// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package plan
import (
// Preprocess resolves table names of the node, and checks some statements validation.
func Preprocess(ctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, is infoschema.InfoSchema, inPrepare bool) error {
v := preprocessor{is: is, ctx: ctx, inPrepare: inPrepare, tableAliasInJoin: make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 0)}
return errors.Trace(v.err)
// preprocessor is an ast.Visitor that preprocess
// ast Nodes parsed from parser.
type preprocessor struct {
is infoschema.InfoSchema
ctx sessionctx.Context
err error
inPrepare bool
// inCreateOrDropTable is true when visiting create/drop table statement.
inCreateOrDropTable bool
// tableAliasInJoin is a stack that keeps the table alias names for joins.
// len(tableAliasInJoin) may bigger than 1 because the left/right child of join may be subquery that contains `JOIN`
tableAliasInJoin []map[string]interface{}
parentIsJoin bool
func (p *preprocessor) Enter(in ast.Node) (out ast.Node, skipChildren bool) {
switch node := in.(type) {
case *ast.CreateTableStmt:
p.inCreateOrDropTable = true
case *ast.DropTableStmt:
p.inCreateOrDropTable = true
case *ast.RenameTableStmt:
p.inCreateOrDropTable = true
case *ast.CreateIndexStmt:
case *ast.AlterTableStmt:
case *ast.CreateDatabaseStmt:
case *ast.DropDatabaseStmt:
case *ast.ShowStmt:
case *ast.UnionSelectList:
case *ast.DeleteTableList:
return in, true
case *ast.Join:
p.parentIsJoin = false
return in, p.err != nil
func (p *preprocessor) Leave(in ast.Node) (out ast.Node, ok bool) {
switch x := in.(type) {
case *ast.CreateTableStmt:
p.inCreateOrDropTable = false
case *ast.DropTableStmt, *ast.AlterTableStmt, *ast.RenameTableStmt:
p.inCreateOrDropTable = false
case *ast.ParamMarkerExpr:
if !p.inPrepare {
p.err = parser.ErrSyntax.GenWithStack("syntax error, unexpected '?'")
case *ast.ExplainStmt:
if _, ok := x.Stmt.(*ast.ShowStmt); ok {
valid := false
for i, length := 0, len(ast.ExplainFormats); i < length; i++ {
if strings.ToLower(x.Format) == ast.ExplainFormats[i] {
valid = true
if !valid {
p.err = ErrUnknownExplainFormat.GenWithStackByArgs(x.Format)
case *ast.TableName:
case *ast.Join:
if len(p.tableAliasInJoin) > 0 {
p.tableAliasInJoin = p.tableAliasInJoin[:len(p.tableAliasInJoin)-1]
return in, p.err == nil
func checkAutoIncrementOp(colDef *ast.ColumnDef, num int) (bool, error) {
var hasAutoIncrement bool
if colDef.Options[num].Tp == ast.ColumnOptionAutoIncrement {
hasAutoIncrement = true
if len(colDef.Options) == num+1 {
return hasAutoIncrement, nil
for _, op := range colDef.Options[num+1:] {
if op.Tp == ast.ColumnOptionDefaultValue && !op.Expr.GetDatum().IsNull() {
return hasAutoIncrement, errors.Errorf("Invalid default value for '%s'", colDef.Name.Name.O)
if colDef.Options[num].Tp == ast.ColumnOptionDefaultValue && len(colDef.Options) != num+1 {
if colDef.Options[num].Expr.GetDatum().IsNull() {
return hasAutoIncrement, nil
for _, op := range colDef.Options[num+1:] {
if op.Tp == ast.ColumnOptionAutoIncrement {
return hasAutoIncrement, errors.Errorf("Invalid default value for '%s'", colDef.Name.Name.O)
return hasAutoIncrement, nil
func isConstraintKeyTp(constraints []*ast.Constraint, colDef *ast.ColumnDef) bool {
for _, c := range constraints {
// If the constraint as follows: primary key(c1, c2)
// we only support c1 column can be auto_increment.
