// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ddl
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const maxPrefixLength = 3072
const maxCommentLength = 1024
func buildIndexColumns(columns []*model.ColumnInfo, idxColNames []*ast.IndexColName) ([]*model.IndexColumn, error) {
// Build offsets.
idxColumns := make([]*model.IndexColumn, 0, len(idxColNames))
// The sum of length of all index columns.
sumLength := 0
for _, ic := range idxColNames {
col := model.FindColumnInfo(columns, ic.Column.Name.O)
if col == nil {
return nil, errKeyColumnDoesNotExits.GenWithStack("column does not exist: %s", ic.Column.Name)
if col.Flen == 0 {
return nil, errors.Trace(errWrongKeyColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(ic.Column.Name))
// JSON column cannot index.
if col.FieldType.Tp == mysql.TypeJSON {
return nil, errors.Trace(errJSONUsedAsKey.GenWithStackByArgs(col.Name.O))
// Length must be specified for BLOB and TEXT column indexes.
if types.IsTypeBlob(col.FieldType.Tp) && ic.Length == types.UnspecifiedLength {
return nil, errors.Trace(errBlobKeyWithoutLength)
// Length can only be specified for specifiable types.
if ic.Length != types.UnspecifiedLength && !types.IsTypePrefixable(col.FieldType.Tp) {
return nil, errors.Trace(errIncorrectPrefixKey)
// Key length must be shorter or equal to the column length.
if ic.Length != types.UnspecifiedLength &&
types.IsTypeChar(col.FieldType.Tp) && col.Flen < ic.Length {
return nil, errors.Trace(errIncorrectPrefixKey)
// Specified length must be shorter than the max length for prefix.
if ic.Length > maxPrefixLength {
return nil, errors.Trace(errTooLongKey)
// Take care of the sum of length of all index columns.
if ic.Length != types.UnspecifiedLength {
sumLength += ic.Length
} else {
// Specified data types.
if col.Flen != types.UnspecifiedLength {
// Special case for the bit type.
if col.FieldType.Tp == mysql.TypeBit {
sumLength += (col.Flen + 7) >> 3
} else {
sumLength += col.Flen
} else {
if length, ok := mysql.DefaultLengthOfMysqlTypes[col.FieldType.Tp]; ok {
sumLength += length
} else {
return nil, errUnknownTypeLength.GenWithStackByArgs(col.FieldType.Tp)
// Special case for time fraction.
if types.IsTypeFractionable(col.FieldType.Tp) &&
col.FieldType.Decimal != types.UnspecifiedLength {
if length, ok := mysql.DefaultLengthOfTimeFraction[col.FieldType.Decimal]; ok {
sumLength += length
} else {
return nil, errUnknownFractionLength.GenWithStackByArgs(col.FieldType.Tp, col.FieldType.Decimal)
// The sum of all lengths must be shorter than the max length for prefix.
if sumLength > maxPrefixLength {
return nil, errors.Trace(errTooLongKey)
idxColumns = append(idxColumns, &model.IndexColumn{
Name: col.Name,
Offset: col.Offset,
Length: ic.Length,
return idxColumns, nil
func buildIndexInfo(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, indexName model.CIStr, idxColNames []*ast.IndexColName, state model.SchemaState) (*model.IndexInfo, error) {
idxColumns, err := buildIndexColumns(tblInfo.Columns, idxColNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// Create index info.
idxInfo := &model.IndexInfo{
Name: indexName,
Columns: idxColumns,
State: state,
return idxInfo, nil
func addIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, indexInfo *model.IndexInfo) {
col := indexInfo.Columns[0]
if indexInfo.Unique && len(indexInfo.Columns) == 1 {
tblInfo.Columns[col.Offset].Flag |= mysql.UniqueKeyFlag
} else {
tblInfo.Columns[col.Offset].Flag |= mysql.MultipleKeyFlag
func dropIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo *model.TableInfo, indexInfo *model.IndexInfo) {
col := indexInfo.Columns[0]
if indexInfo.Unique && len(indexInfo.Columns) == 1 {
tblInfo.Columns[col.Offset].Flag &= ^mysql.UniqueKeyFlag
} else {
tblInfo.Columns[col.Offset].Flag &= ^mysql.MultipleKeyFlag
// other index may still cover this col
for _, index := range tblInfo.Indices {
if index.Name.L == indexInfo.Name.L {
if index.Columns[0].Name.L != col.Name.L {
addIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo, index)
func validateRenameIndex(from, to model.CIStr, tbl *model.TableInfo) (ignore bool, err error) {
if fromIdx := findIndexByName(from.L, tbl.Indices); fromIdx == nil {
return false, errors.Trace(infoschema.ErrKeyNotExists.GenWithStackByArgs(from.O, tbl.Name))
// Take case-sensitivity into account, if `FromKey` and `ToKey` are the same, nothing need to be changed
if from.O == to.O {
return true, nil
// If spec.FromKey.L == spec.ToKey.L, we operate on the same index(case-insensitive) and change its name (case-sensitive)
// e.g: from `inDex` to `IndEX`. Otherwise, we try to rename an index to another different index which already exists,
// that's illegal by rule.
