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errors.go 6.14 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package types
import (
var (
// ErrDataTooLong is returned when converts a string value that is longer than field type length.
ErrDataTooLong = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeDataTooLong, "Data Too Long")
// ErrIllegalValueForType is returned when value of type is illegal.
ErrIllegalValueForType = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeIllegalValueForType, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrIllegalValueForType])
// ErrTruncated is returned when data has been truncated during conversion.
ErrTruncated = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeTruncated, "Data Truncated")
// ErrTruncatedWrongVal is returned when data has been truncated during conversion.
ErrTruncatedWrongVal = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeTruncatedWrongValue, msgTruncatedWrongVal)
// ErrOverflow is returned when data is out of range for a field type.
ErrOverflow = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeOverflow, msgOverflow)
// ErrDivByZero is return when do division by 0.
ErrDivByZero = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeDivByZero, "Division by 0")
// ErrTooBigDisplayWidth is return when display width out of range for column.
ErrTooBigDisplayWidth = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeTooBigDisplayWidth, "Too Big Display width")
// ErrTooBigFieldLength is return when column length too big for column.
ErrTooBigFieldLength = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeTooBigFieldLength, "Too Big Field length")
// ErrTooBigSet is returned when too many strings for column.
ErrTooBigSet = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeTooBigSet, "Too Big Set")
// ErrTooBigScale is returned when type DECIMAL/NUMERIC scale is bigger than mysql.MaxDecimalScale.
ErrTooBigScale = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeTooBigScale, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrTooBigScale])
// ErrTooBigPrecision is returned when type DECIMAL/NUMERIC precision is bigger than mysql.MaxDecimalWidth
ErrTooBigPrecision = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeTooBigPrecision, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrTooBigPrecision])
// ErrWrongFieldSpec is return when incorrect column specifier for column.
ErrWrongFieldSpec = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeWrongFieldSpec, "Wrong Field Spec")
// ErrBadNumber is return when parsing an invalid binary decimal number.
ErrBadNumber = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeBadNumber, "Bad Number")
// ErrCastAsSignedOverflow is returned when positive out-of-range integer, and convert to it's negative complement.
ErrCastAsSignedOverflow = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeUnknown, msgCastAsSignedOverflow)
// ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned is returned when a negative integer be casted to an unsigned int.
ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeUnknown, msgCastNegIntAsUnsigned)
// ErrInvalidDefault is returned when meet a invalid default value.
ErrInvalidDefault = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeInvalidDefault, "Invalid default value for '%s'")
// ErrMBiggerThanD is returned when precision less than the scale.
ErrMBiggerThanD = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeMBiggerThanD, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrMBiggerThanD])
// ErrWarnDataOutOfRange is returned when the value in a numeric column that is outside the permissible range of the column data type.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/out-of-range-and-overflow.html for details
ErrWarnDataOutOfRange = terror.ClassTypes.New(codeDataOutOfRange, mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWarnDataOutOfRange])
const (
codeBadNumber terror.ErrCode = 1
codeDataTooLong = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrDataTooLong)
codeIllegalValueForType = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrIllegalValueForType)
codeTruncated = terror.ErrCode(mysql.WarnDataTruncated)
codeOverflow = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrDataOutOfRange)
codeDivByZero = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrDivisionByZero)
codeTooBigDisplayWidth = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrTooBigDisplaywidth)
codeTooBigFieldLength = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrTooBigFieldlength)
codeTooBigSet = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrTooBigSet)
codeTooBigScale = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrTooBigScale)
codeTooBigPrecision = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrTooBigPrecision)
codeWrongFieldSpec = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrWrongFieldSpec)
codeTruncatedWrongValue = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrTruncatedWrongValue)
codeUnknown = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrUnknown)
codeInvalidDefault = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrInvalidDefault)
codeMBiggerThanD = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrMBiggerThanD)
codeDataOutOfRange = terror.ErrCode(mysql.ErrWarnDataOutOfRange)
var (
msgOverflow = mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrDataOutOfRange]
msgTruncatedWrongVal = mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrTruncatedWrongValue]
msgCastAsSignedOverflow = "Cast to signed converted positive out-of-range integer to it's negative complement"
msgCastNegIntAsUnsigned = "Cast to unsigned converted negative integer to it's positive complement"
func init() {
typesMySQLErrCodes := map[terror.ErrCode]uint16{
codeDataTooLong: mysql.ErrDataTooLong,
codeIllegalValueForType: mysql.ErrIllegalValueForType,
codeTruncated: mysql.WarnDataTruncated,
codeOverflow: mysql.ErrDataOutOfRange,
codeDivByZero: mysql.ErrDivisionByZero,
codeTooBigDisplayWidth: mysql.ErrTooBigDisplaywidth,
codeTooBigFieldLength: mysql.ErrTooBigFieldlength,
codeTooBigSet: mysql.ErrTooBigSet,
codeTooBigScale: mysql.ErrTooBigScale,
codeTooBigPrecision: mysql.ErrTooBigPrecision,
codeWrongFieldSpec: mysql.ErrWrongFieldSpec,
codeTruncatedWrongValue: mysql.ErrTruncatedWrongValue,
codeUnknown: mysql.ErrUnknown,
codeInvalidDefault: mysql.ErrInvalidDefault,
codeMBiggerThanD: mysql.ErrMBiggerThanD,
codeDataOutOfRange: mysql.ErrWarnDataOutOfRange,
terror.ErrClassToMySQLCodes[terror.ClassTypes] = typesMySQLErrCodes
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