if colDef.Name.Name.L != c.Keys[0].Column.Name.L {
switch c.Tp {
case ast.ConstraintPrimaryKey, ast.ConstraintKey, ast.ConstraintIndex,
ast.ConstraintUniq, ast.ConstraintUniqIndex, ast.ConstraintUniqKey:
return true
return false
func (p *preprocessor) checkAutoIncrement(stmt *ast.CreateTableStmt) {
var (
isKey bool
count int
autoIncrementCol *ast.ColumnDef
for _, colDef := range stmt.Cols {
var hasAutoIncrement bool
for i, op := range colDef.Options {
ok, err := checkAutoIncrementOp(colDef, i)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
if ok {
hasAutoIncrement = true
switch op.Tp {
case ast.ColumnOptionPrimaryKey, ast.ColumnOptionUniqKey:
isKey = true
if hasAutoIncrement {
autoIncrementCol = colDef
if count < 1 {
if !isKey {
isKey = isConstraintKeyTp(stmt.Constraints, autoIncrementCol)
autoIncrementMustBeKey := true
for _, opt := range stmt.Options {
if opt.Tp == ast.TableOptionEngine && strings.EqualFold(opt.StrValue, "MyISAM") {
autoIncrementMustBeKey = false
if (autoIncrementMustBeKey && !isKey) || count > 1 {
p.err = errors.New("Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key")
switch autoIncrementCol.Tp.Tp {
case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeLong,
mysql.TypeFloat, mysql.TypeDouble, mysql.TypeLonglong, mysql.TypeInt24:
p.err = errors.Errorf("Incorrect column specifier for column '%s'", autoIncrementCol.Name.Name.O)
// checkUnionSelectList checks union's selectList.
// refer: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/union.html
// "To apply ORDER BY or LIMIT to an individual SELECT, place the clause inside the parentheses that enclose the SELECT."
func (p *preprocessor) checkUnionSelectList(stmt *ast.UnionSelectList) {
for _, sel := range stmt.Selects[:len(stmt.Selects)-1] {
if sel.IsInBraces {
if sel.Limit != nil {
p.err = ErrWrongUsage.GenWithStackByArgs("UNION", "LIMIT")
if sel.OrderBy != nil {
p.err = ErrWrongUsage.GenWithStackByArgs("UNION", "ORDER BY")
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateDatabaseGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateDatabaseStmt) {
if isIncorrectName(stmt.Name) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Name)
func (p *preprocessor) checkDropDatabaseGrammar(stmt *ast.DropDatabaseStmt) {
if isIncorrectName(stmt.Name) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Name)
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateTableGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateTableStmt) {
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(tName) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(tName)
countPrimaryKey := 0
for _, colDef := range stmt.Cols {
if err := checkColumn(colDef); err != nil {
p.err = errors.Trace(err)
countPrimaryKey += isPrimary(colDef.Options)
if countPrimaryKey > 1 {
p.err = infoschema.ErrMultiplePriKey
for _, constraint := range stmt.Constraints {
switch tp := constraint.Tp; tp {
case ast.ConstraintKey, ast.ConstraintIndex, ast.ConstraintUniq, ast.ConstraintUniqKey, ast.ConstraintUniqIndex:
err := checkIndexInfo(constraint.Name, constraint.Keys)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
case ast.ConstraintPrimaryKey:
if countPrimaryKey > 0 {
p.err = infoschema.ErrMultiplePriKey
err := checkIndexInfo(constraint.Name, constraint.Keys)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
if stmt.Select != nil {
// FIXME: a temp error noticing 'not implemented' (issue 4754)
p.err = errors.New("'CREATE TABLE ... SELECT' is not implemented yet")
} else if len(stmt.Cols) == 0 && stmt.ReferTable == nil {
p.err = ddl.ErrTableMustHaveColumns
func (p *preprocessor) checkDropTableGrammar(stmt *ast.DropTableStmt) {
for _, t := range stmt.Tables {
if isIncorrectName(t.Name.String()) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(t.Name.String())
func (p *preprocessor) checkNonUniqTableAlias(stmt *ast.Join) {
if !p.parentIsJoin {
p.tableAliasInJoin = append(p.tableAliasInJoin, make(map[string]interface{}))
tableAliases := p.tableAliasInJoin[len(p.tableAliasInJoin)-1]
if err := isTableAliasDuplicate(stmt.Left, tableAliases); err != nil {
p.err = err