if toIdx := findIndexByName(to.L, tbl.Indices); toIdx != nil && from.L != to.L {
return false, errors.Trace(infoschema.ErrKeyNameDuplicate.GenWithStackByArgs(toIdx.Name.O))
return false, nil
func onRenameIndex(t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job) (ver int64, _ error) {
var from, to model.CIStr
if err := job.DecodeArgs(&from, &to); err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
tblInfo, err := getTableInfo(t, job, job.SchemaID)
if err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
// Double check. See function `RenameIndex` in ddl_api.go
duplicate, err := validateRenameIndex(from, to, tblInfo)
if duplicate {
return ver, nil
if err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
idx := findIndexByName(from.L, tblInfo.Indices)
idx.Name = to
if ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, true); err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
job.FinishTableJob(model.JobStateDone, model.StatePublic, ver, tblInfo)
return ver, nil
func (w *worker) onCreateIndex(d *ddlCtx, t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job) (ver int64, err error) {
// Handle the rolling back job.
if job.IsRollingback() {
ver, err = onDropIndex(t, job)
if err != nil {
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
return ver, nil
// Handle normal job.
schemaID := job.SchemaID
tblInfo, err := getTableInfo(t, job, schemaID)
if err != nil {
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
var (
unique bool
indexName model.CIStr
idxColNames []*ast.IndexColName
indexOption *ast.IndexOption
err = job.DecodeArgs(&unique, &indexName, &idxColNames, &indexOption)
if err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
indexInfo := findIndexByName(indexName.L, tblInfo.Indices)
if indexInfo != nil && indexInfo.State == model.StatePublic {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, ErrDupKeyName.GenWithStack("index already exist %s", indexName)
if indexInfo == nil {
indexInfo, err = buildIndexInfo(tblInfo, indexName, idxColNames, model.StateNone)
if err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
if indexOption != nil {
indexInfo.Comment = indexOption.Comment
if indexOption.Tp == model.IndexTypeInvalid {
// Use btree as default index type.
indexInfo.Tp = model.IndexTypeBtree
} else {
indexInfo.Tp = indexOption.Tp
} else {
// Use btree as default index type.
indexInfo.Tp = model.IndexTypeBtree
indexInfo.Primary = false
indexInfo.Unique = unique
indexInfo.ID = allocateIndexID(tblInfo)
tblInfo.Indices = append(tblInfo.Indices, indexInfo)
log.Infof("[ddl] add index, run DDL job %s, index info %#v", job, indexInfo)
originalState := indexInfo.State
switch indexInfo.State {
case model.StateNone:
// none -> delete only
job.SchemaState = model.StateDeleteOnly
indexInfo.State = model.StateDeleteOnly
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
case model.StateDeleteOnly:
// delete only -> write only
job.SchemaState = model.StateWriteOnly
indexInfo.State = model.StateWriteOnly
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
case model.StateWriteOnly:
// write only -> reorganization
job.SchemaState = model.StateWriteReorganization
indexInfo.State = model.StateWriteReorganization
// Initialize SnapshotVer to 0 for later reorganization check.
job.SnapshotVer = 0
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
case model.StateWriteReorganization:
// reorganization -> public
var tbl table.Table
tbl, err = getTable(d.store, schemaID, tblInfo)
if err != nil {
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
var reorgInfo *reorgInfo
reorgInfo, err = getReorgInfo(d, t, job, tbl)
if err != nil || reorgInfo.first {
// If we run reorg firstly, we should update the job snapshot version
// and then run the reorg next time.
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
err = w.runReorgJob(t, reorgInfo, d.lease, func() error {
return w.addTableIndex(tbl, indexInfo, reorgInfo)
if err != nil {
if errWaitReorgTimeout.Equal(err) {
// if timeout, we should return, check for the owner and re-wait job done.
return ver, nil
if kv.ErrKeyExists.Equal(err) || errCancelledDDLJob.Equal(err) {
log.Warnf("[ddl] run DDL job %v err %v, convert job to rollback job", job, err)
ver, err = convert2RollbackJob(t, job, tblInfo, indexInfo, err)
// Clean up the channel of notifyCancelReorgJob. Make sure it can't affect other jobs.
