b.applyDropTable(roDBInfo, oldTableID)
if tableIDIsValid(newTableID) {
// All types except DropTable.
err := b.applyCreateTable(m, roDBInfo, newTableID, alloc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return tblIDs, nil
// copySortedTables copies sortedTables for old table and new table for later modification.
func (b *Builder) copySortedTables(oldTableID, newTableID int64) {
if tableIDIsValid(oldTableID) {
if tableIDIsValid(newTableID) && newTableID != oldTableID {
func (b *Builder) applyCreateSchema(m *meta.Meta, diff *model.SchemaDiff) error {
di, err := m.GetDatabase(diff.SchemaID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if di == nil {
// When we apply an old schema diff, the database may has been dropped already, so we need to fall back to
// full load.
return ErrDatabaseNotExists.GenByArgs(
fmt.Sprintf("(Schema ID %d)", diff.SchemaID),
b.is.schemaMap[di.Name.L] = &schemaTables{dbInfo: di, tables: make(map[string]table.Table)}
return nil
func (b *Builder) applyDropSchema(schemaID int64) []int64 {
di, ok := b.is.SchemaByID(schemaID)
if !ok {
return nil
delete(b.is.schemaMap, di.Name.L)
// Copy the sortedTables that contain the table we are going to drop.
bucketIdxMap := make(map[int]struct{})
for _, tbl := range di.Tables {
bucketIdxMap[tableBucketIdx(tbl.ID)] = struct{}{}
for bucketIdx := range bucketIdxMap {
ids := make([]int64, 0, len(di.Tables))
for _, tbl := range di.Tables {
b.applyDropTable(di, tbl.ID)
// TODO: If the table ID doesn't exist.
ids = append(ids, tbl.ID)
return ids
func (b *Builder) copySortedTablesBucket(bucketIdx int) {
oldSortedTables := b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx]
newSortedTables := make(sortedTables, len(oldSortedTables))
copy(newSortedTables, oldSortedTables)
b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx] = newSortedTables
func (b *Builder) applyCreateTable(m *meta.Meta, roDBInfo *model.DBInfo, tableID int64, alloc autoid.Allocator) error {
tblInfo, err := m.GetTable(roDBInfo.ID, tableID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if tblInfo == nil {
// When we apply an old schema diff, the table may has been dropped already, so we need to fall back to
// full load.
return ErrTableNotExists.GenByArgs(
fmt.Sprintf("(Schema ID %d)", roDBInfo.ID),
fmt.Sprintf("(Table ID %d)", tableID),
if alloc == nil {
schemaID := roDBInfo.ID
alloc = autoid.NewAllocator(b.handle.store, tblInfo.GetDBID(schemaID))
tbl, err := tables.TableFromMeta(alloc, tblInfo)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
tableNames := b.is.schemaMap[roDBInfo.Name.L]
tableNames.tables[tblInfo.Name.L] = tbl
bucketIdx := tableBucketIdx(tableID)
sortedTbls := b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx]
sortedTbls = append(sortedTbls, tbl)
b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx] = sortedTbls
newTbl, ok := b.is.TableByID(tableID)
if ok {
roDBInfo.Tables = append(roDBInfo.Tables, newTbl.Meta())
return nil
func (b *Builder) applyDropTable(roDBInfo *model.DBInfo, tableID int64) {
bucketIdx := tableBucketIdx(tableID)
sortedTbls := b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx]
idx := sortedTbls.searchTable(tableID)
if idx == -1 {
if tableNames, ok := b.is.schemaMap[roDBInfo.Name.L]; ok {
delete(tableNames.tables, sortedTbls[idx].Meta().Name.L)
// Remove the table in sorted table slice.
b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx] = append(sortedTbls[0:idx], sortedTbls[idx+1:]...)
// The old DBInfo still holds a reference to old table info, we need to remove it.
for i, tblInfo := range roDBInfo.Tables {
if tblInfo.ID == tableID {
if i == len(roDBInfo.Tables)-1 {
roDBInfo.Tables = roDBInfo.Tables[:i]
} else {
roDBInfo.Tables = append(roDBInfo.Tables[:i], roDBInfo.Tables[i+1:]...)