if err := isTableAliasDuplicate(stmt.Right, tableAliases); err != nil {
p.err = err
p.parentIsJoin = true
func isTableAliasDuplicate(node ast.ResultSetNode, tableAliases map[string]interface{}) error {
if ts, ok := node.(*ast.TableSource); ok {
_, exists := tableAliases[ts.AsName.L]
if len(ts.AsName.L) != 0 && exists {
return ErrNonUniqTable.GenWithStackByArgs(ts.AsName)
tableAliases[ts.AsName.L] = nil
return nil
func isPrimary(ops []*ast.ColumnOption) int {
for _, op := range ops {
if op.Tp == ast.ColumnOptionPrimaryKey {
return 1
return 0
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateIndexGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateIndexStmt) {
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(tName) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(tName)
p.err = checkIndexInfo(stmt.IndexName, stmt.IndexColNames)
func (p *preprocessor) checkRenameTableGrammar(stmt *ast.RenameTableStmt) {
oldTable := stmt.OldTable.Name.String()
newTable := stmt.NewTable.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(oldTable) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(oldTable)
if isIncorrectName(newTable) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(newTable)
func (p *preprocessor) checkAlterTableGrammar(stmt *ast.AlterTableStmt) {
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(tName) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(tName)
specs := stmt.Specs
for _, spec := range specs {
if spec.NewTable != nil {
ntName := spec.NewTable.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(ntName) {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(ntName)
for _, colDef := range spec.NewColumns {
if p.err = checkColumn(colDef); p.err != nil {
switch spec.Tp {
case ast.AlterTableAddConstraint:
switch spec.Constraint.Tp {
case ast.ConstraintKey, ast.ConstraintIndex, ast.ConstraintUniq, ast.ConstraintUniqIndex,
p.err = checkIndexInfo(spec.Constraint.Name, spec.Constraint.Keys)
if p.err != nil {
// Nothing to do now.
// Nothing to do now.
// checkDuplicateColumnName checks if index exists duplicated columns.
func checkDuplicateColumnName(indexColNames []*ast.IndexColName) error {
colNames := make(map[string]struct{}, len(indexColNames))
for _, indexColName := range indexColNames {
name := indexColName.Column.Name
if _, ok := colNames[name.L]; ok {
return infoschema.ErrColumnExists.GenWithStackByArgs(name)
colNames[name.L] = struct{}{}
return nil
// checkIndexInfo checks index name and index column names.
func checkIndexInfo(indexName string, indexColNames []*ast.IndexColName) error {
if strings.EqualFold(indexName, mysql.PrimaryKeyName) {
return ddl.ErrWrongNameForIndex.GenWithStackByArgs(indexName)
if len(indexColNames) > mysql.MaxKeyParts {
return infoschema.ErrTooManyKeyParts.GenWithStackByArgs(mysql.MaxKeyParts)
return checkDuplicateColumnName(indexColNames)
// checkColumn checks if the column definition is valid.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/storage-requirements.html
func checkColumn(colDef *ast.ColumnDef) error {
// Check column name.
cName := colDef.Name.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(cName) {
return ddl.ErrWrongColumnName.GenWithStackByArgs(cName)
if isInvalidDefaultValue(colDef) {
return types.ErrInvalidDefault.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O)
// Check column type.
tp := colDef.Tp
if tp == nil {
return nil
if tp.Flen > math.MaxUint32 {
return types.ErrTooBigDisplayWidth.GenWithStack("Display width out of range for column '%s' (max = %d)", colDef.Name.Name.O, math.MaxUint32)
switch tp.Tp {
case mysql.TypeString:
if tp.Flen != types.UnspecifiedLength && tp.Flen > mysql.MaxFieldCharLength {
return types.ErrTooBigFieldLength.GenWithStack("Column length too big for column '%s' (max = %d); use BLOB or TEXT instead", colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxFieldCharLength)
case mysql.TypeVarchar:
maxFlen := mysql.MaxFieldVarCharLength
cs := tp.Charset
// TODO: TableDefaultCharset-->DatabaseDefaultCharset-->SystemDefaultCharset.
// TODO: Change TableOption parser to parse collate.