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
// Clean up the channel of notifyCancelReorgJob. Make sure it can't affect other jobs.
indexInfo.State = model.StatePublic
// Set column index flag.
addIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo, indexInfo)
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
if err != nil {
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
// Finish this job.
job.FinishTableJob(model.JobStateDone, model.StatePublic, ver, tblInfo)
err = ErrInvalidIndexState.GenWithStack("invalid index state %v", tblInfo.State)
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
func convert2RollbackJob(t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job, tblInfo *model.TableInfo, indexInfo *model.IndexInfo, err error) (int64, error) {
job.State = model.JobStateRollingback
job.Args = []interface{}{indexInfo.Name, getPartitionIDs(tblInfo)}
// If add index job rollbacks in write reorganization state, its need to delete all keys which has been added.
// Its work is the same as drop index job do.
// The write reorganization state in add index job that likes write only state in drop index job.
// So the next state is delete only state.
indexInfo.State = model.StateDeleteOnly
originalState := indexInfo.State
job.SchemaState = model.StateDeleteOnly
ver, err1 := updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
if err1 != nil {
return ver, errors.Trace(err1)
if kv.ErrKeyExists.Equal(err) {
return ver, kv.ErrKeyExists.GenWithStack("Duplicate for key %s", indexInfo.Name.O)
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
func onDropIndex(t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job) (ver int64, _ error) {
schemaID := job.SchemaID
tblInfo, err := getTableInfo(t, job, schemaID)
if err != nil {
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
var indexName model.CIStr
if err = job.DecodeArgs(&indexName); err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
indexInfo := findIndexByName(indexName.L, tblInfo.Indices)
if indexInfo == nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, ErrCantDropFieldOrKey.GenWithStack("index %s doesn't exist", indexName)
originalState := indexInfo.State
switch indexInfo.State {
case model.StatePublic:
// public -> write only
job.SchemaState = model.StateWriteOnly
indexInfo.State = model.StateWriteOnly
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
case model.StateWriteOnly:
// write only -> delete only
job.SchemaState = model.StateDeleteOnly
indexInfo.State = model.StateDeleteOnly
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
case model.StateDeleteOnly:
// delete only -> reorganization
job.SchemaState = model.StateDeleteReorganization
indexInfo.State = model.StateDeleteReorganization
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != indexInfo.State)
case model.StateDeleteReorganization:
// reorganization -> absent
newIndices := make([]*model.IndexInfo, 0, len(tblInfo.Indices))
for _, idx := range tblInfo.Indices {
if idx.Name.L != indexName.L {
newIndices = append(newIndices, idx)
tblInfo.Indices = newIndices
// Set column index flag.
dropIndexColumnFlag(tblInfo, indexInfo)
ver, err = updateVersionAndTableInfo(t, job, tblInfo, originalState != model.StateNone)
if err != nil {
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
// Finish this job.
if job.IsRollingback() {
job.FinishTableJob(model.JobStateRollbackDone, model.StateNone, ver, tblInfo)
job.Args[0] = indexInfo.ID
} else {
job.FinishTableJob(model.JobStateDone, model.StateNone, ver, tblInfo)
job.Args = append(job.Args, indexInfo.ID, getPartitionIDs(tblInfo))
err = ErrInvalidTableState.GenWithStack("invalid table state %v", tblInfo.State)
return ver, errors.Trace(err)
const (
// DefaultTaskHandleCnt is default batch size of adding indices.
DefaultTaskHandleCnt = 128
// indexRecord is the record information of an index.
type indexRecord struct {
handle int64
key []byte // It's used to lock a record. Record it to reduce the encoding time.
vals []types.Datum // It's the index values.
skip bool // skip indicates that the index key is already exists, we should not add it.
type addIndexWorker struct {
id int
ddlWorker *worker
batchCnt int
sessCtx sessionctx.Context
taskCh chan *reorgIndexTask
resultCh chan *addIndexResult
index table.Index
table table.Table
colFieldMap map[int64]*types.FieldType
closed bool
priority int
// The following attributes are used to reduce memory allocation.
defaultVals []types.Datum
idxRecords []*indexRecord
rowMap map[int64]types.Datum
idxKeyBufs [][]byte
batchCheckKeys []kv.Key
distinctCheckFlags []bool
type reorgIndexTask struct {
physicalTableID int64
startHandle int64
endHandle int64
// endIncluded indicates whether the range include the endHandle.
// When the last handle is math.MaxInt64, set endIncluded to true to
// tell worker backfilling index of endHandle.
endIncluded bool
type addIndexResult struct {
addedCount int
scanCount int
nextHandle int64
err error
// addIndexTaskContext is the context of the batch adding indices.