// InitWithOldInfoSchema initializes an empty new InfoSchema by copies all the data from old InfoSchema.
func (b *Builder) InitWithOldInfoSchema() *Builder {
oldIS := b.handle.Get().(*infoSchema)
b.is.schemaMetaVersion = oldIS.schemaMetaVersion
copy(b.is.sortedTablesBuckets, oldIS.sortedTablesBuckets)
return b
func (b *Builder) copySchemasMap(oldIS *infoSchema) {
for k, v := range oldIS.schemaMap {
b.is.schemaMap[k] = v
// copySchemaTables creates a new schemaTables instance when a table in the database has changed.
// It also does modifications on the new one because old schemaTables must be read-only.
func (b *Builder) copySchemaTables(dbName string) {
oldSchemaTables := b.is.schemaMap[dbName]
newSchemaTables := &schemaTables{
dbInfo: oldSchemaTables.dbInfo,
tables: make(map[string]table.Table, len(oldSchemaTables.tables)),
for k, v := range oldSchemaTables.tables {
newSchemaTables.tables[k] = v
b.is.schemaMap[dbName] = newSchemaTables
// InitWithDBInfos initializes an empty new InfoSchema with a slice of DBInfo and schema version.
func (b *Builder) InitWithDBInfos(dbInfos []*model.DBInfo, schemaVersion int64) (*Builder, error) {
info := b.is
info.schemaMetaVersion = schemaVersion
for _, di := range dbInfos {
err := b.createSchemaTablesForDB(di)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
for _, v := range info.sortedTablesBuckets {
return b, nil
func (b *Builder) createSchemaTablesForDB(di *model.DBInfo) error {
schTbls := &schemaTables{
dbInfo: di,
tables: make(map[string]table.Table, len(di.Tables)),
b.is.schemaMap[di.Name.L] = schTbls
for _, t := range di.Tables {
schemaID := di.ID
alloc := autoid.NewAllocator(b.handle.store, t.GetDBID(schemaID))
var tbl table.Table
tbl, err := tables.TableFromMeta(alloc, t)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
schTbls.tables[t.Name.L] = tbl
sortedTbls := b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[tableBucketIdx(t.ID)]
b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[tableBucketIdx(t.ID)] = append(sortedTbls, tbl)
return nil
func (b *Builder) createSchemaTablesForPerfSchemaDB() {
perfSchemaDB := perfschema.GetDBMeta()
perfSchemaTblNames := &schemaTables{
dbInfo: perfSchemaDB,
tables: make(map[string]table.Table, len(perfSchemaDB.Tables)),
b.is.schemaMap[perfSchemaDB.Name.L] = perfSchemaTblNames
for _, t := range perfSchemaDB.Tables {
tbl, ok := perfschema.GetTable(t.Name.O)
if !ok {
perfSchemaTblNames.tables[t.Name.L] = tbl
bucketIdx := tableBucketIdx(t.ID)
b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx] = append(b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx], tbl)
func (b *Builder) createSchemaTablesForInfoSchemaDB() {
infoSchemaSchemaTables := &schemaTables{
dbInfo: infoSchemaDB,
tables: make(map[string]table.Table, len(infoSchemaDB.Tables)),
b.is.schemaMap[infoSchemaDB.Name.L] = infoSchemaSchemaTables
for _, t := range infoSchemaDB.Tables {
tbl := createInfoSchemaTable(b.handle, t)
infoSchemaSchemaTables.tables[t.Name.L] = tbl
bucketIdx := tableBucketIdx(t.ID)
b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx] = append(b.is.sortedTablesBuckets[bucketIdx], tbl)
// Build sets new InfoSchema to the handle in the Builder.
func (b *Builder) Build() {
// NewBuilder creates a new Builder with a Handle.
func NewBuilder(handle *Handle) *Builder {
b := new(Builder)
b.handle = handle
b.is = &infoSchema{
schemaMap: map[string]*schemaTables{},
sortedTablesBuckets: make([]sortedTables, bucketCount),
return b
func tableBucketIdx(tableID int64) int {
return int(tableID % bucketCount)
func tableIDIsValid(tableID int64) bool {
return tableID != 0