// Reference https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/b091e828cfa1d506b014345fb8337e424a4ab905/ddl/ddl_api.go#L185-L204
if len(tp.Charset) == 0 {
cs = mysql.DefaultCharset
desc, err := charset.GetCharsetDesc(cs)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
maxFlen /= desc.Maxlen
if tp.Flen != types.UnspecifiedLength && tp.Flen > maxFlen {
return types.ErrTooBigFieldLength.GenWithStack("Column length too big for column '%s' (max = %d); use BLOB or TEXT instead", colDef.Name.Name.O, maxFlen)
case mysql.TypeFloat, mysql.TypeDouble:
if tp.Decimal > mysql.MaxFloatingTypeScale {
return types.ErrTooBigScale.GenWithStackByArgs(tp.Decimal, colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxFloatingTypeScale)
if tp.Flen > mysql.MaxFloatingTypeWidth {
return types.ErrTooBigPrecision.GenWithStackByArgs(tp.Flen, colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxFloatingTypeWidth)
case mysql.TypeSet:
if len(tp.Elems) > mysql.MaxTypeSetMembers {
return types.ErrTooBigSet.GenWithStack("Too many strings for column %s and SET", colDef.Name.Name.O)
// Check set elements. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set.html .
for _, str := range colDef.Tp.Elems {
if strings.Contains(str, ",") {
return types.ErrIllegalValueForType.GenWithStackByArgs(types.TypeStr(tp.Tp), str)
case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
if tp.Decimal > mysql.MaxDecimalScale {
return types.ErrTooBigScale.GenWithStackByArgs(tp.Decimal, colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxDecimalScale)
if tp.Flen > mysql.MaxDecimalWidth {
return types.ErrTooBigPrecision.GenWithStackByArgs(tp.Flen, colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxDecimalWidth)
// TODO: Add more types.
return nil
// isDefaultValNowSymFunc checks whether defaul value is a NOW() builtin function.
func isDefaultValNowSymFunc(expr ast.ExprNode) bool {
if funcCall, ok := expr.(*ast.FuncCallExpr); ok {
// Default value NOW() is transformed to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() in parser.
if funcCall.FnName.L == ast.CurrentTimestamp {
return true
return false
func isInvalidDefaultValue(colDef *ast.ColumnDef) bool {
tp := colDef.Tp
// Check the last default value.
for i := len(colDef.Options) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
columnOpt := colDef.Options[i]
if columnOpt.Tp == ast.ColumnOptionDefaultValue {
if !(tp.Tp == mysql.TypeTimestamp || tp.Tp == mysql.TypeDatetime) && isDefaultValNowSymFunc(columnOpt.Expr) {
return true
return false
// isIncorrectName checks if the identifier is incorrect.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html
func isIncorrectName(name string) bool {
if len(name) == 0 {
return true
if name[len(name)-1] == ' ' {
return true
return false
// checkContainDotColumn checks field contains the table name.
// for example :create table t (c1.c2 int default null).
func (p *preprocessor) checkContainDotColumn(stmt *ast.CreateTableStmt) {
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
sName := stmt.Table.Schema.String()
for _, colDef := range stmt.Cols {
// check schema and table names.
if colDef.Name.Schema.O != sName && len(colDef.Name.Schema.O) != 0 {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Schema.O)
if colDef.Name.Table.O != tName && len(colDef.Name.Table.O) != 0 {
p.err = ddl.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Table.O)
func (p *preprocessor) handleTableName(tn *ast.TableName) {
if tn.Schema.L == "" {
currentDB := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
if currentDB == "" {
p.err = errors.Trace(ErrNoDB)
tn.Schema = model.NewCIStr(currentDB)
if p.inCreateOrDropTable {
// The table may not exist in create table or drop table statement.
// Skip resolving the table to avoid error.
table, err := p.is.TableByName(tn.Schema, tn.Name)
if err != nil {
p.err = errors.Trace(err)
tn.TableInfo = table.Meta()
dbInfo, _ := p.is.SchemaByName(tn.Schema)
tn.DBInfo = dbInfo
func (p *preprocessor) resolveShowStmt(node *ast.ShowStmt) {
if node.DBName == "" {
if node.Table != nil && node.Table.Schema.L != "" {
node.DBName = node.Table.Schema.O
} else {
node.DBName = p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
} else if node.Table != nil && node.Table.Schema.L == "" {
node.Table.Schema = model.NewCIStr(node.DBName)
if node.User != nil && node.User.CurrentUser {
// Fill the Username and Hostname with the current user.
currentUser := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().User
if currentUser != nil {
node.User.Username = currentUser.Username
node.User.Hostname = currentUser.Hostname
func (p *preprocessor) resolveAlterTableStmt(node *ast.AlterTableStmt) {
for _, spec := range node.Specs {
if spec.Tp == ast.AlterTableRenameTable {
p.inCreateOrDropTable = true
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