// After finishing the batch adding indices, result in addIndexTaskContext will be merged into addIndexResult.
type addIndexTaskContext struct {
nextHandle int64
done bool
addedCount int
scanCount int
// mergeAddIndexCtxToResult merge partial result in taskCtx into result.
func mergeAddIndexCtxToResult(taskCtx *addIndexTaskContext, result *addIndexResult) {
result.nextHandle = taskCtx.nextHandle
result.addedCount += taskCtx.addedCount
result.scanCount += taskCtx.scanCount
func newAddIndexWorker(sessCtx sessionctx.Context, worker *worker, id int, t table.PhysicalTable, indexInfo *model.IndexInfo, colFieldMap map[int64]*types.FieldType) *addIndexWorker {
index := tables.NewIndex(t.GetPhysicalID(), t.Meta(), indexInfo)
return &addIndexWorker{
id: id,
ddlWorker: worker,
batchCnt: DefaultTaskHandleCnt,
sessCtx: sessCtx,
taskCh: make(chan *reorgIndexTask, 1),
resultCh: make(chan *addIndexResult, 1),
index: index,
table: t,
colFieldMap: colFieldMap,
priority: kv.PriorityLow,
defaultVals: make([]types.Datum, len(t.Cols())),
rowMap: make(map[int64]types.Datum, len(colFieldMap)),
func (w *addIndexWorker) close() {
if !w.closed {
w.closed = true
// getIndexRecord gets index columns values from raw binary value row.
func (w *addIndexWorker) getIndexRecord(handle int64, recordKey []byte, rawRecord []byte) (*indexRecord, error) {
t := w.table
cols := t.Cols()
idxInfo := w.index.Meta()
_, err := tablecodec.DecodeRowWithMap(rawRecord, w.colFieldMap, time.UTC, w.rowMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
idxVal := make([]types.Datum, len(idxInfo.Columns))
for j, v := range idxInfo.Columns {
col := cols[v.Offset]
if col.IsPKHandleColumn(t.Meta()) {
if mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(col.Flag) {
} else {
idxColumnVal := w.rowMap[col.ID]
if _, ok := w.rowMap[col.ID]; ok {
idxVal[j] = idxColumnVal
// Make sure there is no dirty data.
delete(w.rowMap, col.ID)
idxColumnVal, err = tables.GetColDefaultValue(w.sessCtx, col, w.defaultVals)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
idxVal[j] = idxColumnVal
idxRecord := &indexRecord{handle: handle, key: recordKey, vals: idxVal}
return idxRecord, nil
// getNextHandle gets next handle of entry that we are going to process.
func (w *addIndexWorker) getNextHandle(taskRange reorgIndexTask, taskDone bool) (nextHandle int64) {
if !taskDone {
// The task is not done. So we need to pick the last processed entry's handle and add one.
return w.idxRecords[len(w.idxRecords)-1].handle + 1
// The task is done. So we need to choose a handle outside this range.
// Some corner cases should be considered:
// - The end of task range is MaxInt64.
// - The end of the task is excluded in the range.
if taskRange.endHandle == math.MaxInt64 || !taskRange.endIncluded {
return taskRange.endHandle
return taskRange.endHandle + 1
// fetchRowColVals fetch w.batchCnt count rows that need to backfill indices, and build the corresponding indexRecord slice.
// fetchRowColVals returns:
// 1. The corresponding indexRecord slice.
// 2. Next handle of entry that we need to process.
// 3. Boolean indicates whether the task is done.
// 4. error occurs in fetchRowColVals. nil if no error occurs.
func (w *addIndexWorker) fetchRowColVals(txn kv.Transaction, taskRange reorgIndexTask) ([]*indexRecord, int64, bool, error) {
// TODO: use tableScan to prune columns.
w.idxRecords = w.idxRecords[:0]
startTime := time.Now()
// taskDone means that the added handle is out of taskRange.endHandle.
taskDone := false
oprStartTime := startTime
err := iterateSnapshotRows(w.sessCtx.GetStore(), w.priority, w.table, txn.StartTS(), taskRange.startHandle,
func(handle int64, recordKey kv.Key, rawRow []byte) (bool, error) {
oprEndTime := time.Now()
w.logSlowOperations(oprEndTime.Sub(oprStartTime), "iterateSnapshotRows in fetchRowColVals", 0)
oprStartTime = oprEndTime
if !taskRange.endIncluded {
taskDone = handle >= taskRange.endHandle
} else {
taskDone = handle > taskRange.endHandle
if taskDone || len(w.idxRecords) >= w.batchCnt {
return false, nil
idxRecord, err1 := w.getIndexRecord(handle, recordKey, rawRow)
if err1 != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err1)
w.idxRecords = append(w.idxRecords, idxRecord)
if handle == taskRange.endHandle {
// If taskRange.endIncluded == false, we will not reach here when handle == taskRange.endHandle
taskDone = true
return false, nil
return true, nil
if len(w.idxRecords) == 0 {
taskDone = true
log.Debugf("[ddl] txn %v fetches handle info %v, takes time %v", txn.StartTS(), taskRange, time.Since(startTime))
return w.idxRecords, w.getNextHandle(taskRange, taskDone), taskDone, errors.Trace(err)
func (w *addIndexWorker) logSlowOperations(elapsed time.Duration, slowMsg string, threshold uint32) {
if threshold == 0 {
threshold = atomic.LoadUint32(&variable.DDLSlowOprThreshold)
if elapsed >= time.Duration(threshold)*time.Millisecond {
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg][SLOW-OPERATIONS] elapsed time: %v, message: %v", elapsed, slowMsg)
func (w *addIndexWorker) initBatchCheckBufs(batchCount int) {
if len(w.idxKeyBufs) < batchCount {
w.idxKeyBufs = make([][]byte, batchCount)
w.batchCheckKeys = w.batchCheckKeys[:0]
w.distinctCheckFlags = w.distinctCheckFlags[:0]
func (w *addIndexWorker) batchCheckUniqueKey(txn kv.Transaction, idxRecords []*indexRecord) error {
idxInfo := w.index.Meta()
if !idxInfo.Unique {
// non-unique key need not to check, just overwrite it,
// because in most case, backfilling indices is not exists.
return nil
stmtCtx := w.sessCtx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
for i, record := range idxRecords {
idxKey, distinct, err := w.index.GenIndexKey(stmtCtx, record.vals, record.handle, w.idxKeyBufs[i])
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// save the buffer to reduce memory allocations.
w.idxKeyBufs[i] = idxKey
w.batchCheckKeys = append(w.batchCheckKeys, idxKey)
w.distinctCheckFlags = append(w.distinctCheckFlags, distinct)
batchVals, err := kv.BatchGetValues(txn, w.batchCheckKeys)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// 1. unique-key is duplicate and the handle is equal, skip it.
// 2. unique-key is duplicate and the handle is not equal, return duplicate error.
// 3. non-unique-key is duplicate, skip it.
for i, key := range w.batchCheckKeys {
if val, found := batchVals[string(key)]; found {
if w.distinctCheckFlags[i] {
handle, err1 := tables.DecodeHandle(val)
if err1 != nil {
return errors.Trace(err1)
if handle != idxRecords[i].handle {
return errors.Trace(kv.ErrKeyExists)
idxRecords[i].skip = true
} else {
// The keys in w.batchCheckKeys also maybe duplicate,
// so we need to backfill the not found key into `batchVals` map.
if w.distinctCheckFlags[i] {
batchVals[string(key)] = tables.EncodeHandle(idxRecords[i].handle)
// Constrains is already checked.
stmtCtx.BatchCheck = true
return nil
// backfillIndexInTxn will backfill table index in a transaction, lock corresponding rowKey, if the value of rowKey is changed,
// indicate that index columns values may changed, index is not allowed to be added, so the txn will rollback and retry.
// backfillIndexInTxn will add w.batchCnt indices once, default value of w.batchCnt is 128.
// TODO: make w.batchCnt can be modified by system variable.
func (w *addIndexWorker) backfillIndexInTxn(handleRange reorgIndexTask) (taskCtx addIndexTaskContext, errInTxn error) {
oprStartTime := time.Now()
errInTxn = kv.RunInNewTxn(w.sessCtx.GetStore(), true, func(txn kv.Transaction) error {
taskCtx.addedCount = 0
taskCtx.scanCount = 0
txn.SetOption(kv.Priority, w.priority)
idxRecords, nextHandle, taskDone, err := w.fetchRowColVals(txn, handleRange)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
taskCtx.nextHandle = nextHandle
taskCtx.done = taskDone
err = w.batchCheckUniqueKey(txn, idxRecords)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
for _, idxRecord := range idxRecords {
// The index is already exists, we skip it, no needs to backfill it.
// The following update, delete, insert on these rows, TiDB can handle it correctly.
if idxRecord.skip {
// Lock the row key to notify us that someone delete or update the row,
// then we should not backfill the index of it, otherwise the adding index is redundant.
err := txn.LockKeys(idxRecord.key)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Create the index.
handle, err := w.index.Create(w.sessCtx, txn, idxRecord.vals, idxRecord.handle)
if err != nil {
if kv.ErrKeyExists.Equal(err) && idxRecord.handle == handle {
// Index already exists, skip it.
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
w.logSlowOperations(time.Since(oprStartTime), "backfillIndexInTxn", 3000)
// handleBackfillTask backfills range [task.startHandle, task.endHandle) handle's index to table.
func (w *addIndexWorker) handleBackfillTask(d *ddlCtx, task *reorgIndexTask) *addIndexResult {
handleRange := *task
result := &addIndexResult{addedCount: 0, nextHandle: handleRange.startHandle, err: nil}
lastLogCount := 0
startTime := time.Now()
for {
taskCtx, err := w.backfillIndexInTxn(handleRange)
if err == nil {
// Because reorgIndexTask may run a long time,
// we should check whether this ddl job is still runnable.
err = w.ddlWorker.isReorgRunnable(d)
if err != nil {
result.err = err
return result
mergeAddIndexCtxToResult(&taskCtx, result)
if result.scanCount-lastLogCount >= 30000 {
lastLogCount = result.scanCount
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] worker(%v), finish batch addedCount:%v backfill, task addedCount:%v, task scanCount:%v, nextHandle:%v",
w.id, taskCtx.addedCount, result.addedCount, result.scanCount, taskCtx.nextHandle)
handleRange.startHandle = taskCtx.nextHandle
if taskCtx.done {
rightParenthesis := ")"
if task.endIncluded {
rightParenthesis = "]"
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] worker(%v), finish region %v ranges [%v,%v%s, addedCount:%v, scanCount:%v, nextHandle:%v, elapsed time(s):%v",
w.id, task.physicalTableID, task.startHandle, task.endHandle, rightParenthesis, result.addedCount, result.scanCount, result.nextHandle, time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
return result
var gofailMockAddindexErrOnceGuard bool
func (w *addIndexWorker) run(d *ddlCtx) {
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] worker[%v] start", w.id)
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r != nil {
buf := util.GetStack()
log.Errorf("[ddl-reorg] addIndexWorker %v %s", r, buf)
w.resultCh <- &addIndexResult{err: errReorgPanic}
for {
task, more := <-w.taskCh
if !more {
log.Debug("[ddl-reorg] got backfill index task:#v", task)
// gofail: var mockAddIndexErr bool
//if w.id == 0 && mockAddIndexErr && !gofailMockAddindexErrOnceGuard {
// gofailMockAddindexErrOnceGuard = true
// result := &addIndexResult{addedCount: 0, nextHandle: 0, err: errors.Errorf("mock add index error")}
// w.resultCh <- result
// continue
result := w.handleBackfillTask(d, task)
w.resultCh <- result
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] worker[%v] exit", w.id)
func makeupIndexColFieldMap(t table.Table, indexInfo *model.IndexInfo) map[int64]*types.FieldType {
cols := t.Cols()
colFieldMap := make(map[int64]*types.FieldType, len(indexInfo.Columns))
for _, v := range indexInfo.Columns {
col := cols[v.Offset]
colFieldMap[col.ID] = &col.FieldType
return colFieldMap
// splitTableRanges uses PD region's key ranges to split the backfilling table key range space,
// to speed up adding index in table with disperse handle.
// The `t` should be a non-partitioned table or a partition.
func splitTableRanges(t table.PhysicalTable, store kv.Storage, startHandle, endHandle int64) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
startRecordKey := t.RecordKey(startHandle)
endRecordKey := t.RecordKey(endHandle).Next()
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] split partition %v range [%v, %v] from PD", t.GetPhysicalID(), startHandle, endHandle)
kvRange := kv.KeyRange{StartKey: startRecordKey, EndKey: endRecordKey}
s, ok := store.(tikv.Storage)
if !ok {
// Only support split ranges in tikv.Storage now.
return []kv.KeyRange{kvRange}, nil
maxSleep := 10000 // ms
bo := tikv.NewBackoffer(context.Background(), maxSleep)
ranges, err := tikv.SplitRegionRanges(bo, s.GetRegionCache(), []kv.KeyRange{kvRange})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if len(ranges) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Trace(errInvalidSplitRegionRanges)
return ranges, nil
func decodeHandleRange(keyRange kv.KeyRange) (int64, int64, error) {
_, startHandle, err := tablecodec.DecodeRecordKey(keyRange.StartKey)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, errors.Trace(err)
_, endHandle, err := tablecodec.DecodeRecordKey(keyRange.EndKey)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, errors.Trace(err)
return startHandle, endHandle, nil
func closeAddIndexWorkers(workers []*addIndexWorker) {
for _, worker := range workers {
func (w *worker) waitTaskResults(workers []*addIndexWorker, taskCnt int, totalAddedCount *int64, startHandle int64) (int64, int64, error) {
var (
addedCount int64
nextHandle = startHandle
firstErr error
for i := 0; i < taskCnt; i++ {
worker := workers[i]
result := <-worker.resultCh
if firstErr == nil && result.err != nil {
firstErr = result.err
// We should wait all working workers exits, any way.
if result.err != nil {
log.Warnf("[ddl-reorg] worker[%v] return err:%v", i, result.err)
if firstErr == nil {
*totalAddedCount += int64(result.addedCount)
addedCount += int64(result.addedCount)
nextHandle = result.nextHandle
return nextHandle, addedCount, errors.Trace(firstErr)
// handleReorgTasks sends tasks to workers, and waits for all the running workers to return results,
// there are taskCnt running workers.
func (w *worker) handleReorgTasks(reorgInfo *reorgInfo, totalAddedCount *int64, workers []*addIndexWorker, batchTasks []*reorgIndexTask) error {
for i, task := range batchTasks {
workers[i].taskCh <- task
startHandle := batchTasks[0].startHandle
taskCnt := len(batchTasks)
startTime := time.Now()
nextHandle, taskAddedCount, err := w.waitTaskResults(workers, taskCnt, totalAddedCount, startHandle)
elapsedTime := time.Since(startTime).Seconds()
if err == nil {
err = w.isReorgRunnable(reorgInfo.d)
if err != nil {
// update the reorg handle that has been processed.
err1 := kv.RunInNewTxn(reorgInfo.d.store, true, func(txn kv.Transaction) error {
return errors.Trace(reorgInfo.UpdateReorgMeta(txn, nextHandle, reorgInfo.EndHandle, reorgInfo.PhysicalTableID))
log.Warnf("[ddl-reorg] total added index for %d rows, this task [%d,%d) add index for %d failed %v, take time %v, update handle err %v",
*totalAddedCount, startHandle, nextHandle, taskAddedCount, err, elapsedTime, err1)
return errors.Trace(err)
// nextHandle will be updated periodically in runReorgJob, so no need to update it here.
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] total added index for %d rows, this task [%d,%d) added index for %d rows, take time %v",
*totalAddedCount, startHandle, nextHandle, taskAddedCount, elapsedTime)
return nil
// sendRangeTaskToWorkers sends tasks to workers, and returns remaining kvRanges that is not handled.
func (w *worker) sendRangeTaskToWorkers(t table.Table, workers []*addIndexWorker, reorgInfo *reorgInfo, totalAddedCount *int64, kvRanges []kv.KeyRange) ([]kv.KeyRange, error) {
batchTasks := make([]*reorgIndexTask, 0, len(workers))
physicalTableID := reorgInfo.PhysicalTableID
// Build reorg indices tasks.
for _, keyRange := range kvRanges {
startHandle, endHandle, err := decodeHandleRange(keyRange)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
endKey := t.RecordKey(endHandle)
endIncluded := false
if endKey.Cmp(keyRange.EndKey) < 0 {
endIncluded = true
task := &reorgIndexTask{physicalTableID, startHandle, endHandle, endIncluded}
batchTasks = append(batchTasks, task)
if len(batchTasks) >= len(workers) {
if len(batchTasks) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// Wait tasks finish.
err := w.handleReorgTasks(reorgInfo, totalAddedCount, workers, batchTasks)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if len(batchTasks) < len(kvRanges) {
// there are kvRanges not handled.
remains := kvRanges[len(batchTasks):]
return remains, nil
return nil, nil
// buildIndexForReorgInfo build backfilling tasks from [reorgInfo.StartHandle, reorgInfo.EndHandle),
// and send these tasks to add index workers, till we finish adding the indices.
func (w *worker) buildIndexForReorgInfo(t table.PhysicalTable, workers []*addIndexWorker, job *model.Job, reorgInfo *reorgInfo) error {
totalAddedCount := job.GetRowCount()
startHandle, endHandle := reorgInfo.StartHandle, reorgInfo.EndHandle
for {
kvRanges, err := splitTableRanges(t, reorgInfo.d.store, startHandle, endHandle)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] start to reorg index of %v region ranges, handle range:[%v, %v).", len(kvRanges), startHandle, endHandle)
remains, err := w.sendRangeTaskToWorkers(t, workers, reorgInfo, &totalAddedCount, kvRanges)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if len(remains) == 0 {
startHandle, _, err = decodeHandleRange(remains[0])
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// addPhysicalTableIndex handles the add index reorganization state for a non-partitioned table or a partition.
// For a partitioned table, it should be handled partition by partition.
// How to add index in reorganization state?
// Concurrently process the defaultTaskHandleCnt tasks. Each task deals with a handle range of the index record.
// The handle range is split from PD regions now. Each worker deal with a region table key range one time.
// Each handle range by estimation, concurrent processing needs to perform after the handle range has been acquired.
// The operation flow is as follows:
// 1. Open numbers of defaultWorkers goroutines.
// 2. Split table key range from PD regions.
// 3. Send tasks to running workers by workers's task channel. Each task deals with a region key ranges.
// 4. Wait all these running tasks finished, then continue to step 3, until all tasks is done.
// The above operations are completed in a transaction.
// Finally, update the concurrent processing of the total number of rows, and store the completed handle value.
func (w *worker) addPhysicalTableIndex(t table.PhysicalTable, indexInfo *model.IndexInfo, reorgInfo *reorgInfo) error {
job := reorgInfo.Job
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] addTableIndex, job:%s, reorgInfo:%#v", job, reorgInfo)
colFieldMap := makeupIndexColFieldMap(t, indexInfo)
// variable.ddlReorgWorkerCounter can be modified by system variable "tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cnt".
workerCnt := variable.GetDDLReorgWorkerCounter()
idxWorkers := make([]*addIndexWorker, workerCnt)
for i := 0; i < int(workerCnt); i++ {
sessCtx := newContext(reorgInfo.d.store)
idxWorkers[i] = newAddIndexWorker(sessCtx, w, i, t, indexInfo, colFieldMap)
idxWorkers[i].priority = job.Priority
go idxWorkers[i].run(reorgInfo.d)
defer closeAddIndexWorkers(idxWorkers)
err := w.buildIndexForReorgInfo(t, idxWorkers, job, reorgInfo)
return errors.Trace(err)
// addTableIndex handles the add index reorganization state for a table.
func (w *worker) addTableIndex(t table.Table, idx *model.IndexInfo, reorgInfo *reorgInfo) error {
var err error
if tbl, ok := t.(table.PartitionedTable); ok {
var finish bool
for !finish {
p := tbl.GetPartition(reorgInfo.PhysicalTableID)
if p == nil {
return errors.Errorf("Can not find partition id %d for table %d", reorgInfo.PhysicalTableID, t.Meta().ID)
err = w.addPhysicalTableIndex(p, idx, reorgInfo)
if err != nil {
finish, err = w.updateReorgInfo(tbl, reorgInfo)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
} else {
err = w.addPhysicalTableIndex(t.(table.PhysicalTable), idx, reorgInfo)
return errors.Trace(err)
// updateReorgInfo will find the next partition according to current reorgInfo.
// If no more partitions, or table t is not a partitioned table, returns true to
// indicate that the reorganize work is finished.
func (w *worker) updateReorgInfo(t table.PartitionedTable, reorg *reorgInfo) (bool, error) {
pi := t.Meta().GetPartitionInfo()
if pi == nil {
return true, nil
pid, err := findNextPartitionID(reorg.PhysicalTableID, pi.Definitions)
if err != nil {
// Fatal error, should not run here.
log.Errorf("[ddl-reorg] update reorg fail, %v error stack: %s", t, errors.ErrorStack(err))
return false, errors.Trace(err)
if pid == 0 {
// Next partition does not exist, all the job done.
return true, nil
start, end, err := getTableRange(reorg.d, t.GetPartition(pid), reorg.Job.SnapshotVer, reorg.Job.Priority)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
log.Infof("[ddl-reorg] job %v update reorgInfo partition %d range [%d %d]", reorg.Job.ID, pid, start, end)
reorg.StartHandle, reorg.EndHandle, reorg.PhysicalTableID = start, end, pid
// Write the reorg info to store so the whole reorganize process can recover from panic.
err = kv.RunInNewTxn(reorg.d.store, true, func(txn kv.Transaction) error {
return errors.Trace(reorg.UpdateReorgMeta(txn, reorg.StartHandle, reorg.EndHandle, reorg.PhysicalTableID))
return false, errors.Trace(err)
// findNextPartitionID finds the next partition ID in the PartitionDefinition array.
// Returns 0 if current partition is already the last one.
func findNextPartitionID(currentPartition int64, defs []model.PartitionDefinition) (int64, error) {
for i, def := range defs {
if currentPartition == def.ID {
if i == len(defs)-1 {
return 0, nil
return defs[i+1].ID, nil
return 0, errors.Errorf("partition id not found %d", currentPartition)
func findIndexByName(idxName string, indices []*model.IndexInfo) *model.IndexInfo {
for _, idx := range indices {
if idx.Name.L == idxName {
return idx
return nil
func allocateIndexID(tblInfo *model.TableInfo) int64 {
return tblInfo.MaxIndexID
// recordIterFunc is used for low-level record iteration.
type recordIterFunc func(h int64, rowKey kv.Key, rawRecord []byte) (more bool, err error)
func iterateSnapshotRows(store kv.Storage, priority int, t table.Table, version uint64, seekHandle int64, fn recordIterFunc) error {
ver := kv.Version{Ver: version}
snap, err := store.GetSnapshot(ver)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
firstKey := t.RecordKey(seekHandle)
it, err := snap.Seek(firstKey)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer it.Close()
for it.Valid() {
if !it.Key().HasPrefix(t.RecordPrefix()) {
var handle int64
handle, err = tablecodec.DecodeRowKey(it.Key())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
rk := t.RecordKey(handle)
more, err := fn(handle, rk, it.Value())
if !more || err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = kv.NextUntil(it, util.RowKeyPrefixFilter(rk))
if err != nil {
if kv.ErrNotExist.Equal(err) {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
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